East Siberian Sea problem. East Siberian Sea: description, resources and problems

East Siberian Sea problem. East Siberian Sea: description, resources and problems
East Siberian Sea problem. East Siberian Sea: description, resources and problems

East Siberian Sea on the map immediately find not so simple. The fact is that its boundaries are conditional and only in some places are limited to land. In the western part of the limit of the boiler island and the Laptev Sea; in North - the edge of the lamb ends; In the east, the boundary performs the meridian, passing through in the southern part of the sea is limited to the mainland.

Dimensions and depth

The maximum depth of the East Siberian Sea is 915 meters, and the average value of this indicator is 54 meters. In other words, this reservoir is completely within the mainland shallow. The total area of \u200b\u200bits area is 913 thousand m 2. As for the volume, it is approximately 49 thousand cubic kilometers.


The East Siberian Sea has a coastline, which is very distinguished by its relief in the eastern and western part. In its landscapes there are quite large bends that in some places they strongly perform deeply, and in others they go far to land. In addition to them, straight areas are quite common. In the mouth of rivers, small gyruses are usually found. In the islands, the coastline is monotonous and low. A similar situation is also characteristic of the mouth in the southern part of the Long Coast Strait covered with a mixture of pebbles with sand, which are separated by the chains of the lagoon.

It should be noted that the size of the depths in coastal regions significantly affects the number of precipitation by the rivers. Under their impact, bars are also formed - apparent melels. Among other things, the water temperature increases, the result of which becomes thermal abrasion in thessias. Her speed is from one to fifteen meters per year.

DNA structure

The bed of the sea is formed by the shelf, the relief of which is largely the plain. It is slightly tilted in the northeast direction. In the western side there is a so-called "area of \u200b\u200bsmall depths". She is also formed by Novosibirsk Oven. As for deeper places, they are characteristic of the northeastern region. A significant section of the bottom here is covered with a sedimentary cover of a small thickness. Many archipelagoes and the islands of the East Siberian Sea (which are not so much here) are formed at the expense of this foundation. Such can be attributed to Ayon, bearish, as well as Novosibirsk Islands. As the various aeromagnetic pictures show, the composition of the bottom sediments of the shelf mainly includes sandy il, pebbles and fragmented boulders. There is every reason to assume that some of them are fragments of some islands, which was spaced over the entire territory.


Many are interested in the question: "East Siberian Sea - What ocean water area?" Despite the fact that the reservoir refers to the Northern Ocean basin, it is also subjected to atmospheric influence on the side of the quiet and atlantic. The climate here is arctic. With it, in the winter, the temperature is on average equals -30 degrees, and in the summer - about +2. Most of the year the sea surface is covered with ice. In the eastern region, frequently floating ice is located near the shores even in the summer months.

The East Siberian Sea is under the influence of the southern and southwestern winds, the speed of which is about seven meters per second. With them from the continent, cold air is brought. In the summer, the pressure increases here, in connection with which the Northern Rumba is beginning to prevail among the winds. They are pretty weak at the beginning of the season, but closer to its middle their power only increases, and the speed reaches 15 meters per second. At this time, the cloudy weather with wet snow or drizzling rain is predominantly worth it. Due to the fact that this reservoir is quite removed from the centers to which the impact of the atmosphere has, in the fall here almost never returns heat returns.

Temperature and salinity of water

Throughout the year, the surface temperature of water in the sea is lowered in the direction from the south to the north. In the winter season in the areas of river mouth, it is about -0.5 degrees, while in the northern borders - approximately -1.8 degrees. In summer it all depends on the ice environment. At this time, in the bays, the temperature reaches +8 degrees, in free from ice areas, it is about +3 degrees, and at the ice edge it equals an average of zero degrees. In the spring and winter, the change in water temperature as the insignificant dive. In the summer, closer to the bottom of the water becomes colder, especially in the western region.

The level of salt water in the sea is changing in the northeast direction. In the spring and winter, it ranges from 4 ppm near the River Indigirka and Kolyma up to 32 ppm in the central and northern regions. In the summer, melting of ice and a significant flow of river waters lead to the fact that this indicator decreases. It is impossible not to note the fact that the level of water salinity is not much increasing closer to the seabed. As for such an indicator, as the highest it is in the autumn-winter period. In addition, it grows as increasing deploy.


The East Siberian Sea is not characterized by a very high river drain, compared to other representatives of the Northern Ocean Basin. The largest of the rivers, which flows into it is Kolyma. Its flow is equal to about 132 cubic kilometers per year. The second in this meaning is considered an indigilist river, which for the same period brings two times less water. At the same time, even in conditions of relatively extensive sizes, the coastal stock generally affects the overall hydrological situation. Currently, the flow system in this sea is not very thoroughly studied. It is safe to assert that the total water circulation here is characterized by a cyclonic character. As for precipitation, their average annual significance is ranging from 100 to 200 millimeters. Due to the fact that there are no deep gutters here, and a significant area is a shallow water, arctic surface waters occupy a lot of space.


