In which city, monuments of Princess Olga are installed. Pskov

In which city, monuments of Princess Olga are installed. Pskov
In which city, monuments of Princess Olga are installed. Pskov

During the celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the first mention of Pskov in the chronicles in the city, 2 monuments of Holy Equal-Apostle Princess Olga appeared at once: the first - not far from the Riga Hotel, in Riga Prospect, the other in the Children's Park, on October Square. The Russian Academy of Arts offered to local leadership in the city the sculpture of the Grand Prince Olga. So in Pskov there was the first monument made by the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. The creator presented the Great Princess as a harsh warrior. Olga's right hand rests on the sword, left - she holds on the shield. I liked this image not all, but Zurabovskaya Olga was completely fitted in the architecture of modern Pskov.

The second monument became the creation of the famous sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a monument announces not only the historical, but also spiritual, and in a sense, the pedigree continuity of the Orthodox religion in Russia. In this case, it was the faith that became the basis of the fortress of all Russian people, as well as the source of physical and spiritual power - for this reason, the Great Princess Olga guarded and at the same time blesses Prince Vladimir, who became the future ruler and the Baptist of all Russia; Prince Vladimir Pictured on Monument Holds an image of the Savior Face.

The height of the sculpture rises 4.5 meters - it is the same height that the complex cylindrical pedestal has the same height, which contains different kinds of reliefs with images of saints. Not far from the monument is a commemorative stone on which the names of citizens who donated cash to the emission of the monument are carved.

The Monument of Princess Olga and her grandson - the future of Prince Vladimir, as well as the twelve patrons of the city of Pskov reminds of those people who marked the beginning of the formation and development of Russian statehood, as well as those who gave the life of the Orthodox faith and persistently defended the freedom of the city of Pskov.

As you know, Olga was the wife of Kiev Prince Igor and Mother Prince Svyatoslav. Olga first of all the princely kind decided to adopt Christianity. Olga was born in letters, which is not far from Pskov. Olga heard from a simple kind. Prince Igor met the future princess during the hunt, turning attention to the extraordinary beauty of the girl who caring him to the other bank of the river. As soon as it came to marry, the prince immediately remembered Olga and suggested her to become his wife - so a little girl became one of the Russian princes.

In addition, it is known that Olga became the founder of the Trinity Cathedral. After the death of Prince Igor Olga, the management of Kyiv Rusy took over the management of Kiev and suppressed the famous raising of the Ridge. Olga The first in Russia installed a special tax system, divided Russian land on parish. On the territory of the Novgorod land, during the rule of Princess Olga, becoming both grains at the intersection of trade routes were created, which significantly strengthened the Kiev state from the north-west side. The famous Princess has always believed that the ruler not enough decisions to decisive only in favor of public life, but it is worth paying attention to the spiritual and religious life of the people. It is thanks to the efforts of Olga, the Pskov Fortress was largely strengthened. The name of the princess was immortalized in the Pskov Earth not only in topographic, but also geographical names - in her honor they called the embankment, a bridge and a newly restored chapel. Now active work is being conducted on the revival of the so-called Olginsky seats.

On the monument of the Great Equal-Apostles Princess Olga, images of the Pskov Saints were immortalized: Prince Vladimir, who ruled Novgorod, and from 980 and Kiev; Vsevolod-Gabriel - Son of the famous Prince Mstislav and grandson Vladimir Monomakh; Alexander Nevsky - Son of Prince Yaroslav and Lights of Vladimir Monomakh; Prince Dovmont-Timofey, who took place from the genus of Lithuanian princes and fled from Lithuania to Pskov; Martha Pskov - Rev. Princess, who was a daughter Dmitry Alexandrovich and his granddaughter Alexander Nevsky, as well as the wife of Prince Dovmont-Timofey; Vassa Pskov-Pecherskaya - the spouse of the first founder of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery, namely John the Shestnik; Cornilius Pskov-Pechersky - Igumen of the monastery of the same name; Nikandra-deserted - Rev. Nikon, settled in the desert near a small river and leading hermit life; Nikolai Salos - more famous for St. Mikula; Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna - Holy Martyr Rod from the German city Darmstadt; Saint Tikhon - Moscow Patriarch; Metropolitan of Veniamin or Vasily Pavlovich Kazansky, born in the family of a priest in 1874.

