Cthulhu woke up from eternal sleep? Scott Waring discovered this monster. Character history who are so different

Cthulhu woke up from eternal sleep? Scott Waring discovered this monster. Character history who are so different
Cthulhu woke up from eternal sleep? Scott Waring discovered this monster. Character history who are so different

"... Aged Castro recalled excerpts of frightening legends, on the background
which flexible all the arguments of theosophists and which represent a person and
All our world, as something recent and temporary. Were eras when on earth
Other creatures dominated, and they created large cities. As told
Immortal Chinese, the remains of these creatures can still be discovered: they
turned into cyclopic stones on the Pacific Islands. They all died
long before the appearance of man, but there are ways to revive them,
Especially when the stars again take a favorable position in the cycle of eternity.
After all, they themselves came from the stars and brought their images with them,
The great elders, continued Castro, not entirely consist of flesh and
blood. They have a form - for how this figure does not serve
proof? - But the form of them is not embodied in matter. When the stars are born
a favorable position, they will be able to move from one world to another, but
While the stars are poorly located. They can't live. However, although they are no longer
Live, but they never completely died. They are all lying in stone houses in
Their huge city of P "Fluhe, protected by the spells of powerful titulhu, in
waiting for the great rebirth when the stars and the earth will again be ready for them
parish. But at this moment, their bodies should be promoted
Some external force. Spells that make them invulnerable
At the same time, they do not allow them to take the first step, so now they can
just lie without sleep in the dark and think until countless millions of years
rush past. They know everything that happens in the universe because
The form of their communication is the transfer of thoughts. So even now they
Talk to each other in their graves. When, after infinite
chaos, the first people appeared on earth, the great elders appeared to the most
with the help of introducing dreams in them, because only
The way they could achieve the consciousness of people.
And so, whispered Castro, these first people created a cult around the small
IDols showed by the great elders: idols brought in long ago
Out of the memory of the century, from dark stars. This cult will never stop
It will continue until the stars again do not take a good position, and
Secret priests will raise the Great Citule from his grave to revive it
subjects and restore his power on Earth. Time it will be easy
Recognize, for then all people will become like great elders - wild and
free, will be on the other side of good and evil, will drop aside the laws and,
Moral, will scream, kill and have fun. Then liberated elders
will reveal them new tricks as shouting, killing and having fun, enjoying
ourselves, and the whole earth is backed up by the erecting fire of freedom and ecstasy, until those
pore the cult, with the help of his rituals and rituals, must be stored in memory
These ancient ways and to proclaim prophecies about their revival.
In former times, selected people could talk with bold
Elders during sleep, but then something happened. Great stone city
P "LEX, with its monuments and tombstones disappeared under the waves; and deep water,
Full single primary secrets through which even thought can pass through
They cut and this ghostly communication. But the memory never dies, and the Supreme
The priests say that the city will rise again when the stars will occupy a favorable
position. Then her black perfumes, ghostly and forgotten,
Full mille extracted from under the bottom of the forgotten seas. But about this old Castro
It is not entitled. He sharply cut his story, and in the future no
Attempts could not make him talk. It is also strange that it is categorically
Refused to describe the size of the elders. The heart of this religion, according to him,
is located in the midst of the missing deserts of Arabia, where he dreamed in
Insectention Irem, city of columns. This belief is not connected with
the European cult of witches, and almost unknown to anyone except him
Adherents. None of the books are not even a hint of him, although, as
Tell the immortal Chinese, in the "necronomicone" of the insane Arab author
Abduli Alghazred has rows with a double meaning that a beginner can
read at your discretion, in particular such a verse, repeatedly
The subject of discussion:
"Always lie without movement can not only be dead,
And in strange epochs, even death can die "..."

