What is the work of the White Guard. Decoding Bulgakov

What is the work of the White Guard. Decoding Bulgakov
What is the work of the White Guard. Decoding Bulgakov

Novel " White Guard"Created for about 7 years. Originally Bulgakov wanted to make it the first part of the trilogy. The writer began working on the novel in 1921, having moved to Moscow, by 1925 the text was practically complete. Once again Bulgakov Roman Roman in 1917-1929. Before publication in Paris and Riga, recycling the final.

Variants of the names considered by Bulgakov, all are associated with policies through the symbolism of colors: " White Cross"," Yellow Porpor "," Scarlet Mah ".

In 1925-1926 Bulgakov wrote a play, in the final edition of the named "Turbine Days", the plot and heroes of which coincide with the romance. The play is set in Mkate in 1926

Literary direction and genre

The novel "White Guard" is written in tradition realistic literature 19th century Bulgakov uses traditional reception and through the history of the family describes the history of the whole people and the country. Thanks to this, the novel acquires the features of the epic.

The work begins as family RomanBut gradually all events receive philosophical understanding.

Roman "White Guard" historical. The author does not set itself the task objectively to describe the political situation in Ukraine in 1918-1919. Events are trendy, it is associated with a certain creative task. The goal of Bulgakov is to show the subjective perception of the historical process (not a revolution, but of the Civil War) defined, close to him around people. This process is perceived as a catastrophe, because there are no winners in the civil war.

Bulgakov balances on the verge of tragedy and farce, it is ironic and focuses on the failures and disadvantages, the messenger from sight is not only positive (if it was), but also neutral in a person's life due to new orders.


Bulgakov in the novel leaves social and political problems. His heroes are the White Guard, but a careerist Talberg belongs to the same Guard. The sympathy of the author is not on the side of white or red, but on the side good peoplewho do not turn into ribs running from the ship do not change under the influence of the political periods of their opinion.

Thus, the problems of the novel is philosophical: as at the time of the universal catastrophe remains a person, not to lose herself.

Bulgakov creates a myth of a beautiful white city, covered with snow and as if protected them. The writer will ask the question, from it depend historical events, the change of power, which Bulgakov in Kiev in the Civil War survived 14. Bulgakov comes to the conclusion that human destinies Mulphors rule. Myth, which arose in Ukraine "in the fog of the terrible eighteenth year," he considers Petlyuur. Such myths give rise to the hatred of hatred and make some who believed in the myth become part of without reasoning, and others living in another myth, to defend their death.

Each of the heroes is experiencing the collapse of his myths, and some, like Nai-Tours, die even for what no longer believe. The problem of loss of myth, faith is the most important for Bulgakov. For himself, he chooses a house as a myth. The life of the house is still longer than a person. And indeed, the house lived to this day.

Plot and composition

In the center of the composition - the family of turbine. Their house with cream curtains and a lamp with a green lamp, which in the consciousness of the writer always associated with peace, homely comfort, similar to Noah's ark in the turbulent everyday sea, in the vortex of events. In this ark from all over the world, there are invited and uninvited, all like-minded people. In the house of Vherreli combat comrades, Alexei: Lieutenant Shervinsky, Poderochka Stepanov (crucian), Mumylaevsky. Here they find frosty in winter, the table, heat. But the main thing is not this, but the hope that everything will be fine, so necessary and the most young Bulgakov, which is in the situation of his heroes: "The life interrupted them at the dawn."

Events in the novel unfold in the winter of 1918-1919. (51 days). During this time, the city is changing in the city: Hetman runs along with Germans and enters the city of Petlyura, the ruling 47 days, and the petlurovtsy under the canonade of the Red Armyans are running.

The symbolism of time is very important for the writer. Events begin on the day of Andrei of the First-Called, patron of Kiev (December 13), and end with steps (on the night of from 2 to December 3). For Bulgakov, the motive of the meeting is important: Petlyura with the Red Army, the past with the future, grief with hope. He also associates itself with the world of turbine, with the position of Simeon, who, looking at Christ, did not participate in exciting events, and remained with God in Eternity: "Now let your slave, Vladyko". With the very god that at the beginning of the novel is mentioned by Nicholes as sad and mysterious old manflying into a black, cracked heaven.

The novel is devoted to the second wife of Bulgakov, Love Belozerskaya. The work has two epigraphs. The first describes the buran in the "captain's daughter" Pushkin, as a result of which the hero is knocked down and occurs with the robber to the Pugachev. This epigraph explains that the whirlwind of historical events is detailed by Snow Baran, so it's easy to get confused and get off from the right path, not to know where good man, and where the robber.

But the second epigraph of the Apocalypse warns: everyone will be sued for business. If you chose the wrong road, getting lost in the life storms, it does not justify you.

At the beginning of the novel, 1918 is called great and terrible. In the last, the 20th chapter of Bulgakov notes that the next year was still scary. The first chapter begins with an omen: the shepherd Venus and Red Mars are high above the horizon. Since the death of Mother, Light Queen, in May 1918, family misfortunes of turbine begins. It is delayed, and then Talberg leaves, frostbitated Mumylayevsky appears, comes from Zhytomyr a ridiculous relative of Larosik.

The catastrophes are becoming more and more destructive, they threaten to destroy not only the usual foundations, peace of house, but also the life of his inhabitants.

Nikolka would have been killed in a meaningless battle, if not a fearless colonel Nau-Tour, who died himself in the same hopeless battle, from whom he defended, dissolving, junkers, explaining to them that hetman, whom they were going to defend, ran at night.

Alexey, shot by Petlurov, was wounded, because he did not report on the dissolution of the protective division. It saves unfamiliar woman Yulia Reiss. The disease from the injury goes into the typhus, but Elena worst from the Mother of God, the intercession of his brother's life, giving happiness with Talberg for her.