The monument to Knygin Olga, established on the Mikhailovskaya Square of Kiev, is a whole sculptural composition that is the sculpture of the princess itself, as well as the fees of the enlighteners of the Slavic peoples of Cyril and Methodius, located near the monument to the apostle Andrei First-Called, which by legend predicted the construction of Kiev at the Dnieper Hills.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of this monument appeared in 1909, at the same time the place was consecrated where he had to be placed. In the creation of the monument, several sculptors took part in the creation, although the Winner of the competition was the sculptor F. Balansky (his idea was subsequently canceled). For example, a group of masters led by the sculptor Ivan Kavaleridze worked on the central figure of Princess, and the figure of the Apostle created the Cavaleridze classmate P.Snkin. The whole composition was made of material - concrete at that time. The only thing that sculptors could not make is the planned burners on which the acts of Princess Olga should have been depicted. The reason for the failure is simple - it was simply impossible to perform them from the concrete. Therefore, limited to the signs installed on the pedestal.

The celebration in honor of the opening of the monument was more than modest, since at the same time the Prime Minister Peter Stolypin was died in the Kiev hospital.

Unfortunately, the monument existed not so long. Already in 1919, during the Civil War, the statue of Princess Olga was thrown off the pedestal, split in half and buried under the monument. However, on this in the country of the winning atheism, they did not stop and in 1923 dismantled the rest of the monument, after the Square in 1926 at this place. Only in the 90s work was carried out to restore the monument, this time from marble and granite.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Klykov, architect - Stanislav Yuliyevich bit, chief architect of Pskov city.

A white pedestal of 4 meters high 20 centimeters is a bas-relief, on which images of the twelve of the most famous Pskov saints are carved.

The same height is a statue of princess Olga holding a cross in hand.

Both the princess look and the cross are directed towards the Pskov Kremlin, the Holy Trinity Cathedral - the heart of our ancient city. Olga became the founder of the Trinity Cathedral. She, as if blesses the ancient city, which has grown it and sent it to the distant Kiev-Grad, in the wives of the prince Igor.

Olga first of all the princely kind decided to adopt Christianity. After the death of Prince Igor Olga, the management of Kyiv Rusy took over the management of Kiev and suppressed the famous raising of the Ridge.

Next to the princess - a boy with an icon in his hand - Prince Vladimir - grandson of Olga, Krestny Russia. On the monument, Prince Vladimir holds an image of the Savior Faist in his hands.

As for the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe monument, then in this monument, the author wanted to reflect the generic continuity and approval of the Orthodox faith in Russia. Therefore, at the pedestal of Princess Olga blesses and at the same time protects Prince Vladimir-Future the Baptist of Russia, holding an icon in his hands. Decades will be held before the boy becomes a prince and husband, and will bring the Orthodox faith to Russia, united all the lands and all the peoples of the principality.

Memorial sign in honor of the 1100th anniversary of the first mention of Pskov in the chronicle. Photo June 2015

July 23, a little later noon, when the sun became in Zenit, the Archbishop of Pskovsky and Velikoluksky Eusevei consecrated the statue, congratulating all Pskovichi with this event. And after the official and solemn speeches, the townspeople laid live flowers to the foot of the monument. In gratitude to the great-grandfather for the merger of Russia. For faith Christian, which she chose for our land. Or simply in memory of the spiritual, moving from generation to generation.

The Monument of Princess Olga and her grandson - the future of Prince Vladimir, as well as the twelve patrons of the city of Pskov reminds of those people who marked the beginning of the formation and development of Russian statehood, as well as those who gave the life of the Orthodox faith and persistently defended the freedom of the city of Pskov.

The first character is Blessed Nikolai Pskovsky. Saint Nicholas lived in Pskov in the XVI century. Pskovichi called him Mikula (Mikola, Nikola) Salos, that translated from Greek means "Blessed, Yurody". Also, he was called Mikula holy, while he was honored as saint.

For more than thirty years, he made a feat of observation - voluntary, imaginary madness, thus avoiding the true madness of the world, mired in passions and vices. In winter and in the summer, he walked in a dark dress, almost naked, carrying with patience and strongest frosts, and excessive heat.

According to the local legend, Blessed Nikolai lived near the Trinity Cathedral of Pskov, in the cell at the Country Bell Tower.

For an externally insane acts, meaningless words, Blessed Nikolai hid his spiritual wealth and inner proximity to God. Blessed was awarded from God the gift of the wirals and prophecies.

At the Cathedral Square of the Pskov Kremlin, obviously, there were those events that Nicholas glorified as an intercession for Pskov from John IV.

In 1569, oprichny troops, led by the king of John Grozny, spoke in the direction of Novgorod. The temples and monasteries of the city, shrines and values \u200b\u200bwere taken to the monstrous plunder. Okrichniki robbed and killed Novgorod, tortured and executed laity and spiritual, women and children. The number of tortured was from five hundred and thousands of people daily. Killed and alive thrown into non-freezing winter worshi. The beating of Novgorod lasted more than a month.

Defeating Novgorod, the king moved to Pskov. In February 1570, on Saturday of the first week of the Great Post, the king stopped under Pskov, in the Nikolsky monastery in Lyubitov.

