Detailed description Chichikova. Image, Characteristic Chichikov from the poem "Dead Souls": Character, Personality, Origin, Talking Surname, Appearance (Gogol N

Detailed description Chichikova. Image, Characteristic Chichikov from the poem
Detailed description Chichikova. Image, Characteristic Chichikov from the poem "Dead Souls": Character, Personality, Origin, Talking Surname, Appearance (Gogol N

a brief description of Chichikova?

  1. Characteristic Chichikova is given by the author in the first chapter. The portrait of it is given very uncertain: not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. Gogol pays more attention to his manners: he made an excellent impression on all guests at the party from the governor, showed himself as an experienced secular man, supporting the conversation on the most different topics, skillfully poles the governor, the police officer, officials and amounted to the most flattering opinion. Gogol himself tells us that he did not take a virtuous man into heroes, immediately stipulates that his hero of the scoundrel.
    Dark and modestly origin of our hero. The author tells us that his parents were nobles, but pillars or personal - God knows. Chischiki did not like her parents. In childhood he had no friend nor a comrade. His father was sick, the windows of a small journal did not win in the winter nor summer. Gogol talks about Chichikov: Life at the beginning glanced at him somehow acidic, through some muddy, covered with snow
  2. Chichikov was very devoyed, he knew how to keep himself well. I spoke neither loud nor quietly, but completely as follows. In a word, wherever we turn, there was a very decent person. All officials were pleased with the arrival of a new face. The governor has explained about him that he is a well-intended person, the prosecutor is that he good man, the gendarme colonel said he scientist man, Chairman of the Chamber - that he knowing man, Politzmester - that he is a venerable and kind person, the wife of the police officer - that he is a kind and craped person. Even Sobekevich, who sharply responded about someone from the good side, called Chichikov a prepric man.
    Officials of the city of N were bureaucrats, bribers, loafers with crubble and selfish people with a unclean conscience, but they had an opinion about Chikchiki as a decent person. And they give these estimates a variety of people in character.

    Relationships to others ... Chicchiki perfectly studied people, in any situation knows how to benefit, always says that he would like to hear from him. So, with Manil Chichots is highly expensive, kind and flattering. With a box, he is talking already without special ceremonies, and his lexicon is consistent with the style of the hostess. Communication with the bravely manual nosdrem is not easy, since Pavel Ivanovich does not tolerate the familiar circulation, unless the experiment is too high. However, hoping for a profitable deal, he until the latter does not leave the estate of the Nozdrev and tries to be able to: drawn to you, adopters the Hamsky tone, behaves familiarly. The image of a companion, personifying the foundation of landlord being, immediately encourages Pavel Ivanovich to lead as a solid conversation as possible dead soulsoh. Chichiku manages to arrange to himself human tele Plushina, who has long lost contact with the outside world and forgot the norms of courtesy. To do this, he was enough to play the role of a motley, ready to pay a random acquaintance from the need to pay for the dead peasants.

    3) How passing through the Zhlestakov's crooked town allowed Gogol to expose and show an exclusive anthrash man of county officials. So traveling noble estates Chichiki made it possible to draw a picture of the provincial and places of life of fortress Russia: life of typical representatives of the landlords, the circle of their mental and moral interests.
    A box of a poor crumb-break landowner, the owner of eighty souls of serf, which lives, as if in the shell, separately from the rest of the world. She lives in contentment, but at the same time it is always crying for cripples, then the death of peasants and losses. The box is driving and knows how to recruit the money of the cells, full-way, quarters, and hide them in the bags in the chest (actually, it's a box). Gogol emphasizes the typicity of this image, along the way, giving the characteristic of Nastasya Petrovna, from which we learn about e-exorbitant korestolubia and greed.
    Then follows the interior of the rooms that appear before the reader modest and quite old, but with large quantity paintings with some birds. Old striped wallpapers, hoarse and hissing clock, mirrors with a dark framework All this wears the character of the character of the hostess all the coasting and collecting.
    But the landscape of the courtyard of the manor is an abundance of birds and other homework, as Chicchik noted. The huts, which, though, were built by the swarming and not concluded in the right streets showed the context of the residents and the fact that her (at the box) is not a small village. The hostess sells honey, and hemp, and flour, and bird feathers. Honor Chichikov's bias, the box will hide it with such disadvantages of patriarchal rustic cuisine, which in the well-being can not be doubted

