Royal village presentation. Show content by tag: Alexandrovsky Garden Big Kremlin Palace

Royal village presentation. Show content by tag: Alexandrovsky Garden Big Kremlin Palace
Royal village presentation. Show content by tag: Alexandrovsky Garden Big Kremlin Palace

The law not only perpetuates the memory of the military prowess and the immortal feat of the Russian and Soviet soldiers who died in hostilities in the country and abroad, whose name remains unknown. In many cities of Russia and abroad there are monuments to an unknown soldier who are "sacred for our people," this is said in an explanatory note to the law.

The grave memorial of the unknown soldier is located in Moscow in the Alexandrovsky Garden, near the North Wall of the Kremlin. The composition is a tombstone, which rests the bronze combat banner. On the battle Banner lies the soldiers' helmet and laurel branch, also made of bronze. A niche is located in the middle of the Memorial, in the middle of which, in the bronze five-pointed star, the eternal flag of fame is burning. Next to the fire from Labradorita made the inscription "Your name is unknown, the feat of your immortal"

The history of this monument in Moscow is very interesting. The victory in the Great Patriotic War was widely celebrated in 1965. At the same time, Moscow received the title of a hero city, and the day of May 9th became a national holiday. There was an idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a monument to soldiers who fought and those who died in the battles near Moscow. This monument should be a nationary value, and a monument could be a monument to an unknown soldier. In those days near Moscow, in Zelenograd during construction work, the brotherly grave of the time of war was discovered. It was decided to choose the deceased exactly from here. The choice stopped on the warrior in a well-preserved form without signs of differences. Documents in the fight was not - his dust was truly unnamed. December 2, 1966, at 14 o'clock 30 minutes, the warrior remains were placed in a coffin, an orange-black ribbon. Young soldiers who stood in the guardian guard replaced every two hours all night, all night and morning of the next day.

On December 3, at 11:54 minutes, the coffin was installed on an open car, which moved along the Leningrad highway to Moscow.

At the Manezh Square a rally took place. The coffin with the remains of an unknown soldier under artillery salvo was lowered in the grave.

Women who did not wait for their sons and husbands, came to worship the Praho of the Unknown Soldier.

A memorial architectural ensemble "" was opened at the place of reboot. In the same year, the government decided

about the hourly change of post-shelf number 1.

For many years, it has passed since then, and this monument continues to be one of the most famous in the whole country. Adults come here and children not only on Victory Day. Flowers of newlyweds, foreign delegations and the main persons of Russia, showing infinite respect by nameless heroes to the eternal fire.

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Alexandrovsky Garden Moscow was prepared by the student of 3 "L" class Alesin Catherine September 2014.

Once on the site of the current Alexandrovsky garden leaks the river Neglinka. After the fires of 1812, her channel was removed under the ground, and the green garden was broken from above. Alexandrovsky Garden has always been and remains a favorite place for Muscovites and guests of the capital. Hiking can be done by three alleys, laid parallel to the Kremlin Wall, the main entrance to the Alexander Garden is located in the Kremlin passage.

At the very beginning of the Alexandrovsky Garden, the Kremlin Wall is located a memorial of the tomb of an unknown soldier with eternal fire, the main monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Next to the grave in the honorable guard are soldiers. Every hour, you can observe the solemn ceremony of the shift of Karaul.

In the garden there are many historical objects - Kutafia Kremlin Tower Obelisk to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, on which the names of all Russian kings are knocked out.

Grotto "Ruins", also known as the "Italian Grotto". Grotto in the garden is conceived as a reminder of the war 1812. For the construction of Italian grotto, an artificial earthy mountain was embanked, for which, instead of stones, the stone kernels were used, lying in the Kremlin in large numbers, which in antiquity used instead of cast-iron.

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Among the many attractions of Moscow, the Alexandrovsky Garden occupies a special place, as because of its unique location in the walls of the Kremlin and historical events, whose witness has become the first public garden of the capital.

We bring to your attention Methodical materials for holding the thematic classes "in the Alexandrovsky Garden ...", dedicated to the history and modern appearance of the park.

Embodiment [PDF] [DOCX]
Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]
Tasks for students (work leaf) [PDF] [DOCX]

Purpose: The formation of Russian civil identity, the value attitude towards the history and culture of the capital, understanding the learning experience of the heroic past Motherland.


