How many children had Boris Grigorievich's parents. Characteristics and image of Boris in the play Thunderstorm Ostrovsky essay

How many children had Boris Grigorievich's parents. Characteristics and image of Boris in the play Thunderstorm Ostrovsky essay
How many children had Boris Grigorievich's parents. Characteristics and image of Boris in the play Thunderstorm Ostrovsky essay

Piece "Thunderstorm" is known to everyone. Life in a small town flows as a woman. Everything has changed with the arrival of Boris, who met and who loved the married woman. The image and characteristic of Boris in the "Thunderstorm" play is inextricably linked with the love line. Boris and Katerina relations played a big role in the tragedy, which turned into a play. He could not protect the love, which led to the death of a girl who did not manage to cope with spiritual torments and deciding that suicide would be the best way out in the current situation.

Boris is a young young man who came from the capital behind inheritance. It consists in related links with wild.

Image and characteristics

About the appearance of Boris is known a bit. Dressed as a fierce in the last fashion. Got a good education. Pupil. It turned out to be no coincidence in Kalinov. He arrived as a height of the grandmother. Only a sister remained from the family. Parents died.

Good education received, learning at the Commercial Academy.

"Parents brought us up in Moscow well, nothing for us regretted us. I was given to the commercial academy, sister in the boarding school. "

Fashionable, stylish. It is not surprising, because in Moscow all dress up with needles. In comparison with the inhabitants of Kalinovo, his appearance was very distinguished.

"All persons other than Boris are dressed in Russian."

The purpose of the arrival in the city is one - getting an inheritance. This is possible under the only condition if the guy will be honored and respect to the uncle (wilderness).

"The grandmother died and left the testament so that his uncle paid us some of which should be when we come to the majority, only with the condition, if we are respectful to it."

Boris constantly tolerates humiliation from uncle. He forever finds the reason to frit and humiliate the guy. He has to endure and silently demolish insults, because it stands too much to the horse. He is no longer sure that it will be possible to get at least some kind of dyski. It works, it works, but no sense.

"He first flashes over us, breaks in every way as his soul, but he will finish after all that will not give anything or so much a little."

Loom-speaking. The weakness of the nature of Boris was not manifested over the entire play. He knows this line in himself, but can't change it. In front of the uncle, Lebesit, suffering his antics. In the case of Katerina, he did not have enough spirit to protect his beloved woman. Turning her head, he throws her in a difficult moment, escaped from the city, like a cowardly hare from the chase. Showing it at least a little bit, would take it with him, thereby saving her life, but, alas.

Kind. By nature, Boris Guy is kind, responsive. Kuligin spoke about him:

"Good is a man, sir ..."

Indecisive. Make actions this is not about our Boris, there is no courage. When everything is known about love with Katerina, he panicked, preferring to "rush, cry", but at the same time not to take anything. At the time of farewell to her, he did himself:

"Oh, kaba knew these people, what can I say goodbye to you! Oh my God! Give God, so that they sometime as sweetly was, as I now ... Vedoda you! Monsters! Eh, kaba strength! ".

But the power to take is nowhere. Boris understands this very well.

It is easier for him to run away from problems than to take on their decision. He saw something wrong with Katerina, but did not deign to ask that she was worried about and what she was alarmed. Pull the oil into the fire, saying that he was leaving for a long time, uncle told it so much, but to disobey it, it means to lose hope to get the inheritance. Boris is not accustomed responsible for the actions of Boris. Maybe he did not like Katerina, just spent time with her, seeking leisure. As soon as she began to deliver to him, he preferred to be reted.

Egoist. First of all, Boris always thought only about himself and his own gain. The interests and problems of other people were little worried. He could not understand the depth of Nature Katerina and evaluate the tragedy of her personality, which in the end led to the sad finale. His foolishness brought Katerina to the tragedy. If he had ever thought about her, everything could be different.

Boris Grigorievich is a young man who came from Moscow to the city of Kalinov, described by Ostrovsky in his play "Thunderstorm". It is very distinguished among the inhabitants of the town, since it dresses not at all as they, and communicates too differently. Citizens are even called it a foreigner. He has completely different views on the world and his surroundings, and he also has education, which is also its distinctive feature.

In Kalinov's town, he arrived only for his uncle wild after death left him inheritance, because the money is for Boris an integral part of his life. And since at his own desire, the wild was not going to leave the inheritance to his nephew, he decided to come and establish relationships with uncle.