  3. The beginning is true.
  4. Thank you
  5. thank you
  6. The main hero of the poem Gogol Dead Souls It is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov Adventurer, which carries out a brilliant scaffold on the pages. In detail, the author represents us its hero only in the eleventh chapter of the Dead. shower. Prior to this, Gogol depicts a medium in which the hero is valid; reveals the essence of his case, for whom Chichikov has been struggling throughout Russia; It presents his hero of phantasmagoristic rumors (as if chikima is both Rinaldi, and Napoleon, and even the antichrist himself).
  7. thank you
  8. not that.

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We often say that not in money happiness, but at the same time we always note that a person with money is in a more profitable position, can afford more poor man. Lots of artistic works on the topic of weddings with an unloved, but rich or arising inequity associated with bribers bring to another famous phrase: money rules the world. Probably, that is why, a person with a small capital often seeks to improve his financial situation. Not always these methods and ways are legitimate, they often contradict the principles of morality. About one of these actions tells N.Gogol in the poem "Dead Souls".

Who is chicchik and why he comes to the city n

The main character narration retired official Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. He is "not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. " He considers himself a man of pleasant outdoor, he especially liked his face "who loved sincer and in which, as it seems, I found the attractive chin, for it was very often praised by someone from the buddies."

This person travels in the villages of Russia, but his goal is by no means so noble, as at first glance it thinks. Pavel Ivanovich buys "dead souls" that is, documents for the right to own people who died, but have not yet been listed in the lists of the dead. The peasant census was held every few years, so these the most "dead souls" hung and documented alive. They represented a lot of trouble and waste, as they needed to make payments until the next census (revisor fairy tales).

The proposal of Chichikov about selling these people for landlords is more than tempting. Many find the subject of purchase very strange, it sounds suspiciously, but the desire to get rid of the "dead souls" takes its own - one at one landowner agreed on sale (the exception was only nozzles). But why do you need chikchiku "Dead Souls"? He himself speaks about it like this: "Yes, I bring all these, who have died out, have not yet served new audit fairy tales, acquire them, put them, thousands, yes, put it, the guardian council will give two hundred rubles to the soul: these are two hundred thousand capital " In other words, Pavel Ivanovich plans to resell his "dead souls" by issuing them for living people. Of course, it is impossible to sell fortress without land, but he finds a way out here - buying land in a remote place, "for a penny". Naturally, such a plan is dictated not good conditions Life I. financial RegulationsBut, no matter how cool, it is a dishonest act.

The meaning of the name

On etymology of the name Paul Ivanovich, it is difficult to judge unequivocally. It is not as prosaic as the names of other poem characters, but the very fact that the names of other characters are their characteristic (pay attention to moral or physical flaws) pushes to the idea that Chikchikov should have a similar situation.

And so, it is likely that this surname happened from the word "Chichik". In the Western Ukrainian dialects so called a singer bird of small sizes. N. Gogol was associated with Ukraine, so it can be assumed that he had in mind that this value of the word - chikchiki, like a bird, sings all beautiful songs. There are no other dictionaries recorded values. The author himself does not explain by anywhere why the choice fell on this word and what he wanted to say, awarding Paul Ivanovich that surname. therefore this information It should be perceived at the level of the hypothesis, it is impossible to say that this is an absolutely correct explanation in mind the small amount of information on this matter.

Personality and nature

Arriving to the city N, Pavel Ivanovich meets local landowners, governor. He makes a good impression on them. Such a principle of trusting relationships contributed to the further purchase of Chichikov - they talked about him as a person of high morals and excellent education - such a person cannot be a sinister and a deceiver. But, as it turned out, it was just a tactical move, allowing de little to deceive landowners.

