He was not the grave. Grave, the first place of the vessel

He was not the grave. Grave, the first place of the vessel
He was not the grave. Grave, the first place of the vessel

Named Allah gracious, merciful

Praise Allahu - Lord of Worlds, Peace and Blessing of Allah Our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his associates!

To one of the main views of adherents of the Sunna and the Unified Community (Ahl Aux-Sunna Ua Al-Jama'a) belongs to Belief in Bliss and torment in the grave.

However, some have a thought: "If the body of the deceased was not buried, for example, he was eaten by a predatory beast, whether he was experiencing the torment of the grave?"

This question was asked Shahi Ibn 'Usaymin (Yes, Allah is overwhelmed over him, with its widest grace), and that's what he replied: "Yes, the torment will experience the soul, since the body is absent, it has thinned, spoiled. This question is from the section of the innermost knowledge, and I cannot argue that the torment of the grave will not affect the body at all, due to the fact that it is thinned or burned, as a person cannot compare cases related to the last life with what is happening in this worldly life " See "Majmu" Fataua Ua Rasaile Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-'usimmin "2/29.

And the true knowledge of the Most High Allah, and I complete my speech in words: Praise Allah, Lord of the worlds, and yes Niskove Allah blessing to our prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his brothers and welcomes them many times until the very day of reward!

Translated from Arabic: Abu Idar Ash-Sharcashi _____________________________________________________________________

1"When any of you dies, every morning and after noon he shows his place." If he is one of the inhabitants of Paradise, it turns out to be among the inhabitants of Paradise; If he belongs to the number of fire inhabitants, it turns out to be among the inhabitants of the fire. He is told: "Here is your place while Allah will resurrect you on the day of resurrection" " Al-Bukhari №1379, Muslim №2866.

And in conclusion, praise Allah - the Lord of the worlds!

16:45 2012

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said:

"Truly, the grave is the first place of the day. And if a person is among those saved, then all the subsequent will be easier. If he is not among those saved in the grave, then it will be more terrible!" (Ahmad, At-Tirmisi, Ibn Maja, Al-Khakim).

In the name of Allah gracious, merciful! Praise Allah Lord worlds and the best, worthy greeting and world of our prophet Muhammad, his family, associates and all Muslims to the vessel day!

At the heart of the viciousness and corruption of any case lies a contradiction of the truth, and at the heart of the prosperity and success of any case, lies, following the truth, and recognition of its purity.

The guarantee of human success in life depends on the correct understanding of the truth and recognition of it, and its definition of his life is the result of the misunderstanding of the truth, especially, its denial. And since the existence of Allah, the only, knowledgeable and wise creator is the truth, and its creation, care and control are the truth, then the person spoils his life to the non-recognition of the Lord, or not recognizing the supervision and control of the Lord. Thus, the happiness and success of a person in this life depend on the deep and convinced faith in Allah, and that he sent people. Almighty Allah said in the Quran: "And who will turn away from the memory of me that there will truly truly life and on the day of the resurrection we will collect him blind, he says herself, why did you assemble me blind, but before I was sorted? Saying him: so came To you my signs, and you forgot them - and today you will be forgotten "(Sura 20, Ayat 124-126)

Therefore, the most good knowledge achieved by Muslim, this is the knowledge of its faith covering all the nuances relating to it. And in this brochure we will touch the evidence of a part of one pillar from the pillars of faith (faith on the vessel), and this part is called - life in the grave, where we give the Ayat from the Quran, reliable sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, and bless him Allah and welcomes, and words of authoritative Sharia scientists concerning human testing in the grave.

One of the pillars of faith: faith on the last day

Faith on the last day implies faith in everything that, in connection with this, the Quran and Sunna indicate, namely, in all that is associated with death and what follows it.

Belief in what concerns death includes the following:

1. Faith in the fact that in this world death for all living is inevitable.

Allah Most High said: "Each soul tastes death, and then you will be returned to us" (Sura 29, Ayat57).

Allah Most High also said: "Everything is thugged, except for him. He will decide, and you will be returned to him" (Sura 28, Ayat 88).

2. Faith in the fact that the term of each is accurately determined and no one can delay or ahead of it. This period is known to Allah, who not only established it, but also determined the cause of everyone's death.

Allah Most High said: "No one will die, except with the permission of Allah, in the time prescribed" (Sura 3, Ayat 145).

Allah Most High also said: "And for each community - is your term. When their term comes, they cannot delay it for an hour or ahead," (Sura 7, Ayat 34).

3. Faith in the fact that only Allah is known about this.

Allah Most High said: "No one knows what happens to him tomorrow, and no one knows, in what land he will die. Truly, Allah is a knowledgeable, omniscient" (Sura 31, Ayat 34).

4. Faith in the fact that before death happens what Allah said the Almighty: "... While death will not come to any of you, and then our envies will be focusing, and they do not miss anything" (Sura 6, Ayat 61).

Allah Most High also said: "When the Spirit of any of you approaches the throat, and you first see it, then we are closer to him than you, although you don't see it ..." (Sura 56, Ayat 83-85 ).

Here we are talking about when the spirit of the dying approaches his throat, agony comes. At this time, those present look at him, as for the Allah of the Most High, he knows more about the dying than people, and angels. He is closer to him than they, but they do not see it.

When a sinful and unfair person dies, he regrets everything that he did, and wants to return back to the world.

Allah Most High said:

"When death appears before any of them, he will volatile:" Lord! Turn me to be, perhaps, I will make a righteous thing in what I neglected! "No way! What he says, just words, and behind those who leave the world - a barrier that will remain as long as they are not Sunday "(Sura 23, Ayat 99-100).

As for the extraction of the Spirit of the Spirit, the Most High Allah said this: "Oh, if you saw the sinners in the sacrifices of death, and the angels stretch their hands and say:" Get together now with your souls! Today, you will be rejected by a humiliating punishment for the fact that you were erected to lie on Allah and neglected his signs! "(Sura 6, Ayat 93).

This means that the angels stretch their hands to the sinner, inflicting his blows and tormenting him.


The mind of each person is full of hopes and ambitions. Every person has a dream, about the implementation of which he cannot but think. But death puts an end to all these hopes and dreams and shows a person that he traveled in the world of Allah, and not in the world of his own fantasies.

The journey of his life does not end in this world. It is intended for eternity.

Just think about how ignorant is a person in relation to his destiny?!

"And when death comes to one of them, he will say:" Lord, Turn Me: Maybe I will do a good thing that left. "So not! This is the word he says, and behind them - the barrier before Day, as they will be resurrected "(Sura 23, Ayata 99-100).

Each soul awaits death. When death overcomes us, we leave this world and enter another world. We leave this world to never return, and we enter the world in which you will stay forever.
In fact, we are closer to death than to life. People think that they are alive, but it would be more correct to say that they are dead, for no one knows when death comes. Each of us is steadily moving towards death.

Those who live following the commands on Allah are safe, and those for whom the guideline is their own whims, destroy themselves. But after the occurrence of an unknown terrible moment of death, we are waiting for the court, paradise or hell.

The grave separates this life from the afterlife. The path to future life runs through this great line. Today we are on this side of the line, tomorrow we will cross it ...

All living people will know death, no one is able to avoid it. But very often a person forgets about death - true reality.

We know that people who go to the grave are never returned, but not everyone understands that we will also have to meet with your destiny. While we are alive, the grave door is open to us, but soon she will close forever.

It is strange that a person constantly sees the death of others, but excludes himself from the list of the dead. He behaves as if he is not going to appear before Allah on his court.

