What are the largest lakes in the world? It's practically the sea! The largest lakes in the world.

What are the largest lakes in the world? It's practically the sea! The largest lakes in the world.
What are the largest lakes in the world? It's practically the sea! The largest lakes in the world.

Natural reservoirs filled with fresh water are gaining increasing value to humanity over time, because active economic activities are inflicted too much damage.

Moreover, it becomes clear what miracle is Baikal - the largest freshwater lake in the world in the reserves of pure drinking water.

How to evaluate?

What criteria should we evaluate such a natural object as a lake to assign him the title "biggest"? The main thing is the volume that it contains. It is precisely in this sense of a natural reservoir formed by the powerful forces changing the surface of the planet. In this aspect, Baikal is definitely the largest freshwater lake in the world. On the square of the mirror, it is inferior to six reservoirs located in a variety of regions of the planet, but even the largest of them - the top of the top, located on the North American continent, has a twice as smaller. This reservoir, which is part of the Great American Lakes, is clearly visible from the space, but even together they contain the volume of water less than in Baikal.

Nice sea

Also well-distinguishable by astronauts, it has long been called Siberians by the Sea. Like a normal sea, in Baikal there are bays, straits and reef zones, peninsula and island archipelagoes (total islands 27), and the largest island - Olkhon - with a width of 12 km extends to a length of 71 km.

Baikal is a unique ecological system created for storing 20% \u200b\u200bof the global stock of fresh water (its volume is 23,600 m 3). A giant crescent of about 620 km long has a maximum width of 79 m, and the greatest depth, measured using modern hydrological tools, is 1642 m. This is the largest freshwater lake in the world in depth. Even the average depth of Baikal is about 740 meters - more maximal in all major freshwater reservoirs of natural origin.

Volcanic activities accompanying the formation of the Baikal Wpadin, has grown up the whole surrounding area by 455 m above sea level, and the bottom of this depression collapsed 1186.5 m below this level, therefore, among all earthly mainland depressions, it is very little excellent.

Sufficient system

A unique ecological system, which is the largest freshwater lake in the world, is a well-thought-out and balanced composition of several elements, noigible anywhere. The main one is Epischura Baicalensis - Baikal Epiphur - plankton crustacean animal size about one and a half millimeters, passing through itself Baikal water, removes the organic, makes it exceptionally clean and rich oxygen.

Especially transparent water in the spring, when it contains a minimum of algae, and then only bad vision can also distinguish the coin on a 30-meter depth.

Cold and clean water, filling the largest freshwater lake in the world, is the habitat of unique fish species, among which most endemic, i.e. they only live in Baikal, the legendary Omul is most famous. Endemics make up the majority among numerous birds and mammals.


Studies of rocks that make up the Baikal Bowl did not allow the dispute of scientists about the birth's birthday of Baikal. Some claim that the largest freshwater lake in the world formed about 20 million years ago, others say that so long lakes do not live - after a tet of thousands of years, they are inevitably filled with or turning away and turn into a swamp. Opponents see this one more reason to talk about the exception of this natural object.

The version of the "adolescent" age of Baikal at 5-8 thousand years old is equally active, such approval is substantiated in the fact that active seismic activities continue in the Principacillus area.

Local tribes, from which the name of "Barguta" remained, first began to settle in the Baikal shores. They were changed by the Buryats, from the language of which and the word came to whom the largest freshwater lake in the world is now called. The name of Baikal is a refined Russian Cossacks who came to the Siberian Sea in the XVII century, Buryat Baigal. Among the many values \u200b\u200bof this word - "Mighty standing water", "rich fire", "divine, supreme reservoir", etc.

The main thing is to save

Back in Soviet times, the problem of pollution began to make a threatening scale. Bukombinat became built on his shore, not only the source of polluting the purebi Baikal water waste, but also the cause of cutting on its shores of cedar forests, which entailed heavier problems for vegetation and animal breaker.

Another problem is that there are among more than 330 permanent tributaries of Baikal such major rivers as Selenga carrying the Baikal of Mongolia and Baikal.

The main threat is the habit of extracting from those considered free natural resources all sorts of momentary benefits, without thinking about the future. Without defeating such an environmental attitude, it is impossible to hope for the best future. Baikal is too pure gem diamond, donated by Russia and the world, so as not to try to save it.