Even Vasilisa is experiencing a raid of gangsters and deprived of his savings. This trouble for turbines is not at all grief, but, according to Larosika, "Everyone has its own grief."

Mount comes to Nikolka. And it is not that the bandits, spoiling, as a Nicol hides the colts of Na-Tour, they steal him and they are also threatened with Vasilisa. Nikolka faces the death face to face and avoids it, and fearless Nay-Tours dies, and the shoulders will lie to Nikolkins to report the death of his mother and sister, find and identify the body.

The novel ends with the hope that the new force entering into the city will not destroy idylls at home on Alekseevsky descent 13, where the magic stove, who warmed and raised the children of turbine, now serves as an adult, and the only one who remains on her tie to the inscription reports a friend's hand For Lena taken tickets for AID (to hell). Thus, hope in the final is mixed with hopelessness for a particular person.

Taking a novel from a historical reservoir to the Universal, Bulgakov gives the hope of all readers, because hunger will pass, sufferings and flour will pass, and the stars, for which you need to look, will remain. The writer turns the reader to true values.

Heroes of Romana

The main character And the older brother is 28-year-old Alexey.

It weak person, "Rag", and on his shoulders there are concern for all family members. It does not have the grip of the military, although it belongs to the White Guard. Alexey is a military doctor. His soul of Bulgakov calls a dusk, such that loves the most women's eyes. This image in the novel is autobiographic.

Alexey dissatisfied, for it almost paid his life, removing all the differences of the officer, but forgetting about the cokard, according to which the petturovtsy learned. The crisis and dying of Alexei fall on December 24, Christmas. Having survived the death and new birth through wound and illness, the "Risen" Alexei Turbin becomes another person, his eyes "forever became unsubstituted and gloomy."

Elena 24 years. Mumylaevsky calls her clear, Bulgakov calls reddish, her glowing hair is similar to the crown. If the mother in the novel of the Bulgakov calls the Light Queen, then Elena is more like a deity or priestess, the keeper of the home hearth and the family itself. Bulgakov wrote Elena from his sister Vari.

Nikolka turbine 17 and a half years old. He is a junker. With the beginning of the Revolution of the School, the existence stopped their existence. Their discharged students are called crippled, not children and not adults, not military and not civilians.

Nagi-Tours is represented by the Nikolka man with an iron face, simple and courageous. This is a person who does not know how to adapt or look for personal gain. He dies, fulfilling his military duty.

Captain Talberg - Elena's husband, Handsome. He tried to adjust the rapidly changing events: as a member of the revolutionary military committee, he arrested General Petrova, became part of the "lap with great bloodshed", chose "Hetman All Ukraine", so it was to escape with the Germans, betraying Elena. At the end of the novel, Elena from the girlfriend finds out that Talberg betrayed her once again and is going to marry.

Vasilisa (homeowner Engineer Vasily Lisovich) held the first floor. It - negative hero, chaser. At night, he hides in the cache in the money wall. Externally similar to Tarasa Bulbu. Finding fake money, Vasilisa comes up with how he attaches them.

Vasilisa, in essence, unhappy man. He himself is saving and selling himself. Wife his wanda curve, her hair her yellow, elbows bony, feet dry. Sucidantly live Vasilis with such a wife in the world.

Stylistic features

The house in the novel is one of the heroes. Hope is connected by the hope of turbine survive, survive and even be happy. Talberg, who did not become part of the Turbine family, ruins his nest, leaving with the Germans, so immediately loses the protection of the Turbine house.

The city is the same living hero. Bulgakov deliberately does not call Kiev, although all the names in the city of Kiev, a little converted (Alekseevsky descent instead of Andreevsky, a little-failed instead of a malfunction). The city lives, smokes and noise, "like multi-tiered cells."

There are many literary and cultural reminiscence in the text. The city of the reader is associated with the Rome of the time of sunset of Roman civilization, and with the Eternal City of Jerusalem.

The moment of training of junkers to the protection of the city is associated with the Borodino battle, which never comes.

"White Guard" - the first Roman Bulgakov. In it a lot of autobiographical, but it is already historical novel. This is a book about Russian history, her philosophy, about the fate of classical Russian culture in new epoch. That is why the "White Guard" is so close to Bulgakov, he loved her more than other things.

The archive of Bulgakov preserved a nineteenth chapter relating to the final part of the White Guard's novel. The chapter differs in content and style from the finals of Roman Bulgakov, published entirely in Paris in the Publishing House "Concord", in two volumes: T.1 - 1927, T.2 - 1929, that is, the main text of the work known to the reader. For the first time, the "White Guard" novel was fully published in 1966 in the monograph of Bulgakov "Selected Prose". Chapter this is speech, was written to the play "Days of Turbines" and genetically connected with the writer's plan to write to the trilogy, the first part of which covers the events of the end of 1918 and the beginning of 1919 in Kiev (mostly - this period of petrol rails), the second part is the events on Don (Denikinsk ) And the third is the stay of the Mumyayevsky in parts of the Red Army.

Initially, the novel "White Guard" was called the "Full Cross" name, and not without wonder through the entire text of the work in the final version, varying, it passes the image of a two-meter cross-shining cross in the hands of a huge Vladimir on the Vladimir Gorka, then black, extinct, threatening a great city .

The nineteenth head of the "White Guard" just contains the motives that prepare the transition to the writing of the second part of the trilogy, covering events on the Don.

It is not at all by chance that in the nineteenth chapter one of the noticeable figures was the figure of Mumylaevsky. He revealed in many aspects - in relations with Nicholes (he fucked over his love in Irina Nagi-Tours), in relations with Annie, Elena, Larosik. The situation of the Mumylaevsky - Annie was intensively developed. Mumyuyevsky took advantage of the inexperience of Anuti, seduced her, she was pregnant. It became known after the Larosic, who imagined that he was insanely fell in love with the Anyuta, made her an offer through Elena. Annie in everything confessed to Elena. Elena sharply condemned Mumyyevsky: "You know, Victor, you are still a pig," Elena said, shaking his head. " The psychological alarm of the Mumylaevsky, called him by a special attitude towards events developing in the city, aggravated by the pregnancy of Anuti. Two rows of experiences developed in parallel and strengthened the overall anxiety for the future for the heroes.

