The godfather of the Italian mafia. Camorra: the most ancient and bloodthirsty mafia of Italy

The godfather of the Italian mafia. Camorra: the most ancient and bloodthirsty mafia of Italy
The godfather of the Italian mafia. Camorra: the most ancient and bloodthirsty mafia of Italy

Hardly someone today did not hear about the mafia. In the middle of the nineteenth century, this word entered into the dictionary of the Italian language. It is known that in 1866 on mafia, or at least about what was called this word, he knew power. The British consul in Silia reported to his homeland, which is constantly witnessing the activities of the Mafia, which supports relations with criminals and owns large money ...

The word "mafia" is likely to have Arab roots and comes from the word: Mu`afah. It has many values, but none of them closely approaches the phenomenon, which soon began to call Mafia. But there is another hypothesis of the spread of this word in Italy. Allegedly it happened during the upright of 1282 years. Sicily took public unrest. They entered the story as the Sicilian Evening. During the protests, one cry was born, which quickly picked up protests, he sounded like this: "The death of France! Sdokhni, Italy! " If you draw up from the first letters of the words abbreviation in Italian, it will sound like "Mafia".

First Organization of Mafia in Italy

It is much more difficult to determine the origins of this phenomenon than these etymology of the word. Many historians who studied the mafia say that the first organization was created in the seventeenth century. In those days, the secret communities were popular, which were created to combat the Sacred Roman Empire. Others believe that the sources of the mafia as a mass phenomenon should look for the throne of Bourbon. Because it was they who used the services of the unrealities and robbers who did not demand a big remuneration for their work, in order to patrol the parts of the city, which differed in increased criminogenic activity. The reason for the fact that the criminal elements in the government were pleased with the small and did not have large salary, was taking place that they took bribes, in order to violate the laws did not become known to the king.

Or maybe the first were "gabelototi"?

The third, but no less popular hypothesis of the appearance of the mafia indicates the organization "Gabelototi", which performed a kind of mediator between the peasants and the people who owned the Earth. The representatives of Gabelotti were also the obligations to collect tribute. History is silent about how people selected in this organization. But all those who found themselves in the Lona Gabelototi were unclean in hand. Soon they created a separate custa with their laws and codes. The structure was unofficial, but it had a tremendous influence in Italian society.

None of the theories described above has not been proven. But each is built on one general element - a huge distance between the Sicilians and the authorities, which they considered imposed, unfair and stranger, and, of course, wanted to remove.

How did the mafia arose?

In those days, the Sicilian peasant had absolutely no right. He felt humiliated in his own state. Most ordinary people worked on latifunds - enterprises owned by large feudal feudalles. Works in Latifundy was a heavy and low-pay physical work.

The dissatisfaction of the power was twisted like a helix, which once had to shoot. So it happened: the authorities stopped cope with her duties. And the people chose a new power. Popular became such posts as Amici (friend) and Uomini D`onore (people of honor), which became local judges and kings.

Honest bandits

Interesting fact about Italian mafia find Bidrick Patricks in the book "Journey to Sicily and Malta", which was written in 1773. The author writes: "Bandits have become the most respected people on the whole island. They had noble and even romantic goals. These bandits had their own code of honor, and those who had violated him instantly died. They were loyal and unprincipled. Kill a person for the Sicilian bandita does not mean anything, if a person had a guilt for soul. "

The words spoken by Patrick are relevant to this day. However, not everyone knows that one day Italy hardly did not get rid of the mafia once and for all. It happened during the reign of Mussolini. The head of the police struggled with the mafia of her weapons. The government did not know the mercy. And just like Mafiosi, did not hesitate before the shot.

World War II and Flowering Mafia

Perhaps if the Second World War did not begin, we would not talk about such a phenomenon as a mafia. But ironically, the landing of Americans in Sicily equalized forces. For Americans, Mafia has become the only source of information about the location and power of Mussolini's troops. For the mafiosi themselves, cooperation with the Americans has practically guaranteed freedom of action on the island after the end of the war.

