What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman.
What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman.

Why is an unfamiliar woman dreaming in a dream? To unexpected obstacles in business, secret intrigues, gossip behind your back.

For a representative of the opposite sex, such a dream promises rumors, the distributor of which is a mystery to her. A man dreams of an unfamiliar woman about complications at work, intrigues on the part of incomprehensible spiteful critics. And making love to a stranger reflects physical dissatisfaction in reality.

Kissing an unknown lady is an object of unwanted attention. Talking - to receive information that you did not know about, depending on how she spoke, you can judge the nature of the news. It is pleasant to communicate, flirt - to an unexpected turn in life. Swearing - your ignorance will cause discord. Fighting is an attempt to reach an opponent in order to be noticed and understood.


    In the store, a stranger was buying plums. I stood by. It felt like we were together. The saleswoman gave her two large plums. The woman was looking at something else and doubted what to buy. I told her that these plums are good. As a result, she was given two opaque sachets. I felt, and there are a lot of plums and all large ones, but one plum in each bag is slightly larger. I happily drew her attention to this. At the same time, I also ended up with two packages of plums, but the packages are transparent. I was pleasantly surprised and I could not understand how plums ended up in my hands

    • Pleasant communication with someone will weaken you, bring melancholy. Moreover, your feelings, emotions will be in plain sight, but the interlocutor (s) will hide you the true motives of the conversation.

    An unknown woman and a man stood in a dim room. The atmosphere was romantic. A woman in an evening dress, a man in a suit. In the hands of glasses of champagne. Suddenly the man ran to the exit. The woman followed him and went down the street. It seems that she saw him and ran. She was no longer visible behind the truck. A man ran out from there, ran into the building and asked the concierge to call a taxi loudly to leave with the woman.

    • Romantic obstacles. Since you have not seen yourself, it is possible that this will only indirectly affect you (for example, you will become a witness to someone else's quarrel).

    I stood in line to buy something. It was my turn and I had to pay. There was a strange man I was looking at. I wanted to get his attention. I said oh, I have no cash. Who can borrow me and I will give it as soon as I find an ATM. But the man did not react in any way. But an unknown woman from the queue gave me the required amount. I bought dishes - a saucepan. The saleswoman - an unfamiliar woman put the purchase in a box. I saw a payment terminal on her desk. I asked why you didn’t tell me that you can pay by card. She replied that I did not ask about it. Then I went to the ATM and withdrew the amount that I should pay

    • You should not wait for help, and the one that will be offered to you as if free of charge will turn out to be deliberate.

    I walked through the park. I was amazed that there were soft beds along the green areas. Each of them was tucked into a blue bed, and on each bed was an elderly unknown woman. Then I went under the awning. Now I was with an elderly man and a young unfamiliar woman approached us. She looked beautiful like a model. But when I spoke, I saw that her front upper tooth was blackened. She said something and left. A familiar man came up with another older man. There was a table with a lot of food on it. A familiar man began to eat mulberries

    • Fatigue, which is aggravated by unpleasant conversations and negativity from someone from the immediate environment. You need to find support, and at least a little pamper yourself.

    I dreamed about the wife of a beloved man, we do not know each other.
    I see several red pimples on her face, which makes her a little less attractive as in life.
    And she saw her hair from the back when she left the post office building, and I stayed there.
    The braid hairstyle looked very nice and neat. Thank you in advance.

    • Complications in the life of a rival.

    Among strangers, standing in a small corridor between two doors, I met a friend whom I do not know in my life. I asked her how she cured some disease. She said it was not easy and it took her three years. A woman doctor passed by. She was a little overweight in blue medical clothes. A friend told me the name of the doctor and showed that it was this woman. Then I went to see the doctor. There was a man and a woman in white medical clothes. It turned out that this is an ophthalmologist. I apologized and said that I had mixed up the doctors. The man confirmed. The woman said that since we came in, let's see you. I was sitting, and she was driving a pencil in front of my face, moving it away, bringing it closer. I brought him to the corner of his lips, and then suddenly I had to turn my attention to another object. I handled everything easily. She said that my eyesight was fine and began to write me a certificate.

    • Take care of your health, nothing serious, but even an unexpected cold will be out of place for you.

    I walked between residential buildings. A man came up to me and asked where there was water. He was agitated because could not find. I showed the direction and said that there is a column between those houses. He left. To make sure that I did not cheat, I went to those houses to check. When I approached, I saw that I had told the truth. Indeed, there was a column and a lot of water was pouring out of it. I came closer to take a look. At that moment, two unfamiliar women who were there started shouting something to me and throwing something at me. So they chased me to the end of the house. I left

    • Don't show others how you feel. Otherwise, gossipers will quickly take advantage of this to your detriment.

    I was not in the dream. At first I saw the sea. In the middle there was a sandy strip, on which stood a long, full-length net. It caught fish more like sharks. Some people were doing something at sea. Then the picture changed a little. There was no sandy strip. There was a clear sea. An unfamiliar woman was swimming in it. She felt calm and enjoyed swimming. A white ship was visible in the distance. Closer to the shore, another ship, on which there were people. In general, outwardly, the atmosphere is pleasant and calm. However, I felt anxious, expecting that at any moment something bad could happen.

    • Despite the fact that your life is calm, pleasant hopes are fulfilled, feel anxiety. Learn to relax and enjoy life when you can.

    I came to another country with two friends. At the hotel we were given bunk beds in the same room, but somehow on different floors. Then something happened in the city, some unrest. It was necessary to leave and collect things before that. First I went to the bunk bed. On the upper bed was a young, unfamiliar woman. She ate fried chicken and threw the bones on the floor. I picked them up and threw them away. In front of her, I put a napkin and asked to put the bones there. She agreed. Then the floors had to be washed. I wanted to do this, but two women came and started cleaning. They washed with a mop and rag, thus collecting garbage. When they finished, I grabbed a rag and began to re-wipe the floors without a mop. Then I saw the computer. I began to disassemble the wires to fold. I remembered that I hadn’t printed something. I thought it was okay

    • Your hospitality (not necessarily at home, it can be an invitation to a cafe or a reception at work) will not be appreciated, so persistence and endurance will not hurt. In addition, think about whether your concern for others is so necessary, or will they still cope without you?