Nature generously gave our planet amazing places, from which the Spirit simply captures: impassable jungle and forever green forests, snow-covered mountains and blooming plains, golden beaches and emerald waterfalls, warm seas and majestic oceans.

Among all this beauty, small pearls crumbled on the land of the lake. But there are so many of them that you will not tell about everyone immediately, so in this article we will tell you only about the largest lakes of the world.

Lake Square: 371,000 km²

"Didn't it lake?" You ask. And we will answer you with solid confidence - yes! The Caspian Sea is actually the biggest self-lake in the world. This is a lake-record holder, it honors first place in several parameters - this is the greatest size of the Russian lake, the largest in the area and, accordingly, the largest in the world.

Its area today is 371 thousand km²., Water volume - 69,400 thousand m³, and this is almost half of the global stock of lakewater. Such splendor of the paints and the grace of nature, like the coast of the Caspian Sea you will not see anywhere, so a backpack in your hands and ahead of vivid impressions.

Upper lake

Lake Square: 82 500 km²

North America is famous for its large lakes, but also one is the proof of the Lake of the Upper, located on the border of Canada and the United States. The top is the upper not only by name, but also on the list of the system of the Great Lakes, where it will certainly come in. After all, the same large freshwater lake is not only America, but also the whole world. Its area is 82.5 thousand km², and the depth is 406 m.

Do you know why the reservoir has such an interesting name? Everything is very simple, it is over another North American aquatic giant - Lake Huron.


Area: 69 000 km²

Victoria is recognized as one of the world's largest lakes. It is located in East Africa and wash the land of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. It got such a name in honor of Queen Victoria, and he opened his traveler John Henning in the 19th century. Victoria volume is 2760 km³, and an area of \u200b\u200b69,000 km². This is the biggest lake of Africa and one of the most impressive freshwater lakes of the world.

Be sure to visit the limitless and such multifaceted rainbow Africa, because it turned out, it is famous not only by its wild safaris, but also beautiful lakes.


Lake Square: 59 600 km²

Now we will tell you about the North American lake called Huron. Its area is 59,600 km²., And the volume is 3538 km³, and yet the main importance is given to the depth, which is 229 m.

Huron is not only one of the biggest lakes of the world, but also one of the most colorful and memorable places on our planet. Especially Lake Huron is famous for its largest lake ship cemetery. Not one ship ship found his eternal refuge in Guron's waves. Do not believe? Then you must visit it and see for yourself.


Area: 58 000 km²

Another attraction and pride of North America is the famous fresh and one of the biggest lakes of the world - Michigan. This lake can be considered completely North American, as it is only on its territory.

Lake Michigan is connected with his mother brother Lake Huron Strait Makino and with him constitute a single water system, but geographers classify them as separate lakes. And the oldest attraction of the reservoir is one of the oldest lighthouses - the lighthouse of the old mission, built in 1870.


Area: 32 900 km²

Tanganyika is another Water African Giant. This large lake located in Central Africa is also the longest (676 km), as well as one of the deepest lakes in the world with an average depth of 570 meters.

Do you know that it is Tanganyika who goes to the Congo River pool - the most? Tanganyik will be interested in the first place of underwater tourism lovers, because such a rich underwater world, you will not see anywhere else in the world.

Area: 31 500 km²

The pride of Mother of Russia, of course, is Baikal - the deepest lake of the planet. Somewhere there, in the southern part of Eastern Siberia there is a water giant in the form of a large crescent named Baikal. He manites to himself as a magnet and scares at the same time.

This giant takes the seventh place in the world among the largest lakes in the world in the area. You just think about, the average Baikal depth is 1642 meters, and its area is 31,500 km² and equates to the territory of such a country as Belgium. True, amazing? These are planets!

Bear lake

Area: 31 100 km²

One of the largest Canadian lakes is considered a big bear lake. In the list of the System of the Great Lakes of the World, it takes the eighth place, but among the large North American lakes, and how we have convinced them today, only the fourth place, and covers an area of \u200b\u200b31,100 km².

The name of the reservoir many is associated with a population of large bears inhabiting the lakes. Also, a large bearish river follows from the bear lake, maybe where does the story of this giant come from?

Lake Square: 30,000 km²

Nyasa is a beautiful pearl of the hot and hot queen of countries - multicolored, colorful and so unusual Africa. It is a beautiful lake - ninth largest and third in the depths in the world, is located in East Africa. It runs from north to south between countries Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania and covers an area of \u200b\u200b30,000 km².

