Amazing peoples of the world. Traditions and customs of the peoples of the world

Amazing peoples of the world. Traditions and customs of the peoples of the world

What is the difference between each other all the countries of the world? Of course, geographical position and national composition. But there is something else. Today we will talk about the most interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world.


A Turkish man cannot have a second spouse, until it gives the first decorations of gold in the amount of at least ten thousand dollars. It is believed that this is how the man can confirm financial spending and prove its ability to feed several wives.

It is not very culturally talking at the table, without asking permission from the owner of the house, it is not worth choosing a piece of food from a common dish too carefully. And if you decide to use toothpick, then you should do it, covering your mouth with your hand, as if you play on a lip accordion.


Among the interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, the rituals of India occupy a special place. Start standing with greeting. Of course, you can just shake your hand at the meeting. But there are some subtleties. For example, shake hands with whom you were not familiar before, - a bad tone. Behind the hand should not be healthy and women are considered to be an insult. How to greet the interlocutor not to offend him? Connect hand brushes at chest level.

Without a doubt, many know about the cult of an animal, which exists in the Wonderland, as elsewhere called India. The main animal here is a cow. They are calmly walking along the streets of settlements. Dried cows with their death, usually from old age, because it is forbidden to take their meat in food in India.

But not only the pitfalls have the status of sacred animals. In this country, churches for monkeys are erected. The most famous - the palace of winds, in which, by the way, the tourists are not recommended. Why? Yes, because there is a huge number of monkeys that can be aggressive. Another animal, revered in India, is peacock. They live here literally dropping - they hide their songs everywhere: in the temples, in the courtyards of houses and just on the streets.

If in India, you decide to visit the temple, without fail at the entrance, remove the shoes. And in general, at the time of the trip, eliminate the shoes from genuine leather from your wardrobe.


If we talk about funny and funny customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, you should pay attention to this African country. Here, a young spouse is obliged for a whole month after the wedding to wear women's outfits and fulfill all female duties.


Once in China, such a way of ignition was practiced, as a revenge through suicide: an offended person came to the house (or courtyard) of his offender and killed himself. In this case, the Chinese spoke, the soul of the suicide is not attracted to the sky, but remains in the house of the offender and brings him and his family various misfortunes.

Once in China, such a tradition was distributed as binting legs. She appeared in the X century. Six-year-old girls tightly tightened the feet of bandages. It was done to prevent leg growth. The fact is that in China a small foot - the standard of beauty, girls with miniature legs easier to marry. Due to the fact that the girls experienced terrible pain and with difficulty moved, in 1912 the binting of the legs was officially banned. But in some regions of the country, this is practiced so far.

Today in the most interesting traditions also have interesting traditions. For example, going to visit, you should not take flowers with you. The owners of the house perceive it as a hint that the house is so unprecedented and unlikely that the guest decided to decorate it on his own.

Many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world are associated with the use of food. No exception and China. Here, for example, the chavinc is not a sign of non-ultimate behavior, but quite the opposite. If you are not chasing at the table, it can offend the owners of the house where you are invited for lunch or dinner, and cooks in the restaurant. Residents of the Middle Kingdom consider the quiet food with food without pleasure. It is not necessary to worry about the challenges randomly set on the tablecloth. You should even deliberately stain it, thereby giving it to understand that food gave you an incredible pleasure.


Speaking of the most unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the so-called banquet monkey, which is customary to arrange in the province of Thailand called Lopburi. This happens as follows: literally thousands of kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits bring to the local temple and invite about two thousand monkeys. These animals love here because one day the whole army of the monkeys helped God Rama to win the enemies.

There are other traditions. For example, it is not recommended to indicate something (and even more so someone) foot. The lower part of the body in this country is considered despicable. By the way, it is for this reason that it is not worth sitting, putting one leg to another and sending the feet towards the Buddha statue. Going to Thailand, it is important to know that the Thais read an absolutely every image of the Divine, and therefore should not be relying, step or boil the statues to make an unusual photo. Another local tradition reads: Be sure to remove the shoes before entering someone's home or temple.


A special place among the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world is the vitality of Norwegians. For example, in this country it is not customary to give way to public transport to people aged. The fact is that it is perceived as a demonstration of a physical advantage. What should not be done in Norway? Ask about well-being. This is considered too personal.