    I had a little yellow robot walking on the floor. I went up to a stranger to sign a contract for the use of this robot. This robot contained information about my relationship with a man, which is interesting to me. Next, I looked at the graph that reflected the development of these relationships. It was a black line. She went up, then down. Then it went in a square and as a result, the straight line is horizontal somewhere in the middle of the entire graph

    • Listen to other people's words, and you will be able to unemotionally and soberly assess the current situation.

    An unfamiliar elderly woman gave me advice on how to behave with a rat, which was also there. I did not understand what relation I have to the rat and it was not pleasant for me

    • You should not pay attention to other people's words, even if it seems to you that the advice is given to you from good intentions.

    I worked as a salesperson. She was dressed in a light beige trench coat. An unfamiliar female shopper stood on the street and said she wanted to buy the same trench coat. I ran into the building and told the store owner about it. Then my trench coat was in her hands and she was looking at his article while sitting. I stood by. Then I don’t remember what I was wearing, the woman - the buyer said that she wanted to give me a ring and asked for the size. The store owner said look in the drawers. I went to the shop. She took a box from the shelf and took out the threads from it. She tore off a white thread and tied it on the ring finger of her right hand in the form of a ring. I didn't see how I was shooting, but then I held this thread tied in a ring in my hands and thought that I had a very large finger size, which surprised me

    • A small clarification that the thread is tied on the finger and how it was tied clearly I do not remember

      They will envy your relationship with someone and, allegedly, with the best intentions, will make you doubt, reflect, worry. Do not fall for provocation.

    First, I saw an ad on the Internet from an unfamiliar woman and her photo in a summer hat with wide brim. The ad contained an appeal to me and indicated my surname. Then I walked the streets of the city. Then somewhere I was and this woman was there. She walked and arranged the movement. Then she invited me to have tea with her. We went to a small round table and sat down at it. The girl got up from the next table and left. I don't remember the conversation, but how I was just stuffing myself with sweets that the woman brought for tea. They were mainly waffles, possibly biscuits.

    • Even unpleasant information (including mere trifles) can be useful to you.

    In the market, dark blue jeans lay in the window. I had a tube of hand cream in my hands. I squeezed it out a little and greased my jeans with it. The woman seller was standing by, and the man was sitting at the stall. I took my pants and began to apply them to me. From above it seemed that they were in size, and the legs were wide. The woman said angrily that they were too expensive for me. I wondered if I wanted these pants. Because of her tone, I left them and left

    • Other people's gossip weakens you. Pay less attention.

    The woman stood near the post, as if tied with one hand and could not free herself. There were some things around the post. Then different things, all blue, came out neatly from above. They hung in the air around the post as if they were on sale. The woman was confused

    • Excessive trust can prevent you from achieving what you want, weaken support, outside help.

    I was planning a trip abroad. Someone told me that it is better to fly by plane rather than take a bus. I thought it was expensive. I decided to ask the airline. After a short search, I found them. But the front door was closed by two women who worked there. I tried to ask them for prices, but they refused me very politely. I decided I would take a look on my phone. I found the prices on the Internet, but they are very low. I looked at different days and wondered. At the same time, I started thinking about planning more trips.

    • Do not be discouraged if something does not work out for you, try to go a different way, it will turn out to be even more profitable.

    • Empty talk, useless advice.

  • She was in the room herself. I sat at the table, worked at the computer. An unknown woman came in. I got up and walked over to her. We were talking about something. In this dream, the sensations were remembered most of all. Some kind of new perception of yourself and what is happening around. I didn't know how to feel about it

    • Unexpected news that will confuse you.

    An unknown woman stood while her husband sat at a short distance. They fought. For 10 years he often left home under some pretext. And at that moment she discovered that he lived on the street. She was indignant and deserted him in words. Off to the side, where this man lived, sat another pretty woman. But she was with another man (I didn't see him) just on the street they all lived together

    • Do not get involved in other people's squabbles (you can get into an uncomfortable position).

    • You will be given advice. Despite the harshness and rudeness, it is worth listening to.

  • Was in a room with a strange woman. In the dream, she was my mother. She dressed quickly. I put on a skirt, a jacket above the knees, tights on top of the skirt, and a long sweater on top of everything. She wanted us to go somewhere quickly, she was in a hurry. I verbally stopped her. She calmed down a bit. I don't remember that we went somewhere

    • You are being judged for insincerity.

    Passed across the border. She presented some kind of identification instead of a passport to an unfamiliar woman in uniform. In the ID, my photo was not like me. The hair is white, the face is different, how the photo did not turn out. The woman took the ID in her hands, compared the photo with me, laughed loudly and threw the ID far to the side. I thought they wouldn't let me through. But immediately someone returned my ID to her, she gave it to me, she didn't laugh anymore and I went through

    • Behavior that is unusual for you can play a bad joke and become an unexpected obstacle to your goal. Control your impulses.

    With a company of people unfamiliar to me in my life, we were developing a quarry that belonged to us. It was not very big, but not small either. I did not see the development process itself, but only the quarry itself. An unknown woman came and said that we had better leave. At that moment I was standing at the very top of the quarry, and she and everyone else at the bottom. Her demand was due to the fact that someone influential seized neighboring territories and dug a huge quarry overnight, while no one saw. From my dais, I saw these vast spaces with a newly excavated quarry. I wondered to myself what was the best thing to do: just leave, or announce what I had done to the press and defend the territory, or stay and fight for my career. On this I woke up

    • On your "pit to another", there will be opposition on a larger scale. Therefore, caring about your own interests, you should not harm others or retaliate with revenge.

    A couple I didn’t know lived in a big house. The whole dream was dedicated to the fact that a man killed his woman. She lay dead. Various people from another house came and discussed it. Everyone took it as if it had happened. Her death could have been avoided, but then. Took for granted. I don't remember myself in a dream

    • Intrigues and gossip will pass by themselves, without your participation. "Well-wishers" will be distracted by something else.

    I dreamed of a small plot. An unknown woman and her daughter went for a walk and took someone's boy with them. It seems they were going to ride horses or learn to ride. But the boy got on the horse and easily galloped far as if he had no intention of returning. The woman marveled at his skill. I was not in a dream

    • The horse was light or white. thanks

      Get what you want with all your might, allowing yourself a little lies and gossip.

