The main topic of the tale of the junk pomegranate bracelet. "Pomegranate bracelet": the topic of love in the works of Kupper

The main topic of the tale of the junk pomegranate bracelet.
The main topic of the tale of the junk pomegranate bracelet. "Pomegranate bracelet": the topic of love in the works of Kupper

Garnet bracelet"- one of the most famous leads Russian Prosaika Alexander Ivanovich Kuprina. She was published in 1910, but for the domestic reader still remains a symbol of disinterested sincere love, one of which girls are cut, and that we absorb so often. Earlier, we published a summary of this wonderful work. In the same publication, we will tell you about the main characters, make an analysis of the work and talk about it.

The events of the story begin to unfold on the birthday of the princess of faith Nikolaevna Shiny. Celebrate at the cottage in the circle of the closest people. At the height of the funnaya, the conviction of the celebration receives a gift - a grenade bracelet. The sender decided to remain unrecognized and signed a short note only by the initials of the GSG. However, everyone immediately guess that this is a long-standing fan of faith, a small official who has been pounding her for many years love letters. Knagini's husband and Brother quickly calculate the personality of a rapid Uhager and the next day go home to him.

In the wretched apartment, they are met by a timid official in the surname of yolks, he continuously agrees to pick up a gift and promises to never appear on the eyes of a honorable family, provided that it will make the last farewell call of faith and make sure that she does not want to know him. Vera Nikolaevna, of course, asks Zholkova to leave her. The next morning in the newspapers will write that a kind of official brought abacus life. In a farewell note, he wrote that she missed the state property.

Main characters: characteristics of key images

Kuprin is a portrait master, and, through appearance, it draws the character of the characters. Each hero, the author pays a lot of attention, allotting the good half of the story for portrait characteristics and memories that also reveal characters. The main characters of the story are:

  • - Princess, Central female image;
  • - her husband, prince, the provincial leader of the nobility;
  • - Small official of the checksum chamber, passionately in love with Nikolaevna faith;
  • Anna Nikolaevna Frides - the younger sister of faith;
  • Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky - Brother faith and Anna;
  • Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov - General, Military Comrade Father Faith, close friend families.

Vera is an ideal representative higher Light and in appearance, and in manners, and in character.

"The faith went to the mother, the beauty of the British, his high flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, albeit rather large hands and the charming shoulder depreciation, which one can be seen on ancient miniatures"

Princess Vera was married to Vasily Nikolayevich Sheene. Their love has long ceased to be passionate and moved to the calm stage of mutual respect and tender friendship. The union was happy. There were no children from the couple, although faith of Nikolaevna would passionately wanted a baby, and therefore all his unaffected feeling gave her children younger sister.

Faith was coarily calm, with all the coldness cold, but at the same time very ridiculous, open and sincerely with loved ones. She was not inherent in such female tricks like a chemistry and coquetry. Despite its high status, faith was very pruded, and knowing how things were going to go to her husband, sometimes tried to divide himself, so as not to put it in an uncomfortable position.

The husband of Faith Nikolaevna is a talented, pleasant, gallant, noble man. He has a stunning sense of humor, he is a brilliant story. Shein leads a home log in which is entered unfeigned stories With pictures about the life of the family and his approximate.

Vasily Lvovich loves his wife, perhaps not so passionately, as in the early years of marriage, but who knows how long the passion really lives? Spouse deeply respects her opinion, feelings, personality. He is compassionate and merciful to others, even those who have many below it according to status (this is evidenced by his meeting with Yolkov). Shein is noble and endowed with courage to recognize mistakes and its own wrong.

With an official of Yolkovoy, we first meet closer to the end of the story. Up to this point, he is present in the work invisibly in the grotesque image of the shortness, crank, fool in love. When the long-awaited meeting, we finally happen, we see a man of meek and shy, thereby not to notice and call "small":

"It was high as height, thin, with long fluffy, soft hair"

His speeches, however, are deprived of the madness of the crazy. He fully gives the report to his words and actions. Despite the seeming cowardice, this person is very dare, he boldly tells the prince, the legal spouse of Vera Nikolaevna, which is in love with it and can do nothing with it. Yolkov does not lead to the rank and position in the society of its guests. He conquers, but not fate, but only his beloved. And he knows how to love - unless and sincerely.