Not accepted in Norway hugging at the meeting. Usually, people simply shapen each other's hands or barely come into contact with the tips of the fingers. When parting, you can pat each other on the back. Another interesting tradition concerns visitors to visit: without warning to go to someone, it is not worth it. In addition, it is certainly necessary to inform the exact time of departure. It will not be possible to leave this time later - the owners without a branch of conscience at the appointed hour will point to the door.


If you are interested in the unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, we advise you to pay attention to Denmark. A flag posted in the window means that there is someone who celebrates his birthday in this house.

A very interesting tradition belongs to young people and girls whose age has reached 25 years. They are accepted to sprinkle with cinnamon. This is done in order for a pleasant smell to understand representatives of the opposite sex, that this person is alone and not to meet.


Discussing interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is impossible not to say about Japanese rituals. It is not customary from work here until the manager leaves. Welcome to each other through a handshake is also not accepted, usually they just make a courteous bow.

They say local traditions and the number of colors that can be given. Unlike Russia, where the extremely odd number of colors give an exceptionally, only much dial in Japan. The Japanese say: the flower without a pair feels lonely, quickly fades. The odd number of colors is suitable for mourning ceremonies.

Andaman Islands

Getting acquainted with the unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is impossible to bypass the party and the Andaman Islands. When meeting, one indigenous resident sits on his knees to another Aboriginal, hugs him behind the neck and starts crying. No, no, he does not complain about his sad life and is not going to tell the tragic episodes from the biography. So he simply expresses the joy of meeting with the tribesman.


Among the strangest customs and traditions of the peoples of the world - a Tibetan ritual to show each other at a meeting language. This custom appeared in the 9th century. Then Tibet rules Tsar Landarm, characterized by particular cruelty. The main admission of the king was a black language. Tibetans were afraid that the king (or his soul) may, after death, to accommodate into someone, and therefore, for the purpose of security, it began to show each other languages.

If you, too, decided to join this tradition, make sure that it did not eat anything that could paint your tongue into a dark color.


In Vietnam, it is not customary to look into his interlocutor. There are two reasons for this: the first is shyness inherent in Vietnamese, the second - the interlocutor can be a more respected person, can have a higher rank. Speaking about children of interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the Vietnamese ban on the praise of a newborn child. In this country, it is believed that the evil spirit, located near, can hear about the values \u200b\u200bof the baby and steal it.

It is not accepted in this country to argue loud. Vietnamese are characterized by self-discipline and good upbringing, and therefore hot discussions of guests from Europe cause disapproval from local residents. If we should not say about the very mysterious national customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is impossible not to say about the tradition of the Vietnamese to hang on the entrance doors (from the outside) of the mirror. What for? Everything is very simple - a desire to get into the house of the Dragon will see his reflection and think that the dragon already lives in this house.


In Tanzania, as, however, in other regions of Africa, it is customary to consider the left hand of dirty, and the right - clean. That is why it is not customary here or give gifts with your left hand. The method of admission of gifts is interesting: first you need to touch the gift with my right hand, and then you need to hold the donor for his right hand.


In the United States of America, it is customary to celebrate almost any event. On this list of birthdays, weddings, the birth of children or pregnancy and much more. The culprits of the celebration, for example, guests are usually suitable for a procedure called squeezes.

What gifts are shoved? It all depends on the reason. It can be objects useful in the farm (towels, pancake frying pan or vases), but you can get very frivolous gifts.

Wedding customs

Well, and as a bonus - wedding traditions and customs of different peoples of the world. For example, each at least a little self-respecting resident of Andalusia before the wedding is simply obliged to jump from the rock down his head. Just ancient traditions say: only a man with a strong skull can marry. But the most interesting thing is in another: the height of the rock depends on the number of relatives of the future spouse - than them more, the more heights will have to jump.

A funny may seem a wedding tradition that is observed in some areas of India. In some states, third marriages are prohibited. You can lead the altar to the altar twice, four too, but three are categorically prohibited. And only marriage with a living person is prohibited. And because the men who have decided not to stop at two marriages, for the third time they are forced to marry a tree. The marriage ceremony is usually not so magnificent, but there are also guests and gifts. After the completion of the wedding celebrations, the invited helps the newly minted spouse are widowed - all together they cut down the bride. The problem is solved, you can marry again.