The bell ringing to Sunday Sailing softened the heart of John Grozny. As evidenced by the inscription on the miraculous Lyubovsky icon of the Mother of God, the king ordered his warriors to fit swords and do not hold on to murder.

On Sunday morning, the king with the army entered the city. On the advice of the Blessed Nikolai, the streets of the city before each house there were tables with bread and salt, and when John Grozny walked around the city, all residents with wives and children were kneeling. And only one person without fear met Grozny.

Blessed Nikolai ran out to meet the king riding on the stick, as if jumping on the horse, how they do, children, and shouted the king: "Ivanushko, attemp her salts,
And not christian blood. " The king ordered to catch the whistle, but he disappeared.

Forbidding the murder, John Grozny, however, had the intention to rob the city. In addition, according to the testimony of some sources, the murders still began.

The king entered the Trinity Cathedral, listened to Prayers, bowed to the recents of Prince Vsevolod-Gabriel. After John Grozny went to the blissful Nikolay, wanting to receive his blessing. And again the king heard the strange words of whitewash: "Do not touch us, passerby; Not on what you will and run ... "At the same time, the bliss offered the king a piece of raw meat. "I am a Christian and in the post of meat we eat," said surprised terrible. Blessed Nikolay objected: "You do worse: eat the flesh and the blood of human, forgetting not only the post, but also the Lord God."

Blessed toned king to stop murders and not ruin temples. John Grozny did not obey and ordered to remove the bell from the Trinity Cathedral, and in the same hour, according to the prophecy of the saint, the best touch of the king fell. When they said about this king, he came to horror. The prayer and the word of Blessed Nicholas awakened the conscience of John Grozny, the king fled from Pskov.

One day, when the Rev. Nikandander visited Pskov, after a 12-year-old privacy, and returned after the liturgy from the Epiphany Temple, Blessed Nikolai took his hand and predicted disasters who had undergone his holy in his life. After the death of Blessed Nicholas, grateful Pskovs buried his body in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main temple of the city saved by him.

In 1581, under the siege of Pskov, the siege of the Mother of God was the phenomenon of the Mother of God with the bed of saints, among them, among them, was also the Blessed Nikolai.

The next character of the cultural composition of the monument to the Rev. Vassa Pskovo-Pechora. The ideal of female spiritual beauty, ascending to the image of the Mother of God, - with his deep piety, Bogolye, humility in the janitor, originated in Russia together with the adoption of the Christian faith.

The life path of the reverend mother of our vass is closely connected with the feat of the Reverend Ions, until he is tested - the priest John, her spouse. All those deprivation and suffering that he had on his thorny path was and her flour.

Rev. Vassa was full of selflessness in the name of love for her husband, children and neighbor. But her above was love to the Lord.

Our Vassa mother, in any danger, fearless, bad, in the works and love of a tireless, in the sufferings disgraceful, lived on the word of the apostle: "Yes, there will be a delicate man with an unprecedented beauty." Such a man was a spirit and heart was a presence Vassa.

All her life belonged to her husband, the minister of the throne of the Lord. The priest John, taking his wife and children - two sons - came to the "God of the Zodanaya Cave." Leaving the family in the village of Puchkovka, near the caves, Ivan Dementieva, began to dig a church to the west of the cave in Mount.

From the chronicles, we learn that his wife, Mother Maria and Heat, sinking without tired in the fossi of the temple, the country and his children work into the glory of God. After some time, Mother Mary sicks and takes the monastic stop with the name of Vassa.

This wife was, in the chronicles, the first person in the history of the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery, who accepted in it a monastic image.

Around 1473, Inokine Vassa died. She was buried in the god of the god cave. The next night, the coffin was put out of the ground with some invisible force. John and the spiritual father of Vassa, thinking that they missed something in the tombstone singing, committed over deceased singing for the second time and, after the permitting prayer, again lowered it in the same grave. But through the night, the coffin of Vassa again found himself at the top of the grave.

After that, John left the coffin of her already uncomfortable and put it on the left side, at the entrance to the cave, the fossil in the wall just necessary for her container.

There is a legend about the special storage of the Lord of the Saints of the Mother of Vassa. During one of the attacks of the Livonians on the Pskovo-Pechersk Resident, the knight daring daring to desecrate the holy
tomb with relics Rev.. He tried to open the coffin cover with a sword, but was suddenly pressed from the inside the divine flame. On the right side of the coffin, a trail of a flame remained, fragrant and excessive fragrance for this time.

Reverend Mother Our Vassy has made a heavenly panery along with the Rev. Mark deserted. The adoption of monasses was only the end of the Holy Holy Life. She was not a majority of life, she was a loving mother, loyal and caring wife, pious, meek, hardworking. Laily in the world, she lived in Angelic, her heart was not involved in the evil.