The first thing surprises in chikchikov is his attitude to hygiene. For many of his new acquaintances, it became a sign of a person from the highest society. Pavel Ivanovich "Waking up in the morning very early, waving, stumble up with my legs to the head wet sponge, which was done only by sundays" He "Extremely Long Ter Soap Both Cheeks", when washed, "twisted two hairs out of the nose." As a result, others decided that "there was such attentiveness to the toilet, which is not even everywhere."

Chichikov - Supply. "In conversations with the Siemers, he was very skillfully able to flatter everyone." At the same time, he tried nothing concrete about himself, to do with common phrases, those present thinking that he was doing because of modesty.

In addition, the phrases "He is not a meaningful worm of this world and is not worthy that a lot of things care about it, which experienced a lot on the ages, has undergone in the service for the truth, had many enemies who even took himself to life, and that now, wishing Calm down, looking for a choice finally for a residence "caused a certain feeling of pity for chikchiku.

Soon, all new acquaintances began to surrender about it, they tried to please "such a pleasant, educated guest."

Manilov, characterizing, Chichikova argued that "he is ready to vouch, as for himself, that he would donate to all his estate, to have a hundredth share of the qualities of Pavel Ivanovich."

"The governor has explained himself that he is a well-intended person; The prosecutor is that he is a good person; The gendarme colonel said he is a scientist man; Chairman of the Chamber - that he is also a venerable person; Polumaster - that he is a venerable and kind person; The police officer's wife is that he is a kind and craped person. "

As you can see, to enter the trust of landowners and the governor Paul Ivanovich managed the best way.

He managed to observe a thin line and not to overtake the stick with the flattery and praise towards the landowners - his lies and the fohymism were sweet, but not so much so that the lie rushed into the eyes. Pavel Ivanovich knows how to not only sue himself in society, but also has the talent to convince people. Not all landowners without question have agreed to say goodbye to their "dead souls". Many, such as a box, very doubted the legality of such a sale. Pavlu Ivanovich managed to achieve his own and convince that there is nothing unusual for such sale.

It should be noted that chikchiki has developed intellectual abilities. This manifests itself not only when a plan for enriching the "dead souls", but also in the manner of conducting conversation - he knows how to support the conversation at the proper level, without having a sufficient margin in one way to look smart in the eyes of others is unreal and no flattery and sophistication It is not able to save the situation.

In addition, it is very friendly with arithmetic and knows how to quickly hold mathematical actions in the mind: "Seventy-eight, seventy-eight, on thirty kopecks for the soul, it will be ... - Here, our hero is our one second, no more, thought and said suddenly: - It will be twenty-four rubles ninety-six kopecks. "

Pavel Ivanovich knows how to adapt to new conditions: "He felt that the word" virtue "and the" rare properties of the soul "can be successfully replaced by the words" savings "and" order ", although it does not always quickly understand what to say:" A few minutes stood Plushkin, not to say a word, and Chichiki still could not start talking, entertained as a kind of master himself, and all of what was in his room. "

To acquire serfs, Pavel Ivanovich feels awkwardness and anxiety, but this is not the flour of conscience - he wants to quickly end the case and is afraid that something can go wrong "after all the thought came: that the souls are not quite real and that such cases Such burden always need to quickly with the shoulders. "

However, his deception was revealed - chischiki turns into an instant from the subject of worship and the desired guest in the subject of ridicule and rumors, he is not allowed to the house of the governor. "Yes, you are alone alone, and it is not ordinous to let, others can be" - he says to the Swiss.