The will of Destiny Boris falls in love with Katerina Kabanov, who already has a loving husband Tikhon. But the mental state of the girl does not care for Boris at all. He is afraid that they can know everything about their secret dates and even asks Katerina to anyone to tell anyone, however, Katerina, on the contrary, ready to escape with her beloved or tell everyone about their feelings. Boris simply did not want to take responsibility for their relationship with Katerina and for their secret dates.

Boris's behavior shows all his negative traits, because at the very first difficulties he wants to leave the city, and he refuses to take a girl with him, which indicates that his feelings were not so strong, as it seemed at the beginning. Boris's cowardice does not give him to see the serious mental state of Katerina when they are last conversation, although he notices that something is wrong with the girl, he simply does not ask her about it and continues to think only about himself. After all, while they, with Katerina, everything was fine, he was with her and all arranged him, but as soon as everything went not on his scenario and serious problems began, Boris threw a girl in a difficult moment.

The author described this young young man well, in which mercantility and petty, and love remained with stylish and education, and love remained for Boris on the edge of his personal interests, although he understood perfectly that the girl would die without him. He simply did not fight for his love, succumbing to cowardice and his sobility.

Option 2.

In the play "Thunderstorm", written by A. N. Ostrovsky in 1859, the niece of the merchant of Wild Boris is one of the central characters. Pleasant manners, pupils and courtesy noticeably allocate Boris from Moscow to the residents of Kalinov's provincial town of Kalinov.

Boris was born and lived in Moscow, the tragic circumstances were forced to Kalinov - his parents died during the cholera epidemic. Remaining one, Boris makes the decision to go to Kalinov to his uncle, a rich merchant Dick, in order to receive inheritance.

However, what belongs to Boris by the right of birth, he does not plan to give wild. Wild has his own children, and he wants everything to go to them. According to the testament of the parents, Boris can count on the inheritance tool only in the event that it will relate to the uncle. But Wild does everything that Boris does not get anything, because he is gracious and pretty cruel to other people. Over time, Boris falls into the despondency and begins to lose the hope of something to get, but he does not have enough spirit from him because of the weakness of nature. He continues to live in the Wild House, and to crumble in front of a rough and cruel uncle.

Ostrovsky characterizes Boris as the most relaxed character play. Boris does not like to live, according to him, "in a slum". However, even after it realizes that he will not receive anything from uncle-self-self-made, continues to live in his house and crumble in front of him. He does not decide to leave and take his beloved Katerina, which indirectly pushes her to death. He cannot protect either Katerina nor himself, nothing can take anything, except for shaking the air in vain and useless lassions, in which he always regrets himself, which speaks of the egoism of Boris and the inability to love him to truly.

Boris is not able because of its own bravery, egoism and weakness understand the whole depth of Katerina's personality. Katerina, in turn, highlights Boris's unworthy of her love only because his manners are too distinguished by nobility and sophistication from the rude manner of the town of the town in which she lives.

Clear Boris is a completely inappropriate couple for Katerina. And even the feelings that appeared to Katerina are for Boris a reason to embracing that he is unhappy and everything does not have everything - and his youth is ruined in a slum, and a woman's loved to see as much as you want - not available. Love for Katerina has become another cause for whining - as disgusting and selfish from Boris. Katerina dies at the end of the play, in fact, because of Boris's facilitating and braveland, who did not dare to leave and take her with him.

Essay about Boris.

A. N. Ostrovsky in the play "Thunderstorm" places his heroes in the fictional Volga city of Kalinov. Since a similar story could happen in any Russian city. At that time, the morals were the same everywhere. The characters themselves are collective.

Boris Grigorievich became one of the main heroes of the drama. This is a young man who came to Kalinov from Moscow. The purpose of his stay in the provincial city was the inheritance of her grandmother. But the conditions for its receipt are not so easy. It is necessary to "respectfully refer" to the uncle, a wilderness, which is characterized by steep temper and lautoo greed. The young man in the depths of the soul understands that he will never see money, but continues to hope.

Boris is represented by a writer as a well-educated, well-reading young man, distinguished by the fashionable style of clothing and modern metropolitan temper with shades of snob. Even in a note to the first action, the reader is reported that "all in Russian are dressed, except Boris." Against the background of other residents of Kalinov, he looks like foreign times. His parents could not live in a provincial city. Since the grandmother did not make an educated and intelligent daughter-in-law, which led the son. Mother and father paid proper attention to upbringing their children. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister was upbringing the guesthouse. But, unfortunately, parents die to the cholera epidemic. And children remain almost without livelihood.

