How to remove all advertising in Skype. How to block advertising in various versions of Skype

How to remove all advertising in Skype. How to block advertising in various versions of Skype
How to remove all advertising in Skype. How to block advertising in various versions of Skype

Hello everyone. In this lesson, I want to show you how to remove advertising in Skype, which appears from time to time in various windows.

I recently on one of my computers and at the end when I already put the necessary programs, I was very surprised. How much has become advertising in Skype. I don't have it on the work computer, because it has long been removed everything. Let me show you anyway and you will show you how to remove advertising in Skype.

So, first of all, let's show which advertising banners we will clean. I have this advertisement on the home page, then the banner on the open contact page, and pop-up advertising during the call.

Now I will show how to remove all this by performing simple actions.

1. Remove skype advertising through settings

First, open Skype and go to the Tools - Settings menu.

Open the Security tab and at the bottom of the window, remove the checkbox from the point. Allow Microsoft target advertising show.

2. Remove advertising in Skype via Internet Explorer

Part of the case is made. Now we use the standard Internet Explorer browser to prohibit the loading of other advertisements. We click on the Win + Q keyboard and enter the search by Internet Explorer. Run the program found.

In order for the menu items in the browser, we need to press the Alt key. Go to the service menu - Properties of browser.

In a new window, go to the Security tab, select the parameter Secure sites And open sites.

Here we need to drive the following sites:

In turn in the string Add the following knot to zone, drive the site address and click add. Thus add all five sites.

Upon completion, click Close.

These were Skype sites from which advertising is loaded. And already at this stage, most likely advertising from Skype was removed. You can run it and check it out!

3. Remove advertising through the hosts file

Lay this file on the next way: computer section, disk (C :), Windows folders - System 32 - Drivers - ETS.

Open the HOSTS file using a notepad and paste the following addresses there:

There are three ways for this, all of them are compatible with the operating system of the last sample - Windows 10 and allow you to forget about advertising until the next global program update.

For all methods, you need knowledge of the password from the computer administrator account.

Method 1: Adguard application

Adguard app, which can be downloaded for free from the official site, allows you to block advertising messages without having to delve into thin operating system settings.

The Adguard application is a filter application, whose basic function is blocking advertising and malicious sites.

The program copes perfectly with cleaning sites from pop-up advertising messages, withdrawing advertising inserts from video and shutting down banners in popular applications, including Skype.

Install offers, respectively step by step instructions. And run it.

* The program is paid, but the first three months (180 days) use all its functions without buying a subscription.

Immediately after ADGUARD activation, restart Skype. All advertising messages will disappear, and on their places there will be empty squares with the inscription "Advertising".

Disable these squares allows account replenishment in the Skype account, money is not written off, it is enough that the balance is different from zero, enough of several cents.

But the fact is that to replenish Skype for an amount less than 5 dollars will only work out by a special voucher.

Method 2: Editing Hosts File

If there is no particular desire or actual ability to install Adguard, you can block the advertisement manually by editing the HOSTS file.

It is located at the following address:

C: / Windows / System32 / Drivers / etc

Right-click on the context menu and open the file using a text editor.

The usual "notebook" is suitable, as well as its counterparts, including NOTEPAD ++.

At the end of the file, add a line: (from a new line).

Save the file and restart the Skype program.

The effect of manipulations will be the same as the adguard advertising filter enabled - the advertisement will stop, and there will be empty squares in its place.

Method 3: For advanced users

But note that changes from the instructions attached below can also give unexpected results, such as violation of the functionality of Skype.

Ready to take responsibility for yourself? Then try.

  • Turn on the display of hidden items (View -\u003e Hidden Elements).
  • Open the user folder on the C disk and find the Hidden AppData directory in it. At AppData - the Roaming folder, and in it - Skype.
  • Open the folder that matches the login to Skype and find the config.xml file in it.

Skype is the most popular program for calling and sending messages. After purchasing this program, Microsoft, a lot of advertising began to appear in it, which, in principle, does not interfere with the implementation of calls and correspondence, but it can be largely annoying, because these banners are quite bright and constantly flashing. Even at the start of the launch, banners with obsessive advertising occupy most of the workspace of the program. This can lead to the fact that the user can accidentally click on advertising and open unnecessary sites. Consider the question how to remove advertising in Skype Standard tools, configuring embedded Windows applications, as well as using third-party programs.

It is worth noting that the most obvious ways do not lead to the desired result (meaning the installation of special settings in Skype itself). For these purposes, you need to edit the HOSTS file or use third-party utilities that are guaranteed to get rid of you from advertising in Skype.