"It happened so that I was not interested in life in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future of people's happiness - for me life is only in you. I now feel that some uncomfortable wedge crashed into your life. If you can, forgive me for it. "

Analysis of the work

The idea of \u200b\u200bhis story Kubrin learned from real life. In fact, the story was rather anecdotal character. A kind of favorite-telegraph for the surname of Zhaltikov was in love with the wife of one of the Russian generals. One day, this cudak was so worried that he sent his beloved simple gold chain with a pendant in the form easter egg. Daughter and only! Everyone laughed at a stupid telegraph, but a tortured writing mind decided to look further a joke, because a real drama can always be buried for visible curiosity.

Also in the "pomegranate bracelet" of the neck with guests first sweat over yellow. Vasily Lvovich has even a funny story in a home magazine called "Princess Vera and in Love Telegraph." People do not intend to think about other people's feelings. The necks were not bad, worn, soulless (this proves the metamorphosis in them after acquaintance with Yolkovoy), they simply did not believe that the love in which an official recognized may exist ..

There are many symbolic elements in the work. For example, a pomegranate bracelet. Pomegranate is a stone of love, anger and blood. If a man takes him in his hand in a fever (parallel with the expression "Love Fever"), then the stone will take a more rich shade. According to Yolkolkov himself, this special view Grenade (green grenade) gives women the gift of foresight, and men protect against violent death. Yolk, swaying with a bracelet-guard dies, and faith unexpectedly for himself predicts his death.

Another symbolic stone - pearls - also appears in the work. Faith's pearl earrings receives as a gift from her husband in the morning on the day of the name. Pearls, despite his beauty and nobility, is an alternation of bad news.
Something bad also tried to predict the weather. On the eve of the fatal day, a terrible storm broke out, but she calmed down on his birthday, the sun looked out and stood quiet weather, as if calm in front of a deafening rumble and even stronger storm.

Problematics Tale

The key problem of the work in the question "What is true love? " In order for the "experiment" was clean, the author leads different types "Love". This is the tender love-friendship of the neck, and the calculating, comfortable, Love Anna Fresis to his indecently rich old man's husband, which blindly loves his half, and long-being forgotten the ancient love of General Amosov, and the All-consuming love-worship of Yolkopkov to faith.

main character He herself cannot understand for a long time - love is or madness, but looking into his face, albeit hidden mask of death, she is convinced - it was love. The same conclusions make Vasily Lvovich, having met with his wife's waters. And if he was first set up somewhat milled, then he could not be angry at the unfortunate, because it seems to him, a mystery was opened, which neither he, nor faith, nor their friends could comprehend.

People in their nature are selfish and even in love, first of all, think about their feelings, masking their own egocentrism from the second half and even themselves. True love that there is a hundred years old between a man and a woman, put the beloved in the first place. So the yolks defearily lets the faith, because it will be happy. The problem is only that without it he does not need life. In his world, suicide is quite amenable.

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The theme of love in the story of A. I. Kurin "Pomegranate bracelet"

("Love disease is incurable ...")

Love… stronger death and fear of death. Only she, only love holds and moves life.


Love ... The word denoting the most reverent, gentle, romantic and inspired feeling inherent in a person. However, people often confuse love with love. The present feeling masters the whole being of a person, leads all his strength in motion, inspires the most incredible deeds, causes the best motives, excites creative imagination. But love is not always joy, mutual feeling, happiness given by two. This is also disappointment from unrequited love. A person can not believe in love.

Everyone big artist Dedicated a lot of pages of this "eternal" topic. Not bypassed her side and A. I. Kuprin. Writer, throughout his work, showed great interest in everything beautiful, strong, sincere and natural. To the great joys of life, he attracted love. His story and stories "Olesya", "Sullaph", "Pomegranate bracelet" narrate perfect love, pure, limitless, beautiful and mighty.

