Characters of "Northern Story" Jack London. Jack London works: novels, stories and stories Famous heroes Jack London

Characters of
Characters of "Northern Story" Jack London. Jack London works: novels, stories and stories Famous heroes Jack London

a) Men

Individualists, predators seeking to wealth, to achieving personal success, London opposes disinterested, noble people; Egoism, the power of money, the thirst for profit - sincere love, loyal friendship. Here we are faced. With the problem of a positive hero.

The positive hero of the northern stories-- the image is collective. It combines different individual features peculiar to many characters. So, Hichkoka, the story hero "where the roads diverge," selflessness and courage prevail. Material calculation in his eyes does not play any role. For the sake of salvation of the girl Indiana, he is ready to risk life.

Millmouth Kid is more comprehensive, one of the main London heroes, which appears in many stories. He knows the life and morals of the North, enjoys a huge authority among comrades and in all disputed cases usually becomes an arbiter, whose word is crucial. This he strongly stops a stupid quarrel with comrades, ready to end the bloody duel ("on the fortieth mile"). And in the story "For those who are on the road", he provides assistance and support to Jack Westontal, hiding from the persecution of the police. In the "white silence" he acts as a faithful friend. After the death of Mason, he takes care of his wife and child. His generosity and selflessness are also visible from the relationship to Nasas, which he gives money, not counting back to get them ("North Odyssey").

Like London himself, KID condemns new orders brought to the north by bourgeois civilization. He blames the behavior of Cal Galbreys and seeks to fix it ("King's wife"). If the Kid is the older of the North, then the smear Bello - Chechko, just recently appeared there. He becomes a positive hero when new qualities are produced: a sense of partnership, readiness to go to the feat. "I know everything," Joy Gastell admires .-- Carson told me. You sacrificed yourself to save him. " Smeak is highly human. He is ready to forget about his interests, if you need to assist anyone. So, in the story "How the Kaltus George", he and the baby interrupt the trip to save from the hungry death of the Indians. In the story "The mistake of the Lord God" of the Smok and the baby, stumbled upon the camp dying from the zing gold kits, make the stop and take all measures to cure them.

Smok Bello does not look like Mailmouth Kida. He does not have that iron exposure and cold-bloodeds that the kid possesses. He is a softer nature, emotional. He does not have any life experience that helps Kidu is so true to judge people.

Next to the smear Bell, we see the baby - also a positive hero, but in a slightly different version.

Baby good, responsive. He is a wonderful comrade and friend, bold in the face of danger, ready to help V.Bed. But he is much easier than Kid and Smoke. He has no knowledge that they possess. It is distinguished by greater immediacy, excitability, energetic, straw reaction to all that happens around.

Comparison of positive heroes convinces us that, despite the individual differences, they have a lot of common, bringing them closer to them.

What are the main features of the positive heroes of the northern stories?

As a rule, all of them arexic, bold people who do not depart before difficulties and dangers. They all differ in great activity. The firm will, perseverance in achieving the goal - one of the characteristic features of the London Hero. It was emphasized by M. Gorky.

"In Murmansk, someone told me:" Here it is good to read Jack London, "the bitter writes .-- This word is expressed very loyal thought. On the harsh coast of the Ice Ocean, where the polar night gives the polar night in the winter, the greatest voltage of the will is required to life, and Jack London - a writer who has seen well, deeply felt the creative power of the will and knew how to portray the volitional people "M. Gorky and, O literature. Literary and critical articles, M., 1953, p. 358.

Positive heroes of northern stories are humane, humans. They are good not only to people, but also to animals. And the latter pay them for this with great love: "In the courageous soul of Mailmouth Kida, there was something gentle, feminine, thanks to which the most ferocious dogs have experienced confidence in him and the most severe hearts revealed before him."

Among the positive heroes, we will not meet chatty people. All of them are extremely restrained in the expression of their feelings and extremely concise. Chatters, as a rule, turn out to be brakes ,. "Nikidniki." It is necessary to act, and not to speak in the writer, this principle adhere to the writer: "The inhabitants of the North will know the vanity of words and the invaluable benefit of action."

There are many common in the appearance of London heroes. "They were different nationalities, but the life they all was led by a certain type of people, pierced, hardy, with strong muscles, with bronze from sunbathing faces, with an innocent look of clear relaxing eyes."

In most cases, positive characters are old-timers of the North. They know the life well and morals, are carriers of his traditions.

Among the positive heroes, we will almost at all meet people who came to the north only for gold. Unfortunately - one of the most characteristic of their features. The north attracts London and his heroes is not at all because there is an opportunity to get rich, but because it is the region, where there is a simple relationship, where a person can show his abilities, energy, courage. It does not imply from this that London heroes are abrupting money. They, like others, are looking for gold, find it, but it never happens to them in itself, it does not make sense of life. "... a person should not live for money," says Sitka Charlie.

They are more attracted to search for gold, hard work associated with its extraction. Becoming its owners, they are able to easily part with him. The most important thing is to be a man, and not to pursue mercenary interests. The passion for gold, kills human feelings for enrichment, distorts, perverts them. And the most serious insult that can be applied to a person is, in the opinion of the writer, bring feelings for the sacrifice of the monetary caress. That is so Mastit Messen his escaped wife, selling it for four thousand dollars ("One-day parking"). So makes Karen Seizer, entered by his feelings for the sake of wealth ("Great Riddle"). Positive heroes of northern stories-- True romance in their mood and actions.

Back in childhood, working at the canning factory, London dreamed of distant countries, sea travel, all kinds of adventures. A romantic dream retained him hope for something new, the best, more humane. "I wanted to go to the distant swimming," he wrote, "to get away from the vulnerally monotony of life. I was at that time a young savage, blooming young men with approximal to romance and adventure. " Love for romance he retained for life. But what did the writer understand under the real romantics, what content did he invest in it?

Romance, firstly, in the understanding of London - this is something opposite to bourgeois society with his carefulness and vulgarity. He leads his heroes to a distant Alaska, where people are not as conventional, where wider than the spiritual impulses and freely appear in nature.

Secondly, romance is incompatible with commerce. Moreover, commerce kills romance. "In his nature there was no romance," we read about Carter Wezerby, "commerce classes destroyed all such inclinations in it."