For the sea, the semi-sufficient proper tides are characterized, which is caused by a wave moving towards the continental coast from the north. They are best expressed in the North-West and Northern region, weakening at the same time in the southern direction. This can be explained by the fact that the tidal wave is quenched on the shallow water. For example, while on a plot from the Shelegsky Cape to fluctuate the level almost invisible, in its mouth, the relief and the configuration of the shores lead to an increase in tides about 25 centimeters. The highest water level is characteristic of June-July of the month, because at this time the biggest river influx. In winter, the level is gradually decreasing and in March reaches its minimum value.

Flora and fauna

The resources of the East Siberian Sea, namely Flora and Fauna, are pretty poor. First of all, this is due to the harsh conditions created here by nature itself, so only those that turned out to be the most resistant to low temperatures. In the regions of river Ustiev, it is often quite large in size of shoals from white fish. It also contains Omul, Harius, Sig, Navaga, Polar Kambala, Cod and others. Mammal representatives here are white bears, seals and walruses. As for birds, among them there can be celebrated Baklanov, sea gulls and kair. It is possible that the polar shark, reaching six meters in length, also lives in local waters, but it has not yet been discovered explicit evidence.

The problems of the sea

The problems of the East Siberian Sea are in many ways similar to the problems of other northern seas, for example, Barents, Kara, White and others. In this case, it is primarily about the ecological component. Despite the fact that the water here is relatively clean, the Europeans destroyed local biological resources for more than one year, especially whales. Over time, this led to a significant reduction in their quantity and even to the disappearance of certain types. It is impossible not to note another problem that has recently gained a global nature. We are talking about which the local fauna suffers. Among other things, human activity associated with the development of oil and gas deposits is also negatively affected by the water area.

Economic situation

In 1935, regular flights of ships on the so-called laid through the East Siberian Sea started. At the same time, it is impossible not to focus on the fact that the navigation season lasts here for only three months - begins at the end of July and ends at the beginning of November. At the same time, shipping is permitted solely at this time and in the coastal strip.

It is called the most severe among all the northern seas, located at a large distance from the warm water of the Atlantic Ocean. The East Siberian Sea, washing the northern coast of Russia in the East, with all its shallow flow literally freezes.

The sea, the outskirts of the Arctic Ocean, is located along the northern shores of Eastern Siberia between the Novosibirsk Islands and the Island of Wrangel, conventionally administrative shores belong to Yakutia and the Chukchi Autonomous District. Most of the conditional lines and only from the side adjacent to Russia, nature created its borders. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe sea is large enough: 944 600 sq. Km, provided that you will not call it deep (the average is 54 m).

The boundaries are taken to consider the intersection points of the meridian with the islands of the boiler, Wrangel and the capes of anisions, Blossom, Yakan and Holy Nose. There are practically no islands here, the entire coastline is deeply embedded in the landing either speaks out of the sea and forms large bends, small gyruses lead to the mouths of the rivers.

As for the nature of the coastline, the eastern is not at all similar to the Western. So in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Novosibirsk Islands and the mouth of Kolyma is located tundra, made by swamps, the relief is quite gentle and lowered, but closer to the ison island the coast acquires mountainous landscape. Almost to the shores of the water, low hollys approach, in some places turning cool.

Underwater relief is plain and uniform. Only in some areas the depth is noted up to 25 m. Experts call them the remnants of the ancient river valleys.

Often this sea is called an important site of a trading path, through which the carriage of goods to the northern regions of Eastern Siberia is coming. It employs a large port of singers, it also carries out transit movements from the west to the east of the country.

(Marine Trade and Transport Port Pevek)

The East Siberian Sea is difficult to call the commercial node in Russia. For the most part, there is a mining of the marine beast in the waters adjacent to land. Local residents are caught here by the European Koryushki, washing, cream and herring. Near the mouth of the rivers are caught by valuable sigal sturgeon and salmon. However, this type of activity does not contribute a serious economic contribution to the development of the country and the region.

Already from the name it can be seen that this sea is located near the northern coast. Borders East Siberian Sea Preferably conditional lines are, and only in some parts it is limited to land. From the West, the sea border passes through the boiler and then along the eastern border. The northern border coincides with the edge of the mainland shallow. From the east, the sea border passes through the Meridian of 1800 Eastern longitude before, after - along the north-western shore of this island to Cape Bloss and Cape Yakan, located on the mainland. From the southern part limited by the mainland coastline (from the Yakan Cape to Cape Holy Nose).

