Vicky's speech to the old man at a minute. The most mysterious blogger in Russia

Vicky's speech to the old man at a minute. The most mysterious blogger in Russia

MOSCOW, 7 Mar - RIA Novosti, Victoria Salnikova . The talent show is a popular format on Russian television. As a rule, each federal channel has its own competition - song or dance. But some of the participants' numbers turn into scandals and heated discussions on the Internet.

Vika Starikova and Zemfira's song

The scandal surrounding the performance of eight-year-old Vika Starikova at the "Minute of Glory" continues to this day. The jury, which includes Sergei Yursky, Vladimir Pozner, Sergei Svetlakov and Renata Litvinova, criticized the girl for the unsuccessful, in their opinion, performance of the song "Live in your head" by Zemfira. The audience hoped that Renata Litvinova, a close friend of the singer and a judge in the competition, would be delighted with the girl. But the actress reacted coldly to Vicki's performance: "You are a good girl, but I internally protest." Vladimir Pozner felt that Vika's parents were wrong when they forced her to speak at the "Minute of Glory". "I like Victoria terribly, lovely girl. I can imagine how she is now standing and listening to us ... I would spit and leave. A man is crying, I would have these people who put her [on the stage] like that, I would have talked to them," - he said.

"Amputee Man"

Members of the jury "Minutes of Glory" Sergei Yursky and Sergei Svetlakov, evaluating the participants, often take a softer position than Vladimir Pozner and Renata Litvinova. The actress is not shy in expressions. The last scandal, which she provoked, flared up around the performance of the one-legged dancer Yevgeny Smirnov. The actress called the participant a "human amputee" and recommended wearing a prosthesis in order to "not exploit the theme" of disability. However, Litvinova voted for his participation in the project. Vladimir Pozner spoke out against: "I am absolutely delighted with you. But, as it seems to me, this is a forbidden technique. When a person leaves like you, without a leg, it is impossible for him to say no. This is a kind of feat, a person managed to overcome what few were able to overcome. In this, in my opinion, the prohibition of reception. There is no strength to say anything. It really hurts me when such methods are used in art. "

Misha Osipov vs. Anatoly Karpov

Three-year-old Misha Osipov at Maxim Galkin's show "Best of all!" fought in chess with the world champion Anatoly Karpov. Before the program, the boy repeatedly took part in city tournaments and defended the second youth category. The child lost to Anatoly Karpov, although he fought with dignity, conquering the master with theoretical knowledge. Misha was upset by the failure to tears. This episode has been discussed on the Internet for a long time. The opinions of netizens were divided: some believed that Anatoly Karpov had to succumb to the boy, others accused the child's parents of excessive ambitions, and still others thought that losing would prepare little Misha for future hardships.

Driving to suicide

Ten years ago, the failure on the "Minute of Glory" show ended tragically for its participant. He was unable to cope with the stress after the refusal of the jury and committed suicide. 56-year-old Alexander Malyutin, a kindergarten employee, came to the competition in the capital from the Altai Territory. He played on the piano "Turkish Rondo" by Mozart, turning away from the keys, and "Dog Waltz" - with his toes. However, the jury, which included Tatyana Tolstaya, Alexander Maslyakov and Yuri Maltsev, stopped the performance and criticized the musician. After the show, other misfortunes fell on Malyutin: the contract with him in the kindergarten was not renewed, so he had to go to work as a janitor. The man's nerves failed.

The participant of the show "Minute of Glory" committed suicide without making it to the finalFailure on the "Minute of Glory" knocked him down. "After his return, he walked with his eyes to the ground for a week," said the musician's wife Nina Panarina, with whom he had lived for the last 9 years.

"They told him everything in a medium-soft form, although in fact he played terribly. If a person is inadequate, then there can be no softness. Many people, especially untalented ones, in such contests see an opportunity for themselves to quickly snatch [fame, prizes], uncritically to their own abilities, "Tatiana Tolstaya said after the tragedy, emphasizing that artists from the provinces should be assessed on a par with others.

"Boring" Varvara Vizbor

The "Voice" show is one of the most popular on television and discussed on the Internet. Spectators often disagree with the decisions of the jury, but the case of Varvara Vizbor, the granddaughter of the famous poet and musician Yuri Vizbor, ended in a big scandal. The girl sang her grandfather's song "Winter", the audience applauded her, but none of the mentors turned to her. During a discussion of Varvara's performance, rapper Basta said that in some places she did not hit the notes, and Grigory Leps found her performance boring. "On the second song, everyone will fall asleep," he said. But after that everyone found out about Barbara.

Recently there was a scandal on the "Minute of Glory" show. The performance of eight-year-old Victoria Starikova, who sang Zemfira's song "Live in your head", caused a public outcry. The viewers of the program were outraged by the tough refereeing of the girl's performance.

The jury members considered that such a composition is not suitable for a first grader who does not understand what she is singing about. Renata Litvinova was surprised that Victoria, having chosen this song for the competition, did not know Zemfira's other works. “I internally protest against this. Some kind of a forbidden move. Excuse me, you are a good girl, ”said Litvinova.