    In a dream, I was given a garden. I stood and looked at him. The land was plowed. It wasn't big. Borders are not clearly marked on one side only. But there was a concrete parapet with a metal post that marked the border. There was a concrete walkway on the other side. The vegetable garden was on a slight rise. Someone approached the garden, a woman. Not a young woman ran down the concrete path from below and drove the one who was standing. They left together. I continued to watch and study my vegetable garden

    • I would like to clarify that the woman was standing when I approached the garden. After she was driven away by another woman, I looked at my garden. The border from the side of the hill was not clearly visible yet. I didn't think about her, because my garden did not border on anyone there

      You are going to take up some business, and your environment is discussing it, but the rumors will not last long.

    Hello. I dreamed something strange. In my dream I dreamed of women, a lot. They are not Russians, most likely from the southern regions. They were looking for some kind of young man, with my mother in the garden, but for some reason they ended up with my mother in the village. And I joined in the search for this young man. We searched for a long time, but then we found him, found him dead, but I myself did not see him, I only heard the voice of someone that he was dead. Then I go to my mother's house (she lives in her house) Again, these women are there, and I step over the threshold, they were in the kitchen, and one is so pleasant, looks at me and smiles, and her face is so kind, friendly.

    • To get entangled in someone's intrigues, not to be guided by who is to you with a soul, and who is pretending.

    Hello. I had a dream that I didn’t understand. Help me figure it out! It seems that I’m walking at night with a baby carriage in a dream, I know that my child is sitting there, but I don’t see him, and the wind is blowing right in my face and it’s difficult to walk, someone calls me by name, and in a dream I’m I think Bliiin well, what do you want from me again and turn around, there is a nice woman, she smiles, do you remember me, I am so that ??? (in a dream I feel that something familiar but I don't remember) but I myself say yes yes, and she offers her help and my family and I say, what can we do for you? evokes pleasant emotions in a dream, but I'm ashamed to ask, but in the end we say something to her, what better way to do it ... and I sort of woke up ... what could it mean ??

    • Your difficulties will not last forever, unexpected help will come. Whether to use it - you decide for yourself, but the dream warns that it will not be free of charge.

    I dreamed of an unfamiliar woman. Different moments in her life. Shown how active and successful she is at work and at home. Looks nice and well-groomed. I have a good relationship with my husband. In one of the plots, I watched what her life would be like if she married another. She would be plump with a blurry figure, there would be no work. Then I saw that in her real life she was cute to my boss. They constantly crossed when she entered the water to swim or left the water. He looked at her and tried to swim closer and touch her. But she never paid attention even though she was attracted. Then I saw her at work. She organized some events, and also worked as a presenter. She worked as a presenter with another girl and three men. I remember the plot, when she wanted to go to the toilet, but everything was busy, she went to another room. But there were no walls, so from another room where the men were, they could see her. She left. Please help me figure out why I have a dream where I am not about an unfamiliar woman. thanks in advance

    • Your life is now at a turning point when fate can follow two different scenarios.

      Thanks. And in a dream there is a reference point for the beginning of each of the two directions: marriage or work? Or something else

      Rather similar directions: two cases, or two jobs, two men, etc.

    I had two dreams with a similar plot.
    1. A beggar woman was sitting in the street, loudly begging for money. I approached her, said that I had already given her money four times, and began to advise how to behave with men so as not to ask for money. She listened attentively, then shook my hand looking into my eyes and I felt that she was grateful. The handshake was very strong, masculine. I was surprised by her gratitude
    2. I was standing in the subway. A girl was standing nearby. I began to advise her on how to stand in the subway, so that it would be convenient and not disturb anyone. She looked at me and thanked me. I felt sincerity. Then the carriage was vacated and she moved to an empty seat and once again sincerely said thank you. I was surprised by her gratitude

    • Provide help (perhaps just advice) to those who do not deserve it, who are able to turn your kindness against you.

    Hello! I dreamed that an unknown woman was wondering to me! But not a gypsy, and she did not guess on cards, but on some objects, most likely it looked more like predicting my fate. She said something to me, I don't remember exactly what, I asked her what it meant, and she looked very carefully, so intently at me and said Oh, this is a very good sign! I also asked her something about love, as I was wondering about love, but she didn’t tell me anything else ... Tell me, please, what would it mean and why do you dream at all when you are fortune-telling or predicting the future in a dream? Thank you.

    • To inaccurate information. The dream advises not to trust rumors.

    Good afternoon. I had a strange dream. Please help me understand it. As if the mother of my ex-man (I am not familiar with her) from the window of the house (in a dream her house, but does not look like her house) shows an album with pictures to people who are standing under the house. Under the house, people seem to have gathered (there are not very many of them) and listen to her with interest. She shows and says that this picture was painted by her son (my ex), and this picture was drawn by his girlfriend (she calls her name, now he is in a relationship with her). I stand aside and I am offended that she does it.

    • Unfair gossip that will contain more fiction than reality, but they will listen to them with interest.

    I dreamed that I saw an ex-boyfriend (I recently accidentally remembered him, but without emotion). Then a conversation with his mother (she was not familiar with her, she died when they met a guy, many years ago). As a result of the conversation, I find out that she did not die and that everything that the guy told me was a lie. I talk about this with a mutual friend who says that he will clarify the situation, and begins to be more suspicious of the guy and treat me better. A feeling of expectation that everything will be cleared up soon and that they will not blame me (in life, many have disapproved of that I left him. It was a very long time. I have not remembered this story for a long time).

    • Get information from a dubious source, but place high hopes on it. The dream warns that in the near future you should check the messages before trusting them.

As they say, nothing foreshadowed, and suddenly a stranger appears in a dream. What messages does it carry, what does it symbolize? Women and in reality, creatures are far from unambiguous, and when it comes to dreams, it is not at all so easy to get to the bottom of it.

What if the dream is of a stranger?

An unfamiliar woman seen in a dream represents the state and mood of the dreamer's soul, his true assessment of his own plans and actions. If the stranger is beautiful - fortunately and luck. If, on the contrary, it is unpleasant to look at her, it is a sign of impending failures and quarrels. The vague outlines of a woman in a dream promise little trouble. Seeing her pregnant - the dreamer is ready for changes and even desperately needs them. A woman with a beard is a surprise.