Speaking about the wedding traditions and rites of the peoples of the world, it is impossible to miss the Greek tradition. Here, during the whole wedding celebration, a young wife seeks to step on his husband. It is best to do it in dance. A similar maneuver, according to local beliefs, suggests that the woman has every chance of becoming a chapter family.

On the Nikobar Islands, located in the Bengal Gulf, a man who expressed the desire to marry a girl should have been for a while (usually from six months to a year) to become her slave. During this time, the girl had to think about everything and answer. If she agrees to marry, the village council declares a couple of her husband and his wife. In case of refusal, the man was forced to return home.

One of the most interesting wedding traditions and customs of the peoples of the world can be called the rituals of Central Nigeria. Here, girls on the issuance are locked in separate huts and refill. Admission to these huts exclusively mothers of these girls. For several months (or even years), parents bring a large amount of flour food to their daughters so that they spread. The fact is that in these places the lush women are very valued, and therefore, and successfully marry the fattests easier.

Vietnamese newlyweds are made to give two gifts. Here it is believed that one gift symbolizes the rapid divorce. Therefore, it is better to prevent two inexpensive presents than one expensive.

1. In Africa, members of the Masai tribe at the meeting are jumped - the higher the jump, the more respect it is manifested.

2. In Norway, it is considered tactless to give way in transport to people aged. There it is interpreted as a demonstration of a physical advantage.

3. In China, a loud "chaucanium" is welcomed. If the guests eat silently, they insult the owners and cooks. It is believed that quiet food - food without pleasure.

Express info in the country

The land is in third place by the distance from the Sun and on the fifth among all the planets of the solar system in size.

Age - 4.54 billion years

Average radius - 6 378.2 km

Average circle - 40 030.2 km

Area - 510 072 million km² (29.1% sushi and 70.9% water)

Number of mainland - 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans - 4: Atlantic, Quiet, Indian, Northern Arctic

Population - 7.3 billion people. (50.4% of men and 49.6% of women)

The most densely populated states: Monaco (18,678 people / km 2), Singapore (7607 people / km 2) and Vatican (1914 people / km 2)

Number of countries: Total 252, independent 195

Number of languages \u200b\u200bin the world - about 6,000

The number of official languages - 95; The most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities - about 2 000

Climatic belts: Equatorial, tropical, moderate and arctic (basic) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

4. Also among the Chinese there is no custom bring the owner of the house flowers. This causes suspicions that the guest considers the house so low-attractive, which brought flowers with him to at least somehow decorate it.

5. Norwegians do not compliment publicly. Even at school, students are not praised with other children and do not report evaluations to the whole class.

6. In Greece, come to visit, it is impossible to admire the picture or a vase. Otherwise, the owner will be forced to give it to you.

7. In Mongolia, guests are fed to loud bumping. Therefore, it is not accepted to restrain - this is a sign of that Guest remained hungry.

8. In contrast to our tradition in Japan and Norway, only an even number of colors give. It is believed that the flower without a pair feels lonely. An odd number of colors is suitable only for mourning ceremonies.

9. In Japan, it is not customary to be mad for humans.

10. Indians do not use the word "Thank you" inside the family. It is believed that native people do not need thanks.

11. In China, the number 4 is a symbol of death. Even in the numbering of the floors of the 4th is absent.

12. In Arab countries, it is impossible to transfer hookah mouthpiece into hand. This is regarded as coercion.

13. In Japan, the etiquette prescribes from work only after the boss made it.

14. The laws of Georgian hospitality are prescribed that the glass of the guest is always filled. Therefore, devastating a glass, the guest forces the owner again and again fill it.

15. In one Indian state, a young wife has the right to get away from her husband after 3 days, if something did not like something. After that, the girl can freely choose partners.

16. In Kenya, the husband after the wedding is obliged to wear female outfits during the month and make women's work. So it is necessary for the husband better to understand what to be a woman.

17. In Denmark, the flag posted in the window says that there is a birthday in the house.

18. In North Kamchatka, in the past, it was decided that the guest would enter into an intimate connection with the hostess at home. It was believed that he would give a tribute to the owner. If a child appeared after this night - his birth celebrated the entire village.

19. At each meeting in Latin America, it is customary to hug and exchange kisses.

20. In Japan, there is no tradition of handshake. There it is customary to welcome each other by tricky bow.

In our world there are a huge number of nationalities that have their own history. Your attention is presented the most unusual and interesting customs and traditions Peoples of the world.

