What are the secret services called. Scouts have always been, there will be

What are the secret services called. Scouts have always been, there will be

No, not aliens, but quite real people - employees of intelligence services.

Below is a list of ten the best special services of the world.


The Federal Intelligence Service of Germany is the German External Intelligence Service, established in 1955 on the basis of the so-called "organization General Gelegen". By the number of employees is the largest federal institution of Germany. The BND state has about 7 thousand employees, of which 2 thousand are employed by collecting intelligence abroad. The main tasks of the agency are the collection and analysis of the REST. Information, as well as identifying and countering threats to the sovereignty and interests of the Federal Republic of Germany. A considerable part of its BND resources highlights the fight against terrorism.


General Directorate of Foreign Security, DGSE (France)

The General Directorate of Foreign Security is the main body of France's foreign intelligence, created on April 2, 1982. His task is to ensure intelligence and national security, in particular, by performing militarized and counterintelligence operations abroad. The main office is in 20 districts of Paris. The staff of employees for 2011 has 4747 people. As in most other intelligence, the details of its activities and the organization are not publicly discussed.


At the eighth place in the list of the best special services of the world is the Ministry of State Security of the PRC - Special Service, the main functions of which is the counterintelligence, external and internal intelligence, as well as the political security of the People's Republic of China. Was created on June 6, 1983. Headquarters is located in Beijing.


Australian Secret Intelligence Service, ASIS

The Australian secret intelligence service, with headquarters in the city of Canberra, is responsible for collecting intelligence, counterintelligence and relationship with the intelligence services of other countries. Was created on May 13, 1952. However, the Australian government officially confirmed its existence only in 1977. Interestingly, employees of the British "MI-6" were engaged in training first employees ASIS.


Department of Research and Analysis, RAW (India)

One of the best special services of the world is the Department of Research and Analysis - the External Intelligence Service of India. Was created in September 1968. Its main functions are external intelligence, struggle against terrorism, secret operations, obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, as well as ensuring the security of the Nuclear Program of India.


Exploration and Special Tasks, Mossad (Israel)

Mossad is the national intelligence agency of Israel, an analogue of the American Central Intelligence Department (CIA). It is considered one of the most efficient and professional special services in the world. Its main tasks is to collect and analyze the research. information, as well as carrying out secret special operations outside the country. The organization was formed in March 1951. The main office is located in Tel Aviv on the Boulevard Tsar Shaulu. Currently, the estimated number of employees "Mossad" has 1,200 people. The most famous successful operations of this department are: Search and the abduction of the Nazis included in the rating of the most brutal rulers in the history of Adolf Eikhman, the abduction of the Mordechai Vanuna nuclear technique, eliminating the reasons for Munich massacre in the Olympic Games in 1972 and many others.


Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, FSB

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation - the National Security Service of Russia, the successor of the KGB. Its main functions are counterintelligence, intelligence and border activities, the struggle against terrorism, corruption and especially dangerous forms of crime, as well as ensuring information security. Was formed on April 3, 1995. Headquarters is located in the main building of the former KGB on Lubyanka, Moscow.


Secret Intelligence Service of Great Britain, MI-6

UK Secret Intelligence Service is a special service of the UK foreign exploration with headquarters in London. It was formed in 1909. However, its existence was officially recognized only in 1994. The main tasks of MI-6 are the fight against espionage (counterintelligence), as well as the collection, processing and analysis of the political, economic, technical and scientific information of the threatening interests of Great Britain.


Central Intelligence Management, CIA (USA)

Central intelligence management - American special services The main functions, which is to carry out secret operations, as well as the collection and analysis of information about foreign governments, organizations, companies and individuals. The special services was created in 1947. Headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia, 13 km from Washington.


The best special service service of the world is Pakistani interdepartmental intelligence, established in 1948. Known as the most influential, powerful and well-equipped special services in the Islamic world. Her headquarters consists of several buildings and is located in Islamabad. According to some experts, ISI is the largest intelligence service in the world by the number of employees. Although their total number was never announced, it is estimated at about 10,000 people.