The rest also do not be happy to see him - they rejoicing something wrongful. This leads Chichikov to confusion - he cannot understand what happened. Rumors about his aphera reach Chichikov himself. As a result, he leaving the ravoisi. In the last chapter, we learn that Paul Ivanovich of a more unfinished origin, his parents tried to provide him best life, so, sending it to independent life, they gave him such advice who would have thought of parents would allow to take a good place In life: "Pavlusha, learn ... Most of all please teachers and bosses. With comrades, they are not good, they will not teach you good; And if it went to that, so dwelling with those who are treated so that with the case they could be useful to you. Do not treat anyone and do not sweep anyone, but behave better so that you treat you, and most of all take care and copy a penny ... You will do everything and everyone will knock on the light of a penny. "

Thus, Pavel Ivanovich, guided by the Council of Parents lived so that nowhere to spend money and save money, but, earn honest way Significant capital turned out to be unreal, even with strict savings and acquaintance with the rich. The plan for the purchase of "dead souls" was supposed to provide Chichikov as a state and money, but in practice everything turned out not so. The stamp of a furist and dishonest person firmly stuck to it. Hero himself was removed by the hero of the lesson of their established situation - the question is rhetorical, it is likely that the second volume would have to open the secret, but, unfortunately, Nikolai Vasilyevich destroyed him, so the reader can only guess what happened next and whether to blame Chichikov for Such an act or need to mitigate his guilt, referring to the principles that society subordinate to.

Chichikov in the story N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls": Hero Analysis, Image and Characteristics

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Often it happens that we have little to know about the actions or opinions of another person, we want to have a complete idea about him, even when its external data does not affect his activity or have no relation to the subject of discussion. This pattern has its own foundations. Often, peering in the face of a person, we are trying to carry something intimate, then what he does not seek to tell. Therefore, the appearance of any character has an important place to compare its characteristics and actions.

Who is chikchik

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is a former official "carefully chilled character."
Until the last chapter of the work, many facts of biography and origin of Paul Ivanovich for us remain hidden, we can guess about some moments on the basis of their hints of the hero and only reading latest Pages, we learn a true picture.

Chichots of more thangeful origin. How he himself says "without genus and tribe." And this is not an exaggeration. His parents really were simple peopleThis fact confuses Pavel Ivanovich, but still, in some moments, he makes mention in society about this, referring to the fact that such a position in society will help to position the landowners and those will be agreed. Despite its unfamiliar origin, Pavel Ivanovich managed to become a man of "brilliant education", but "in French chichikov did not know at all" (this is the privilege of aristocrats). Especially he was given exact science, it quickly and easily produce in mind the counting - "was in the arithmetic of Silen".

Passion for accumulating money

The judgment that the events that occurred in childhood properly affect the nature of the process of becoming the development of the principles and moral maintenance of a person, has long changed from the discharge of assumptions, in the discharge of axioms. Confirm this we find Chichikov.

Having worked off the whole college official, he resigned and seriously began to look for a way to enrich. By the way, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to improve his financial situation was never left by Pavel Ivanovich, despite the fact that he originated in it with early age.

The reason for this was the doubtful origin of the main character and experienced poverty in orphanage. This is confirmed in the last paragraphs of the work, where the reader can observe the picture of the departure of Young Chichikov to study. Parents are hot and quietly with him say goodbye, give advice that would help their son to take more favorable position in society:

"Looking, Pavlusha, learn, not Duri and do not hang, but most of all please teachers and bosses. With comrades, they are not good, they will not teach you good; Dropped with those who are treated so that at the case there could be helpful to you. Do not treat and do not sweep anyone, take care and copy a penny: This thing is more reliable in the world. Comrade or buddy inflates you and in trouble the first will be given you, and a penny will not give out, in whatever trouble you are. You will do everything and everyone will knock on the light of a penny. "

Gogol does not depict the life of the parents of Paul - a few grated facts do not give full pictureBut Nikolai Vasilyevich manages to achieve an understanding of readers, the fact that parents were honest and respectable people. They felt the whole burden of earnings on a piece of bread and do not want their son to work hard, so they give him such unusual recommendations.

Chichikov tries to abide by the advice of parents with all his might. And therefore, he managed to achieve essential results, but not so high as he wanted.

He learned to earn money and save them, refusing to himself in everything he could. True, his earnings were founded, on an unfair and insidious way: in behavior with classmates, he was able to furnish the situation so that "they treated him, and he, having spoiled the received treats, then sold them." "There were no special abilities to any science in it," but he could skillfully tinker, so, for example, he blinded from the wax of the bulk and managed to sell it at a good price. He knew how to communicate with animals, he looked at the talent for animal training. Pavlusha - caught the mouse and taught it with several tricks: she "became on the hind legs, lay and got up on the orders." Such a wonder also managed to sell for a decent sutu.

