Who are the Archangels in Orthodoxy and what their purpose is. The names of the archangels and angels, their meaning in Christian culture

Who are the Archangels in Orthodoxy and what their purpose is. The names of the archangels and angels, their meaning in Christian culture

What you need to know about the archangels.


Archangel Mikhail (who is Yako God) was the first to rebel to Satan when he rebelled on God. After that, the sealing angel who retreated from the Lord was lowered from heaven. It is considered the Supreme Archangel, the patron saint of the heavenly military, archrest. It is depicted in a militant form, with a spear or sword in hand, having a dragon under the legs, that is, the spirit of the malice.


Archangel Gabriel (Power of God) opens the secret knowledge of the Creator: Shows the secrets of the coming prophet Daniel, brings the good news of the Virgin Mary and warns her about the close ending, he eats Zechariah about the birth of His Son - John the Baptist (for the disbelief Zechariah is paying a little).

On the icons, Archangel Gabriel is often depicted with a blooming paradise branch or Lily. Also there are images with a spherical mirror in hand, and sometimes with a candle inside the lamp. It is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis. Archangel Gabriel is one of the shield holders on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire.


Archangel Rafail (help and healing of God) - the archangel of mercy and helping the distress, Archangel of Mercy and Sermaty. Rafail is considered the patron of healers and all those who care about the weak world. That is why in the icons, it is traditionally depicted by a vessel (alavaster) holding in his left hand (alavaster) with medical remedies (medicine), and in the right pod, that is, an odorless bird feathers for anointing wounds.


Archangel Uriel (Light of God) is traditionally depicted with a sword in the desk, and in his left hand with a flame. As an angel of the world, he enlightens the minds of people with revelation of truths; As the angel of the fire of the Divine, he flammives the heart with love of God and destroys the unclean attachment of earthly. Uryal is considered the patron saint of science and any good knowledge. But you should not blind by the light scientific, do not forget about the fire of the Divine. Mind sickness, one Luba creates (1 Cor. 8, 1).


Salafiwa (servant of prayer) - Archangel, warming hearts for prayer, configuring to prayer and helps in it. The man is weak and supe, not just to reveal his heart. Archangel Salafiwa on icons is often depicted by praying, feeding both Christians an example of righteous prayer.


Archangel Egudiil (praise of God) is depicted in the right hand of the Children's Crown, and in the left - Beach of the three red Vervius. The case of this archangel with a host of his angels is the promotion of the award of the everlasting and defending the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ the people who are communicated to God's glory. Everything is done through work, and many cases are difficult to special and hard, but any good deal will be accomplished properly under the protection and patronage of this archangel. Good thing - feat. And the harder it is, the higher the award. That is why Egudiil is depicted with a crown - award for any honestly worker Christian.

What you need to know about the archangels.


Archangel Mikhail (who is Yako God) was the first to rebel to Satan when he rebelled on God. After that, the sealing angel who retreated from the Lord was lowered from heaven. It is considered the Supreme Archangel, the patron saint of the heavenly military, archrest. It is depicted in a militant form, with a spear or sword in hand, having a dragon under the legs, that is, the spirit of the malice.


Archangel Gabriel (Power of God) opens the secret knowledge of the Creator: Shows the secrets of the coming prophet Daniel, brings the good news of the Virgin Mary and warns her about the close ending, he eats Zechariah about the birth of His Son - John the Baptist (for the disbelief Zechariah is paying a little).

On the icons, Archangel Gabriel is often depicted with a blooming paradise branch or Lily. Also there are images with a spherical mirror in hand, and sometimes with a candle inside the lamp. It is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis. Archangel Gabriel is one of the shield holders on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire.


Archangel Rafail (help and healing of God) - the archangel of mercy and helping the distress, Archangel of Mercy and Sermaty. Rafail is considered the patron of healers and all those who care about the weak world. That is why in the icons, it is traditionally depicted by a vessel (alavaster) holding in his left hand (alavaster) with medical remedies (medicine), and in the right pod, that is, an odorless bird feathers for anointing wounds.