If we could understand that we were closer to death than to life, then, probably, could look at the death of another person as their own. It is to imagine that it is wearing the grave when we see the funeral of others.

Fear of graves

Hani, servant Osman Bin Affana handed down that when Osman, may Allah be satisfied, stood near any grave, he cried while his beard was not wet. He was asked: "Why are you not crying, remembering paradise and hell when you remember the grave, crying?" Then Osman replied: "I heard the prophet, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said:" The grave is the first place of the vessel day. Who will be saved from the torment in the grave, it will be easier to follow. And who will not be saved from the torment, that after that will be much worse " (AT-Tirmisi).

The believer will see that Allah prepared him bliss and says: "Lord, accelerate the offensive of the Day of Resurrection to return to his family and his property" (Abu Daud, Imam Ahmad, Al-Bayhaki, Al-Khakim, Ibn Huzayma).

The unbelieving and wicked sinner will see that Allah prepared him suffering and asked: "Lord! Do not accelerate the onset of the Day of Resurrection" (Abu Daud, Imam Ahmad, Al-Bayhaki, Al-Khakim, Ibn Huzayma), because it will be more severe and worse (passage from Al-Bar Bin Aziba).

What happens in the grave?

Al-Bara Bin Azib, may Allah be satisfied, said: "Once again, together with the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomed, took part in the funeral of one of the Ansarov and reached the most grave. The man had not buried the messenger, the Messenger Allah sat down, and we sat down around him and sat completely fixed. Some time the Prophet Yes, bless him Allah and welcomed, painted the earth with a wand, which was in his hand, and then raised his head and exclaimed: "Ask the defense of Allah from the torment of the grave." He repeated these words several times and after that he said: "Truly, When the believer leaves this world and heads into the world of others, angels are descended from heaven to him with dazzling white people shining, like the Sun. They carry the Savani from Paradise and incense from the incense paradise, and sit down so that the person can see them. Then the Angel of Death is to him, sitting on his headboard and says: "About the soul of good, isoe to forgiveness and favor Allah!"

Then the Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, continued: "And it comes out (from the body), leaving, just as a drop of a burdyuk stems. He takes her. But after he takes the soul, the angels do not leave her in his hands for a moment. They take it, Wrap in this Saban and in these incense, after which the smell begins to come from it, similar to the fragrance of the best musk, which only is on earth. And then they rise up with it up and everything, by whom they pass, ask: "What is this good Soul? "And they answer:" This is such something, the son of such something, "saying his best names, which he was called in this world. This is happening until they reach the lower heaven. They are requesting to open for His (his gate) and he opens, then angels gather from all this sky, who escort it until the next sky. So continues until this soul comes to the seventh sky, and then Allah says: "Write a slave record in "Illenu" and return it to the ground, for, truly, from her I speak Rile them, and will return them to her and from her to extract them again! "

"And his spirit will return to his body, after which two angel will be to him, they will be satisfied and asked:" Who is your Lord? "He will answer:" My Lord is Allah. "They will ask him:" What is your religion? "He will answer : "My religion is Islam." They will again ask him: "Who was the person who was sent to you?" He will answer: "He is the Messenger of Allah." They will ask him: "How do you know this?" He will answer: "I I read the book of Allah, I believed in him and recognized it. "And then it will be proclaimed from heaven:" Recognized my slave, the same for him (bed) from Paradise, and dressed him (in clothes) from Paradise and discover the gates to heaven for him ! "

Next, the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, continued: "And it will be covered by the joy and bliss of Paradise, the place in the grave will be made for him spacious, as far as the eye is enough. A person will appear to him with a beautiful face, closed in beautiful clothes, from which a pleasant smell will come. He will say:" I will be announced that What will please you on this day, which was promised to you! "Man asks:" Who are you? Your face is a face that brings good! "He will answer:" I am your good things. "And then the person exclaims:" Lord, appoint this hour so that I will return to my family and to my property! "

Then the prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomed, said: "And when the wrong slave will leave this world, going into the world of others, the angels with blacks will come down to him, who will bring to themselves and sit down so that the person can see them. Then the Angel of Death will appear to him. The head of the head and say: "About the soul is perfect, go to rage and anger of Allah!"

The Prophet continued: "And the soul will feel the strongest fear, and he (the Angel of Death) will leave it out of the body, just as they take off the granulated iron from wet wool and take it. After he takes her, the angels will not leave her in his hands for a moment. They immediately wrapped it into a coarse Dryugu, and she will be smelling, like the most disgusting smell fell, which only is on earth. And then they will rise with her and everything, by whom they will pass, will be exclaimed: "What is it for Disgusting stench!? "Angels will answer:" This is such something, the son of such something, "mentioning the most disgusting names, which (deceased) were called in this world. And when they rise to him to the lower sky and ask to open it to him. (His gates), he will not open ". After that, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomed, read Ayat: "... they will not open the gates of the sky, and they will not be included in the paradise, until the camel goes to the needle ear ..." (Sura 7:40).

Then the prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomed, said:

"And Allah Melith:" Enter his book in Sijzhin in the lower layer of the Earth! And his spirit is fluttered there ".

Then the Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomed, read such Ayat:

"... And who gives Allahu the counterparts - exactly he fell from the sky, and grab his birds, or will bring his wind in a distant place" (Sura 22:31).

After that, the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "And his spirit will be returned to his body, after which two angels will be to him, they will be satisfied and asked:" Who is your Lord? "He will say:" Ah, I don't know. "They will ask him:" What is your religion? " He will say: "Ah, I don't know." And they will ask him again: "Who was the person who was sent to you?" And he will say again: "Ah, I don't know." And then it will be launched from heaven: "Slave I counted a lie, so the bed to his bed from the fire and open the gate of hell in front of him! "It will begin to reach the fever and burning wind of hell, and his grave will become such a narrow that the ribs will begin to mix it with each other. A person will be stirred. The disgusting face dressed in the clothes of a disgusting type and spreading around himself a vile smell and says: "I will inform you what will upset you on this day, which was promised to you!" He will ask: "Who are you Your face foreshadows bad! "What will answer:" I am your nasty things! "And then the deceased exclaim:" Lord, not ahead of this! " (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Imam Ahmad, Al-Bayhaki, Al-Khakim, An-Nasai, Ibn Maja and Ibn Huzayma).

Compression in the grave

After the deceased put in the grave, the grave squeezes his body and this compression is inevitable both for small and adult, righteous or sinful. Since in some gentlements of the Prophet, may Allah bless it and welcomed, it was transferred that the grave squeezed the companion of Saad Ibn Muaz, who, at death, opened the gates of heaven and who was accompanied by seventy thousand angels.

The An-Nasai reports from the words of the son of Umar, and he will be pleased with Allah, that the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "That (i.e. Saad ibn Moise), who revealed the gates of heaven and who was accompanied by seventy thousand angels, squeezed in the grave, and then he was given relief. That is, even Saad Ibn Muaz, for whom the gates of heaven were opened, could not avoid compression in Mogile. (Transferred An-Nasai in the book "Al-Janazaz").

In Musanda (Collection), Imam Ahmad is transferred from the words of Son Umar, will be pleased with them Allah that the Prophet will bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "The grave squeezes, and if someone had been saved from this (compression), then SAAD Ibn Moise would be saved" (transferred to Imam Ahmad in his Musanda).