Program developers are always trying to provide full-fledged program tools that help implement the most subtle program settings for each user. Skype in this regard is also no exception, but in the matter of advertising, they clearly decided to laugh at everyone. And at least the disconnection point is present, it does not turn it off fully.

  • open the "Tools" item;
  • select the "Settings" string;
  • click the Security Settings tab;
  • remove the checkbox specified in the screenshot;

  • click "Save".

Exclude advertising in Internet Explorer settings

This method is suitable for any versions of the Windows operating system. The only thing that needs to be done in versions starting with Windows 8.1 is installing Internet Explorer with special advanced settings.

  • open Internet Explorer;
  • click on the menu item "Service";
  • click the Security tab;
  • click on the "Dangerous Sites" icon (Red Crushed Circle) and click on the Sites button to display the list;

  • using the Add button, enter the addresses, and add them to the list (shown in the screenshot);

  • save the set settings.

This method will allow you to turn off the pop-up advertising, but does not guarantee 100% effect, because advertising banners can refer to other resources. In this case, the list of locked sites is needed to expand in the same way as described above.

List of sites that potentially affect the display of advertising in Skype:


Editing HOSTS file to get rid of advertising

This method is the most effective. To do this, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • go to C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc to find the HOSTS file and edit it;
  • open the file in question by using any text editor, for example, "Notepad" (remember that it needs to be opened for editing with administrator rights, otherwise all changes will not be saved);
  • go down the entire file and make the following entries:, (shown in the screenshot);

  • save the changes made and close the text editor.

Using Adguard to block advertising in Skype

If none of the above methods have worked, it is fashionable to use the adguard special program, which will help not only get rid of annoying advertising, but also to control traffic, stopping the possibility of using personal data by intruders. It can be represented as an extension for a browser, as well as in the form of a full-fledged program. But it is worth considering that a separately taken application is not free (a license is required). It can be downloaded by reference.

Any messenger user faced an intrusive advertisement during the implementation of calls or punishment. Advertising suspends the operation of the program and takes part of the traffic. In such conditions, the question arises: "How to remove advertising in Skype?" Below are several ways to make it possible to remove advertising in Skype. We recommend that you use each of them, as one hundred percent warranty is that advertising will completely leave Skype, there is not only one of them.

Disable by adjusting the settings

1 way

  1. Enter the program under your credentials.
  2. Select the menu item "Tools".
  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Select left section "Security".
  5. Go to the Security Settings subsection. If there is a "Open Advanced Settings" button, click it.
  6. Find the item "Allow the Show Target Advertising ..." and remove a tick that stands next to him.
  7. Press the "Save" button.

2 way

  1. Go to the Skype Main menu in "Tools", then in "Settings".
  2. Select "Alerts".
  3. Click "Notifications and Alerts".
  4. Remove the checkbox "promotions".
  5. Click "Save".
  6. Close Skype by clicking "Exit", then run again.

Disable with browser

Since the current owner of Skype is Microsoft - along with its software (refers to Windows) distributes Internet Explorer, it is necessary to work with the settings to disable advertising in Skype it is necessary through this browser, even if you do not use them.

2. Over the IE.

3. Include the "Service" menu and click on it.

4. In the resulting context menu, you must select "Browser Properties".

5. Press the Safety tab in the properties window.

6.Select and cland once on the red forbidding icon. It may have the name "Dangerous sites" or "limited nodes".

7. After you highlighted the icon, click on the button located just below (in the first case it will be called "sites", in the second - "nodes", respectively).

8. In the new, newly opened window called "limited nodes" (or "dangerous sites"), you need to click the Add button.

9. Will in the field "Add to zone .... node" such an address: "".

10. Click the Add button.

11. Will in the same field another address: ""

12.Now Click "Add". After committing these actions, you will see that both of these addresses moved alternately in the field located just below. It is called "websites" or "Web sites".

13. In addition, enter three more addresses in this field (one by one): "", "", "" .

14. Click "Close".

Third way

2. Go to the disk "C".

3. Determine in the folder "Windows".

4. Create the "System32" folder.

5. Go to the "DRIVERS" directory.

6. Cool the "ETC" daddy.

7. In the folder, find the "hosts" file (so that it is displayed, you need to select below, under the "File Name" line in the "Encoding" section of the value "All Files".

8.Cop the desktop.

9. Open file (it can be opened using an ordinary notepad - the built-in system tool, but it is necessary to do this with the rights administrator's rights, opening through the right button and select the "Start from the administrator" item). To open, click on the Right-click file and select "Open with ...", then select the Notepad program.