Earlier it was reported, US intelligence services

The good days were when the money was less, the capacity was limited, and the competition was minimal. People were safe in their homes, as well as. With the advent of new competition, it became very large, and wealth made this world unsafe. Without a doubt, this is a bitter truth that needs to be taken to keep the security and peace everywhere, because it was not to return. But to prevent threats in the country, several secret, mysterious institutions working for the security and interests of the country were created. These secret institutions are actually special services working mainly under cover. Some of them have the best brains, formulating the best protection ideas. But what country has the best special services? Let's see who in the top 10 list of the best special services of the world.

10. CSRB

The Secret Service of Canada was created in 1984 for strategic and international research, which is the Canadian exploration and security service. Before its formation, another agency operated in the country, but his work was not effective. Located in Ottawa, Ontario and has a total of 2449 employees, this agencies are responsible to parliament. It provides services to guarantee the security of the country, especially from terrorism and all its species.

9. Asbr

Australia-a peaceful country, and the world in it is additionally supported by the Secretary Agency AsBR (Australian Security and Intelligence Service). National and economic assets are safe when the ASBR is working. She also supports communication with other similar institutions in the world. The law was recently adopted, which allowed AsBR to work with such foreign institutions as the FBI, Mi-6 and the CIA. Strategic observation makes it one of the best in his area. The organization began to work in 1952 and is in working condition and now.

8. Had

Hadamad Aetla Davlati, better known as HAD and works in Afghanistan as a secret agency since 1987. But his work was stopped in 1996 due to the civil war. All records were burned by the Taliban. But the services provided by this Agency for the country were invaluable. It is known that Had was perfectly prepared for any upcoming war.

7. BND

The secret forces of Germany are known as Bundesnachrichtendienst and for convenience were reduced to the BND. They began to work actively after World War II. The main goal of the BND was to collect information about foreign countries and protect against possible threats on their part. BND also follows criminal and terrorist activities in countries that may threaten the national

german security.

6. FSB

The Federal Security Service (FSB) is an organization established in Russia, secretly protecting the country from the threat of decay. The agency was created in 1990 and gradually increases. Headquarters is located in Moscow, and a total of 250,000 people work to protect the country. In addition to espionage behind the enemies of the country, the FSB is also engaged in the threat of terrorism. It is believed that this organization is one due to the most effective world due to its extraordinary ability to espionage.

5. MGB

The new superpower of the world China has one of the best intelligence special services of the world, MGB (Ministry of State Security). China sees a threat from other powers, and therefore he needs to have an effective intelligence service. MGB works very responsibly as its branches. MGB collects many information about China's enemies, especially those communist parties whose actions are directed against the country. Headquarters is located in the capital, Beijing.

4. Mi-6

Mi-6 is a very old agency, which was founded in 1909 in the capital of Great Britain, London. The agency has been working closely with the domestic security service and a government center. The main goal of Mi-6 is the protection of the state. And this protection is based on espionage and combat spying. About 3200 officials are currently working day and night to protect the national interests of the country. Mi-6 also plays an important role in maintaining relations with other countries.

3. Mossad

Mossad appeared in 1949 and is actively working since then. Like other special services, this is not a military organization. But people working in it have undergone military training to solve defense problems. Myste's secret operations are simply stunning. Mossad plays an important role in Israel's wars with other countries. The main direction of Mossad work with Arab countries. This organization also takes care of the Jews and their migration from Syria and other countries. Headquarters is located in Tel Aviv. The total number of people in the organization is 1200.

2. CIA

Central intelligence management (CIA) was once the number one in the world. It lost the title and authority after the mysterious 9/11 terrorist attack. Nevertheless, the CIA serves as one of the best organizations in the country. It collects information inside and outside the country, and then analyzes it, and transfers information to authorized bodies. These rules and laws have been created better protection of national interests. The CIA is attributed to the victory over the USSR in the Cold War. Headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia not far from Washington, DC, and she was created in

year 1947. The CIA is undoubtedly the most famous and popular intelligence in the world.