The water here is very warm, that's just the invasion of mosquitoes and the midges strongly overshadow it is magical in beauty. In addition to the huge variety of fish in Lake Nyasa, therefore respected tourists, be very careful!

Area: 19 500 km²

One of the most majestic and beautiful natural attractions of North America is rightfully Lake Ontario. Its area is only 19,500 km². And it is precisely what allows him to enter 10-ku on the square among the largest lakes in the world.

To admire the beauty of nature or just take a break from the city fuss, the crowds of tourists come to the shores of Ontario every summer. Especially love these places fishermen and underwater hunting lovers. Believe me, no one left with empty hands.

Area: 18 400 km²

Ladoga is the most mysterious and beautiful lake, with its centuries-old history for many years attracts thousands of tourists who are happy to rest on the shores of this beautiful reservoir. Landscapes here are simply magic, and the animal and plant world shakes with their brightness and versatility.

Ladoga is considered the largest lake in Europe. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir reaches 18,400 km²., And the length is about 200 km.

In the south-east of fabulous Kazakhstan, the half-and-water and semi-cluttered lake Balkhash was spread. The fact is that the 14th largest in the list of large lakes of the world is a miracle lake divided by a narrow strait into two parts. In one part of the water is fresh, and in another salty. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 16,400 km², which allows him to be one of the biggest lakes in the world.

On the shores of Lake Balkhash there are many exciting historical attractions. The ancient mounds Aktasty, Flash and Parking Dermen and Donal tells their guests about the life and life of the ancient settlers, about their traditions and customs.

Area: 10 588 km²

If you expect to see here the usual lake, then you are very mistaken.

This Solonchak Uyuni is the most extraordinary and exciting phenomenon in nature. This is the only solid lake in the world in Bolivia and is a huge supply of salt on the planet.

Uyuni is an almost completely dried salty lake, located near the same name of the city of Uyuni in Bolivia. The place is replete with mineral resources, such as Galite and Gypsum.

Uyuni is not in vain called Solonchak, because in itself the bottom of the lake represents a huge thickener of salt, in the rainy season, the Bolivian Lake Uyuni is filled with water and forms the largest natural mirror on the planet. During the drought period, the water of their lake evaporates, leaving on the surface of a smooth slicer.


We told you about the biggest and beautiful lakes in the world and tried to show you all the greatness and mysteriousness of the water element. We hope you also liked our virtual journey. I really want to believe that we were able to convey all the beauty, naturalness and uniqueness of each of the biggest and beautiful lakes of the world.

The rating "The Big Lake in Russia" is compiled according to materials of Internet sources. It included the 10 largest lakes of Russia located in descending order of their square. Additionally, the maximum depth of these reservoirs is indicated.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe largest lakes of our country in the list varies from thousands of square kilometers to several hundred thousand square kilometers.

1.Caspian Sea is the largest lake in Russia and the world

Nominally the largest unveiled lake in Russia, and all over the world, is the Caspian. The Caspian Sea is called such because its bed is formed by the earth's crust of the oceanic type. The area of \u200b\u200bthis largest lake of our Motherland is 371,000 square meters. km. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is 1025 m. The water of the Caspian Sea is washed by 5 states at once: Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Water in the Caspian Seven.

Baikal is the largest lake of Russia without taking into account the Caspian Sea. Lake Lake Baikal - 31722 square meters. km, and the maximum depth reaches 1642 m. Baikal is the deepest lake on our planet and the largest natural storage of fresh water. The lake is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia and has a tectonic origin. Baikal and the territory adjacent to it are distinguished by a large variety of flora and fauna. In the largest freshly lake of Russia, such rivers like Selenga, the upper hangar, Barguzin, Snow, and follows from Baikal only one river - hangar.

3. Lake Lake - the largest freshwater lake in Europe

The third place in the "The Big Lake in Russia" rating occupies Ladoga Lake, located in the territory of the Leningrad region and Karelia. Ladoga Lake Square - 17703 square meters. km. It is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. The maximum depth is 225 m. From the Ladoga takes its beginning of the river Neva, and fall into the lake of the River Svir, Volkhov, Vuoks, as well as and Nasi.