" Moment of glory"

Vladimir Pozner also spoke sharply about the performance: “I am against children on stage. This is more parental vanity - parents want their children to come out and they can brag about them. An eight-year-old man sings a song that was not written by an eight-year-old. While the jury members spoke out, Victoria cried, but no one thought to calm her down.

" Moment of glory"

Producer Max Fadeev, who has been the mentor of the show “Voice. Children ”, could not stay away from this situation. In his Instagram, he wrote a post in which he stood up for Victoria and condemned Vladimir Pozner for harsh criticism of the child. According to the producer, seeing the girl crying, he himself could not hold back the tears.

“I just watched Vika Starikova's wonderful performance at the Minute of Glory.<…>I cannot pass by what happened on the air, because I am a father, teacher and musician. Unlike all those gathered there in the jury. Therefore, I can assess this from the point of view of professional and pedagogical. I have always deeply respected Mr. Posner and considered him the smartest, subtle man, the highest class journalist. But, in my opinion, his attitude towards this little child was very cruel and absolutely insensitive. After all, he is also a father and he knows very well that with a child you need to be extremely careful and attentive in assessing and criticizing him, ”said Fadeev (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are copyright. - Approx. ed.).

Max noted that criticism, of course, should be, but not angry, but accurate: “With regard to such a little girl, criticism should be in the form of a game or soft and fatherly. So that the child perceives it correctly. But Mr. Posner chose a different style of communication with a child no taller than 40 cm. When I watched what the jury members said to her, I cried with her. Because I felt very offended for her: why should she make excuses and explain herself - who chose this song and what does she put into it. She puts in exactly what she feels, that's enough! She does not have to throw all kinds of intellectual sayings in order to pamper the ears of such spoiled husbands. She just sang and that's it. This is neither good nor bad. She just sang, trying to convey her feelings as much as possible.

Fadeev believes that one of the judges, Sergei Svetlakov, was ashamed of his colleagues:
“I saw the face of Sergei Svetlakov, who with every phrase of his colleagues did not know what to do with himself. I suppose he was ashamed of those sitting on his left. Because I know how he treats children and what a wonderful father he is. I will not comment on the behavior, grimaces and texts of Litvinova, everything is clear with her ”.

Clinical udot and omelet

A group of comrades from Minsk brought to the show a set of tricks dangerous to health, literally putting their ... bells under attack for the sake of glory. Unfortunately for the guys, their performance was interrupted very quickly, and one of the judges Stanislav Sadalsky summed up: “The scene is not a dump.”

Orchestra Man Sarah

Sarah Ochs, already known on television as a participant in the reality show "Vacations in Mexico" on MTV, returning from the distant shores, decided to aim at the federal channel. Sarah's vocal number was intricately framed by a “clownade” (as the jury member Maslyakov put it) in the style of a parody of the actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Oks is very much like her). Sarah tried to poke fun at the presenters, comment on her own number from the stage and entered into polemics with the judges. At the same time, Sarah sang, let's be honest, not bad. The girl's vocals were also appreciated by the strict Maslyakov, who said “yes” to the participant.

Environmentally friendly creativity from Donetsk

The appearance of Donetsk farmer Mikhail Rudakov at the “Minute of Glory” sparked controversy between his Ukrainian fans and Russians unfamiliar with this character. The fact is that a couple of years before his trip to Moscow, Mikhail successfully performed at the Ukrainian show "X-Factor" with Valery Leontyev's song "Deltaplane". The judges of the project were both embarrassed by the participant's appearance (Mikhail looked like a bearded hero from a fairy tale) and charmed by the participant's clear voice. Inspired by success at home, Mikhail shaved off his beard and set off to conquer Moscow with the same composition. But something went wrong. An unfamiliar city, excitement in front of new judges or the absence of a beard - it is not clear what exactly unsettled Mikhail, but the voice of the charming farmer trembled. The presenters Dmitry Shepelev and Alexander Oleshko finished off the guy, who found ordinary singing boring, and they promoted Rudakov to ridiculous parodies of the stars. When watching the recording of Rudakov's Moscow performance, it becomes embarrassing for everyone in the frame: for the bewildered Mikhail, for the mocking presenters, and for the jury members who silently agreed with what is happening.

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Little Red Riding Hood and Wolves in the Jury

Kristina Antonova is a famous television freak who never stops trying to make herself known more and more vividly in various talent shows. At “Minute of Glory” Christina appeared twice, and the second failure, traditionally accompanied by jokes from the hosts, finished off Antonova.

To glory through a fracture

Sometimes the thirst for fame leads to tragedy, as happened to the stuntman Denis Petrushin from Tula, who fell from the tower from the boxes and left Ostankino in an ambulance. The video of the failed stunt has garnered almost 6 million views on YouTube, but many viewers are convinced that the fall is a PR staging.

The whole Internet discusses the story of 8-year-old Vika Starikova. At the qualifying round of "Minutes of Glory", the baby sang Zemfira's song "To Live in Your Head". And then she burst into tears right on stage when she heard "no" from the jury. Posner, looking at her tears, began to say that he would like to communicate with the girl's parents: because of their vanity, the child is now crying, and this is wrong.

