Nikki Reed and her daughter. Yen Somerhalder and Nikki Reed: their history and the latest news

Nikki Reed and her daughter. Yen Somerhalder and Nikki Reed: their history and the latest news
Nikki Reed and her daughter. Yen Somerhalder and Nikki Reed: their history and the latest news

Yen Somerhalder and Nikki Reed They became famous thanks to the roles of Damon in the "Vampire Diaries" and Rosalie in Twilight - Vampires, beautiful and damned. The characters conquered the hearts of the audience with their gloomy charm. Playing the wedding in 2015, the actors embodied the dream of fans. Is the life of the stars look like a fairy tale and are they not going to divorce? It is worth telling about everything in order.

Ian Somerhalder

The star of the "Vampire Diaries" Jen provided his character in nationwide love, and myself - the status of a sex symbol. International success manifested itself in the creation of an actor fan clubs in social networks. Among them and the Russian "Yen Somerhalder Dale" in the VKontakte network.

  • Full name: Yen Joseph Somerhalder.
  • Date of birth: December 8, 1978
  • Height: 177 cm.

Career development

At the age of 10, Yen began model career. The future actor worked for fashion magazines, participated in the shows of the Milan and Paris Week modes, was the face of advertising campaigns of leading brands, including Azzaro and Versace. At 17, Somerhalder left the model business for the acting career. Today Somerhalder does not like to remember a fashionable career that does not fit into the image of a serious actor.

The Way of Jena in the Big Cinema began with the film Woody Allen "Celebrity" (1998) with Charlize Theron and Kenneth Brahn. Yen performed a small role, but when installing this episode was cut out.

Success came with the project "Stay alive" in 2004 Hero Yen - the spoiled Bun Carlisle - dies one of the first. Despite the short part in the shooting, the actor recalled that he was hard to part with his character, and removal of the death of Carlisle were not an easy test. However, in the following series, the hero has repeatedly appeared in memories.

The film brought Jen's recognition of viewers and film critics, he received several nominations and awards as a promising young actor.

World Glory came to Somerhalder after filming in the series "Vampire Diaries" (2009-2017). Damon Salvatore performed by Jena became one of his favorite kinoshodeev. During the show of the show, Somerhalder was awarded several awards of Teen Choice Awards and People's Choice Awards in nominations for the best negative character, the best actor of the TV film, the best duet (together with Nina Dobrev) and others.

In 2016, Somerhalder declared the desire to leave the "Vampire Diaries" for the sake of working on other roles.

Personal life

It is known about the Actor novel in 2004 with the heir of the Empire of hotels Niki Hilton. Somerhalder met with film director Megan Old and novice designer Sara Maleitest. The joy of the fans of Vampire Saga, romantic relationships associated the actor with the partner on the TV series Nina Dobrev. The novel began in 2011 and lasted until 2014.

Nicky Reed

Actress, Writer, Musician - Reed managed to prove himself as a versatile gifted person. Her way to fame began dramatically, but talents and beauty became an effective weapon in the struggle for success.

  • Full name: Nicole Houston Reed.
  • Date of birth on May 17, 1988
  • Height: 163 cm.

Career and role

In childhood, Nikki was an exemplary child, but with the onset of transitionally changed everything. Nikki conflicted with his family, left home, tried drugs. He helped working with her friend's girlfriend - director Katherine Hardwick. With its help, Nikki wrote the script of the film "Thirteen", told the uneasy autobiographical history of the teenage girl.

Producers convinced Nikki to play a major role in the film, since some scenes were too risky for other young actresses. For the work, the starting actress received the Independent Spirit Awards award in the nomination for the best debut.

In the following work - "The first time mini" and "Kings of Dogtown" - the characters of Nikki supported her image of a sexually relaxed teenager.

Actress's wide fame provided filming in the series "O.S. - lonely Hearts". At the beginning, Nikki's career was focused on independent cinema and did not want to earn the popularity with filming in television films, but later called such plans "naive".

Reed showed herself in music. Together with a graduate of the show "American Idol" by Paul McDonald, she released the single "NOW THAT I'VE FOUND YOU" (2011). In 2012, the couple recorded the album in the style of indie rock, one of the songs of which sounded in "Twilight".

The brightest today is the work of Nikki Reed - the image of the vampire Rosalie Hale. In 2008-2012 The actress took part in the adaptation of 5 Romans Stephanie Meyer: "Twilight", "Twilight: New Moon", "Twilight: Eclipse" and 2 parts "Twilight: Dawn again." Rosalie, which is too beautiful even for a vampire, has become one of the favorite characters of the saga.