The water of this sea is well reported with the waters of the Arctic Ocean, so the East Siberian Sea belongs to the type of mainland seasons. As part of the outlined border, the area of \u200b\u200bthis sea is 913 thousand km2. The volume of water is approximately equal to 49 thousand km 3. The depth of the sea is on average 54 m, the maximum depth is 915 m.

There are very few islands in the waters of the East Siberian Sea. The coastline of the sea has large bends. Thus, places the sea pushes the borders of the sushi deep into, and the land in place performs in the sea. There are also sections with a practically even coastline. Small winding are formed mainly in the mouths of the rivers. Western and eastern coasts of the East Siberian Sea differ greatly. The coast that is washes the sea from to the mouth of the Kolyma, has a sufficiently monotonous one. Here the sea is bordered by the areas of the marshy. For these places, low and gentle shore are characteristic. The coast located east of Calma has a more diverse landscape, mainly the mountains are dominated here. The ison island is bordered by small hills, which sometimes have steep slopes. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chaunsk lip there are low but steep shores.

The underwater relief of the space that occupies the East Siberian Sea is present. This plain has a small bias from the southwest to the northeast. The bottom of the sea is predominantly even, without significant depressions and elevations. Most of the water expansion of the East Siberian Sea has a depth of 20-25 meters. The deepest is located at the bottom of the sea in the northeastern part of the mouths of the Rivers of the Indiigira and Kolyma. There is an assumption that these gutters used to be areas of river valleys. But later these rivers were filled with sea. For the western sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, a small depth is characterized, this area has been called Novosibirsk Oven. In the north-east of the sea are quite deep places. But even here the depth does not exceed 100 m.

East-Siberian Sea

The East Siberian Sea is in high latitudes, not far from permanent ice. Also, the sea borders with a wide part of the mainland. In connection with this location of the East Siberian Sea, it has a distinctive feature: the sea is under the influence of the Atlantic and. In the western part of the sea, cyclones, formed above, sometimes come. Eastern areas of the sea are available for Pacific origin. Thus, the climate of the East Siberian Sea can be characterized as a polar marine, which has a great influence of the continent. The peculiarity of the continental climate is significantly manifested in winter and summer. In transition seasons, they do not significantly affect, since in these periods the processes are inconsistently.

In winter, a great influence on the climate of the East Siberian Sea is a Siberian maximum. This causes the predominance of southwestern and southern, whose speed reaches 6 - 7 m / s. These winds move from the continent and therefore contribute to the spread of cold air. The average temperature in January is approximately 28 - 30 ° C. In winter, clear weather is preferably held. Only sometimes cyclones have been violating well-established calm weather for several days. Atlantic cyclones that prevail in the western part of the sea contribute to the amplification of wind and increase. Pacific cyclones who prevail in the south-eastern part of the sea, bring strong winds, and cloudy weather. On the coasts having a mountainous landscape, the Pacific Cyclone contributes to the formation of a strong wind - a hair dryer. As a result of this storm wind, an increase in temperature occurs, while air becomes less.

Summer over the sea is formed, and above the land - reduced. In this regard, the wind blows predominantly the northern direction. At the beginning of the warm season, the winds are not yet gaining enough strength, but by the middle of the summer their speed on average is 6 - 7 m / s. By the end of the summer, the western part of the sea turns into a zone of severe storms. At this time, this area becomes the most dangerous on the entire highway of the Northern Sea Route. Very often the wind speed reaches 10 - 15 m / s. In the south-eastern part of the sea, such strong winds are not observed. Wind speed here can increase only due to hair dryers. The constant winds of the Northern and northeastern directions contribute to the preservation of low air temperatures. In the northern part of the sea, the middle July temperature is about 0 - + 1 ° C, in coastal areas the temperature is slightly higher than +2 - 3 ° C. The decrease in the temperature of the northern part of the sea affects the effect of ice. At the southern part of the sea, it helps to increase the temperature closeness with warm mainland. For the East Siberian Sea in the summer, cloudy. Very often there are small rains, and occasionally even wet snow.

East-Siberian Sea

In autumn, the effect of the quiet and atlantic oceans is weakened, which affects the downgrade. Thus, the East Siberian Sea is characterized by a cold summer; Unstable windy weather in the western and eastern areas of the sea in the summer-autumn period and calm in the central territories.

The East Siberian Sea comes with a small amount of river waters. During the year, the volume is approximately 250 km 3. (The largest river flowing into this sea) brings about 132 km 3 per year. Another indigilion gives 59 km 3. The rest of the rivers flowing into the East Siberian Sea are small, so they drop the lines of water. The greatest amount of fresh water enters the southern part of the sea. The maximum stock is summer time. Because of the small amount, fresh water does not come far away in the sea, but preferably spreads near the mouth of the rivers. Due to the fact that the East Siberian Sea has large sizes, the river stock does not have a significant effect on it.

