What happened to his wife Peter Leshchenko. Leshchenko Petr Konstantinovich, biography, history of life, creativity, writers, zhzl

What happened to his wife Peter Leshchenko. Leshchenko Petr Konstantinovich, biography, history of life, creativity, writers, zhzl
What happened to his wife Peter Leshchenko. Leshchenko Petr Konstantinovich, biography, history of life, creativity, writers, zhzl

Leshchenko Peter Konstantinovich
Born: 2 (14) June 1898
Died: July 16, 1954 (56 years old)


Petr Konstantinovich Leshchenko - Russian Romanian pop singer, performer of folk and characteristic dances, restaurateur.

Birth, study, participation in the First World War (1898-1918)

Leshchenko was born in the village of Isaevo Kherson province (now Nikolaev district, Odessa region). Mother gave birth to him out of marriage. In the metric book of the district archive there is an entry: "Leshchenkov Maria Kalinovna, the daughter of the retired soldier gave birth to the son of Peter 02.06.1898." The baptism of Peter was 03.07.1898, in the future, the Date of Baptism appeared in the documents of Peter Leschenko - July 3, 1898. In the column "Father" record: "illegitimate". Mercenary: nobleman Alexander Ivanovich Krivosheev and the nobleman Katerina Yakovlevna Orlova. Peter's mother had an absolute musical hearing, knew a lot of folk songs and sang well that she had a proper influence on the formation of Peter's personality, which from early childhood also discovered uncomfortable musical abilities. Mother's family, together with a 9-month-old Peter moved to Chisinau, where about nine years later, Mother married Alexei Vasilyevich Alfimov dentistry. Peter Leshchenko owned Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, French and German languages.

Petr Leshchenko wrote about himself:

At the age of 9 months with his mother together, and with her parents moved to a residence in Chisinau. Until 1906, I grew up and brought up at home, and then, as had the ability to dance and music, was taken to the soldier's church choir. The regent of this choir Kogan later determined me in the 7th People's Parish School in Chisinau. At the same time, the regent of the bishop Choir Berezovsky, turning attention to me, determined the choir. Thus, by 1915 I received a general and musical education. In 1915, in view of the change of votes, I could not participate in the choir and remained without funds, so I decided to go to the front. It was settled by the definite in the 7th Don Cossack Regiment and served there until November 1916. From there, I was sent to the infantry school of ensign to the city of Kiev, which he graduated in March 1917, and I was awarded the rank of ensign. After graduating from the said school through the 40th spare regiment in Odessa, he was sent to the Romanian front and enrolled in the 55th Infantry Podolsky regiment of the 14th Infantry Division to the post of platoon commander. In August 1917, he was hard on the territory of Romania and contoutured - and sent to the hospital, first in the field, and then to the city of Chisinau.

Revolutionary events of October 1917 caught me in the same hospital. Also after the revolution, I continued to be at cure until January 1918, that is, until the capture of the Romanian troops of Bessarabia.

Bessarabia was declared the Romanian territory in 1918, and Peter Leshchenko was officially prescribed from the hospital Romanian subjects.

Chisinau, Paris, Marriage (1918-1926)

After leaving the hospital, lived in his relatives. Until 1919, Leshchenko worked as one private owner to Leshchenko, then served as a psaller in the church at an Olginsky shelter, an increment of church choir in Chuflin and cemetery churches. In addition, he participated in the vocal quartet and sang in Chisinau opera, the director of which was some Belousov.

From the fall of 1919, in the composition of the Dance Group "Elizarov" (Danila Zeltser, Tobsbis, Antonina Kangizer) was four months old in Bucharest in the theater "Alagambra", then with them the whole of 1920 - in Bucharest cinemas.

Until 1925, as a dancer and singer, in the composition of various artistic groups touring Romania. In 1925, with Nikolai Trifanidis leaves for Paris, where it meets with Antonina Kangizer. With her, her 9-year-old brother and mother, with Trifanidis for three months speakers in Paris cinemas. Leshchenko performed with a guitar duet in the Balalalache ensemble "Husar" with the number in which he played on the balalaik, and then, changed into a Caucasian costume, went to the stage "Arab steps" with daggers in the teeth, dancing to the dance and accompanying all this throwing daggers in floor. The room was successful in the public: 168.

Wanting to improve the dance technique, Leshchenko entered the Trefilova ballet school, which was considered one of the best in France. In school, he met the artist of Zheny (Zinaida) Zakutt from Riga, Latvka. Peter and Zinaida learned several dance numbers and began to perform a duet in Parisian restaurants, with great success. Soon the dance duo became a married couple: 168.

In February 1926, in Paris, Leshchenko accidentally met a friend on Bucharest of Yakov Voronovsky. He was going to leave for Sweden - and suggested Leshchenko his dancer's place in the restaurant "Normandi". Until the end of April 1926, Leshchenko performed in this restaurant.

Tour. Publication of plates. First success (1926-1933)

Poles-musicians who previously worked in the restaurant in Chernovtsy and had a contract with the Turkish Theater in the city of Adana, invite Peter Leshchenko and Zakitt to go with them on tour. From May 1926 to August 1928, the Family Duet made a tour of Europe and the Middle East - Konstantinople, Adana, Smirna (here Leshchenko issued a marriage with Zakitt), Beirut, Damascus, Aleppo, Athens, Thessaloniki.

In 1928, Spouses Leshchenko return to Romania, enter the Bucharest Theater "Theater Nostra". Then they go to Riga, on the death of the father of his wife. In Riga, two weeks stayed and moved to Chernivtsi, where they worked for three months at the Olgaber restaurant. Then - moving to Chisinau. Until winter, 1929, the spouses Leshchenko perform in the London restaurant, in the summer theater and cinemas. Then - Riga, where until December 1930 Peter Leshchenko worked one in the cafe "A.T.". Only for a month left at the invitation of Smaltse dancers in Belgrade.

When Zinaida became pregnant, their dance duet collapsed. It seeks an alternative way to make money, Leshchenko turned to his vocal abilities: 170. In January 1931, Peter and Zhenya had a son - Igor (Ikki) Leshchenko (Igor Petrovich Leshchenko (1931-1978), son of Peter Leshchenko from the first marriage, the balletmaster of the Opera and Ballet Theater in Bucharest).

The theater agent of Duganov arranged Leshchenko for a month, departure to concerts in Libava. At the same time, Leshchenko concludes a contract with the Summer Restaurant "Jurmala". All summer of 1931 spends with his family in Libava. Upon returning to Riga, it works again in the cafe "A.T.". At that time, the singer was acquainted with the composer Oscar Row - the creator of tango, romances, focusts and songs. Leshchenko performed and recorded the songs of the composer: "Black eyes", "Blue Rapese", "Tell me why" and other tango and romances. He worked with other composers, in particular with Mark Marjanovsky - the author of Tatyana, Miranda, Nasty-berry.

The owner of a tank store in Riga, by the name of the young man, in the fall of 1931 he suggested Leshchenko for ten days to go to Berlin to record songs at Parlophon. Leshchenko also concludes a contract with the Romanian branch of the English company COLUMBIA recording company (about 80 songs recorded). Plates of the singer are published by Parlophone Records (Germany), "Electrecord" (Romania), "Belaccord" (Latvia).