Actress novels

In 2007, the beloved actress was the Russian actor Pavel Priluchny, whose name she perpetuated in the form of a tattoo. In 2011-2012 Reed is the wife of Paul McDonald. Their joint musical creativity is inspired by personal relationships.

History of relationship

Nikki and Yen were familiar long before the romantic relationships began between them. The actors were friends and only in 2014 became a pair.

Love triangle

Rid and Somerhalder had a lot of common acquaintances among colleagues. Including Nina Dobrev - the Yen Colleague on the "Vampire Diaries" and his beloved. Nikki destroyed idyll than he deserved hatred of the vampire diaries. Yen and Nina broke up, but continued to work together in the series.

Did not break the friendly relations and Nikki with Nina. In an interview with a friend-rival called the fans of vampire sag not to mix movies and real life. Today, girls continue to communicate and confirm friendly relations with joint photographs in social networks.

Nikki Reed and Yen Somerhalder tried to hide love relationships, although they spent more time than just friends. Suspicions were confirmed by paparazzi pictures that were constantly catching two stars during co-leisure. Soon, Reed and Somerhalder stopped hiding obvious.

Happy together

After 6 months of living together, in January 2015, the couple announced the engagement. In proof of his feelings, Somerhalder presented the bride ring in the form of a flower with a giant diamond and sowing of diamonds. The gift shocked not only fans, but also the Nikki itself. The actress did not hide his joy, willingly demonstrated the jewel and confessed in an interview: "It is great. I have a lot of reasons to be happy, but I look at him every day and I think just: "Wow!" I just have no words. "

The actress did not reveal the romantic details on how Jen did her a proposal for marriage, but literally glowed from happiness.

Wedding celebration

The event took place in April 2015. Yen reported fans on social networks. At the wedding there were only relatives and close friends of newlyweds, including actors from the "Vampire Diaries". The property was decorated with white flowers. Instead of gifts, the newlyweds asked guests to make donations in Somerowder-founded charity fund.

A honeymoon was followed by a honeymoon, which were held in Mexico and Brazil. Yen Somerhalder without T-shirts and Nikki Reed in a swimsuit filled the pages of tabloid, allowing fans to admire celebrities in all its glory and rejoice for happy newlyweds.

Sun in their lives

In the spring of 2017, it became known that star spouses are waiting for a child. Nikki Reed and her husband hid this fact until the latter. Finally, Somerhalder interrupted silence, posing in Instagram touching photos from Nikki and her rounded tummy. "For all 38 years of my life, I did not know anything more powerful and beautiful. I do not know anything more impressive than this new head of life, and I want you to find out about it from us, "the actor applied to the subscribers.

In anticipation of the firstborn Nikki spoke to journalists about their joy and that the gender is not important. She would be glad and son and daughter.

In July 2017, Nikki gave birth to a girl who gave an unusual name of Bodhi salts. Approximate translation from Sanskrit - "Solar Enlightenment".

New stage

After the birth of the daughter, the spouses disappeared from the attention of the press, focusing on a quiet family happiness and parental concerns.

A few months later, Yen and Nikki resumed secular life, appearing at the presentation of the film and other events of the Hollywood show business. Nikki demonstrated not only stylish outfits, but also an ideal physical form restored after delivery.

In social networks, Somerhalder does not get tired of admiring his spouse. Also does not hide his love Reed. The latest stories from the lives of celebrities appear in Yen and Nikki accounts faster than the gossip of a yellow press about the parting of a happy couple. According to Reed, they do not feel a nine-year difference in age and they have almost no reasons for quarrels. The only reason for disagreements is the color of Somerhalder's eyes.

Today, star spouses unite not only deep feelings and daughter, but also common views on life:

  • Reed and Somerhalder love animals. Settling together, in love with two horses, three cats and four dogs.
  • Celebrities are engaged in yoga and practice joint asians.
  • Nikki and Yen are frequent guests of musical festivals, in particular, the famous coaching.
  • Stars pay a lot of attention to environmental issues and environmental protection. Yen Somerhalder and Nikki Reed are included in the lists of the most environmentally conscious celebrities. Spouses oversee the projects of the charity "Fund of Yen Somaerhalder" on the construction of reserves.
  • Nikki and Yen refuse GMO products, participate in popularizing clothes from environmentally friendly materials and help promote women's education and business development programs.

