The name of the wife of the hero of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. Poem "Ramayana" - a trip of length in thousands of years

The name of the wife of the hero of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. Poem
The name of the wife of the hero of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. Poem "Ramayana" - a trip of length in thousands of years

Territory of Aquapark.

The level of Water Park Ramayana says at least that the chief builder of water rides - Canadian company WHITE WATER WEST is the world leader in this matter. But what to say, even water in the pools are served from pure underground sources, and about hundreds of rescuers follows safety. Some slides in the water park do not have analogues in Asia.

On the square of 16 hectares there are 14 different zones, which can daily accommodate 10,000 people. Several dozen attractions will find their fans and among the reckless children, and among the honorable adult public.

In fact, Ramayana's water park is a whole city where you can not only ride and swim, but also to relax in the gazebo under the crowns of trees, make a massage in the cabin, to eat well in the restaurant and sit in the bar until your child comes up on the slings. See below map of the water park Ramayana.

Water slides for adults

Gorki for adults (sorted by increasing the level of extreme):

1. Mountain river.

2. Serpentine.

You make an exciting slip down on the Tube, in a partially closed tunnel, customized by a powerful stream of water, you overcome countless turns and only then flop into the pool at the end of the way.

3. Race on mats.

This attraction is specifically for those who would like to try their strength in competitions with friends on the fastest descent lying on the mattress. The rapid vertical slide down, almost in a free fall, will not leave you without unforgettable impressions.

4. Aquacoser.

You have to overcome 240 meters of dizzying attacks and falls on a double Tube. The presence of two such attractions with the same path of descent, allows you to arrange exciting competitions with friends to the fastest descent along the longest highway in the world.

5. Aquacon.

6. Python.

During alloy on group rafte, a closed 6-meter tunnel absorbs you, and breathtaking oscillations from side to side only add sharpness. Unique combinations of spirals, turns, falls and takeoffs guarantee an unforgettable descent!

7. Boomerango.

One of the most exciting attractions. You have to conquer the almost vertical wall before the world's strength will throw you into a small pool. Crys delight are guaranteed!

Thanks to the straight sharp descent down, you fly almost in a free fall, creating huge splashes of water, gently land in the waterway.

9. Dead loop.

Due to the acceleration at the start, you fly with a tremendous speed as the Formula 1 racer, and the attraction force allows you to make a 360 degree loop.

Below all the main slides on the first person's video.

Family Gorki

Aqua play attraction Excellent children's zone for children from 3 to 14 years. Located here children's slides, water guns, unpaired facilities with ladders and numerous fonts, are able to take your child for a whole day. All this time, professional rescuers instructors are followed by security for attractions.

2. Spiral.

You go down on the Tube on a spiral arguing tunnel, most of which are closed, many unexpected turns and rapid accelerations, is replaced by a soft landing into the pool at the end of the way.

Here, kids from 6 months to 6 years will find a lot of interesting from mini slides to numerous fountains splashing water in all directions, thereby bringing kids in full delight.

4. Mountain river.

You go down on Tube down the gob and find yourself in a "lazy river" inviting you to a fascinating journey through waves, bubbles from geysers, and mystical caves with waterfalls.

5. Aquacon.

During alloy on group rafte, a closed 6-meter tunnel absorbs you, and breathtaking oscillations from side to side only add sharpness. Unique combinations of spirals, turns, falls and takeoffs guarantee an unforgettable descent!

Other attractions

In addition, there are other water entertainment:

  • pool with waves,
  • Lazy river (which can be moved between different zones),
  • sports swimming pool for water games,
  • pool bar.

If you bother to be in the water, you can get to the land where there is also something to do. Here you are waiting:

  • thai style gazebos,
  • riding an elephant
  • an ancient sculpture with the weak pictures (no wonder the water park is named in honor of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana),
  • volleyball Court,
  • green labyrinth
  • river along which you can make a leisurely walk.

Naturally, there is an additional infrastructure on the territory to create maximum comfort: dressing rooms, wardrobes for storing personal belongings, towels, parking, free Wi-Fi, cafes, restaurant and bars.