Since the spring of 1932, it works again with Zakutt in Chernivtsi, in Chisinau. In 1933, Leshchenko and his family decided to settle for permanent residence in Bucharest and went to work in the Pavilion Rus. In addition, Bessarabia Tour, a trip to Vienna to record at Columbia. In 1935, Cavuroy and Gerutsky on Kalya Victoria Street, 2 opens the restaurant "Leshchenko", which existed until 1942. Leshchenko in his restaurant stands with the "Trio Leshchenko" ensemble (singer's wife and his younger sisters - Valya and Katya).

In 1935, Leshchenko leaves twice to London: performs on the radio, it is recorded at the recording studio and at the invitation of the famous impresario Golta Leshchenko gives two concerts. In 1937 and 1938, for the summer season with the family went to Riga. Everything else, before the start of the war, he holds in Bucharest, speaking in a restaurant.

For his creative life, the singer recorded over 180 gramophone disks.

Tours in the occupied Odessa, the second marriage (1941-1951)

In October 1941, Leshchenko received a notice of 16 infantry regiment, to which he was attributed. But under various pretexts of Leshchenko tries from the service to evade and continues concert activities. Only on the third call, Leshchenko arrived in the regiment in Faltychi. Here he was tried by an officer court, warned that it was necessary to be on challenges, and let go.

In December 1941, Leshchenko received an invitation from the director of the Odessa Opera House Seluquin with a request to arrive in Odessa and give a few concerts. He responded with refusal due to a possible re-calling in the regiment. In January 1942, Seluquin said that the concert date was postponed indefinitely, but, nevertheless, all tickets were sold. In March 1942, Leshchenko received the permission of the cultural and educational department of the governor's signature by Russu on the entry into Odessa.

He left Odessa occupied by the Romanian troops on May 19, 1942, stopped at the Bristol Hotel. In Odessa, 5, 7 and 9 June, Leshchenko spent solo concerts.

At one of his rehearsals, he meets a nineteen-year-old faith Belousova, a student of the Odessa Conservatory, a musician, singer. Makes a Belous Offer and leaves to Bucharest to arrange a divorce with Zakitt. Scandals, disassembly with a former wife ended with another notices of 16 infantry shelf. Leshchenko managed to get a document on mobilization to work in place, thus temporarily avoid sending to the existing army. But in February 1943, he received an order to pass this document and immediately appear at 16 infantry regiment to continue military service.

A familiar garrison doctor offered Peter Leshchenko treatment in a military hospital. Ten days did not solve problems: a new notice comes to appear in the regiment. Leshchenko is solved for the removal of appendix, although there was no need for this. After the operation and 25 days of the commissioned leave is not. Leshchenko managed to get a military artistic group of the division in the military artistic group. Until June 1943 performs in the Romanian military units.

In October 1943, a new order from the Romanian command: send Leshchenko to the front to Crimea. In Crimea, until mid-March 1944, he was at the headquarters, and then the head of the officer dining room. Then receives a vacation, but instead of Bucharest comes to Odessa. He learns that Belousovaya family should be sent to Germany. Petr Leshchenko takes his future wife, her mother and two brothers in Bucharest.

In May 1944, Leshchenko registered his marriage with Belous's faith. In September 1944, after entering the Bahacharest of the Red Army, Leshchenko gave concerts in hospitals, military garrisons, officer clubs for Soviet soldiers. Vera Leshchenko came with him.

Arrest, prison and death (1951-1954)

On March 26, 1951, Leshchenko was arrested by the state security bodies of Romania in the intermission after the first branch of the concert in the city of Brasov.

From Romanian sources: Peter Leshchenko was in Zhilava since March 1951, then in July 1952 he was transferred to the distributor in the cabul of Midia, from there on August 29, 1953 to Burge. From May 21 or 25, 1954, Targu Window was transferred to the prison hospital. He was made operation about the stomach ulcers opened.

There is a protocol of interrogation of Peter Leshchenko, from which it is clear that in July 1952, Peter Leshchenko was transported to Constantza (not far from Kapula Midia) and questioned as a witness in the case of faith Belousova-Leshchenko, who was accused of treason. According to the memories of Belousovoy-Leshchenko's faith (they sounded in a documentary film "Movie. Peter Leshchenko"), she was allowed only one date with her husband. Peter showed his wife his black hands and said: "Faith! I have nothing to blame for anything !!! ". They did not meet more.

P. K. Leshchenko died in the Romanian prison hospital of Targu-Windows on July 16, 1954. The place of its burial is unknown. Materials in the case of Leshchenko are still closed.

In July 1952, the arrest of faith Belousova-Leshchenko followed. She was accused of marriage with foreign subjects, which was qualified as a betrayal of the Motherland (Art. 58-1 "A" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, a criminal case No. 15641-P). Belousov-Leshchenko Vera on August 5, 1952 was sentenced to the death penalty, which was replaced by 25 years in prison, but in 1954 released: "Belousov-Leshchenko's prisoner to free up with the withdrawal of criminal record and with departure to Odessa on July 12, 1954," prescription with reference to the ruling Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR, the first link - about reducing the term of up to 5 years, according to the Resolution of the Supreme Court from June 1954, and the second is "from delaying".

Widow Leshchenko managed to get the only information from Romania: Lescenco, Petre. ARTIST. ARESTAT. A MURIT îN TIMPUL DETENIEI, LA. Penitenciarul Târgu Ocna. (Leshchenko, Peter. Artist. Prisoner. Died during stay in Targu-window prison). (From the "Book of Repressed", published in Bucharest)

Vera Leshchenko died in Moscow in 2009.

The biography was compiled according to the interrogation protocols of Peter Leshchenko and archival documents provided by the Veshchenko Veshchenko's intrigue.


In the USSR, Peter Leshchenko was under an unbelled ban. His name was not mentioned in the Soviet media. However, many remembered it. One of the evidence of the singer's post-mortem glory is contained in the memoirs of the journalist Mikhail Devletamov:

... In the spring of 1980, I drove to the capital in the crowded train "Dubna - Moscow". Sorting in Dmitrov Britogol, firmly shot down old man in the Black Vodok about something loudly told the elderly couple. The III of the Ukrainian Front III was concerned about the Cutter ... "But for such words you can please in Siberia!" He suddenly said to the veteran of his interlocutor ... The train approached Yahroma. Outside the window floated the majestic ruins of the Pokrovskaya Church, 1803 of the construction (by now the church is renovated) ... "And I'm not afraid of Siberia! - an old man exclaimed. - That's, remember how Leshchenko sang: "And I am not afraid of Siberia, Siberia - after all, too, the Russian land! .." "old, but the vile veteran of the Second World War quoted the song from the repertoire of Peter Leshchenko" Chubchik "dedicated to the tragedy of the tragedy peasants ...

Newspaper "Dignity", № 12/2000

In the post-war years in Moscow, a whole underground firm for the production and distribution of records "under Leshchenko" successfully flourished on the wave of popularity of Peter Leshchenko. The backbone of the company amounted to the so-called "Jazz Tabachnikov" (there was one time and composer Boris Fomin) and his soloist Nikolai Markov, whose voice was almost identical to the vote of the famous singer. In a short time, forty works were recorded from the repertoire of Leshchenko, including those who did not have the relationship "cranes". The plates spread mainly in Ukraine, in Moldova ... one musician from "Jazz Tabachnikov" spoke about this: "There is a suitcase of records, back - a suitcase of money ..."