  • upbringing a respectful attitude to the past and truly our country;
  • development of the ability to arguely express its point of view;
  • the formation of humanistic personal qualities.

Questions: Have you ever been to the Alexandrovsky Garden? What time of year Alexander Garden is most picturesque? What do you know about the history of the Alexandrovsky Garden?

Suppose what will be speaking in the classroom.

We will talk about the history of the place where the Alexander Garden is located today, about the circumstances of his emergence, which is the place among the attractions of our city at the Kremlin's walls.

Question: What do you know about the emergence of Moscow? Why was the city based in this place?

Work leaf (Task number 1)

Question: What, in addition to rivers, has led to the foundation of Moscow as a settlement on the Borovitsky hill during the merger of Moscow and Neglinnaya? Explain the origin of the Rivers Moscow and Neglinnaya.

Until the XVIII century, the Neglinnaya River flowed at the site of the Alexander Garden, through which four bridges were transferred: Kuznetsky, Petrovsky, Resurrection and Trinity. On the territory of the modern Alexander Garden in the middle of the XVI century, a pharmacy garden was located. In terms of the command of Ivan the Terrible, fruit trees were planted in it, the medicinal herbs were grown, a vegetable garden was broken. The pharmaceutical garden existed at the Kremlin's walls until 1706 and was transferred to the 1st Meshchansk Street by the decree of Peter I, which was engaged in strengthening the walls of the Kremlin with bastions. On the banks of the river historically satisfied folk festivities, her water was clean and famous for fishing. Over time, the river has become polluted, the coast collapsed and bored. At the end of the XVIII century, the challenged was broken through the channel.

Work leaf (Task number 2)

(* Moscow Hydonims associated with the River Neglinnaya)

Task number 3 (work leaf)

Task number 4 (Work List)

To restore Moscow, by Decree of Emperor Alexander I dated February 14, 1813, a commission was established for the buildings, which was led by the Moscow Governor General F. V. Rostopchin. The working body of the Commission "Drawing" was divided into two branches: the land and architectural, the head of which was O. I. Bow. Neglinnaya was decided to remove underground, concluding three kilometers long in a pipe. The works were led by the builder Egor Cheliev. On the released place, the gardens on the project of the architect Osip Bowe under the plan to restore Moscow after the fire of 1812. This garden had a memorial value - it was created in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War, but also had utilitarian and entertainment functions and was intended for public use.

Task number 5 (Work List)

Question: Do you know the names of architects involved in the revival of Moscow?

* Athanasius Grigoriev, Domenico Liberadi.

Gardens were built from 1819 to 1823 and was originally called Kremlin. In 1820-1821, Beauvais designed part of the garden from the Resurrection to Trinity Gate - the upper garden. For the garden, the locality was leveled and covered with a dressing, limes, birch, rowan and other trees and shrubs were planted. After the coronation of Alexander II in 1856, the gardens were renamed Alexander.

Question: Look at the lithographs of the XIX century. What is depicted on them? Find differences between them. Explain these differences.

* On the second - the Church of Christ the Savior (consecrated in May 1883)

At the main entrance to the Alexander Garden, cast iron gates were installed, made by architect Evgeny Pascal.

Task number 6 (Work List)

Today, the Alexander Park is located in the Tver district of Moscow, it stretches along the Western Kremlin Wall from the Revolution Square to the Kremlin Embankment. Its area is 10 hectares. Aleksandrovsky Garden consists of three parts: upper, middle and lower gardens.

Task number 7 (Work List)

Of course, the center of the Alexandrovsky Garden is the grave memorial of the unknown soldier.

Task number 8 (Work List)

Alexandrovsky Garden experienced periods of heyday, decline and oblivion, and, of course, revival. In 2013-2014, reconstruction was carried out in the garden, the first after 1906. The historical landscape was restored, the pre-revolutionary garden appearance on the basis of archival materials, old photos. More than 300 new trees were planted instead of old. New monuments appeared.

Task number 9 (Work List)

Task number 10 (work leaf)

Home\u003e Presentation

MOU Ganuzovskaya Secondary School

Presentation and project.