A stranger in a dream runs away from the dreamer - you should think about your false ideas about some things. If, on the contrary, follows him - his roads in real life do not lead anywhere. To drive away an unfamiliar woman means that the dreamer needs a spiritual mentor due to the inability to control himself.

It matters what gender the person who dreamed of an unfamiliar woman. If this is a man, such a dream predicts him a change in his views in relation to women. If the dreamer is a woman, then this is a symbol of unrecognized character traits.

Seeing in a dream a stranger cooking food - to gain peace. Playing with children - the heyday of mental strength is at its peak. A woman watering flowers in a dream symbolizes hope, and breastfeeding a child - love has settled in the dreamer's soul. If the movements of a stranger are strange, like those of a doll, then this is an image of a soul that is mired in self-deception.

The woman looks hostile - the dreamer betrays himself. A humble, quiet woman promises spiritual development, however shallow. Cunning and insidious - the dreamer is confined within the framework of stereotypes. A stranger in a rage predicts receiving an undeserved resentment. A quarrel with a stranger is dreaming - secret plans cannot be realized, since they will be revealed by someone.

What portends?

An old unknown woman seen in a dream is a harbinger of gossip troubles. A dark-haired and blue-eyed stranger in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's weakness and unwillingness to fight for victory, which is already very close, but it seems to him that the case is lost. If a woman has blonde hair, then soon the dreamer will be able to realize himself in what he loves.

Seeing in a dream an unfamiliar woman raped, torn to pieces is a sign that a person who sees a dream is unjustifiably tormenting himself. If a woman calls for help, the dreamer is tormented by his conscience, but he does not admit this even to himself. A stranger covered in blood is a symbol of a soul overwhelmed by passions, a woman in water (wet) is a symbol of erotic fantasies.

Trying to explain what an unfamiliar woman is dreaming of, it is important to understand that all dream books are compiled by people, which means that you should not blindly trust them, because people tend to make mistakes. It would be much wiser to listen to your own intuition - sometimes it is she who best hints at the essence of things.

Whatever the discovered interpretation of a particular dream turns out to be, the main thing is not to fall into hysterics, no matter from fear or joy. Firstly, the dream book can lie, and secondly, why panic, even if everything happens that way? Nerve cells do not recover, and you still cannot argue against fate.

To see an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that a person will have a meeting with the unknown. What will it be, and in what area should surprises be expected? Dream Interpretations reveal the secrets of a dream, interpreting it in accordance with the circumstances.

Meet a stranger

An interesting interpretation of such dreams is given in his dream book by D. Loff. He considers the image of an unfamiliar woman in a dream as one of the facets of the dreamer's personality. This applies to men to the same extent, because in every man there is a female essence.

Interpreting dreams of this kind, D. Loff emphasizes the main thing for which a lady unknown to you dreams: such a dream allows you to see from the side of yourself and your fears. It reflects the dreamer's idea of ​​himself, of how he would like to look in the eyes of others. A certain ideal double of his soul in the image of an unfamiliar woman is designed to draw attention to the main thing that escapes the eye in the everyday hustle and bustle.

Interpreters Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that for the first time you will experience an unfamiliar feeling. The prettier the unfamiliar woman, the more delight the upcoming events will cause, but if she is unpleasant, even ugly, trouble cannot be avoided. Try to stay away from dangerous situations, do not provoke others with imprudent actions.

Everyone has a bad feeling about what an unfamiliar woman in black mourning clothes is dreaming of - beware of the intrigues of enemies.

According to the Muslim dream book, a stranger in a girl's dream personifies a new ill-wisher, which she did not know about. But if it was a mulatto, there are happy events ahead.


The Muslim dream book explains why an unfamiliar woman is dreaming, who turns into an old woman before our eyes - your life will become happy and prosperous.

According to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book, if a lady dreamed about how she was having fun with a stranger, this is a visualization of lesbian fantasies.

Fighting her in a dream means that the person will be offered participation in a risky venture. Quarrel - your secret plans will be revealed. To see in a rage - to get an undeserved insult in reality. I dreamed that I was crying - a sure sign that help will come from where they did not expect.

Why dream of her visit to visit: this portends unexpected circumstances that will require a quick reaction and exertion of forces. She was hungry in a dream, which means that dangerous sensual desires are peculiar to a person. I dreamed in a nightgown - there will be no happiness in marriage.

Pregnant or with a baby

I dreamed of an unknown pregnant woman - beware of gossip and intrigue. Try to meet adversity fully armed. But there are often favorable forecasts.

Freud connects any reminder in a dream of a pregnant woman with a dream of a child. The Muslim dream book interprets this as the expectation of earthly blessings: you will soon receive good news.

According to Grishina's Noble Dream Book, if an unfamiliar woman dreamed and you understand that she is pregnant, you have been sent a sign of imminent changes, long-awaited and desired. To see her with a child, about whom she tenderly takes care of the recognition that the soul is full of inner fire and inner strength.

Why dream with a baby in your arms, getting ready to breastfeed? Your heart is overflowing with love for humanity or belongs entirely to only one person.

An unknown woman in night dreams is symbolized with the unknown. What is she dreaming of and what is she preparing for you personally? Should we expect surprises, and if so, how pleasant? The dream book will help to understand the issue, depending on the details of the dream and the current circumstances.

Chance meeting

Quite interestingly, this vision is interpreted by Loff's dream book, considering an unfamiliar woman in night dreams as one of the sides of the sleeping person's personality. And this applies not only to women. Remember that in every representative of the stronger sex there is a bit of a feminine principle.

Explaining such a dream, David Loff talks about the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside, as well as to understand your fears. A stranger in a dream will look like the sleeping person would like to see himself in the eyes of other people. Take a closer look at the woman - this way you can discern in yourself what you didn’t manage in reality.

According to Miller, you will soon have to face feelings that you have not experienced before. The more attractive the stranger from your dream was, the more joyful the upcoming changes will be.

But if she was not pretty, you should prepare for various troubles. Be careful - avoid bad companies and try not to get involved in dubious adventures.

Why dream of an unfamiliar woman dressed in a black mourning outfit? Beware of the enemies. They have planned something bad and are ready to put their plan into action.