There has nothing to do with romance and sentimentality. Percy Catfert "suffered an excess of sentimentality. He mistakenly took this feature for true romanticism and love for adventure. "

One of the most important features of romance, as London understood her, constitutes stubborn labor, the fight against dangers. Romance also includes love for adventure, a well-known risk that people are deliberately opposing him courage and active will. "I had to pull the boat with a rope, move them with the help of a bar and cheerful, flipping through the thresholds to drag the wolves; These were flour, sufficient to inspire a deep disgust to risky negotiations, and to another to give eloquent proof of what is a true romance of adventure. "

This romance requires a person to combat nature, with those obstacles that she creates to him.

Vololovaya, the active heroes of London are steadfastly tolerated cold, hunger, struggling with natural disasters. Huge difficulties have to overcome Sitka Charlie to get to the sea "coast (" Power of Women "). From exhaustion his companions die. At Sitka Charlie is frozen face, the head is spinning, but it is steadily going forward. And the author considers him a true romantic.

The heroic feat make travelers in the "Snow Trail Wisdom". They defeat the icy desert, although their strength is already on the outcome.

A man's fight with nature and his victory over it are the content of such stories as the "order", the "mystery of the female soul" and many others. But not always people overlook the winners of martial arts with nature. Mason is tragically, crushed Pine ("White Silence"). A terrible fate comprehends travelers caided with ice-growing on the island ("at the end of the rainbow"). But in these cases, people behave courageously, boldly, without being flexing before they overtook them.

b) women

Next to the heroes of men from the pages of the northern stories are wonderful female images. In many stories, women occupy a central place and are genuine heroes. Like male female types are distinguished by a great variety. Here and white, indians, visiting and older, faithful wives and misfortunes of adventure.

Although in most cases heroine at London - beautiful women, their main advantage is not in beauty. For the Writer, their internal content is more important. What are they for people, what are their possibilities that they are capable - here are questions that first interest him. Like men, London appreciates women's perseverance, willpower, the ability to overcome difficulties. The fact and attractive Grace Bentam ("By the right of a priest"), that it possesses all of these qualities. Conversely, her spouse Edwin Bentam because "produces an unpleasant impression that he has no these qualities. Grace and Edwin are opposed to each other. While Grace is smart, hardworking, tactical, Edwin is lazy, selfish, rude. But in the right whether Grace to get away from him to another person she loved, is she right to leave Bentam? London does not give a ready-made answer to this question. Father Roule managed to persuade Grace to stay with Bentam, but the priest doubts his correctness.

No less attractive than Grace Bentam, Mrs. Epingwell looks like. Sitka Charlie admires the fact that she was put on the road along the snowpath, although this path even from men demanded the utmost voltage of forces. During the trip, it does not become a burden for other travelers, but supports vigor and courage.

Mrs. Epianguell has a reflective impact on others. It vigorously acts in defense of the principles of good, justice, humanity. Her friend is Mailmouth Kid. Friendship is proud of Charlie Sita.

If Mrs. Epinguwell belongs to the highest circle of Alaskan society, then Freda Muluor is a heroine of the story "Women's Despite" - a recognized Tsarina semi-clutch. Fred is also good and disinterested as Mrs. Epingwell. And although they are different people, it does not prevent them from doing one common thing. Freda - Natura is very active. She cannot sit back, when he sees that evil is going on in her eyes, and, like the heroes of men, joins the fight against him. Its peculiar activity is found in the history of Vanderlip, which is going to marry the adventurer Lauren Laison. In order to save him, Freda goes to his pride, causes contempt for other women, but his goals seeks.

Truly, the heroic female manual was able to create London in the story "Courage Women." The dedicated love of the Passuk here is shown here with such a force, with such a pathos that this story in justice is one of the best writers. The meaning is disclosed in the title. For the sake of salvation of his beloved person, the courageous passage goes to everything. She sacrifices the life of a native brother, sacrificing himself. The Passuk dies, but Charlie's Sitka remains alive.

It is very similar to the Passukvi Passukvi from "The Mystery of the Women's Soul": she saves his stake in the beloved and helps him escape, but herself dies. Such loving, selfless women, like Passuk and Labisci, are often the heroons of the northern stories. These include the JIS-Code in the story of the same name, Ruth from the "White Silence", the heroine of the story "Sivashka". Romantic Adventures Oveyan The image of heroic ung from North Odyssey, whose name and fame flew off the whole north on a par with the name and glory to her husband.

Although Axel Gundanderson was an exceptional person, Uona is not inferior to him in the courage or an excerpt. She, as equal, accompanies him in all the full hazards of wandering.

Earring in principle courage and courage, London heroines admire bold people and do not like panties. The cowardice they despise and consider one of the biggest vices.

So, the daughter of the leader of the tribe Tana-Nau Su-Soo refuses to become the wife of the leader of the Tlungetov tribe. Kishis only because he considers him a coward ("Kish, son of Kish"). For the same reason, UNIS does not recognize his husband from her husband. She tells him that he saw him beaten by a dog whip, "I saw it - and I learned that you were a coward" ("Coward Negro", XIX, 202).

London heroines are very active, they are always in motion, in the struggle, organically do not endure idleness and laziness, considering them serious shortcomings.

"You ... as it says ... Lazy! You, Lazy, want to become my husband? Infigured steel. Never, oh no, will never be my husband Lazy! "- says Joy Molino Jack Harrington (" Northern Light Daughter ", I, 246).

London heroines hate people greedy, greedy. Krasavitsa El-Su, a decent daughter of his father Claus-on, rejects rich in the pollutory, who wants to take her to his wife; She despises him for turning the accumulation into the goal of his life ("Inturable Foreignness").

An interesting image of Edith Nelson from the story "unexpected". Becoming an evidence of a cruel murder, she applies all the strength in order to betray the court. And here the strong will of women triumph over all obstacles.

In the northern stories there are negative female types: incorrect wives, frivolous girls, mercenary adventurers.

Such is the wife of Messan from the "day parking", which changes her husband and hides from him. Maria Shove, the heroine of the story "Golden beam". This frivolous woman, becoming the bride of Deva Walsh, violates this word and marries another.