The capital cavalier is bored and sad in the Volga Town. No one to talk to equal. Education is not in honor. And his uncle constantly worries him for something, he is also character. Boris all demolitions badly. The young man's love in Katerina Kabanov is determined by its inaccessibility and the fact that it is sharply different from other girls of the city. She is smart, beautiful, interesting, gentle and is predicted. She has a strong and volitional character. Boris himself can not boast of this quality. A young man is sailing by the flow of life.

Boris Grigorievich can be accused of mercantility. After all, he fulfills the will of the uncle and leaves the city, leaving the beloved in trouble. But I think this accusation will not be correct. The young man is kind, he regrets Katerina, understanding how herself her fate. And hopes to alleviate her if it stops with her. Even Tikhon suggests that Boris asked: "Make anything with me, just not tormented." I feel sorry for the hero and his sister, because he is not only carrying this burden. It is necessary to provide sister dowry.

But the spiritual forces at the hero is not. He himself crushes: "Yes, kaba strength!" Boris finally ruined Katerina in that he does not take her with him. And only, understanding, wishes her early death as a delusion of suffering.

Characters "Thunderstorms" are divided into two parts: the Dark Kingdom and his victims. Kabaniha and wild rue to this kingdom. And I think that only Katerina can be considered a victim. Varvara and Kudryash are good fitlights. And Tikhon and Boris are simply weak morally people who are poting to the sammour and tyranny. Thereby fueling the dark kingdom, partly creating it for himself.

Responsiveness. What is this? The responsiveness is the ability to respond to a person's request, to help him and moral support.

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    Boris understands that uncle will not do this, but continues to crumble in front of Samodor and tolerate all his antics. Boris can not protect himself and a beloved woman. Turning the head of Katerina, he leaves her for a mercy of fate, although he himself feels a strong feeling. Boris could lead her with him and save the girl life, but for such a decisive act he did not have enough will and courage.

    Updated: 2012-08-12

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    One of the main characters of the play of the famous Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky is the Niece of the Vice-Boris merchant. "Thunderstorm" is the famous play and tragedy, which embodied in its plot all the originality and unreleased spirit of the people of the time, made an invaluable contribution to the history of literature, contributing to the understanding of the life of that era.

    Story line

    The plot is built on feelings and emotions, on and outside it. In those distant times, people of a small town lived as one big family, the tragedy of one personality concerned everyone and discussed by everyone.

    So happened to the Tikhon family. The reason was - the situation in which the characteristic of Boris was impossible to be better. "Thunderstorm" is a play, the main meaning of which lies in the tragic consequences of betrayal, but betrayal in the name of love. How will this event affect each family member, how will the true essence of the human soul appear and will reveal? For example, the main hero Boris, the moral foundations and which came against the situation with the current situation, decided to abandon his beloved person, stop communicating with Katerina, thereby wounded her in the heart. Entered as a coward or ... Hero? What is the characteristic of Boris? Thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon that can reveal and transmit torment all the main characters. Experience and doubts, the correctness of the actions and loyalty of the choice in the face of fear and death ...

    Characteristic Hero: Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a big tragedy of a little human soul

    Already from the first stage, the play is clear that Boris, who came from Moscow, stands out from the crowd with his noble behavior, respectful attitude and good manners. He himself says that "trained diplomas and languages," diligently studied and sought to better. After the death of the parents who tragically died from a raging at the time of the cholera epidemics, he had to come to the only relative - uncle - to receive inheritance. According to the conditions of the will, he will only receive it in the case of a respectful attitude towards the merchant Dick. The brought and gentle, courteous and cultural is as follows the characteristics of Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a work that the inner world of such people cannot be revealed. He was ready to take off the resentment and understanding that he would not receive inheritance, while continuing to play the role of a loving nephew, to stay in this town and to endure a coarse and daring uncle, not wanting to him evil and treat him with understanding. This characterizes him as a person with a big and bright soul, open and kind, but at the same time he becomes more and more depressed and sullen, his feelings are written on his face.

    Fuzzy Solution

    The fate does not deceive - it is this folk wisdom that characterizes the behavior and actions of the main characters. Boris loved Katerina, a woman with whom, as he said himself, he was not destined to even talk, because his love was already married. This circumstance has greatly influenced the main character, he confessed that he was crushed and killed alone only about the impossible intimacy with his beloved man, but "the paths of the Lord are non-evortion," and the fate of two lovers in love, giving a spark of hope both, because Katerina responds to a young man reciprocity. At that moment, the whole characteristic of Boris changed in the root. Thunderstorm - which the author applied in this play. It displays and transmits the emotions of all the main characters, their torment and doubt that the tragedy. Katerina's husband had to leave the city. And after leaving the spouse, it is completely given to emotions.