In style, the nineteenth chapter is black in nature. It all testifies to the fact that the work of the author over the novel was in full swing. At the same time, his thoughts were occupied by not the completion of the novel, but with new plot nodes, "traveling", which would allow him to go to the creation of the second part of the trilogy showing events on the Don.

After the strengthened work on the "Turbine Days", when the Bulgakov established himself in his capabilities of the playwright (before giving the author, the plan "run"), the writer decides to give the first part of the trilogy

"White Guard" internally completed. For this, an important occasion was the possibility of publication of the novel in Paris in Russian by a separate release (in two books). He writes anew two chapters (19 and 20), uses textual material and play "Turbine Days", and a black material of the nineteenth chapter (scene with the receipt of Elena Letter from Warsaw about Talberg's treason; the appearance of a patient of Rusakov, who has fallen In theology; the message of Shervinsky on the occurrence of the red and escape of the petturovtsy). Bulgakov creates a new twentieth chapter, begins it from the painting of the atrocities of Petlurovs and their panic escape under the red guns. (The author here uses text from the story "On the night of the 3rd number", giving him an epic expressiveness) he creates bright paintings Dreams of heroes. With the help of dreams, the author interses fiction and reality and in the capacious form gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the petturbation and the disturbing turbine shocks. Slena Elena Oveyan Preminder tragic Fate Niccles. In her dream, the motive of the future story "Red Crown" is scheduled.

In the new final chapters, Roman Bulgakov refuses the scenes planned in the draft nineteenth, in which new nodes of the personal relationships of the heroes were tied: Multyhayevsky - Annie, Nikolka - Irina Nagi-Tours, Larosik - Annie. On the attitude of Nicci to Irina Nagi-Tours, we only learn from an indirect hint (Alexey Turbine conversation with a Nicholec with a sudden meeting on a small failure: both are returned from a date). Mumylayevsky as a character acts in one episode. He is present with the story of Shervinsky about the onset of red. Bulgakov refuses the through line of the Mumylaevsky, scheduled in the nineteenth chapter. Apparently, he considered that the decisive and brave nature of the Mumylaevsky with a sufficient completeness was revealed in previous chapters. Shown and its honest and open attitude To the betrayal of the hetman, as well as his admiration for bold and decisive actions of the Bolsheviks in the scene with an improvised rally, which we have already analyzed.

At the characteristics of Alexei, the Bulgakov Turbine refuses to "dip" him into some difficult incomprehensible relations with Yulia flight (with hints for her participation in some mysterious, except intimate, connections with Shpolyansky, which she thoroughly hides). He discarded the scene of an explanation of Alexey Turbine with Yulia flight - with a psychological supervision, with a raid decadent throwing and torment. Bulgakov removes the resulting contradictions when disclosing the properties of the turbine character. In the scene of explanations with Yulia, the hero behaves in a knightly noble, gives her a bracelet of the late mother, restrained, but confidently tells her about his feeling: "You are miles to me ..." Julia is responsible for reciprocity, it takes care of Alexey Turbine: "It's time. The calls are on the street. See you not touched. " Two suffering hearts found each other.

All attention in the final episodes focuses on the internal meditation of the turbine above his fate. The horrors he survived during the petlurovshchina seem to be a nightmare. He dreams of one - peaceful life.

IN final scenes The novel plot events receive a capacious expressiveness, all the narrative rushes to a single goal - the poem about the armored speaker "proletarian" and the miniature about the happy dream of Petki Shcheglov. We see that Bulgakov tightens all the plot motifs of the novel "White Guard" in one node. The picture is obtained completed, the style acquires unity.

Bulgakov is solved in the "White Guard" to limit themselves with the historical framework - the image of hetmannovshchina, petsors, its defeat and show of the victory of the Red Army, or rather, to reveal it to Kiev on the night of February 3, 1919 and in this background to reveal anxiety, moral shocks and fate Turbines, fate of honest intellectuals. From the very beginning, the principle of mediated disclosure of events from the very beginning - through the acute perception of heroes - helps the author in a condensed form to present historical events, reveal their internal logic.

And here we meet with paradoxical studies of typing. Total picturedrawn in the "White Guard" novel, it turns out to be so tank, completed and completed (in the disclosure of the historical logic of events and the fate of heroes) that the reader makes an impression - everything was accomplished, the civil war in Kiev ended with the defeat of the Petrolov and the victory of the Red Army on the night of February 3, 1919.

Do not guess why Bulgakov did not fulfill his plan to write a trilogy about the Civil War. Maybe because he knew: L.N. Tolstoy (with which he was closely familiar) In 1927-1928, she worked hard over the novel "Eighteenth year", widely embracing the events of the Civil War in the south. And the exceptional possibilities of dramaturgical forms of generalization and magic power theatrical art He took possession of the feelings of Bulgakov while working on the play "Days of Turbines", which brought him fame and mental torments. In 1927-1928, Bulgakov writes the play "Running", using the reception of dreams (which he scheduled in the "White Guard" novel) and, making sure in practice, how dramatically the mighty means of generalization has dramaturgical art. In the "Run" of Bulgakov with epic power shows the historical and moral collapse of a white movement, saturating the play by breathing of big ideas. In fact, "Running" in terms of creative designs The author is a work that is closely connected with the novel "White Guard" and the final conclusion of the author to create a large canvas (trilogy) on the events of the civil war in the south of the country. Thus, the work of Bulgakov over the novel "White Guard" was a whole stage in the work of the writer, opened great prospects in his artistic discoveries.