The water of the East Siberian Sea is relatively clean. Only in the svek bay, there is a slight pollution of water, but recently the ecological situation is improved here. The Water of the Chaunsk Lip has a small petroleum pollution.

November 26, 2006

1. Northern Arctic Ocean ....................................................33

2. East Siberian Sea ...................................................... 4

2.1. Shore ....................................................................................... 5.

2.2. DNA structure .............................................................................. 6

2.3. Characteristic climate .................................................................. 7

2.4. Hydrological mode ............................................................ ..9

2.5. Ice regime ........................................................................ 13

2.6. Biology ............................................................................................... 14.

List of references .................................................................. .15

1. Northern Arctic Ocean.

The Northern Arctic Ocean is small compared to other parts of the World Ocean: its area is about 13.1 million km 2 (3.6% of the World Ocean Square). Nevertheless, the practical and scientific importance of the research of the Arctic Ocean is very large. Through it, the shortest, but also one of the most difficult maritime conditions for ice conditions. In addition, it serves as the only marine mainstream for the supply of the rapidly developing industry of Siberia.

Due to the remote, harsh climate and permanent ice cover, the Northern Arctic Ocean turned out to be the least studied from the oceans. By the end of the 19th century. Almost his entire coastline was drawn in a fairly detailed card, but most of the ocean remained unexplored. The northern tip of Greenland and the group of Islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago were completely not investigated. Geographers did not have a single point of view regarding the distribution of sushi and the sea. Some scientists, including German Geographic Peterman, believed that Greenland extended through the North Pole to the Earth of Wrangel (now about. Wrangel); Others believed that the Central Polar District was numerous islands, separated by the emission.

During the expedition on the vessel "Jeannetta" (1879-1881) it was established that about. Wrangel is not adjacent to Greenland. In 1893-1896 The vessel of Nansen "Fram" squeezed with long-term ice through the Arctic pool (A. B.) from Novosibirsk O-Went to Spitsberena. Analysis of data of eleven dimensions of depths made for this drift showed - depth of A. b. This area ranges from 3400 to 4000 m. So for the first time it was found that at least part of A. b. It occupies a deepwater treasury.

Interesting the Northern Arctic Ocean and from a hydrometeorological point of view. The North European Basin is the most powerful atmosphere on the ground, the influence of the ocean, whose influence on atmospheric processes and climatic conditions are manifested up to Baikal. The North Arctic Ocean, especially its Arctic pool, plays the role of one of the planetary "effluents" of heat both in the atmosphere and in the ocean.

2. East Siberian Sea

The East Siberian Sea is located between the Novosibirsk Islands and about. Wrangel. His Western border is the eastern border of the Laptev Sea, it passes from the intersection point of the Meridian of the northern tip. The boiler with the edge of the mainland bells (79 ° C. sh., 139 ° C. d.) Until the northern tip of this island (m. Anisions), then along the eastern shores of the Novosibirsk Islands to m. Holy nose (shed Dmitry Laptev). The northern border passes along the edge of the mainland from the point with the coordinates of 79 ° C. sh., 139 ° c. d. to the point with coordinates of 76 ° C. sh., 180 ° c. d., and the eastern border - from the point with these coordinates of 180 ° to the Meridian. Wrangel, then in its northwestern shore to the m. Blossom and further to M.Yankan on the mainland. The southern border passes on the mainland shore from m. Yakan to m. Holy nose.

The East Siberian Sea refers to the type of mainland seasons. Its area is 913 thousand km 2, the volume is 49 thousand km 3, the average depth is 54 m, the highest depth is 915 m, that is, this sea lies with the whole on the mainland.

2.1. Shore.

The coastline of the East-Siberian Sea forms rather large bends, in some places in land, sitting in the sea, but there are also sections with a smooth shore line. Small winding are usually timed to the mouths of small rivers.

The landscapes of the western coast of the East Siberian Sea are distinguished by the eastern. On the plot from the Novosibirsk Islands and to the mouth of the coland of the coast are very lowlands and monotonous. Here to the sea fits a marshy tundra. East of mouth Kolyma, for m. Big Baranov, the coast becomes mountainous. From the mouth of Kolyma to about. Ayon directly to the water is suitable low hills, the places are cool. The Chaunsk lip is framed by low, but steep smooth shores. Various sea coast in different areas belongs to different morphological types of shores.

Weighted precipitates endured by rivers cause a change in the depths in coastal areas and the formation of bars in the mouths of the rivers. The Indigirk River makes a suspended nanos a year of 16.7 million tons, Kolyma - 8.3 million tons. Liquid Stock Collasoms132 * 10 3 m 3 / year.

As a result of the sweeping effect of river water on adjacent coastal areas, there is an intensive thermal abrasion of the nuclear seats. According to reports, the velocity of abrasion varies from 1-5 to 10-15m / year.