We will not see direct renewal of these women, and yet behavior is objectively condemned. Not the fact of treason is condemned. London is not at all for the husband and wife continue to live without love. But they should break honestly, everything is frankly. Having said to each other. In such cases, false and deception, betrayal and pretense are unacceptable. Honor and human dignity must be maintained under any conditions. Otherwise, people are waiting for retribution. The cruel payback awaits the wife of Messner when she meets with her ex-husband. Messen Mstit for an insult to him. And in the story "Golden beam" the role of Avenger is awarded the fate itself. The unclean conscience of Maria Sovoe does not stand the "appearance" of the dead Deva Walsh, and she goes crazy. , London did not tolerate carriers of the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society. They are depicted with not peculiar to him usually sarcasm and irony. The wife of the priest Mrs. Mak-Fi is just belonging to the number of priestess official Hangelie ("contempt of a woman"). She is rude, unceremonia and at the same time ready to pronounce a stinging speech on ethics with her "thin, trembling with voice." For her, external decency is most important than the rest. Therefore, it is so outraged by the behavior of Mrs. Epianguell, asking for forgiveness from Freda Muluof. "For all, notice ... without manifesting any attention. And respect for the moral polls of society."

In the same story, another negative female image appears. This is an adventurer Lauren Laison, who arrived north to find a rich husband. Traveling women cause a writer as little pleasant, like selfish men. Sita Charlie calls Lauren Laison "bad baba".

We meet with negative female types and in the story "Little Wang". Although Evelyn Van Weeke and Miss Giddings play an episodic role there, they are evaporated in extremely unattractive light. Sincere direct Wan instead of support and sympathy meets on their part indifference and contempt.

It is impossible, however, not to note that negative female characters are found in the northern stories relatively rarely. The north for them turns out to be inappropriate. The stories prevail the images of heroic, volitional women, whom the writer loves and who are close to him with his humanity, sincerity, immediacy. He sees in them the personification of grace, beauty, the embodiment of "eternal femininity." Attitude towards them from his side is pure, sublime. His woman always raises somewhat, romantizes. London is restrained in the description of the relationship between the floors. Love in his works is described as a high moral feeling. It has a reflective impact on a person, contributes to the emergence of noble impulses, the development of humanity. Alien to the writer and attitude towards a woman, as a substantial order. A woman for him is a comrade, a friend dividing with a man's danger and adversity capable of helping with advice or action in a difficult moment.

All this is determined by a large artistic, moral, cognitive and educational value of female images in the northern stories.

london Poetics Northern Story

"Better let I be ashes than dust. Let my flame run out better in a blinding outbreak, than the mold will strangle him! .. Let it be better I will be the brightest meteor than the eternal, but sleepy planet ... " Jack London

John Griffith Cheney was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. His birth was preceded by a loud scandal: the American press was narrowing about the unfortunate flora Wellman, who was trying to shoot despair after an astrologer, Professor William Cheney, with whom she lived, learning about the pregnancy of Flora, began to insist that Flora would get rid of the child. The name of Professor Cheney was dedicated that he later served him the reason for refusing the recognition of paternity. In the end of the same 1876, Flora married John London, a disabled and a veteran of the civil war in the United States.

Jack London in childhood
He adopts the kid. So Johnny Griffith Cheney becomes Jack London (in order to do not match the adoptive father and the name and surname, the child is changing the name John on Jack). So the boy became Jack London.

John's mother - Flora fond of spiritualism ... So far just remember this fact. Labor life from Jack London began early. The schoolboy was selling newspapers, she worked on the weekend in Kegelbane, worked as a cleaner of beer pavilions in the park. After graduating from 14 years of primary school, entered the canned factory workers. Then a 300 dollars bought a used schooner and became illegally (without a license) to catch oysters in San Francisco Bay, for which, very cute and not over the years, the dear boy received the nickname "Prince of Oyster Pirates". In 1893, Jack was hired by a sailor to the fishing schooner Sofa Sutherland, going to catch the cats to the shores of Japan and in Bering Sea. The first swimming gave London a lot of vivid impressions that would then form the basis of many of his maritime stories and novels. Subsequently, the future writer worked on a jooty factory, a smooth-owner in the laundry and a fireman ... I will not tell the details, it is better to open the works of Jack London and trace it for its work: "The stories of the fishing patrol", "Sea Wolf", "Martin Eden", "John Yacmen Grain "and many others.

According to one of the versions - the woman helped to start joining Jack London. Jack constantly disappeared in the Equal Library, where it, a 15-year-old young man, has seen a 28-year-old librarian - Inina Kulbrit. It is absolutely official story and it is described by all the biographers: "Let me read what you write", "Oh, what charm ..." "You know that, call your mother, that you will not come home today ...", "I want to invite you, we will talk about literature ...". And so, somehow so ... She talked to him about the literature, gradually introducing into their circle. She was bohemian girl. And it was she who introduced Jack with writers, artists, journalists. And on one of the parties brought with the editor of the Literary San Francisco White Star. The first story of Jack London he took it in print. Moreover, a whole cycle was ordered. The first essay of London "Typhoon off the coast of Japan", which was the beginning of his literary career for which he received the first award of one of the newspapers San Francisco, was published on November 12, 1893.

According to another version (less common) - his real father, although not a recognized child, still secretly patronized, promoting development, learning and literary career.

In 1894, for participating in the hike of unemployed to Washington, Jack London was arrested for vagabond. In the campaign, he first meets socialist ideas (in particular, with the "manifesto of the Communist Party" of Marx and Engels), which made a huge impression on him. In 1895, he joined the Socialist Labor Party of America, from which he retired in 1914 (in some sources 1916); The reason for the gap with the party in the statement was called the loss of faith in its "martial spirit".

Three times Jack almost died. The first time from alcohol poisoning. The second, when in a drunken form fell overboard boats and almost drowned. And for the third time, when almost burned down from the spark of a locomotive under the train car, where he loved to travel. In prison, Jack promoted 30 days behind bars. Policemen and ceamers mocked him. After that, he gave himself a word, never to descend to such an extent.

An eighteen-year-old guy lacked education. London went to high school, but remained dissatisfied with the pace of learning and threw it. Having prepared independently, Jack successfully passed the exams in California University and studied three semesters. And then the money ended.