Nikki Reed and Yen Somerhalder - a harmonious family. With his union, actors give the audience hope that happiness is possible not only in the movie and the fairy tale does not end with the titles for the film.

ATTENTION, only today!

The personal life of a recognized handsome is under the closer attention of numerous fans, trying not to miss any details from everything that happens in it. For a long time, neither of his star passions of Yen did not dare to go under the crown until he met his future wife. So how many novels were the stars of the Vampire Diaries, until he was in the status of one of the most enviable grooms?

All girls Yen Somuchalder

The actor himself, who among the sexiest men of the planet, does not like to share the details of his personal life, but each of his former girls gladly remember that once it was associated with the most tender feelings with one of the most desirable grooms of the planet.

Sara Maleites.

The first serious novel, who lasted for about two years, happened to Yen Somaerhalder with the designer Sara Maleites, to which he experienced the warmest feelings, calling his muse. For Sarah, the actor almost became a vegetarian, trying to give it to her in all her preferences. But then they both were too busy with their careers, who took a lot of time, almost leaving him to communicate, and the lovers decided to part.

Kate Bosworth.

The next Passion Yen Somerhalder became the actress Kate Bosworth, with which he was familiar and before on the film "Young Americans", but the novel between the actors broke out later, after Kate broke up with Orlando Bloom, and Jena with Sara Malitytes.

The lovers had common interests - horse riding and charity, but it was not enough for a long relationship, and they lasted just a few months, while not leaving a serious track in the personal life of Yen Somerhalder.

Nikki Hilton

Almost as short was the novel of the "Vampire Diaries" with the sister of the Scandalous Lion's Space Lioness Paris Hilton Nikki. Then he was already known enough and paparazzi did not miss the opportunity to trace, with whom Ian is found at the moment. With Hilton Somerhalder, he broke out, then converged again, and, in the end, they diverged completely.

Maggie Grace

On the set of the series "Stay alive" Somerhalder got acquainted with actress Maggie Grace, but the novel between them began only at the next project - LOST. The pair diligently hid her relationship, explaining close communication just by friendship, although it was clear that it was clear that it was the most real love, and the truth is not too long.

A few months later, Maggie in one of the interviews reported that she was still too young to think about creating a family, although he was delighted with her former beloved.

Megan Old

For three years, Jen met with Megan Old, an assistant producer and the director of the TV with which he met in the winter of 2006. Six months after the start of the relationship at the wedding of his brother, Bob Megan was represented as a future wife of Yen Somaerhalder, but then something went wrong between lovers, and they broke up.

Ashley Green

It is difficult to say whether it is possible to call the novel what happened between Jen Somerhalder and the beauty of Ashley Green, who played Alice Cullen in Twilight. Relationships were fleeting, but bright and left the most pleasant memories and yen, and Ashley.

Yen Somerhalder Nina Dobrev was destined to become not only within the framework of the Vampire Diaries project, but also in real life.

The audience with the fading of the hearts watched the sensual and thrill relations of Damon, the role of which was performed by Yen, and Elena Gilbert, the girl, the image of which embodied in Nina Dobrev.

Every day, held together on the set, the actors more and more attracted each other, and they began to meet, but for almost a year they kept their novel in secret - only in 2011, they first publicly admitted that they were a pair.

Why Nina Dobrev and Yen Somerhalder broke up

Yen adored his beloved, performed anyone her desires and saw his future only next to Nina, who wanted to create a real family.

However, in Dobrev's plans, which was substantially younger than Somerhalder, it was not a career more important for her, she wanted to work a lot, play, and to acquire children until she was going.

Perhaps these disagreements were the reason that the steam that the fans of the series "The Vampire Diaries" broke up.

The actors themselves were not given any comments about their gap, so about more accurate reasons it remains only to guess, but it can be said with confidence that he was not easy for both.

According to rumors, the gap with Yen has become one of the reasons that Nina Dobrev in 2014 left the project. The fact is that after the actors have ceased to be a couple, it became difficult to communicate on the set, besides, after some time, Somucher appeared another - actress Nikki Reed, famous for another Vampire Saga "Twilight", which became often appear on set.

The situation aggravated so much that the scenarios were forced to rewrite some scenes to Nina and Yen intersect on the set as close as possible. Nina was hard to see next to the former beloved new girl, and she chose to leave the series, returning only to the final series than the instilled his many fans.