1. ix

The best special services in the world. ICI is an exploration of Pakistan and Abbrevia Inter-Services Intelligence. ICI appeared in 1948, immediately after the section of India and Pakistan. Headquarters is located in the capital of Islamabad. Power includes people of three defense forces; Army, Air Force and Navy. The agency works with many directions, but the main goal is the safety of Pakistan. It protects national assets, as well as the political and social interests of the country. ISI holds under the watchful ok all the borders of Pakistan, guaranteeing him safety from external enemies. The effective role of ICI played in the war against terrorism, war in Afghanistan and Kargilskaya war and this puts it in the first place. ICI strategic brains are invincible.

Countless films were removed about the most mysterious and secret profession, thousands of art and journalistic books were written. But about people living among us, and we know very little about their activities.

But the time passes, the secret archives are declassified, and people of the mysterious profession are released from the shadow of the past. And now we have the most famous scouts in the history of espionage.

Richard Zorge

Let's start with a legendary person named Richard Zorge. Perhaps, many specialists and historians agree that this is the most famous Soviet intelligence officer, and his information has significantly influenced the course of history.

On the eve of the Second World War, he was and worked in Japan, and it was Zorga that he handed out information about the exact date of the German attack on the USSR. In 1941, he was declassified by the Japanese secret police and after many proceedings sentenced to the death penalty.

He was executed in 1944, and in twenty years, the Motherland recognized her intelligence officer, and Zorge was awarded the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Since 1979, the FBI officer acted in the interests of the USSR, and after the events, as a result of which the Union collapsed, continue to transfer the information of Russia, but the information began to transmit only in 1985

After the disclosure of the US intelligencers managed to prove only 13 episodes of the espionage of Robert in favor of the Soviet state. Hansen on the advice of his lawyer went to cooperate with the investigation and recognized his guilt, which allowed him to avoid the death penalty.

An interesting fact that working for the USSR, he earned 1 million dollars, he received the same amount for this period and at the main work in the FBI.

The present name of this woman Margaret Gertrud Sel and she was born in Holland. The performer of exotic dances, Kurtyzanka, did not hesitate to take off nude, and most importantly, using the talent of actresses and the female charm, easily joined the highest light and began to communicate with influential politicians, military.

The First World War and Mata Hari began to be the perfect person to collect secret information. It is believed that she was a double agent, but France still does not recognize that she acted in the interests and French intelligence.

It was arrested in Paris in February 1917 and on charges of espionage in favor of Germany was shot in October of the same year.

Isabella Maria Boyd Another woman who entered the story as an agent who worked on the army of confederates during the US Civil War.

An expulsion of a seventeen-year-old girl became completely by chance, killing the soldier of the northern army, which burst into their house and insulted his mother. Belli took into custody, but justified.

Once at the occupied territory, it began to actively communicate with the military army military, collecting information. With the messenger, she sent letters directly to General Jeba Stewart.

It was arrested twice, but they were released, and Isabella died from Typha aged fifty-six years.

One of the main chiefs of British intelligence, the communist and son of a well-known scientist with a world name, the famous Kim Philby has been an agent of the Soviet state since 1933.

And Kim was born in India, received an excellent education and began to engage in anti-fascist activities. Perhaps this was the main motivation of cooperation with the USSR.

After the war, worked closely with US officials. And then this activity was prevented by many specialists, directed against the Soviet state. Kim died in 1988 in the capital of Russia. Among the awards of Philby is the honorary title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Anthony BLANT.

British art historian and historian BLANT entered the recently declassified "Cambridge Five", and from 1937 to 1951 he worked as an informant of Soviet intelligence.

The world learned about his secret activity only in 1979, although the United Kingdom's authorities received this information earlier. But in exchange for cooperation with M5 Anthony received inviolability.