Winter 1918/19. A certain city in which Kiev is clearly guessed. The city is engaged in German occupying troops, the Hetman "All Ukraine" stands in power. However, the army of Petlures can enter the city from day to day - the battles are already in twelve kilometers from the city. The city lives a strange, unnatural life: he is full of visitors from Moscow and St. Petersburg - bankers, Deltsov, journalists, lawyers, poets - who rushed there from the moment of the election of the hetman, from spring 1918

In the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe turbine for dinner Alexei Turbin, a doctor, his younger brother of Nikolka, a non-commissioned officer, their sister Elena and friends of the family - Lieutenant Mumylaevsky, a podernik of Stepanov on a nicknamer Karas and Lieutenant Shervinsky, Adjutant at the headquarters of Prince Beloorov, commander of all military forces of Ukraine - excitedly discusses the fate of the city's loved one. Senior Turbine believes that hetman is blamed with its Ukrainization: right up to last moment He did not allow the formation of the Russian army, and if this happened on time - the selected army from junkers, students, gymnasists and officers, who are thousands, and not only the city would be accounted for, but the Petlours of the Spirit would not be in Malorussia, - Would go to Moscow and Russia would be saved.

Elena's husband, the captain of the General Staff, Sergey Ivanovich Talberg, announces his wife that the Germans leave the city and His, Talberg, take a staff train towing at night. Talberg is sure that it won't pass and three months oldHow he will return to the city with the army of Denikin, which is now forming on the Don. In the meantime, he cannot take Elena to the unknown, and she will have to stay in the city.

To protect against the upcoming troops, Petlyura in the city begins the formation of Russian military connections. Karas, Mumylayevsky and Alexey Turbin are the commander of the forming Morty Division to Colonel Malyshev and come to the service: Karas and Mumylayevsky - as officers, turbines - as a divisional doctor. However, the next night - from December 13-14 - Hetman and General Belorukov run from the city in the German train, and Colonel Malyshev disrupts the only formed division: to defend it some kind of legal authority in the city does not exist.

Colonel Ne-Tours by December 10 finishes the formation of the second department of the first squad. Counting war without winter equipment The soldier is impossible, Colonel Nau-Tours, threatening the head of the supply department, receives for his hundred and fifty junkers of boots and dads. On the morning of December 14, Petlyra attacks the city; Nay-Tours receives an order to guard the polytechnic highway and, in the event of an emergence of the enemy, take the battle. Nagi-Tours, enhancing the fight with advanced enemy detachments, sends three junckers to find out where hetman parts. The sent returns to the message that there are no parts by anywhere, in the rear - machine gun shooting, and the enemy cafia enters the city. Nai understands that they found themselves in the Western.

For an hour earlier, Nikolay Turbin, the corner of the third department of the first infantry squad, receives an order to lead the command on the route. Arriving at the appointed place, Nikolka sees the running junkers with horror and hears the team of the Colonel Nau-Tour, who orders to all Junkers - and his own, and from the team of Nicci - to tear straps, cockades, throwing weapons, tear down documents, run and hide. The colonel itself covers the waste of junkers. In the eyes of Nicci, the deadly wounded colonel dies. Shocked Nikolka, leaving Nah Tours, yards and alleys makes their way to home.

Meanwhile, Alexey, who did not report on the dissolution, was, who was ordered, to two hours, finds an empty building with abandoned guns. Favoring Colonel Malysheva, he receives an explanation for what is happening: the city is taken by the troops of Petlyura. Alexey, thoring the epaulets, go home, but comes out on Petlyurovsky soldiers who, having learned the officer in him (in a hurry he forgot to rip the cockard from the dad), pursue him. Alexey's wounded in his hand shelters in his house unfamiliar woman named Julia flight. The next day, rejected by Alexey to the village dress, Julia on the cab will take him home. Simultaneously with Alexey to the turbine comes from Zhytomyr cousin Talberg Larion, who survived a personal drama: a wife was gone from him. Lariona very much in the house of turbines, and all turbines find it very pretty.

Vasily Ivanovich Lisovich on nicknamed Vasilisa, the owner of the house in which the turbines live, takes the first floor in the same house, while the turbines live in the second. On the eve of the day, when Petlyura entered the city, Vasilisa builds a cache in which he hides money and jewelry. However, an unknown person is observed through the gap in a loosely curtained window for actions of Vasilisa. The next day, three armed people with a search warrant come to Vasilis. First of all, they open the cache, and then take the clock, costume and boots of Vasilisa. After the guests of "guests", Vasilisa and his wife guess that these were bandits. Vasilisa runs to the turbine, and for protection against a possible new attack, a crucian is sent to them. Usually scarcate Wanda Mikhailovna, Vasilisa's wife, it does not bother here: on the table and brandy, and veal, and pickled mushrooms. Happy Karaz Drempt, listening to the miserable speeches of Vasilisa.

Three days later, Nikolka, having learned the address of the Nay-Tour family, goes to the native colonel. He informs his mother and sister's details of his death. Together with the sister of Colonel Irina Nikolka finds in the morgue the Nay-Tour's body, and on the same night in the chapel with the anatomical theater Nau-Tour, they fans.

A few days later, Alexei's Rana is inflamed, and in addition, he has a rapid tit: high temperature, nonsense. According to the conseclusion of the conservima, the patient is hopeless; December 22 begins agony. Elena locks out in the bedroom and passionately prays the Most Holy Virgin, begging to save his brother from death. "Let Sergey not return, she whispers," but this death is not karai. " To the amazement of the doctor on the dudder with him, Alexey comes into consciousness - the crisis passed.

A year and a half, a month and a half finally recovered Alexey goes to Julia's flight, saved him from death, and gives her a bracelet of his deceased mother. Alexey asks Yulia permission to be from her. Having left Julia, he meets the Nikolus returning from Irina Nagi-Tours.