We read about such arguments and in the book "Great Great Father" Vito Brussini: "Mafia had support for the Allies, therefore it was in her hands that the distribution of humanitarian aid was a variety of food. For example, in Palermo, food was delivered at the rate that five hundred thousand people live there. But, since the majority of the population moved to a calmer countryside nearby, Mafia had all the opportunities to withdraw left after the distribution of humanitarian aid for the black market. "

Mafia help in war

Since Mafia and in peacetime practiced a variety of sabotage against power, with the beginning of the war, it continued to continue such activities. Stories are known at least one documented case of a sabotage when the Gering's tank brigade, which was stationed on the basis of the Nazis, was refueling with water with oil. As a result, the tanks burned the engines, and the machines instead of the front were in workshops.


After the allies occupied the island, the influence of the mafia only intensified. In the Military Government was often appointed "intelligent criminals". In order not to be unfounded, we give statistics: out of 66 towns, the mains in 62 were appointed immigrants from the criminal world. The further flourishing of the Mafia was associated with the investment of the washed earned money in the business and enlarging them in connection with the sale of drugs.

Individual style of Italian mafia

Each member of the mafia understood that his activity was conjugate with the risk share, so it took care that his family would not be aware of the death of "the breadwinner."

In the society, mafiosi is very cruelly punished for communication with the police, and even more so for cooperation. The man did not take the Mafia in the circle, if he had a relative from the police. And for the appearance in public places from the representative of the rule of law and could be killed. Interestingly, alcoholism, and the drug addiction did not welcome. Despite this, many mafia were fond of themselves and others, very large was temptation.

Italian mafia is very punctual. The delay is considered a bad tone and disrespect for colleagues. During meetings with enemies, killing someone is prohibited. It is said about the Italian mafia that even if families are fighting with each other, they do not strive for cruel sprapers over competitors and often sign the world.

Laws of Italian Mafia.

Another law that the Italian mafia honors - the family is above all, no lies among their own. If, in response to the question, a lie sounded, it was believed that the person betrayed the family. The rule, of course, is not deprived of meaning, because it has made cooperation within the mafia more secure. But not everyone adhered to him. And where big money rotated, betrayal was a practically mandatory attribute of relationships.

Only the boss of the Italian mafia could allow members of their group (family) to rob, kill or engage in looting. Not welcomed visits to bars without acute necessity. After all, drunken mafiosi could get out of the family too much.

Vendetta: for family

Vendetta - revenge for violation or betrayal. Each grouping had his own ritual, some of them are affected by their cruelty. She was not manifested in torture or terrible murders, as a rule, the victim was killed quickly. But after death with the bodied body, they could do anything. And, as a rule, did.

It is curious that information on the laws of the Mafia as a whole became public only in 2007, when the father of the Italian mafia Salvatore La Piccola was caught in the hands of the police. Among the financial documents at the boss found the charter of the family.

Italian mafia: names and surnames included in history

How not to remember which is associated with drug trafficking and brothels network? Or, for example, who had the nickname "Prime Minister"? Italian mafia surnames are known to the whole world. Especially after Hollywood launched several stories about gangsters at once. That of the truth shown on the large screens, and what fiction is unknown, but it is thanks to the films today we managed to hardly romance to the image of Italian mafiosi. By the way, the Italian mafia loves to give nicknames with all his members. Some choose them yourself. But the nickname is always associated with history or traits of the character of mafios.

The names of the Italian mafia are, as a rule, bosses that dominated the whole family, that is, they have achieved the greatest success in this difficult work. Most of the gangsters who performed draft work are unknown. Italian mafia exists to this day, although most Italians closes their eyes. To fight her now, when the twenty-first century in the courtyard, almost meaningless. Sometimes a police officer still manage to catch a "large fish" on the hook, but most mafiosi dies natural death in old age or dies from the gun in youth.

New "Star" among Mafiosi

Under the cover of the unknown, the Italian mafia applies. Interesting facts about it are a big rarity, because the law enforcement agencies of Italy have problems already in order to learn about the actions of mafia at least something. Sometimes they are lucky and unexpected, and even sensational information becomes the public.

Despite the fact that most people, having heard the words "Italian mafia," recall the famous goat of Nostre or, for example, Camorre, the most influential and cruel clan is "NDrangen". Back in the fifties, the grouping went beyond the limits of his area, but until recently remained in the shadow of their larger competitors. As it happened, in the hands of "NDrangents" turned out to be 80% of the drug drug traffic of the entire European Union - the colleagues themselves are surprised. Italian Mafia "NDrangen" has an annual income of 53 billion.