Where the coast is composed of indigenous rocks (the area m. Baranov and m. Shelagsky, the west coast about. Wrangel, etc.), the denudation type of coast is usually developed, since the effects of waves are weakened and the processes of physical weathering. Accumulative shores with wide sandy-pebble bars separating the chains of the lagoon are found on the southern coastrularivandague.

2.2. The structure of the bottom.

The underwater relief of the shelf, forming the bed of the sea, in general, is the plain, very poorly tilted from the southwest to the northeast. The bottom of the sea does not have noticeable depressions and elevations. The depths of up to 20-25 m dominate. The area of \u200b\u200bsmall depths in the western part of the sea forms the Novosibirsk Oven. The highest low-east of the sea. A noticeable increase in depths occurs in the horizon from 100 to 200 m.

Most of the bottom of the sea is covered with a subtle sedimentary case. In the tertiary period and at the beginning of the Quaternary surface of the bottom was an almost flat plain, folded by the alluvia ancient river systems of Paleo Indigir and Paleo-Kolyma, traces of which on the seabed can still be distinguished. Most of the archipelago and individual islands found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shelf are folded by the rocks of this foundation (by the Bear, Rautan, Shalaurov, part about. Iion, etc.). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of De Long and in the northern part of the sea there is a so-called hyperborean platform (on Shatsky). Aeromagnetic surveys confirm the presence of a solid crystalline foundation in this area, blocked and bounded by mesozoic rocks, places of crumpled.

The bottom sediments of the shelf consist mainly of a sandy sludge containing crushed boulders and pebbles; Some of them are fragments of rocks about. Wrangel or Other Islands brought by ice.

2.3. Characteristic climate.

Located in high latitudes, the East Siberian Sea is located in the area of \u200b\u200batmospheric influences of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the western part of the sea (although rarely), cyclones of Atlantic origin penetrate into the eastern regions - Pacific. The climate of the East Siberian Sea is a polar sea, but with signs of continentality.

In winter, the main influence on the sea has a spong of a Siberian maximum, which goes down to the coast, and the comb of polar anti-kilon is expressed weakly. In this regard, the southwestern and southern winds with a speed of 6-7 m / s are dominated over the sea. They bring cold air from the continent, so the average monthly air temperature in January is about -28-30 °. In winter, there is a calm, clear weather that cyclonic invasions violate on some days. Atlantic cyclones in the West of the Sea determine the amplification of wind and some warming, and the Pacific cyclones, which have cold continental air in the rear, only increase wind speed, cloudiness and cause snowstorms in the southeastern sea. On the mountainous sections of the coast with the passage of Pacific cyclones, the formation of a local wind is connected - a hair dryer. Usually it reaches a storm force, causing some increase in temperature and a decrease in air humidity.

In summer, the pressure on the mainland Asia is lowered, and over the sea is increased, so the winds of the Northern Rumbes are dominated. At the beginning of the season, they are very weak, but during the summer their speed increases gradually, reaching an average of 6-7 m / s. By the end of the summer, the western part of the East Siberian Sea becomes one of the most stormy areas of the Northern Sea Route. Often the wind blows at a speed of 10-15 m / s. Strengthening wind is connected here with hair dryers. The southeastern part of the sea is much calmer. Sustainable northern and northeastern winds cause low air temperature. Emergency July temperature 0-1 ° in the north of the sea and 2-3 E in coastal areas. In the summer, overcast weather with small drizzling rain is predominantly overlooking the East Siberian Sea, sometimes wet snow.

In the fall, there is almost no heat return, which is explained by the remoteness of the sea from the ocean centers of the atmosphere and their weak influence on atmospheric processes. Comparatively cold summer in the whole sea, stormy weather at the end of summer and especially in autumn in the outskirts of the sea and the calm in the central part of it are characteristic climatic traits of the sea. The speed of northwestern and northeastern winds often reaches 20-25 m / s. They cause waves with a height of up to 4-5 m. Western winds contribute to the formation of a warm current going in the eastern direction from the Kolyma region. It is this warm flow that cleans the strait of Long from Ice. In the distance from the shore of the speed of storm winds, 40-45 m / s are often achieved.

Most of the year the sea is covered with ice. In his eastern part, floating ice frequently stays near the shores even in the summer. Observations conducted in high-grade stations showed that the direction of ice drift depends on the distribution of atmospheric pressure. In winter, when the pole is developing a high pressure region, anticyclonic (clockwise arrow) is enhanced by water circulation, which forces ice drifting in the north-west direction. The average daily rate of ice drift is 3-8 km.

When the polar anticyclone weakens, the area of \u200b\u200bcyclonic circulation of water is expanding, which prevents the end of ice from the area and, on the contrary, favors the admission of many years of ice from high latitudes and the accumulation of ice waters.