Elena receives a letter from a friend from Warsaw, in which that tells her about the upcoming marriage of Talberg on their common acquaintance. Elena, sobbing, remembers his prayer.

On the night of February 2, February 3, the exit of Petlyurovsky troops from the city begins. The roar of the Bolshevik guns, rushed to the city, is heard.

MA Bulgakov twice, in two different works, remembers how his work on novel started "White Guard"(1925). The hero of the "Theater Roman" Maksudov says: "He originated at night when I woke up after sad sleep. I decreased native city, snow, winter, civil war ... In a dream, there was a silent blizzard in a dream, and then an old piano appeared and the people who are no longer in the world appeared. " In the story, the "secret friend" contains other details: "I pulled as possible my barrage lamp to the table and on top of her green cap was put on a pink paper cap, which flowed to the paper. I wrote down on it: "And the tried were dead on written in books according to their business." Then he began to write, not knowing well, which will come of it. I remember, I really wanted to convey, as well, when the houses are warm, the clock drowning in the dining room in the dining room, sleepy Drema in bed, books and frost ... "With such a mood, Bulgakov started creating a new novel.

The book "White Guard", which is most important for Russian literature a book, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov began writing in 1922.

In 1922-1924, Bulgakov wrote articles for the newspaper "On the eve", constantly published in the newspaper of the Railway "Gudok", where he met I. Babel, I. Ilfom, E. Petrov, V. Kataev, Y. Olesyi. According to the testimony of Bulgakov himself, the plan of the novel "White Guard" finally took shape in 1922. At this time there were several important events His personal life: During the first three months of this year, he received news about the fate of the brothers who had never seen, and a telegram about sustainable death Mother from raw typhus. During this period, the terrible impressions of the Kiev years received an additional impulse for incarnation in creativity.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Bulgakov planned to create a whole trilogy, and spoke of a favorite book like this: "I consider my novel that I was failed, although I highlight from my other things, because The plan was very serious. " And the fact that we are now called the "White Guard", thought as the first part of the trilogy and originally weed the name "Yellow Prapor", "Full Cross" and "White Cross": "The action of the second part should occur on the Don, and in the third part of the Multilavsky It turns out in the ranks of the Red Army. " Signs of this idea can be found in the text of the "White Guard". But Bulgakov did not write a trilogy, granting this Count A.N. Tolstoy ("walking on flour"). And the topic "Run", emigration, in the "White Guard" is only scheduled in the history of Talberg departure and in the episode of reading the Buninsky "Mr. from San Francisco".

The novel was created in the era of the greatest material needs. The writer worked at night in the abrupt room, worked in a pivot and enthusiastic, terribly tired: "Third life. And the third life was blooming in a written table. Breast sheets all fluff. I wrote a pencil, and ink. " Subsequently, the author has repeatedly returned to his beloved novel, re-experiencing the past. In one of the records belonging to 1923, Bulgakov noted: "And the novel I will add, and, I dare to assure it, it will be such a novel, from which the sky will be hot ..." And in 1925 he wrote: "It will be terribly sorry If I'm mistaken and "White Guard" is not strong thing" On August 31, 1923, Bulgakov reported Y. Slalekina: "Roman I finished, but he has not yet rewritten, lies with a chest, I think a lot. What I corrected. " It was a draft version of the text, which is stated in " Theater Romana":" The novel must be edited for a long time. You need to crush many places, replace hundreds of words by others. Big, but necessary work! " Bulgakov was not pleased with his work, crossed tens of pages, created new editions and options. But at the beginning of 1924, I already read the excerpts of the "White Guard" from the writer S. Zayaytsky and from his new friends of Lyamyn, counting the book finished.

The first well-known mention of the completion of the work on the novel refers to March 1924. The novel was printed in the 4th and 5th books of the magazine "Russia" for 1925. And the 6th number with the final part of the novel did not come out. Under the assumption of researchers, the novel "Belaya Guard" added already after the premiere of "Turbine Days" (1926) and the creation of "run" (1928). Text last third Roman, spilled by the author, was released in 1929 in the Paris Publishing House "Concorde". Full text The novel was published in Paris: Tom First (1927), Tom Second (1929).

Due to the fact that the USSR "White Guard" was not completed by the publication, and foreign editions of the end of the 20s were not allowed at the Motherland of the writer, the first Bulgakovsky Roman did not receive special attention of the press. Famous critic A. Voronsky (1884-1937) at the end of 1925 "White Guard" with " Fat eggs"Called works by the" outstanding literary quality ". The answer to this statement was a sharp deposition of the head of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (RAPP) L. Averbach (1903-1939) in the Rappov bodies - the journal "on the literary post". Later, setting based on the "White Guard" novel of the "Turbine Days" Piesels in Mkate in the fall of 1926 switched the attention of criticism on this work, and forgotten about the novel.

K. Stanislavsky, worrying about the passage through the censorship of the "Days of Turbines", originally named, like the novel, "White Guard", urged Bulgakov to abandon the white epithet, which he seemed frankly hostile. But the writer treated exactly this word. He agreed on the "cross", and at the "December", and at the Buran instead of the "Guard", but the definition of "white" did not want to do, seeing the sign of particular moral purity Favorite heroes, their belonging to the Russian intelligentsia as part of the best layer in the country.

"White Guard" - in many ways autobiographical Roman, based on the personal impressions of the Writer about Kiev, the late 1918 - early 1919. Family members of the turbine reflected specific traits relatives Bulgakov. Turbines - maiden name Grandmothers Bulgakov from the mother's side. The manuscript of the novel is not preserved. Kyiv friends and familiar Bulgakov became the prototypes of the novel. Lieutenant Viktor Viktorovich Multilavsky is written off from a friend of Childhood Nikolai Nikolayevich Songievsky.