AT-Tabrani handed over in his collection from Ibn Abbas, will be pleased with them Allah that the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "If someone had been saved from compression in the grave, then Saad Bin Moise would be saved. And truly, he shrived, and then he was given relief." These words of the Prophet show that compression in the grave is inevitable for every person, even for a child, as it was transmitted in the collection of AT-Tabano by Abu Ayuba al-Ansari with good insanom, and also in the book al-Kamel Ibna Audu, According to Abu Ayuba al-Ansari, from the words of Anas, that the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "If anyone could avoid (according to Abu Auba Al Ansari) compression in the grave, then this boy would avail him ".

Test graves

How does the test occur?

Strong tension, terrible thoughts, and questions accompany a person in his journey from the current life into the future. During this period, a person will be asked by two Angels Munkar and Nakir, as was transmitted from the Prophet, and Allah bless him and welcomes. The future life of a person depends on his answers to the questions of Angels. Muhammad Messenger, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "The grave is either a garden from the gardens of Paradise, or a pit from the number of ADA" (AT-Tirmisi, AT-Tabãran). At-Tirmisi reports that the Prophet Muhammad, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "After the deceased is laid (in the grave), two black angels come to him, whose name is Munkar and Nakir. They will ask for a person:" How did you testify to this person before? (That is, about Muhammed) "He will answer:" He is the driver of Allah and the messenger of him. I testified that there is no deity, except for Allah and Muhammad - the slave and the envoy of him. "If the person was a hypocrite or wrong, he will answer this question like this:" I heard from people that they talked about him something, and I said so as they said " (Transferred to AT-Tirmisi).

In another Hadith, a Bin Aziba is transmitted from Alla Bar, that the Messenger Allah Muhammad, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "His spirit (deceased) returns to his body, after which two angels are sitting to him, sit down and ask:" Who is your Lord? "He will answer:" My Lord - Allah ". They ask again:" What is your religion? " He will answer: "My religion is Islam." They will ask again: "Who was the person who was sent to you?" He will answer: "This is the Messenger of Allah - Muhammad." And then from heaven will be proclaimed: "Recognized my servant ... "This, of course, concerns only the believer and observing the Islam of man. On the sinner (incorrect, wicked) Messenger Allah says:" His spirit (deceased) returns to his body, after which two angels are sitting to him, sit down and ask him: "Who is your Lord?" He will answer: "Ah, I do not know." They ask again: "What is your religion?" He will answer: "Ah, I don't know." They will ask again: "Who is the person who was sent for you?" He will answer: "Ah, I don't know." And then will be proclaimed from heaven: "My slave counted a lie, so the bed of his bed from the fire and open the gate of hell in front of him!" It will begin to reach the fever and burning wind of hell, and his grave will become such a narrow that the ribs will begin to mix with each other. A person with a disgusting face will appear to him, dressed in clothes of a disgusting type and spreading around himself a vile smell and says: "I will inform you what will upset you on this day, which was promised to you!" He will ask: "Who are you? Your face foreshadows bad!" What will he answer: "I - Your nasty things!" And then the deceased exclaim: "Lord, not ahead of this!" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Imam Ahmad, Al-Bayhaki, Al-Khakim, An-Nasai, Ibn Maja and Ibn Huzayma). Reliable Hadith, part of the hadis from Al-Bar Bin Aziba.

In both collections al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Hadith, transmitted from the words of Anas Bin Malik, will be pleased with Allah, that the Messenger of Allah, and he blesses him Allah and welcomes, said: "After the slave of Allah is put in the grave, Honor him will go away, and he will hear the knock of their sandals. It will be two angels for him, they will be asked for him and ask:" What do you say about a person who is called Muhammad? "He will answer:" I don't know I said what other people said. "Then they say:" You did not know and did not read. "And they will bring him a blow to iron hammers. And he will shout so that his cry will hear all those around him, except for people and jinn". (Al-Bukhari passed, Muslim, Abu Daud and An-Nasai). And as we are convinced that the Prophet Muhammad, and bless him Allah and welcomes, did not know that people were tested in the grave until Allah gave him to know about it and the existence of this, since Uroua Bin AZ-Zubayar Transferred from the words of his aunt Aishi, and Allah will be pleased with her that she said: "Once a messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, I went to me, while I was sitting by a Jewish woman, and said:" Do not you know that you are experiencing in (your) graves? "Aisha said: "The Prophet (having heard it) was surprised and said:" In fact, the Jews are tested! " Aisha says: "A few days passed, then the Prophet said (Aishe):" You did not notice how suggestion came to me (Revelation) that (you) are tested in the graves. " Further, Aisha says, after that I began to hear as a prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomed, asked for protection against the torment of the grave ". (Transmitted to Muslim Collection).

Ayati, Hadiths and words of scientists who are proof of the existence of tests and torment torments.

In the Holy Quran, mentions were noted on the occurrence of tests in the grave. Imam al-Bukhari pointed them in his book "Sahah Al-Bukhari" in the "Al-Janazaz" section and explained them.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran: "Who is an unfair to the one who wondered to Allah a lie or said:" I am sent to me ", but nothing was noticeable to him; or the one who said:" I revealed the fact that Allah reaped "? Would you see how those who are wrong in the sacrons of death, and the angels stretch their hands: "Look your souls, today will be a punishment of humiliation for the fact that you spoke on Allah not the truth and exalted over its signs!" (Sura 6:93) .

Allah said: "And among the Bedouins, what around you, and the inhabitants of Medina have hypocrites; they are stubborn in hypocrisy. You do not know them, we know them. We will punish them twice, then they will be returned to the great punishment" (Sura 9 : 101).

Allah said: "And he defended his Allah from the evil that they arranged with cunning; and hesitated the genus of Pharaoh evil punishment - the fire in which they put, in the morning and evening, and that day, when the hour comes ..." enter the genus Pharaoh in the strongest punishment! "(Sura 40: 45-46).

The first Ayat, said al-Bukhari, concerns the tortures of the invalid angels (in death agony).
The second Ayat, indicates the subsequent torment, comprehending the wrong (sinners) before the onset of the torment of the vessel.

Invalid, sinners and hypocrites are tormented back in this world because of their sins and bad acts. And subsequent torment is the torment of the grave. On this occasion, Imam al-Hassan al-Basri said: "Allah Most High said: "We will punish them twice ..." Meaning the torment on this light and the torment of the grave. On this, Imam At-Tabari said: "The first of the two mentioned torments is the torment of the grave, and the second, which occurs before the torment in the grave, apparently, is expressed in the form of hunger, humiliation, insult, or something else, famous Allah".

The third ayat, this Ayat is a convincing argument proving the existence of tests in the grave. Almighty Allah announces the sentence of Pharaoh's family: "He plunges the Pharaoh in the morning in the morning and in the evening.". Then, by context, follows: "Enter the name of Pharaoh to the greatest sentence". Ibn Kasir says: "This Ayat is one of the foundations of Sunni scientists in confirming the concept of an intermediate test in the grave" (Ibn Kasir, Tom: 3, p.81).

Imam al-Kurtubi confirmed that the scholars of Islam are united about the meaning of this Ayat. This ayat clearly indicates the passage of the test of tests in the grave. Al Kurtby says: "Scientists are unanimous in what punishment comes in al-barzach (ie, life in the grave) and this is an argument confirming the offensive of the Mogile torment". (Book "Fatah Al-Bari", 3 Tom, p. 180).

Imam al-Kurtby says (about the same Ayat): "Scientists agreed that the torment begin with the onset of intermediate life, that is, after death, al-barzes life, as Allah said in the previous Ayat. This is the argument and proof of the existence of tests in the grave".