During World War II passed valuable information about the plans of the Wehrmacht in the USSR, which England's authorities tried to hide from an ally.

After recognizing about his secret life and work at the USSR, the Blante was fired, and Elizabeth deprived him of the Knight's title.

Christopher Bois.

The US citizen actively opposed the war of his country in Vietnam. This became the main motivating factor in the start of the work of Christopher to Soviet intelligence bodies.

The informant agent transferred valuable information about satellites, receiving most information at work on which his father was arranged - an aircraft security officer.

Sokol, such was Cristofer, was arrested in 1977 and sentenced to 40 years of imprisonment. Once he managed to flee, and he was already preparing for a secret move to the USSR, but was again detained by the special services.

After 24 years, Christopher was relieved early in 2002.

Oldrich Ames.

Taking a high post in central intelligence management, Aldry has passed important information to the Soviet services for ten years. Thanks to his work in the USSR, a whole network of CIA agents worked in the ranks of the KGB and intelligence management was revealed.

In 1994, he was revealed, and a large political scandal broke out in the USA. Ems was fired, and the court sentenced him to the life sentence, which he was departing and now.

Interestingly, working as a fashion agent, Aldrich decided because of the lack of money, considering that the secret information was fairly profitable.

Klaus Fuks

A native of Germany since the beginning of the thirties became a member of the Communist Party and an active anti-fascist. After coming to power, Hitler was forced to flee to England.

The best physicist theoretics of his time worked on the creation of an atomic bomb, and in ideological reasons and political views began to transfer information to the USSR. Some information about working with uranium received from Claus and the US intelligence agency.

For the spyware, the Government's power has condemned Fuchs for 14 years in prison, of which he served nine. He returned to the GDR and lived in this country to death.

Conmon young

The Soviet personnel intelligence officer illegal was still a lot of people in the world. After the death of his father moved to the United States, where she lived in aunt. Then returned to the Soviet Union and after participating in the Great Patriotic War, entered the Academy of Foreign Trade.

Under the cover and new name, Gordon Lonsdale worked in Canada, the USA and the United Kingdom, collecting the most important information about the projects for creating bacteriological weapons.

The activities of Konon Trofimovich allowed his homeland to save big funds, and after the failure, did not prove his involvement in spy activities.

Julius and Etel Rosenberg

Of course, it is necessary to mention a married couple, which for many years transferred information in the field of electronics and military technologies. They were arrested and on charges of espionage executed in 1953.

Yulia and Ethel were the Communists and worked rather from ideological considerations, and not for money reward. Etel and his wife Ruth entered their group.

And today, information about the Rosenberg of the Military Secrets of America passed by this couple remains closed. But experts recognize that their activities have had a significant impact on the development of domestic electronics.

More adventurous and intelligent spy in history still need to search, because it was not in vain, he became the prototype of the famous Kinherman James Bond. And riddled ReloMemblum (real surname) in Odessa and many facts of their biography himself told himself.

At the end of the XIX century, moved to America, and then to Europe, took a new name and began to work in favor of English special services. Having moved to Petrograd, its main goal was to fight the Bolsheviks.

Working under the cover, he created a whole spy network, and even helped to escape from the RSFSR A. Kerensky. In 1925 he was arrested and shot.

Elizabeth Bentley

The spy passions of this woman are full of drama and curious turns. I began to activities in the fascist organization, but then Elizabeth moved to the position of the Communists.

Her agent pits "Fox" and "Mirana" fully responded to adventurous and risky nature. In 1945, I requested meetings with the head of the FBI Goover and passed all Soviet agents.

Many noted that it was after this transition to the FBI service in America began a campaign for the witch hunting, the famous prosecution of the Communists.

Real name and surname of this person William Henrikhovich Fisher, and his parents were Russian revolutionaries, whom the royal authorities were sent from the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century.