The prototype of the Lieutenant of Shervinsky served another friend of Bulgakov - Yuriy Leonidovich Gladyrevsky, a lover singer (this quality passed and character), which served in the troops of Hetman Pavel Petrovich Scoropadsky (1873-1945), but not adjutant. Then he emigrated. The prototype of Elena Talberg (turbine) served as sister Bulgakov - Varvara Afanasyevna. Captain Talberg, her husband, has a lot general damn With the husband of Barbara Afanasyevna Bulgiac, Leonid Sergeyevich Karuma (1888-1968), German by origin, a personnel officer who served at the beginning of the scorpin, and then the Bolsheviks.

The prototype of Nicci Turbine was one of the brothers M.A. Bulgakov. The second wife of the writer Love Evgenievna Belozerskaya-Bulgakov in the book "Memories" wrote: "One of the brothers Mikhail Afanasyevich (Nikolai) was also a doctor. Here for the personality younger brother, Nicholas, I want to stop. My heart has always been mil for a noble and cozy little man of Nikolka Turbines (especially on the novel "White Guard". In the play "Turbine days" it is much more schematic). In life, I could not see Nikolai Afanasyevich Bulgakov. This junior representative of the profession was adorable in the Bulgakov family - a doctor of medicine, a bacteriologist, a scientist and researcher who died in Paris in 1966. He studied at the University ofkreb and there was also left at the Department of Bacteriology. "

The novel was created in a difficult time for the country. Young Soviet Russianot had regular armyturned out to be drawn into a civil war. The dreams of the Hetman-traitor Mazepa's dreams come true, whose name is not accidentally mentioned in the Roman Bulgakov. At the heart of the "White Guard" there are events related to the consequences of the Brest Treaty, in accordance with which Ukraine was recognized as an independent state, "Ukrainian Power" was created led by the hetman Scoropadian, and refugees from all over Russia rushed. Bulgakov in the novel clearly described their social status.

The philosopher Sergey Bulgakov, a cousin uncle of the writer, in the book "On the Peir of God" described the death of the Motherland as follows: "There was a powerful power, necessary to friends, terrible enemies, and now it is a rotary festival, which is falling off a piece for a piece of joy by the joy by the Blown. At the site of the sixth part of the world, a malicious, gaping hole was ... "Mikhail Afanasyevich was in many ways agreed with Uncle. And it's not by chance that this terrible picture is reflected in the article M.A. Bulgakov "Hot perspectives" (1919). Studially in the play "Turbine Days": "We had Russia - a great power ..." So for Bulgakov, optimist and talented satirika, despair and sorrow became starting points in creating a book of hope. It is such a definition that cannot more accurately reflect the content of the "White Guard" novel. In the book "On the feast of the gods", another thought was closer and interesting to the writer: "From how the intelligentsia will self-use, depends in many ways than Russia becomes." The answer to this question is painfully looking for Heroes of Bulgakov.

In the "White Guard" Bulgakov sought to show the people and the intelligentsia in the flame Civil War in Ukraine. The main character, Alexey Turbin, although clearly autobiographical, but, unlike a writer, not a Zemsky doctor, only formally nursing on military service, and a real military medic, who had a lot of winning and survived over the years of World War. Much brings the author with his hero, and calm courage, and faith in the old Russia, and most importantly - a dream of a peaceful life.

"Heroes should love them; If this is not, I do not advise anyone to take on the pen - you will get the largest troubles, so know, "- it is said in the" Theater Roman ", and this is the main law of Bulgakov's creativity. In the "White Guard" novel, he speaks of white officers and intelligentsia as ordinary people, reveals their young peace of soul, charm, mind and power, shows enemies living people.

The literary public refused to recognize the dignity of the novel. From almost three hundred rewards, Bulgakov counted only three positive, and the rest was taken to the category of "hostile-abusive". Rough reviews sounded to the writer. In one of the articles, Bulgakov was called "New-bourgeois extent, splashing poisoned, but powerless saliva to the working class, on his communist ideals."

"Class not true", "a cynical attempt to idealize the White Guard", "an attempt to reconcile the reader with monarchical, worm officers," "hidden counter-revolutionism" is far from full list characteristics, whatever the "white guard" those who believed that the main thing in the literature is political position Writer, his attitude to "white" and "red".

One of the main motives of the "White Guard" is faith in life, its winning power. Therefore, this book, several decades considered forbidden, found his reader, gained a second life in all wealth and brilliance of the Bulgakovsky living word. Completely noticed Writer-Kiev-Kievanin Viktor Nekrasov, who reads the White Guard in the 60s in the 60s: "Nothing, it turns out, not a night, nothing is outdated. As if there were no these forty years ... An explicit miracle happened in our eyes, in the literature it happens very rarely and far from everyone, the second birth happened. " The life of the heroes of the novel continues today, but in another line.

History of creating a novel Bulgakov "White Guard"

The novel "White Guard" was first published (not fully) in Russia, in 1924. Fully - in Paris: Tom the first - 1927, Tom the second - 1929. "White Guard" - in many ways an autobiographical novel, based on the personal impressions of the writer about Kiev, the late 1918 - early 1919.

The family of turbines is to a large extent the Bulgak family. Turbines - Maiden Surname Grandmother Bulgakova from the mother. The White Guard was started in 1922, after the death of a writer's mother. The manuscript of the novel is not preserved. According to the testimony of the reprinting romance, Machinist Raaben, originally "White Guard" thought as a trilogy. As possible names of the novels of the suspected trilogy, the "Full Cross" and "White Cross" appeared. Kyiv friends and familiar Bulgakov became the prototypes of the novel.