Samoa. People from these edges are enjoying the usual greetings to us, in the form of a fire, sniff each other. For them, this is a very serious and ancient ritual. In the ancient of their ancestors, with the help of such a welcome, a stranger could calculate.

Masai tribe in Africa. Everyone since childhood is taught that it is not good to do. In the Masai tribe, the opposite is. With this action, they greet each other and thereby show respect for the interlocutor.

Denmark. If walking through the streets of Denmark, you will see that the national flag looks out of the window, know, the person who has a birthday today lives in this house.

Andaman Islands. In this area, a person can approach the other, sit down in his arms and cry. And these tears will not be from grief, but from the joy they experience when meeting with this person.

In the American Indians, the bridegroom to get the bride, it was necessary to endure a lot of tests. The parents of the bride should have drived him in every way, insult or even use as a free labor. If the groom will suffer all these tests, he was given his whale's wishe.

In China, Japan, Korea, if a person does not have a chavket when taking food, it means that he didn't like food and it can insult the owners of the house.

In the east, it is customary to treat guests of tea. At the same time, the tea container is not fully and gradually, during communication, is poured. When the hosts are already tired and want guests to leave them, they pour a complete ass, which means that they finish and left.

Tibet. Here, at a meeting, it is customary to show the language. This custom has an ancient history. In the first century Tibet, Tsar-tyrant rules, and it is known that he had a black tongue. After his death, the inhabitants were very very happy, but feared so that the king would not be revived in another body. It is on this that, when meeting with strangers, they consider their duty to check the language of this person.

In the Philippines, in North Africa and in some regions of China, if the guest ate everything they put on a plate, they can decide that he is very greedy. In these places, it is customary if you no longer want to eat, then you must leave something on a plate and it will mean that you are located. In the reverse case, the owner, according to the rules of etiquette, is obliged to deliver food.

According to the ancient tradition of hospitality, if the guest in the house of the owner praised any thing, then the owner is obliged to give it to guest.

In India, it is considered an insult if you will follow the person with whom you are not familiar and have never seen before.

In Central Nigeria, it is not customary to take thin girls in his wife. In order to prepare the bride to marriage, it is placed separately from all, prohibit getting out of the room. Only a mother who brings a lot of oily and flour food to visit it to quit the daughter to the wedding.

In Vietnam, it is not customary to praise the newborn. Locals have always believed that if the Dark Spirit hears all the advantages of the child, he can paint it. Also, in Vietnam, there is a tradition on the threshold before entering the house to hang the mirror. It is necessary to scare the dragon. The inhabitants thought that if the dragon, having come to them, would see his reflection in the mirror, he would think that there was already a dragon and would leave.

In the north of Kamchatka since ancient times it was believed that if the guest slept with the owner's wife at home, he expressed his respect for the owner. And especially appreciated if the wife became pregnant from this guest.

In Spain, it is customary to contact everyone on "you", even if this person is older in age or by calling. If you turned to a person on "You", it can even insult him.

In China, there are practically no figures 4, they are trying to avoid. And all because the number 4 in the Chinese sounds like the word "death".

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There are 250 countries in the world, only 197 of which are officially recognized. In each country there are their laws and traditions, and some of them are considered sincere surprise and misunderstanding among residents of other states. But you should not laugh - these customs are real and very important for residents of these countries. To your presentation the most unusual customs of the countries of the world.


  • In Japan, to go behind the hand with the face of the opposite sex is indecent.
  • If you are going to give someone a gift, then when you are presenting, you have to show modesty, saying something like: "Sorry for such a trifle" or "You may not like a gift."
  • The Japanese has not taken to celebrate the New Year, as we understand. Instead of the holiday, they fall to bed, and in the morning everyone together go to meet the dawn - to celebrate the New Year.
  • For the Japanese, the rice is considered a couple with Natto - soybeans.

  • In Japan, they try to bypass the word "no" side, instead it is customary to give an indefinite and not binding consent or politely from the topic.
  • In the country of the rising sun, it is customary to give an even number of colors: residents believe that each flower should have their own couple, otherwise he is lonely. An odd number of flowers is brought to the cemetery.