"... movable
curiosity, Johansen people rushed forward on the captured yacht, while
Being 47 degrees 9 minutes southern latitude and 126 degrees 43 minutes
Western longitude, did not come across the coastline, where in the middle of sticky mud
and Ila discovered the peeling stone masonry, which was nothing
other, as the materialized horror of that planet - a nightmare city-corpse
P "Flu, built in immemorial prehistoric times giant
disgusting creatures descended from dark stars, there were a great
Tstuluhu and his unpertless hordes, covered in green creep stone
Tomples sent those most messages that are in the form of nightmares
penetrated the dreams of sensitive people, and loyal servants called on a campaign with a mission
Liberation and revival of their lords. All this is Johansen and not
I suspected, but God sees, soon he saw so much that it was quite
I suggested that only the most tip of the monstrous, crowned
the monolith of the citadel, under which the great titulhu lay, performed over
The surface of the water. When I thought about the length of the part that goes
Inland, I immediately had the idea of \u200b\u200bsuicide. Johansen and his sailors
were covered by reverent horror in the face of the cosmic greatness of this
Wet Babylon ancient demons, and, apparently, without any
Tips guessed that it could not be the creation of our or any
Another civilization from the planet Earth. Thrust from inconceive
greenish stone blocks, from stunning height of a huge carved
monolith, from the stunning similarity of the colossal statues and bas-reliefs with
A strange figure found in the ship's shipping altar, explicitly
It is felt in each row of the infertime narration of the assistant captain.
Not having the idea what futurism is, Johansen, nevertheless
approached him in his image of the city. Instead of accurate description
any building or building, it is limited only by common
impressions from giant angles or stone planes - surfaces
too big so they are created on this planet, in addition to covered
frightening images and letters. I mentioned here the statements about
corners because it reminded me of one moment in the story of Wilcox about his
Dreams. He said that the geometry of the space that appeared in a dream,
was anomalous, ineavric and frighteningly filled with spheres and measurements,
Different from usual to us. And now the little sailor felt
The same, looking at the terrible reality. Johansen and his team landed
on the slant orched shore of this monstrous acropolis, and steel, sliding,
climb up the titanic combined blocks that do not
Could be a ladder for mortals. Even the sun in heaven looked distorted
In miasms, exhibit this truly immersed in the sea, and the threat and danger
viciously attached to these insane, eliminating corners of a carved stone, where
The second look caught a depression on the place on which the first discovered
Something very similar to fear covered all travelers before
how they saw something except stones, yals and algae. Each of them
would convince if it were not for afraid to undergo ridicule from the rest, and
Therefore, they just made it seemed to seek something - as it turned out, absolutely
No result - some small souvenir in memory of this place.
Portuguese Rodriguez was the first who climbed into the foot of monolith and
shouted that I discovered something interesting. The rest ran to it and all
together with curiosity stared at a huge carved door with already familiar
An image of a charture dragon. She looked like Johansen wrote on the door
barn; they all immediately understood that it was the door because of the vessels
Decorated jumpers, threshold and jambs, although they could not solve;. Lie Lie
It is flat, like a door-hatch, or stands as a space as the door of the external cellar. how
Spoke Wilcox, geometry here was completely wrong. It was impossible to S.
confidently say the sea and the surface of the earth is horizontal or
No, since the relative location of the world
Fantasmagorically changed.
Brian pressed the stone in several places, but unsuccessfully. Then
Donovan took carefully all the door around the edges, pressing each site by
separate. He climbed along a giant mold-covered stone - that
there is, it was possible to think that he climbs, if only this thing is still
did not lie horizontally, then very soft and slowly panel in size in acre
began to descend down and they realized that she balanced in an unstable
equilibrium, Donovan slipped down along the joy, joined his
comrades, and now they all watched a strange decline
Monstrous carved portal. In this fantastic world of prismatic
distortion, the stove moved completely unnaturally, diagonally, so
All rules of the movement of matter and the laws of perspectives seemed to be broken.
The doorway was black, and the darkness seemed almost material.
Through some moments, this darkness broke out, as smoke after
centuries-old imprisonment, and by ": least how he poured into the wrinkled
The humpback sky on the clapping of the webbed wings, in front of them
Flesh the sun. From the discovered depths rose completely unbearable
SMRR, and the Hawkins distinguished by sharp hearing caught a disgusting squalid
The sound came from the bottom. And then, awkwardly raw and fright,
In front of them it appeared and the power began to squeeze his green,
Jelly immensity through a black doorway in a spoiled atmosphere
poisonous insane city.
In this place, manuscripts Handwriting poor Johansen became almost
illegible, out of six people who have not returned to the ship, two died here
same, in place - in his opinion, just from fear. The creature was described
It is impossible - because there is no language suitable for transmitting such crochet
timeless madness, such a terrible contradiction of all the laws of matter,
Energy and cosmic order. Walking or rather making mountain
vertex. God's righteous! What is amazing in the fact that at the other end
Earth outstanding architect went crazy, and poor Wilcox, receiving
Telepatic signal, fell ill with fever? Green, sticky spout of stars,
awakened to declare his rights. Stars again occupied a favorable
position and what an ancient cult failed to achieve all
rituals, it was a pure accidentally carried out a handful of absolutely
innocuous sailors. After billion years of imprisonment, the Great Tstulhu was again
Free and eager to enjoy this freedom.
Three were rented by giant claws before someone from them
stirred. The Lord of their soul, if somewhere in this universe
There is a place to rest. These were Donovan, Guerer and Enstrom. Parker
slipped when the remaining alive, losing their heads from fear, rushed to
boat on giant steps covered with green crust, and Johansen assured
What Parker was like a stone masonry swallowed. In the end to the boat
Only Brian and Johansen himself were preserved: they desperately began to row to
"Vyppitive", and the monster slapped into the water and now, losing time,
Started by the shore.
Despite the obvious lack of working hands, they managed to run
"Victory" and sail. Slowly gaining a move, the yacht began to foam this
Dead water, and meanwhile, near the stone sticks of the disastrous coast,
which could not be called the Earth, the titanic creature is something
muttered and allowed drooling like a polyfe, sending curses after
Removing ship Odyssey. Then the great titulhu, many times more
Powerful than legendary cyclops, began persecution, raising gigantic
Waves with their cosmic beats. Bryden lost reason.
From that moment, he only laughed with short pauses to those
pores until death overtook him. Johansen is almost in complete despair wandered
on deck, not knowing that
However, Johansen still did not surrender. Knowing that the creature is easily
overtakes "vigilant", even if you move on all pairs, he decided on
Desperate step: setting the car on the most complete, flew to the bridge and sharply
Deployed the steering wheel. Powerful waves rose and salt water boiled. When
The car again scored full speed, brave norwegian sent the ship's nose
right on the pursuing his monstrous jelly, towering over dirty foam
The feed of the devilish galleon. The monstrous top of the pinched with
fluttering tentacles rose almost to a rack of a rack of the yacht, but
Johansen led the ship forward.
There was an explosion, as if the giant bubble burst, behind him -
The disgusting sound of the resulting titanic jellyfish, accompanied by
Malnia thousands of expansion graves.
For one moment, the ship covered the caustic and blinding green cloud, so
It was visible only violently boiling water for the feed; And though - God
All-aircraft! - the shreds of the Unnamed Messenger of Stars gradually
reunited in their nauseous initial shape, distance between it
And the yacht rapidly increased.
Everything was over ... "

© Howard Lafcraft. Call Khulhu

Oddly enough, I want to know the remaining appearance of Cthulhu.
All genesis, so to speak.

Ktulhu (EnglishChulhu) in the myths of Khulhu - Sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific, the monster, capable of influencing the human mind. For the first time mentioned in the story of Howard Lovekraft "Call Ktulhu" (1928).

