Why a person can not live. Can a person exist outside of society

Why a person can not live. Can a person exist outside of society

Personality and society - perhaps none of the others did not cause so many debates and did not become the subject of so many works of the outstanding minds of humanity. Whether an individual is able to live outside society - one of the most relevant in all historical times of issues.

Many people have existed extremely interesting rites associated with the initiation of mature. Some of their details may seem modern man Wild and even terrible, for example, was assumed the long-term separation from the community (symbolized the room in a certain sacred environment in which new knowledge was supposed to find), often accompanied by additional prohibitions - taboos for conversations, the requirement to be in the complete darkness, etc.

And to continue, such a "disgrace" could have a rather considerable period of time - from week to year. In addition to other effects, such a forced insulation gave rise to the literally indestructible thirst for communication. Lost access to this simple everyday pastime, people literally disbanded from the inability to meet one of the most important needs - communicative.

This example is the excess proof of that thesis that a person is unthinkable without society. In cooperation with itself, not only extrovertes (capable of sleeping from complete loneliness), but also the most terry introvert.

This kind of flour was experiencing, in particular, Dr. Robert Neville, Will Smith's character in the picture "I am Legend." Remaining in the extinction scary virus Meshopolis, nights in the flooded generated by the semi-ambit half-haired ( former peoplewho received their status of the unclean as a side effect from the new anti-cancer medication), and in the afternoon with wild beasts wandering out of the surrounding forests, he tries to find himself like (if at least some of them managed to survive in a grandiose biological catastrophe).

In order not to go crazy against the lack of social environment, Dr. Neville in despair invents some kind of communication. At the point of rolled video films, for example, it sets the figures of the people with whom it was used to meet there in the "Privial" time, and speaks with them, imitating ordinary communication.

Such a traction in forced isolation of human representatives to elementary communication is not amazing. It is a continuous information exchange that brought people to that high - especially in comparison with time ancient history - Development steps, in which they are now, without interrupting their further progress.

Interacting with yourself similar, cooperating with them, freely or unwittingly passing the training that they know and what others own, a particular representative of the human kind is not only increasing in a personal plan. Its becoming and as a professional, as the one who knows how to work for the benefit of the rest, feel one of the creators of something valuable and meaningful.

Through such interchanges with the help of communicative means, the return of the accumulated experience is carried out and the so-called continuity of generations, important for survival and multiplying global human achievements. In other words, young members of the society absorb knowledge accumulated by their ancestors, adding to them gradually and something else, recently open and conscious, harmoniously complementing - and at the same time in individual nuances refuting - former knowledge.

Psychologists from all over the planet have long ago concluded: Homo Sapires is a biosocial creature, and for often feeling Happiness, harmony and well-being to him acutely need to realize that he is not alone. Moreover, support is important not only from the most beloved and relatives, but also from strangers (which confirmed some experiments - in particular, the Argentine scientists). Therefore, a question, can a person live without society, hardly, by and large, allows a positive answer.

Outside the society, personality falls into a certain informational vacuum, which is determined by the most important evaluation toolkit, helping to determine the value and real importance of its achievements. Early in society, the individual absorbs, including acceptable moral and ethical installations, already in the course of their children's years, realizing: beyond these generally accepted norms, with their violation will hardly come out full-fledged interaction with others.

In addition, such restrictive public frames give a sense of security, reliability, even protection. Any member of society can be sure that his ability to survive in such an environment will be many times higher than alone.

Anyone who is deprived of communication with others will not be able to grow in a full-fledged personality. In the literature, there was a lot of negative about what a person without society is. Examples of this - at least the history of Robinson Cruise and Mowgli. By the way, in reality there were a lot of people growing among animals. None of them could be subsequently adapted to a full-fledged existence among other people.

Thus, outside the society, neither a personal, nor spiritual, nor any other development is simply impossible. Crushed out of society, a person will lose a landmark in his own promotion in life, and it will easily ride the path of degradation.

Society is a society without which man Crash hard. Fear of loneliness is inherent in both young and old. But there are people for whom it is not at all fear, but a way of life - they feel free, independent. Why, in fact, a person can not live without society?