The other day Vika came to Moscow again to perform in the next round of the competition. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" spoke with Vicki's mother Anna.

- How did Vika survive that performance?

Her first reaction was, of course, strong. Did you see that she was crying? But in general, she is a fighter by nature. And a perfectionist. She is Leo by her zodiac sign. She always wants everything to work out for her. It is not my desire for her to perform, but hers.

But at the same time, she is so emotional - she burst into tears right away. Children react differently. Many at the "Minute of Glory" were told: "No". But only Vicki had such a reaction.

This was our first time on stage. There have never been such colossal refusals in her life. It was the first time she performed at the competition, and even with such a serious jury. Therefore, she had such a reaction. And she later explained to me why she roared. When the judge presses the button, the people in the studio say "oo-oo-oo-oo" - and she was frightened of this hum. She did not understand that in this way the viewers react to the assessment, show their disapproval of the actions of the judges. She thought this hum was personal to her.

- How did you calm her down later?

We drove to the hotel, and I finally let her eat ice cream. She could not do this for a week, so that her throat would not hurt. Then we went with her to the pools, she relaxed and calmed down. I asked her right after the show: “Vika, are we going to the next tour? It will be the same there. " She said, "I don't know, maybe not." But the next day she woke up with peace of mind. We went to the airport. She says, “No, Mom. We'll go anyway. I liked the very feeling on stage. " I say: “But they will say“ no ”to you again. In general, it was her decision again.

- Anna, the jury didn't really scold Vika, but you.

I understand that they have contacted me. But why should you scold me? To be honest, I have sincere bewilderment. For what? For helping my daughter's dream come true?

- They think that vanity speaks in you. It is you who want fame, not your child.

And I don't get it, this glory. As a result, in fact, it got to Vika anyway. She has a lot of fans. She is well-known enough. She has 130 thousand subscribers on YouTube. And they are all waiting for what new songs she will perform. There has never been a single bad review.

- The second accusation is that you are traumatizing Vicki's psyche, it is too difficult for a child.

But there are many such moments in life when the psyche is tested. Take any other competition. Who cares? You have come to the "Minute of Glory" or somewhere else. And on the math test, that there is no load on the psyche? And on the exam? They also said that Vika sings an adult song. What do you think are children's songs? Children's poems? Do the poems about the war that we learn from kindergarten to every May 9 relate to them? And we explain to children what war, death, losses are.

- Does Vika want to be a singer when she grows up?

Do not know. You need to ask her this. At the same age, everything changes very quickly. She wanted to be ear-throat-nose at 4 years old. Then a veterinarian. “Minute of Glory” for her is just another adventure.

- Vika said that she has been singing Zemfira's song for a long time.

Yes, it is in our repertoire. Vika sang it a year ago. And, by the way, I heard it for the first time not performed by Zemfira, but by some other collective, in a different arrangement. We are not fans of any particular artist, we just sing songs that we like without being attached to a person.

- Didn't you have a feeling of disappointed hopes?

No. Rather, I felt bewilderment. This program is running all over the world. There are in Britain, Ukraine, and other countries. And everywhere it is a show of talent, not professional artists. Every person, regardless of skills, number of awards, place of work, can go on stage and show what he is capable of. It is difficult to judge people for this. Right? Talent and skill are two different things.

- Today Vladimir Pozner gave Vika a note - as he said "love". What's in it?

- “Vicusa for a long memory for participating in the“ Minute of Glory ”. Something like this. We will laminate this note and of course keep it.

Victoria Starikova - Live in your head (Minute of glory). Victoria Starikova sings Zemfira's song "To live in your head".

Victoria Starikova came to Moscow from Nizhny Tagil to take part in the "Minute of Glory" competition. The girl sang Zemfira's song "To live in your head". The schoolgirl's performance was evaluated by Sergey Yursky, Vladimir Pozner, Sergey Svetlakov and Renata Litvinova. Knowing Zemfira closely, Litvinova criticized the girl's performance. The actress stressed that Victoria chose the song "too adult", the meaning of which she does not understand. Vladimir Pozner sided with Litvinova and suggested that parents could simply be promoting at the expense of their daughter. Writes about it TV channel "360".

Despite the criticism, the girl went to the next round of the competition, where she sang Sergei Trofimov's song "Rodina" with her mother. But the jury members were again unhappy with the performance of the young singer. Mom Anna Starikova said that her daughter is very worried about what happened. In particular, she does not understand why the parents were attacked.

The viewers' opinion on this situation was divided: some stood up for the young singer and called the decision of Litvinova and Posner unfair. Others joined in criticizing Starikova.

After Victoria took part in the show, in Nizhny Tagil she was awarded the “Person of the Year” award in the category “Children Who Glorified the City”. Now the girl is studying in two schools: ordinary and music. She combines her studies with performances. So, last summer, the schoolgirl took third place in the international festival "Generation NEXT 2017".