The death of his father affected Chichikov, Gogol does not say. The only thing that he reports to the reader is that Paul got after the Father "Four Protective Funterators, two old Sultuka, beaten by Malusushki, and a minor amount of money." And adds a sarcastic comment - the father gladly gave advice for enrichment, but he could not accumulate anything.

His further life took place on the same principle - he stubbornly copied money - "All that neither responded to wealth and contentment, it impressed him, incomprehensible themselves." But economical life does not allow him to accumulate large capital, and this fact is very sad - he is decided to enrich themself in any way. Over time, the loophole was found and the chikhikov hurries her to take advantage of, trying to enrich fraudulently. For this, he travels in the villages and is trying to buy from local landowners "Dead Souls", then, to give them to really living people, sell at a more favorable price.

Appearance and character traits

Pavel Ivanovich is a stately middle-aged man and "pleasant outference": "Not too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. "

In it, just in moderation - if he were a little more complete - it would be a bust and spoil him significantly. Chichikov himself also finds themselves attractive. In his opinion, he owner beautiful face With an unusually beautiful chin.

He does not smoke, does not play cards, does not dance and does not like fast ride. In fact, all these preferences are associated with the avoidance of financial costs: tobacco costs money, it is still added to the fear that the "tube is dried", you can significantly play the card, in order to dance, you need to study it first, and this is also embarrassed - and It is not impressive of the main character, he tries to scat as much as possible, because "a penny any doors opens."

The fact that chischiki has an ungoligated origin allowed him to outline the ideal of a person close to the Higher Society (he knows perfectly than, except financial and social status Aristocrats are distinguished, which is primarily striking and impressive people).

First of all, Chichikov is an undisputed pedant and clean up. It is very fundamental in terms of hygiene: when it was necessary to wash, he "extremely long and soap is both cheeks," wiped the whole body with a wet sponge, "what was done only on Sundays," the hair outdled out of her nose diligently. It provides an unusually positive impression on the county landlords - they are very surprised by such habits, I consider them a sign of a higher society.

The following qualities that are noticeably allocated from the crowd are knowledge and understanding of the foundations of psychology and the ability to flatter a person. His praise always knows the measure - they are not much and not enough - just so much so that the person does not suspect the deception: "He was very skillfully able to fulfill everyone."

On debt service and, looking at the origin, Chichikov witnessed a variety of scenes, he was able to learn the types of behavior different people And now in communication easily found the key to the confidence of any person. He perfectly understood that to whom and in what form it is necessary to say that the person ceases to him relate to the distrust: he, "he really knew great mystery like".

Chichots man of exceptional education and tact in communication. Its many find it charming, he has "charming qualities and techniques", and his behavior in society admires: "It didn't like to allow for a familiar circulation to him in any case."

His efforts in the field of flattery do not pass in vain. The landowners, and the governor of the city N himself soon respond about him as a person of the cleanest thoughts and aspirations. He is ideal for them, an example for imitation, everyone is ready to vouch for him.

The image of Chichikova is the leading image of the poem "Dead Souls"

"It is very doubtful," pins Gogol, "the hero elected by us liked the readers." By appearance This person is very pleasant and conscious. He knows how to talk every thing, to say a pleasant compliment to a person, in time and appropriately, in the conversation, the successful word, charm with his behavior and goodness and, finally, shine with the mind and experience. However, all this is only an external line of an expanded plut and fraudster, a deft dolza.

Since childhood, Chichikov got up on the path of acquisition and the school bench was steadily followed by the advice of his father: "More all overlapping and copying a penny, this thing is the most reliable in the world." In childhood, to Poltina, this father, he quickly made an increment: "blinded from the wax of a bullfight, painted it and sold it very profitable," and then he was started to other speculation. Having accumulated one bag of money, he began to save the other.
In the School, "Falling" the Spirit of His authorities, Chichikov filled and low-alone in front of the teachers; In his certification, he always had a mark about "approximate adjacent and trustworthy behavior." In front, he has experienced life "in all contents, with all sorts of sufficiency, crews, a house, well-arranged, delicious lunches ..."