Teacher Tomina Vera Stepanovna

Purpose of work:
    To acquaint students with some sights of the Moscow Kremlin. Relieve the feeling of the beautiful, sense of patriotism. Prepare children for excursions to Moscow Kremlin. Cross children to independently find material on a given topic. Rail interest in the history of our Motherland.
This project is the collective work of the whole class. In winter, I invited children and parents at the end of the school year to go on a tour of Moscow to the Red Square, to the Kremlin. During the conversation, it turned out that most of the class children were never there. And we decided to prepare for this trip by completing the project. I learned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project at one of the seminars of our methodological center. The whole class with parents connected to the collection of material about the Moscow Kremlin. Very thoroughly had to select material, because many parents "downloaded" from the Internet the first included articles, not worrying about their accessibility for children of 9-year-old age. The grandmother came to the rescue. She works in the library, and found us a textbook "Moskvovy", from which we took most of these articles. Each class student chose an object to describe the soul. Some articles are very small - they performed weakly kids. Teacher Informatics S.G. Timonina helped pick up photos for slides. When the presentation was ready, we made it in all primary classes. And in May we went to Moscow. It was necessary to see the delight of children when they saw all what they met virtually. This trip left unforgettable impressions!

Red Square.

Red Square (Slide 2) appeared in the XV century at Moscow Prince Ivan III. This prince made Moscow with the capital of Russia. To decorate the capital, Prince Ivan invited the best Italian builders to Moscow. They created the toothed Kremlin walls with the towers, built the Assumption and Arkhangelsk Cathedrals in the Kremlin. Then the square was not yet called red, the people were called a bargaining, because there was a lively trade in the old days. Every morning merchants came here and laid out their goods. The whole area turned into a huge market. Trade shops built in the ranks. In each row, they sold their special goods. Here is the names of some rows: Kalaishny, meat, cucumber, shoe, cap, shoe and others. There were no shops in antiquity, and therefore all Muscovites came shopping for bargaining. Sometimes came here to just look at the wonder, discuss the latest news, listen to the stories of visitors about distant countries. In 1571, a terrible misfortune happened: a strong fire broke out on the square. He was raging for several days, and the entire trading space turned into a huge scorched place. Since then, the bargaining began to call fire. Over time, the Pokrovsky and Kazan Cathedrals built on the square. They decorated the square, and at the end of the 20th century they stopped calling it by fire, and nicknamed red. The word "red" meant in the old "beautiful".

Historical Museum.

On Red Square in the past century, a historical museum was built (Slide 3). It is located in a very beautiful building. Museum recalls a huge fairy tale terme. It is stored in the old things that can tell us about the past of our country - Russia and our city - Moscow (Slide 4).

Pokrovsky Cathedral or the Church of Vasily Blessed.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral appeared on the Red Square in the XVI century with Tsar Ivan Grozny (Slide 5). He was built in honor of the victory over Kazan Khanate and called Pokrovsky, because this victory was obsessed on the day of the church holiday - the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin. The cathedral resembles a huge flower, and from the inside its walls are covered with floral patterns. An ancient legend says that when the king saw the cathedral, he was surprised at such a beauty and ordered the masters of the masters who built him so that they could not build the Church of this. I lived at the time in Moscow Vasily Blessed. He did not have his own home, he lived right at the bargain, in winter and in the summer she went barefoot in a torn shirt. He was considered stupid, or, as they spoke in Russia, blissful. But many people considered him a holy man, because he was kind and fair, was not afraid to tell the truth even the Terrible King. When Vasily died, he was buried by the walls of the Pokrovsky Cathedral, and the cathedral received another name - the temple of Vasily blissful. So it is now on the Red Square Handsome Cathedral, reminding us of the bold Russian warriors, about the Terrible Tsar and the good man named Vasily Blessed.

Mausoleum V.I. Lenin.