The officially plates of Peter Konstantinovich Leshchenko in stores were not sold, because they were not produced, and the voice of the singer sounded almost every home. Original or fake - sound guess.

B. A. Savchenko. Retro pop. - M.: Art, 1996, p. 220.

Revival of popularity in 1988

The official permission to appear in the ether of the voice of Peter Konstantinovich in the late 1980s of the 20th century was never, just stopped forbidden. On the Soviet radio began to sound songs in the performance of Leshchenko. Then there were transmissions, articles. In 1988, the company "Melody" released the record "Sings Peter Leshchenko", which was called the sensation of the month. In May, the disc occupied 73rd place in the All-Union Hit Parade, and for a couple of weeks, he left the first place in popularity among the giants' discs. For the first time, legally, Peter Leshchenko was named the best.

"The sensation began to be called when from many cities of the country from our correspondents began to come information about the tremendous interest of music lovers for Peter Leshchenko's record, the famous chance of the 1930s. Few people could assume that the disc in May 73rd disk in June will quickly move upwards, to the top of popularity, and eventually will be released in the first place in the All-Union Hit-parade ...

In cinema

Biographical films

2013 - "Peter Leshchenko. Everything that was ... ", an eight-grade biographical film (director - Vladimir Cott, Screenwriter Edward Volodarsky, the role of Leshchenko was performed by Konstantin Khabensky and Ivan Stebunov).

Use of songs

1996 - Animation film Cheerful pictures. Retro fantasy (director R. Kobzarev, Screenwriter R. Kobzarev) - Song "Gypsy".

1997 - Animation film Pink doll (director V. Olschwang, Screenwriter N. Kozhevaya) - Lola song.

In toponymy

In Chisinau, there is a street, as well as the alley wearing his name.


Gramophone plates (78 rpm)

Columbia (United Kingdom - France)

For guitar bust (Romance, Muses. Folk) / Sing, Gypsy (Romance) (Orchestra Columbia)

Admit to me (Tango, Muses Arthur Gold) / Sleep, My poor heart (Tango, O. Line and J. Altschuler) (Columbia orchestra)

Stay (tango, music. E. Hönigsberg) / Miranda (Tango, Muses M. Majanovsky) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

Anikusha (Tango, Clauda Romano) / Grace ("Everything for love I goodbye", Waltz, N. Wars) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

Do not leave (Tango, E. Sklyarov) / Sasha (Foxtrot, M. Halm) (Orchestra of Hönigsberg - Hecker)

I would like to love so much (Tango, E. Sklyarov - N. Mikhailova) / Misha (Foxtrot, Villanov) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

Boy (folk) / Circus (household, N. Mirsky - Columbov - P. Leshchenko) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

Near the forest (Gypsy Waltz, Hönigsberg - Hecker Orchestra) / Chastushki (Akcomp. On Harmonic - Brothers Ernst and Max Hönigsbergs)

Andryusha (Foxtrot, Z. Bialosotsky) / Trošachy (household) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

Who are you (Slow Fox, M. Maryanovsky) / Alyosha (Foxtrot, J. Korologos) (Orchestra J. Korologos)

My friend (English Waltz, M. Halm) / Serenade (C. Sierra Leone) (Columbia Orchestra)

Heart (Tango, I. O. Dunaevsky, Arrangement F. Salabert - Ostrowsky) / Marsh from k / f "Funny guys" (I. O. Dunaevsky, Ostrowsky) (Orchestra)

Horses (Foxtrot) / Ha-Cha-Cha (Foxtrot, Werner Richard Heymann) (Orchestra J. Korologos)

Tatyana (Tango, M. Majanovsky, Hönigsberg Orchestra) / Nastya (Foxtrot, Root Root, Orchestra J. Korologos)

Crying, Gypsy (Romance) / You are drunk (Romance) (Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Mom's Heart (Tango, Muses. Z. Karasinsky and Sh. Katashak, Hönigsberg Orchestra) / Caucasus (Orient Foxtrot, Muses M. Majanovsky, Orchestra J. Corology)

Musana (Tango, Words and Music of the Oscar Rrowe, Hönigsberg Orchestra) / Dunya ("Pancakes", Foxtrot, Muses M. Majanovsky, Orchestra J. Corology)

Forget You (Tango, S. Shapirov) / Let's forgive (tango-romance) (Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Capricious, stubborn (Romance, Alexander Koshevsky, Hönigsberg Orchestra) / My MauliShka (Foxtrot, Villanov, Orchestra J. Borologos and Quartet Balalachikov "Baikal")

Gloomy Sunday (Hungarian Song, Calculate Shercheze) / Blue Rapese (Slow Fox, Oscar Rail) (Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Komarik (Ukrainian People's Song) / Caria Ochі (Ukrainian Song) - to Ukrainian. Yaz., Guitar, with accompanies. Henigsberg Orchestra, Chr 663/664]

Foggy on the soul (E. Sklyarov, Nadia Kushnir) / Marsh from K / F "Circus" (I. O. Dunaevsky, V. I. Lebedev-Kumach) (Orchestra P / N. N. Cherleshnyh)

Do not leave (Tango, O. Line) / Vanya (Foxtrot, Shapirov - Leshchenko - Fedotov) (Orchestra P / N. N. Cherley)

Vintage Waltz (words and music N. Sheet) / Cookies (words of Gridov, Muses B. Prozorovsky) (Orchestra P / N. N. Cherley)

Captain / Sing to us, wind (songs from k / f "Children of Captain Granta", I. O. Dunaevsky - V. I. Lebedev-Kumach, Orchestra P / N. N. Cherley)

How good / ring (romances, Olga Frank - Sergey Frank, Aranzh. J. Azbukin, Orchestra P / U N. Cherley)

Vanka Cute / Nastya Berry sells (focus, music and words M. Majanovsky, orchestra N. N. Cherley)

Blue Eyes (Tango, Words and Music of Oscar Row) / Wine Love (Tango, Words and Music Mark Mariaanovsky) (Orchestra Frank Fox)

Black Eyes (Tango, Words and Music of Oscar Line) / Machine (Folk Song, Timofeev's Words, Muses Boris Prozorovsky) (Orchestra Frank Fox)

What I am Mountain (Gypsy Romance) / Life Gypsy (Tibar, Muses D. Pokrass) (Orchestra Frank Fox)

Wallpaper Vodka (Foxtrot on Russian Motive, Words and Music M. Majanovsky) / Song (Gypsy nomadic, Words M. Lakhtina, Music V. Kruchinina) (Orchestra Frank Fox)

Chubchik (folk) / Farewell, my Tabor (Orchestra Frank Fox)
Bessarabänka (folk motif) / Buran (Tibar) (Orchestra Frank Fox)

MARFUSH (Foxtrot, Mark Marianovsky) / Returned again (Tango) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Albahari)

Samovar (Foxtrot, N. Gordonoi) / My Last Tango (Oscar Row) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Albahari)

You and this guitar (Tango, Music E. Petersburg, Russian Text Rotinovsky) / Bored (Tango, Sasa Vlady) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Albahari)

Columbia (USA)

Goodbye, my Tabor (Russian Gypsy Song) / Chubchik (Russian People's Song) (Frank Fox Orchestra)