At the exit from the school, he was jealously began to serve and tried to walked to heal. Having done a boom, he immediately began to take bribes, but soon the field of activity was opened in front of him: he came to the commission for the construction of a "highly capital" building. Here the chikhiki quickly enriched, but unexpectedly his thieves of the tricks were revealed, and he lost everything. The tireless and vigorously chicker is again taken for creating a career and arranged in customs, where there is more than five hundred thousand rubles for himself. Were wreck and here, he decided on a new adventure: to acquire the "dead souls".

His new enterprise was based on the fact that the landowners were beneficial to get rid of the submissions for the peasants who died after the revision, since these subjects had to be paid to the next revision, which brought significant damage to "dechellae". The peasants who died in the period between revisions were officially listed alive, and therefore they could be laid in the guardian council and, therefore, a lot of money.

In order to purchase the dead shower of chikchik and comes to gubernsky city N.
With greater caution and foresight, it is taken for the implementation of the filmed plan and manifests the exceptional orientation ability at the very first steps. "He asked for an extreme accuracy, who in the city of the governor, who was the Chamber of Chamber, who the prosecutor, the word, did not miss a single significant official, but also with greater accuracy, if not even with participation, asked for all significant landowners: how many who have a shower peasants, as far live from the city, of which even character and how often comes to the city; I asked closely about the condition of the edge: there was no disease in their province, cooking hot chops, killing any fevers, smallpox, and the like, and everything and with such an accuracy that showed more than one simple curiosity. " Chichikov learned in detail how to go to all the pretrial places, and made visits to all the city dignitaries, deftly by everyone. In the meantime, he has already scheduled landlords, whom he needs to visit.

In the city N, he makes acquaintance with those officials who, in his opinion, can be useful when making documents for "Dead Souls". To ensure full success in the coming business, he seeks to cause confidence and appreciation of officials, which reaches without much difficulty.
Chichikov's ability to adapt to any atmosphere is still brighter on a trip to the landowners. With great ability, he recognizes the character of each landowner and deftly determines their attitude towards them: crashed by man sensitive and dreamy, he gets from Manilov "Dead Souls" for free, inclines the box to sell the "dead shower" promise to buy honey, hemp, flour, Crupe and feathers. He managed to position to him even "fist" of a companion.

And the weight of Chichikov can not be considered only by the personification of the owner of the entrepreneur. Chichikov appears in front of us as a person living, with the feelings of joy and grief, love and disappointment with each person. True, these features of character do not make Chikchikov attractive. They only create a vitality of the image. The constant desire for personal profit is, narrowly egoistic calculations and the absence of any public interest turn Chichikov in a sharply negative type. Giving a generalized feature to his hero. Gogol speaks not only as an acquire owner, but also as a scoundrel.

In the image of Chichikova, Gogol influenced the new hero of Russian life, the powerful enticing right to its existence, - Bourgeois Deltsy, a deft entrepreneur, who was aimed at personal enrichment.

Characteristic Chichikova is the topic of this article. What can be said about this hero from the work of "Dead Souls"? Belinsky, a famous Russian critic, in 1846 noticed that as the acquirer of chikchiki is not less, and perhaps more than Pechorin, is the hero of our time. He can buy "dead souls", collect donations for various charitable institutions, acquire railway stocks. No matter what kind of activity do similar to him. Their essence remains unchanged.

Author's characteristic Chichikova at the beginning of the work

Corresponding is that chikchiki is an immortal type. You can meet with such as he, everywhere. This hero belongs to all times and all countries, only takes various forms, depending on time and place. In the poem "Dead Souls" the action begins with the fact that the reader meets the main character. What is the characteristic Chichikova? It " golden mean", neither, nor se. The author, describing it, notes that this is not a handsome man, however, not a" bad outside "man, not very thin, but not too fat, not old, but also not young. Chicter Pavel Ivanovich - Evalid College Advisor. Such is the characteristics of Chichikov at the beginning of the work.