There is a myth, very popular among Gangsters: "Ndrangenent" has aristocratic roots. Such a syndicate was founded by Spanish knights who had a goal to take revenge on the honor of their sister. The legend says that the knights shook the guilty, and they themselves went to prison for 30 years. In it, they spent 29 years of 11 months and 29 days. One of the knights, being on freedom, and founded the mafia. Some continue to narrate the statement that the rest of two brothers are just bosses "Goat Nostry" and "Camorrs". Everything is clear that this is just a legend, but it is a symbol that the Italian mafia appreciates and recognizes the connection between families and adheres to the rules.

Mafiosis hierarchy

The most revered and authoritative title sounds approximately as the "boss of all bosses". It is known that at least one mafiosium had such a title - his name was Matteo Denaro. The second in the Mafia hierarchy there is a title "King - the boss of all bosses." He is awarded to the boss of all families when he retires. This title does not carry privileges, it is a tribute to respect. In third place is the title of chapter of a detached family - Don. The first day consultant, his right hand, is the title "Advisor". He has no authority to influence the state of affairs, but Don listens to his opinion.

Next is the deputy Don - formally the second person in grouping. In fact, he goes after the adviser. Capo - a person of honor, more precisely, the captain of such people. They are mafia soldiers. As a rule, one family has up to fifty soldiers.

And finally, a small person is the last title. These people are not yet part of the mafia, but they want to become, so they perform small instructions of the family. Young people are honored with those who are for mafia friends. For example, taking bribes, dependent bankers, corrupt police and the like.

"Goat Nostra" - these words drove into a shiver of every inhabitant of the solar island. Whole family clans were involved in criminal mafia groups. Sicily, this blooming garden, descended on blood rivers. Sicilian mafia shifted his tentacles throughout Italy, and even American male fathers were forced to reckon with her.

Returning from the south of Italy, I shared impressions with one of the acquaintances. When I said that I didn't go to Sicily, I heard in response: "Well, and for the better, because there Mafia!"

Unfortunately, the sad fame was washed by the waters of the three seas of the island is such that his name causes an imagination not delightful landscapes and unique cultural monuments, not the age-old traditions of the people, but a mysterious criminal organization, enhanced, like a web, all spheres of life of society. The well-known films contributed to such a submission of "criminal syndicate": about the Kattan Commissioner, who fell in an unequal battle with the Spruit, or about the "Cross Father" of the Don Korleon, who broke everything into America from the same Sicily. In addition, we have reached the echoes of high-profile trials over the leaders of the mafia in the 80s - 90s, when the struggle against organized crime in Italy reached apogee. However, no success of the authorities and the police in this beginning can not change the postulate in the consciousness of the society: "Mafia is immortal." Is it really?

It is believed that the Mafia is a rather complicated branched criminal organization with its tough laws and traditions whose history goes to the Middle Ages. In those distant times in the Underground Palermo Gallery, people were hidden with swords and peaks, hiding persons under hoods, members of the mysterious religious sect "Beati Pati". The very name "Mafia" appeared in the XVII century. It is assumed that the word is based on the Arab root, meaning "defense"; There are also other interpretations - "shelter", "poverty", "secret murder", "Witch" ... In the XIX century, Mafia was a brotherhood who defended "unfortunate Sicilians from foreigners", in particular, from the rules in Bourbon time. The struggle ended with the revolution in the I860 year, however, the peasants instead of the previous oppressors found new in the person of their compatriots. And the latter managed to implement the relationship and code of behavior in the subsoil of the secret terrorist organization to the life of the Sicilian society. The criminal orientation quickly became the corruption of the Brotherhood, the corruption with which it allegedly struggled, in fact, was the basis of its existence, mutual assistance turned into a circular order.

Skillfully using the distrust of the official authority traditional for the population of the region, Mafia has formed an alternative power, practically changing the state where it could act more effectively, for example, in such a sphere as justice. The mafia was taken to solve any problems of the peasant, and at first glance - for free. And the poor treated her for the defense that the state could not provide them. The fact that someday their turns will come to provide services to their patron, the peasants did not think. As a result, in each village there was their own mafia clan, who peak his court. A well-widespread myth about a secret, centralized and branched organization with a thousand-year history highly contributed to strengthening the authority of clans as its "local units".