After the victory of the revolution, Fishera returned to their homeland, but did not refuse British citizenship. Rudolph worked in many countries of Europe, where installed secret radio. During the war, he prepared radists for partisan groups, which acted in the territories occupied by the Nazis.

He was arrested by Americans and sentenced to 32 years in prison, but the Soviet authorities exchanged Abel on the pilot. Drown over the Ural of the Scout Airplane.

Finished the fighters of modernity. A talented and beautiful woman today successfully and works well a TV presenter. And before that was a Russian agent under covering in the United States.

But Anna was declassified and sent from the North American continent, although many express doubts of her connection with Russian special services.

But, of course, the Americans found enough reason to send and no longer let the girl in their country, and now she participates in various television and political projects in their homeland.


In childhood, you always ask for a question: spy or scout? Both teachers and adults explained that working for the benefit of your fatherland is an intelligence officer, and the agent of the enemy state is a spy.

But there were double and triple agents, and some are not declassified and today, and continue their invisible activities on the invisible front. But from time to time, all new and new names appear on the folders with the neck "Top Secret".

There is a professional team to combat mafia in the country. All the loudest criminal cases of the last time, associated with corruption and fraud, led the group of General FSB Sergey Queen. In early July, Sergei Korolev received at home the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB

"In the fight against the Russian Cosa Nostra"

Behind the most loud criminal cases of recent times, the team of FSB staff led by General Sergei Queen, who, until recently, supervised the Office of the Office (USB) of the FSB, and in early July, received an economic security service (SEB) of the FSB under his origin, told

In the early 2000s, Korolev served in the third department of the Economic Security Service of the UFSB, which was supervised by law enforcement agencies. In those days, they looked at it practically as retired, wrote the other day "Fontanka".

A few years before St. Petersburg, he was commended - Korolev became an adviser to the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, while he overseed the main management of the General Staff, which is more often called GRU.

Soon, unexpectedly for all Korolev became the head of the General Security Department of the FSB of Russia. In the police officer, Chekists are named guard. It turns out, he sacrifted the guard.

In the queen, one of the most significant divisions in USB was the sixth service. According to the source of RBC close to USB, it was created in 2008, it includes only about 35 people. He heads service Ivan Tkachev, writes RBC.

Of course, before the detention of governors and other high persons, the head of the service coordinates the position of the Director of the FSB Bratnikov. And with such questions, it is already necessary to approach the president. The resolution should be the same everywhere: "To work." Signature, date. What, in fact, means - in Lefortovo, notes "Fontanka".

The economic security service is one of the key units in the FSB, explains Major General of the FSB retired, a member of the Council on the Foreign and Defense Policy Alexander Mikhailov. According to him, in the USSR, in the conditions of confrontation with the West, the main role was played by the staff engaged directly by counterintelligence, but in recent years the SEB value has increased markedly.

The official structure of the SEB FSB is not disclosed. As "New Gazeta" wrote, the economic security service includes seven departments: on counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (management "K"), enterprises of industry, transport, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Economic Development and Trafficking Management and administrative service.

From 2004 to 2008, SEB headed Alexander Bortnikov, who came to the post of Director of the FSB immediately from this post. Yakovlev became the successor of the Bortnikov in the SEB leadership. On July 8, Vladimir Putin appointed a new head of one of the key divisions of the FSB - the economic security services. They became Sergey Korolev.

The loudest criminal cases of the sixth service

May 8, 2015. Lieutenant-General Denis Sumbobov, headed by February 2014, was detained, headed by February 2014, the main management of economic security and opposition to the corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Recall, he was arrested on charges of organizing a criminal community, provocations of bribes and exceeding official authority. He was also arrested his deputy Boris Kolesnikov, who soon committed suicide.

September 2015. . On charges of fraud and the organization of the criminal community, the head of the Republic of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer was arrested. In the case of the Guizer, 19 people pass, including the ex-deputy of the State Duma from Komi Evgeny Samoilov.