2.4. Hydrological mode.

Annual precipitation is 100-200 mm, and river stock, unlike the Kara Sea and the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, is not very large. Several significant rivers fall into the East Siberian Sea, the largest of which r. Kolyma. Its flow it is 132 km 3. The second value of the flow river. Indigirka brings 59 km 3 water. The general mainland stock into the East Siberian Sea is about 250 km 3 / year, which is only 10% of the total river flow in all the Arctic seas. All river water enters the southern part of the sea, and approximately 90% of the runa, as in other Arctic seas, on the summer months.

With the very extensive sizes of the East Siberian Sea, the coastal stock significantly affects its common hydrological regime, but only determines some hydrological features of coastal sections in the summer. High latitudes, free communication with the Central Arctic Basin, Big Arcticity and Small River Stoke define the main features of the hydrological conditions of the East Siberian Sea.

The system of currents of the East Siberian Sea studied weakly. Total sea circulation of the sea is cyclonic. From the straits of Sannikov and Dmitry Lapteva, water moves along the shore to the east. Near. Wrangel part of the flow turns to the north, continuing the movement counterclockwise, and the other part goes east through the prol. Long (between about. Wrangel and the continental shore). The flow running to the north is involved in the transitational course, turning to the north-west. Along the eastern banks of the Novosibirsk Islands, apparently, there is a flow for south and a closing cyclonic cycle.

Due to the shallow water and the lack of deep gutters emerging beyond the northern limits of the East Siberian Sea, the overwhelming part of its spaces from the surface to the bottom is occupied by surface arctic water. Only in relatively limited assistance areas, peculiar water is common formed as a result of the mixing of river and seawater. It is characterized by elevated temperature and low salinity.

The constant flows on the surface of the East Siberian Sea form a weakly pronounced cyclonic circulation. Along the mainland coast, a steady transfer of water from the west to the east is traced. At m. Billling part of the water goes to the north and north-west and is taken out to the northern seaside outlook, where it turns on in flows going to the west. With different synoptic situations, the movement of water changes. Part of the waters from the East Siberian Sea through the Strait of Long is taken out to the Chukotka Sea. Permanent flows are often disturbed by winds, which are often stronger than constant. The effect of tidal flows is relatively small.

Riding. In the East Siberian Sea, the correct semi-sufficient tides are observed. They cause a tidal wave, which enters the sea from the north and moves to the coast of the mainland. The front will be pulled out from the north-north-west to the east-south-east of the Novosibirsk Islands to Fr. Wrangel.

The most distinct tides are expressed in the north and northwest. As it moves to the south, they weaken, as the ocean tidal wave is largely quenched on an extensive shallow water. So, on the site from an indigracy to m. Shelygsky tidal fluctuations of the level are almost not noticeable. Weest and east of this area, the magnitude of the tide is also small - 5-7 cm. At the mouth of the Indigir, the configuration of the shores and the relief of the bottom contribute to the increase in tides to 20-25 cm. Significantly more developed on the mainland coast of the level of level changes caused by meteorological reasons.

The annual level of the level is characterized by the highest possible position in June - July, when there is a rich flow of river water. A reduction in mainland in August leads to a decrease in the level by 50-70 cm. As a result of the predominance of the hounce in the fall, in October, the level rise occurs.

In winter, the level decreases in March - April reaches its lowest position.

In the summer season, there are very pronounced short-range phenomena, in which level fluctuations are often 60-70 cm. At the mouth of the Kolyma and in the Dmitry Laptev Strait, they reach the maximum values \u200b\u200bfor the entire sea - 2.5 m. Fast and sharp change of level positions - One of the characteristic features of the coastal areas of the sea.

Significant excitement develops on free from ice spaces of the sea. It is the strongest in the storm northwestern and southeastern winds having the greatest accelerations above the surface of pure water. The maximum wave heights reach 5 m, usually their height is 3-4 m. Strong excitement is observed mainly at the end of the summer - early autumn (September), when the ice edge retreats to the north. The western part of the sea is more stormy than Eastern. His central regions are relatively calm.

Water temperature On the surface at all seasons, in general, it drops from the south to the north. In winter, it is close to the freezing point and near the mouth of the rivers is -0.2-0.6 °, and the northern borders of the sea - 1.7-1.8 °. In summer, the surface temperature distribution is due to the ice environment. The temperature of the water in the bays and bays reaches 7-8 °, in open, free from ice areas of 2-3 °, and at the ice edge it is close to 0 °.

Changing the temperature of the water with a depth of winter and the spring is not enough. Only near the mouth of large rivers it decreases to -0.5 ° in treated horizons and up to -1.5 ° at the bottom. In the summer, on free outdoor spaces, the water temperature is somewhat low from the surface to the bottom in the coastal zone in the west of the sea. In its eastern part, the surface temperature is observed in a layer of 3-5 m, where it is sharply dropped to the horizons 5-7 m and then smoothly decreases to the bottom. In the zones of the affect of the coastal flow, a homogeneous temperature covers a layer to 7-10 m, it is dramatically between the horizons 10-20 m, and then smoothly drops to the bottom. Shallow water, weakly heated East Siberian Sea is one of the coldest Arctic seas.