Saints Rev. Ion and Vassa - patrons of married.

And today, as before, we find in it "a sad comforter, sick of the visitor and in troubles, an ambulance assistant, coming to her with the faith, who looks at all healing."

With the faith and hope-resorting to honest remains of Rev. Vassa receive healing and instructions to the faithful way of salvation, especially women Christian women seeking a pious life in Christ and in need of intercession and the inspection.

Another character is the holy burgher prince Vsevolod-Gabriel Pskovsky. Holy Prince Vsevolod-Gabriel is revered as a patron and defender of the city of Pskov. In antiquity, as the chronicle tells, Pskovichi began the battle and defeated the "Prayer of the Prayer Prince Vsevolod".

What connects the Grand Duke with Pskov, what to explain the special love of Pskovich specifically? Prince Vsevolod, in the Holy Baptism of Gabriel, was the son of Mstislav, Vladimir Monomakh's grandson.

Almost his whole life was held in Novgorod, where the father was rejected. Here he spent his childhood, he studied the wise management, made the first trips. Here he reigned for twenty years. During this time, Vsevolod-Gabriel did a lot for the city. With his name, the construction of many churches is connected, among which the temple in the name of St. John the Forerunner and the Cathedral in the name of the Great Martyr George in the Yuriev Monastery. The prince also grade preferential diplomas of the Sofia Cathedral and some other temples.

In 1132 (by the death of the Grand Duke Mstislava) Uncle Vsevolod, Kiev Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich, translated him to Pereyaslav South, who was considered the city senior after Kiev. But the younger sons of Monomakh, fearing that Yaropolk will make a nephew with his heir, opposed the Vsevolod. Avoiding bloodshed, the Holy Prince returned to Novgorod. But residents of the city accepted him with displeasure. They believed that the prince was "fed" them and should not leave them.

In an effort to restore good relations, Vsevolod in 1133 took a successful trip to Yuriev. But in 1135, Novgorod, against his will, made a campaign in Suzdal and Rostov and were defeated, guilt for which they laid on Vsevolod.

The convened evening decided to invite to the reign of another prince, and the Holy Vsevolod condemned the exile. One and a half of the month of prince with his family, as a criminal, were kept in custody, and then, "Pustice from the city ...".

Vsevolod went to Kiev, where Uncle Yaropolk gives him a Vyshgorod parish near Kiev. Here in the X century Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Russian Olga lived. She defended his unjustly offended descendant: in 1137, the residents of Pskov called him to pronounce in the Pskov land - the Motherland of St. Olga.

Thus, sv. Vsevolod became the first Pskov Prince, elected by the will of Pskovi themselves. Here they accepted him with a great celebration. The people led by the clergy came out towards the prince with crosses, icons and bell ringing. Universal joy was indescribable.

St. Vsevolod cried in Pskov only one year. But left in the hearts of his inhabitants a good memory of himself, and in the city - the stone temple laid in the name of St. Trinity. On February 11, 1138, he died, having lived 46 years old.

The whole city gathered on the funeral of his beloved prince, there was no hear of church singing from popular crying.

Novgorod residents, who came to know, asked for permission to take his holy body and transfer to Novgorod. But they could not move cancer. Gorky then cried Novgorod, repeated in ungratefulness, and prayed to give it to them at least a small particle of the Holy Gruce "for adoption of hail." And by their prayers disappeared from the Holy Hand.

The body of the prince of Vsevolod was put on Pskovs in the church of the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry Solunsky. November 27, 1192 were acquired and postponed to the Trinity Cathedral honest power of St. Prince, where they are revered in now.

Much time has passed since. Much changed since then in Nice Pskov. But the deep spiritual connection of the city of Holy Equal-Apostles Olga was never disturbed with a holy prince: he was forever remained a Pskov Wonderworker. Thanks to his heavenly intercession of Pskov, Mrogazda exposed in the fight against the enemy. So, in the siege of the city of Stefanam Battoore in 1581, when the fortress wall was already destroyed, the holy icons and relics of Prince Vsevolod were brought from the Trinity Cathedral with a cross move, and the Poles retreated.

The faithful prince Vsevolod Pskovsky pray for compassion to the beggar, about the intercession of widows and orphans, for help in poverty and needs.

St. Tikhon Patriarch Moscow and All Russia is another character of the composition of the monument.

Saint Tikhon (in the world of Vasily Ivanovich Belavin), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, was born on January 19, 1865 in the wedge of the Pskov region in the priest's family.

He studied first in the spiritual and educational institutions of the Pskov Diocese, and then at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

For special gentle seriousness, goodwill, calm dignity and composure of comrades called him "Patriarch," without suspecting that Belarus was destined to Belavin, and actually become a patriarch.