Further, the lists of the largest lakes of Russia settled the lake, which occupies the second place in Europe after Lake Lake. Lake is located near Ladoga in the north-west of the European part of our country. The area of \u200b\u200bthis lake is 9690 square meters. km, and the maximum depth is 127 m. On the banks of the lake, Petrozavodsk, Medvezhiegorsk and Kondopoga are located. The main attraction of this large lake is the island of Kizhi, in which there are 89 monuments of wooden architecture.

Onega Lake

From the European part of Russia we are transferred to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where there is a large lake of Taimyr or Taimyr Lake. Taimyr is the most northernmost real lake in the world, most of the year it is covered with ice. On average, Ice Lake is free only 73 days a year. Taimyr Square - 4560 square meters. km. The indicator of the greatest depth is 26 m.

Taimyr Lake

In the Far East of Russia, another lake of the rating "The Biggest Lake of Russia" is located - Khanka. Lake Hank is on the border of Russia and China. This lake is rather small - the prevailing depth of 1-3 m, and the maximum depth is only 10.6 m. The area of \u200b\u200bLake Khanka is 4070 square meters. km. More than two dozen rivers fall into the lake, and the Sungach River flows out, the influx of Ussuri. Popular with city status on the shores of Lake Hank is not.

7. On the ice of this lake there happened

In the Pskov region, another rating participant is located - the mud-Pskov Lake. To any schoolchild, this is a lake, first of all, in that in the battle of his ice in 1242, the Russian military, led by Alexander Nevsky, won a historic victory over Teutonic knights. This battle entered the history textbooks called Ice Battle. Lake Square - 3555 square meters. km, the maximum depth is 15 m. The Narva River flows from the miracle-Pskov lake.

8. Miss-Nur - Located on the territory of Tuva

UBSU-NUR is a large lake located on the territory of Tuva. On the territory of Russia there is only a small part of the water area and the coast of the whole lake. Most of the UBSU-NUR lake is located in neighboring Mongolia. Its area is 3350 square meters. km, maximum depth - 20 m. The lake located on the geoclimatic boundary between Siberia and Asia, is subject to a large temperature difference - from - 58 to + 47 ° C.

9. Canya is located in the Novosibirsk region

The penultimate place in the "The largest lake in Russia" rankings occupy Lake Chane, which is located in the Novosibirsk region. Its area - 1990 square meters. km, and the highest depth - 7. This is a salty lake. Canya is a system of references communicating with each other by ducts and shallow sectors.

10. The White Lake is part of the Sheksninsky reservoir

In the Vologda region, the last large lake of our list is located - the White Lake, which since 1964 is part of the Sheksninsky reservoir. Lake Square - 1125 square meters. km, and the maximum depth is 33 m.

Just two months ago, I returned from Lake Baikal. Beauty and endless surface clean, fresh water, conquers with their scope. I always thought that Baikal was the biggest lake, but it turns out that it is not. In North America there is a lake, which is twice as many Baikal.

The largest freshwater area is the top. It is on the border of Canada and, enters the system "Great Lakes".

Upper dimensions are simply affected:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 82.7 thousand kilometers square, which makes it the largest area.
  • The amount of water with which the lake is filled with 11.6 thousand cubic kilometers. It ranks third in terms of water.
  • Maximum depth of the top - 406 meters.
  • The lake stretches 560 kilometers.
  • The maximum lake width reaches 260 kilometers.

The lake is considered very dangerous. On the lake there is changed weather, with strong gusts of the wind. A real storm can be played, raising waves up to six meters. Hundreds of sunken ships found their peace at the bottom of the lake.

The temperature of the water at a depth is practically not changed, it is equal to four degrees Celsius. In winter, the shore is covered with ice crust, and the middle part of the lake does not freeze. The richness of the top is a large number of fish. More than eighty species of fish are found here, among which there are particularly valuable: trout, sig, salmon, sturgeon. Some species are specifically bred in the lake.

The lake has become a favorite place of summer holidays and tourism. On the shores there are hundreds of equipped campgrounds, there is a park with the same name in which several bays come. Lake top is a wonderful creature of nature, created 4 thousand years ago.

The lake is called a natural water, limited to the limits of a lake bed and not having a direct message with the sea or ocean. In total, there are approximately 5 million lakes of the most different sizes. The total area of \u200b\u200btheir water mirror is 2,500,000 square meters. km, which is 1.8% of the surface of our planet. Some lakes are completely tiny, and the largest is comparable to some seas.