Salinity On the surface, in general, it increases from the south-west to the northeast. In winter and spring it is equal 4 -5 ° / 00 nearby collaimyindigirki, reaches the values \u200b\u200bof 24-26 ° / 00 at the islands of bearish, increases to 28-° ° / 00 in the central areas of the sea and rises to 31-32 ° / 00 on its northern outskirts. In summer, as a result of the inflow of river waters and melting ice, the size of the surface salinity is reduced to 18-22 ° / 00 in the coastal zone, 20- 22 ° / 00 at the islands of the bear, to 24 - 26 ° / 00 in the north, at the edges of the melting ice.

In winter, at most of the sea, the salinity slightly rises from the surface to the bottom. Only in the northwestern district, where the ocean water from the north penetrates, the salinity increases from 23 ° / 00 in the upper layer with a thickness of 10-15 m to 30 ° / 00 at the bottom. Near the mouth of the upper desalted layer to the horizon of 10-15 m, longer waters are littered. From the end of the spring and during the summer on free from ice spaces, the despaired layer is formed with a thickness of 20-25 m, under which salinity increases with depth. Consequently, in shallow water (to depths 10-20 and even up to 25 m), the collapse covers the entire waters. In deeper areas in the north and in the east of the sea on the horizons 5-10 m, and in some places 10-15 m salinity increases sharply, and then smoothly and slightly rises to the bottom.

In the autumn-winter season, water density is higher than in spring and summer. The density is larger in the north and in the east than in the west of the sea, where the despered waters from the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev penetrate. However, these differences are small. Usually the density increases with depth. Her vertical distribution is similar to salty.

Various degree of water change creates unequal conditions for the development of mixing in different parts of the East Siberian Sea. On the relatively weakly stratified and free from the ice of the spaces, the strong winds of the summer are stirred to the horizons 20-25 m. Therefore, in areas bounded by a depth of 25 m, the wind stirring spreads to the bottom. In places of sharp bundle of water in density, the wind mixing penetrates only to the horizons 10-15 m, where it limits significant vertical density gradients.

Autumn-winter convection in the East Siberian Sea at the depths of 40-50 m, which occupy more than 70% of its entire area penetrates until the bottom. By the end of the cold season, winter vertical circulation spreads to the horizons 70-80 m, where it limits the large vertical stability of water.

2.5. Ice regime

The East Siberian Sea is the very Arctic of the seas of the Soviet Arctic. From October - November to June - July it is completely covered with ice. At this time, the brings of ice from the Arctic basin to the sea prevails, as opposed to the other seas of the Arctic, where the remote ice drift prevails. The characteristic feature of the ice of the East Siberian Sea is a significant development in winter. At the same time, it most widely spreads in the western, shallow part of the sea and occupies a narrow coastal strip in the east of the sea. In the West of the Sea, the width of the soldier reaches 400-500 km. Here it is connected to the soldier of the sea Laptev. In the central regions, its width is 250-300 km and east of the m. Shelagsky - 30-40 km. The border falling approximately coincides with the hand-made 25 km, which takes place 50 km north of the Novosibirsk Islands, then turns to the southeast, approaching the mainland coast at m. Shelagsky. By the end of winter, the thickness of the digest reaches 2 m. From the west to the East, the thickness of the solder decreases. Behind the ship are the drifting ice. Usually this annual and bile ice is a thickness of 2-3 m. In the very north of the sea, many years of Arctic ice is found. The winds of South Rumbers prevailing the winds often include drifting ice from the northern edge solder. As a result, significant spaces of clean water and young ice, forming in the west of the Novosibirsk and in the east of the Warranty-Levskaya stationary recruit wormways appear in the west.

At the beginning of the summer, after opening and destruction, the position of the ice edge is determined by the action of winds and flows. However, ice is always found north of the strip. Wrangel - Novosibirsk Islands. In the western part of the sea, a Novosibirsk ice array is formed on the place of extensive soldering. It consists mainly of annual ice and by the end of the summer it is usually destroyed. The overwhelming part of the space in the east of the sea is occupied by the extension of an ionic oceanic array, which largely forms severe perennial ice. Its southern periphery throughout the year almost adjoins the mainland coast, determining the ice environment at sea.