Patriarch Tikhon was always an extremely energetic, tireless church civilian. He had to serve him in Poland, in America - as a bishop of Aleutsky and Alaskan, in Vilnius (Vilnius).

In the most difficult conditions, the patriarch did everything possible to strengthen the church and managed to spend it through the storms. He saw the cause of disaster in sin ("sin crushed our land") and called for: "Clean the hearts with our repentance and prayer."

Patriarch was called the prayerhouse of the people, the old man of All Russia, celebrated his wide charity. For all the doors of his house, and his heart were opened to him. "It was really holiness, mastering in his simplicity," those who knew him closely talked about him.

In the last year of life, Saint Tikhon was seriously ill, he served only on Sundays and holidays. "Follow Christ! Do not change it. Do not learn temptation, do not ruin in the blood of ignition and your soul. Do not be defeated by evil. Win evil good. " Christ is love and kindle to enemies - the last preaching of the Patriarch.

On April 5, 1925, he made the last liturgy in the temple a large ascension. He died on April 7, for the celebration of the Annunciation, with the words: "Glory to you, God, glory to you, God, glory to you, God." Patriarch was buried in the Small Cathedral of the Moscow Don Monastery. In 1989, ranked saints.

The next character of the cultural composition of the Presovka Cornilius Pskovo-Pechora.

Born in 1501 in Pskov in a boyars family. His parents, Stefan and Mary, brought up the Son in piety and fear of God. Already at an early age, the mother noticed a special tendency to spiritual life at the Honor of Cornilius, taught him prayer and instilled love for wanderers.

To give her son Education, parents gave it to the Pskov Mozoan Monastery. There, under the leadership of the elders, he agreed in piety, led by a diploma, icon painting and many other handicrafts.

With a special care, he was prepared for the Scriptures of the icons, following the post before this, prayed to the Most Holy Vladychitsa about the blessing of his work. While working on the icon kept a special purity, creating in the soul incessant prayer.

Having finished learning, Holy Cornilius returned to the parental house. Staying in the Holy Resident Avenue further approved his calling to the monochiest life. Once sovereigns of Dek Mysyrius Munekhin, the person enlightened and pious, friend of the Family of St. Cornelius, was going to go to the little Pechora's hung among the forests and took a young root with him.

The beauty of nature, the quiet monastic service in the cave church was filled with a heart of the young man with spiritual joy and awe. Never and now he was still so hotly prayed. This trip had a great impact not his subsequent life. Soon he left the parental home forever and accepted the lead in the Pskovo-Pechora monastery. There, Rev. Cornilius led a strict life: I slept on the scales on the boards, all his time devoted useful work and prayer.

In 1529, Reverend Cornelius, who served as a sample of life-life, was elected by Igumen. In his case, the number of brethren increased from 15 to 200 people. Getting up with the sunrise, the reverend himself of the rules of service and gave all the strength of the work, inspiring the brachia to fulfill the charter, a strict post, prayer, recalling the feat of the first Christians.

His life was a model of active love for God and man. He distributed Orthodoxy among residents of surrounding seats and sets, many of which were baptized in the monastery.

Rev. Cornilius is always meek and friendly, silently listened to people, gave instructions, and then blessed with prayer and love. With the sound of his voice, the heart opened, shame was ejected. After repentance, people cried facilitating the soul with tears.

Once on the Pskov region was a marine tetree. People fled from the villages in the forest, the approaches to the cities closed to protect the inhabitants from the seaside ulcers. Many died not only from infection, but also from hunger. On the blessing of St. Cornelius, at that terrible time, the monastery of the monastery went to hungry to distribute them a boiled rye. During the Livonian War, Reverend Cornilius preached Christianity in the liberated cities, built there temples, helped the victims, cared for the wounded. In the abode buried the dead and recorded them in the synodics to commemorate.

In 1560, on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Reverend Cornilius sent to the blessing to Russian troops, besieged the city of Fellin, prosfora and holy water. On the same day, the Germans passed the city.

The works of Hegumen Cornilius was arranged around the monastery a stone fence with the fortress towers and three fortified gates. The abode became an impregnable fortress. During his management of the monastery, Rev. Cornilius established the monastery of the icon-painted workshop. The monastery also had carpentry, blacksmith, ceramic and other shopping workshops.

In the middle of the XVI century, the chronicle of the ancient Pskov was conducted in the monastery and the library was collected for those times. Reverend was written "The Tale of the Beginning of the Pechora Monastery" and one of the Pskov chronicles.

Monastic legends keep the memory of the death of her great hegumen. False accused of envious in front of John Grozny in relations with the Lithuanian principality, Rev. Corganius on February 20, 1570 accepted the martyrdom.

When Korniliy went to the gate the monastery with a cross towards the gates, he headed his head his head, but immediately repented and, having raised the body of Hegumen, in his hands he was in his monastery. The path for which Ivan Grozny walked, carrying the Assumption Temple of the Killed, since then is called "bloody."