1. Caspian (371,000 square meters)

The Caspian Sea is it, the biggest lake in the world. Peoples who lived at different times on his shores gave him to 70 items. There is a theory that about 10,000 years ago, the Black and Caspian Sea were a single reservoir, and at present the Caspian is the world's largest salt lake. The current name of the lake occurred from the Kaspiev tribes who inhabited in the second millennium BC. e. Southeast of Transcaucasia. Now the territories of the five states go to the banks of the Caspian: the largest coastline belongs to Turkmenistan, and the rest of the shores are divided by Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan. Iranians, for example, are called its Khazar Sea.
Although formally, the Caspian and is the lake, since it does not have access to the sea, but has at the same time underly the ocean terrestrial bark. There is this largest lake on the planet for a greater extent due to the fact that the largest European river - Volga flows into it. It is impossible to call it with a lightweight reservoir, since water from the Caspian Sea enters the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-goal, carrying out of the pool of the salt.
The water level in Caspian is subject to strong oscillations. A particularly noticeable drop in the water level was observed in the last century, when a hydrose was built on the Volga one after another, reduced the flow of the largest Caspian donor. To prevent this, the dam was even built, breaking the flow of water into Kara-Bogaz-goal. But the decision was unsuccessful - soon the bay is practically powerful, and the Caspian level began to rise rapidly. In the end, in 1992, Damb was blown up, after which Kara-Bogaz-goal was again filled with water, and the sea level was stabilized. In recent years, a gradual decline in the Caspian level has been once again observed.

2. Top (82,414 square meters. Km)

Lake top is part of the system of American great lakes. On his northern shores there is a territory of Canada, and on the southern - the United States. The average depth of the lake is 147 meters. This is the largest water mirror of the freshwater lake of the world. It is often played by fierce storms with a wave height of up to 10 m. Among the locals are popular about the ghost ship and mysterious waves.
Due to the rapid nature of the lake at his day, many vessels that have not cope with waves, including huge dry cargo services, is resting. It is not at all surprising if you consider the nature of local weather. Back in the distant past, the Indians who lived on the shores of the Great Lakes were observed on them incredibly high waves, arising quite unexpectedly and embraced ashore, demolishing everything on their way. They called their "three sisters". Scientists and now do not know the reasons that such enormous waves generate.
On the lake top there are several islands, the largest of which is Ail-Royal 72 km long and 12 km width. It is now located at National Park.

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3. Victoria (69,485 square meters)

This Central African Lake is the second on the mirror area with freshwater reservoir of the world and the largest in Africa. It is located on the territory of the three states: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Its coastline has a length of 7,000 kilometers, and the average depth is 40 m (maximum - 80 m).
This is the most warm out of the big lakes in the world, since the upper layer of water with a thickness of several meters is heated in it to 35 degrees, and even in July (the coldest month here is a month) water is not colder than 20 degrees. The British opened this lake in the XIX century and called in honor of their queen, while local Africans call him Nyanza. Tried to pick up the lake in general for the peoples inhabiting his shores, but so far to no avail. Fishermen, confident in the infinity of the lake resources, are called him "Lake Gods."
Nyanza gradually cares, and it kill his fertilizers and pesticides, washed off by rains with surrounding fields. It provoked a rapid development on the surface of the lake of aqueous hyacinth, which instantly expands, depriving the lights and oxygen inhabitants of lake depths: fish dying, and fishermen boats are stuck in the thickets of hyacinth. Fishermen, watching the decline in catch, fall into pessimism. Scientists believe that Victoria is about 400,000 years. For her long history, the lake stopped three times, but if you do nothing today, it can finally die.

4. Huron (59,600 square meters)

Huron is the second largest lake from the system of the Great Lakes. Its shores are divided between the Canadian province of Ontario and the American state of Michigan. The depth of the lake comes to 229 meters, but in the southern part of the water area it is more shallow. The depth of 1.5 m reaches from the shore for 10 meters. The lake is named by the Indian tribe of gurons, once inhabited by his shore. The bottom of Huron is a cemetery of ships that sank during storms, while others were thrown ashore. The shores of the lake are very picturesque, with the rich fauna and Flora, so they attract a lot of holidaymakers. But in the winter, there is often bad weather here because of winds from any of the three Ocean North America, so it's best to get here in the summer. With the lake Michigan Huron connects to the Strait of Makinak or Makino. Sometimes these lakes are considered a single lake due to close characteristics.
Currently, the ecology of the Great Lakes is rapidly deteriorating. Many species of fish disappeared in them, the chemical composition of water changes. Governments of the United States and Canada developed a program to improve the local ecosystem designed for decades.