    It so happened because Katerina never loved Tikhon and was offended by his whole family for humiliation. She can not oppose the surging feelings and change her husband with Boris, who was also unable to cope with him and rushed "into the ohwow with his head," indulging sin with a married woman. This moment can characterize it as a frivolous person, but everything is wrong. After the return of Tikhon, he refused to communicate with Katerina in the hope that her husband would forgive her, did not destroy the family than an irreparable injury to his beloved. He was much harder at that moment, but he agrees to hide his feelings for the sake of happiness of a woman. In order not to defame her name, he asked not to admit, but she decided otherwise ... We can say that the characteristic of Boris ("Thunderstorm") manifested itself in cowardice and repentance, but this is the second side of the medal.

    Quotation characteristic Boris. "Thunderstorm" - the tragedy of feelings

    The most famous quotation, which Boris characterized himself: "Headproof, scored, and then there was still a sffer in love." From the very beginning he did not like the burgher life in a small town, he was bored; Having left the big city and not finding support here, he began to raise, and the first phrase shows his moral condition: "I understand that all this is ours, Russian, native, but still not get used to anyone." He was alien to such a life, he did not want to put up with her, at the same time pride and egoism appeared more and more. He pushed his beloved, did not communicate and talk to her, and his cowardice led to the tragedy - Katerina committed suicide. This is the best characteristic of Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a play, which shows how to make indifference and the game with feelings of another person, indecision and cowardice, the late decisions and the binding of the offense.

    The play "Thunderstorm" of the famous Russian writer of the XIX century Alexander Ostrovsky was written in 1859 on the wave of public lifting on the eve of social reforms. She became one of the best works of the author, opening the eyes of the whole world on the moral and moral values \u200b\u200bof the then merchant class. For the first time was published in the journal "Library for reading" in 1860 and thanks to the novelty of its topics (descriptions of the struggle of new progressive ideas and aspirations with old, conservative implications) immediately after the publication caused a wide public resonance. She became the topic for writing a large number of critical articles of that time ("Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom" Dobrolyubov, "Motifs of the Russian Drama" Pisarev, Critica of Apolone Grigoriev).

    History of writing

    Inspired by the beauty of the Volga region and his endless expanses during a trip with his family in Kostroma in 1848, the Ostrovsky starts writing the play in July 1859, after three months he finishes and sends it to the St. Petersburg censorship.

    Having worked for several years in the office of the Moscow Council Court, he knew well that he was a merchants in Zamoskvorechye (the historical region of the capital, on the right bank of the Moscow River), more than once facing the debt of the service with what was going on behind the high fences merchant choir , namely, with cruelty, samorament, ignorance and various superstitions, illegal transactions and apartments, tears and the suffering surrounding. The basis for the plot of the play was the tragic fate of the daughter-in-law in the merchant altitude family of cannon, which occurred in reality: a young woman rushed to the Volga and drowned, not to withstand oppression from the power of the powerful mother-in-law, tired of her husband's lack of battery and secret passion to the postal service. Many believed that it was the stories from the life of the Kostroma merchants that became a prototype for the plot written by an Ostrovsky play.

    In November 1859, the play was played at the Minor Academic Theater Slogs in Moscow, in December of the same year in the Alexandrin Drama Theater in St. Petersburg.

    Analysis of the work

    Story line

    In the value of the events described in the play, there is a wealthy merchant family of Kabanov, living in the fictional Volga city of Kalinov, a kind of peculiar and closed Mirka, symbolizing the overall arrangement of the entire patriarchal Russian power. The Kabanov family consists of a powerful and cruel woman-tyrant, and in fact the head of the family, rich pitfall and widow Marfi Ignatievna, her son, Tikhon Ivanovich, a born and non-fractive on the background of a heavy ingredient of his mother, daughters of Varvara, who learned the deception and cunning to resist the mothers despotism , as well as the daughter-in-law of Katerina. A young woman who has grown in the family where she loved and regretted, suffers in the house of an unloved her husband from his dryness and claimants of the mother-in-law, in fact, having lost their will and becoming a victim of cruelty and self-making kabani, left at the arbitrary of fate with a cloth-husband.

    From the hopelessness and despair, Katerina is looking for consolation in love for Boris Way, who also loves her, but it is afraid to disobey her uncle, the rich merchant Saven's Prokofyevka, because his and sister depends on him. He meets with Katerina with secret, but at the last moment he betrays her and runs away, then at the direction of the uncle goes to Siberia.

    Katerina, being brought up in obedience and subordinate to her husband, tormented by his own sin, admits in all her husband in the presence of his mother. She makes the life of the daughter-in-law completely unbearable, and Katerina, suffering from unhappy love, stors of the conscience and cruel persecutions of Tirana and the despota of Kabani, decides to commit to her torment, the only way in which she sees salvation is suicide. She rushes off the cliff in the Volga and tragically dies.