Hegumen Cornilius was buried in the walls of the cave, where he stayed 120 years. In 1690, his non-reinforcements were transferred to the Assumption Cathedral.

The next saint Alexander Nevsky saved Pskov during the invasion of the Crusaders. In 1240, Pskov in the first and last time during the Middle Ages was busy with enemies. And it was here that the main blows of Livonian knights were sent.

Prince Alexander Nevsky liberated Pskov from the German knights in the winter of 1242. On April 5, 1242, the united Russian army under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky won on the Ice of the Lake Church. After this victory, Alexander Nevsky gave Pskovich's stern order: "If someone from my loved ones comes running to you from captivity, or in the mountain, or just give you to live, and you do not mind it, or do not accept it, then name the second liquid . Later, Pskovichi has shown their hospitality, to cover in their walls of the pursued grandson Alexander Nevsky.

Rev. Evphrosin Pskovsky is the next holy. In the world of Eleazar, it was born around 1386 in the village of Kondeeble, near Pskov, from the same village was a family and reverend Nikandra Pskovsky. Parents wanted Eleazar to marry, but he secretly went to the Snovezhorsky monastery and accepted him there.

Around 1425, in search of a deeper concentration in prayer, Rev. Euphrosin, with the blessing of the abbot, settled in lonely Kelly on the Tweava River, not far from Pskov. But the concern for the salvation of the neighbor forced his deserted deserted, and he began to take all who needed an experienced old man - a mentor. Rev. Evphrosin who came to him blessed to live on the Skit Charter, compiled by him.

The charter of Rev. Euphrosin is a general instrument of inkom on a worthy passing of the monastic path - "Kako is inhibited by the ink of the arrival." It does not contain a strict routine of the entire life of the monastery, as, for example, the charter of St. Joseph Volotsky; The liturgical part in it is not at all.

In 1447, at the request of Brahth, the Monk arranged the temple in honor of the three saint - Vasily of the Great, Grigory Theologian and John of Zlatoust, who were awarded their phenomenon, and in honor of the Reverend onufria of the Great.

The abode subsequently received the name of Spaso-Elyazarovskaya.

According to humility and from the love for a secluded feat, the reverend did not accept the title of Hegumen and, providing insistent with his student to Rev. Ignatia, lived in the forest near the lake.

At his tomb on the command of the Novgorod Archbishop Gennady, an image was raised, written in the life of his pupil Ignatius since his student, and the testament of refreshments on the parchment of Parchment, fastened by the lead seal of the Novgorod Archbishop of the Ferofila. This is one of the very few spiritual wills written by mobile devotees.

Rev. Evphrosin, the head of Pskov deserted, asked many of the glorious students, who also created monasteries and carried the gracious seeds of mobility throughout the Pskov land.

Martyrs - those Christians who for faith in Jesus Christ took cruel torment and even death. They cry and grieve not for themselves, but about the terrible state of tormentors, pray for their healing and the insight.

The priests are those who accepted death in the Sacred San. One of them is the saint Veniamin.

He was born in 1873 in the family of a rural priest by Olonets Diocese. In the Holy Baptism received the name of Vasily. As a child, he loved to read the lives of saints, sorry that he himself lives in such a quiet time, when there is no possibility to suffer for Christ.

After graduating from the Native Diocese, the spiritual seminary, Vasily Kazansky enters the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. At this time, she fastened the determination of his whole life to devote to the ministry of the Church of Christ. And at 22, he takes monastic tonsure in the name of Veniamin.

Already at 29, he was dedicated to San Archimandrite. Another 8 years (January 24, 1910), Archimandrite Veniamin was dedicated to the Bishop of Gdovsky.

From this day began the zealous and sacrificial bishop "obedience to the glory of God" of St. Church of Christ Benjamin. Like a shepherd, the Good Lord Veniamin always found the way to the hearts of a simple Luda, with a teenage called him "our Batyushka Veniamin".

He was sincerely loved by the people of God. The Vladyka was often seen in the poorest neighborhood, where he was in a hurry in the first call of the needy. Even the innerians brcked in front of the purity and mildness of his bright soul and walked to him for advice.

In 44, Archbishop Veniamin becomes Metropolitan. He loved church services. He often performed worship in various temples. His services have always been particularly grateful.

Once the fire went to the holy bowl. As the old man of Sampon (Siversa) recalls: "The huge spider of fire has rotated, rotated over the bowl - and in the bowl!". Soon, Metropolitan Veniamin was appointed Sacredarchimandrite Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

With the wisdom of spiritual and everyday managed by the clergy. He carefully guarded the true monastic covenants. Thanks to his attention, the whole laurea acquired some kind of special, bright, dying mood. Vladyka Veniamin himself possessed a gift of tears. And constantly cleared his conscience to the confession of his thoughts.