Archangel Uriel (Light of God) is traditionally depicted with a sword in the desk, and in his left hand with a flame. As an angel of the world, he enlightens the minds of people with revelation of truths; As the angel of the fire of the Divine, he flammives the heart with love of God and destroys the unclean attachment of earthly. Uryal is considered the patron saint of science and any good knowledge. But you should not blind by the light scientific, do not forget about the fire of the Divine. Mind sickness, one Luba creates (1 Cor. 8, 1).


Salafiwa (servant of prayer) - Archangel, warming hearts for prayer, configuring to prayer and helps in it. The man is weak and supe, not just to reveal his heart. Archangel Salafiwa on icons is often depicted by praying, feeding both Christians an example of righteous prayer.


Archangel Egudiil (praise of God) is depicted in the right hand of the Children's Crown, and in the left - Beach of the three red Vervius. The case of this archangel with a host of his angels is the promotion of the award of the everlasting and defending the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ the people who are communicated to God's glory. Everything is done through work, and many cases are difficult to special and hard, but any good deal will be accomplished properly under the protection and patronage of this archangel. Good thing - feat. And the harder it is, the higher the award. That is why Egudiil is depicted with a crown - award for any honestly worker Christian.

Some of the most famous mythological creatures in the entire Universe - Archangels. Their history originates in Christian culture, but there are much earlier mention of them in various scriptures. Who are the archangels and what their difference from simple angels can be found if you appeal to the original sources.

Archangels - what is this creature

Archangels are considered the highest form not only in Orthodoxy. They are more close to the Lord and are commander of the troops consisting of angels. They are much stronger and most powerful than ordinary God's creations. Each of them has 12 angels in his submission.

They help all people. It does not matter what religion a person confesses or professed. Since temporary and spatial restrictions on them do not affect, they may be near all people at the same time.

Archangels are those who open up various prophecies and help all people strengthen their faith. They contribute to the enlightenment of their mind with the light of knowledge from the Gospel, open the mystery of faith.

External features

As they look: Usually, the Archangels are depicted in Orthodoxy and other religions, as a humanoid being with wings, a nymb and weapon. This is a thicker energy of a certain order. They have the shape of the ball - the perfect figure, which has no end, nor began. It is able to manage both physical and non-physical worlds. These spherical energy clots have their own special features.

Number of archangels

In different religions and scriptures, a completely different number of archangels are mentioned: from 4 to 15, in some variations there are more. According to the most common Scriptures, the Archangels in Orthodoxy differ in a clear amount - they are 7, not counting another fallen:

  1. Uriel - he rules over the luminais and personifies the mental capabilities of people.
  2. Rafail - it is represented as the ruler of human thoughts and healer.
  3. Iehudiil - responsible for the punishment of the world of Lamps.
  4. Mikhail is the main of all Archangels, and not only in Orthodoxy, but also in other, religious beliefs.
  5. Salafiwa - owl over spirits.
  6. Gabriel - helps a person and protects the paradise gate.
  7. Varajil - watches the resurrection of the whole dead.
  8. Lucifer is the fallen, who had previously punished sinners and was considered the right hand of God. Now more famous as Satan, rising against the Lord.

The first to appear three, between which fraternal bonds were: Mikhail, Gabriel, Lucifer. Already after the remaining 5 archangels appeared, each of which has its own special purpose, strength and angels in submission.


He is the personification of all God's affairs. Archangel Mikhail became the first one who began an uprising against Lucifer, after his betrayal. As a result of the uprising, the apostate was defeated and expelled from Paradise. Mikhail is the head of the Lord's troops. He is subject to the angels of protection. Usually it is represented with weapons in hand, it may be a sword or spear, and in white clothes. At the end of the spear, the cross is always depicted. This means that everything should be done through humility and patience. In the legs of the Archangel depict an evil spirit in the form of a dragon. Michael:

  • helps people to overcome grief and evil;
  • protects the real faith;
  • fights with the wicked manifestations of actions and thoughts.

From Scripture it is known that Mikhail received a sacred mountain. With the help of it on the day of a terrible court, he will raise all the dead ever.