10. See the information that is written inside. Below the lines starting with the lattice (#), you need to enter such two lines:

  • "

11. Press the "File" menu in the notepad and select "Save".

12. Turn the file by clicking on a cross on a red background in the upper right corner.

13.Copy the newly modified file from the desktop back to the "ETC" folder (where you came from). When the system defines you, to replace the target file, answer the affirmative.

How to remove advertising with other programs?

1. It is necessary to download the program "Adguard" by entering the browser in the search engine its name and choosing a site for download.

2. Establish the downloaded program.

3. Press "filtered applications".

4. Click "Add Appendix".

5. The newly opened window you need to select "Select executable file".

6. Here the path to the program (usually it "lies" in the program files on the "C" disk - "Programm Files".

7. Click "Open".

8.All. Skype has been added to the list of objects whose blocking will be made by the ADGARD, and you will enjoy Skype without advertising!

More way ...

Since all previous ways can be disconnected advertising, but not all, you should take care of the disconnection of advertising in advertising banners. For this:

  1. Open the "Users" folder "with" disk ("Users").
  2. Lay inside the folder with your login you are used in Skype. Open it.
  3. Go to the AppData folder ("Application Data").
  4. Open the "Roaming" folder.
  5. Go to the Skype directory.
  6. Lay inside the Skype folder one more - with your name and open it.
  7. Locate the config.xml file and open it double-clicking.
  8. Now you need to find the text of the phrase "adverteastrailsenabled". For this purpose, it is more convenient to use the search command (to invoke it, click the Ctrl and F (F "key combination and enter the specified phrase above in the search field.
  9. To remove advertising inscriptions, near this phrase in two cases (in the first - in front of it, in the second - after) you will see the number "0". It needs to be corrected (in both cases) to the figure "1".
  10. Select the "Save" command in the File menu and close the file.

An alternative way to block advertising in Skype is making money to the account. The fact is that some users have already been noticed that in case of money on Skype's account, the number of advertising immediately decreases. If you are planning to use not only free, but also with paying services of this program, make some amount, then advertising will not bother you anymore. To make money on the account:

  1. Go to Skype.
  2. Click on the "Skype" menu.
  3. Select "Make money to the account ...".
  4. Specify the amount of replenishment and method.
  5. Confirm your actions by clicking "Continue."

After cleaning ...

After you have done everything in order to remove advertising from Skype, you need to clear the cache just in case to block it finally. After all, advertising is loaded from it, so it may occur some time after the execution of all the above instructions. So that it does not happen, do this:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu.
  2. Open the Control Panel.
  3. Click "Network and Internet".
  4. Select "Browser Properties".
  5. Click on the General tab.
  6. In the "Browser Magazine" section, click on the "Delete ..." button.
  7. In the window that opens, select (Check) item "Temporary Internet and Web Site Files".
  8. Press the button located on the right. It is called "Delete".

In addition, it is recommended to clean up using special programs, for example, CCleaner. After downloading from a reliable resource and installing this program, you need to open it and set ticks near all browsers opposite the line "Internet cache". Next, click "Cleaning".

Applying the complex of the above measures to remove advertising and advertising banners from the Skype program, as well as making the registry and cache, you can get rid of obsessive messages and freely communicate with friends and loved ones!

Skype is a famous and popular messenger. But due to the fact that Microsoft added a large amount of advertisements into it, some users refuse to use it. In this article, you will read recommendations on how to disable advertising in Skype.

Turning off advertising

Ways to lock promotional windows in different versions of Skype (you will be interested to read "The default IP addresses will be hidden in the new version of Skype") differ, because after the 2015 update in the messenger disappears the possibility of their partial shutdown in the program settings. Therefore, first check which assembly you use.

In the messenger window, click Help → About Skype → Look the version.

In earlier versions

In the main window

Good to know! If you wish, disconnect the item "Help and Tips from Skype".

In the conversation window

Using Internet Explorer

In new versions

Before starting the setting, be sure to exit the program.

Important! After pressing the closing cross Skype folded in the tray. Therefore, you need to get out of the application, and not roll it.

After the changes made, the Skype window will receive a compact look and will be devoid of advertising banners. On video it is visible more clearly.


To disable advertising in Skype, prohibit the messenger access to some Microsoft servers. You can make it in the Hosts file. But in different versions of the program, the algorithm of action is different. Also disconnecting advertising is performed using Internet Explorer.