So, Lieutenant Viktor Viktorovich Multilaevskiy is written off from a friend of Childhood Nikolai Nikolayevich Sigayevsky. The prototype of Lieutenant Shervinsky served another friend of Bulgakov - Yuri Leonidovich Gladrevsky, a fighter singer. In the "White Guard" Bulgakov seeks to show the people and the intelligentsia in the flame of the Civil War in Ukraine. The main character, Alexey Turbin, although not clearly autobiographical, but, unlike the writer, not the Zemsky doctor, only formally nursing in military service, and a real military medic, who had ever had surrendered over the years of World War. Two groups of officers are opposed to the novels - those who "hate the Bolsheviks with hatred of hot and straight, the one that can move into a fight" and "who returned from the warriors to the idea, like Alexey Turbin, is to rest and arrange a newly military, And ordinary human life. "

Bulgakov socioally shows the mass movements of the era. He demonstrates the age-old hatred of the peasants to landowners and officers, and the newly arising, but no less deep hatred of "occupiers. All this was powered by an uprising, raised against the formation of the hetman of the Scopadian, the leader of the Ukrainian national Movement Petlyura. Bulgakov called one of the main features of his creativity in the "White Guard" a stubborn image of the Russian intelligentsia, as a better layer in naked country.

In particular, the image of an intelligent-noble family, the will of the historic fate abandoned during the civil war in the Camp of the White Guard, in the traditions of "War and Peace". "White Guard" - Marxist criticism of the 20s: "Yes, the talent of Bulgakov was not so deep, how shiny, and the talent was big ... And yet the works of Bulgakov are non-rigid. There is nothing in them that affected the people as a whole. There is a crowd mysterious and cruel. " Bulgakov's talent was not imbued with interest in the people, to his life, his joy and sorrow in the Bulgakov can not be recognized.

MA Bulgakov twice, in two different works, remembers how his work on the novel "White Guard" began (1925). The hero of the "Theater Roman" Maksudov says: "He originated at night when I woke up after sad sleep. I dreamed of my hometown, snow, winter, civil war ... In a dream, there was a silent blizzard in a dream, and then an old grand piano appeared and people who are no longer in the world. " In the story, the "secret friend" contains other details: "I pulled as possible my barrage lamp to the table and on top of her green cap was put on a pink paper cap, which flowed to the paper. I wrote down on it: "And the tried were dead on written in books according to their business." Then he began to write, not knowing well, which will come of it. I remember, I really wanted to convey, as well, when the houses are warm, the clock drowning in the dining room in the dining room, sleepy Drema in bed, books and frost ... "With such a mood, Bulgakov started creating a new novel.

Roman "White Guard", which is most important for Russian literature a book, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov began writing in 1822.

In 1922-1924, Bulgakov wrote articles for the newspaper "On the eve", constantly published in the newspaper of the Railway "Gudok", where he met I. Babel, I. Ilfom, E. Petrov, V. Kataev, Y. Olesyi. According to the testimony of Bulgakov himself, the plan of the novel "White Guard" finally took shape in 1922. At that time, several important events of his personal life occurred: during the first three months of this year, he received news about the fate of the brothers who had never seen a telegram about the supreme death of a mother from a rapid typhus. During this period, the terrible impressions of the Kiev years received an additional impulse for incarnation in creativity.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Bulgakov planned to create a whole trilogy, and spoke of a favorite book like this: "I consider my novel that I was failed, although I highlight from my other things, because The plan was very serious. " And the fact that we are now called the "White Guard", thought as the first part of the trilogy and originally weed the name "Yellow Prapor", "Full Cross" and "White Cross": "The action of the second part should occur on the Don, and in the third part of the Multilavsky It turns out in the ranks of the Red Army. " Signs of this idea can be found in the text of the "White Guard". But Bulgakov did not write a trilogy, granting this Count A.N. Tolstoy ("walking on flour"). And the topic "run", emigration, in the "White Guard" is only scheduled in the history of Talberg departure and in the episode of reading the Buninsky "Mr. from San Francisco".

The novel was created in the era of the greatest material needs. The writer worked at night in the abrupt room, worked in a pivot and enthusiastic, terribly tired: "Third life. And the third life was blooming in a written table. Breast sheets all fluff. I wrote a pencil, and ink. " Subsequently, the author has repeatedly returned to his beloved novel, re-experiencing the past. In one of the records belonging to 1923, Bulgakov noted: "And the novel I will add, and, I dare to assure it, it will be such a novel, from which the sky will be hot ..." And in 1925 he wrote: "It will be terribly sorry If I am mistaken and "White Guard" is not a strong thing. " On August 31, 1923, Bulgakov reported Y. Slalekina: "Roman I finished, but he has not yet rewritten, lies with a chest, I think a lot. What I corrected. " It was a draft version of the text, which is stated in the "Theater Roman": "The novel must be edited for a long time. You need to crush many places, replace hundreds of words by others. Big, but necessary work! " Bulgakov was not pleased with his work, crossed tens of pages, created new editions and options. But in early 1924, I already read the excerpts of the "White Guard" from the writer S. Zayaytsky and from his new friends of Lyamin, counting the book finished.

The first well-known mention of the completion of the work on the novel refers to March 1924. The novel was printed in the 4th and 5th books of the magazine "Russia" for 1925. And the 6th number with the final part of the novel did not come out. By the assumption of researchers, the novel "White Guard" added already after the premiere of "Turbine days" (1926) and the creation of "run" (1928). The text of the last third of the novel, refined by the author, was released in 1929 in the Paris Publishing House "Concorde". The full text of the novel was published in Paris: Tom First (1927), Tom Second (1929).

Due to the fact that in the USSR "White Guard" was not completed by the publication, and foreign publications of the end of the 20s were not allowed at the Motherland of the Writer, the first Bulgakovsky Roman did not receive special attention of the press. The famous critic A. Voronsky (1884-1937) At the end of 1925, the "White Guard", together with the "fatal eggs", called the works of "outstanding literary quality". The answer to this statement was a sharp deposition of the head of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (RAPP) L. Averbach (1903-1939) in the Rappov bodies - the journal "on the literary post". Later, setting based on the novel "The White Guard" Plays "Turbine Days" in Mkat in the fall of 1926 switched the attention of criticism on this work, and forgotten about the romance.