  • It is hard to believe, but in the 21st century in India, division on the caste - social groups, on which the marriage, business of activity, living conditions and other important factors are depends.
  • The plot of Indian films constantly includes love relationships, but in life not everything is so colorfully. Depending on the custom affiliation, religious beliefs and even astrological predictions of the girl's parents, and not she herself, choose a future husband for her daughter.

  • In India, after the death of a man, instead of burial, it was made to cremate, cremation occurs along the rivers, and the dust of the deceased dispel along the Sacred River - Ganges.
  • In the Indian state of Carnatak, more than 500 years continues the tradition from which goosebumps run through the body. Babies are taken away from the roof of the temple on a stretched piece of fabric, which holds men. It is believed that this ritual brings health and power to children.
  • Among Indian widowed women are widespread the ritual of self-immolation. For four months after the death of her husband, the widow puts on the best outfits and decorations, dismisses his hair, goes to a river or another reservoir and there makes this rite. For the Hindus, this is considered a feat, although such rituals are officially prohibited in the country.


  • Norwegians do not like to load the brain with superfluous issues, especially they do not like to think, to whom to contact "you", and to whom on "you". Because of this, residents of Norway love to "poke", even if it is an unfamiliar man.
  • In this Scandinavian country, people are not accustomed to to give way to the elderly, because a person can be offended, once again emphasizing his superiority in physical terms.

  • Norwegians are very straightforward and never hide what they think about other people. Yes, they will be offended by someone, but it is better to know the truth, no matter how unpleasant it is.
  • In Norway for the Christmas holiday, together with the girls, it is customary to guess and young men.
  • Following the traditions, each man must make a knife and sheath. All that may be needed for this, you can safely buy in the most common stores.

  • The financial topic in conversations for Norwegians is closed and can strongly insult the interlocutor. But in terms of other topics, even the most intimate, they are like an open book, the main thing is not to affect the income.
  • Norwegians love hugging, share hands and do it quite often. But kisses are considered nonhygienic, therefore not adopted in this country in greetings.


  • If in our country the 13th day in the month is considered to be misfortune only on Fridays, then in Spain Tuesday 13 is considered a day when you need to beware. It is not recommended to marry such a day, cut and even get out of the house.
  • In Spain, the manufacture of kagainers, figures of people who handle the need "in large" are common. And this is not done for the sake of humor, the Spaniards are sincerely believe that such figures are capable of bringing good luck.

Kaganer "Master iodine"
  • If you touch the urine of the Ear of the Spaniard, he will find it for an insult.
  • Spaniards have double surnames. When girls marry, they will not take the surname of her husband, and leave their, double. And the child born in this marriage will also have a double surname. The first part of the surname is the first surname of the father of the child, and the second part is the first surname of his mother.

  • In this country, the birthday is celebrated twice: the first time is the official date of birth, when the child was born, and the second is the name day. And often the name day are more colorfully and are considered more important, because on this day the Spaniards acquire names in honor of the saints.


  • Egypt is allowed to conclude marriages between cousins \u200b\u200band sisters.
  • Egypt is a religious country, and it has greatly affected the public foundations of Egyptians. Locals do not wear open outfits, women do not have the right to stay alone with men, and the behavior of tourists from European countries is considered too loose.

  • If a boy was born in the family, then a week of baby's life is carried out a ceremony of circumcision, as well as shaving a child.
  • Girls are married at an early age - 12-14 years old, and parents choose their child. It happens that long before the birth of the children of the family themselves conclude a contract according to which they are rejected in the future.

  • Egyptians are greatly caution and distrust relate to compliments, as they are afraid of the evil eye or damage.
  • It is impossible to show the sole of your shoes to another person. This is a sign of uncompatory and bad tone.


  • The Chinese are very appreciated by money, both in life and after death. Therefore, the inhabitants of this country even built a special bank, which is engaged in the issue of rapid money. It is believed that these money can even be bribed to the Lord of Hell.

  • In one Chinese province, Girin, the girls are forbidden to wear bras on the exam. This is explained by the fact that students often hide crib in their bras.
  • China's police adversely used to use geese instead of dogs, and it makes it more and more often. Geese, in their opinion, seem more aggressive.

  • In China, they do not like tan and appreciates white skin. Therefore, girls use sunscreen all year round, and sometimes even put on the masks on the whole face in order to protect it from the effects of sun rays.