This archangel is the personification of the power of the Lord. He opens the knowledge of the Creator. According to Scripture, he opened the secrets of the Prophet Daniel, became the good newsself for the Virgin Mary, Zechariah. This archangel is usually depicted with a lily flower or a sprig of paradise, with golden curly hair. Sometimes in his hands depict a spherical mold mirror or a candle in the lamp. Usually the mirror is performed in white and black tones as a symbol of the combination of good and evil deeds of people. He is subordinate to the angels that lead people to the true path. The wings are folded behind his back, and his robe, like Dyakonov.

He brings people a good news about salvation, helps to forget about fears, return faith in sincere feelings.


The personification of God's healing. He helps everyone, especially the worst. Protects all weak and patronize doctors. It is depicted with medicine in hand and a specially retracted pen, which is used to heal wounds.

In submission of Raphail are angels that help people heal their bodily and mental wounds. Rafail helps all pious people who possess mercy.


Archangel Uriel is the light of the Lord. On icons in one hand, he is usually depicted flame, and in the other - sword. He gives a person true knowledge and strengthens the love of the Creator. It contributes to the destruction of earthly dirty attachments, cleans spiritually. Uriel is a patron saint of science, so it helps people in the knowledge of good knowledge, but reminds that only one science in life is not the limit to which the Divine Truth needs to be very important.

In subordination of Uriel there are angels of the world. They enlighten those who are under strong influence of darkness.


Archangel Salafiiwa - serves to help in prayer, helps a person, because people are fussy and weak, they are difficult for them to open their heart. It is depicted in the process of plea, as an example of a believer of real righteous prayers.

Salafille subordinate to those angels who are responsible for insight.


This Archangel is depicted with a golden crown and a scourge of red ropes in his hands. He rewards and encourages those people who work to glory to the Lord. All the good endeavors and cases are under the auspices of Iehudia. The harder the act, the higher the person will be awarded. The crown in the hands of the Archangel on icons is a symbol of award for everyone who is honest and hard to work, overcoming difficulties. Beach is a sign of weapons, which Archangel is painted with ill-wishers and enemies who want to prevent good actions. With it, he distilts laziness and unscrupulousness from man. So he punishes sinners and helps them clean the mind from sinful thoughts.

In submission from IEGUDIL there are angels carrying joy.


Varajil is depicted on icons in clothes with pink flowers. This is a symbol of blessing for good and good things, infinity sign. Archangel blesses the alarms and gives the force on their execution.


This is the fallen archangel, whom everyone knows for his fall. He decided to find freedom and raised the rebellion against the Lord, because of what was overthrown by God from heaven. Lucifer - Brother Mikhail and Gabriel. This fallen archangel was once known as an angel of death. All because he was responsible for the punishment of people who succumbed to sin. It was believed that he was the personal weapon of the Lord. In the Heavenly Court Lucifer held the position of the prosecutor.

Above his pride took over Lucifer, although initially the fallen archangel carried only the light and contributed to the prosperity of all things. In his hands, an incredible, immense power was found. Among all the archangels were not the main thing, they were all equal, respectively, their forces were also equal. But Lucifer realized how endless his ability, he could not stop himself and began to envy, he had a strong desire to become stronger than other archangels.

Fallen Archangel could not cope with the temptations emerged, caused the birth of the vices among people.

Initially, the name Lucifer marked "carrier light", but after the fall, he became known under a different name - Satan, that is, the opponent of a light, bearing evil and darkness.


Since the Archangels of God's creations, like people, they cannot be perfect, only the Lord, so they can also have temptations. They may give in spiritual impust and experience emotions. But still, the Archangels stand above people, so they are considered clean.

Among the nine angelic ranks, Archangels occupy the eighth place, entering the third hierarchy along with the beginning and actually angels. The word "" literally means ".