Buran (Tibar) / Bessarabänka (folk motif) (Frenal Fox Orchestra)
Life Gypsy (Tibar, Muses. D. Paint) / What is me grief (Gypsy Romance)

The song is pioned (Gypsy nomads, Sl. M. Lakhtina, Muses. V. Kruchinin) / Machine (Folk Song, Sl. Timofeev, Muses B. Prozorovsky) (Frank Fox Orchestra)

Boring (Tango) / You and this guitar (tango) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Albahari)
My last tango / Samovar (Foxtrot) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Albahari)
Martus (Foxtrot) / returned again (tango) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Albahari)
Near the forest / black eyes
My friend (Waltz, Max Halm) / Serenade (C. Sierra Leone)
Do not leave (Tango, E. Sklyarov) / Sasha (Foxtrot, M. Halm) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

My Maglette (Foxtrot, G. Villnow, with Akcomp. Orchestra and Quartet Balalatechikov) / Let's forgive (Tango, Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Colepko / How good (Romances, Olga Frank - Sergey Frank, Aranzh. J. Azbukin, orchestra N. N. Chereshni)

Admit to me (Tango, Arthur Gold, Columbia Orchestra) / You are drunk (Romance, Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Heart (Tango, I. O. Dunaevsky, Arrangement F. Salabert - Ostrowsky) / Marsh Fun Guys (I. O. Dunaevsky, Ostrowsky) (Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Wine love (Tango, M. Maryanovsky) / Blue Eyes (Tango, Oscar Row) (Orchestra Frank Fox)

Musana Native (Tango, Oscar Rows, Hönigsberg Orchestra) / Dunya ("Pancakes", Foxtrot, M. Majanovsky, Orchestra of CorganoBom)

Caucasus (Foxtrot, M. Maryanovsky) / Tatyana (Tango, M. Majanovsky, Hönigsberg Orchestra)

Vanya (Foxtrot, Shapirov - Leshchenko - Fedotov) / Do not leave (tango, Oscar rows) (Orchestra N. Cherleychny)

Miranda (Tango, M. Maryanovsky) / Stay (Tango, E. Hönigsberg) (Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker)

Columbia (Australia)

Komarik (Ukrainian People's Song) / Caria Ochі (Ukrainian Song) - to Ukrainian. Yaz., Guitar, with accompanies. Orchestra

Belaccord (Latvia)

Hey, a friend of the guitar! / ????
Capricious / foggy on the soul
Andryusha / Bellechka
All that was / pouring song
Barcelona / Nastya (the last plate recorded in the BELLACCORD factory)
Marfusha \\ Return (1934)
Near the forest, near the river / Song Guitar (1934)


Blue handkerchief (sings Vechechenko). Dark night
Mom (sings Vezhechenko). Natasha
Nadia-religious. Favorite (duet with faith of Leshchenko)
My Mauli. A heart
Tramp. Black braids
Black eyes. Andryusha
Katya. Student
Parsley. Mom's heart
Horses, Sasha
Wine glass vodka, do not go
Marfusha, listen to what I say
Evening ringing, one-way rumble

On May 22, 2017, a show of the eight-player telephone director Vladimir Cotta "Peter Leshchenko took place on the first channel. Everything that was ... ", filmed back in 2013. The main role is the singer Peter Leshchenko (1898-1954) - played actor Konstantin Khabensky. The first series of historical drama caused tremendous interest in the audience.

The plot of the biographical series tells almost the entire life of the most popular Russian artist, the fate of which has developed tragically: about his youth, battles in the First World War, career, love and death in the Romanian prison.

Portal 7days.ru decided to acquaint readers with the most interesting facts from the life of Peter Leshchenko.

1. Born out of marriage

Peter Leshchenko was born on June 14, 1898 in the village of Isaevo Kherson province. According to the archival records, his mother was called Maria Kalinovna Leschenkov, and in the column "Father" stood record: "illegitimate". When the future singer was nine months, the family moved to Chisinau, where the mother entered into a second marriage with dental technician Alexei Vasilyevich Alephimov.

2. Outstanding musical abilities showed from childhood

Peter's mother had an absolute musical hearing and sang perfectly. Since childhood, she instilled his son's love for music and trained his folk songs. For outstanding abilities in the field of vocal and dance talented boy, first accepted the Soldier Church Choir, and then enrolled in the 7th People's Parish School in Chisinau.

3. Run from the choir to the front due to change of votes

Having received a common and musical education, Peter dreamed of staying in the choir, but the voice broke began, the timbre changed - and the 17-year-old guy remained without livelihood. He went to the front, settled up by the determining in the 7th Don Cossack Regiment. However, in the territory of Romania Leshchenko was seriously injured and spent almost six months in the hospital.

4. I started my career as a dancer and singer as part of various artistic groups

Having discharged from the hospital, Peter settled to work to the turner, then served as a psaller in the church under the Olginsky shelter. He began to act as a dancer and singer as part of various artistic groups that toured in Romania.

Leshchenko constantly improved his dance skills, and, having moved in 1925 to Paris, entered the famous Trefilova ballet school. There he met Latvian artist Zhenya Zakitt, who became not only his partner on speeches, but also his wife.

5. It became famous for the execution of the romance composer Oscar string

The speeches of the spouses rapidly gained popularity, but when Zhenya became pregnant, their dance duet collapsed. To make money, Peter began singing in restaurants and cafes. And soon his fateful acquaintance with the composer Oscar row was the creator of the most popular tango, romances, focuspots and songs.

Leshchenko performed a lot of compositions with the time legendary: "Black Eyes", "Blue Rhapsody", "Tell me, why" and other tango and romances. However, most often the singer asked to fulfill the composition "Chubchik".

6. In the USSR, he was contemptuously called the "Kabatsky singer" and considered the "traitor of the Motherland"

The colossal popularity of Leshchenko among emigrants did not remain unnoticed. And when he continued to give concerts in Odessa's occupied by the Nazis, Soviet propaganda characterized it: "The most vulgar and idle-emigrant Kabatsky singer, who has stained himself with cooperation with the German-fascist occupiers." The stigma of the "Traitor of the Motherland" received his second spouse Vera Belousov, on which he married in 1944.

7. The place of burial artist is still unknown

On March 26, 1951, Leshchenko was arrested by the state security bodies of Romania right during the concert, and his spouse was arrested a year later. Belousov was accused of treasoning his homeland and was sentenced to death, but then this verdict was replaced by 25 years in prison.

Two years later, she was released with the removal of criminal record. The last days of life, the outstanding singer spent in the Romanian prison hospital Targu-window. It was not July 16, 1954. Materials in the case of Leshchenko are still closed.

Petr Konstantinovich Leshchenko (Rum. Petre Leşcenco). 2 (14) June 1898 was born in the village of Isaevo Kherson province - died on July 16, 1954 in the Romanian prison hospital of Targu-Window. Russian and Romanian pop singer, dancer, restaurant.

Peter Leshchenko was born 2 (14 in a new style) June 1898 in the village of Isaevo Kherson province. Now this is the Nikolaev area of \u200b\u200bthe Odessa region.

Mother - Maria Kalinovna Leschenkova.

Peter was an extramarital child. In the metric book of the district archive, a record was preserved: "Leshchenkova Maria Kalinovna, the daughter of the retired soldier gave birth to Son Peter 02.06.1898." In the column "Father" record: "illegitimate".