Palermo Airport is the names of Falcone and Borselino, which became the legend in today's Italy. Prosecutor Giovanni Falcone and his successor Paolo Borsellino like no other than one who was bothering to cleanse Sicily from the Mafia. Falcone became the prototype of the famous Katani Commissioner.

1861 - an important milestone in the history of the mafia - it became a real political force. Relying on the poor population of Sicily, the organization managed to nominate their candidates to the Italian parliament. Having bought or intimidating other deputies, Mafia was able to largely control the political situation in the country, and mafiosa, still relying on the lower criminal structures, turned into respectable members of the Society applying to a place in its highest class. The researchers compare the Italian society of that time with the "puff pastry, in which connections between the layers were carried out not by official representatives, but informal, i.e. Mafia soldiers. Moreover, not denying the criminal nature of such a state device, many of them recognize it quite rational. In the book of Norman Lewis, for example, you can read that in the "mafiasis" Palermo housewife could safely forget the handbag on the table in the bar, because the next day she would certainly find it in the same place.

Palermo authorism has developed a program to combat mafia, which was called the Sicilian Trolley. Sicilian trolley two-wheeled. One wheel - repressions: Police, court, special services. Other Wheel - Culture: Theater, Religion, School.

Nevertheless, the new, "legal" mafia could not protect the south of Italy from terrible impoverishment, as a result of which between 1872 and the First World War, about 1.5 million Sicilians emigrated, mainly in America. "Dry Law" served as a favorable soil for illegal business and accumulation of capital, the former members of the Brotherhood again united and successfully recreated their familiar lifestyle on someone else's land - "Goat Nostra" was born (initially this name was used to designate precisely American mafia, although now So often called Sicilian).

In Italy, Mafia continued to remain a state in the state until the fascist coming to the authorities in 1922. As any dictator, Be-Nito Mussolini could not reconcile with the existence of any alternative power structures, even informal and perverted. In 1925, Mussolini deprives the mafia of its main instrument of political influence, canceling the election, and then decides to finally put an unwanted organization to the organization and sends a special prefect of Cesare Mori to Sicily, having endungered it with unlimited powers. Thousands of people were thrown into prisons without sufficient evidence; Sometimes the sieges of whole cities declared the seizures of "godfathers", but Mori's tough tactics brought their fruits - many mafiosi were planted for bars or killed, and in 1927, not without reason was announced to victory over organized crime. In fact, the fascist party itself began to play the role of Mafia as a guarantor of public order in Sicily and an intermediary between the government and peasants.

The most "mafia" Sicilian sweetness - cannoli, waffle tubes with sweet filling. Such all the time eaten in the "Cross Father". Another Sicilian dessert - cassat, almond-based cake. And the tourist city of Eric specializes in vegetables and fruits from color marzipan.

Those influential mafiosi, who managed to escape from the persecution of Mori, were refuge in the United States. However, here the driving life "Goat Nostry" was violated: first - by the abolition of the "dry law" in 1933, which had a blow to the mafia business, and then - sufficiently successful, although not always legal, the actions of the state against the most odious figures of the criminal organization. For example, the sadly famous Al Capone was imprisoned for 11 years for non-payment of taxes, and the other "greatest gangster america", John Dillinger, is simply shot by federal agents when he left the cinema. However, the end of the Second World War was nearing, and the allies seemed a tempting idea of \u200b\u200busing the authority of the heads of organized crime during the seizure of Sicily. As an intermediary between the Sicilian and American mafia, "Boss Boss" of the last Lucky Luciano, sentenced by the US Court by 35 years of imprisonment. The replacement of this punishment on the expulsion to Rome was for him, apparently, a good incentive - Luciano agreed with the Italian "colleagues" to assist allies when landing on Sicily, and the inhabitants of the island met the British and American troops as liberators.

However, there was no more case that society did not have to pay for the services of Mafia. Almost put on his knees, she suddenly received the opportunity to revive in the new capacity. The most distinguished in the fight against the fascists of the Dona was appointed by mayors in the main cities of Sicily, due to the Italian Mafia army, the Mafia managed to replenish his arsenal, a thousand mafiosi, who helped the Allied forces were amnestied by a peace treaty. Sicilian mafia strengthened his position in his homeland, strengthened communications with his American "sister" and, moreover, significantly expanded its possessions - both in a territorially (penetrating into the previously untouched by it Milan and Naples) and in the sphere of their criminal business. Since the late 50s, the head of the Sicilian organization becomes the main heroin suppliers to America.