Also, Allah Also speaks in the Quran Ayat, which is an argument about the occurrence of torment in the grave, Allah says: "They will say:" Our Lord, you have killed us twice and revived us twice, we recognized our sins if there is a way to exit? "(Sura 40 , Ayat 11). Involigating this Ayat, Imam Arian says: "Most scientists took this ayat on the basis of the argument to confirm the existence of gravestone, and this is confirmed by the fact that incorrectly recognized themselves two points of death, as they said:" Our Lord, you have killed us twice "means that once they have experienced death in This life - and this indicates the onset of some life in the grave after death, until the second death occurs during this period. And this is what the existence of an intermediate life in the grave ". (The Book of Imam Arm-Diax "AT-Tafsir Al-Kabir", 27 Tom, p. 39).

In the next Hadith, transmitted by al-bar bin aziba, will be pleased with Allah, it is said that the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Angels will come to him and he will tell the evidence that There is no God, besides Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, on which the words of the Almighty Allah indicate: "Allah claims those who believe in the word solid in the life of the neighbor and in the life of the long ..." (Sura14: 27) (al-Bukhari in book "Al-Janazaz").

"Once, one Jew came to Aishe and, mentioning the tests in the grave, said:" Let Allah defend you from the torment of the grave. "After that, Aisha asked the Prophet, and he bless his Allah and welcomes, about the torment of the grave. He replied:" Yes, (There is a torment in the grave) "Aisha said:" After that I noticed how the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomed, resorted to Allah from the torment of the grave after each Namaz. (Passed al-Bukhari in the book Al-Janazaz, Muslim in the book "Al-Masajid").

In the collection of Muslim passed with the words of Aisha, and he will be pleased with it Allah: "I came to me two old women belonging to the Medical Jews, and told me that the inhabitants of the graves are tormented in their graves. I did not want to believe them. They left. When the Messenger of Allah came, and he blesses him allah and welcomes, I asked him:" About the Messenger of Allah, two medointed old women came to me and they said that the inhabitants of the graves are tormented in their graves. "The Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, said:" They are right, truly, they are tormented so that even animals hear their torment " . Aisha, let it be pleased with her Allah, said: "After that, I noticed that the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, after prayer asked for the protection of Allah from the torment of the grave"

Since this topic is very important for Muslims, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and welcomes, repeatedly told and explained it to his associates. And once even made a sermon to all Muslims. In the collection, al-Bukhary is transferred from the words of Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakar, and the Allah will be pleased with both: "Once the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, read the sermon (Hutbook) and spoke about the tests of the graves who expect every person. As soon as he mentioned this (about how the grave tests occur), a strong noise rose among Muslims ( excitement)". (Al-Bukhari, An-Nasai).

Also from among Ayatov, mentioning the first meeting after death, where there will be a person to feel the first results of his acts committed in life to death. Almighty Allah also said: "And let us taste them the punishment of the nearest, in addition to the punishment of the greatest, - maybe they will return!" (Sura 32:21).

In the interpretation of the book "At-Takhavia" says: "Reliable messages from the Prophet, and bless Allah and welcome, testify to the occurrence of torment or bliss in the grave and about the survey of two angels. Each should believe in it. But you should not try to find out how this happens, because the human mind is unable to comprehend. This truth ... And know that the tests in the grave are intermediate tests. This is the life of al-barzes, that is, the gap between life and the vessel day. Everyone who will die will get his goal, does not matter how he does It will die: whether he will be eaten by animals, drowns or burns and his ashes will dispel in the air " .

People who deny the torments of the grave and not hosting evidence of Islamic scientists say that when they open the grave, they do not find any traces that resemble the testers of the grave. These people reject the fact that they cannot perceive their senses. They think that their vision is capable of seeing everything, and their hearing is able to perceive everything and hear. It should also be added that the torments of the grave are subjected to both the body and the soul. This is the unanimous opinion of Islamic scientists Ahl As-Sunna Val-Jamaa.

Poll into the grave

All the adherents of Sunna Messenger are unanimous in that every person will have to answer questions in the grave (even if he was not buried), to answer his acts for which he would receive either a reward or punishment. Bliss or torment will experience both the soul and the body.

Imam Ibn Al-Kayim said: "All our righteous ancestors and Imams are unanimous in that bliss or torment is experiencing both the body and a soul. Truly, after the soul comes out of the body, it is in bliss or in torment, and it sometimes connects with the body".

Imam Ahmad and Imam Hatch reported that the Messenger of Allah, and his Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "Truly, when the deceased remains in his grave, he hears a knock of the legs of those people who depart from his grave. Truly, at the believer, Salyat will be from the head of the head, the post on the right side will be called with the left, and good and godly acts in his Legs. When the angels approach the head, Salyat will say: "There is no entrance here", on the right side, they will say post: "There is no log in", on the left side, it will tell: "There is no such entrance." There are no Gods: "There is no entrance here." Then the angels will satisfy a person so that he can see the sun, which will start to go. Angels will ask him: "What do you say about a man who was among you? What is your testimony about him? "To what he says:" Let me pray! "They will answer:" Truly, you will pray, but first answer the questions we asked you. "He will answer:" This is Muhammad, and he blesses him Allah And he welcomed, he - the Messenger of Allah, came with the truth from the Most High Allah. "Then he will say:" You lived in accordance with this and died in the will of Allah. "Then the door will open to Paradise, and he will say:" This is your place and The fact that Allah has prepared for you in it. "It will be expanded (up to seventy elbows) and illuminated. The body will return to what it happened (earth), and the soul with a blessed spirit will be like a bird on a tree in paradise".

Most High says: "Allah argues those who believed that the word is solid in the life of the neighbor and in the life of the far; and drives the unrightened allah, and the Allah creates, what wishes" (Sura 14:27).

As for the wrong, then everything will happen to him differently. His grave will be such a narrow that the ribs will be squeezed. This is confirmed by the words of the Almighty Allah: "And who will turn away from the memories of me, that truly, there will be a close life!" (Sura 20: 124).

Do Muslims suffer in their graves?

Imam al-Kurtby leads in his book "Tazkira" the following: "... Imam Abu Muhammad Abdul Hakk said: "And know that the torment in the grave is appointed not only wrong and not only hypocrites will be subjected to him, but some categories among believers, because everyone's will depends on his act, respectively, his sins!". And the proof is that the believer will receive his car from torment, as the result of his sins, and this will be set out in the next chapter.

Causes of torment graves:

The reasons for the torment of the grave are different. In general, the torment of the grave is the result of the non-fulfillment of the beings of Allah and disobedience to the prophet's orders, and he blesses him Allah and welcomes, and the commitment of those sins about which the Messenger of Allah, and bless his Allah and welcomes, said that they are the causes of the torment of the grave.

1. Incomplete cleansing from urine and spread gossip

Transmitted from the words of Ibn Abbas, may Allah will be pleased with them that one day the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, passed past two graves and said: "They are tormented, and they are not tormented by a great reason, and then said:" One of them engaged in the spread of woven, and the second was not cleared of urine. "Then he picked up a fresh twig (tree), broke it in half and stuck on one on each The grave said: "I hope they will be facilitated while (twigs) will not be dried". Al-Bukhari conveyed in the book "Fatah al-Bari" (3; 242), Muslim in the book "Al-Iman" (1; 240), and An-Nazai (4; 106).