Recall the hero of the popular Robinson book Cruise. Announced desert island as a result of shipwreck, he long years Lived B. full of loneliness. True, I don't need anything, because in the tropical climate it was possible to do without warm clothes, and I still managed to remove a lot of useful things from the ship. In addition, Robinszon without much difficulty mined food, because on the island there were goats, tropical fruits were growing in abundance, grapes. So compared to the sinking comrades, he could feel like a baulian fate. However, Robinson was tested by burning, painful longing. After all, he was alone. All his thoughts, all the desires rushed to one: to return to people. What lacked Robinzon? No one "stands above the soul" does not indicate what and how to do, does not limit your freedom. And lacked him the most important thing - communication. After all, the whole story of human civilization testifies that only together, helping each other, people achieved success and overcome difficulties. It is not by chance that the most terrible punishment in the people of the Stone Age was considered to be exile from the genus or from the tribe. Such a person was simply doomed. Separation of responsibilities and mutual assistance - these are the two main foundations in which the well-being of any human society: Starting from the family and ending with the state. No person, even having a colossal physical strength and the most sharp, deep mind, will not be able to do as much as a group of people. Just because he has no one to rely on, not to consult, to schedule a plan of work, ask for help. There is no one to distribute instructions and no one to check, finally, if he is a pronounced leader in nature. The selection of his loneliness will sooner or later lead to depression, and it can take the most severe forms. The same Robinzon, so as not to go crazy from despair and longing, was forced to take a number of measures: a diary was regularly conducted, he made back on his primitive "calendar" - in the entrance to the land of the post, talked out loud with a dog, cats and a parrot. There are situations, when even proud and independent man Just need help. For example, with serious illness. And if there is no one next to anyone, and not to contact anyone? It may end it very sadly. Finally, no self-respecting person can live without a goal. He needs to set some tasks in front of him and reach them. But - this is the feature of the human psyche - what is the only sense in achieving the goal, if no one sees and not evaluate this? What will all efforts be? So it turns out that a person can not do without society.

As you know, society is
a combination of historically
the forms of collaboration
activities of people; or that
thoroughly from nature, but closely
associated part
material world including
methods of interaction
people, and the forms of their association.
As can be seen from the definitions, in them
themselves laid the principle that
society consists of people, and therefore
people are part of society. "But in them
same nothing is said about dependence
from the human society "- maybe
say any. Yes, and he will be right.
In definitions of reality
nothing says that man
he will die without society. But it turns out
what if there is no person will not
societies. So? Society
consists of traditions of people
located in it. And if
consider any society taken
at any time of our story, then
you can see that all relationships
inside society are regulated
defined rules. at first
these were the rules of morality, now it is
more stringent "Documents" - and
it is the law. And for violation
these norms and laws of a person
punished. How?
Man tried to isolate from
society, put in prison,
sent to the link. After all, already
since ancient times, it was clear that man
it is difficult to live one. Exactly
so they always stretched each
friend B. primitive world, wives
often drove for husbands to Siberia, yes
and the prison does not make one-chamber
(although it happens), and
multi-family. Many people say:
"I can't live among people, I
i love peace and silence. I find it difficult
communicate with people, for i
closed, or because I
more love music / books than
of people. I would like to understand them. " Yes.
Of course, it is impossible to deny that
sometimes people are easier to be alone with
book or music than with people.
But if this ever lived
man completely isolated
from society of people? Was it with him
someday such that he could not
communicate with relatives and loved ones
weeks, and then months? Not
i think. After all, when we say that
it is better for us to live in technique or
book, we do not think about
all the depth of these words. After all, I.
i am sure that speaking, live one, he is not
thinks he has on a computer
there are devices for personal
communication as ICQ, or Quick. Or,
that he has a mother with whom he
still will talk to those
the most already insulating ourselves. People,
which are isolated for a long time
from society, start to go with
mind. But isn't the madness
sign of identity degradation, and
so her death? . Good
example when people fought with
madness in prison
founded in the book: Charger Henri
"Papillon", where man is not
go crazy walked by day
camera, counting its steps. A B.
film "City of Sin"? After all, there
also was isolated man from
societies. But to maintain
his mind is able, he wrote
letters every day girl, with
which, he had to part.
And he had a bright mind. Can
be a man and can live without
societies, but the personality will die.
Will die his individuality, and after all
one of the signs of society is
a combination of individuals. Human -
a biosocial creature and without
societies live, develop and
take as a person not
will be able.

"Man is unthinkable without society" (L.N. Tolstoy)

Each person has three components: biological, social and psychological. For a normal existence, a person must satisfy the needs of all three parts of his body and spirit. Biological needs are needed to maintain vital activity, and social and psychological - for consciousness, as well as, subconscious. Without satisfying any of these components, a person just oppresses and, in the end, kills it. After that, in fact, he ceases to be a man.

To maintain the existence of a social component, anyone must be a sufficient amount of time in society and tightly in contact with it. In principle, a person is absolutely not able to normally exist outside the society for a long time. He must be able to use the benefits produced by other people, communicate with them.