The first (temporary, wooden) version of the Mausoleum was opened on January 27, 1924 on Red Square. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was placed in it. Stone Mausoleum was built in 1930 by architect A.V. Shushus (Slide 6). Mausoleum length on the facade is 24 meters, height is 12 meters. Previously, at the walls of the Mausoleum, the operating guard service clock, then this post was removed (slide 7). Currently, Mausoleum is a museum who can visit anyone.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

In 1818, the first monument was installed on Red Square - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky (Slide 8). What did they become famous? Minin and a fire lived in the XVII century. It was a very difficult time for Russia. Poles came to Russian land. They robbed Russian people, hosted in Russian cities. And no one was to drive enemies from Russian lands. By this time, the king Ivan the Terrible died, Russia remained without the king. The boyars could not assemble the army, and the Poles reached Moscow with impunity. Kuzma Minin was a Novgorod merchant. All residents of Novgorod knew and respected him. Once he convened all citizens on the square and told them what a terrible trouble came to Rus. Minin offered to convene an army to free Moscow and other Russian cities. He gave all his money to arm this army his example followed other townspeople. They gave money in favor of troops, jewelry, and some even sold their homes to help liberate Russia. The command of the army was invited by Prince Pozharsky. He was already trying to free Moscow from the Poles, but he had very few warriors. The prince was wounded, but agreed to command the army. It was not easy to drive enemies from the city. Poles hid behind the walls of the Kremlin, but they did not have food, and they began to starve. Then they surrendered and disgraceed from Moscow, and then from Russia. The story about the feat of Minin and Pozharsky was transferred from generation to generation, from fathers - children, so the monument to the heroes and now decorates the country's main square.

Frontal place.

On the edge of the Red Square there was a slight elevation. It was fenced, and the simple people never went to the fence. It was a frontal seat (slide 9). From him, the royal servants read the decrees of the king, and sometimes the king himself turned to the people. At such days, almost the entire city was gathered at the square (Slide 10). Everyone wanted to take a look at the king at least with one eye.

Spasskaya Tower.

The most main tower of the Kremlin is Spasskaya (slide 11). Through her gate, the king himself went into the Kremlin. It began to build the Italian master Antonio Solari, and finished the construction of the Russian master of Burense cucumbers and his assistants. First, the tower was called Frolovsky, because next to her was the Church of Frol and Lavra. Later over the gates of the tower hung the icon with the image of Jesus Christ. All people in Russia were believers. They believed that God-Father sent her son Jesus to Earth so that he would save them from trouble. Therefore, Jesus in Russia was called SPAS, that is, the Savior. Savior with the icon now looked at all passing through the gate. The tower began to call Spasskaya, and Muscovites had a new custom: in front of the gate with the icon, it was supposed to remount the cap and pass with a uncoated head. Muscovites punished those who did not comply with the custom: forced 50 times to bow the tower.

Kremlin chimes.

At the Spasskaya Tower, the main watches of our country (Slide 12) are Kremlin Kreista. In 1621, English Master H. Head made a clock for the Moscow Kremlin. At first hours, the arrows were fixed, and the dial rotated. Modern clocks that we can now see at the Spasskaya Tower (Slide 13) were manufactured in 1851 by the Bathotop brothers in Moscow. Dial diameter 6.12 m, the height of Roman numbers on the clock 72cm, the length of the clockwise 2.97m, minute 3,27m.

Kremlin stars.

On the five towers of the Moscow Kremlin in 1937, glowing five-pointed stars were installed (slide 14) from ruby \u200b\u200bglass. The distance between the ends of the rays of the biggest Kremlin stars 3m75cm. The power of the lamps in them is 5 kilowatt. Lamps burn constantly, day and night.

Alexander Garden.

On the other side of the playpen, the most Kremlin walls are Alexander Garden (Slide 15). Once here leaks the river Neglinnaya. In the spring it looked out, and her shores turned into a swamp. This dirty swampy terrain spoil the impression of the walls of the Kremlin. In the nineteenth century, Emperor Alexander I ordered at this place to plant trees, and the river is finely removed. His order was performed. Since then, the river is the Neglinnaya flowing under the ground in the pipes, and the beautiful garden grows on its former shores (slide 16). There is a Neglinka river flowing around the city in a pipe, and there is no Neglinka to people nor to themselves. And there were no coast at the wrong shores. Forests left and fucked meadows. The guys fell from the shore in the sand, and the boats walked over her to the Moscow River. Moscow-river with Negling met under the hill. Moscow-river with unblocking together flowed later. And on a high hill, where a soft grass, on that hill high and began Moscow. The garden was named Alexandrovsky. He reminds us not only about the emperor Alexandra, but also about the events of the twentieth century. You know that in 1941, terrible enemies were attacked on our homeland - German fascists. Many residents went to the front, many died on the front. It happened that the names of the dead soldiers remained unknown. The war ended, but people did not forget about the dead unknown soldiers. At the walls of the Kremlin, an unknown soldier was buried in the Alexander Garden in memory of those who were killed for their homeland.