On the view of Cthulhu in different parts of the body is like octopus, dragon and man: judging by the bas-relief from Anthony Wilcox, the hero of "Zov Ktulhu", and the mysterious ancient sculpture from the story, the monster has his head with tentacles, a humanoid body, covered with scales, and a pair of rudimentary wings. A description from the fictional magazine Gustafa Johansen adds that the living Ktulhu is squinting and expires mucos when driving, and its body is green, pudget and miraculously regenerates with observable speed. The exact growth is not indicated; Johansen liked the miracle of the "Khoachi Mountain", greater than the "legendary cyclops"; Ktulhu (floating or on the bottom) "receded over the unclean foam, like the feed of demonic galleon."

Cthulhu belongs to the genus of the ancients. He lies in a dream, like death, on the top of the Underwater city of R'leh in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. "With the right position of the stars," R'leh appears above the water, and the Cthulhu is released.

In the myths, Ktulhu describes the ancient religious tradition of worship (cult) of Ctulhu. According to Lovecraft, the cultists are present in a variety of corners of the Earth; In particular, among the Eskimos of Greenland, and among the inhabitants of New England. At their meetings, the cultists arrange human sacrifices, sacrifices, dance and read the mantra "PH'NGLUI MGLV'NAFH KTULLU R'LEH VGAH'NAGL FHTAGN", which, according to certain cultists (according to the "call of Ktulhu"), should be understood as " Its house in R'leh is a dead ktulhu waiting for the dreams. "

Cthulhu is able to influence the mind of human beings, but its abilities are drunk the thickness of water, so that only the dreams of particularly sensitive people remain subject to it. In the "call of Ktulhu" dreams, scattered by Ktulhu, horrifying them very much, and sometimes bring to mad. Ktulhu is an alien, completely alien to human nature, and the whole history of mankind is only a moment of his sleep. The cultists are convinced of the great power of their idol, and the death of civilization seems to be very likely, although insignificant, consequences of the awakening of the Cthulhu.

This is how myths say about it:

Ktulhu (also Cutula, Ktulchut, Thu Thu, Tula). The informal Great Ancient, which is most often described as a clawed, an ax-head creature with large wings, like a bat. Kthulhu is sleeping in the mortal trance in R "Fleight, but one day he will be suggested in order to edit the world.

Records about KTHOUCHU Scroll, but it seems he was generated in the world of Vurl at the twenty-third nebula. Later he wandered a green double star hot, where he was coincided with the creature named Idh-ya, in order to give rise to the great ancient Ghatanotho, Ythogtha, and Tsog-Ommog. Next, Kthoulhu and his offspring flew to the yuggot, from where they went to Earth.

On their arrival, Ktulhu and his retinue on the island in the Pacific Ocean built a huge stone city of P "Liekh. At first, the descendant of Ktulhu resisted the senior creatures who dwell on Earth for millions of years before the arrival of KTHOLUHU. After the war, in which the descendants of Kthulha destroyed all the cities of senior creatures , both camps declared the world and agreed not to interfere with each other.

For Sim, Kthoulhu and his descendants, for many years he enjoyed freedom in this world, but soon they fell into a period of deep waiting. For millions of years, humanity has slowly developed. Kthulhu spoke with this new creatures in their dreams, informing them where they are statues with his way, koi he brought from the stars. So the cult of Kthulhu was born. But once the black r "Liekh suffered a disaster. Perhaps it was a revenge of unknown deities or changes in the stars, the moon, separated from the Earth (although it is believed that the servants of KTHOLU would know about it). Time to this catastrophe is also unknown; according to the doctrine of the cult, it is It happened after the origin of his first cults, others believe that it happened long before the development of humanity. For no reason, the city of P "Liekh was immersed in the water of the Pacific Ocean, shuting Kthoulhu and his descendants as in a trap. Water blocked most of their telepathic signals, eliminating any contact with their servants except through random dreams. Kthulhu could not do anything, and waiting until the stars are installed in a proper order; Only then will be free from imprisonment.

Since then, the grave of Kthoulhu from time to time risen from the water, freeing Kthoulhu for brief periods. Whenever several days or weeks, P "Liekh was immersed back into the sea again. However, the day will come when the black city does not return to the seabed. We will kill Kthulhu and rushing around the world.

Kthulha cults are widespread; The traces of his worship remained on Haiti, Louisiana, in the south of the Pacific Ocean, in Mexico City, Arabia, Siberia, K "N-Yan, and Greenland. Immortal priests supported the cult somewhere in the China Mountains, but the true center of the Cult was located somewhere In Arabia, near Irema. The first work of Professor Angela and his successors gave a lot of information about hidden cults.

Mostly, this cult remained secret, but the legends about Kana Loa still go to the Hawaiian Islands, the evil of God-Kalmare, who is imprisoned in the underworld. Rituals KTHUCHU are often performed near the ocean or a large bay, and it is believed that Halloween - One of his top festivals. There are rumors that Kthoulhu is just the highest priest yogh-cellotha. Some enmity exists between Kthoulhu and his brother, inexpressible Hustur. However, no one knows because of what conflict arose between him.

In some texts, KTHULUHU is called a water elemental elemental, despite the fact that the ocean blocks its telepathic signals to humanity. The manuscript of Sussem mentions Kthoulhu, as a manifestation of Nyarlathotep, although no other source interprets it in this way. Francis Lanie tried to tie a Kuiha-Aire to Kthoulhu with the god of Huitzilopochtley. This is an explicit fault; Huitzilopochtley is the God of Aztec and he does not like Kthulhu at all. Finally, some held parallels between Kthoulhu and to "Thulu Sauzhhis, the highest priest, who escaped to South America. Some take any of these hypotheses.

On the view of Khulhu with different parts of the body is like octopus, dragon and man: According to the description of Lovekraft, it is green, sticky and thick, has the head like a octopus, a jarred dragon-like body, covered with scales and a couple of rudimentary wings. It does not indicate the exact size, but judging by the story of the "call of Khulhu", it is clearly no less than the vehicle of the average value. First mentioned in the story "Dagon" (1917) of the same grandfather.