2.6. Biology.

Flora and the fauna of the East Siberian Sea are qualitatively poor compared to neighboring seas, mainly due to harsh ice conditions. However, in the areas of the mouth of the rivers, except the Omul, Siga and Harius, there are large shoals of white fish (Coregonidae).There are also other types of fish, which include polar koryushku, Navaag, polar cod, polar cambal and salmon fish: Arctic Cauls and Nelma Mammals are represented by shine, seals and white bears, birds - kayrami, sea seagulls, cormorants. In the central districts there are cold-robber saltwater forms. Fishing is local importance.


1. Bogdanov D.V. Oceans and sea on the eve of the XXI century. - M.: Science, 1991. - 128 p.

2. Sukhov F. S.World Ocean. - L.: Hydrometeoisdat, 1986. - 288 p.

3. Oceanographic encyclopedia. - L.: Hydrometeoisdat, 1974. - 632 p.

4. Svalin B. S., Kosarev A. N. Seas. - M.: Thought, 1999. - 400 p.

5. Nikiforov E. G., Schapiher A. O. The patterns of formation of large-scale oscillations of the hydrological regime of the Northern Ocean. - L.: Hydrometeoisdat, 1980. - 270 s.

located between the Novosibirsk Islands and the Island of Wrangel. The southern border passes on the mainland shore from the cape of Yakan to Cape Holy Nose.
The East Siberian Sea refers to the type of mainland seasons. Its area is 913 thousand km2, the volume is 49 thousand km3, the average depth is 54 m, the greatest depth is 915m, i.e. This sea lies entirely on the mainland shallow.

The coastline of the East-Siberian Sea forms rather large bends, in some places in land, sitting in the sea, but there are also sections with a smooth shore line. Small winding are usually timed to the mouths of small rivers.

The landscapes of the western coast of the East Siberian Sea are distinguished by the eastern. On the plot from the Novosibirsk Islands and to the mouth of the Kolyma Coast River are very lowlands and monotonous. Here to the sea fits a marshy tundra. Eastern the mouth of the Kolyma River, for the Cape of Big Baranov, the coast becomes mountainous. From the mouth of the Kolyma River to the island of Iion, low hills are suitable for water, the plates are cool. The chaunis lip is framed by low, but cool smooth shores. A variety of seaside coast in various areas belongs to different morphological types of shores.

The underwater relief of the shelf, forming the bed of the sea, in general, is the plain, very poorly tilted from the southwest to the northeast. The bottom of the sea does not have noticeable depressions and elevations. It is assumed that these are traces of the ancient river valleys, filled with the sea. The area of \u200b\u200bsmall depths in the western part of the sea forms the Novosibirsk Oven. The greatest depths are concentrated in the northeastern part of the sea. A noticeable increase in depths occurs in the horizon from 100 to 200 m.

Located in high latitudes, the East Siberian Sea is located in the area of \u200b\u200batmospheric influences of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the western part of the sea (although rarely), cyclones of Atlantic origin penetrate into the eastern regions - Pacific. The climate of the East Siberian Sea is a polar sea, but with signs of continentality.

The mainland stock in the East Siberian Sea is relatively small, about 250 m3 / km, which is only 10% of the total river flow of all the Arctic seas. The largest of the flowing rivers - Kolyma - for the year gives about 130 km3 of the water, and the second largest river is an indigilion - 60 km3 of water a year. All other rivers during the same time poured about 350 km3 water into the sea.

Due to the shallow water and the lack of deep gutters emerging beyond the northern limits of the East Siberian Sea, the overwhelming part of its spaces from the surface to the bottom is occupied by surface arctic water.
The constant flows on the surface of the East Siberian Sea form a weakly pronounced cyclonic circulation.
In the East Siberian Sea, the correct semi-sufficient tides are observed. They cause a tidal wave, which enters the sea from the north and moves to the coast of the mainland. The front will be pulled out from the north-north-west to the east-southeast from the Novosibirsk Islands to the island of Wrangel.

The annual level of the level is characterized by the highest possible position in June - July, when there is a rich flow of river water.

In the summer season, there are very pronounced short-range phenomena, in which level oscillations are often - 60cm. At the mouth of the Kolyma River and in the Strait of Dmitry Laptev, they reach the maximum for the entire sea of \u200b\u200bVelchin - 2.5m. Fast and sharp change of level provisions - one of the characteristic features of the coastal areas of the sea.

The East Siberian Sea is the very Arctic of the seas of the Russian Arctic. From October - November to June - July it is completely covered with ice. At this time, the brings of ice from the Arctic basin in the sea prevails, unlike the other seas of the Arctic, where the weed drift prevails. The characteristic feature of the ice of the East Siberian Sea is a significant development in winter. At the same time, it most widely spreads in the western, shallow part of the sea and occupies a narrow coastal strip in the east of the sea.

The overwhelming part of the space in the east of the sea is occupied by the extension of an ionic oceanic array, which largely forms severe perennial ice. His southern submerity throughout the year almost adjoins the mainland coast, determining the ice setting in the sea.