The Bible contains direct references to the archangels. One of them is in the first message of the Holy Apostle Paul to thesalonians. The apostle speaks of the coming second coming of Jesus Christ, which will happen "when the Archangel and Pipe of God". In the message of Judah, a concrete archangel is mentioned, named by name - Mikhail. The names of other Archangels does not call the Bible, but in the book of the Prophet Daniel about Archangel Mikhail, as a "one of the first princes", therefore, he is not the only archangel.

The main task of Archangelov is to prevent people about God, to transfer his prophecies. They help people know and assimilate the will of God and strengthen their faith.

The most famous of Archangelov - already mentioned Michael. It is called "ArchReart", i.e. The military armor is depicted in military armor, with a spear and a sword, and at his feet - defeated, personifying Satan - who rebuilt against God. Archangel Mikhail is considered a patron of warriors.

Another famous Archangel - Gabriel, a carrier of good news, which gives people hope. He explained the meaning of the visions sent by the Prophet God. The main prophecy, which heard Daniel from Gabriel, concerned the coming birthday of the Savior. Archangel reiterated this joyful event again, when it remained quite a bit of time - he was the Virgin Mary and said that it was she destined to become a Mother of God. This event is christians called the Annunciation.

Archangel Rafail is mentioned in the non-canonical book of Tovia and is known as a healer and comforter. It is he who heals from serious father's diseases and the bride of Tovia. On all images, Rafail usually holds a bowl in one hand, and in the other - the cropped bird feathers, which in the old days was used to lubricate wounds.

About Archangel Uryal is mentioned in the book of the Ezra. His name is translated as "Fire of God" or "Light of God", he seems to be an enlightener of lost souls and ignoramus, ignites the love of human hearts. Uriel is considered the patron saint of scientists.

In the third book, the Ezra refers to the Archangel Selaphil, whose "God". This archangel always prays God about people, and the people themselves encourages to pray. It was this archangel that Agari came, expelled Sarah to the desert along with her son Izmail. Praying in deep sadness, the unfortunate heard the voice of Archangel: "I heard your suffering of yours."

For legends and biblical texts, other archangels are also known. But what about any of them, there is always a hope for a person with their images, awareness of the fact that God will never give up his creation to the mercy of fate.

Angels and Archangels are closer to all the rest of the Divine Messengers to a person. Find out what they differ from among themselves, what functions perform and what place is occupied in the Heavenly Hierarchy.

In the article:

Angels and Archangels - Rod classes, hierarchy and differences

The holidays dedicated to Archangels are celebrated on November 21, or on November 9 - according to the old calendar. But he is dedicated not only to them, but all the obsolete celestial forces. This is the overall festival of guardian angels, archangels and other celestial assistants from God. November was chosen in no coincidence - this is the ninth month, and the ranks of Angels, as you know, too, nine.

Angel's day is considered the anniversary of baptism. The saint patron is given to a person who is after him, and therefore this date is the History of the Guardian Angel. Angel's Day is a spiritual man's birthday, his anniversary of his entry into the circle of baptized, righteous people.

Types of angels in different sources

There are types of angels who classify them not only by ranks and place in the height hierarchy. So, for example, the Old Testament indicates existence nephilimov - The descendants of the angels who have sinned with mortal women, for which they were expelled by God. The new covenant divides the angels on the saints and fallen. At the same time, it is customary to write from the capital letter, and the latter - with the line.

Angels exist in most world religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
In Judaism, there are seven angels, but only three names are named - Michael, Gabriel and Rafael. The rest of the angels are mentioned only in. Four of them are standing apart from the rest, guarding the four sides of the world. it Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Oriel.

Kabbalistic hierarchy of celestial forces closely related to the tree of ten Sefirot. and the system of five worlds. Through worlds and pagants, they help the Most High. The head of angels is Metatron - Higher Angel. In Christianity, there is, on this classification, their representatives differ in their mission and proximity to God. In Orthodoxy, Archangels are in the eighth place, and the angels are on the last, ninth.

It should be known that the images of the angels and archangels in the icons do not transmit their true appearance. All the heavenly patrons are inclusive, and the iconographic images conveys the idea, the general meaning of the occupation of a particular representative. There is a certain symbolism in the images of the celestial forces close to the people.