In Russian literature, perhaps there is no stronger on the emotional impact on the reader of the work than the "pomegranate bracelet". Kuprin touches the topic of love chastely, reverently and at the same time nervously. Yes, otherwise it is impossible to touch it.

Sometimes it seems that everything is said about love in world literature. Is it possible to talk about love after "Tristan and Isolda", after the sonnets of Petrarki and "Romeo and Juliet" Shakespeare, after the Pushkin poem "For the coast of Fapt", Lermontovsky "Do not last about my prophetic fortune," after Anna Karenina "Tolstoy and Chekhov "Lady with a dog"? But love has thousands of aspects, and in each of them - their own light, their own joy, their happiness, their own sadness and pain, and their fragrance.

The story "Pomegranate bracelet" is one of the most sadded works about love. Kubrin admitted that he cried over the manuscript. And if the work makes the author and reader cry, then this speaks of the deep vitality of what is created by the writer and his great talent. Cookwin has many works about love, about the waiting for love, about touching its outcomes, about its poetry, longing and eternal youth. He always blessed love everywhere. The theme of the story "Pomegranate bracelet" is love before self-dedication, before self-denial. But it is interesting that love is striking the man of the most ordinary - the stationery official Yoltkova. Such love, it seems to me, was given to him over as a reward for insiding existence. The story hero is no longer young, and his love for the princess faith Shiny gave the meaning of his life, filled it with inspiration and joy. This love was the meaning and happiness only for Yolkova. Princess faith considered him a madman. She did not know his names and had never seen this person. He only sent her greeting Cards And wrote letters, signing by G. S. Zh.

But one day, on the day of the name of Knyagini, yolks decided to the audacity: he sent her a bracelet of an old work with excellent grenades as a gift. Fearing that her name could be compromised, Brother faith insists on the return bracelet owner, and husband and faith agree.

In the impulse of the nervous excitement of yolks, the prince of Shane in love for his wife is admitted. This recognition touches to the depths of the soul: "I know that it is not able to break it in love. What would you do to break this feeling? Send me to another city? Anyway, there will also be there I will love faith Nikolaevna as here. Conduct me to prison? But there I will find a way to give her to know about my existence. Only one thing remains - death ... "love for long years became a disease incurable disease. She swallowed his whole essence without a residue. Yolksu lived only by this love. Let the princess faith and did not know him, let him not open her feelings, could not have it ... It's not the main thing. The main thing - he loved her sublime, Platonic, pure love. He was enough for him to just see her sometimes and know that she was fine.

The last words of love for the one that was the meaning of his life for many years, yolks wrote in his suicide letter. It is impossible without severe spiritual excitement to read this letter in which the refrain is tall and amazingly: "Yes, your name will hurt!" Special strength is the story that love appears in it as an unexpected gift of fate, opoethized and illuminating life. Love Yeratkova as a ray of light among ordinaryness, among the sober reality and the well-established life. There is no medicine from such love, it is incurable. Reliable can serve only death. This love is closed in one person and carries destructive power. "It happened so that nothing interests me in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, no concerns about the future of people's happiness," writes yolks in the letter, "for me, the whole life is in you." This feeling displaces all other thoughts from the consciousness of the hero.

Special strength and bitterness attaches and autumn landscape, silent sea, empty cottages, grassy smell of recent colors.

Love on Cooker, is a passion, this is a strong and real feeling, an exalted person, awakening top Qualities his souls; This is truthfulness and honesty in relationships. The writer invested his thoughts about love, General Anosov: "Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life facilities, calculations and compromises should not touch it. "

It seems to me that today it is almost impossible to meet such love. YOLTKOV LOVE - Romantic worship of a woman, knightly service to her. Princess faith realized that the real love, which was given to a person only once in his life and about which every woman dreams past her.