In the literature and legends there are examples of the long-term existence of a person in the separation of society. Robinson Cruzo lived on a desert island for several years that he was not happy at all. And he always did not leave his attempts to return to people. Only with the appearance of Friday, Robinson partially received the satisfaction of his need for communication.

There is another example of finding a person away from society, but he is the character of legends and is accepted by people with distrust. In my opinion, this story is more to the character of instructive history. Once a man is ancient tribal I decided that it could do without other people, caught up with the whole tribe and went to live in the mountains. God heard it and decided to punish him, giving him eternal life And not giving him to die. After a decade about a man, everyone forgot. Several centuries passed, and this man decided to return to people again. He is tired of living and wanted to be killed, because he himself could not die. This individual came to the nearest city and tried to speak with the first oncoming, but the counter-person did not understand him at all and quickly ran away. The second, third and subsequent people were also enrolled. A man appealed to God: "About the Most High! What is with me, why are all the passers-by kirass me and do not understand me? " The answer he was a mirror where he saw himself. It was not a person - he lost the human appearance and in the century turned into a terrifying creature, mocking and terrible, as if it was without a soul. After all, in the century of loneliness, he lost his soul. In the same moment he pierced to death with lightning.

From his very birth, the person contacts society. IN modern world Each person has a narrow profile of specialization, and we all depend on each other in communication. It may also be dependent on goods and services. So it was always: some people depend on others, and this is not possible and no need to avoid. Even a monkey became a man only thanks to work and communication. And although it is only the theory, a person remains what it is, i.e. Man, only thanks to his surrounding society and self-development. He is inseparable from society as well as society from nature.

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The reasons that force people to live outside society can be the most different. Perhaps the most commonly involuntary hermits become those who fear the authorities. That is two relative to fresh example. The Hero of the First History turned out to be Englishman Norman Green.

"Ordinary spectacles ... no longer worry the public. She wishes to see something sensational and ominous, and Norman Green for this perfectly suits. He is the most amazing spectacle on the ground". These words that could be heard on one of circus representations Fineas Barnuma, said Bernard Buli, an agent for organizing attractions, on Saturday, July 17, 1982 at the Fair in Preston (Lancashir County, England). It is such a speech of Mr. Buli managed to attract wishing to spend 25 penny for the right to look at externally ordinary personSitting on the sofa. But at that time, the whole world had just found out about him, Norman Green, named "Mole".

Norman had six sons, and his phenomenon of the public began immediately on that day when he left the place in which he spent eight years of his life, the hole with a diameter of 53 centimeters, which was done in the floor of the lower floor of his house in Vigan. There in full - with the exception of his wife, Polina - the whole family lived with them with them. Selecting on the karachets and burning from bright lightThis man appeared in a very strange form: his beard from confused hair reached 60 centimeters in length. He came from his hole on daylight for the first time in eight years of stay in her.

Norman in his 43 years was a community, when shortly before the Christmas of 1974 was involved in one thing, which the police regarded as a very serious crime. (When he finally found himself before the court after his voluntary imprisonment, all charges against him were removed.) Having watered the help of his wife, who explained to friends and neighbors that he threw her one with the children, Norman decided: the only thing he remains, to sit down In a tiny corner under the living room of their home. A sofa was delivered over his shelter.

At night, Norman received food and drink from his wife and sometimes came out of his semi-oiled room. But during the day he always remained in shelter. Polina Green later told: "The worst thing was when friends and relatives came to us. I constantly chatted and laughed, always remembering that they were sitting right in normal above their heads. It was required to destroy all the doubts that Norman remained in the house, and I crossed his clothes. He could go outside only at night when the children slept and there were no guests, and I put my dress for this. The most difficult point was when one of our sons said: "Dad will ever return to good car With a bunch of money. " I hated life at which I had to constantly lie. For external world I was a free, divorced woman. But every time I returned home, I knew that she went to deception. I only wanted one thing - to be like all other wives and mother. I wanted to walk with my husband and children in the park. I envied other wives and made it all just because I am terribly norman. I did it for him one. "

The campaign to the store turned to Polyna to this torment, as it was forced to follow, so as not to buy food more than it should be, without causing suspicions. Needs the neighbors and, thinking that Norman really threw the family, they collected money and clothing for her. Over time, Norman turned into a distant memory, and no one even scary snow I could not imagine that he was still alive and is always near. Norman is so suiced with his role "Man-Croota", which seemed to never anyone else.