Next to the grave of an unknown soldier was lit by the eternal flame. It burns day and night, and always burn until the memory of the terrible war and the Russian warriors will be alive. It is not by chance on the granite slab at the eternal fire, we read the words: "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

Grand Kremlin Palace.

In the Big Kremlin Palace (Slide 18), the kings never lived. The government gathered in his spacious halls, foreign ambassadors came here, important meetings were held here. Here are the names of the halls in this palace: Georgievsky, Vladimir, Ekaterininsky, Andreevsky. In antiquity per feats, for the service of the motherland, people received an order. These orders were similar to modern, but were called differently. There were George Orders with the image of George Victorious, the Order of St. Vladimir, St. Andrew, St. Catherine. The halls of the palace were named as well as Russian orders (slide 19).

Terem palace.

One of the most beautiful royal palaces in the Kremlin - Teremnaya (slide 20). It really reminds beautiful fabulous tale tale. In it lived the Russian king with his family. In the construction of this palace, talented Russian masters participated. Among them was the base of cucumbers who completed the Spasskaya Tower.


The Armory (Slide 21) is the oldest Russian Museum. The building built in the middle of the nineteenth century Architect K.A. Tone. Why is the Chamber of Armory? Because the arms presented in it initially, presented to the kings. Then there were all the gifts, which were presented with Russian kings, and then in general, all sorts of wonders that the people can surprise. Now it is one of the most interesting museums of the Moscow Kremlin. There you can see the precious dishes of silver and gold, decorated with precious stones, ancient armor of Russian and foreign warriors, clothes that Kari and Queens were put on different solemn cases, the royal regalia (signs of power), including the famous monomacha chapter. In the Armory Chamber are royal thrones, richly decorated strollers. You can look at the vintage books from parchment with precious bindings. Every day, the Armory of the Chamber is attended by hundreds of tourists from Russia and abroad.

Faceted Chamber.

Kremlin streets will necessarily lead us to the main square of the Kremlin - Cathedral. Sometimes the cathedral area is called the royal. This is not by chance, because it always stood the princely, and then the royal palace. Before this day, part of the princely palace preserved. This is the grain chamber (slide 22). Blades in the old days called large beautiful rooms. Inside it is very bright, spacious, with painted ceilings and walls. You will be in such a chamber - and will happily get on the soul. Therefore, the princes and kings arranged holidays here, invited a boyar and foreign ambassadors. Guests came, admired the ward and Ahali: "Who created such beauty?" We must know the answer to this question. These were the Italian masters of Pietro Antonio Solari and Marco on Nick Fryazin (that is, Italian). They were invited to Moscow Prince Ivan III. The masters laid stones during construction so that the walls of the Chamber are not even and smooth. Each stone performed forward its faces. Therefore, I called the Chamber of Granovit.

Assumption Cathedral.

The main square of the Kremlin is a cathedral. The Cathedral Square surround the ancient monuments of the national architecture, the treasury of works of painting, objects of decorative and applied art. A primary role in the area ensemble is a Uspensky Cathedral (Slide 23), built in 1475-1479. Italian architect Aristotle Fiorewanti. The temple is erected by a sample of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir - typical for Russia's crushes-dome facilities. The clarity of the proportions of the building creates a feeling of magnificent calm. The cathedral is built of white stone. The most important state ceremonies were held here: the construction of the throne, the blessing of the governor before the campaigns and battles, the supply of Metropolitans and Patriarchs. The cathedral is the tomb of the heads of the Russian Orthodox Church.

"Ivan Great".

The highest building in the Kremlin is the Ivan Great Bell Tower (Slide 24). Snow white giant rises into the sky. Right in the clouds, a giant hat is resting - a golden dome. The height of the bell tower is 81 meters. To reach the top, 48 adults would have to get together on the shoulders. Inside the tower a narrow winding ladder with steep steps. She leads to the very top of the bell tower. From there, an amazing picture opens: everything that happens is 14 km from the Kremlin. Why did the Russian king needed such a high bell tower? The most dressed warriors climbed in Starin on the Lestenka and watched the enemies to Moscow. If they noticed the danger, they started calling the bells. Hearing anxious ringing, Muscovites hurried to hide behind the walls of the Kremlin. "Ivan the Great" built more than 100 years. Finished construction in the king Boris Godunov. He was very proud of it, and ordered the builders to write under the dome that the bell tower was built by his order. Gold letters are visible under the dome, but read the inscription is very difficult: it is too high. "Ivan Great" stands between two Kremlin squares: Cathedral and Ivanovo.