K. Puustovsky called this story by the "dishonled" job about love, and the researchers compared it with Sonata Beethoven. We are talking About the "pomegranate bracelet" by A. Kurin. Schoolchildren get acquainted with him in grade 11. The story conquers the reader with a breathtaking plot, deep images and original interpretation eternal theme love. We offer an analysis of the work that will be a good assistant in preparing for the lesson and the exam. For convenience in the article submitted brief and full analysis according to plan.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1910

History of creation - On writing the work of A. I. Kupper inspired the story heard in the family of acquaintances.

Subject- in the story are revealed traditional topics Unrequited love, sincere feeling that all women dream of.

Composition- The meaningful and formal organization of the story has features. The work of the epigraph facing "Sonate No. 2" Beethoven begins. The same musical masterpiece It acts as a symbol in the final part. In the canvas of the main plot, the author fell small love novels, told by Vasily Lvovich. The story consists of 13 parts.

Genre- Tale. The writer himself considered his work story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

The story of the creation of a story is related to real events. A. Kubrin was another family of the governor of Lyubimov. During viewing family album Lyubimov told Alexander Ivanovich interesting love story. A telegraph official was in love with the spouse of the governor. A woman collected his letters and made sketches for them. Somehow she got a gift from the ripper: a chain with a gild and a pendant in the form of an Easter egg.

Work on the work began in September 1910, as evidenced by the writers of the author addressed to colleagues according to Peru. First, Alexander Ivanovich was going to write a story. But he was inspired by the artistic transfiguration of the heard story, that the work turned out to be much more than it was intended. Created the Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" for about 3 months. On the promotion of work, he wrote Batyushkov. In one of the letters, the writer confessed that he had difficulties related to his "ignorance in music". Nevertheless, Alexander Ivanovich very much paid to the "pomegranate bracelet", so he did not want to "lick" him.

For the first time, the work saw the world on the pages of the magazine "Earth" in 1911. At criticism, the work was made by emphasis on his ideas and expressive "psychological situations".


To catch the ideological sound of the story "Pomegranate bracelet" analysis should be started with the characteristics of the main problem.

Motive love Always spread in literature. The master of the feather revealed different faces of this feeling, trying to understand how it affects a person. In the work of A. Kurin, this motive takes an honorable place. main topic "Pomegranate bracelet" - unrequited love. Problems of work is dictated by this topic.

Events are unfolding at the dacha of the neck. The author begins the work of landscape sketches. The end of summer did not please good weather, but in early September, nature compensated for the gloomy Augustus in sunny days. Reading the work on, it is not difficult to guess that landscapes not only help to immerse themselves in the country's atmosphere, but also symbolize the changes in the life of the main character of Vera Nikolaevna Shiny: her life with her husband was gray and boring, while the woman did not receive an unusual gift.

At the beginning of the work, the reader observes only two heroes - spouses neck. The author focuses on the fact that the love between these people is faded, or rather, "has moved to a sense of strong, true, true friendship." The system of images is complemented in an episode that reproduces the celebration of the name of Princess.

The holiday is remembered by the stories of Prince Vasily Lvovich about the unrequited love of the telegraphist to his spouse. On the same day, Vera Nikolaevna received a grenade bracelet and a letter signed by the initials as a gift. A woman told about a strange gift to her husband, friend Father and brother. They decided to find the author of the letter.

It turned out that the gift was given to the official of the yolks, without memory in love with the princess. Brother Vera Nikolaevna returned a bracelet man. After explanations with the neck of yolks, she committed suicide. He left his beloved a note in which he asked to play Beethoven Sonatu if faith would remember him. In the evening, the woman fulfilled the request of the dead and finally felt that the man forgave her.

"Pomegranate bracelet" is filled with reflections on love, tearing from the mouth of heroes. These thoughts resemble the keys to the door, behind which the answers are hidden about the essence of the gentle, but sometimes the ruthless feeling. Nevertheless, the author does not try to impose his point of view. Conclusions The reader must do. To understand what a writer teaches, it is necessary to analyze the actions of the heroes, their characters and fate.