Various events

The Muslim dream book very unequivocally interprets a stranger in a dream as an enemy of a sleeping person, the existence of which he does not even suspect. But, if you saw a dark-skinned girl, joyful changes and pleasant events await you ahead.

The Eastern dream book also has an interpretation of a vision in which an unfamiliar woman turns into a decrepit old woman. The sleeping man's life will change for the better, and the material issue will no longer be so acute.

What can you dream of having fun with a stranger? According to the Psychoanalytic Interpreter, this is how the sleeper manifests fantasies about an intimate relationship with another girl.

Did you have a fight with an unfamiliar woman while sleeping? You will be invited to a project that turns out to be very risky. Fighting with her? Your secret designs will come to the surface. Was the stranger furious? In reality, you will be undeservedly offended. If she cried bitterly, you will receive help from the side you did not even count on.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman who came to your house? In reality, circumstances are coming that will require an instant reaction and considerable effort from you.

Was the stranger hungry? The sleeper dreams of something dangerous and forbidden. Did you see her in a nightgown? The marriage will be unhappy and most likely won't last long.

Future mother

Dreamed of an unfamiliar woman in a position? Beware of gossip behind your back, as well as plots of ill-wishers. Be prepared, and do not allow your good name to be tarnished.

According to Freud's dream book, everything related to pregnancy in dreams symbolizes the sleeper's dreams of children. The Muslim interpreter explains such a vision with fast news, which will bring a lot of joy.

Nina Grishina's dream book interprets an unfamiliar pregnant woman as an imminent change in the life of the sleeping person. They will only bring joy, besides, you have been waiting for them for a long time.

Does the stranger in your dream show remarkable care for the baby? Your essence is filled with inner strength, says Grishina's dream book.

Why is a woman dreaming with a child in her arms, ready to give him a breast? You are experiencing intense love and your feeling is sincere. It can be directed both at humanity as a whole and at a specific person.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Why is an unfamiliar Woman dreaming in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing an unfamiliar in a dream means the need for a prompt monetary solution, the level of complexity of which will be an order of magnitude higher than you expected.

Successful completion of a case requires a serious approach, faith in and determination. With this, you can achieve any results.


What did you do with a stranger in your dream?

Talking to a stranger in a dream ▼

A dream where you are talking with an unfamiliar woman portends receiving unhappy news, sad news from afar. Unfortunately, you will not be able to influence the course of events.

Did you dream of a young unfamiliar woman?

Seeing a familiar woman in a dream ▼

Felomena's dream book defines a familiar woman as in business, career success. a dream portends an ardent, but fleeting love affair, which will bring a lot of pleasure, but will be fraught with serious health consequences.

Video: Why is an unfamiliar Woman dreaming

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I dreamed of an unfamiliar Woman, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why an unfamiliar Woman is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    A complete unfamiliar woman (I don't see the color of her hair or her face) with her child (the child is big and the same girl) I don't see her the same, how she looks, we entered the site through a hole in the fence (a little incomprehensible) and headed towards the house, I I saw them and went to a meeting, met them and said a few words (what are you doing here and something else) began to escort them away, while we walked the fat one grumbled, approached the main entrance (gate door) the little one came out first, the fat one looked into I took the mailbox and took the mail (newspapers) there and pushed it out the gate, closed the door.

    Hello Tatiana! I have had the same dream for the second day in a row. I see a woman in the distance in a black robe, but her face is not visible, she says nothing to me in a dream, but mentally I understand her, she wants to show me something, but I'm afraid to go to her and don't go. Please tell me what this dream means?

    Well, it began with the fact that in a dream I dreamed of a girl, we met her at school, after that I told her let's meet, she didn't hear me and sat on the bench, I went to my friends, then my brother came up to her and said that wants to meet with her too, well, then she was kidnapped, I don’t even know how it happened, I just remember that the school was captured by someone, Soon we went to save her, we agreed with the bandits on a deal, and she was saved, only the point is that my girlfriend disappeared with her brother, no one knows where, and I ran away with my classmates.

    in a dream, I suddenly found myself in a park on the coast of the city, on a bench with a girl. Between us on the bench, a boy, her son and her mother, sometimes interfered. Was the girl young? very happy. But it is difficult to call her beautiful, at least definitely not to my taste.
    The girl was wearing a hat like a scarf. Her face was illuminated by the rays of the sun. It was afternoon.
    all this did not cause delight in me, rather, I even somehow felt disappointment in her level of beauty. Then I quickly woke up.

    Hello! I am 3 months pregnant. Tonight I had a dream that I went to the hospital for something, and I saw one unfamiliar plump woman who gave birth sitting on a chair, right in the corridor. The woman gave birth quickly, I saw how the head came out and he himself without help. Then the honey sister took him somewhere, I said he was very small, he was probably only 8 months old. The nurse confirmed. And the woman who gave birth to him remained sitting.
    Please tell me what it means

    I open the door in my room and there is a stranger standing there. I was very scared, I wanted to scream, run away, but realized that I could not run away and my voice disappeared, at the end of the dream the woman wanted to leave, but she saw me and called me to come to her. I woke up.

    Hello. My name is Galina. Sometimes I dream of an unfamiliar, strange woman. I cannot make out her faces in a dream. In a dream, she stands over our bed with my husband and whispers something, sometimes I dream about how she walks in our room and whispers something. And yesterday I dreamed that a young, brightly painted woman was trying to hug my husband, while I was lying in bed with him. I chase this woman away, and she laughs in my face.

    Good morning! Now I am in a position))) and recently I started dreaming with unfamiliar women, a crowd of women. I don't remember the special essence and I vaguely remember the faces of women, I just understand in a dream that there are a very large number of unfamiliar ladies! I also dreamed of flies today, also a very large number, and as if I were driving them out, I succeeded in it!

    I recently lost a loved one after that, often some kind of woman of about forty blond-haired looks at me with some reproach, a heavy look and as if she needs something from me and what I don't understand and why is she even dreaming of her at all?

    Hello. I dreamed that an unfamiliar black-haired woman of pleasant appearance was walking on the site of the kindergarten in a bathrobe / blue / my husband's. When she saw me, she took off and threw her robe into the sandpit. And I was collecting / children's, described / things from the sandbox in the yard of my parents.