Decorated on July 3, 1898 and later in the documents of Peter Leshchenko, it was the date of baptism. Mercenary: nobleman Alexander Ivanovich Krivosheev and the nobleman Katerina Yakovlevna Orlova.

It is known that Peter's mother had an absolute musical hearing, knew a lot of folk songs and sang well, which had a proper influence on the formation of his personality. From early childhood, he also discovered outstanding musical abilities.

Mother's family, together with a 9-month-old Peter moved to Chisinau, where about nine years later, Mother married Alexei Vasilyevich Alfimov dentistry.

Peter Leshchenko owned Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, French and German languages.

The musician himself wrote about himself: "At the age of 9 months with his mother, and with her parents moved to a residence in Chisinau. Until 1906, I grew up and brought up at home, and then, as had the ability to dance and music, was taken in Soldier Church Church. Regent of this choir Cogan later determined me in the 7th People's Parish School in Chisinau. At the same time, the regent of the bishop of Berezovsky, turning attention to me, determined the choir. Thus, by 1915 I received a general and musical education . In 1915, in view of the change of votes, I could not participate in the choir and remained without funds, so I decided to go to the front. I got up with a solid-definite in the 7th Don Cossack Regiment and served there until November 1916. From there I was sent to the infantry school of ensigns in The city of Kiev, which he graduated in March 1917, and I was awarded the rank of ensign. After graduated from the mentioned school through the 40th spare regiment in Odessa, it was sent to the Romanian front and enlisted in the 55th infantry Podolsky regiment of the 14th Infantry Division as a platoon commander. In August 1917, he was hard on the territory of Romania and contoutured - and sent to the hospital, first in the field, and then to the city of Chisinau. Revolutionary events of October 1917 caught me in the same hospital. Also after the revolution, I continued to be in ceremony until January 1918, that is, until the capture of the Romanian troops of Bessarabia. "

Bessarabia was declared in 1918 by the Romanian territory, and Peter Leshchenko officially prescribed from the hospital already Romanian subjects.

After leaving the hospital, lived in his relatives. Until 1919, Leshchenko worked as one private owner to Leshchenko, then served as a psaller in the church at an Olginsky shelter, an incrementant church choir in Chuflin and cemetery churches. In addition, he participated in the vocal quartet and sang in Chisinau opera, the director of which was some Belousov.

From the fall of 1919, in the composition of the Dance Group "Elizarov" (Danila Zeltser, Tobsbis, Antonina Kangizer) was four months old in Bucharest in the theater "Alagambra", then with them the whole of 1920 - in Bucharest cinemas.

Until 1925, as a dancer and singer, in the composition of various artistic groups touring Romania. In 1925, with Nikolai Trifanidis leaves for Paris, where it meets with Antonina Kangizer. With her, her 9-year-old brother and mother, with Trifanidis for three months speakers in Paris cinemas.

Leshchenko performed with a guitar duet in the Balalalache ensemble "Huslar" with the number in which he played on the balalaica, and then, changing into a Caucasian costume, went to the stage "Arab steps" with daggers in the teeth, dancing in the "jad" and accompanying all this throwing daggers to the floor. The room was successful among the public.

Wanting to improve the dance technique, Leshchenko entered the Trefilova ballet school, which was considered one of the best in France. In school, he met the artist of Zheny (Zinaida) Zakutt from Riga, Latvka. Peter and Zinaida learned several dance numbers and began to perform a duet in Parisian restaurants, with great success. Soon the dance duo became a married couple.

In February 1926, in Paris, Leshchenko accidentally met a friend on Bucharest of Yakov Voronovsky. He was going to leave for Sweden - and suggested Leshchenko his dancer's place in the restaurant "Normandi". Until the end of April 1926, Leshchenko performed in this restaurant.

Poles-musicians who previously worked in the restaurant in Chernovtsy and had a contract with the Turkish Theater in the city of Adana, invite Peter Leshchenko and Zakitt to go with them on tour. And from May 1926 to August 1928, a family duet made a tour of Europe and the Middle East - Constantinople, Adana, Smirna, Beirut, Damascus, Aleppo, Athens, Thessaloniki.

In 1928, Spouses Leshchenko return to Romania, enter the Bucharest Theater "Theater Nostra". Then they go to Riga, on the death of the father of his wife. In Riga, two weeks stayed and moved to Chernivtsi, where they worked for three months at the Olgaber restaurant. Then - moving to Chisinau.

Until winter, 1929, the spouses Leshchenko perform in the London restaurant, in the summer theater and cinemas. Then - Riga, where until December 1930 Peter Leshchenko worked one in the cafe "A.T.". Only for a month left at the invitation of Smaltse dancers in Belgrade.

When Zinaida became pregnant, their dance duet collapsed. It seeks an alternative way to make money, Leshchenko appealed to his vocal abilities.

The theater agent of Duganov arranged Leshchenko for a month, departure to concerts in Libava. At the same time, Leshchenko concludes a contract with the Summer Restaurant "Jurmala". All summer of 1931 spends with his family in Libava. Upon returning to Riga, it works again in the cafe "A.T.". At that time, the singer was acquainted with the composer Oscar Row - the creator of tango, romances, focusts and songs. Leshchenko performed and recorded the songs of the composer: "Black eyes", "Blue Rapese", "Tell me why" and other tango and romances. He worked with other composers, in particular with Mark Marjanovsky - the author of Tatyana, Miranda, Nasty-berry.

The owner of a tank store in Riga, by the name of the young man, in the fall of 1931 he suggested Leshchenko for ten days to go to Berlin to record songs at Parlophon. Leshchenko also concludes a contract with the Romanian branch of the English company COLUMBIA recording company (about 80 songs recorded). Plates of the singer are published by Parlophone Records (Germany), "Electrecord" (Romania), "Belaccord" (Latvia).

Since the spring of 1932, it works again with Zakutt in Chernivtsi, in Chisinau. In 1933, Leshchenko and his family decided to settle for permanent residence in Bucharest and went to work in the Pavilion Rus. In addition, Bessarabia Tour, a trip to Vienna to record at Columbia.

In 1935, Cavuroy and Gerutsky on Kalya Victoria Street, 2 opens the restaurant "Leshchenko", which existed until 1942. Leshchenko in his restaurant performed with the ensemble "Trio Leshchenko": the spouse of the singer and his younger sisters - Valya and Katya.

In 1935, Leshchenko leaves twice to London: performs on the radio, it is recorded at the recording studio and at the invitation of the famous impresario Golta Leshchenko gives two concerts. In 1937 and 1938, for the summer season with the family went to Riga. Everything else, before the start of the war, he holds in Bucharest, speaking in a restaurant.

For his creative life, the singer recorded over 180 gramophone disks.

Peter Leshchenko in the occupied Odessa

In October 1941, Leshchenko received a notice of 16 infantry regiment, to which he was attributed. But under various pretexts of Leshchenko tries from the service to evade and continues concert activities. Only on the third call, Leshchenko arrived in the regiment in Faltychi. Here he was tried by an officer court, warned that it was necessary to be on challenges, and let go.

In December 1941, Leshchenko received an invitation from the director of the Odessa Opera House Seluquin with a request to arrive in Odessa and give a few concerts. He responded with refusal due to a possible re-calling in the regiment.