Ktulhu lies "in a dream, like death," in the sunken city, Schlepe R'lé (R'Lih in another translation) in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. "When the stars take the right position," R'l will rise from the seabed and Cthulhu will wake up. In the "Miphs of Ktulhu" describes an ancient religious tradition of worshiping Ktulhu. According to Lovecraft, the cultists are present among the Eskimos of Greenland, and among the inhabitants of New England, and in general throughout the world. At their meetings, the cultists arrange human sacrifices, dancing and sow mantra "PCH'GLUI MGLV'NAFH KTULUHU R'LEH VGAKH'NAGL FHTAGN"that, according to the testimony of some of the cultists, should be understood as "In his house in R'leh, the dead Ktulhu is sleeping, waiting for its o'clock".

Cthulhu is able to influence the mind of human beings, but its abilities are drowned in the thickness of water, so only dreams remain to him. In the story of the dreams, scattered by Ktulhu, horrify them very horrifying, and sometimes bring to madness.

In 1997, in the region of the specified Lovecraft location, P'l was recorded underwater sound, which was named his own "Bloop" (BLUP, from English - "Ryv", "howling"). The nature of sound indicates its animal origin, but the capacity is much superior to the one that could be achieved by famous types of marine animals.

Writing Lovecraft in an amazing way close to pronunciation to the Sumerian Deity of Kululu - the main thing of the Chimperics of Enki lives in her house at the bottom of the sea.

Its name is pronounced in the mortal language approximately as Khlûl'hloo or Kathooloo - so kept our grandfather Lovecraft:

None of the English options for the pronunciation of sound "C" ( Ttuluhu) not. In English to designate sound c. A combination is used tS., while the letter from read like russian from In front of the letters e., i. and y. ("FIFTI fromeT ", for example, against Russian transcription" Cent ") or as" K "in all other cases. In this way Ttuluhu in English sources can not be exactly like StoulhuFor the lettering "CT" can only be read as "CT". Exceptions - abbreviations. Most likely, such a pronunciation went from one of the translations of the pseudonecronomic (Simon necronomicone).

In the youth layers of Runet, the image of Ktulhu found the popularity of on a par with a bear and even got his own emoticons - (;), (:?,: -E, (JLJ), and also?. Ktulhu became the subject of many cartoons, jokes, jokes and parodies (Rassbat phrases "Ktulhu is fseh!"; "Ktulhu Fhatagne!"; "Ktulhu is YOUR MOSK!"). In these jokes, Ktulhu is sometimes attributed to the unknown actions borrowed from similar images, for example, the eating of the human "Moska" (brain) ( Perhaps due to the similarity with Illitida and due to the properties of the Khutulhu itself, control the mind of people at a distance, that is, the absorption of the mind, and then he was reflected in the "absorption of the brain").

The cult of Ktulhu, which causes the fair fears of the heads of many states from North Korea to France and the United States, for a long time in the darkness of scientific oblivion by ethnographers and religious, being the property of a few scattered and isolated sects from each other. The first mention of the worship of Cthulhu is found in the "Chinese al-azif" of the Arab traveler and the occultist Abdullah Ibn-Hazreda (or Abdul Alchazred, as is often called in English-speaking sources). This book was written in Damascus about 730 and is not so much mystical as the historical treatise of the elderly Skaltar about what was and left. The writings of this kind found a lot on the enlightened Arab East. Yemen Abdullah Ibn-Khazred's native a lot wandered, from Punjab to Maghreb, easily led foreign languages \u200b\u200band did not miss the case to praise the ability to read and translate manuscripts that were not able to less scientists.

Ibn Hazred showed a rather specific interest in forgotten beliefs, secret cults and dark superstitions of various tribes and sects encountered on their path. The famous American writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft undeservesily calls his "insane Arab." In fact, even if the modern standards of Ibn-Khazred and led himself somewhat eccentric, sometimes risking life to get to the ruins of the ruins of the city of columns, such actions are fully justified by any major traveler with a desire to achieve a goal.

In the final book of the whole of his life, "Chinese al-Azif" Ibn-Khazred spoke about the sect or, rather, a group of sects who worship the oldest gods and seek to help them subordinate to their power all the Earth. An important role in this is played by the high priest of the oldest gods Monstrous Ctulhu, sleeping dead sleep in the abyss of the sea and standing in the thickness of the water, when the stars and planets will be lined up in a certain order. Then, with the help of the will of the Adepts, Ktulhu will wake up and wakes the oldest gods. And until then, the adherents do not guess their religion, regularly conducting rituals and chants.

All these gloomy beliefs would remain the property of researchers of the history of religions, if at the beginning of the 20th century there was no place for the location of the sunken city of P "Layh and the Sleeping Priest of the oldest gods - Ktulhu.

For the first time about Ktulhu, civilized white people started talking in 1860. The Arctic Expedition of the Princeton University was looking for an ancient Viking Parking in Iceland and Greenland and carved ruunic inscriptions. The hypothesis of the discovery of America by Scandinavian Morelods was checked in those years. The inscriptions did not find, but on the west coast of Greenland, they discovered the extinct tribe of the Eskimos, who worshiped the devil - Tornasuka. In any case, so approved the neighboring tribes, to stay away from the adherents of frightening religion. It was doubly strange, taking into account the cruel and places of isoor pagan rites, common among the Eskimos of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic. The head of the expedition, Professor Anthropology, Joel Korn, visited a tribe who falsifies in isolation and even managed to talk the main chaman - AngoCok. The tribe had fetish: a small statuette of porous black and green stone, standing on a high granite boulder. Eskimos danced around him, meeting the sunrise after a long polar winter. In the same place, Valun, human sacrifices of captives or tribesmen took place. Professor Korni interested the rites that are unknown in Eskimos, transmitted from generation to generation from time immemorial. Of particular interest was the chant, with which they appealed to the figure, symbolizing Tornasuka. These were the words of a completely different language, unknown science and not like anything! Angecocked carefully reproduced by the background of the words of the Devilish Liturgy for a curious professor. Eskimos worshiped by sleeping at the bottom of the sea with powerful Ctulhu and the victims were brought to him, assumed in their loyalty to the day of awakening.