Visits made by Chichikov in the city

What does he start his stay in the city? From numerous visits: to the prosecutor, the vice-governor, governor, the otkupeker, the police officer, the boss over the local officials, etc. Chichikov, who behaves like a well-intended person, was able to very skillfully flatte everyone in conversations with these lords. So, for example, he praised the governor for the "velvet roads" in the province ledently, and the cleansman of Chichikov said something flattering about the city buddies. Chairman of the Chamber and the Vice-Governor mistakenly called twice "Your Excellency". Chichikov made a compliment to the governor, a decent person for average years, which is not too small, but not too big rank. Quotation characteristic Chichikova completed the image created by the author. Pavel Ivanovich himself called himself anything else as a "insignificant worm", complaining that he had to experience a lot in his century, a lot of enemies in service, which even atheated his life for the truth.

The ability to support the conversation

Characteristic Chichikova ("Dead Souls") can be supplemented with his workshop skill to support the conversation. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol writes that if it was about a horse plant, he spoke about him, but also about good dogs Could report solid comments. Moreover, Chichikov did it with "somehow degree," said neither quiet, neither loud, namely, as he should, knew how to keep himself well. Mask with imaginary decency and vulgarity, as you can see, he learned to wear masterfully. Under this larger, quite a decent, decent Mr. was hidden true characteristic Chichikova ("Dead Souls"), the content of its actions and thoughts.

Copyright to Chichikov in the first chapter

The author in the first chapter only allegorically, indirectly expresses his attitude to Chichiku and his actions. And this hero himself, arguing about the world of thick and thin, hints at its true vision of the surrounding world. He says that fat is better leaving their affairs than "thin", which mainly serve on special instructions and "wake there and here." The quotation characteristic of Chichikov helps it is better to understand this image. The main character is given to Gogol to the world of thick, tight and reliably sitting in their places. Confirming the appearance of the one who seems to see him, so the author prepares his exposition, the disclosure of the truth about him.

The first successful transactions

Transaction with Manilov - the first success. She strengthens the confidence of Pavel Ivanovich in the safety and ease of their planted scam. The hero was painted first success in a hurry to make new transactions. Chichikov occurs on the way to the companion with a box that showed him that the enterprise, conceived by him, requires caution and subtleties, and not only persistence. This lesson, nevertheless, did not go Trick Chichiku. He is in a hurry to the dog, but suddenly meets Nozdrev and decides to go to him.

Chichikov Nozdrev

Among the main properties of Nozdrev, almost the main thing was the passion "ignite to your neighbor", sometimes without any reason. And Paul Ivanovich comes across unwittingly on this fishing rod. Nozdrev reveals in the end the true purpose of the acquisition of chikchikov "dead souls". In this episode, the levity and weakness of the hero is found. Subsequently, of course, Chichots scolded themselves for what did carelessly arrived, spoke on such a delicate case with the nostril. As we see, purposefulness and perseverance in cases where they come too far, turning around the disadvantage.

Purchase "Dead Souls" from Sobesevich

Chichiki finally arrives at the Sobevich. An interesting feature of Chichikova with other characters. All have them different tempers, and everything in their own way to the main character. Sobesevich is a persistent and dodgy man when it comes to his benefits. He guesses, most likely, for which the "dead souls" is needed. Sobekevich godlessly trafficking, besides, he also praises his dead peasants. He says that Eremee Sorokoplechin, who traded in Moscow, brought 500 rubles of one lifting. This is not the fact that the peasants of some plush.

Comparative characteristic Chichikova and Plushin

Compare two of these characters. The comparative characteristic of Chichikov and Plushkin is very curious. After all, Pavel Ivanovich was a serum nobleman, and Plushkin - landlord. These are two classes on which held royal Russia that time. Meanwhile, the lack of understanding of the need for daily labor, the inability to engage in any kind of useful affairs of these heroes, leads them to a deplorable result. The characteristic of Chichikova and Plushin is very unsightbed. And this is the support of the state, the "tables of society"! Curious connections helps to detect in the work comparative characteristics Chichikova ...