Production A. Kaprin is filled with symbols. Main role Playing a garnet bracelet, hence the name of the story. Decoration symbolizes true love. In the bracelet five precious stones. In one of the parable of King Solomon, they meant love, passion and anger. Interpretation of the meaning of the name of the story will be incomplete without taking into account the symbolic component also special attention is attracted by Sonata Beethoven, which in this context can be interpreted as a symbol of unfortunate, but eternal love.

Developed in the work ideathe fact that real love does not disappear from the heart without a trace. The basic idea - Sincere love exists, you only need to be able to notice her and take it.


The features of the composition of the work are manifested in the formal, and in the semantic level. At first, A. Kubrin draws a reader to Beethoven's sonnet through an epigraph. The final it turns out that the musical masterpiece plays the role of the symbol. With this symbolic image, a fraction is created, reinforcing ideological sound.

The order of the plot elements is not broken. Exposition - landscape sketches, Acquaintance with the family of the neck, a story about the upcoming holiday. Zaguka - Getting faithful to Nikolaevna Gift. The development of events is a story about names, searches for a gifts' addicts, meeting with yellow. Culmination is the recognition of YOLTKOV, that his feelings will kill only death. An isolation is the death of Yoltkov and the story about how faith listens to Sonata.

main characters


Genre of "Pomegranate Bracelet" - a story. A few plot lines are revealed in the work, the image system is quite branched. In terms of volume, it is also approaching a story. A. Kubrin was a representative of realism, the analyzed story was written in this direction. It is based on real events, moreover, the author expressed an atmosphere of his era.

In every person's life, love always takes a special place. Poets and writers chant this feeling. After all, it is it gives to feel the joy of being, an elevation of a person over circumstances and obstacles, even if love is unrequited. Not an exception to A. I. Kuprin. His story "Pomegranate bracelet" is a masterpiece of the World Literary Heritage.

Unusual tale on the usual topic

The topic of love in the product "Pomegranate bracelet" occupies the main place. The story reveals the most secret corners of the human soul, which is why she is loved by readers of various age groups. In the work, the author shows what a person is really able for the sake of real love. Each reader hopes that it will be capable of feeling the same as the protagonist of this story. The topic of love in the product "Pomegranate bracelet" is, first of all, the topic of relationships between the floors, dangerous and ambiguous for any writer. After all, it is very difficult to avoid banalism, describing what has been said about a thousand times. However, the writer manages to tighten his story even the very sophisticated reader.

The impossibility of happiness

Kuprin in his story talks about beautiful and unrequited love - it is necessary to mention, conducting an analysis of the product "Pomegranate bracelet". The topic of love in the story occupies a central place, because its main character - yolks - is experiencing unrequited feelings. He loves faith, but can not be with her, because she is completely indifferent. In addition, all the circumstances are opposed to them together. First, they occupy miscellaneous position On the social stairs. Yolks are poor, he is a representative of a completely different class. Secondly, faith is associated with marriage. She would never agree to change her spouse because he was tied to his entire soul. And these are only two reasons why yolks cannot be with faith.

Christian feelings

With such hopelessness, it is unlikely that you can believe in something. However, the main character does not lose hope. His love was absolutely phenomenal, he could only give, not requiring anything in return. The topic of love in the product "Pomegranate bracelet" is located in the center scene line. And the feelings that are experiencing yolks to faith are a shade of sacrifice inherent in Christianity. After all, the protagonist was not a rebel, he resigned with his position. He also did not wait for remuneration for his patience in the form of a response. His love had egoistic motives. Yolksu managed to renounce himself, putting his feelings for his beloved on his first place.

Caring for loved

At the same time, the main character turns out to be honest in relation to the faith and her spouse. He recognizes the sinfulness of his passion. Never for all the years that he loved faith, yolks did not cross the threshold of her house with a proposal and did not compromise the woman in any way. That is, he cared about her personal happiness and well-being more than herself, and this is true self-denial.