In the spring of 1897, Jack London succumbed to the Golden Fever and went to Alaska. At first, it was accompanied by a friend with his comrades - ahead of many other gold kits, they managed to make their way to the upper reaches of the Yukon River and stroke the site. But gold on the plot did not turn out, and the new to the spring was not possible and, to top it all, during the wintering of London fell ill with Qing. In San Francisco returned in 1898, having experienced all the charms of the Northern Winter. Instead of gold, fate gave Jack London meetings with future heroes of his works. Now London knew what to write about, because the heroes of his future works and their lively images he took with him with Alaska.

Jack London's performance was incredible: 15-17 hours of literary work every day! Therefore, it is written for their not such a long writing career about 40 books. The first of them is a collection of stories "Son Wolf" appeared on the light in 1900, just a year later after the publication of the first northern stories. In many ways, the name Jek London made novels and the story "Daughter of Snow", "Sea Wolf", "Martin Eden", "White Klyk", "three hearts" and others. But in the literature, the writer remained, above all, the unsurpassed king of the story.

With the first literary luck to Jack London, confidence came in their abilities. Much taught his meeting with Mable Epplgart. The family of this beautiful girl belonged to the class of medium bourgeoisie. Being invited to this family on picnics and lunches, Jack learned to speak correctly, use a knife and fork, and, most importantly, the desire to learn in it. The new XX century he wanted to start with marriage to Mabell Epplgart. Jack appeared to her with a proposal of his hand, in which he held a signal copy of his story "North Odyssey" as a pledge of their future life success. However, her mother was against this marriage, the daughter did not decide to disobey her ... Mail Eptgart never married. It is said that she reread the same book - Martin Eden, which described the history of her only real, but failed love ... Charmian once met her on the public readings "Martina Idena": a thin woman sat in the fifth row, listened to his story Love and cried.

As a person of urgent decisions, Jack comes to the thoughts to arrange his marriage "on a reasonable basis" and soon, in January 1900 he marries the teacher of Mathematics Elizabeth Maddern (at home Bassie), the bride of the deceased friend. He was confident that she would give him a beautiful, healthy offspring and would provide conditions for work. Bassie Maddern gave him two daughters - Joan and Bass.

Jack London with daughters

His literary affairs go more and more successfully. In 1901, Jack London writes his first novel "Daughter of Snow". A year later, on the proposal of the Association "Amerikhen Press" rides a correspondent to London, several weeks live in Slums East End along with vagabonds, collecting material for the book "People of the Cupid", which will be released in 1903. His material affairs are getting better - Publisher Macmillan begins to pay it $ 150 every month for the right to publish his future works. The influential magazine "Saterey Ivning Post" publishes in 1903 his new story "Calls of the ancestors", and Jack London appears the opportunity to fulfill his long-standing dream - he buys a sailboat.

In London's life there were military adventures. Twice, in 1904 and 1914, he was a military correspondent in the Russian-Japanese war and the Civil War in Mexico. With the growth of glory on Jack London, depression was increasingly fallen. He brought him out of this state Charmian Kittredzh. It was a woman about which he dreamed of all his life. She was fond of boxing, fencing, playing cards and swam on a yacht. Having said Bass that they break up, Jack went to Japan. His reports were always on the first stripes of newspapers. It ended all the fact that the Japanese arrested him. His house was waiting for a noisy marriage process, as a result of which relations with daughters were destroyed.

Jack London with Charmian Kittredzh

In 1905, Jack married Charmian and immediately decided to go swimming around the world. In 1907, after numerous delays, along with his wife and a small crew, London went to a world journey on a two-volume sailboat "Snark", built for 30 thousand dollars in his own drawings. He planned a seven-year sailing, but fell ill and was forced to limit his route to the southern part of the Pacific Ocean.


So, on April 4, 1907, Jack came out on a very unreliable "shooting" in the Pacific Ocean. Here on board began to work on the novel "Martin Eden." They visited the Hawaiian Islands, the week lived on milk - the island of lepers, then the Marquis Islands and, finally, in the spring of 1908 with great difficulties reached Tahiti. Material problems forced them to leave the "Snark" and go home. After receiving an advance under Martina Idena, Jack London and Charmian return to Tahiti and float to the islands of Samoa, Fiji, new hebrides, Solomon, who risks their lives. In courage, Jack London was not inferior to any hero of his novels. At the same time, he writes the novel "Adventure" and the cycle of southern stories. In September 1909, Jack London's severe illness made Charmian to send him to Sydney and put it in the hospital. "Snark" lead in Sydney and sold with auction. London returns to his ranch in Glen Ellen and writes Roman "Time-non-Waiting."

London begins to buy land. By 1910, he acquired more than 1000 acres. His dream began to build a ranch ... In 1913, Jack London is in the zenith of world glory, his books are transferred to many European languages, his beautiful, courageous face in photographs know in all ends of the world. In his ranch, he spends unprecedented agricultural experiments, he has more than 80 people. It hits the base plan on his land of the agricultural community, where the best workers will live. But immediately after the end of construction, the ranch burned down. Together with him, something burned out in the mighty nature Jack London. He still continued to work on new works, but the attacks of depression, familiar to him by the Smalod, manifested more and more often. He tried to get close to his daughters and offered them to live with him, but Elizabeth opposed it. He will write older Joan: "From jealousy to another woman she came with your future.". Daughters stayed with her mother.

For one book, London paid a fee to 50 thousand dollars, but he lacked the money constantly. It is said that he became the first American writer who earned a million dollars. But what's the happiness? Definitely not in money. There was such a strong crisis that London began to experience disgust for writing. In socialism, he was disappointed, began to drink a lot ... The sickness of the kidneys was accompanied by strong pain, he was saved from morph. Because of the crisis, the writer was even forced to go for the acquisition of the plot for the new novel. Such a plot was sold by London to the novice American writer Sinclair Lewis. London managed to give the future to the Roman Name - "Bureau of Murders", however, he managed to write quite a bit, as he soon died.