Publication of the Joela Corn's report in the annual compilation of the Royal Geographical Society, whose member of which the professor was, aroused the interest of the enlightened world. Court British poet Alfred Tennison immediately responded to this poem "Ktulhu":

Away from storms raging over him
At the bottom of the puchin, under the abyss of the waters,
Deep sleep, eternal and deaf,
Sleep Cthulhu firmly; Rare beam flames
In the bottomless darkness; Shelter flesh sides
Giant sponges eternally armor.
And looks up, on a weak day of daylight,
From many hidden corners
Rasking sensitively a network of living branches,
Polyps Giant Predatory Forest.
He sleeps the century, monstrous worms
In a dream swallow; But wait for the day -
The hour of last fire comes;
And into the world of people and residents of heaven

For the first time he will pop up - and the end will come to everyone.

Interest in the degenerate tribe of Eskimos quickly faded and another time about Khulhu spoke in 1908. At the meeting of the American Archaeological Society in New Orleans, the police inspector John R. Luratrass brought for the purpose of identifying a statuette of a black and green stone. The figurine was captured during a police raid in Louisiana forests. Sects of idolaters suspected of human sacrifices, conducted their disgusting worst in the island in the middle of the marsh. The captured by the surprises of mestizi almost did not resist. The police managed to detect the decomposed remains and an eight-fighter granite post with a uniform tiny figure of a stone idol at the top. Since Legrassia, who conducted an investigation into this case, failed to identify a strange cult, a conscientious inspector appealed to specialists.

To his surprise, the figure caused the frantic interest of Professor William Channning Webb, almost half a century ago, participated in the Arctic Expedition of the Korn. WEBB stated that Fetish Metisov strongly resembles the idol of Eskimo devils. But as a statuette could get from the distant Greenland to the south of America? Obviously, it was two different sculptures. Professor Webb inquired, is it known to Ligrass about sectarian chants? In the papers of the inspector, it was recorded. Strange Litania on an unknown language sounded like a "pH" NGLUI MGLW "NAFH CTHULHU R" Lyeh Wgah "Nagl Fhtagn", a pathetic imitation of phonetics of absolutely inhuman words defined by the physiological device of the speech apparatus, absolutely not similar to earthly.

It was these words to hear William Webb on the west coast of Greenland!

Two identical worships, two identical statuettes from Dicar tribes in different parts of the earth - it was incredible! The Lenrass Inspector added that during the interrogations, the translation of the pagan singing was found out: "In his house in R" Lajah, the dead Ctulhu is waiting in the dream. "Arrested meters told a lot about the oldest gods and great priest Ktulhu in a dark crypt at the bottom of the sea. Gositive in New Orleans Howard Phillips Lovecraft drew the sculpture of Cthulhu.

Lovecraft, an unusually erudite person, established the relationship between these two strange sects and a description of the forgotten cults made in the "Chinese al-Azif". He outlined his observations in the story "Call Ktulhu", thanks to which Ktulhu acquired a lot of admirers, especially in the current Russia. Modern sectarians spend role-playing games, and the results of the Internet voting, when more than sixteen thousand people thought about the awakening of Ktulhu, a good example of the raven popularity of the oldest gods.

The final chord in this story was the discovery in 1925 by the crew of the Yacht "Alert" of strange ruins, rising from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean as a result of seismic activity in the area of \u200b\u200b47 degrees 9 minutes of southern latitude and 126 degrees 43 minutes of Western longitude. Thus was found by the city of P "Laich." The island did not have time to be blurred, as soon as soon as possible. Studies manufactured by the US Navy in the second half of the twentieth century, long remained a state secret. The phenomenon p "Laich was recognized as actually existing. The heads of state left Ktulhu alone until better times. Turning to him with suspicion, and with caution waiting for the great sleep will wake up.


Cthulhism - parody religion on the type of Pastafarianism. Khulkhians argue that Ctulhu will be waged and "Zohavait Fsech".

Cthulkhians practice several humorous religious rituals:
Bringing victims. Each cultist is obliged at least once a month to produce ritual yokes. To do this, it is necessary to sniff something tasty and loudly say: "Zohavano in the name of Ktulhu!"
Offers. Any cultist who has spent, lost or otherwise parting with some property, is obliged to consider this by a membership fee for the benefit of Ctulhu, which should immediately notify others by saying "Ctulhu Zohaval!"

Although Khulhism is a Russian phenomenon, in other countries there are also parody cults of Ctulhu, for example, the American Campus Crusade for Cthulhu.

Cthulhism, as a course, gave rise to, in turn, new pseudocultural manifestations: In particular, a teaching appeared in Chelyabinsk called by phcgnism. Adherents of phgtagnism, perceiving Cthulhism as a kind of Old Testament, summarize him and claim that inside each there is an unknown force that can wake up and produce truly global changes. The main postulate of Fhatagnism says: "In his house, everyone will be waged at the appointed hour!" He holds a parallel with the main spell of Cultulhu's cult: "Pokhlui Molenunzh Ktulhu Rlayh Ugakhnagl Fhatagne!" (In her house, the dead Ktulhu will be waged at the appointed hour), which is given by the Howard F. Lovekraft itself.

In July 2006, during preparation for the Internet conference of the President of Russia V. V. Putin, a fun question "How do you feel about the awakening of Cthulhu?" It turned out to be among the leaders in popularity. 16682 people voted for him.At the conference itself, the answer to him, as well as the other questions "unnaturally inflated popularity," did not follow. However, with informal communication with journalists, Putin said: "I am generally suspected to any otherworldly forces. If someone wants to turn to true values, then let him better honor the Bible, Talmud or Quran. Will be more benefit."

sources When Ctulhu is waging ...

When Ctulhu is waging ...