Kremlin wonder.

Not far from Ivan the Great Stand Kremlin Dicks. This is a king bell and king gun. Kremlin Bell (Slide 25) called the king for his huge size. This is the largest bell in the world. Height is more than 6 meters. This bell was cast from Copper Ivan Fedorovich Matorin in 1735. When the bell was ready, a fire began in the Kremlin. Muscovites ran to the king of the bell with the shoulders of cold water. They were afraid that copper in the fire melted, it will become a liquid like water, and the bell is cut in front of everyone. This did not happen, the fire was extinguished on time. The bell survived, but a huge piece of 11.5 tons weighing from it (slide 26). Since then, this awesome piece is standing next to the bell. So it turned out that the biggest bell in the world never called. Next door to the king of the bell is a huge bronze king-gun (slide 27). She is older than his copper brother. This gun was created in 1586 master Andrei Chokhov. Since then, the king cannon stands on the protection of the Kremlin. True, she never had to shoot.

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  • Clade 2.

    "The Fatherland of us the Tsarist village" Wherever we threw the fate and happiness where it would not have led, all the same we: we are a whole world of Alien; Fatherland us tsarist village.

    Slide 3.

    Slide 4.

    Ekaterininsky Park, located south-west of the Catherine Palace., It is clearly divided into two parts - the old and English garden. The old garden is characterized by strict symmetry, shapes of trees and shrubs with neat lawns. The central alley of the old garden is called the Hermitative - it connects the Catherine Palace with the Hermitage Pavilion.

    Slide 5.

    The Catherine Park is one way or another, but it is the Dutch masters of the Garden-Park Business Ya. Roozen and I. Fokht planned in the 1720s old garden on three ledges in front of the Tsartsyna Palace. At the same time, mirror ponds were arranged on the third ledge, and on the river Vangáze, which drained from the hill, - two more ponds: the top (large) and mill, later entering the cascading, or lower, ponds. In the middle of the XVIII century, the garden was expanded, re-posted and decorated with sculpture. F.-B. Rastrelli designed the Hermitage Pavilions and Grotto, as well as the Katal Mountain; A large pond with a luster-located island (entertaining pavilion) acquired the shape of a hexagon and was arranged by the alleys. Finally, in the 1770s, architects V. I. and I. V. Neelov built an admiralty complex in the garden, the Hermitage kitchen, the upper and lower baths. Along the border of the garden to the lowest ponds, a longitudinal (cascaded) canal with twelve dams stretched.

    Slide 6.

    Slide 7.

    Slide 8.

    The Catherine Palace blinds its puff and splendor. Its loosal facades stretched for 300 meters, the Northern Corps was crowned with five gilded domes of the Palace Church During the war, the building was almost completely destroyed. Now in the palace, more than half of the halls are open. The most famous "amber room"

    Slide 9.

    By his birth, the Ekaterininsky Palace must be brilliant hostesses, three Empress women - Catherine I, Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II, who paid great attention to its construction. In the luxurious halls of the Ekaterini Palace, they lived, they worked, organized diplomatic techniques for foreign ambassadors and parade balls and masquerarads are all Russian monarchs. They conducted here not only summer, but also winter time.

    Clade 10.

    A cavalier dining room next to the large hall is a cavalier dining room, also created by the project F.-B. Rastrelli. Its size is small, so the architect has placed mirrors on the walls and false mirror windows, which made the hall spacious and lighter. The interior solution is characteristic of the Baroque style: it is dominated by a gilded carved ornament from stylized colors and shells; Magnificent gold-plated compositions over the doors are desesytems. After during the repair of the hall in the 1860s, the threads were drilled, the hall was called a silver dining room. This interior existed before the war. With post-war restoration, the dining room again received a gilded decoration, conceived by the court architect Elizabeth Petrovna.

    Clade 11.

    Slide 12.