However, he did not take into account the child's curiosity of the little Christian Cautus, a neighbor three-year-old boy. Somehow, playing with friends, Christian wandered through open door In the House of Greeks and appeared in the living room. Here, the scared baby saw how the carpet on the floor was walked. Then the floorboards under the sofic way creaked. And suddenly a strange hairy figure arose from the sample. Norman was surprised at least the little Christian, who immediately ran away with the roar. Such was the only mistake of "Man-CROT", which led to his exposure.

However, for another three years, his asylum remained unparalleled, because no one believed the told of the baby, stubbornly repeated: "I entered the room and saw how the furniture moves. And then I saw how the sample came out a strange man. He had long hair And beard. He was terrible. "

Christian's parents eventually decided to check what miracles are worked in a nearby house. This is what the father of the boy told: "We began to notice different oddities that were presented to the idea that Norman really lives in her house. Polina went to the bench behind the cigarettes, although she did not smoke herself. She sometimes bought beer and made bets on the racetrack (although it is incredible, but Norman retained his interest in horsepower And followed their progress on the newspapers that the wife bought). At night I was thinking whether it was worth reporting to the police. But what to say to them? The whole story seemed completely incredible. "

Then the mother of Christian, also not too confident in the correctness of his guessing, nevertheless notified the police that something incomprehensible and Norman occupied in the Green House, maybe continues to live there. Three days later, the group of local policemen appeared to the Green House, and Norman was removed from his asylum. Then he and to some extent his family became the subject of sincere surprise of their friends and neighbors.

Shortly on Norman, the shoppers and the shaft pushed the proposals to perform to entertain the public. But he stated to the astounded world: "I, in general, I liked to live there below. I am sure that I could quickly return to the life, which was led by the last eight years. Here, outside, so noisy that I sometimes regret what I got out here. "

Wolfgang X., German Colleague of Norman Green, is hidden from the authorities not under the floor, but in the forest, and possibly hiding there until now. About his striking destiny recently told Andrei Domech, Obesting the readers of the weekly Megapolis Express on how this hero unusual story I got to life like this: "He is not capable of living in an ordinary room. A couple of days surrounded by bed, tables and chairs - and he runs away into his forest. True, B. last time Wolfgang X. From Bendorf was able to hold out in a residential room for ten months. But he did not have anything else - after all, he was placed in a cage, in a closed psychiatric department.

And not at all because they considered Wolfgang abnormal. Just the opposite, the surveys have shown that it mental capacity Much above average. And in his clinic, he was placed only for the reason that he could not understand why it prefers the four comfortable walls.

However, in August he managed to escape from the mental hospital. Castles, grilles and enhanced security helped. Since then, he wanders around the caves, and the police are looking for it. However, as the past 15 years. After all, to survive, Wolfgang binds food from hunting houses, fishing huts and from Burgers cottages.

Fifty-year-old Mowgli pushed food for 500 thousand brands. The police made it in the lists of particularly dangerous criminals. If you caught - they will be controlled in a mental hospital, and then in prison. The prospect is not joyful, so Wolfgang is unfortunate like the wind.

The "working day" of the forest man begins with the onset of twilight, since during the day he is prudently resting. Tens of kilometers runs in search of food and a warm blanket. Money never takes. It masks his shelters so masterfully that the soldiers, fusifying the forest, are literally in a centimeter from his cave, but do not notice anything.

His classmates remember that he adored to disappear in the forest and six-year-old baby. The throat began immediately for parental house, Lonely standing next to the cemetery. We hated the boy with stepfather and often leopard his belt. But even worse - during lunch, he was not allowed to sit at a common table. While mother, stepfather and two summary brother Dinned in the room, Wolfgang was allowed only in the kitchen. His baby sorrow and resentment, he was smeared by trees. It was in childhood that he built his first huts and caves in which school homework performed.

By the way, all residents of Benldinf Wolfgang causes only sympathy and sympathy. No one holds evil on him and is not going to help the police in her search. On the contrary, at night, people exhibit food before the doors of their homes. Sympathize with him and robbed citizens.

"Of course, it is unpleasant to lose their reserves, but he must eat something," the mistress of one of the devastated villages said.

Aid from the state Wolfgang is not fundamentally looking for. And he also does not want to return to their specialty a locks, although for 15 years is considered unemployed. During the last arrest, he stated that he would never go to social services in life - no matter how hard it had to. Not so long ago, German Mowgli left his traces on the horse yard. There, in the kitchen, he poured a little - welded her pasta with tomato sauce. Fatigue and feast so arched him that after lunch did not escape, as usual, in the forest, and all night I slept in the room under a warm blanket. "

Is Norman and Wolfgang - rather strange representatives of the human race?