Here we will focus on ... Predictions of Jack London.London paid a lot of attention to understanding the possible future in his work. It was seen in the dark tones - the tyranny of the oligarchy described in the Roman Hepset. The story "Alya Plague" was written by Jack London in 1912, it can be called the first "postpocalyptic" work in modern literature. "Alya Plague", contains a lot of the same ideas about the world of the future, there are many original and quite curious details. At the very beginning, we read that the United States will rule the oligarch council, and the general election of the president will be canceled. And here is the mention that cellular communication will spread: "The plague broke out in the summer of 2013. I was then twenty-seven years old, and I remember everything. Messages on wireless telegraph ... In those days, we knew how to talk through the air to thousands of miles. "However, the most interesting is not a description of technical progress, but the foresight of the future political system. That is what is really scary because it is very similar to the truth. In the novel - all power in the United States will belong to a small group of bankers and industrial magnates. America will rule the Council from 12 people, 12 dedicated to the secrets of power and wealth.

Interestingly, Jack London practically predicted the population in the future: "The population of the 2010 Earth's population was eight billion, yes, yes, eight billion - eight shells from crabs. In 2000, Europe inhabited for fifteen hundred million. The same was everywhere. Here these eight shells from crabs mean eight billion people who inhabited the land while the old plague began. "Let's look at the story of London at an unexpected angle of view. "Alya Plague" arises by itself, and before her, the epidemics with which bacteriologists cope with it regularly. But here comes a new form of a deadly virus and no one saves, including even powerful rulers. This is especially worth paying attention. Jack London was confident: regulating the population of the world of the planet with epidemics, the world backstage over time produces new forms of deadly viruses into the world to reduce the population. But it happened unexpected. The scary tool came out of control. He turned against his inventors and led to the almost complete disappearance of civilization. So a writer who was in a number of secret clubs, tried to warn global leaders that not everything could go according to their plan.

Everywhere in their famous works - "Sea Wolf", "Rebuilding in Elsinor", the stories about Hawaii - he chased a "strong person" and despised "the crowd." And this is what is uncharacteristic for such a worldview - the "crowd" in the person of its lowest representatives takes the top of the last surviving people. Such a warning could make sense only if the writer was aware of the recent plans of world snacks. What tied Jack London and secret societies?

Let's go back to the birth of a writer. This, of course, is not an argument, but funny: the future mother was fond of spiritualism, and his father was an astrologer. Further biography is well known: difficult youth, adventure, beginning of writing career in youth. But the emphasis is important - being a socialist, London for some reason never shared a truly democratic respect for a "simple person". People from the bottoms that the correct socialist should love, in the works of London, and next to such disgusting scums, which cannot be inspired by sympathy (for example, Kok Magridge in the Sea Wolf). And on the contrary, elite, educated and influential people, despite all their drawbacks: snobbery, arrogance, domestic inaccessibility - are depicted as a higher stage of evolution. Therefore, nothing surprising was that the ways of communicating with the elite led Jack London to the "Bohemian grove", a closed club in California. The place of the meeting was in the sequoyevoy grove in San Francisco.

Jack London with members of the club "Bohemian Grove"

The Bohemian Club included and enter most of the representatives of the US elite: Ex-president George Bush-senior, Minister of Defense Donald Ramsfeld, Former State Secretary of State Colin Powell and James Baker, Chief American Diplomat Henry Kissinger, former head of the Federal Reserve System Paul Volker, as well as David Rockefeller , Chairman of the Board of Directors of Exxonmobil Ed Galanta, one of the main shareholders of Chevrontexaco Samuel Armacost, family representatives, founded Hewlett-Packard, Arthur and Walter Hewletta ... A hundred years ago, the club was already in the flourish of its influence and attractiveness for members of financial elites.

The community of interests in London and members of the secret societies could form on the basis of passionateness by occultism, the Socialist writer was, it turns out to be a great lover of spiritualism ("interstellar skeleton") and other occult pieces of the type of wake-up memory about past incarnations ("when the world was young").

Communicating with the members of the club, London could learn about the upcoming plans to reduce humanity and even be aware of their possible timelines. But the unpredictability of the creative talent of the writer sooner or later led to the fact that instead of approval of such plans, he began to refute them and thus signed a sentence.

On the morning of November 22, 1916, Jack London was found in his bedroom unconscious with signs of morphine poisoning. By evening, not coming into consciousness, he died. According to Dr. Thompson, in these minutes Charmian was most concerned about that his death was not attributed to anything other than Uremia. A day later he was cremated and buried on a hill at the ranch; This place he himself pointed out a few weeks before leaving life. This day disputes are being conducted whether it is suicide, murder or random overdose of medication.

It is possible that suicide was staged by the masons - and the reason for this could be a novel over which London worked before the death of London. The plot is reduced to the fact that there is a kind of killer bureau that can kill any person, no matter how high it. But it goes on it only, based on the ideological considerations of "harmfulness" or "utility" of one or another candidate for the dead. Agree, this is a very defiant topic: a secret society that can kill any earthly ruler with its criteria ...

Jack London died at the age of 40. All books that came out in the life of the writer were devoted to the topic of struggle for survival.

American writer and public figure, author of famous social and adventure novels, stories and stories. In his work, he chased the imbibement of the human spirit and love for life. Such works as "White Cang", "Calls" and Martin Eden, made it one of the most famous and highly paid writers in the entire history of the United States (his fee reached 50 thousand dollars for the book that was a fantastic amount for the beginning of XX century).

We decided to remember the best novels and the story of the writer.

Martin Eden

One of the most significant works of Jack London. The young sailor named Martin Eden saves from the death of an unfamiliar young man who invites him in gratitude to a dinner. For the first time, who turned out in a noble society, the uncommon and clumsy Martin meets the sister of the young man, Ruple Morz, and it instantly conquers his heart. He understands that he, a simple guy, never be along with such a girl like her. However, Martin does not know how to give up and makes the decision to tie with the same life and become better, smarter and more educated, in order to conquer the heart Ruth.

This famous "Northern" story Jack London talks about the power of the will and the laws of survival, the courage and perseverance, about devotion and real friendship. White fang is not only the main character of the work: most of the story is shown by his eyes. In this book you will find a story about the fate of the proud and freedom-loving animal, in which the blood of a fierce predator flows. He will face both cruelty and the best qualities of a man's soul: nobility, kindness, mutual, dedication.

Call of ancestors

Dog traders kidnap the tack, young dog-half-breed, from the master's house and sell to Alaska. The harsh land, besides the gold fever, so unlike his sunny homeland, requires a century of all the vitality. If he cannot resurrect the memory of wild ancestors, it will inevitably die ...