    Amber Room Amber Room - "The Eighth Miracle of Light" - - a unique and only example of using amber, like a material for finishing the room. Created by German masters and was presented to Peter I. Amber room disappeared without a trace during the Great Patriotic War. For many years, specialists, authorities and ordinary people engaged in their search. . To the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the whole world appeared "updated", recreated for 24 years according to the drawings and sketches of the amber room.

    Slide 13.

    Slide 14.

    Imperial Tsarskoye Lyceum Tsarskoyel Lyceum, Higher Closed Educational Institution in Russia for children of nobles; Designed for the preparation of higher government officials. Children took 10-12 years old in the lyceum, the number of pupils was from 30 to 100 people in the lyceum studied sciences: the law of God, ethics, logic; Russian, Latin, French, German, rhetoric; History Russian and universal, physical geography; Mathematics, start-up of physics, elegant arts and gymnastic exercises cleaning, drawing, dancing, fencing, riding, swimming for the desires to enter military service. Additional military training was carried out.

    Slide 15.

    In the Imperial Tsarskoselsky Liesel A.S. Pushkin brought aged 12 years. Students were not released from the lyceum, only in special cases. He studied A.S. Pushkin Average .. Favorite item is French. But the graveyard of the native speech was given not just on the fourth floor there were lyceum rooms - small narrow "cells", as they called Pushkin, very modestly furnished: the desk, dresser, the iron bed, the table for washing, the mirror. Pushkin lived in room number 14. Then, many years later, already an adult man, famous for the poet, he always signed letters to former lyceumists "No. 14". Pushkin was extremely tied to his school comrades, and this ardent friendship, loyalty to the lyceum fraternity he carried through his life. Sorry! Where would I be: in the fire of whether the death battle, with a peaceful rogue brags, the Holy Brotherhood I am faithful.

    Slide 16.

    Slide 17.

    Training was calculated for 6 years and consisted of two courses for 3 years in each. At 6 o'clock in the morning, the overall rise was announced, then the pupils went to the morning prayer, after which they repeated the tasks of their teachers. From 8 to 9 hours, a lesson was conducted in classes, and from 10 to 11 - breakfast and a walk in the park. From 11 to 12 hours, the second lesson in classes was envisaged in the lyceum, and from 13 o'clock - lunch and short break. In addition, in the state of Lyceum were a doctor, an accountant, two hairdressers, a Swiss, five scribes, a few warders, cooks, laundry and other auxiliary workers. .

    Slide 18.

    Alexandrovsky Park Alexander Park Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Village". The central entrance to the park is just opposite the Grand Palace. You can get into it from two sides: through the gate, located opposite the Alexandrovsk Palace, or passing along the path through the arch of the Big Caprise. But despite the proximity to the Catherine Park, the Alexandrovsky Park is very different from him: it is explained by both historical and natural factors. Alexandrovsky Park is divided into a landscape park and a new garden.

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    There are broad alleys, and narrow paths, bridges and historical ruins. Many places where you can retire and contemplate beauty. Over time, the planning of the regular part of the park changed: the picturesque ponds with all-wheeling, "Parnas Mountain", the Chinese Theater, a crusade. A new garden is an extensive square crossed by the animals, and dividing this part of the park to four equal squares. A new garden has become Covered.

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    The Alexander Palace Palace is an elongated two-story building with double filties on the sides. In the center of the main north facade, two rows of columns. Nicholas I loved the Alexandrovsky Palace very much and paid special attention to his improvement. In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, chandeliers, carpets, some furniture items, marble and porcelain products of the 18th century were evacuated from the Alexander Palace-Museum. The main part of the palace property was left in the halls. Sources of information: / http: //xn----7sbb4bxah.xn--p1ai/23.html / Amber_Room

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    To new meetings! And for the late poem A.S. Pushkin. I remember a wonderful moment: you came in front of me, like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty. In the tomresites of sadness hopeless, in the alarms noisy fuss, I sounded a long voice gentle and dreamed of cute features. Years passed. Storms of rushing rebellious scattered former dreams, and I forgot your voice gentle, your celestial features. In the wilderness, in the darkness sharpened quietly, my days without a deity, without inspiration, without tears, without life, without love. The soul is awakened: And now you came, as a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty. And the heart beats in the jet, and the deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears, and love were resurrected for him.