In one of the annual online conferences of Vladimir Putin with Russian citizens, spent on the air, asked him how he belongs to the awakening of the Cthulhu - the monsters sleeping at the bottom of the ocean capable of influencing the human mind. The question was clearly pressing - because 16,682 users voted over the Internet!

Putin found it difficult to give an immediate response about his attitude to Ktulhu. After the end of the communication session with the people and the consultation of some expert, at least about the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich, the Russian leader was reported on the next meeting with the press, which suspicious refers to every otherworldly forces.

The statement, of course, is very ambiguous, for the Lord God and His Saints are also not for the strength of this world, but we must admit that Khulhu, as the phenomenon of a very special kind, the suspicious attitude of Vladimir Vladimirovich caused quite reasonably.

Notes of Mad Araba

The cult of Ktulhu, causing due to heavenly coincidences, which will be discussed below, the fears of heads of many states, for a long time in the darkness of scientific oblivion by ethnographers and religious scientists. It was the property of a few scattered and isolated sects from each other.

The first mention of the worship of Ktulhu is found in Kitab Al-Azif - the product of the medieval Arab traveler and the occultist Abdullah Ibn-Khazred. This book was written in Damascus about 730 and is not so much mystical as the historical treatise of the elderly Skaltar about what was and left.

The writings of this kind met on an enlightened Arab East a lot. Yemen Abdullah Ibn-Khazred's native there was a lot - from Western India to the current Morocco and Tunisia, easily learned foreign languages \u200b\u200band did not miss the case to read the ability to read and translate manuscripts to cope with whom other scientists were able to cope with. Of particular interest, the scientist Yemenen showed for forgotten beliefs, secret cults and dark superstitions of various tribes and sects encountered on their way.

The famous American writer Howard Lovecraft calls his "insane Arab." In fact, if even according to modern standards, he behaved sometimes eccentric, his actions are fully justified with the desire for any serious traveler and ethnographer to achieve the goal.

In the final book of the whole of his life, the "Chinese al-Azif" scientist told about the sect or, or rather, a group of sects who worship the oldest gods and seek to help them subordinate to their power all the Earth.

The high priest of the oldest gods is plays a primary role in this, a monstrous receiving agent-semi-seater of Ctulhu, sleeping dead sleep in the abyss of the sea and standing in the thickness of the water, when heavenly sign occurs. Then, with the help of adepts, which will be sent to a collective energy impulse, designed to enter the resonance with the forces of astrological scenario, Ktulhu will wake up himself and wakes the oldest gods. And until then, the adherents do not guess their religion, regularly conducting rituals and chants.

All these beliefs would remain the property of researchers in the history of religions, if at the beginning of the 20th century there was no place to be the location of the sunken city of R'Laych and the smoke priest of the oldest gods - Ktulhu.

Arctic devil

For the first time about Khulhu, representatives of European civilization spoke in 1860. The Arctic Expedition of the Princeton University was looking for an ancient Viking Parking in Iceland and Greenland and carved ruunic inscriptions. The hypothesis of the discovery of America by Scandinavian Morelods was checked in those years.

The inscriptions did not find, but on the west coast of Greenland, they discovered the extinct tribe of the Eskimos, who worshiped the devil - Tornasuka. In any case, so approved the neighboring tribes, putting away from adherents of frightening religion.

It was doubly strange, taking into account the cruel and places of isoor the pagan rites common among the Eskimos of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic.

Head of the expedition Professor Anthropology Joel Korn visited the tribe in isolation and even managed to talk the main shaman. The tribe had fetish: a small statuette of a porous black and green stone, standing on a high granite boulder. Eskimos danced around him, meeting the sunrise after a long polar winter. In the same place, Valun, human sacrifices of captives or tribesmen took place.

Professor Korni interested Delightls unknown in Eskimosov, transmitted from generation to generation from time immemorial. Of particular interest was the chant, with which they appealed to the figure, symbolizing the devil. These were the words of a completely different language, unknown science and not like anything!

Shaman carefully reproduced the course of the devilish liturgy for a curious professor. It turned out that the Eskimos worshiped at the bottom of the sea with powerful Ctulhu and the victims were brought to him, assumed in their loyalty and waiting for his awakening.

Publication of the Corner Report in the annual collection of the British Royal Geographic Society, whose member of which the professor was, aroused the interest of the enlightened world. The court poet Alfred Tennison immediately responded to this by the famous poem "Ktulhu":

Away from storms raging over him
At the bottom of the puchin, under the abyss of the waters,
Deep sleep, eternal and deaf,
Sleep Cthulhu firmly; Rare beam flames

In the bottomless darkness; Shelter flesh sides
Giant sponges eternally armor.
And looks up, on a weak day of daylight,
From many hidden corners

Rasking sensitively a network of living branches,
Polyps Giant Predatory Forest.
He sleeps the century, monstrous worms

In a dream swallow; But wait for the day -
The hour of last fire comes;

And into the world of people and residents of heaven
For the first time he will pop up - and the end will come to everything.

Priest in a dark sclepe

Interest in the degenerate tribe of the Eskimos quickly UGAS, and next time he was talking about Cthulhu in 1908.

At the meeting of the American Archaeological Society in New Orleans, the police inspector John R. Luratrass brought in order to identify a figurine from black and green stone. The figurine was captured during a police raid in Louisiana forests. Sects of idolaters suspected of human sacrifices, conducted their disgusting worst in the island in the middle of the marsh. The captured by the surprises of mestizi almost did not resist.

The police managed to detect the decomposed remains and an eight-fighter granite post with a uniform tiny figure of a stone idol at the top. Since Legrassia, who conducted an investigation into this case, failed to identify a strange cult, a conscientious inspector appealed to specialists.

To his surprise, the figure caused the frantic interest of Professor William Channning Webba, almost half a century ago, participating in the Arctic Expedition of the Korn as an intern. WEBB stated that Fetish Metisov strongly resembles the idol of Eskimo devils. But as a figurine could get from distant Greenland to the south of America?