Later, Dobrev reported that he was already calmly related to the fact that Yen had all in his life and without her, and even supports good relations with him and his wife.

Yen Somerhalder and Nikki Reed

Following his rule, Somerhalder diligently hid everything that happened in his personal life from others, so the seriousness of his novel with Nikki Reed could only guess. Everything was resolved unexpected and joyful news that in the spring of 2015 they became spouses.

Love story

Before the beginning of his novel, Nikki and Yen were familiar to nine years - once they presented to each other a common acquaintance. All this time, young people tied only friendship - Reed, who under Somerhalder for ten years, could not even imagine that he could link her fate with such an adult guy, although Ian liked her at first glance.

It is difficult to say that it was the beginning of their romantic relationships, but for the first time they started talking about the fact that Nikki Reed and Jen Somerhalder Couple, in the summer of 2014. Increasingly, they began to see them together - then on jogs, then walking in the park or in the city streets.

Lovers had a lot of common interests, among which the most important animal love and charity - they take an active part in various projects aimed at helping families with patients with children and animal protection.

In the summer of the same year, Jen and Nikki made their first joint journey, having left Sun Valley resort in Idaho ride skiing. Laying photos from a holiday in the network, Somerhalder wrote that this is some of the happiest vacation in his life.

The first public event on which the couple appeared together was the "Golden Globe", which took place in January 2015. By that time, they were already engaged, as evidenced by the ring, which was shining on the finger of Nikki-Reed, became the first girl of the actor who responds to the proposal to become his wife Yen Somaerhalder and give birth to him.

Only for Nikki, these events were more important than a career, which was rated by Jen's dignity. By the way, for Reed, marriage with Yen's second - before that, she was married to two and a half years behind the musician Paul McDonald.


Lovers did not postpone the wedding in a long box and got married shortly after the engagement. The celebration took place at the end of April 2015, and was surrounded by the secret, and the valuable snapshots managed only to personal photographer actors, and only some of them became available to the public.

Nikki Reed and Yen Somerhalder explained their mystery to the fact that they did not want to create an extra hype around their wedding, which was dreamed of making a quiet and modest, only for close relatives and friends. The celebration was held in the small Californian Town Topang at the Tuscali Mountain Inn.

Among the invited, it was possible to notice the Kolleague Yen on the TV series "Vampire Diaries" Paul Wesley and Phoebe Tonkin, Kat Graham and Matthew Davis.

Large white tables, decorated with white balls, were covered on the territory of the hotel right in the open air, and entertained guests and newlyweds specially invited musicians.

Nikki and Yen warned guests in advance that they did not give them any gifts, and instead made donations to the Somerhalder Founder for the salvation of animals.

After the wedding, the newlyweds went to Mexico, however, their honeymoon turned out to be very short - after a few days of rest they went to Brazil to take part in a press conference dedicated to the "Vampire Diaries".

Children of Yen Somaerhalder and Nikki Reed

Replenishment This married couple was waiting with special impatience - and Nikki, and Yen did not imagine their lives without children, and on July 25, they first became the parents of a small daughter, which was given an unusual name - Body Solly Rid-Somerhalder.

Parents decided not to know the most childbirth who would be born - a boy or a girl to make the appearance of the baby with a real surprise. Only a few weeks it took the wife of Yen Somaerhalder to return to the previous form, which can be judged by the photo taken during a walk with a newborn baby.

The first month after the birth of a daughter, a young family, as they planned, spent in the mode of silence - did not even communicate with anyone by phone, did not invite guests, did not give interviews. Ian and Nikki enjoyed the time, which, according to them, will no longer be able to return, because children grow so fast.

However, just a few months later, the married couple joined a public life again, and the first event in it was the event about the launch of a new line of jewelry of Nikki Reed.

A distinctive feature of these decorations is that for their manufacture, materials obtained after processing computer components are used.

And in the future they plan to create their own production company, especially since Nikki already has experience in this area - in 2009, she was a producer of the picture "In captivity".

(Ian Somerhalder). Body Soleil Reed Somerhalder (Bodhi Soleil Reed Somerhalder) was born in July 2017 in one of the clinics of Los Angeles, after which the spouses took the month of silence. In honor of the birthday of babies, we tell about how star parents spent this year in the new role.

Celebrities carefully prepared for the appearance of the firstborn, hiding both pregnancy Nikki and the birth of a girl from prying eyes. Despite all the attempts of journalists, the information appeared only on their pages in Instagram.