"Call of ancestors" is one of the best early works of Jack London. The author focuses on the reader's attention on the law, managing the animal world: survives a person who knows how to better adapt to the changing environmental conditions. This story has become a kind of artistic rethinking of the American reality of the beginning of the XX century.

Wolf Larsen - captain of fishing schooner, cruel and cynical sailor, capable of easy to kill a person. But at the same time, he is a lonely philosopher, a fan of Creativity Shakespeare and Tennison. In his novel, Jack London describes his maritime travel and masterfully reveals the image of this contradictory person.

"The Hearts of Three" is the last novel London, his "jubilee", the fiftieth, book. The reader is waiting for extraordinary adventures, the search for mysterious treasures and, of course, love.

Francis Morgan - Son of the deceased millionaire, nee aristocrat. It all starts with the search for the treasure of the founder of the genus - the Terrible Pirate Henry Morgan, then an unexpected meeting, an unexpected captivity, liberation, chase, treasure, the village of lost souls with a beautiful queen ... The action takes almost continuously, the heroes, not having time to get out of one unpleasant position, Immediately fall into the other.

The history of the cousins \u200b\u200bof Morganov and the beautiful Leonsy, in which they both are in love with, not once were shielded - both in the West and in Russia.

Who is Jack London? The biography of this person is extensive and diverse. It can be said that she is full of adventures worthy of his heroes. Yes, it is: he wrote, drawing plots from his own life surrounding his conditions passing through her people, their struggle and victories.

He always strove to truth, tried to understand the society of the value system and expose mistakes. How he looks like a Russian! But Jack is a hundred percent American by birth. His phenomenon to look for a long time will still be surprised until the borders of the mentalities are erasing.


In the middle of winter, January 12, 1876, John Griffith Cheney saw in Frisco. Unfortunately, the Father did not recognize pregnancy and left the flora, and did not see his child. Flora was desperate. Leaving a newborn on the hands of the black crumbles of Jenny, she rushed to arrange a personal life.

Becoming adult, Jack London, whose biography abounds with adventures, did not forget her. He helped these women, considering both her mothers. Jenny sang him songs surrounded with love and care. Later it was she who lent him to the gate, giving all the accumulations.

When the son was not and year, the family reunited. Flora married a widower farmer with daughters Louise and Idy. The family constantly moved. Disabled War John London adopted Jack and gave him his surname. He grew a strong, healthy child. Self learned to read and write at five years old, and since then he was constantly seen with a book in her hand. He even came to him for leans from home affairs.

Steph was Geek by this Father. The boy under 21 and did not suspect that he was not his native. They felt together, went to the market, hunted to ducks. John gave him a real gun and a good rod.

Young worker

Affairs on the farm has always been a lot. Coming from school, Jack immediately included in the work. He hated this "stupid work," as he called him. Even with a big diligence, this lifestyle did not lead to sufficiency. Meat family aired rarely.

Finally ruined, the family moved to Auckland. Jack London loved the book always, he becomes the libraries regulars here. He reads the poverty. When John got under the train and became crippled, a thirteen-year-old Jack became feeding the whole family. With study was finished.

He worked as a newspaper seller, a boy on blisters in Kegelbane, delivered ice. All earnings gave the mother. From the age of 14, he becomes a worker at the canning plant, and the time does not remain anything. But the head is free! And he thinks, thinks ... Why do you need to turn into working cattle to live? Is it possible to make money differently?

Jack himself believed that the aid was deprived of his work.

Oyster pirate

Who just did not work Jack London! The biography includes piracy. Catching oysters was regulated on the coast, followed by the patrol. But marine romance managed to illegally collect oysters under their nose and pass to the restaurant. They were often chase.

His called the prince of oyster pirates for courage in 15 years. He himself said that if he had been condemned for all the pregnursions before the law, would be a sentence for hundreds of years. After he already served on the other side, in the oyster patrol. It was no less dangerous: the desperate pirates could revenge.

At the age of 17, he comes to the service of the sailor and goes to the Japanese shores behind the cats.

How he started writing

When Jack was eight years old, he read the book about the Italian boy from the peasants with the famous writer. Since then he reflected, discussing with his sister, maybe it is for him or not. A primary school teacher gave him written tasks during musical lessons. Then he began to call himself Jack. It was the beginning of his writing activity.

At the age of 17, his essay, written in his own impressions, "Typhoon off the coast of Japan", highly appreciated the city newspaper San Francisco. He writes about what he knows what he himself was a witness. At that moment the writer Jack London was born. For 18 years he will write 50 books.

Jack London, personal life

Studying at the university, Jack met the young man, whose sister, Maber seemed to be an unearthly creature. The girl liked this coarse guy, but there can be no question about marriage - how to provide a family? Jack is sure that you will not earn a lot with your hands. We need knowledge, and he sits down for a written table.

Jack London stories writes with the same perseverance, with what worked on the conveyor. He writes and sends them to the editor. But all manuscripts are returned. Then he becomes a smoother laundry in the laundry, until he leaves for Alaska. Gold does not find, returns home and works by the postman. Still writes. Still manuscripts come back.

But the story takes a monthly magazine, paying the fee. Following another magazine accepted another work. Young decided to get married, but Mabe's mother was against. In the funeral mood at the grave of a friend, he meets Bessie, mourning the groom. Their feelings coincided, and they became spouses.

Jack becomes a famous writer, but Bessie is not interested in his work. The house is a complete bowl and two daughters do not make it happy. Three years later, in 1904, he leaves Charmian. This "new woman", as a writer called her, is a true friend, they go through life together. They had no children, but with Charmian he went swimming along the Pacific Ocean.

She was his secretary, printed and answered letters. Real associate. She wrote a book about him. First of charge, we now know how Jack London was, whose biography is written by the closest man. She survived her husband for four years and wished after death to lie next to him.


In 1987, America covered the Golden Fever. Jack Together with her husband, sisters is sent to try happiness. This is where the sailor skills come in handy. His called the Wolf. All whites have so called the Indians, but Jack and subscribed to the letters of "Wolf". Later he will build a "wolf house", dreaming of friends there.

The plot that managed to stroke was not rich in gold, but micay. Qing of the department of Jack, and he returned to his home. In it, as always reigned. He sat down. He was how to fill the pages: during a long wintering, he absorbed the stories of hunters, prospectors, Indians, postmen and merchants.