Obviously, it was two different sculptures. Professor Webb inquired, is it known to a police from the sectarians? In the papers of the inspector, it was recorded. Strange Litania on an unknown language sounded as a pathetic imitation of phonetics of absolutely inhuman words, which assumed the physiological device of the speech apparatus, completely unknown on earth. But it was these words that William Webb in the West Coast of Greenland!

Two identical worships, two identical figurines from the Dicar tribes in different parts of the Earth - it was incredible! The inspector added that during interrogations, the translation of the pagan singing was found: "In his house in R'layah, the dead Ktulhu is waiting in the dream." Arrested meters told a lot about the oldest gods and a great priest in a dark crypt at the bottom of the sea. Govard Phillips Lavkraft drew the statement of Ctulhu in New Orleans.

Lovecraft, an unusually erudite person, established a connection between these two strange sects and a description of the forgotten cults made in the "Cytab al-Azif". He outlined his observations in the story "Call of Ktulhu", thanks to whom he acquired a lot of admirers, including in today's Russia.

Modern sectarians who worship the ruthless and bloodthirsty high priest of immemorial times, conduct role-playing games to gain a place in the fierce world of Cthulhu and the oldest gods. And the results of the online voting that occurred during the communication of Russians with the country's leader, when more than 16 thousand people thought about the awakening of the monsters at the same time, is a good example of the fairly popularity of the oldest gods.

Strange ruins

The final chord in this story was the discovery in 1925 the crew of the Yacht "Alert" of huge strange ruins, rising from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean as a result of seismic activity in the area of \u200b\u200b47 degrees 9 minutes of southern latitude and 126 degrees of 43 minutes of Western longitude. Thus was found by the city of R'layh, who, however, soon went under the water again.

Studies produced by the US Navy in the second half of the twentieth century, long remained a state secret. The phenomenon was recognized as actually existing. Heads of state left Ktulhu alone until better times. Referring to him with suspicion and with caution waiting for the Great Sleeping Priest wakes up.

Apophis - Sign of Mraka and Death

But what then, according to the versators of Ktulhu, will happen? Yes, in fact, all the same as described in any legend about the end of the world: Heavenly Fire devouring everything in its path; Floods that will blend most of the sushi; terrible diseases that will be in the grave of those who knew did not know about the existence of Ctulhu; The triumph of his few followers and their relocation to some other spheres - whether purely astral, or quite material ...

But there is one circumstance that the desire to enroll this cult in the discharge of superstitious nonsense. According to the approximate calculations of Ibn-Hazred, which, like any enlightened Arab in those times, had knowledge of astrology, Cthulhu will be waking up around 2030. Approximately the same date turned out to calculate the connoisseur of the occultism of Howard Lovekraft - from 2029 to 2031.

Both lived when their contemporaries could not eat such a prospect. But this period is very worried about modern astronomers: in their opinion, the chance is great that in 2029 the Earth will face asteroid apophis, named so named the ancient Egyptian god of darkness and destruction.

"The PFSMO will wake himself up by Ktulhu," said the Devolooclon-Eskimo devils. What is it a random consonance? Or - scary to think! - Nevertheless, the memory of the future?

Readers, penetrating the story, often believe that they are all real. So what happened to Howard Lovecraft.

To date, one of the most mysterious characters is perhaps the mythical creature of Ctulhu. Is this myth? Or does it exist?

Appearance and ability

Khulhu is a deity sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The first mention of him appears in the book "Call of Khulhu", written in 1928 by Howard Lovecraft. In the world created by the world, Ktulhu is the beast of worlds.

The appearance of the beast of the worlds is very specific and frightening: it is simultaneously similar to octopus, man and dragon. The head with the tentacles, the body of the Humanoid, covered with scales, and on the back there are wings.

Characters of the book add that Cthulhu during movements produces crumbling sounds, and the mucus flowing through it has a green color, like his body, centela and jelly-like. A peculiarity of the mythical monster is its unimaginable fast regeneration.

The growth of Ktulhu is not specified, but it was compared with the "walking mountain", and if he walked or sailed along the bottom, his body was highly elevated above the water.

Cthulhu has an unusual ability: it can affect the mind of people. But being immersed in a deep sleep under the thickness of the Pacific Ocean in the ruins of the city of R'leh, his abilities are drunk, and it is able to penetrate into the dream of people, hovering horror and fear. Some of such nightmares go crazy.

With the right position of the stars, "R'leh appears above the water, and Cthulhu is released.

The appearance of Cthulhu and the city of R'leh

Where did he come from? How was it on our planet? Myths dedicated to the emergence of Cthulhu tell the story of his appearance.

He was born in the world of Vurl, located in 23 nebula. Turning into the green double star of hot / ksot, made a compass with the creature of IDH-yaa. Thanks to this union, the great ancients appeared: Ghatanotho, Ythogtha, and Tsog-Ommog.

Traveling, Ktulhu and his offspring flew to Yuggot, after which they were on Earth.

Although in some sources it is reported that the descendants of Ktulhu is considered to be the entire population of rally, in the cycle of Novel Lina Carter, the follower of Howard Lovekraft, is reported only about 4 of the ancients:

  • The first is the creature Gkhatanotho / Gatanotoamentioned in the story of Lovecraft "out of times". It had the ability to turn everything into a stone, barely glancing.
  • Ythogtha - This is a mixture of toad and human giant sizes. One single eye and a lot of tentacles decorated his head.
  • Tsog-Ommoga - The third descendant generated by the Great. Conical torso with head, shaver and tentacles, four hands.
  • Another follower of Lovecraft, Brian Lamley, supplemented the list of descendants to another one. She was a secret daughter Khullawhich is hidden from all because it has a special mission. She must revive the Father, if he perits, holding it to reincarnation.

In the Pacific Ocean, they built a giant stone city.