"It was a special time in our lives, and we wanted to save it as long as possible between us three"- signed a Somerhalder's sensational photo.

Soon after the birth of Bodi, the star of the Vampire Diaries of the Vampire series published a touching letter, in which he admired the mother's feat of his beloved wife. And after a few months, Nikki and Yen have already returned to work. The actor resumed shooting, and Reed presented his collection of jewelry. The couple also began to visit secular events by visiting the award of one American publication, where everyone noted that the newly minted mother quickly returned to the form after childbirth.

But the girls' girls fans did not see. Lovers do not hurry to show the baby. In February, the actress posted a photo in his profile, but only the legs of the young heiress are visible on it. "Happiness is a book and these legs on Saturday evening"- Signed the post of Star of the Vampire Sague "Twilight".

In honor of the birthday of Bodi, the famous Father confessed to subscribers to be a parent - the best role that he had to play. Following him, a photo and Nikki posted in his microblog. In the picture, it is captured in the last period of pregnancy. The celebrity told Follovers that the waiting for the appearance of the baby was a difficult time for her, and shared that he still did not know which of all the advice was the most correct.

The star of the series "Vampire Diaries" Yen Somerhalder and the actress Sagi "Twilight" Nikki Reed for the first time became parents 5 weeks ago, and for this short time Nikki managed to come into shape. Yesterday, Paparazzi managed to capture celebrities at the exit from the store of the Whole Foods store in Los Angeles. Yen carried a heavy bags with fruits and vegetables to the car, and Nikki adhered her hands sleeping in a sling. This is the first appearance of a couple with the newborn Body Solly Rid-Somerhalder.

A few weeks before the birth, Nikki gave an interview with the magazine Fit Pregnancy and Baby, in which he admitted that in the first month of their child's life, they with Jen will lead a very closed lifestyle.

We will arrange a month of silence after our kid will appear. We will only threesome, no guests, we will turn off the phones and become inaccessible to communicate. These unique 30 days can not be returned, therefore it is worth enjoying them in full.

Nikki also told about Tom Moment when he learned about pregnancy. According to her, the test she decided to do before bedtime.

I did not take glasses, I was also not lenses, but I see little without them. I began to pure hard, asking the question "really there is more than one strip?". As a result, I had to shout out Yen: "Get up! Urgent!". He ran into the bathroom, looked at the test and ... We almost died of happiness! After that, we sat on the veranda, looked at the sunset and thought "Wow, we will have a child."

According to Nikki, they and Ian decided not to recognize the gender of the baby before childbirth, since this information had no particular meaning for them.

This is the greatest and most real surprise, which can be in your life. Moreover, I had no preferences. My close friend has a son, and listening to him, I thought "I hope, someday I will have a boy." Then another friend began to tell me about his daughter, and I thought "how, probably, to have your little copy to have a little copy?" In general, you will never stay in the loss. Children are in any case great!

Recall Nikki and Yen Somerhalder got married in 2015. On June 25 of this year, Nikki and Jena had a firstborn. The newly minted mom and dad called the baby with an unusual name - Body Solly Rid-Somerhalder.

Detailed history about the novel yen and Nikki read.

0 October 17, 2018, 12:45

Ian Somerhalder with his daughter

The star of the series "Vampire Diaries" 39-year-old Yen Somerhalder and the actress Saga "Twilight" 30-year-old Nikki Reed for the first time became July 25, 2017. The other day, the paparazzi finally managed to capture with their little daughter Body Solly on the streets of Toronto. Fans of the couple were first able to see the face of babies.

Spouses do not like to advertise their relationship. A few weeks before the birth, Nikki gave an interview with the magazine Fit Pregnancy and Baby, in which he admitted that in the first month of their child's life, they with Jen will lead a very closed lifestyle.

After the birth of the child, our family will take a month of silence. Only we are without guests, communicating with journalists and with disconnected phones. These unique 30 days can not be returned, therefore it is worth enjoying them in full.

Nikki also told about Tom Moment when she first learned that she was waiting for the child. According to her, she decided to do the test before going to bed.

I did not take glasses, I was also not lenses, but I see little without them. I began to pure hard, asking the question "really there is more than one strip?". As a result, I had to shout out Yen: "Get up! Urgent!" He ran into the bathroom, looked at the test and ... We almost died of happiness! After that, we sat on the veranda, looked at the sunset and thought: "Wow, we will have a child!"