    I dreamed about my apartment, only much larger than it actually was. I went and closed the doors and windows. Feeling: summer, light. When I reached one of the rooms, I saw a woman who was trying to enter through the balcony. The woman is tall, very slim and straight. Feeling of inflexibility. I asked the question: What do you need. There was no answer. My daughter was passing by, I asked to close the balcony, but the stranger was already looking out the window. I repeated the question. Answer: I only need the code. I said that this is a private area and I call the police. I repeated this phrase 8-10 times. The woman disappeared. Then I saw some kind of building site. I threw some object up to the nest of birds ... Coming back to the house I saw the feathers of a duck in front of the threshold. The feathers were warm brown tones. I woke up feeling some kind of strength. I was not scared. But I could not sleep for a long time. It was at 1 hour 30 minutes today. A very strange dream

    I slept in my dreams and I dreamed that I was rolling in the room on a swing, and I swung so hard that I was pushing the walls with my feet. Suddenly I wake up all in vomit and my grandmother runs in and helps me to clean everything, but I don’t stop and I’ll vomit again, I asked my grandmother to leave and wanted to cope with the cleaning myself, all this time from the beginning to the end there was some unfamiliar to me in the room woman about 40))
    I understood that this was the owner of the apartment who was assigned to watch over us (

    From the beginning it was in some not attractive building, we were sitting there discussing something with women, like acquaintances, then I went somewhere, but suddenly I saw either a cellar, or an underground, and there were two women sitting there, they were soiled in something and sat in shirts, spinning yarn or doing something similar with their hands. then we started to go out, the area turned out to be familiar to me (opposite my house), there is a bed and we sat down on it, we started talking, it started to rain, I see my dad in an old jacket, it became cloudy and windy on the street, the women and I took refuge under blanket (after all, it was raining) I began to call my dad, he walked to us ... and I woke up

    I saw in a dream a middle-aged woman who wipes the dust from the furniture in our house. I guessed that this was my husband’s mistress. I told her that I myself knew how to get out and started hitting her on the head. Soon my husband appears in a dream. calls her by name. points at me and asks her what I am doing there. I answer. that I am your wife. he doesn't talk to me. I had such a dream from Thursday to Friday after another scandal with my husband

    Hello Tatiana! at the moment I am pregnant .. for 12 weeks, I had a dream .. I was standing in a store, and a stranger asked me who I was waiting for. I replied, I don’t know the term is still small. to which she told me, you will have a boy, just do not give birth to him here, that is, in my city, they will ruin your child. why such a dream?

    to see an unfamiliar woman with gorgeous flowing white hair, but her back was to me, so she did not see her face. In the future, a cat sticks to me, bites, I chase her away, she attacks again and I know that as if the cat is the reincarnation of that blonde

    Hello Tatyana, here is my dream: I either wanted to hide from my beloved, or I ran away from him on purpose, I still did not understand, but then I ran to the wrong stop or to the construction site and an unfamiliar grandmother was sitting here and asked me “ what's happened?" I told her and she answered me “you want your young man to be caring. economic. loving you "and then at the same time I almost woke up she said" you have to go "and through a dream I saw my beloved approach and I woke up. What is it for?

    Today I saw my ex-man in a dream, suddenly he saw me at work, where I work now, he does not know, I warned my colleague not to tell him who I work. But suddenly, he comes out of my office with a tall woman with short hair and they sit down to his car. and i'm leaving by bus seems to be on a service bus
    why such a dream?

    Dreaming of the old house in which we lived when we were still young. I, at home alone, at night I see a woman with a short haircut, not visible, approaching the doorway of the bedroom. stood in the aisle i ask you who? she is silent, stood and left

    My husband works on a rotational basis and now I dream of his wagons as if I’m upstairs and a woman sits with her back to me on his bed and persuades his partner to take a walk for 30-40 minutes and he disagrees and then she turns and asks if my hubby gave me his little girls, I say no she waited and laughed, I woke up me already a lot, and there were also dreams with threats.

    Hello, I had a dream that no one was at home and some unfamiliar woman in a headscarf wanted to enter the house, I hid and looked through the window and at the end I could not restrain myself and ran and opened the window to shout what you need but could not my voice seemed to be quiet.

    I stood in the hallway, combing my hair. And suddenly the street door opened for plowing, out of fear I began to call my mother who was sitting in the hall. I ran into the hall and my mother wanted to close the door in the hallway, but then I heard the sound of heels from the top floor of a woman descending the stairs. This woman came to our door with her back, she was dressed in a black hood and with a stick in her hands (the stick is not like a cane), she slowly turned to face me and began to go into the hallway, mom and I ran into the hall. And she followed us, and when she was in the hall she began to beat her mother. I started crying hard, and then my grandmother came up and offered her something, she agreed and left. And I woke up!

    I dreamed of a middle-aged woman with brown well-groomed hair slightly shorter than the shoulders. In a red blouse and dark sunglasses. The eyes were not visible, but there was a clear feeling that he was looking at me and as if calling me somewhere or wanting to say something. I was in the car, in the passenger seat, and she stuck her head through the open driver's window. We tried to close the window, but the power window did not work, and the car started only the fifth time. The woman didn’t say anything, but she “hummed” as if she were dumb.

    OK. I dreamed that I was in a hurry somewhere and, holding hands
    her two children (the eldest son and the youngest daughter), stressing and in a hurry, ran as fast as possible, but they did not cooperate. And suddenly I came face to face with an elderly woman with loose blond hair in a light flared fur coat. She looked me in the eyes and asked if something was bothering me. And I sobbed from this care and attention, I was overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude for her kindness and care. Relief came and I burst into tears. And I woke up crying. The dream was from Friday to Saturday, March 6th. At first I thought that I had a dream about my grandmother, but then I remembered that she and I did not have such a warm, trusting relationship. And I thought I was just dreaming of an old kind lady.

    An older woman sat next to me on the bed and looked, then chuckled. I grabbed her by the throat and began to pray. she began to change her appearance, she became more like a rag doll. then I, in some way, with my hand pushed through the window and she disappeared leaving a wet trail.