This started by all the same varnishes of Luciano, who lived, by the way, to a deep old age and died from a heart attack almost during a meeting with the American director, who were gathering to make a film about his life. The efforts of his followers were sent both to drug trafficking and to establish links between mafia and politicians. As far as they succeeded in this over the past decades, it can be judged by the report of the Italian Commission to Combat Mafia: "There are numerous relationships that led to the state authorities in the extremely humiliated position with businessmen and individual politicians. . Mafia often resorted to threats or direct physical elimination of people, intervening even in politics, as the fate of the entire business, mafia revenues and the influence of its individual representatives depended.

Thus, it was created that the well-being of the mafia did not threaten. But this is not quite so danger rooted inside the organization itself. The structural construction of the Mafia is well known: on top of the pyramid stands chapter (Capo), near which the Advisor (Consilers) is constantly being located, the heads of departments (Kaporovyme) are subordinate to the chapter, managing ordinary performers (picchotti). In the Sicilian mafia, its cellular cells (Koski) consist of blood relatives. Koski under the leadership of one dona are combined into a consortment-Ria (family), and all the consoles together and make up the mafia. However, the romantic version of the United States Organization is becoming nothing more than a myth when it comes to big money.

The ritual of dedication to the Sicilian mafia is that the newcomer's finger is wound and shed his blood to the icon. He takes the icon in his hand, and it is lit. Newbie must endure pain until she burns. At the same time, he must say: "Let my flesh burn, like this holy, if I break the rules of the mafia."

Each consortium has its own interests, often very different from the interests of the Mafia stars. Sometimes the heads of families manage to agree on the division of spheres of influence, but this does not always happen, and then society becomes a witness to bloody wars between mafia clans, as it was, for example, in the early 80s. The response to the drug trafficking, led to this terrible slaughter, has become a government antimafiosis campaign, and Mafia, in turn, installed terror, the victims of which were high-ranking faces, politicians and ministers of order. In particular, in 1982, General Della Chiza was killed, who began to dig the mafia scams in the construction industry and became interested in the question of who protects her in the government. 10 years later, the main mafiosis arrested in Brazil, Tommaso Bayschta, said that Kill Della Cise ordered the clan Julio Andreotti, seven times the post of Prime Minister. Bush is also the author of the so-called "Theorem Bays", according to which the Mafia is a single organization based on a strict hierarchy, having its laws and specific comprehensive plans. In this "theorem" firmly believed a fighter with Mafia Judge Giovanni Falcone, who in the 1980s held a number of investigations, as a result of which hundreds of mafiosi were attracted to the court.

After arrest, Falcone bes, relying on his testimony, got the opportunity to start several "loud affairs" against them. The judge swore to devote all his life to the fight with the "Curse of Sicily", was sure that the Mafia had the beginning and the end, "and sought to get to her glasses. Falcone created something like the Committee on Combating Mafia, whose successes were so obvious that the Committee was ... dissolved by the authorities dissatisfied with his authority and glory, and possibly concerned. Occulent, who remained alone Falcone left Palermo, and in May 1992, together with his wife fell victim to the terrorist attack. However, the murder of Giovanni Falcone and another fantastic against the mafia judge - Paolo Borselino - forced the Italian public to wake up. Mafia largely lost to the former support of the population. The law "Omerta" was violated, surrounding the organization of silence, and many "peniti" (repentable), i.e. Refused the mafia activities of the mines, gave testimony, which allowed us to send a dozen neutral donom for the lattice. However, a young, ready to give a fight with both the rightful authorities and its predecessors came to replace the old generation of gangsters.

So, the struggle against organized crime, which with varying success was carried out throughout the 20th century, continues and today. The mafia sometimes "changes the skin", while still maintaining its essence of a criminal terrorist organization. It is invulnerable until the official institutions of the authorities remain ineffective, and officials are corrupt and selfish. In fact, the mafia is a hypertrophied reflection of the vices of the whole society, and as long as society has not found courage to fight their own vices, the mafia can still be called immortal.