Ann-Nasai passed with the words of Aisha, and Allah will be pleased with her that she said: "Once a woman came to me from the Jews and said:" Truly the cause of the torment of the grave is negligence to the urine. "Aisha said:" You're lying ". She (ie, Woman) said:" So in fact, we (for this ) Clean your skin and your clothes from it. "And while the Prophet went to Namazu, our conversation was a loud tone, and he asked:" What's the matter? "Then I (i.e., Aisha) told about What she said, and he replied: "She is right." Says Aisha: "After that, he did not miss after each Namaz reading (next plea):" O Lord Jebrail and Mikaile and Israfille, take care of the heat of fire hell and from the torment of the grave ". Pered An-Nasai in the book "Jami al-Usul" (11; 167). Another message from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and welcomes Anasas Bin Malik, and Allah will be pleased with them that the Messenger Allah said: "Purify from urine because it (ie, not purification) is one of the causes of the grave torment". He handed over al-Khakim by Abu Khruire and Imam Ahmad with reliable insanom.

2. Unpaid debts

Debts not distinguished before the death of a person may be the cause of cruel punishment of the deceased in the grave. Nevertheless, if he is a pious believer, he will not feel the bliss of the grave while his heirs will not give all his debts. The messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, once he told about one associate, who was not allowed to be taken to paradise due to unpaid debts, as she was transmitted from the words Samura Bin Jundub, that the Prophet Muhammad, and bless his Allah and welcomes, once performed funeral Namaz (Janaz) for one Muslim and after they finished, the prophet asked (among those present): "Does anyone from the relatives of this person present?" Everyone was silent. The Prophet repeated the question several times and no one answered. But then one person stood out of the last rows, then the prophet said to him: "What did you pretext to answer my question when I repeated twice? I didn't call you by name only for good, (continued the prophet). To keep in mind that this person is detained before The entrance to paradise because of their debts, (on this) if you want, sake the sake of it (i.e., try to give his debts to people). If you want, leave him to get the punishment of Allah. " Samura says: "Truly you would see how his relatives looked like, trying to learn about his borrowers, until they returned all his debts". (Transferred An-Nasai, Abu Daud, al-Khakim, al-Bayhaki).

Saad bin al-Atranial, may Allah be pleased with them, says that: "His brother died and left 300 Dirhams inherited, and he had children, and I wanted to make this money to these children. After that, the Messenger of Allah, and he blesses his Allah and welcomes, told me:" Your brother is detained, ( Those. from bliss) for their debts! Go, give a debt for him. "Then I went and paid for him all the debts, then returned to the Prophet and asked:" About the Messenger of Allah, I paid all his debts, except for two dinars, one woman attrases (which allegedly these two dinars she He lean him), and she has no evidence, the prophet said: "Let her, she is right!" (and in another version: "She says the truth") (Passed by Imam Ahmad, Ibn Maja, Al-Bayhaki).

Do the dead suffer because of crying their relatives over them?

Sharia scientists have some answers about this, and the best of them (in their opinion) is the one who gave Imam al-Bukhari in his sakhikh under the title: "The words of the prophet, may Allah bless him and welcomes whether the dead man suffer from the crying of people over him in the event that this is their habit?" And led the prophet's saying transmitted by Umar bin al-Hattaba: "When Umar bin al-Hattaba, let Allah pleased with them, hit the knife, I came to him, I had a crying drill, saying:" Oh my brother, oh my friend! "Then Umar, yes, Allah is pleased with them, said:" About Suheyb! You cry and Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Truly, the dead man suffer because of mourning his loved ones". Al-Bukhari conveyed the book "Fatah al-Bari" (3; 151) Muslim "Jami al-Usul" (11; 92).

Still passed according to al-Numan Bin Bashir, what he said: "Once upon a time Abdullah Bin Ravaha, and Be Allah pleased with them, fainted. His sister Amra began to mourn him, saying:" You were like mountains. You were so such such ", Listing His Quality. When he came into consciousness, he said to her:" All you have listed, asked me (ie angels): "Are you so?! And when he died His sister was no longer crying over him " (Al Bukhari book "Al-shop" in the battle section in Mute).

Abu Musa al-Ashari gave that the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomed, said: "When a person dies, and the mourning will say: "Oh you (strong) as a mountain, oh you are my lord, or something like this, then he will be sent to him two angels with a reprimand: Have you been so?" (AT-Tirmisi Book "Al-Janazaz (3; 326)).

Imam An-Nawavi allocated a separate chapter on this issue: "The scientists of our intelligence are unanimous regarding the ban to mourn the deceased, because it is from the Jahi customs." As in both sakhihs, bin Masud, yes, will be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Truly does not apply to us who beats themselves on the cheeks and tear on her clothes, acting According to Jachiilian customs " (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

And passes from the words Abu Khruire, let Allah pleased with them that the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Two features that have been in humans may be disbelief for them:" Insult a kind and sobs over the late " (Pass Muslim). Imam An-Nawavi said: "In disbelief, i.e. manifestation of the qualities of incorrect and their features. Under sobbing here, there is a loud crying over the deceased, praising him, with an obvious exaggeration of his advantages. Scientists do not have differences that this custom is forbidden. And just when a man is crying Over the dead and tears go without any loud voice, then there is nothing forbidden in it. ".

As was transferred in both sauhi from the words of Osama Bin Zaid, let Allah be pleased with them. When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless and welcomes, brought his grandson who experienced a death agony, then the eyes of the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomed, filled with tears. Saad told him: "About the messenger of Allah, what about you?" What the Prophet replied: "This is mercy that Allah had the hearts of his slaves, and truly Allah exhibits mercy to the merciful of his slaves". (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Appeal to Allah with Piece of Test Protection and Multi Multi

Since the test in the grave is a terrible moment, the torments of the grave are even more terrible. The Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomed, he asked for the protection of Allah from the torment of the grave during Namaz and even outside Namaz and commanded his associates to do it. And this is another confirmation of the existence and onset of gravestone and grave torment, who is worthy.

Al-Bukhari conveys from the words of Aisha, the prophet's wife, and bless him Allah and welcomes: "Once, one Jewika went to Aishe and, mentioning the tests of the grave, said:" Let Allah defend you from the torment of the grave. "After that, Aisha asked the Prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, about the torment of the grave. He replied:" Yes, there exists The torment in the grave ". Aisha said:" After that, I noticed that the Prophet, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, ended every Namaz, resorting to Allah from the torment of the grave " (passed al-Bukhari in the book Al-Janazaz, Muslim in the book "Al-Masajid").

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, repeatedly spoke to his associates: "Resort to Allah from the torment of the grave!" And they answered: "We ask for protection from Allah from the torment of the grave" (Muslim is transmitted in the book Al-Gianna (4; 2199)).

And with the words of Aisha, that the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Oh Allah, I resort to you from miserism and stiffness, from sin and damage, from testing the grave and torment of the grave". (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, AT-Tirmisi, An-Nasai).

Another Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, taught the associates and commanded them to pronounce Molub on protecting against the torment of the grave in Namaz after Tashahud. Transferred from the words Abu Khruire, and Be Allah pleased with them that the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "If any of you finishes reading Tashahuda (in Namaz), then let him ask for protection from four things, and say:" Oh Allah, truly resort to you from the torment of the grave, from the torment of fire, from the temptation of life and death, and from Temptation al-Masiha hell-Dazhal " (Muslim).

And from the words of Ibn Abbas, that the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, he taught them the following dua, as he taught them the Surarom of the Quran: "Oh Allah, truly I resort to you from the Muk of hell, I resort to you from the torment of the grave, from the temptation of al-Masiha hell-Dazhal and from the temptation of life and death" (passed Muslim in the book "Al-Masajid").