In January 1942, Seluquin said that the concert date was postponed indefinitely, but, nevertheless, all tickets were sold. In March 1942, Leshchenko received the permission of the cultural and educational department of the governor's signature by Russu on the entry into Odessa.

He left Odessa occupied by the Romanian troops on May 19, 1942, stopped at the Bristol Hotel. In Odessa, 5, 7 and 9 June, Leshchenko spent solo concerts.

At one of his rehearsals, he met nineteen years faith Belousova, who became his second wife.

In February 1943, he received a disposal to immediately appear in the 16 infantry regiment to continue military service. A familiar garrison doctor offered Peter Leshchenko treatment in a military hospital. Leshchenko is solved for the removal of appendix, although there was no need for this. After the operation and 25 days of the commissioned leave is not. Leshchenko managed to get a military artistic group of the division in the military artistic group. Until June 1943 performs in the Romanian military units.

In October 1943, a new order from the Romanian command: send Leshchenko to the front to Crimea. In Crimea, until mid-March 1944, he was at the headquarters, and then the head of the officer dining room. Then receives a vacation, but instead of Bucharest comes to Odessa. He learns that Belousovaya family should be sent to Germany. Petr Leshchenko takes his future wife, her mother and two brothers in Bucharest.

In September 1944, after entering the Red Army Bucharest, Leshchenko gave concerts in hospitals, military garrisons, officer clubs for Soviet soldiers. Vera Leshchenko came with him.

Arrest and death of Peter Leshchenko

On March 26, 1951, Leshchenko was arrested by the state security bodies of Romania in the intermission after the first branch of the concert in the city of Brasov.

From Romanian sources, it is known that Peter Leshchenko was located in Zhilava since March 1951, then in July 1952 he was transferred to the distributor in Kapula Midia, from there on August 29, 1953 to Burge. From May 21 or 25, 1954, Targu Window was transferred to the prison hospital. There he had an operation about the stomach ulcers opened.

There is a protocol of interrogation of Peter Leshchenko, from which it is clear that in July 1952, Peter Leshchenko was transported to Constantza (not far from Kapula Midia) and questioned as a witness in the case of faith Belousova-Leshchenko, who was accused of treason.

According to the memories of Belousova-Leshchenko faith, she was allowed only one date with her husband. Peter showed his wife his blacks (from work or from beatings?) Hands and said: "Vera! I have nothing to blame for anything !!! ". They did not meet anymore.

Materials in the case of Leshchenko are still closed.

In the USSR, Peter Leshchenko was under an unbelled ban. His name was not mentioned in the Soviet media. During the years of restructuring, they again remembered. On the Soviet radio began to sound songs in the performance of Leshchenko. Then there were transmissions and articles about him. In 1988, the company "Melody" released the record "Sings Peter Leshchenko", which became very popular.

Peter Leshchenko. My last tango

Height of Peter Leshchenko: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Peter Leshchenko:

Twice was married.

The first wife is an artist of the Zheny (Zinaida) Zakitt, a native of Riga, Latvian. Married in July 1926.

In January 1931, a couple had a son - Igor (Ikki) Leshchenko (Igor Petrovich Leshchenko) (1931-1978), the Opera and Ballet Theater Balletmaster in Bucharest.

The second wife is Vera Belousov (in the marriage of Leshchenko), a musician, singer. Meet in 1942 on one of the rehearsals. At that time she was a student of the Odessa Conservatory. In May 1944, got married.

Belousov-Leshchenko faith in July 1952 was arrested. She was accused of marriage with foreign subjects, which was qualified as a betrayal of the Motherland (Art. 58-1 "A" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, a criminal case No. 15641-P).

Belousov-Leshchenko Vera on August 5, 1952 was sentenced to death, which was replaced by 25 years in prison, but in 1954 released: "Belousov-Leshchenko's prisoner was released with the removal of criminal record and with departure to Odessa on July 12, 1954."

Widow Leshchenko managed to get the only information from Romania: Lescenco, Petre. ARTIST. ARESTAT. A MURIT îN TIMPUL DETENIEI, LA. Penitenciarul Târgu Ocna. (Leshchenko, Peter. Artist. Prisoner. Died during stay in Targu-window prison).

Vera Leshchenko died in Moscow in 2009.

The image of Peter Leshchenko in the movies:

2013 on the screens came the series "Peter Leshchenko. All that has gone before..." Directed by Vladimir Cotta (Screenwriter Edward Volodarsky). The role of Peter Leshchenko was performed by Ivan Stebunov (Peter Leshchenko in his youth) and Konstantin Khabensky.

songs from the series "Peter Leshchenko. All that was ..."

Discography Peter Leshchenko:

For guitar bust (romance, music. Folk);
Sing, Romance (Romance);
Admit to me (Tango, Muses Arthur Gold);
Sleep, my poor heart (Tango, O. Line and J. Altschuler);
Stay (tango, music. E. Hönigsberg);
Miranda (Tango, Muses M. Majanovsky);
Anikusha (Tango, Clauda Romano);
Mercy ("Everything for love I goodbye", Waltz, N. Wars);

Sasha (Foxtrot, M. Halm);
I would like to love so much (Tango, E. Sklyarov - N. Mikhailova);
Misha (Foxtrot, Villanov);
Boys (folk);
In the circus (household, N. Mirsky - Columbov - P. Leshchenko);
Near the forest (Gypsy Waltz, Hönigsberg Orchestra - Hecker);
Andryusha (Foxtrot, Z. Bialosotsky);
Trochka (household);
Who are you (Slow Fox, M. Maryanovsky);
Alyosha (Foxtrot, J. Korologos);
My friend (English Waltz, M. Halm);
Serenade (C. Sierra Leone);

Marsh from k / f "Merry guys" (I. O. Dunaevsky, Ostrowsky);
Horses (Foxtrot);
Ha-Cha-cha (Foxtrot, Werner Richard Heymann);
Tatyana (Tango, M. Mariananovsky, Hönigsberg Orchestra);
Nastya (Foxtrot, Root root);
Cry, gypsy (romance);
You go drunk (romance);
Mom's heart (tango, music. Z. Karasinsky and S. Katasha);
Caucasus (Orient Foxtrot, Muses M. Majanovsky);
Musana (Tango, Words and Music of Oscar String);
Dunya ("Pancakes", Foxtrot, Muses M. Majanovsky);
Forget you (Tango, S. Shapirov);
Let's say forgive (tango-romance);
Capricious, stubborn (romance, Alexander Koshevsky);
My MauliShka (Foxtrot, Villanov);
Gloomy Sunday (Hungarian Song, Calculate Shershesh);
Blue Rhapsody (Slow Fox, Row Oscar);

Foggy on the soul (E. Sklyarov, Nadia Kushnir);
Marsh from k / f "Circus" (I. O. Dunaevsky, V. I. Lebedev-Kumach);
Do not leave (tango, o. lines);

Vintage Waltz (words and music N. Sheet);
Cups (words of Gridov, music. B. Prozorovsky);
Sing us, wind (songs from k / f "Children of Captain Grant", I. O. Dunaevsky - V.I. Lebedev-Kumach);
How good;
Colekko (Romances, Olga Frank - Sergey Frank, Aranzh. J. Azbukin);
Vanka cute;
Nastya Berries sells (focus, music and words M. Maryanovsky);
Blue eyes (tango, words and music of Oscar string);
Wine love (tango, words and music Mark Mariaanovsky);
Black eyes (tango, words and music of Oscar string);
Machine (folk song, Timofeev's words, music. Boris Prozorovsky);