But not long was destined to last this pious time. Soon the king was forced to renounce the Russian throne, and people came to power, completely alien to the interests of the Russian Orthodox Church. For Russia, all the people, and together with him, for Metropolitan Veniamine, it was difficult, the time of suffering and torment for faith in Christ was occurring.

Vladyka urged his flock to maintain a good Christian mood in the experienced test for all heavier. For it is said: "Win evil good!". He himself was a vivid example of this. His gospel's simple and sublime soul easily walked over the political passions and discords somewhere at the bottom. He still remained a bit of troubles, implants and experiences of his people, helping everyone who could and as he knew. But, as well as Jesus suffered from the envy of his student, and the saint Veniamin suffered from human ungratefulness.

In the last years of his life, he survived almost everything: prison, court, public surning, sales and impermanence of people. But neither a moment did not doubt the Vladyka in the fact that it is better to shed her blood and acknowledged a martyr's crown than to betray his Orthodox. He never forgotten the words of the Savior: "Buddes are faithful to death and the ladies of the belonging of the belly ...".

On the night of August 13, 1922, Metropolitan Veniamin and three more people devoted to him were shot in several versts from Petrograd.

Required information about the last minutes of the Lord's life. He went to death calmly, whispering prayer quietly and peeling. Seven times shot him and could not do anything. Then the shotger wrecked:

Daja, Pray, I was angry in you shoot!

Our God is blessed, always, now and is confronted and forever. Amen.

- Pronuncated Vladyka and blessed them.

The eighth shot broke the life of the Saint Veniamine for 49.

At the fraternal cemetery, Alexander-Nevsky Lavra will be erected by a cross over a symbolic grave. The body of the martyr of Veniamine lies in a nameless grave. The bright soul reckles him with all the saints in the light of God. As bright stars shine, Saint Veniamin shine and with him all the suggestions of our new homeworkers in the sky of the spiritual and the rays will illuminate them and warm our souls. We are from the depths of our believing hearts to them: "Saint Father Veniamina, Father Sergie and Saints, Jury and John, Novomartica Russia, the prayer of God about us."

The next character Prince Dovmont. He fled from Lithuanian lands together with his family, was adopted in Pskov.

In Pskov, he reigned from 1266 to 1299. The prince became famous for victories in battles with the Livonian Order, the strengthening of Orthodox faith, with its moral qualities.

Under the prince of Dovmont, part of the city was charged with a fortress wall (Dovmontov city).

When baptism, Timofey was received by the Orthodox name. His relics are in the Trinity Cathedral.

Another character of the cultural composition of the monument to the Monuarter of Elizabeth. She was born in 1864, was the sister of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Elderly, Elizabeth attended the Pskov Earth and gave Pskov.

In 1812, she was arrested and dropped alive into the mine near Alapaevsky.

In 1992, ranked in the face of Saints Russia. Particle of her holy relics is located in the temple of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

After the death of her husband, she accepted the monastic stop and accepted the name of Martha.

In the Mirozhsky monastery on the icon of the "sign of the Mother of God" from the sides of the mother-in-law are depicted by the prince of Dovmont and his wife Maria.

Rev. Marfa is buried in the Joanov Monastery of the city of Pskov.

The next character of the grandson of Princess Olga, the son of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich and his key to Slave Malushi Vladimir Svyatoslavich. He was born in the village of Budnik of the Pskov region.

In 969, Vladimir became Prince in Novgorod. He strengthened the ancient Russian state by hikes on Vyatichi, Lithuanians, Radmich, Bulgarians. Successful struggle against Pechenegs led to the idealization of the individual and the prince of Vladimir.

In the National Epos, Vladimir Svyatoslavich received the name of Vladimir Red Sunny.

Vladimir was Covaren. At first, he decided to turn the people's pagan beliefs to the state religion, but then in 988 he replaced the paganism Christianity, which he accepted from Byzantium after the seizure of the Greek Colony of Chersonesos and marriage on the sister of the Byzantine Emperor Anne.

Equalizable Princess Olga

The latter and most significant figure of the cultural composition of the monument is equivalent to the Poshinny Princess Olga.

Princess Olga was born in 890 in the grooves of the Pskov region. She was the great princess Kiev, the wife of Prince Igor.

After the murder of her husband, she brutally suppressed their uprising.

In 945-947 G. Established the dimensions of the dance for the Drevlyan and Novgorod residents, organized administrative centers-grades.

Olga significantly expanded the land owners of the Kiev Grand Justice House. By the way, at wishes the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built.

There is even a legend that Olga saw how three rays shine from the sky and cross in one place, this is the place and was taken under the construction of a cathedral, which is still worth it, being invaluable for every Pskovich.