Organized criminal groupings of the world. Italian mafia. Samorra. Part 1. October 4th, 2013

Hello respected!
We continue the topic of Italian criminal groups, you started here here: and here :.
I propose to talk about the main "ideological" antagonist COSA NOSTRA in Italy - Camorra groupings. I did not say in vain "groupings." After all, there is no uniform organization under such a name. IN this moment Around the world there are about 115 clans, calling themselves the sonorous name of Camorra. And if the SSA Nostra is afraid, but respect, then Camorra is afraid and hate. First of all, the inhabitants of Naples, the city, which is considered the cradle and the birthplace of this branch of the mafia. Camorra is a Neapolitan mafia, or rather, the criminal organization of the entire campaign province.
It's funny that by and large the mafia is just impossible to call it. Because it was originally formed at the beginning
XVI Centuries from several secret Spanish societies and was the goal of not the liberation of Italy, but just, on the contrary. First, in Pisa, the mercenaries of Spanish origin called themselves in Cagliari Kamorra, who helped the authorities in patrolling the villages and the guidance of order in the poor. In 1735, Austria refused the Neapolitan kingdom and Sicily in favor of the Duke of Parm, the younger son of the Spanish king Philip V with the condition that these territories would not belong also to the Spanish crown. Then the new royal branch came to power here - Naples Burbones.

Coat of arms of Neapolitan Burbon

Camorra played for them the role of intelligence and counterintelligence among Italians, agents embedded in common - a sort of Japanese Sync (ninja). For the first time in the documents, this organization emerges at the beginning of the XIX century after the Bourbon expels Napoleon from Napoleon, putting his pet Murat there. But after the restoration of Bourbon, Camorru is called the organization, from which the monarchists drew not only spies and headphones, but also killers and executioners - Camorra directly moved to Terror.
Considering that the power of Bourbon also spread to Sicily, it is quite clear why the confrontation of SMORRA and Cosa Nostra has a long history. However, soon Camorra became a kind of police, controlling all the trints and Kabaki Naples. What is connected with the change of the vector of development, I do not take it.
Now the organization has not recruited its members among the Spaniards and noble neapolitans, but among the urban and village poor poor. And when uniting Italy, Camorra was already supported by the Savoy Dynasty, and not bourbon at all, for which he had at first preferences from the new government. However, soon the new government, enjoying such cooperation, is trying to eradicate the mafia in Naples. But it was not there. Benito Mussolini advanced in this direction in the middle of the 20th of the twentieth century, although his successes cannot be called shiny. After the war, Camorra bloomed even more and successfully survived to this day

Camorristi arrest in Italy in the 19th century

The term "CAMORRA" itself is still not defined etymologically. In modern Italian, this word means "noise, turmoil, confusion." On the southern jargon Comorra - just a gang. It is officially assumed (but I personally do not like this version) that the name was formed from the confluence of the words "Capo" (boss) and "Morra" - a prohibited street game. In the old-Spanish, the word "Chamora" means a short jacket that mercenaries loved to wear in the Middle Ages. I like the theory more about the fact that Naples was named "New Gomorrea" (remember such a biblical city?), Torture, members of the organization took on the sins of the city and pledged to clean it.
On the structure and customs of the organization, it was possible to speak only by the beginning of the twentieth century, then a more or less regulated set of rules appeared for most of its members. The organization's cell (by the type of Cosa Nostra family) consisted of three classes: Giovanotti (beginners), Picciotti (brothers) and Camorristi (Uncle). Chapter stood a vicar (Vicario).

Later option Chamora

To get into the gang, it was necessary to enlist the recommendation of several valid members. Particularly stipulated that police and customs officials could not be members of the organization. The final decision on the reception remained for the general meeting - Mala Vita (familiar term, though?). If the solution was positive, the novice led to a terrible oath. Chained in one leg, standing another in an open grave, he swore to leave his father, mother, wife, children, and everything he is close and expensive, and devote himself to serving Mala Vita. The oath violation attracted terrible karas, the sentence of the sentence was chosen by lot.
An even more rigid was the transition system from Picciotti to Camorristi. In this case, members of the organization gathered in some secret place and sat down at the table, on which the cult objects of the gang were laid out: a dagger, a gun and a glass with poisoned wine. Picciotto appeared before the table, accompanied by his guarantor, who opened the vein on right hand And put a small scar on the face of the dedicated.

camorristi early 20th century with scars on the face

The candidate raised his hand and swore to keep the mystery of the organization, obey all its regulations and accurately perform orders. By saying an oath, he took one of the murder guns lying in front of him and sent for himself. With the other hand, he took from the table and brought a glass to her lips with poisoned wine: it symbolized complete readiness to sacrifice the life for serving Camorre. After that, the vicar ordered him to become his knees, put his right hand on the head of the candidate, produced a shot of a gun, broke the glass of a glass and filed a novice for a special form, who was supposed to serve him with an accessory to the organization (as well as the Scar). Then, holding up a new brother from his knees, he hugged him, and this example was followed by all those present. Now Picciotto has become an equal Camorristi. It is quite possible, a similar (classical) initiation system still uses some of the clans.
To be continued...
Good day!