Jack London their stories filled them with speech, their laws. Faith in good - rod of the entire series about Klondike. He said that he found himself there. "No one says there," he wrote. - everyone thinks. " Everyone, being there, received its worldview. Jack got his own.


Interesting facts about Jack London:

  • He covered the events of the Russian-Japanese war, unambiguously condemning the methods of Japan. When civil war broke out in Mexico, he again began to write on the front line.
  • He went into the world swimming. Sailboat "Snark" built in its drawings. Charmian learned to manage the vessel along with him. Two years, they conquered the Pacific Ocean.

  • He defended animals from cruel treatment.
  • Movies on Jack London only from 1910 to 2010 make up a huge number - 136.
  • Lake Jack London is in Russia, in the Magadan region.
  • He is the first writer whose work brought a million dollars.

Jack London for children

Unstable faith in a good start in man, the triumph of friendship over the meanness, the self-sacrifice of this love - all these principles make the stories of the writer are indispensable to raise children. When not to see in the surrounding life, decent examples saves literature:

  • "White Cang" is a story that will not leave anyone indifferent. The adventures of the Wolf dog and his appreciation for the friendship of the new owner completely change the nature of the animal. He even saves the house and living in him from a dangerous criminal, and when the owner fell into trouble, the first time trying to bark.
  • "Call of ancestors" - a story about the dog and written from her face, she, nevertheless, tells a lot about the people of the icy desert, mastering the earth.
  • "The hearts of three" are the first films on Jack London. But even despite the many shields, still reading the book is much more fascinating.
  • "White Silence" - stories about Alaska.

Jack London, whose books in every library brings up courage in the face of the test. Heroes of him - severe noble people. He was like that himself.

Best books

The works of Jack London, the list of which has 20 novels, can be divided into the direction of the plot:

  • This is, first of all, "Northern Stories", Roman "Daughter of Snow".
  • Then the "stories of the fishing patrol" and other maritime works, the novel "Sea Wolf".
  • Social works: "John - barley grain", "People of the abyss" and "Martin Eden."
  • "Stories of the Southern Seas", written in journey to Snark Snark.
  • His Roman-Antiutopia "Iron Fifth" (1908) foreshadows the victory of fascism.
  • Lunar Valley, "Little Mistress of the Big House", where he describes life on a ranch using his own experience.
  • Piece "Theft".
  • The scenario of the "Hearts of Three".

The works of Jack London (the list of the most beloved for everyone) do not leave indifferent. One like the power, struggle and victory over the elements. Others appreciate love for life. Third admire the moral selection of heroes.

To understand what it is like to frozen to death - to turn into an insensitive car, to solve, live free or die - you can read the stories "Bonfire", "apostate" and "Kulau-ledged".

Ranch Museum

When Jack was disappointed in the "talkative" about socialism, he caught fire for the idea of \u200b\u200bfarming. Healthily judgment that everything comes from the ground - food, clothes, shelter - he literally began with himself, bought a non-good ranch with exhausted soil. At first, nothing was collected from him, only invested.

Neighbors were surprised by the progress of a novice: his pigs brought several times more income. Just the owner bought thoroughbred animals and cared for them on science.

He called his ranch "Beauty" and lived here for the last 11 years. He insisted: "This is not a cottage, but a house in the village, because I am a farmer." In the center of the valley of vineyards, among drinking smells, it should have become a generic nest of Londons. "House of Wolf" is built, similar to the castle. But on the eve of the newly He burns. Jack is confident: arson. Now this core is standing as a monument to his good intentions.

After the death of the writer, there is a park and museum. He won herself to bury himself.


The writer died on November 22, 1916 on his ranch in Glen-Ellen. Another when he bought him, drew attention to the fenced oak. It turned out that this grave children of the first settlers Greenloow. "Probably, they are very lonely here," Jack said. This place he chose for himself as the last shelter.

Shortly before the death, he expressed his sister and Charmian wish, so that his dust was buried on the hill, where children were lying on Greenloou. And ordered to put a large red boulder instead of the gravestone monument. So it was done. The stone was taken out of the ruins of the "House of Wolf" and carried on the foursome horses.

He organically fit into the surrounding landscape. The fact that there is nothing on the grave made by the hands of people, causes many thoughts and feelings. He himself wanted so much. And so far his grave says silently.

"I love my ranch so much!" - Feeling, looking around around. "David and Lilly, you are no longer alone. I'm with you, "we understand the choice of place. "Do not dare to put a monument to me. I am not a commandman, "itifies from the stone. "Friends, I am with you. I'm in my books. These are my letters to you, "we are aware of the message through the years.

The works of Jack London were and remain extremely popular around the world. He is the author of numerous adventure novels and stories. It is worth noting that in the USSR he was the most published foreign author after the Staff of Andersen. The overall circulation of his books only in the Soviet Union amounted to more than 77 million copies.

Biography writer

Jack London's works were initially printed in English. He was born in San Francisco in 1876. Early began his labor life, while still a schoolboy. I sold the newspaper, put a bow in Kegelbane.

After school has become a worker in a canning factory. The work was heavy and low-pay. Then he took 300 dollars and bought a small second-hand schoon, becoming an oyster pirate. Oysters he caught illegally and sold to local restaurants. Actually engaged in poaching. Many works of Jack London are written on personal memories. So, working in poaching flotilla, he became so famous for his courage and courage, which was accepted into the fishing patrol, who just fought against poachers. "Stories of the fishing patrol" are devoted to this period of his life.

In 1893, London went on fishery to the shores of Japan - to catch the cats. This journey formed the basis of numerous stories of Jack London and the popular novel "Sea Wolf".

Then he worked on a jute factory, changed many professions - a stagger and even a smooth rail in the laundry room. The memories of the writer about this period can be found in the novels "John Barley Grain" and "Martin Eden."

In 1893 he managed to earn the first money by writing labor. He received a premium from one of the newspapers San Francisco for the essay "Typhoon off the coast of Japan."

Marxist ideas

The following year, he participated in the famous campaign of unemployed to Washington, was arrested for vagabonds and spent a few months in prison. The essay "hold on!" and the novel "strait shirt."