Further in both sahihs transferred from the words of Aisi that, the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, read the next plot as Namaz: "Oh Allah, truly I resort to you from the torment of the grave, and I resort to you from the temptation of the Antichrist, and I resort to you from the temptation of life and death, about Allah, truly I resort to you from sin and damage" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, An-Nasai and Imam Ahmad).

Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad, and bless him Allah and welcomes, pointed to us, as Allah should remember, pronouncing them in the morning and in the evening. One of them: "Oh Allah, heal my body, about Allah, heal my rumor, about Allah, heal my vision, there is no deity except you! About Allah, truly, I resort to you from disbelief and from poverty, and I resort to you from the torment of the grave , no deity besides you! " (Al-Bukhari in the book Al-Adab Al-Mufrarad, Abu Daud (4; 324), An-Nasai, Imam Ahmad (5; 42)).

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad, and bless him Allah and welcomes, pointed to us to Sura, whose reading will save from the torment of the grave. Ibn Abbas, let Allah be pleased with them, said: "One of the associates of the Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, set his tent over some grave, not knowing that in this place the grave, and suddenly he realized that it was a grave from which some kind of voice was heard a man who read Sura al-Mulk (Sura 67 "power") from beginning to end. Having heard it, he came to the Prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, and said: "About the Messenger of Allah, I installed my tent over what then the grave, not knowing that in this place the grave, and suddenly some kind of man began to read Sura al-Mulk ("which begins in the word:" Tabaraki "has not yet finished her"). What is the Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomed, said: "She (that is, Sura al-Mulch) is protecting and saving, because it saves him from the torment of the grave" (AT-Tirmisi and At-Tabrani).

Fudal bin Uba, and he will be pleased with Allah, reports that the Messenger of Allah, and he blesses him Allah and welcomes, said: "For each deceased case, besides who died, being at the turns, among defenders (Muslims and their lands) on the path of Allah. His affairs continue to grow (in a reward) and he is protected from the grave tests" (AT-Tirmisi said that this Hadith is good and reliable).

The book in which the good of the cases of people and angels are recorded.

This refers to the recognition of the heart of "Tazdik Bil-Calb" - inner conviction, deep consciousness.

Sijin is a book in which sins and bad acts are recorded.

Five-point Namaz is obliged to make every full-fledged reasonable person who has come down to the age of adulthood, be it a male or female, there is no difference in this. Almighty Allah in the Quran says:

(وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ )

(meaning): "I did not create you, except for me to worship." And in Hadith, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing him) says: " The difference between Muslim and a polybranch or non-believers - mapping "(Abu Daoud). Transferred from Hassan al Basry that he heard from the Prophet (peace and blessing): " The first thing that will interrogate the slave on the judy day is Namaz. If Namaz turned out to be working, then his other acts will also be good, and if Namaz is not working, then the rest of the acts will also be not good " Therefore, Allah Almighty prescribed prayer to all prophets and former intelligents, and there was no prophet, who would not have bequeathed his umpt.

Still in the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) says: " You command your children so that they make Namaz at a seven age, and when they reach ten years, if they refuse to make Namaz, then punish them " Of course, the commission of five-time Namaz is not a light deal for everyone, but it is very easy for someone who makes it sincere and because the Creator himself imposed it in the duty, and not someone else, and this is evidenced by the Holy Quran, which says

(وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين )

(meaning): " Truly it (Namaz) is very difficult, but not for those who are submissive Allah ».

Vkadis the Prophet (peace and blessing) says:

أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأتوهما ولو حبوا )

« Truly, the most difficult for hypocritors collective namaz is night and morning. If they knew about the reward, which is there, they would have visited the crawl. "(Bukhari).

As we know, it was originally imposed on us fifty namazov, and knowing that our umma (community) would not be able to make them, the prophet (peace and blessing) asked Allah to reduce their number. And it was reduced by the number of magazines a day to five, although we get the desire for them as the same as for the commission of a fifty-time namaz.

Punishment to those who leave Namaz

The one who leaves Namaz, belonging to the accomplishment of him, the Almighty punishes the 15th sentences: six in this world; Three at death; Three in the grave; And three on the judy day.

Punishments that the Almighty will nice in this light:

1) Most High relieves grace from his property;

2) radiance (Nur), which happens in the righteous, is removed from his face

3) His good act of the Almighty does not accept;

4) at Molub (DUA), which he did, the Most High does not respond;

5) Allah will make it so that all people hated him;

6) From the plenty of good people will not be a share.

Punishment at the time of death:

1) will die with a humiliating death;

2) I will die experiencing strong hunger;

3) die, experiencing severe thirst.

Punishment in the grave:

1) the grave will compress it so that even the ribs will go to each other;

2) His grave will be very gloomy and filled with fire, which will burn it;

3) Interrogation of the two Angels Munkar and Nakira will be very difficult for him.

Punishments that will expect him on that light:

1) unbearable punishment in hell;

2) the report for each act will be very difficult;

3) Almighty Allah will be angry with him.

And the one who says he has no time to commit these namaz, does not understand the essence of his life. And the one who deny the responsibility of these namazov himself demands that he was punished with fire hell. Why? Because in the hadis of the envoy of Allah (peace and blessing) says: " The one who leaves Namaz, specifically, denying the obligation to perform it, then he falls into disbelief "(Abu Darda). And the man who left the world unbeliever falls into hell forever. And in the hadis of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) says: " Namaz is a religion support; the one who left him destroyed religion "(Bayhaki).

Dear brothers and sisters, look carefully, how great the punishment on that light even for one intentionally missed Namaz. What then is it waiting for the punishment of those who do not make it at all, it is even difficult to imagine. And all the punishments are only because they did not give five minutes of time to commit these five namaz. Give Allah to us the power to fulfill the requirements of Allah and laugh from his prohibitions, because he is our creator, and we must obey it.

Who are we talking about? And in the grave, he did not have peace: Molva spread in the people that the fire was visible there and cheerful music is being heard; In eight days later, the corpse from the grave, burned to the ashes and, having charged them a huge gun, fired into those gates, by which he joined Moscow so that his dust was left.

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History games

"Russian Drama Theater" - E.A. Tokmakov came to the theater already formed by the artist brought up by the Mkhatov school. Kotelnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna -. The pride of the Russian dramatic theater ... the foundation of the theater. The performance sounded as a symbol of victory. The theme of patriotism in the 40s ... Fadeichev Dmitry Viktorovich -. Organic, diverse actress capable of creating images from sharply accurate to dramatic.

"Heroes of Russia" - how? Epic heroes. one). 1941 - 1945. 3). July 15, 1240. Kinheroya. 1. Name the chief hero of the film. Awards. 2). 1812 Heroic dates. Had four degrees. 1.Nagrada. Heroic story pages. 7. Heroic deed. 2. First Moscow Prince, who led the struggle against the Tatars. 6. The epic heroes.

"Parliamentarism in Russia" is an analysis of the activities of the State Duma of Russia. -4 State Duma called the "paradox of history"? Explain why ... - 1 The State Duma was called "the Duma of People's Hope"? -3 State Duma called the "Duma of insufficient sufficiency"? The history of parliamentarism in Russia. Russian Parliament - 102 years.

"Old Russia" is a church iconostasis, Borodino. Tiered furnace in the princess terme, the Great Rostov. Wooden church. Belozersk. Church of the Resurrection. Monastery of St. Nisha on Lake Seliger, Tver. Boriso Glebsky Monastery, Torzhok. Tobolsk city. Harvesting. For yarn, Village Vodide. Entrance to church, Kostroma. Windmills.