Gypsy life (Tabar, Muses D. Pokrass);
A glass of vodka (Foxtrot into Russian motive, words and music M. Maryanovsky);
The song is pioned (Gypsy nomadic, the words M. Lakhtina, Music V. Kruchinin);
Chubchik (folk);
Goodbye my tabor;

Buran (Tabar);
MARFUSH (Foxtrot, Mark Maryanovsky);
I returned again (tango);
Samovar (Foxtrot, N. Gordonoi);
My last tango (Oscar rows);
You and this guitar (tango, music of E. Petersburg, Russian text Rotinovsky);
Boring (tango, sasa vlady);
Goodbye, my Tabor (Russian Gypsy Song);
Chubchik (Russian People's Song);
Buran (Tabar);
Bessarabänka (folk motive);
Life Gypsy (Tibar, Muses. D. Pain);
That I am grief (Gypsy Romance);
The song is pouring (Gypsy nomadic, Sl. M. Lakhtina, music. V. Kruchinin);
Machines (folk song, cl. Timofeev, Muses B. Prozorovsky);
Boring (tango);
You and this guitar (tango);
My last tango;
Samovar (Foxtrot);
Marfusch (Foxtrot);
I returned again (tango);
Near the forest;
Black eyes;
My friend (Waltz, Max Halm);
Serenade (C. Sierra Leone);
Do not leave (Tango, E. Sklyarov);
Sasha (Foxtrot, M. Halm);
Let's say forgive (tango);
How good (Romances, Olga Frank - Sergey Frank, Aranzh. J. Azbukin);
Admit me (Tango, Arthur Gold);
You go drunk (romance);
Heart (Tango, I. O. Dunaevsky, Arrangement F. Salabert - Ostrowsky);
March of funny guys (I. O. Dunaevsky, Ostrowsky);
Vino Love (Tango, M. Maryanovsky);
Blue eyes (Tango, Row Oscar);
Musana Native (Tango, Oscar rows);
Dunya ("Pancakes", Foxtrot, M. Maryanovsky);
Caucasus (Foxtrot, M. Maryanovsky);
Tatyana (Tango, M. Maryanovsky);
Vanya (Foxtrot, Shapirov - Leshchenko - Fedotov);
Do not leave (Tango, Oscar rows);
Miranda (Tango, M. Maryanovsky);
Stay (Tango, E. Hönigsberg);
Komarik (Ukrainian People's Song);
Carі olі (Ukrainian song);
Hey, a friend of the guitar!;
Foggy on the soul;
All that has gone before;
Pucked song;
Near the forest, near the river;
Song guitar;
Blue handkerchief (sings Vechechenko);
Dark night;
Mom (sings Veneshchenko);
Nadia-religious. Favorite (duet with faith of Leshchenko);
My Mauli;
A heart;
Black braids;
Black eyes;
Mom's heart;
A glass of vodka;
Do not leave;
Listen to what I say;
Evening call, evening Bell;
Singly threatening the bell tape

Romanian singer of Russian origin; Head of the pop ensemble. One of the most popular Russian-speaking performers of the 1930s.

Leshchenko was born on July 3, 1898 in the village of Isaevo Kherson province (now the Odessa region of Ukraine). He studied in a rural school, sang in the church church, early joined the work. We seek the artistic inclinations in it and presented the guitar. At sixteen, he entered the Chisinau School of the ensigns, but it was aired ahead of schedule to help the Romanian army and sent to the front. After heavily injured he was in the hospital, where the October Revolution was found.

Emigrant, Paris, Marriage (1918-1926)

In connection with the reversal of Bessarabia from Russia (January 1918), he unexpectedly became an emigrant. He worked for a joiner, singers, assistant to the Cathedral Regent, the washer of dishes in the restaurant, worked in cinemas and cafes. Feeling lack of vocational training, in 1923 he entered the ballet school in Paris. There married a nineteen-year-old dancer and classic ballerina Zinaide Zakis, Latvka, who came to France from Riga with a choreographic ensemble. They prepared several song-dance numbers.

Success, records records, war (1926-1941)

In the summer of 1926, a tour of Europe and the Middle East was a tour of Europe and the Middle East and gained fame. In 1928 returned to Chisinau. Leshchenko began the solo career for almost 32 years and, nevertheless, unexpectedly gained stalking success.

The singer made friends with the famous composer Oscar row - the creator of the most popular tango, romances, focuspots and songs. It was a string that it was possible to combine the intonations of the guechy Argentine tango with the melodiousness and incessing Russian romance.

Leshchenko performed and recorded the best works of the famous composer: "Black Eyes", "Blue Rapese", "Tell me why" and other tango and the romance of Maestro. He worked with other talented composers, in particular, with Mark Marjanovsky - the author of Tatiana, Miranda, Nasti-berry. In 1932, two British were captured by his vocal data and with their help Leshchenko recorded several works already in London. In 1933 he moved for permanent residence in Bucharest. In 1935-1940, he collaborated there with firms of gramzapy "Bellakord" and "Columbia" and recorded more than one hundred different songs in the genre. In 1935, he again went to England, performed in restaurants, in 1938 - in Riga, in 1940 - in Paris ...

Tours in the occupied Odessa, the second marriage (1941-1951)

In 1941, Romania, together with Germany, entered the war against the USSR. Leshchenko at that time was on tour in Paris. With great difficulty, he managed to return to Bucharest, where he continued performances in his restaurant.

The question of the appeal of Leshchenko to the Romanian army was repeatedly raised, but Leshchenko managed to avoid sending to the front. He was even judged by the military tribunal "for evasion from calling." Long before the occupation of Odessa Leshchenko received a proposal from the director of the Odessa Opera House of Seluquin to give a concert in Odessa. Tickets were sold, posted posters around the city when Odessa turned out to be occupied by German-Romanian troops. The concert was postponed, as there were difficulties with the arrival of Leshchenko. The director of the theater has achieved from the cultural and educational department of the governor of permission to arrive Leshchenko. Petr Konstantinovich went to Odessa.

In April 1942, he came to Odessa's occupied by the Nazis, where he spent a triumphal concert. At one of his rehearsals, he saw Belousov faith. From the musicians learned that she sings in a cinema and accompanied themselves on the accordion. I liked him the girl, her voice, the manner hold on, and it was beautiful. I got acquainted with her and invited to my concert. Belousov's faith studied at the Odessa Conservatory. Their Roman has developed rapidly, despite the fact that Peter was older than 25 years.

In April 1943, in order to reiterate a call to the current Romanian army, at the suggestion of a familiar doctor agreed to the operation to remove appendix. Ten days spent in the hospital, then he was given a vacation for 25 days. After the holiday was the prescription to appear in the operational department of the headquarters of the infantry shelf in Kerch. But Leshchenko did not go to the regiment, and returned to Odessa. He managed to get a military artistic group. In this collective, he performed in the Romanian military units. In October 1943, he was forced to go to Kerch, where until mid-March 1944 served as the headquarters at the headquarters of the infantry regiment. In May 1944 divorced Zinaida Zakis and registered his marriage with Belous's faith. In September 1944, after the liberation of Bucharest of the Red Army, Leshchenko gave concerts in hospitals, military garrisons, officer clubs. He performed the patriotic songs composed of them about Russian girls - Natasha, Nadya-religious, sang "Dark Night" Nikita theological, popular Russian songs. His new wife appealed with him. Their concerts were both major military leaders - Marshals of Zhukov and Konev.