In different sources, depending on the transcription and pronunciation, the name of the city is read as R'lhech / R'lieh / R'Lih.

True, it is reported that before the arrival of Ctulhu, senior creatures lived on Earth millions of years.

They resisted his power, but after the war, during which all the cities of senior beings were destroyed, both parties agreed on the world.

For a long time they lived in the city calmly. But suddenly he immersed under the water, locating Ktulhu at the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Why it happened, it is not known to anyone. But the most obvious reason is the revenge of older creatures for the disadvantaged.

From time to time, the city appeared above the water, but then plunged on the bottom again.

Worship of an unusual statuette

In 730, the Arab Traveler and the Occultist Abdullah Ibn-Hazred (or Abdul Alchazred) produced the book "Kitab Al-Azif". It would seem, how are the myths and a book, published so long ago?

It turns out that the traveler found a group of sect whose cult was the worship of the eldest gods, seeking to help them in subordinate to the Earth.

Cthulhu in all this story is the high priest. The sectarians believed that he was resting at the ocean day and would await the moment of waking up. As soon as Khulhu is waking up, he will accomplish the awakening of the oldest.

All this could remain a legend of the Arab traveler, having no confirmation if not an expedition to the Arctic committed by Princeton University in 1860.

After going to Iceland and Greenland, they were looking for ancient viking parking to confirm or disprove the hypothesis about the opening of America by Scandinavians.

During the expedition on the west coast of Greenland, an extinct tribe of Eskimos was discovered.

The object of their worship was the devil - Tornasuka. Created cult crushed people. Neighboring tribes were afraid of them, trying to stay away.

Figurine drawing of Cthulhu

Professor - Anthropologist Joel Corn was able to find out the main chaman about their rites.

The tribe was kept a figurine made of black and green stone towering on a pedestal.

They arranged ritual dances during the sunrise after a prolonged winter, committed sacrifices.

Particular attention, Professor drew on the words of charts, who were accompanied by their rituals. It was another language, previously unknown.

Shaman agreed to translate the song, and it turned out that it was devoted to the powerful Ctulhu.

It comes 1908. It was then that interest in an unusual being returns.

In Louisiana forests, a sect was discovered, which was suspected of human sacrifices. The object of their worship was the same statuette discovered during the princen expedition.

Identified it was able to Professor William Channing Webb, who participated in that very expedition itself. It turned out that the Eskimo sect was not the only one.

The police officer who took part in the capture of the participants of the cult, recorded the ritual chant, which later turned out to be the most chanting of Eskimos. The captured sectarians talked a lot about the oldest gods and Ktulhu, who slept in the sclepe at the bottom of the sea.

"PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFH CTHULHU R'LYEH WGAH'NAGL FHTAGN" in Russian sounds like "in his house in R'laych the dead Ktulhu is waiting in a dream."

At that time, Howard Phillips Lovecraft was in New Orleans and heard this story. He portrayed the Cthulhu statuette in his drawings. It was this news that heard from the professor was based on books.

City of R'leh in the Pacific Ocean

Howard Lovecraft in history about Ktulhu described not only the history of his appearance, but also indicated the coordinates where the city of R'leh could be located.

Of course, no one accepted it seriously, until strange ruins were revealed. As a result of seismic activity, they rose in the midst of the Pacific Ocean.

Lovecraft was not mistaken much: he pointed out 47 ° 9 'southern latitude and 126 ° 43' Western longitude. The ruins were discovered in the area of \u200b\u200b47 degrees 9 minutes of southern latitude and 126 degrees 43 minutes of Western longitude.

Approximate location of the city of R'leh and the Sound "Bloop"

Alas, he did not succeed, because he almost immediately plunged under the water.

Since then, the city of R'leh is considered to be really existing, although this information was hidden by the state very long.

A frightening discovery associated with history about Ktulhu brought 1997.

In the region specified by Lovecraft, as the location of the city of R'leh, unusual sounds were recorded.

Underwater acoustic sensors were not mistaken, as the sound was reproduced several times. Subsequently, ultra-low-frequency sound received its own name - "Bloop".

The coordinates of the sound almost coincided with the coordinates of Lovecraft: about 50 ° of southern latitude and 100 ° West longitude.

The influence of Khulhu

Despite his myths, Cthulhu acquired followers throughout the land. Haiti, Louisiana, South of the Pacific Ocean, Mexico City, Arabia, Siberia and Greenland - here is a list of places where Ctulhu cult has been widespread.

In most cases, the cult is secret or completely disappeared, but Hawaii is fulfilled by the legends of Kan-Loa, evil Bog Calmare.

Rituals dedicated to the Deity are fulfilled, as a rule, next to the ocean. Followers are arranged sacrifices, dance and sing a song that has been discovered by the cult of Eskimos in Greenland.

The popularity of the stories about Khulhu was huge. Its images scattered throughout the Internet, becoming the basis for funny pictures. And the very unusual manifestation of popularity was the appearance of Khulhuism in Russia.

This parody religion claiming that "Ktulhu will be waged and" Zohava Fsech ".
Khulkhians even have their own "rituals":

  • Sacrifice: it is necessary to "call" something, while saying "Zohavano in the name of Ktulhu!".
  • Offering: If the cultist lost some thing, he must consider it to be a belist, saying "Ktulhu Zohaval!".

The image of Ktulhu became not only an object for humor, but also left a deep in the next in the books of different authors, movies, music and games. He lay down the basis of several stories, became an excellent character of computer and board games.

Howard Lovecraft created an incredible story with a monster, which still causes interest in many. Perhaps if it were not for his book, this character would not have acquired such popularity.

And how true is the study of the Eskimos sects and whether the cult of Ktulhu remains only to guess.

For no accident, the heads of state classify information about him. After all, the island in the Pacific Ocean for a long time was a state secret.

All that remains for us is to guess whether the Great Ctulhu is awakened by Sleep, buried in the ruins of the city of R'leh.