K. Stanislavsky, worrying about the passage through the censorship of the "Days of Turbines", originally named, like the novel, "White Guard", strongly advised Bulgakov to abandon the epithet "White", which many seemed frankly hostile. But the writer treated exactly this word. He agreed on the "cross", and on the "December", and on the "Buran" instead of the "Guard", but the definition of "white" did not want to do, seeing the sign of a special moral purity of his favorite heroes, their belonging to the Russian intelligentsia as Parts of the best layer in the country.

"White Guard" - in many ways an autobiographical novel, based on the personal impressions of the writer about Kiev, the late 1918 - early 1919. In the members of the turbine family, the characteristic features of the relatives of Bulgakov reflected. Turbines - Maiden Surname Grandmother Bulgakova from the mother. The manuscript of the novel is not preserved. Kyiv friends and familiar Bulgakov became the prototypes of the novel. Lieutenant Viktor Viktorovich Multilavsky is written off from a friend of Childhood Nikolai Nikolayevich Songievsky.

The prototype of the Lieutenant of Shervinsky served another friend of Bulgakov - Yuriy Leonidovich Gladyrevsky, a lover singer (this quality passed and character), which served in the troops of Hetman Pavel Petrovich Scoropadsky (1873-1945), but not adjutant. Then he emigrated. The prototype of Elena Talberg (turbine) served as sister Bulgakov - Varvara Afanasyevna. Captain Talberg, her husband, has a lot of general devils with her husband Barbara Afanasyevna Bulgiac, Leonid Sergeyevich Karuma (1888-1968), German by origin, a personnel officer who served at the beginning of the scorpin, and then the Bolsheviks.

The prototype of Nicci Turbine was one of the brothers M.A. Bulgakov. The second wife of the writer Love Evgenievna Belozerskaya-Bulgakov in the book "Memories" wrote: "One of the brothers Mikhail Afanasyevich (Nikolai) was also a doctor. Here is the identity of the younger brother, Nicholas, I want to stop. My heart has always been mil for the noble and cozy little man of the Nichalka Turbin (especially on the novel "White Guard". In the play "Turbine Days" it is much more schematic.). In life, I could not see Nikolai Afanasyevich Bulgakov. This junior representative of the profession was adorable in the Bulgakov family - a doctor of medicine, a bacteriologist, a scientist and researcher who died in Paris in 1966. He studied at the University ofkreb and there was also left at the Department of Bacteriology. "

The novel was created in a difficult time for the country. Young Soviet Russia, who did not have a regular army, was drawn into a civil war. The dreams of the Hetman-traitor Mazepa's dreams come true, whose name is not accidentally mentioned in the Roman Bulgakov. At the heart of the White Guard, there are events related to the consequences of the Brest Treaty, in accordance with which Ukraine was recognized as an independent state, "Ukrainian Power", headed by the hetman Scopadan, and "abroad" were rushed to refugees from all over Russia. Bulgakov in the novel clearly described their social status.

The philosopher Sergey Bulgakov, a cousin uncle of the writer, in the book "On the Peir of God" described the death of the Motherland as follows: "There was a powerful power, necessary to friends, terrible enemies, and now it is a rotary festival, which is falling off a piece for a piece of joy by the joy by the Blown. At the site of the sixth part of the world, a malicious, gaping hole was ... "Mikhail Afanasyevich was in many ways agreed with Uncle. And it's not by chance that this terrible picture is reflected in the article M.A. Bulgakov "Hot perspectives" (1919). Studially in the play "Turbine Days": "We had Russia - a great power ..." So for Bulgakov, optimist and talented satirika, despair and sorrow became starting points in creating a book of hope. It is such a definition that cannot more accurately reflect the content of the "White Guard" novel. In the book "On the feast of the gods", another thought was closer and interesting to the writer: "From how the intelligentsia will self-use, depends in many ways than Russia becomes." The answer to this question is painfully looking for Heroes of Bulgakov.

In the "White Guard" Bulgakov sought to show the people and the intelligentsia in the flame of the Civil War in Ukraine. The main character, Alexey Turbin, although not clearly autobiographical, but, unlike the writer, not the Zemsky doctor, only formally nursing in military service, and a real military medic, who had ever had surrendered over the years of World War. Much brings the author with his hero, and calm courage, and faith in the old Russia, and most importantly - a dream of a peaceful life.

"Heroes should love them; If this is not, I do not advise anyone to take on the pen - you will get the largest troubles, so know, "- it is said in the" Theater Roman ", and this is the main law of Bulgakov's creativity. In the novel, the "White Guard" he speaks of white officers and intelligentsia as ordinary people, reveals their young soul world, charm, mind and power, shows enemies with live people.

The literary public refused to recognize the dignity of the novel. From almost three hundred rewards, Bulgakov counted only three positive, and the rest was taken to the category of "hostile-abusive". Rough reviews sounded to the writer. In one of the articles, Bulgakov was called "New-bourgeois extent, splashing poisoned, but powerless saliva to the working class, on his communist ideals."

"Class not true", "cynical attempt to idealize the White Guard", "an attempt to reconcile the reader with monarchical, worm officers", "hidden counter-revolutionism" - this is not a complete list of characteristics, what the "white guard" those who believed that the main in the literature is the political position of the writer, his attitude to "white" and "red".

One of the main motives of the "White Guard" is faith in life, its winning power. Therefore, this book, several decades considered forbidden, found his reader, gained a second life in all wealth and brilliance of the Bulgakovsky living word. It was quite rightly noticed by the Writer-Kiev-Kievanin Viktor Nekrasov, who read in the 60s "White Guard": "Nothing, it turns out, not a dream, nothing is outdated. As if there were no these forty years ... An explicit miracle happened in our eyes, in the literature it happens very rarely and far from everyone, the second birth happened. " The life of the heroes of the novel continues today, but in another line.