"Russian holiday" - subject area. The project was performed by the teacher of the Russian language and literature Bereznikovskaya Sosh Vasilyeva L.V. What is the basis of Russian culture? Creative project name. Road to writing. Developing goals. Educational goals. Educational goals. Russian language. Annotation of the project. The holiday of Slavic writing and culture.

"EGE on the history of Russia" - the results of the Unified State Exam 2006 © the soak Tetherlevlev. Comparison of the results of the EGE on the history of Russia (1st wave) 2005 2006. New topics: 1.4.7 University of the XVI - early XVII century. (causes, essence, consequences). The distribution of participants in the "Waves" of the EGE. National Policy in the 1920-1930s.

Total in the subject of 9 presentations

Graves and words of the righteous about the grave

Dakhhak tells: "A certain man asked:" About the Messenger of Allah! Who among people is the most God-fearing and pious? ".

The Messenger of Allah (Sallarlahu Aleihi Va Sallam) replied: "This is the person who does not forget about life in the otherworldly and about the depression in the grave. The one who rents from the frills of the worldly shine, its magnificence and pomp. The one who prefers the eternal life of life on earth. The one who does not consider the coming day day in which he will live, and who already today recognizes himself the inhabitant of the grave. "

When the noble Ali (Radyallahu Anhu) asked why he prefers the neighborhood close to the cemetery, he answered them like this: "Because I find that they are the most blessed from the neighbors. They are the most sincere and devotional friends. For they do not gossip me, and without end remind of other ways. "

The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "I have not seen a more huge drama and a greater spectacle than the horror and tragedy of the grave life."

Noble Umar (Radyallah Anhu) said: "Together with the messenger of Allah (Sallallah Alayhi Va Salimam), we walked around the cemetery. After going to one of the graves, the Prophet (Sallallahu Aleikha Va Sallam) sat down at her headboard. I sat towards him closer than all those who came. He began to cry. Looking at him, I began to cry and me. Everyone who was with us began to cry. The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) asked with us: "What is the cause of your crying?". We answered: "Seeing you crying, we also started crying." The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) told us then: "This is the grave of my mother Amina, daughter Wahba. I asked the Lord of my permission to visit her, and the Lord allowed me. Meanwhile, I asked my Lord permission to pray for him about the forgiveness of my mother, but he did not allow me. Therefore, because the sense of tenderness and compassion of the son to the mother took the top, I cried. "

The noble Usman Bin Affan (Radyallahu Anhu) stood at the head of one grave and cried until the beard was wedder. When he was asked why he does not cry when it comes to hear and hell, and crying, coming to the head of the grave, he answered like this: "I heard the prophet Allah (Sallarlahu Alayhi Va Sallam) said:

"Life in the grave, in essence, there is a place of the first shelter during a trip to the Eternal World. If the host of the grave will overcome the dangers on the site of the first parking, then the subsequent dangers will be much easier. If he cannot be saved on the spot of his first stop, then everything will go much severe and tougher. That is what the cause of my crying. "

It was transferred that one day AMR BIN AS (Radyallahu Anhu), driving past the cemetery, looked at him, and then, having flown off his horse, did two namaz racks there. He was asked: "What is it? Never before we did not notice that you did it. " In response, he said: "I thought about things that create a barrier between those who lies in the grave, and the Lord. For this reason, I wanted to get closer to the Lord with the help of these two Rakaatov Namaz. "

Imam Mujahid says: "The first with a person will speak his grave, in which he will arrive. The grave when the owner arrives in her, says: "I am a shelter of worms and insects, I am the edge of loneliness, I am the edge of a foreign land, I am a country of gloom. It is just what I have prepared for you here. Well, tell me that you have prepared for me and brought with you? ".

Abu Zarr (Radyallahu Anhu) said this: "Inform you about the bottom of my poverty and poverty? It will be a day when I put me in my grave. For I will stay quite alone. "

Abu Darda (Radyallahu Anhu) From time to time, going to the cemetery, sat among the graves. When he was asked about the reason for this, he replied: "I sit next to those who reminds me of the place where I go. When I get up and leave here, they will not gossip for my back. "

Jafar Bene Muhammad, getting up at night, came to the cemetery and said this: "Why, when I call you, you do not answer me?". And then he said: "I swear by Allah, there is some kind of curtain, the barrier between me and the answer they give me. However, I will be the same as they. " Then he turned toward the kibla and until the morning made Namazy.

Umar Bin Abduliaziz (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi) spoke to one of those who constantly came to him to save: "About such a person! At that night, the dream did not take me, I could not sleep. All the time I thought about the graves and about those who lies in them. If you see in the grave of who you were friends or was close, three days after death, then you, definitely, do not want to get closer to it. You wish to stay away from him. For there, where insects and worms are sinking, everything turns into an isolated rotting body, rolled with worms. Simultaneously with the destruction of that young body and the appearance of a bad smell, they appeared. This is the place that fled bad smells, replacing the smell of pleasant incense. The place where the savanes rotted instead of pure nepheat clothes are. " The person who told about it said this way: "Umar Bin Abdulhaziz (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi), told about it, published a writhing cry and fell, having lost feelings."

Yaazid Rakkashi said: "Oh a person who bury in the grave and who remains alone in his grave! Oh man staying underground alone with his acts! Oh, if you could know, thanks to what kind of acts you will be happy, what friend you would have to envy! " And then he cried until his chalm watered from the tears. Then he continued: "I swear by Allah, lying in that grave, a man is happy thanks to her good and righteous matters. Allah swear, he envies his friends who gave him the path so that he became submissive, and those who help him, being with him in a friendly relationship. " When he looked at the cemetery, he cried overwrite.

Hati Esam said this: "If anyone, passing by the cemetery, does not sit down a little and does not think about himself, and if he does not make a thanksgiving prayer for lying in the grave, he will come down treacherously as in relation to himself and To those who lie in those graves. "

The pious slave Allah Bakr said: "Ah, mommy! It would be better if you didn't give me a lot at all. For for your son, there is a prospect for a long time in the grave prison, and then the prospect for moving to another place. "

Yahya Bin Moise said: "Oh man! The Lord Your calls you to Paradise. First, think about wherever you should give to the Lord. If you want to answer your Lord through the Duny window, you will begin to make preparations for resettlement there, being on Earth, and in the end you will enter the paradise, called Dusur Salla. " However, if you are looking at the call of the Lord through the "window" of the graves, then the grave will be an obstacle to your path there. "

Hasan Bin Salih, coming to any cemetery, said this: "How beautiful is your appearance! But as for your inner world, he is full of dangers, longing, grievances and difficulties! ".

Ata As-Sulii (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi), when twilight was condensed, walked in the cemetery. Then he, referring to the cemetery, said this: "About lying in the grave! Now all of you are dead, right? Now you have clearly saw a fee for the business performed on the Earth! And what is me? Mount to me, Mount My Regulations! " A man telling about it later said this: "Repeating these words, Ata continued to go to the cemetery almost every day. Truly, he was in the cemetery every day, in the evening and up to the morning. "

Sufyan Savri (Rakhmatullahi Alayhi) said this: "The one who constantly starts talking about the grave and about the situation in the grave, finds his grave with one of the gardens of Paradise. The same person who does not speak at all about the grave, considers the grave of one of the yam hell. "

Rabi Bin Heisam (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi) made to dig a pit in his house. Noticing in his heart some kind of severity, cruelty, sadness, he immediately climbed into this pit, went to her, stretching out, and waited there for some time. After finding there for a certain period of time, which, in his opinion, was pleased with Allah, he said: "My Lord! Send me back to the ground, Turn me to the bottom of the world so that I could do on the ground, on which I live was invested, good deeds. " Being in the pit, he read the next ayat for several times: "When death appears before any of them, he will volatile:" Lord! Return me [in this world]: perhaps, I will make a righteous thing in what I neglected. " So there is no way! What he says is just [empty] words. Behind those who leave the world, [will] obstacle before they are resurrected "(Al-Moj`minun, 23/99-100). Then, turning towards himself, said this: "Oh Rabi! I sent you again to the ground, to the Justice World. If so, keep the word with you, do good and righteous things! ".