How to get to Water Park Ramayana

The water park is 16 km south of the beach, close to Khao Chi Chan and

ancient Indian epic poem on Sanskrit. Attributes Valmiki. The modern view acquired in 2nd. Deals with the exploits of the frame. The source of plots and images of many works in India and beyond.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


dr.-Indian epic. Poem, the authorship is attributed to Valmiki. The time of its creation date 4-3 centuries. BC, but preserved 3 OSN. Options include, apparently, by 1-2 centuries. AD Language - Epic. Sanskrit. The poem consists of 24 thousand shields (two hundred) and divided into 7 books. The plot of the poems: Rama, the eldest son of the ruler wades, marries the princess. The youngest of the three wives of his father, wanting to rules her son of Bharata, made the rim from her husband. Rama with Sita and Brother Lakshman spent many years in the forest. The king of demons, Ravana, kidnapped Sita and hesitated on the air chariot south, to his own about. Lanka, but Rama, in Union with monkeys and bears, won Lanka and killed Ravan. Returning, the frame for a long time and rightly ruled by his kingdom (the word "Ramraj" - the "Rama Kingdom" was politized. The term meaning fair country management). "R." Included in episodes many times translated into Indian languages \u200b\u200band retells in the form of drama and poems. It is translated into many other languages \u200b\u200bof the world. One of the most famous transfers "Ramayana" Tulsidas (16 century) is translated into Russian. Yaz. and published in 1902; The new translation was published in 1948. Annually in the fall on the holiday of Dasher's presentation "Ramayans" goes to ind. villages and cities. Plot "R." served as the basis of a number of lit. works in the countries South-Vost. Asia, where it is widely used by various forms of Nar. Theater In 1960 "R." Was supplied in Moscow, to the center. Children's theater on the play of owls. Indologist N. R. Guseva. "R." - valuable East. A source painting the life of ancient India. The rice of the frame in Y. is often interpreted as the penetration of Indo-Arya in the land of Dravids. In India "R." It is widely studied: in the city of Baroda, there is an Institute of Ramayana, where thousands of manuscripts of the poem are collected from all over the country. There are groups with many un-tah, colleges and historical. and ethno-anthropological. OB-WAH, studying "R."; Published a lot of research on "R." In India and in other countries. Edition: Ramayana (Critical Ed.), First Fasc, ED. by Raghu Vira, Lahore, 1938; Tulsi Das, Ramayana, Per., Comment. and entry Art. A. P. Barannikova, M.-L., 1948; Prem Chand, the tale of the frame, the lane. with Handy, M., 1958; Ramayana. Lit. Outline V. G. Erman and E. N. Techkin, M., 1965. Ya. R. Guseva. Moscow.

Some of the Hindus believe that their Supreme God, Vishnu came from heaven to Earth (embodied in the human image) N-number. Moreover, sometimes he existed simultaneously in several people, and sometimes it came to our mortar, not one, and in the company of his wife - Goddess Lakshmi.

"Ramayana" is a story about the joint adventures of the Divine Couple, where Vishnu is presented in the embodiment of the king of the frame, and Lakshmi - the royal wife of the Sita.

So, I lived yes, there was an angry and cunning demon Ravana in the world, who had ten heads and a beach to eat people.

And once this radishes had insidious and enough banal plans for the enslavement of heaven, the earth and the underworld. For their implementation, Ravan, ten thousand years old was pretended to be an innocent lamb, he kept the harsh ascetic, for which he received from his great-grandfather Brahman (Creator of Essences) invulnerability from gods and people.

Becoming invulnerable, Ravana began to blame in black: captured the power over Lanka (Sri Lanka), created his demonic kingdom, the burdens of people with packs and made the gods from heaven to serve in his house. If only people concerned the case, no one would not mind well, but the gods, who, really did not like to work, began to cry the Vishnu and ask him to figure out the infurorer. Vishnu thought, agreed, and descended to Earth - born in the image of the mortal prince of the frame.