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5. Michigan (58,000 square meters)

Of all the great lakes, only Michigan is entirely located in the United States and therefore is considered the largest lake of this country. Hydrographically, Michigan forms a single integer with Lake Huron, although geographers view them separately. Michigan's channel is connected to the largest river North America Mississippi. The depth of the lake reaches 85 m. Translated from the language of the Indians, the name of the lake means "big water", which is not by chance, because Michigan is quite a bit inferior in size to Huron and the lake top. There is even a myth of his monster - "Plesiosaur" (so that the Scots is not accused). It was added to him a gossip about blue-eyed waswicbing, terrorizing local residents.

6. Tanganyika (32,893 square meters)

In Central Africa, there is another huge Tanganic lake with a middle depth of 570 m at a maximum of 1470 m. This is the longest freshwater lake in the world with a coastline long line in 1828 km, which makes it more on the maps more reminds the river. In Tanganic, there are many kinds of fish, of which 170 live only here. There are also a variety of mollusks, as well as leeches, and more larger from animals - hippos, crocodiles and herons. But only 10% of the water of the lake in the surface and comprising oxygen are suitable for life. From a depth of 100 m, water becomes completely dead. The environmental situation on the lake worsens the activities of industry and household waste. Due to the poisoned water on the shores of the lake, epidemics often flas out. Expansion continues on the surface of the water hyacinth lake.

7. Baikal (31,722 square meters)

Lake Baikal is the most profound (1642 m) and having the largest stock of clean fresh water in the world. The coastline of the lake stretches for 2100 km. On all sides, Baikal surrounds mountains and taiga belonging to the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. The lake stretched 620 km from the southwest to the northeast, forming a shape in the form of a crescent. 330 rivers fall into Baikal, and the flow occurs through the unique river against the hangar. In the lake itself and on its shores there are unique types of plants and animals, of which many live only here. Local people refer to Baikal by the Sea, which he fully deserves.

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8. Large bear lake (31,080 sq. Km)

The large lake is considered the largest inland reservoir fully located in Canada. Its maximum depth is 413 meters. There is a large bear lake in the northwestern territories of Canada on the breadth of the polar circle. The height above sea level is 186 m. The lakeside formed the Glacier moving to the south in the distant past. The lake takes the beginning of a large bearish river, which flows downstream into the Mackenzie River, and she continues to run to the sea of \u200b\u200bBeaufort.
Zhilbert Labin opened in 1930 near the lake of the uranium field, which made his contribution to the history of our civilization. It was from here that they took and enriched uranium and plutoniums, from which the first atomic charges were made, two of which were intended for the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Later, due to the unprofitability of mining, the local mine was closed when new uranium deposits were found in other parts of Canada. Large Bear Lake Shipping, main ports are Foreign and Port Radii. The lake is exempt from ice usually not earlier than the end of July.

9. Malawi (Nyasa) (30,044 square meters)

Nyasa is a component of the Great African lakes, and in Africa is the third in size with natural reservoirs. The maximum depth of Lake Malawi is 706 m, which makes it sixth in the world and the second in Africa for this indicator.
This lake has a tectonic origin. 7% of the world's fresh water reserves are concentrated in it. It is located in the south of the East African Rift Valley, in deep wpadin, passing through such countries as Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi. In the lake of Nyasa, 14 rivers fall, including such large as the North and South Rukuru, Ruchukhu, Twangva and Boua, and the stock has a wider river, arising from the southern side of the lake and being the influx of Zambezi. The shores of the lake cool, there are strong storms with surfs that complicate shipping here.

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10. Large slave lake (28,930 square meters)

This lake is the deepest in all over North America, since its depth reaches 614 meters. It is located in Canada, in northwestern territories, and its height above sea level is 156 meters. Like other lakes of this part of Canada, a large slave lake has the same glacial origin. His oriental and southern shores rest in the granite rocks of the Canadian shield, while the Western and Northern goes to fruitless land - the so-called Canadian Tundra. The lake is cold, ice covers it from October to June.
The Indians Spevi, who lived in the past on his shores, were the culprits of such a strange name of the lake. The name of the tribe was the consonant English Word "Slave" - \u200b\u200b"slave" or "slave", hence such a distortion arose.