At that time, he met Marxist ideas and became a convinced socialist. Was a member of the Socialist Party of America or from the 1900th, or since 1901. He left the party London after a century and a half years, due to the fact that the movement lost the fighting spirit, taking a course on gradual reforms.

In 1897, London went to Alaska, yielding to the Golden Fever. He could not find gold, instead he fell ill with Qing, but he received a lot of plots for his stories, who brought him fame and popularity.

Jack London worked in all sorts of genres. I wrote even science fiction and utopian stories. In them, he gave the will his rich imagination, hit the readers with original style and unexpected turns of the plot.

In 1905 he became interested in agriculture, settling on the ranch. I tried to create an ideal farm, but unsuccessfully. As a result, it got into big debts.

In the last years of life, the writer arose he began to abuse alcohol. Decides to write detective novels, even buys the idea of \u200b\u200bfinish the novel "Bureau of Murders" does not have time. In 1916, the writer dies in 40 years.

According to the official version, the reason was the poisoning of morphion, which was registered with him from the renal disease. London suffered from Uremia. But the researchers consider the suicide version.

Jack London stories

Stories brought great popularity to the writer. One of the most famous is called "Love for Life".

Events occur in Alaska during the gold fever. The main character betrayed Comrade and threw to the snowy desert. He is heading south to escape. He gets injury to the leg, loses his hat and gun, meets with a bear and even comes into martial arts with a sick wolf, who lacked the forces to attack a person. Therefore, everyone was waiting for which of them the first. At the end of the way, the whaling vessel was piced and delivered to San Francisco.

"Journey to" dazzling "

This story Jack London wrote in 1902. It is devoted to the real fact of his biography - illegal extraction of oysters.

It tells about a young guy who runs away from the house. To earn money, he has to get on the ship of oyster pirates, which is called "dazzling".

"White Fang"

Perhaps the most famous works of Jack London are dedicated to the Golden Fever. These include the story "White Fang". She was printed in 1906.

In the story "White Fang" Jack London The main character is a wolf. His father is a purebred wolf, and the mother is half a dog. Wolf cubes only survives from the entire brood. And when he meets people with his mother, she admits his old owner.

White fang shares among the Indians. It develops rapidly, considering people with cruel, but fair gods. At the same time, the remaining dogs relate to him with dislike, especially when the main character becomes the main in the riding harness.

One day, Indian sells a white fang by Handsman Smith, who will beat the wobble to understand who his new owner. He uses the main character in dog battles.

But in the first fight, the Bulldog almost kills him, the wolf saves only the engineer Widon Scott with a visor. The story "White Fang" Jack London ending with the fact that the new owner brings him to California. There he begins a new life.

Wolf Larsen

A couple of years before, another famous novel Jack London is coming out - "Sea Wolf". In the center of the narration - a literary critic, which goes on the ferry to spend his friend and enters the shipwreck. It sauna Schoon "Ghost", which commits Larsen's wolf.

He sails in the Pacific Ocean to catch the cats, everyone is amazing around his mad temper. The main hero of the novel "Sea Wolf" Jack London confesses the philosophy of life friction. He believes: the larger the frivas, the more actively he fights for his place under the sun. As a result, it can achieve something. This approach is a kind of social darvinism.

"Before Adam"

In 1907, London writes very unusual tons for himself "to Adam". Its plot is based on the presentation of the evolution of man at that time.

The main character has alter-ego, which is a teenager who lives among cave monkey-like people. So the writer describes Peteitronts.

In the story, they are opposed and a more developed tribe, which is called people of fire. This is an analogue of Neanderthals. They are already used for the hunting boom and onions, while Peteitrocks (in the story they are called a forest horde) are at an earlier stage of development.

London fiction

The skill of science writer Jack London demonstrated in 1912 in the novel "Alay Plague". Events in it occur in 2073. 60 years ago, a sudden epidemic on Earth destroyed almost all of humanity. Actions unfold in San Francisco, where old man who remembers the world before the deadly epidemic, tells his grandchildren about him.

He says that during the XX century, the destructive viruses threatened the world. And when the "Alya Plague" came, the Council of Magnates was ruled, the social bundle in society reached apogee. The new disease broke out in 2013. She destroyed most of the world's population, because it was simply not time to invent the vaccine. People died right on the streets, infecting each other.

Grandfather with comrades managed to hide in shelter. By this time, only a few hundred people remained on the entire planet, who are forced to lead a primitive lifestyle.

Moon Valley

Jack London's book appeared in 1913. The effect of this work unfolds at the very beginning of the XX century in California. Bill and Sakson get acquainted on dancing and soon understand what they are in love.

The happy life of newlyweds start in a new house. Sakson is engaged in a household, soon she will know what is pregnant. Having overshadows their happiness only a strike in a factory to which Bill joins. Workers' requirements are an increase in salary. But guidance instead hires stragbabbers. Factory employees constantly occur missions.

Once such a fight happens near Sakson's house. Because of stress, premature birth begins. The child dies. Heavy times comes for their family. Bill is passionate about strikes, he drinks a lot and holds.

Because of this, he finds himself in the police, he is sentenced to the month of prison. Sakson remains alone - without a husband and money. She is starving, one day understands: to survive, they need to leave this city. With this idea, she comes to her husband who has changed a lot in prison, much rethought. When Bill is released, they decide to make a farming, make money on it.

They go on a trip in search of the perfect area to start their own business. How should it be, they clearly imagine. They get acquainted with people, many of whom are their friends. They jokingly call them the dream of the Moon Valley. In their presentation, the land that the main characters dream can be only on the moon. So goes for two years, finally they find what they were looking for.

By coincidence, the locality that came up is called the lunar valley. They open their farming, things go to the mountain. Bill opens an entrepreneurial veil, it turns out, he is a born businessman. Only his talent was deeply buried for a long time.

The novel ends with the recognition of Sakson that she is waiting for a child again.

At Cape Gorn

One of the most exciting novels of Jack London is "rebellion on" Elsinor ". He was written in 1914.

Events unfold on a sailing ship. The ship sails to the mantle horn. Suddenly the captain dies on board. After that, the ship begins the confusion, the team is divided into two opposing camps. In each of them there is a leader who is ready to lead people.

The main character is among the raging elements and rebidden sailors. All this makes him stop being a third-party observer and begin to take complex and responsible decisions. Become a volitional and strong person.