Further, along the play of the play (and it consists of 24,000 poems - four times more "Illiada" !!!) Rama grows, marries Sita (in which the Divine Lakshmi is replied) and goes on the cornstone to voluntary expulsion in the deaf forest debris. Plowing about it, the villain Ravana kidnaps the sieve, hides her in a secret place and, Aki Snake Gorynych Vasilisa beautiful, persuades the queen to get married. Sita, obviously, not wanting to change the timed on soap, persistently refuses.

Ravana gives her a month to think and removes. Holded in the hostage situ finds monkeys God Hanuman. He frees the captive and tolerates the frame to the camp, who has already spidelled the wife of the war.

In the cruel battle of the troops, the frames won a crushing victory, the evil Ravan is defeated, but the heppie-epand is not. Rama, instead of commemorating the wonderful salvation of his wife, begins to doubt his marital loyalty to the last (or then, Ravana is ten goals, unless a woman resist such a "dazzling" handsome !!!). He demands that his costly half in confirming his innocence has been checking fire.

Sita, like a humble woman of the East, comes into the fire and comes out from there without fail. Everyone is happy, and live 10,000 years old. However, even for 10,000 years, the "loyal" frames cannot forget the history of the abduction of Sita and for the eyes call their king by a cuckold. In response to these gossip, the frame will not come up with anything smarter than to drive his pregnant wife from his eyes.

The poor thing is in the forest, her two sons are born, which, having matured, are trying to get better with their hard-ferrous dads. They go to the Father of the war, win him, and ... reconcile with him. Frame, looking at the sons, begins to nostalgrate violently and encourages his wife back to the palace.

But the courtesome, which Sita did not please something, again begin to demand confirmation of her innocence with fire. At this moment, the patience of the woman comes an end, she asks her mother-land to take her body, and the spirit of sufferers goes into the heavenly spheres. After a while, this world leaves the frame, and on this Indian series called "Ramayana" (finally!) Suitable for an end.

Written on Vedica Sanskrit. The final version of the poem applies to the 2nd century. The poem consists of 7 books or 24 thousand "Schlok", i.e. double poems. The word Ramayana can be translated as "fate of the frame" or "Acts of the frame". Ram name from Indian means beautiful or handsome. The author is an allegedly famous Old Industrial Walrmie Walmiki.

A few words about Valmiki. He lived in the 4th century BC. e. And was, as not strange, the robber. But one day, seven wise men met his life path. They conquered Walrmicks with their knowledge and he won their instructions. From the moment the life of the robber Valmiki has changed in the root. He left the mountain in the mountain and meditated for a long time in the name of the frame. Legends say that Valmiki meditation was so long that an anthill grew around him. That is why it was called Valmiki, that is, "released from the anthill." After a strange session of meditation "with ants", Valmiki told the world a story about the frame and sieve. That's so unusually born the famous poem "Ramayana". By the way, Valmiki died during the next meditation. He did not move for a long time and was eaten ants. Alas. And it's time for us to start a conversation about Ramayana.

king Monkeys Hanuman.

I must say that poem "Ramayana" Loves the Indian people more than "Mahabharata" maybe it is connected with the fabulous plot, or with the universal favorite of India by the frame.

The plot line of the popular poem is very similar to Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". The main characters are the Tsarevich Rama, his beautiful spouse of Sita, the main adviser to the King Monkeys of the wisest Khanuman and the ten-year demon Ravan. It all started with the fact that Demon Rakhshasus, a decade, Ravana received a vulipability from God Brahma. Only a person could kill the Demon-ruler of Lanka Island. Taking this gift, Ravana focused that he did not like God Vishnu. Therefore, he decided to be reborn in the manner of man and finish with the demon. Vishnu chose a robe for this Tsarevich. From now on, the great adventures of the main hero of the poem begin.

demon Ravana, having 10 goals, could easily sing one choir!

How many strange creatures have to meet on their way to the frame! Here and the ugly sister of the demon Ravan, which falls in love with Tsarevich and in every way trying to make him a beautiful wife Sita. And Ravana himself, prisoned by the beauty of the Sita, decides to steal it, sending a deer in the forest with gold horns. And flying monkeys that help the frame to find the location of the stolen wife. Restricting monkey-scout in the cat, which finds the opportunity to meet with the captive. The participation of gods takes on the poem. For example, in the episode, after the Great Battle with the demon and the release of the Citua, the frame suddenly accuses his wife in the marital infidelity and requires evidence of her innocence. The defense of the faithful woman comes the God of Fire Agni, not allowing Sith to burn alive.