    A blonde girl in a white dress in the middle of the forest. In the forest there is a glade with dark green, tall grass, The girl has black eyes like coals. Depending on my age, her age and appearance also changes, With every dream she looks older. And its location changes, it becomes closer. There is a feeling of coldness and anxiety. The sky is always gray and cloudy, the sun is not visible. There are no sounds.

    I am at the bus station and I see a teenager boy of 12 - 13 years old who is standing near the booth with cigarettes and buying them. I decide to intervene and introduce myself as a police officer at that time some woman comes up to the boy (I don't remember what she looked like), asks what was the matter, and I ask her to come with me to the bus station building. She comes in and I start to tell her something about cigarettes and this boy. To which she neatly pulls out some kind of bill and a silver bracelet that looks like a beautiful one, shoves it all to me with the words that she and the boy do not want any misunderstandings. I look at the bill, but I don't know it, the bill says 200, I ask how much it is in rubles - the woman replies that it is about 4-5 thousand rubles. I look at her, she at me, then she takes out what 5 small pieces of paper, she also gives me with the words that it will be useful to me. I see that these are ordinary bus tickets, I don't understand anything, but I take everything. in my thoughts it still flashed, I am still not an employee, a student, the scholarship is not clear when it will be, and the money will not interfere with me now. in the end, this woman and this boy get on a big intercity bus and leave. I am waking up.

    Hello, I woke up from the fact that I could not move my arm or leg, opened my eyes and saw a female figure with long hair in front of me (no face was visible). I tried to scream, but instead of a sound, wheezing escaped. I closed my eyes and opened, but the silhouette stood, I gathered my last strength and turned to my husband and covered myself with a blanket. After lying there for 5 minutes, I looked to the side where there was a silhouette and there was no one there. Please tell me what it is for

    I dreamed that a young girl (not familiar to me) was driving a stroller with a baby very quickly. The baby was crying, the girl hit the carriage very hard on the stop. I started yelling at the girl (for some reason spitting) a relative was holding me, and I was trying to hit her. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed about my deceased husband and next to him was some kind of blonde girl with long hair. In a dream, he walked away from her, came up to me and we hugged. At the same time, she was benevolent.
    And 2-3 months before that, I also dreamed about it. I dreamed that I was looking for my husband. And in some courtyard she stood. She showed me the entrance and the apartment where I found him. I have never seen her in my life.

    I flew with white wings to look for a man and was invisible, and on the way I met a girl with wings, too, a blonde, kind. She helped me find this man. And when he was found tj approached him, / He was with a girl with black hair and a black dress. I thought that he didn’t see me because I’m invisible and he only saw me. I had a dress and when he saw me pulling in himself, he began to say something, and he also became invisible with me. he hugged me and kissed me ... ... etc ....

    Hello! I dreamed of a woman entering through a balcony window. Walked past my bed where I was sleeping. Through half-open eyes, I saw her from the side when she passed into the corridor. After a while, I heard that she was gone. She left in the same way as she entered through the window.

    Good afternoon, I had such a dream from Sunday to Monday.
    I have a younger brother, he is already an adult, in a dream I dreamed that I put him in some kind of a baby carriage for about two or three years old and I took him somewhere into the forest, the mountainous terrain had sand cliffs and there we met a young woman of about 30 35 blue eyes, so clearly I remember she looked straight into my eyes, so I remembered the color of the eyes, the hair is darkish and curly, like they do khimka hair, I don't remember whether she said what or not, but I had such a dream.

    I dreamed of a slender woman, blonde, did not see her face, in pink swimwear, like a bikini, lying on her stomach, holding her legs and looking at the sea or lake, and at that time around on the sand something appeared like a drawing of lines

    dreams that a tall, unfamiliar woman entered the apartment as if by mistake. I tell her: “Who are you and to whom? How did you get here? " And she told me: "Oh, I can't find the door, I am by mistake .." I open the door of my apartment for her to see her out and I see a lot of women in the front door! They were all smiling and smartly dressed and heading to the apartment of the neighbors on the right. I closed my door and woke up.

    I dreamed: a woman is quite well-off, according to the words, it is clear, age 35-38 years old, she said that she was my own mother, said something about the fact that I did not come to her, I saw this woman for the first time. She was dressed decently: in my opinion, a dark gray suit, brunette hair seems to be short, I hardly remember it. Please tell me please what does this mean?

    I dreamed that I overslept for work. Then I saw on my balcony a stranger in business clothes with a briefcase. He just stood there. I was going to work. Then two unfamiliar talking women walked through my apartment to the front door. I opened the door and started pushing the last one out of the apartment.

    I slept during the day and in a dream at the same time I seemed to wake up and there was an aged woman at home, my husband seemed to see her, then she ended up in our room where I was, the child was asleep, she looked at the child, turned in my direction and said that she is still angry

    Hello. In a dream I dreamed of an unfamiliar woman, plump, with short red hair just above the shoulder. I did her hair. We were going somewhere. In the dream, the weather was summer. I saw this woman just like a willow tree very clearly!

    In my first snit, I had such a dream: how my husband and I were lying on the devan and we were watching some kind of movie and then suddenly an unfamiliar woman appeared, she was all in black, I couldn’t see her face, and then she quickly left and after her there was a puddle of water near the door .Please tell me why is it worth worrying about because after this dream I am scared to stay in the room myself and scared to leave it ...

    I stood with my husband and cooked food, he did not listen to me and ate all the cutlets, I needed them for something, I don’t remember, I started to get angry, took the remaining cutlet, and went outside, I walked, and then I I see a familiar place, I already dreamed about it, and from where a woman comes out, seemingly crazy, with frayed blonde hair, in an old, torn, tattered nightgown, a long, in my opinion gently pink, the strangest, I already dreamed of her, in the past dream, she scared me very much, but in this dream, I recognized her, knew that I saw her in a dream, and said oh, here you are a creature, and I had to throw anything at her, she lost her balance, and fell off the path into a small ravine, tried to get out, but unsuccessfully, screamed and threatened to kill, and I just turned around and left, after everything is interrupted, again my husband dreams, who is warned of some danger from this woman, and he just almost beat everyone, and I woke up

    Today I had a rather unusual dream. Namely, I was talking in a dream with an unfamiliar woman. She tried to tell me the story that she is my mother, and not the mother that I have now (and in real life too).