March 4, 2016 . The Governor Alexander Khorosavin was detained on Sakhalin, he was charged to get a bribe in the amount of 6 million dollars.

March 14, 2016. The Deputy Minister of Culture Grigory Pirumov was detained in Rostov. The total amount of damage imputed to him and other defendants is more than 100 million rubles. In addition to Pirumov, the director of the St. Petersburg company "Baltstroy" Dmitry Sergeyev and other responsible persons were arrested for the so-called "restorers' business.

End of March 2016 . "Petersburg businessman number 1" was arrested billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. He was charged with smuggling. According to the investigators, in European auctions, elite alcohol was purchased, which was received in Russia under the guise of building sealant.

As RBC notes, the case of Mikhalchenko is not the only case of smuggling, which is engaged in USB. At the end of 2015, the Office became interested in the business of ULS Global. Among the defendants of the investigation was the head of the 7th department of the K "(it is engaged in counterintelligence support in the credit and financial sector) of the Economic Security Service of the FSB Vadim Uvarov.

Communication with Mikhalchenko affected the career of one of the most high-ranking security forces of the country, the director of the FSO Evgenia Murova.

Murov worked for several years together with Mikhalchenko's partner on business Nikolai Nikolai Noganov in the regional department of the FSB. Murov, Mikhalchenko, weanons lived in one village on the banks of the Valdai lake in the Novgorod region.

In late May, the decision of the President Murov was resigned. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov explained the dismissal of Moorro his old age, resembles RBC.

June 24, 2016 . In the Moscow Restaurant, upon receipt of 400 thousand euros, the Governor of the Kirov region, the former chairman of the Union of the Right Forces Nikita White, was detained.

July 13, 2016 . The court sanctioned the arrest of Zecharia Kalashov (Shakro Young), who was charged with extortion and organization of the criminal community.

On the night of July 18th to July 19 . Denis Nikandrov, Deputy Head of the SK SK in Moscow, were detained in Moscow, the head of the interdepartmental interaction and his own security SK Mikhail Maksimenko and his deputy, the head of his own security department Alexander Lamonov.

July 26, 2016. Investigators discovered about 10 million rubles and hundreds of thousands of dollars and euros when searching in the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Andrei Belyaninova. The searches were held in the cabinets of the Deputy Belyaninov Andrei Strukov and Ruslana Davydov. In the course of searches, items and documents that are important to investigate the criminal case about alcohol smuggling are seized.

As it became known today, on July 28, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order on the resignation of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Beljaninova.

We note, following the "Fontanka" that Khoroshavin, Gyser, White - Governor's government. Sumbers - a policeman. Pirumov - ministerial. Mikhalchenko - Capitalist. Citizen Shakro - Mafiosis. Today they reached the investigative committee and the FCS.

Rearrangements in the FSB

In June, Viktor Voronin, the immediate head of Vadima Uvarova, was lost in June of his post.

The USB had information that Voronin is connected with Mikhalchenko, two interlocutors close to the management of HSB talked to RBC. The resignation of Voronin occurred according to the results of the internal audit, which employees of HSB were conducted in the SEB.

Soon after the first audit, the management of its own security began a re-test. At its end, the head of SEB Yuri Yakovlev went into resign.

A few weeks before the resignation of Yakovleva, Korolev became the main challenger in his place, RBC was told by the interlocutors in the special services. It was he who was appointed on July 8 by the head of the SEB.

Now the FSB continues to rearrange, but already at the level of middle-level operatives of the Economic Security Service. According to one of the interlocutors of RBC in FSB, close to the management of the special services, the scale of layoffs is still difficult to assess, however, it is already known that about ten people will be defeated by its posts, about half of which will additionally be checked in connection with possible violations of legislation.

Another source of RBC in the special services told that at least one person from the number of employees of the SEB left the country. According to another source of RBC, one of the operatives of the economic security service was dismissed on July 8 - a day, when a decree was signed on the appointment of a new head of the SEB.