And Maimun Bene Machran said: "Together with Umar Bin Abdulziz (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi), we went to the cemetery. Umar Bin Abdulhaziz looked at the cemetery and began to cry. Then turned to me and said: "Oh Maimun! On this cemetery, what you see, lie in the graves of the Sons of Umaya, who are my tribe. They seem to do not live at all on this light, as if they did not taste this world at all, this life. Are you not removing the lesson for yourself from them? Look, now they are all lying here, give a report for their affairs. All worms and insects are currently echoing their bodies. They are surrounded by hazards from all sides. Isn't it possible to remove the lesson from this? " Having said these words, he cried, and then continued his speech: "I swear by Allah! I do not know anyone more happy than the person who, by entering the grave, got rid of the punishment of Allah, and than the person who went to the world of other, being confident and faithful. "

Sabit Bunani said this: "I went to the cemetery. Only I was going to leave him, as some kind of voice heard: "O Sabit! Careful! Let the silence of the inhabitants of the grave will not be misleading you. How many people are peeled from grief, suffering and flour. "

When Daud Tai (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi) passed past the cemetery, he saw a woman who was standing at the grave and crying headboard, and also heard her, crying, read the following beites:

"Putting into the grave, locked you,

Lost your life.

When the right side was laid in the ground,

Do I have to feel the taste of life without you? "

After the woman said these verses, she said: "Moish my child! Oh, if I were given to know which of your pink cheeks will begin to eat worms and insects! But, alas, I can't know it. " Daud Tai, who heard these words, collapsed without feelings for Earth.

Malik Bin Dinar (Rakhmatullahi Alayhi) says: "Once, when I passed past the cemetery, I wanted to read poems:

I came to the graveyard,

Lying there shouted:

"Great where and the fallen where?

Where is the kingdom, where is the luxury?

Where is the one who hoped for its strength?

Where is the one that was bumped, having daring himself to justify himself? ".

Malik Bin Dinar (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi) continued: "At this time, among the graves, I heard some voice. I could hear the voice of someone who spoke, but could not see him. There was no one around. He said:

"Everybody disappeared, there is no lead,

Died all sent with them.

Earth daughter - worms,

Not distinguished day and nights

Little faces are devouring without tired.

About the traveler, asking me, what is the state of the dead?

Is there really no edification in all this? "

Malik Bin Dinar (Rakhmatullahi Aleihi) says: "After that, I gone from there."

Poems drawn on some grave stones

The following lines are written on one graves:

"Those who of the graves silently calls you -

The inhabitants of the graves under the ground are quietly waiting for you,

O one who spits from the earthly thing that you can not own,

Who are you coping to? Dies, you will come to Nagim here. "

And on another stone is written like this:

"About the owner of unreasonable wealth! It seems that your grave is wide, and is well maintained outside, and reliable. But insufficiently external beauty grave, your body is languishing under the legs of others.

Ibn Summak says: "Once I passed through some kind of cemetery. I saw that these words were written on one graves:

"They pass by their relatives and friends, as if they are not familiar with me. Pass, not welcoming me. The heirs divided everything my condition, but none showed interest in my debts. Everyone took his Pai and continued his life. O Lord Great! How soon they were forgotten who was among them yesterday. "

And on another gravestone, people saw the following lines:

"Beloved take away from loving, he is an obstacle for other loved ones. However, for death, neither the guard or the gatekeeper cannot serve the obstacle. Does the earthly and his pleasure give happiness, because each word is counted and every breath ... about the careless! Your dawn will be flawed if you wake up in enjoying carelessness. Death will not show mercy to ignorance for his ignorance. Death will not show mercy to a scientist for his knowledge. Death does not make a sweet speeches, which is similar to the peg of the nightingale. All makes it silence, deprives the gift of speech. There was a palace of your bark, blooming, crowded and honorable. Meanwhile, your grave among others is just a wasteland. "

Another words are written on one gravestone:

"I see the grave of friends, which lined up in a row. In the graves, my friends gathered together, as if horses on races. I cried, my tears flowed. My eyes squeeze my scene among them. "

And on the gravestone of one Lekary, the following words were inscribed:

"To the one who asked me who was looking for salvation from flour, I said," Lucman Khakim is a doctor, from the disease, any healing - did not find salvation and went to the grave. Where are those who talked about the medicine of his art, which turned about his skill? Where are those who spoke about treating him, and those who praised him? And where is the doctor Lukman himself? Alas! One who is not able to cure himself is able to save the other? "

Here is another epitaph with one grave:

"Oh people! One desire was with me, death folded me before I reached it. Yes, the knowledgeable man of the Lord his own will be wound. Let it work, let it be done while life allows him. Let never tolerate affairs. I was not alone moved to the place that you see. Everyone, as I move. One day you will arrive. "

It is desirable that those who come, read these verses with tombstones with a description of the shortcomings, the characters of people lying in the graves in order to learn lessons for themselves. From this point of view, a far-sighted person is the person who, looking at the graves of other people, can see and his place among these graves. Therefore, he makes the necessary preparations for the day when he meets with them. At the same time, he knows that before he joins them, these graves will not move and will not leave the place.

A reasonable person visiting the graves or passing through the cemetery, in no case should forget the following truth: if one who was in the grave was given a single day from their own life, then they, in order to get this day Whatever won it, giving everything that they had. However, it is impossible. For the dead are already in the state of ability to determine the price of acts. And back there is no refund. After they died and were betrayed by the earth, they saw all the truths in their entirety. They experience longing for one day. Consequently, a person who behaves casually and negligently wishes thanks to the day acquired by him, learning and fulfilling the ministry, to make his drawback to be forgiven.

Therefore, a person must realize his days in the same spirit and now has to look for funds and ways to get rid of MUK and retribution, and also to do everything you need for it. Let a person who is successful in this respect and performs everything that falls on his share will wish to further improve its degree, implementing the day or all his days. Let it thus deserve much more rejection.

If people knew the price of their lives, then they would have done what was needed. However, only after his death, when they do not have anything else, they understand the problem, but too late. They are tested even by instantly passing the segment of their wasted livelihood.

About the living person now! Now you have these minutes and hours. And you must implement them in a similar way. If, without using this time, you will miss it, what will you do? From today, think about that day when you feel sadness, longing, and pretend yourself to this day. Get ready for the day when a convenient moment and the ability to elude you. For you missed them without fulfilling everything you need while you had the opportunity.

For example, one of the pious righteouss said: "I had a friend. After he died, I saw him in a dream. I told him: "Oh my friend! Glory to the Lord of Worlds, you are still alive! " And he tells me in a dream to me: "If I had time to glorify the Lords of the worlds, I would give for it the whole world and everything that is in it." Then he, continuing, said so: "Did you see the place where I buried me? There, some kind of man got up and made two namaza rackat. Truly, if I had time to make such two Namaz rackat, then for this I would immediately give the world and everything that is in it. "

Continued follows in Sha Allah ..

Sacred secrets of death and graves

from "Ray Ulyum Ad-Dean" Imam Gazali, Rakhimahullah