    So, she told these stories to me, and when I asked where she lives, she told me that now we will go to the airport and fly to Germany. But, further, something like an airplane landed right on the road along which the cars were going.
    But at that moment I decided to run away from this woman (since I did not believe her at once), I badge very quickly, as she follows me. But I did not run straight, but in yards, in zigzags. In the end, all this (running around) was about 10 minutes. She did not catch up with me (to be honest, when I was running, I did not see her, where she was there.). I think she lost me, ran in the wrong direction.
    As a result, I ran into the nearest clinic, there was a teacher I knew, and I told her this story. She, like me, did not believe in the plausibility of this story, and supported me. After about five minutes I went out into the street, but did not run anywhere else. There was no point, since she was not in my field of vision anymore.

    What is it for ????

    I dreamed of how an unfamiliar and very angry girl came to my apartment and began to walk around it
    She went into all the rooms trying to find something
    At first I did not understand what she was looking for, but then I remembered about some papers that were in the other room.
    She didn't find anything, but since I couldn't get her out of the house
    I hit her and she lost consciousness or died, it's not clear
    Then I threw it off the balcony, but later I went outside to look for it, but found nothing

    Scattered beds, there we talk to our lovers and had sex with him once, a woman of age and an average young woman walking next to her, and a very young yellow hair with her back is leaving, I saw her twice with her back. I say let me go, he just says no, that's all, and some kind of tap is flowing clear water.

    I dreamed that I was in love with some guy, some kind of village. People unfamiliar are planting potatoes in the field. Then I go to some house, I find a piece of iron there, but I know in a dream that it is for abortions. And then a woman starts to run after me, in a dream I know that she had an abortion from a guy with whom we have love and she hates me, I feel that she is dangerous and run from her. She was in black rags, dirty, angry. I was scared.

    In my dream, I was held hostage by a young black-haired girl, I was held hostage not alone, but with familiar people, but I don’t know exactly with whom. That girl asked everyone questions about some class. I replied that from the first, she smiled maliciously and shot me a little below the throat. there was no blood and I remained alive but the wound itself remained. Then she gave me some tasks I had to find a key to some room and find archives of something there. The whole dream somehow suddenly switched to another location and I was at school. I immediately went to my headmaster and asked for the key. She took a small key from the yellow necklace with a smile, which was also yellow, I gave it to the basement where we have a gym and a locker room in real life and there we have about 5 doors that are always closed and I opened one of the doors with this key and there was a terrible stench. Suddenly there were a lot of cats, both small and large, half of them ran out and the others stayed. sleep somehow that's over)

    In my dream, I was held hostage by a young black-haired girl, I was held hostage not alone, but with familiar people, but I don’t know exactly with whom. That girl asked everyone questions about some class. I replied that from the first, she smiled maliciously and shot me a little below the throat. there was no blood and I remained alive but the wound itself remained. Then she gave me some tasks I had to find a key to some room and find archives of something there. The whole dream somehow suddenly switched to another location and I was at school. I immediately went to my headmaster and asked for the key. She took a small key from the yellow necklace with a smile, which was also yellow, I gave it to the basement where we have a gym and a locker room in real life and there we have about 5 doors that are always closed and I opened one of the doors with this key and there was a terrible stench. Suddenly there were a lot of cats, both small and large, half of them ran out and the others stayed. sleep somehow that's over))))

As they say, nothing foreshadowed, and suddenly a stranger appears in a dream. What messages does it carry, what does it symbolize? Women and in reality, creatures are far from unambiguous, and when it comes to dreams, it is not at all so easy to get to the bottom of it.

What if the dream is of a stranger?

An unfamiliar woman seen in a dream represents the state and mood of the dreamer's soul, his true assessment of his own plans and actions. If the stranger is beautiful - fortunately and luck. If, on the contrary, it is unpleasant to look at her, it is a sign of impending failures and quarrels. The vague outlines of a woman in a dream promise little trouble. Seeing her pregnant - the dreamer is ready for changes and even desperately needs them. A woman with a beard is a surprise.

A stranger in a dream runs away from the dreamer - you should think about your false ideas about some things. If, on the contrary, follows him - his roads in real life do not lead anywhere. To drive away an unfamiliar woman means that the dreamer needs a spiritual mentor due to the inability to control himself.

It matters what gender the person who dreamed of an unfamiliar woman. If this is a man, such a dream predicts him a change in his views in relation to women. If the dreamer is a woman, then this is a symbol of unrecognized character traits.

Seeing in a dream a stranger cooking food - to gain peace. Playing with children - the heyday of mental strength is at its peak. A woman watering flowers in a dream symbolizes hope, and breastfeeding a child - love has settled in the dreamer's soul. If the movements of a stranger are strange, like those of a doll, then this is an image of a soul that is mired in self-deception.

The woman looks hostile - the dreamer betrays himself. A humble, quiet woman promises spiritual development, however shallow. Cunning and insidious - the dreamer is confined within the framework of stereotypes. A stranger in a rage predicts receiving an undeserved resentment. A quarrel with a stranger is dreaming - secret plans cannot be realized, since they will be revealed by someone.

What portends?

An old unknown woman seen in a dream is a harbinger of gossip troubles. A dark-haired and blue-eyed stranger in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's weakness and unwillingness to fight for victory, which is already very close, but it seems to him that the case is lost. If a woman has blonde hair, then soon the dreamer will be able to realize himself in what he loves.

Seeing in a dream an unfamiliar woman raped, torn to pieces is a sign that a person who sees a dream is unjustifiably tormenting himself. If a woman calls for help, the dreamer is tormented by his conscience, but he does not admit this even to himself. A stranger covered in blood is a symbol of a soul overwhelmed by passions, a woman in water (wet) is a symbol of erotic fantasies.

Trying to explain what an unfamiliar woman is dreaming of, it is important to understand that all dream books are compiled by people, which means that you should not blindly trust them, because people tend to make mistakes. It would be much wiser to listen to your own intuition - sometimes it is she who best hints at the essence of things.

Whatever the discovered interpretation of a particular dream turns out to be, the main thing is not to fall into hysterics, no matter from fear or joy. Firstly, the dream book can lie, and secondly, why panic, even if everything happens that way? Nerve cells do not recover, and you still cannot argue against fate.