The greatness of those feelings that yolks experienced is that he was capable of letting the faith for her happiness. And he did it at the price own Life. He knew that he would create with him after it would squint the stateless money, but he went to this step consciously. And at the same time the protagonist did not give faith with a single reason to believe that it could be to blame for something. The official imposes on his arms because of the crime he committed.

In those days, desperately reduced sciences with life so that their obligations would not shift on close people. And therefore, Yolkova's act seemed logical and had nothing to do with faith. This fact He indicates the unusual trembling of the feeling that yolks had to her. This is the rare treasure of the human soul. The official proved that love could be stronger than death.

A turning point

In writing on the work "Pomegranate bracelet. The topic of love "can be specified in which the story was consistent. The main heroine - faith - is the spouse of the prince. Constantly she gets letters from a secret fan. However, one day, instead of letters comes a rather expensive gift - a pomegranate bracelet. The topic of love in the work of Kupper takes its beginning here. Faith regarded such a gift as a compromising and all told the spouse and brother, who were easily found, who was his sender.

It turned out to be a modest civil servant George Yolkov. He accidentally saw faith and loved her with all his nature. At the same time, the yolks were quite pleased with the fact that love is unrequited. It is the prince, after which the official feels that he led the faith, because he compromised her expensive pomegranate bracelet. Subject tragic love In the work he sounds a leitmotif. Yolkova asked the faith of forgiveness in the letter, asked her to listen to Sonatu Beethoven and committed suicide - shot himself.

Tragedy of faith

This story interested faith, she asked for a spouse permission to visit the apartment of the dead man. In the analysis of the work of "Pomegranate bracelet", the topic of love must be considered in detail. The student should be indicated that it was on the apartment of Yolterkova, she felt all those feelings that had never experienced for all 8 years old until the yolks loved her. At home, listening to that Sonatu, she realized that yolks could make her happy.

Images of heroes

You can briefly describe the images of heroes in the analysis of the product "Pomegranate bracelet". The topic of love, chosen by Cupre, helped him to create such characters that reflect the public realities not only of their era. Their role is applicable to all mankind. The image of the yolk official is a confirmation. He is not good, he has no special advantages. Yolks - a completely modest man. He does not require anything in return.

Vera is a woman who got used to obey the rules of society. Of course, she does not refuse love, but also does not consider it a vital necessity. After all, she has a spouse who can give her everything you need, so she doesn't need feelings. But this happens only until the moment she learns about the death of Yolkova. Love in the work of Kuprin symbolizes the nobility of the human soul. This feeling can not boast neither the prince Shein nor Vera. Love was the highest manifestation of the soul of Zhestkova. Not requiring nothing, he could enjoy the magnificence of his experiences.

Morality that the reader can make

It is also necessary to say that the topic of love in the work of the "pomegranate bracelet" is chosen by caudin it is no coincidence. The reader can make this conclusion: in the world, where comfort and daily commitments come to the fore, in no case treat your beloved person as something of granted. You need to appreciate it as well as yourself, what we teaches main character Tale of yolks.

The story of the Great Genius of Love Prose A. I. Kurin "Pomegranate Bracelet" can be interpreted by different, arguing on the topic who are here real Hero.. The view of critics is divided into this matter, some consider the hero of Yolterkov, any ways of trying to prove their love, but also to declare their existence, others give preference to her husband's her husband, who simply wishes his spouse to be happy. Analysis of the work according to plan will help to understand this. This material can be used when preparing for the EEE in literature in grade 11.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1910

The history of creation - as a basis of the plot, the writer took real history, told by him one of his friends.

The topic is the main topic of this story - love, unrequited and real.

The composition - in the exposition begins the action, acquainted with the heroes of the story, follows the tie, when Vera Nikolaevna receives a grenade bracelet as a gift. Features of the composition in the use of characters, secret meanings. Here and the garden, which is described at the time of wilting, and the novels, the bracelet itself, the main symbol is the Beethoven Sonata, which passes the leitmotif of the story. The development of the action, dying yolks, and the climax of Beethoven sonata sounds, and the isolation.