In 1944-1945, Leshchenko changed the repertoire and in his songs began to dominate the sad tonality: "Tramp", "bell", "Mom's heart", "Evening ring", "do not leave."

Since the summer of 1948, the spouses performed in various cafes and cinemas of Bucharest. Then they found work in the newly created pop theater.

Leshchenko found out the possibility of returning to the Soviet Union, turned to the "competent authorities", wrote letters to Stalin and Kalinin with a request for Soviet citizenship. What guaranteed him at the same time, it's hard to say, because he immediately said that Belousov's faith believes in the USSR traitor.

Arrest, prison and death (1951-1954)

The official Soviet propaganda in the days of Stalin characterized it: "The most vulgar and idle-emigrant Kabatsky singer who has stained himself with cooperation with the German fascist invaders." On March 26, 1951, on the direct indication of the MGB, the USSR Leshchenko was arrested by the State Security Branch of Romania in the intermission after the first branch of the concert in Brasov and Wetted in prison near Bucharest. On August 5, 1952, Belousov, who, like Leshchenko, was accused of betraying his homeland (speeches in the occupied Odessa), was convicted of 25 years in prison. In 1953, was released for the lack of a crime. Many years later, the wife learned: Peter Konstantinovich became one of the thousands of builders of the Danube Canal in Romania and died on July 16, 1954 at the age of 56 years not from the stomach ulcers, not from poisoning. The location of his grave is unknown. The archives of the Soviet and Romanian KGB in the case of Leshchenko have not yet been investigated.

Revival of popularity in 1988

For his creative life, the singer recorded over 180 gramophone disks, however, until 1988, none of these records were reprinted in the USSR. The first record from the series "sings Peter Leshchenko" was released by the company "Melody" to the 90th anniversary of the singer in 1988 and in the same year she ranked first in the Hit-parade of TASS.

Leshchenko Peter Konstantinovich - Pop Singer (Bariton), was born on June 2, 1898 in the village of Isaevo, Kherson province. Bigned on July 3, 1898, shaft - nobleman Alexander Ivanovich Krivosheev and the nobleman Katerina Yakovlevna Orlova. Mother - Leshchenkov Maria Kalinovna (according to other documents of Leshchenko Maria Konstantinovna). No data on father. Grandfather was from the soldiers, grandmother - the cook in one rich house. They abandoned the daughter (Mother Peter), having learned about her pregnancy.

Peter did not turn again and the year when the family moved to Chisinau. Sang in the Soldier Church Church (1906). Subsequently, the regent of this choir, Kogan, identified the boy in the 7th church-parish school of Chisinau. Here, the regent of the Berezovsky Berezovsky, Regent, drew attention to him and invited singers to him. Peter studied music and at the same time served in the choir - sang in the cathedral. These were the calm and prosperous years of life. Peter lived in a full board in a hostel of Metropolis.

In 1909, the mother married Alexei Vasilyevich Alfimov dental technician, relations with whom Peter did not work out and the boy left home and lived in relatives.

Petr's first guitar purchased on its own funds. He was a singing and assistant of the Cathedral Regent and worked as a joiner, a washer of dishes in the restaurant, played with song-dance numbers in cinemas and cafes.

Later, Peter got up with a solid determined in the Don Cossack Regiment and served there until the autumn of 1916, he sent him to Kiev to Kiev in the infantry school of ensigns. In 1917 he graduated from the infantry school of ensigns in Kiev, was sent to the Romanian Front, where he was enrolled in the Podolsky regiment of the infantry division to the post of platoon commander. In August of the same year, he received a difficult injury on the territory of Romania and after leaving the hospital, he served a psaller in the Chisinau Church. In the fall, 1919 made a dance group at the Alagambra Theater (Bucharest). In 1920, he began working in the Romanian theater society "scene", speaking in a pair with a ballerina with Rosica under the pseudonym "Martynovich". From 1923 to 1925 he studied at the Paris ballet school, at the end of which, together with his first wife - Ballerina, Zheny-Johanne, Zakit prepared several song and dance numbers and went on tours in the Middle East.

The debut performance as a performer of Gypsy romances took place in 1929 in the restaurant "Londra" (Chisinau). In 1930 sang in Belgrade on the family festival of King Alexander Karageorgievich. In the same year, in the Riga cafe "A. T.", accompanied by an orchestra under the control of Schmidt, presented a large solo program, which included songs written specifically for Leshchenko Oscar Line: "Black Eyes", "Katya", " Musana native "et al. In the repertoire of the singer, works of various genres appear: Tango, focus materials, gypsy and household romances, as well as songs of unknown authors, among which the abnormality song of the Chubchik used the greatest popularity. Mark Marca Maryanovsky performs: "Tatyana", "Vanka, SPIA", "Martus" and a few songs of their own essay - "you returned again", "Horses". Writes arrangements to many songs. At the beginning of the 30s, he concludes a contract with the Romanian branch of the British company "Columbia" (about 80 songs recorded). In addition, the plate of the singer is published by Parlophon (Germany), "Electrecord\u003e" (Romania), "Belacord" (Latvia).

Having moved in 1933 to Bucharest, Leshchenko becomes co-owner of the restaurant "Our House", and in 1935 it opens the restaurant "Leshchenko", in which it stands together with the "Trio Leshchenko" ensemble (Singer's wife and his younger sisters - Valya and Katya) and his naistra singer Alla Bayanova.

The announcement of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War is causing a singer in Romania. Being Romanian subjects, Leshchenko shies away from the service in the ranks of the Romanian army and continues concert activities. In the summer of 1942, accompanied by the opera orchestra, the singer performs in the Odessa occupied by the Nazis. In September 1944, after the liberation of Bucharest, gives a big concert for officers of the Soviet Army, by performing their own songs: "I am a long-to-homeland", "Natasha", "Nadya-religious", as well as songs of Soviet composers, including "Dark Night" N. Bogoslovsky.

In the concert programs of the post-war years, songs are sounded: "Tell me, why", "do not leave," "Sleep, my poor heart" O. String, "All that was" D. Pokrasi, "Parsley" A. Albina, "Autumn Mirage "A. Sukhanova et al. March 26, 1951 Peter Leshchenko was arrested by the state security bodies of Romania in the intermission after the first branch of the concert. Following this, in July 1952, his wife was his wife Belousova's arrest, which, like Leshchenko, was accused of treasoning his homeland (performances in Odessa occupied). On August 5, 1952 Belousov was convicted of 25 years in prison, but in 1953 released absence of the absence of a crime. Petr Leshchenko died in 1954 in a prison hospital.

For his creative life, the singer recorded over 180 gramophone discs, but until the end of the 80s, none of these records was reprinted in the USSR.

The first plate from the series "Sings Peter Leshchenko" was released by the company "Melody" to the 90th anniversary of the singer in 1988 and in the same year ranked first in the charts of TASS.

In 1999, by the century from the birth of Peter Leshchenko, in Chisinau, the street and the lane were named after the Great Singe - Petru Lescenco.