    Main characters

    All the characters of the play are divided into two opposing camps, one (Kabaniha, her son and daughter, a merchant wild and his nephew Boris, the servants of the fecles and heel) are representatives of the old, patriarchal lifestyle, others (Katerina, self-taught coaligin mechanic) - new, Progressive.

    Young woman, Katerina, the wife of Tikhon Kabanov, is the central heroine of the play. It is raised in strict patriarchal rules, in accordance with the laws of the ancient Russian housework: the wife must submore her husband in all, respect it, fulfill all his demands. At first, Katerina tried to love her husband with all their forces, to become a submissive and good wife for him, but because of his complete fierceness and weakness of character, he may only have pity for him.

    Outwardly, it looks like a weak and silent, but in the depths of her soul is stored enough willpower and perseverance, in order to resist the tyranny mother-in-law, which is afraid that the daughter-in-law can change her son Tikhon and he will no longer overcome the will of the mother. Katerina is closely and stuffy in the dark king life in Kalinov, she literally chips there and in dreams she flies like a bird away from this terrible place for her.


    Having loved the arrival of the young man of Boris, the nephew of a rich merchant and Deltsa, she creates in his head the image of an ideal beloved and a real man who does not correspond to reality, breaks her the heart and leads to the tragic final.

    In the play, Katerina Character is opposed to a specific person, his mother-in-law, but everything at that time an existing patriarchal defendant.


    Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabaniha), like the merchant-Samodor Wild, who tormented and insults his relatives, does not pay a salary and deceives his workers, are bright representatives of the old, the mesh of life. They are distinguished by stupidity and ignorance, unjustified cruelty, rudeness and rudeness, complete rejection of any progressive changes in the hospital patriarchal lifestyle.


    (Tikhon, on the illustration near Kabani - Martha Ignatievna)

    Tikhon Kabanov throughout the play is characterized as a quiet and haired person, which is under the full influence of a despotic mother. Featuring the softness of character, he does not attempt to protect his wife from mother attacks.

    At the end of the play, he eventually does not withstand and the author shows his rebellion against tyranny and despotism, it is his phrase at the end of the play leads readers to a certain conclusion about the depth and tragedy of the current situation.

    Features of composite construction

    (Fragment of dramatic production)

    The work begins with a description of the city on the Volga Kalinov, the image of which is a collective way of all Russian cities of that time. The Landscape of the Volga Prosts, depicted in the play contrasting the scene, the sad and gloomy atmosphere of life in this city, which is emphasized by the deadly closedness of the life of its inhabitants, their underdeveloped, seriousness and wildness. The general state of urban life, the author described as if before the thunderstorm, when the old, dilapidated way, and new and progressive trends, as a rush of the mad thunderstorm wind, will carry out the proper rules and prejudices to live normally to live normally. The period of life of residents of the city of Kalinova described in the play is in a state when it looks very calm, but it is only calm before the coming storm.

    The play genre can be interpreted as a socio-domestic drama, as well as tragedy. For the first characteristic, the use of a thorough description of living conditions, the maximum transfer of its "density", as well as leveling characters. The attention of readers should be distributed between all participants in the production. The interpretation of the play as the tragedy involves her deeper meaning and foundation. If you see in the death of Katerina, the consequence of her conflict with mother-in-law, then it looks like a victim of a family conflict, and all the very unfolding effect in the play for the real tragedy seems small and insignificant. But if we consider the death of the main character as a conflict of a new, progressive time with a fading, old epoch, then its act is not better interpreted in the heroic vein characteristic of the tragic narration.

    Talented playwright Alexander Ostrovsky from the socially domestic drama about the life of the merchant class gradually creates a real tragedy, in which he showed the onset of an epochal fracture in the consciousness of the people with the help of a loving conflict. Simple people are aware of the waking sense of self-esteem, they begin to treat the world around the world, they want to finish their fates themselves and rebuild their will. This emerging desire enters an irreconcilable contradiction with a real patriarchal entry. The fate of Katerina acquires public historical meaning expressing the state of the people's consciousness on a turning bowl of two eras.

    Alexander Ostrovsky, who has noticed the doomes of attending patriarchal ruins in time, wrote a "thunderstorm" play and opened his eyes to the whole Russian public. He portrayed the destruction of the usual, obsolete lifestyle, with the help of a multi-valued and figurative concept of thunderstorm, which gradually increasing, will meet everything from its path and will open the road to a new, better life.