Transaction with plush

The enterprise conceived by chikchikov ends with a plush deal. This landowner from the live turnover is even the money. He laid them into one of the boxes, where they probably destroyed them before his death. Chichiki is now at the height. All papers are signed, and it turns into the eyes of the townships in the "Millioner". it magic word, opening all the roads and affects both scoundrels and good people.

Real Biography Chichikova

Soon, however, Triumph Chichikova is completed by the exposure of the Nozder, who told the authorities that he trades dead souls. Boyatitsa and stir begin in the city, as in the consciousness of the reader. The author ran the genuine biography of his hero for the final of the work, which finally gives the full and true characteristic of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls". At all of its length, Pavel Ivanovich seemed virtuous and decent, but under this larch hid, as it turned out, completely different essence. Characteristic Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls", this author In the final, as follows.

It turned out that this is the son of one midnight nobleman, who didn't even resemble her mother or her father. As a child, he had no friends nor comrades. And here the father decided to give the child to the urban school. During parting with him, there was no tears, but one smart and important instruction was given to Chichchiku: to learn, do not fool, do not hang, please bonds and teachers, take care of a penny most, since this thing is the most reliable in the world.

With all his heart, he accepted an unhone and lonely Pavlusha is instructed and guided by him all his life. He quickly comprehended in the grades of the school of the authorities and understood how "the right" behavior should be. Chichotes in the lessons sat quietly and as a result, without possessing special talents and abilities, received a certificate when issuing a certificate, as well as a special book for volatory behavior and approximate adjacent. Pavlusha pushed himself in reality at the end of the school: his father died, he died in the inheritance to him only 4 swelling, irrevocably imparted, 2 old Sultuka and small amount money.

At the same time, which is noteworthy, another event is happening, which reveals the true qualities of Chichikov, the future of Scherist. So loved by a humble student, the teacher was dismissed from the School. He disappeared in a forgotten cone without a piece of bread. Former arrogant and recurrent disciples gathered money for him, and only Paul Ivanovich limited himself to Pyatak, while referring to his extreme need.

Funds with the help of which chicters promoted by service

Chichiki, it should be noted, there was no stingy. However, he has experienced future life With prosperity and in all contentments: a well-established house, crews, delicious lunches and expensive entertainment. Pavel Ivanovich for the sake of this agreed to starve and selflessly do the service. He understood soon that the desired he did not bring honest labor. And the chisters begins, looking for new opportunities to improve their position, care for the daughter of his boss. When he gets, finally, enhanced by service, he completely forgets about this family. Scams, bribes - here is the path for which Pavlusha went. He seeks gradually some visible well-being. But the military, strict person, to whom he could not undergo in the trust of chikchiki, are prescribed. And he is forced to look for other ways to arrange their well-being.

How Pavel Ivanovich "suffered in the service"

The main hero of the poem goes to another city. Here he becomes a happy chance by a customs official and begins to lead the "commercial" relationship with smugglers. This criminal conspiracy was disclosed after a while, and all those responsible for him, including Chichikov, were given to the trial. This is how in reality Paul Ivanovich "suffered in service." Chichikov, taking care of her offspring, decides to make another scaffold, which he describes in detail Gogol in the "Dead Souls" poem.

Chichikov - the hero of our time

So, Chichikov, who was delivered to face to face with the familiar, traditional order of things, contributes to its actions to destroy the existing order. He lays the foundation of a new one. Therefore, it can be said in this sense that in full right is the hero of our chicter time.

The characteristic of the hero of the work of the "Dead Souls" (Chichikov) was presented in this article. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote the poem that interests us in 1842. In it, he managed to be talented and eloquently depict the fear of the fortress building that existed at the time, terrifying his consequences for all Russian society. Not just individual people degenerate - the people and the whole state are destroyed with it. It can be said with confidence that the anti-refresh works of Nikolai Vasilyevich played a certain role in the abolition of cancellation in our country