In 957, Olga visited Constantinople and accepted Christianity there, her Christian name Elena. She is rules by the state in the years of the youngsters of his son Svyatoslav Igorevich and later, during his campaigns. In 968, she led the protection of Kiev from Pechenegs.

Monument to Princess Olga (Pskov, Russia) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Olga Pskovwistani's identity put an indelible imprint for the centuries of Russian history. With his mind and the perception of the versa, the carrier so struck the prince of Igor, which became his wife, brutally dismissed for the death of her husband, kept a violent squad, wisely the rules of the country, raised the Son - the Great Communion of Svyatoslav and inflicted the official visit to Constantinople, where Christianity accepted. Pskovites very much respect their shallow, her name was called the bridge and the embankment, recently revived the Olginsky chapel. The monument to the Great Government was established in 2008 in memory of the 1100th anniversary of the foundation of Pskov near the Church of Vasily on the hill.

On a high white pedestal, surrounded by bas-reliefs of 12 Pskov saints, the figure of a woman with a lump over his head rushes. She looks toward the Holy Trinity Cathedral. In his right hand, she holds the cross, the left as blesses the boy who pressed her feet to her legs, who presses to the breast the image of the deceased. Years will be held, and this child will be the great Vladimir Baptist.

At the pedestal, cast board with a laconic inscription: "Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga". The authors of the monument - the sculptor V. M. Klykov and the architect S. Yu. Bitte.

Practical information

Address: Pskov, Children's Park.

How to get there: on buses Nos. 3, 4, 5, 11, 14 to Ost. "Children's Park".

Pskov. Monument to Princess Olga Sculptor Zurab Tsereteli nathalie_Zh. Wrote in July 24th, 2018

On July 24, the day of the memory of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga, which, as is known, is the Heavenly patroness of Pskov. So my today's publication will be related to its name.

If you suddenly forgot, then I will remind you that in Pskov there are two monuments by Princess Olga. Both were installed in Pskov in July 2003, when the 1100th anniversary of the first mention of Pskov was noted in Russian chronicles. About one of these monuments, the author of which is Vyacheslav Klykov (1939-2006), I told exactly a year ago. Well, today there will be a continuation of the topic - a small post about the second monument to Princess Olga - works by Zurab Tsereteli.

But I'll bend, as well as two monuments of Princess Olga appeared in Pskov.

And the fact is that until 2003 in Pskov there was not a single monument to Olga. This can be considered a fact as amazing, for it was the impact of centuries in Pskov a deeply revered personality. Well, in Soviet times it is understandable. No one would put a monument to the "First Christian in Russia". But this did not happen before, in the royal times. Although this idea and Vitala in the air.

In the post-Soviet times, this topic in Pskov began to periodically rise, but everything depended at the level of good wishes. However, when the city in the 2000th year began to prepare for the celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the first mention of Pskov in Russian chronicles, then the discussion about the need to install the monument to Princess Olga, which, among other things, is considered the founder of Pskov, broke out with a new force. After all, the approaching anniversary could be a good reason, the impetus for the implementation of such a non-lung (for the city budget) of the case as creating and installing the monument. In principle, practically the way it turned out. And to the great financial relief of the city authorities, even the creative competition did not have to spend, because at once two mast sculptors - Vyacheslav Klykov and Zurab Tsereteli wanted to give the city a monument to Olga. Each one, of course. And at first it seemed to be assumed that one of them would be selected. But then it was decided to pick up both. Who refuses from such gifts? (Moreover, two monuments are Lenin in Pskov, and what Olga is worse?)

The monument of Olga work of the Tsereteli was opened first. This happened on July 22, 2003 in the square next to the Riga Hotel. The author presented the Great Princess as a harsh warrior. On a concrete basis, a granite pedestal is installed and a monument to the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga in armor with a sword and shield. And it seems that it is believed that by depicting Olga in this image, Tsereteli illustrated the quotation from the lives of Holy Equal-Apostolic Princess Olga: "... and managed the princess Olga subject to her regions of Russian land not as a woman, but as a strong and reasonable husband, firmly holding power in his hands and courageously defending his enemies. And she was for the last terrible ..."

Olga sculpture stands on a three-meter granite pedestal. The bronze monument was cast in the "Foundry Dvor" workshop in St. Petersburg. The height of the monument with a pedestal is 6.7 meters.

The manufacture of pedestal and landscaping of the adjacent territory financed the regional administration, and the sculpture, as I said, became the gratuitous gift of the author to the 1100th anniversary of the first mention of Pskov in the annals.

The monument to Olga V. Klykova was opened the next day - July 23, 2003. All expenses on its installation and improvement of the terrain, took the city authorities. Let me remind you that I can read about this monument