Genre - hard to determine genre essence The "pomegranate bracelet" on its composition consisting of the thirteen chapters can be attributed to the genre of the story, and the writer himself believed that the "pomegranate bracelet" is a story.

The direction - in the story, everything is subordinated to the direction of realism, where it feels an easy ridge of romanticism.

History of creation

The history of creating a story has a real base. When the writer was visiting his friend where they considered family photos. A friend told the story that happened in his family. Some kind of official fell in love with his mother, he wrote her letters. Once this small official sent a loved woman as a gift for a gift. Finding out who this official, he made a suggestion, and he disappeared from the horizon. Cooking in the head came the idea of \u200b\u200bembelling this story, more detail love theme. He added romantic notes, elevated the ending and created his "garnet bracelet", leaving the essence of the story. The year of writing a story - 1910, and in 1911 the story was published in the press.


Alexander Kubrin is considered an unsurpassed Russian genius of love prose, they created a lot of works that are sinking love in any manifestations.

In the "pomegranate bracelet", the analysis is subordinated to this beloved by the topic, the topic of love.

In essence, in this work is considered moral issues relationship related to love relationships Heroes of the story. In this work, all events are associated with love, even the meaning of the name of this story, since the grenade is a symbol of love, a symbol of passion, blood and anger.

The writer, giving such a name to his name, immediately makes it clear what the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is dedicated.

He considers various forms of love, different manifestations. Each person described by the writer is different about this feeling. For someone, it's just a habit, social status, superficial well-being. For another, this is the only one, real feeling, swept throughout the whole life, for which it was worth living.

For the chief hero of Zhalatkov, love is a sacred feeling, for which he lives, realizing that his love is doomed to unrequency. Adoration of his beloved woman helps him to carry everything life Nevzpects, Believe in the sincerity of your feelings. Vera Nikolaevna for him is the meaning of his life. When Yolkov said that he compromises his favorite woman with his behavior, the official concluded that the problems of social inequality would stand on his way to happiness always, and committed suicide.


The composition of the story contains many secret meanings and symbols. The grenade bracelet gives a vivid definition of the all-consuming theme of passionate love, the definition of it as blood makes it clear that this love can be destructive and unhappy, anger - led to the suicide of Yolkopkov.

The fading garden reminds of fading love of faith Nikolaevna to her husband. Pictures and poems in family notes of her husband - the story of his love, sincere and clean, not undergoing any changes for all the time they life together. Despite her fooling passion and a cool attitude towards him, he continues to love his wife in real.

General Amos prefers to share with the interlocutors of the stories about love, which is also symbolic. it only person In the work, correctly understanding the true essence of love. He is a big psychologist, an expert human souls, Clearly seeing all their secret and obvious thoughts.

Through all the works of red thread, the second Sonata Beethoven passes, chief symbol all means. Action develops on the background of music. The final sound of the Sonata is a strong climax. The work of Beethoven reveals all inexpensively, all hidden thoughts and feelings of heroes.

Tie action - Vera Nikolaevna receives a gift. Development of action - brother and husband go to find out the relationship with yellowing. The main character The works remaining aside throughout the narrative ends the life of suicide. The climax - Sonata Beethoven sounds, and the realization of his life comes to faith Nikolaevna.

Kuprin masterfully finishes its story, bringing all actions to the junction, where the true power of love is revealed.

Under the influence of music, sleeping soul faith Nikolaevna wakes up. She begins to understand that he lived, in essence, aimless and useless life, all the time creating visible well-being happy family, and true love, accompanying her all his life, passed by.
What a writer's creation teaches, everyone decides to - its own, everything depends on the reader. Only he decides, in whose favor to make a choice.


The work of the Great Writer consists of thirteen chapters, refers to the genre of the story. The writer believed that this is a story. The period of occurring events lasts for a long time, it is involved in it. a large number of Characters, and it fully corresponds to the adopted genre.