Rama possessed blue skin

It is interesting to turn the turn of events when it would seem like a fairy tale came a happy end! After all, an important mission is completed - the enemy of Ravan is defeated by an arrow in the very heart, his beloved wife was true, and the frame was finally able to begin the duties of the king. But the Indian epic is rich in surprise, as life itself! This time the people caused a feeling of jealousy in the frame in relation to the beautiful sieve. As a result, the king rejects his pregnant sons to his spouse, forcing the palace to leave the palace. Sita goes into the forest to hermit. It is patronized by the sage Valmiki (i.e. the author of the poem). Sita gives birth and raises the sons of the frame worthy. In the forest they devote to the Father poem "Ramayana", CONTACT AND TAKE RAME at the meeting. The frame is aware of his guilt and is bitterly repeated in perfect mistakes. However, finding his spouse instead of reuniting with her, he again requires evidence of loyalty. Upset Sita pleads his mother to the earth to take her to himself as required evidence. The earth "scans his abyss and takes it into his LONO." The frame is crushed over his own suffraction, but the past time to return not to his power. Sita left forever, proving him once again his purity. Only in heaven spouses are destined to meet again.

Ramayana is undoubtedly one of the most interesting works of foreign classics. In my opinion, this book should certainly have to read each to join the ancient Indian epic and evaluate the magnificence of imagination of human thought. Fantasy lovers will certainly receive double pleasure from reading such a classics. In addition, this "fairy tale" is full of vital wisdom, rich in surprise and is filled with the colors of emotions and feelings.

Written, according to legend, the poet of Walmiki, and in the meaning in national literature is not inferior to Mahabharat. Ramayana consists of 24,000 stanza, in 7 books, and contains an allegorical representation of the invasion of Ariyev to South India and to Ceylon, the inhabitants of which are presented in the form of demons, while primitive, the deoary inhabitants of the dean are depicted under the guise of monkeys. The poem draws a bright picture of the social life of ancient India. This is a real heroic epic, full of exciting scenes and acts of heroes.

Ramayana. Cartoon

First book: Dasharatha, the king of the Indian state of Aiodhya, does not have a male offspring and wants to pour his son by a precious victim. Finally, three sons from the three wives, between them, in which the Vishnu is embodied to destroy the Demon Ravan, to destroy on Ceylon. Already the boys of the frame is distinguished by an extraordinary force and courage and marries the beautiful daughter of the king of Videchi, Sita.

Third book: Description of the wanders of the frame in Central India. The sister of Ravana flammself love for the frame, but, rejected by him, Mustrate him that he inspires her brother's love for the sieve. Ravana, with the help of golden gazelles, lures the frame into the thicket of the forest and kidnaps the sieve. Through the Magic Bird Rama recognizes the name of the kidnapper.

Ravana kidnates the sieve. Illustration to Ramayane

Fourth book: The frame helps monkey king to conquer the kingdom from him and then with the army of monkeys and bears going to search for siets. Monkey Hanuman Rama gives the ring, according to which Sita recognizes the messenger from the frame in it.

Book Fifth: Hanuman swam the strait separating Ceylon from the mainland, and suggests Sith to transfer it on his back through the air. But Sita refuses, "because it should not touch the other body, except for the body of her husband." Rama collects a big army and goes to Ravan.

Six book: Rama wins and kills Ravan. The liberated Sita, in proof that it remained untouched Ravana, passes through the test of fire. The army retreats from the besieged city and God Indra Returns to the life of all killed monkeys and bears; Raper Hanuman is awarded eternal youth. Rama and sieves in a magic chariot return to their kingdom.

But such a happy end of the poem did not meet the Indian Mirosozenia. Therefore B. seventh book It is said that Rama again doubted the purity of the sieves and expelled it. Then Sita expresses the desire that the Earth absorb her, and the Earth absorbs her. Thus, the Sita is again justified, but died for a frame. He recalls then about his divine origin and returns to the sky.