"The police most likely won," one Sicilian told me and told about the modern position of Mafia in Italy. In Italy, there is hardly a region where there is no mafia. It is also in the south and in the north of the Apennine Peninsula, simply taking place mafia clans from the south, and things prefer to lead in the north of the country where big money is spinning and mixed it easier. Theoritically Mafia has several regional names, like "Camorra" in Naples, but the essence is one everywhere. In recent years, the majority of mafia glasses have shifted, put them before, but it did not differ efficiency. Prison in Naples, where they were previously kept, called "5 star hotel" - everything could be for money there. Now the situation has changed.

Mafia bosses are trying to keep in prisons in the north, for example, in Milan, where they are not so strong. The conditions of content are also very tightened - this is a single camera without any connection with the outside world, it is severe, but effectively, the Don cannot manage the clan from here. But the mafia itself has been strongly transformed in recent years, brutal and armed mafiosi remained in the past, the Mafia will be the economy. But here they, rather, even gained strength. For example, in the resort Sicilian Trapani, the local mafia is very strong and tightly holds the commune economy in his hands. In the very north of Italy in the Trentino-Alto region, Adige Mafiosi from Calabria is actively buying cafes and restaurants. Everything is simple, the money is so laundered - the tax owner says that it sold 100 cups of coffee, and in fact 10. Money from 90 unrealized cups become clean. Another popular business mafia is large supermarkets on the road from the city, there are big money and easy to wash the dirty cash. On the same Sicily, most of the shops of large trading networks belong to the mafia clan. That is, the mafia itself is almost unfortunately, it transformed into a criminal financial institution.

In Sicily Mafia is the strongest in large cities - Palermo, riding and so on. But there are areas where mafia is not - it is Ragusa and Syracuse. At the same time, drug trafficking, weapons and rackets remain the main income of mafia clans or families. True, as I was told, the business is not very aggressive. That is, it is quite possible to ask permission and keep similar business in the neighboring area. You can pay with the mafia in any currency and in the regions, for example, trading by drugs in Germany (active partner of the Sicilian mafia), on the spot you can receive a weapon board and vice versa. A kind of exchange operations.

Emigrants in this business are likely to also participate - whether the visits of trinkets are selling or sells drugs - its activities are connected and partially controlled by Mafia. Local communities of the same Srilatsev pay mafia. The racket also did not go anywhere, you want to conduct a business without problems - pay. They are faced not all, but can. The owners of cafes and shops are united in the association and support each other if someone from their members faces threats or their property is harmful. Here, for example, the office of tourist services in Palermo or cafe-bar in terrazini, they inform this sticker that they do not pay extortioners.

Another type of business, with the results of which I was able to get acquainted personally - this is theft in the construction of highways. In Sicily, really bad roads, there, of course, the situation is not like with us - somewhere a beautiful highway, but somewhere, no, no, it's just the level of roads around the island is about the same and it is bad, for Europe, at a minimum. Very many areas are repaired, that is, they are fenced, a bunch of signs, and work is not conducted. It is believed that from the cost of the Mafia road to about 50% and in its interests constantly maintain the condition of the roads in poor, pre-contamination, state. With this, problems with rail links in Sicily - Railways are a bit, the trains rarely go. Mafia simply does not allow to develop railway transport, as there is nothing to steal or difficult to control the carriage.

But the murders still happen, although their amount sharply decreased. If in the 70th mafia in Sicily killed about 300 people a year, now it is 6-7 people in the same period. Police, however, also acts sternly. I was told a case when one of the mafia was found connected with railway tracks, the police took advantage of the situation and accused him of preparing to undermine the railway canvase.

The Sicilian and Italian Mafia, it is not a fairy tale and the lot of crankshers, it really exists, and at least her clans are not so strong as before, and many have moved to a semi-legal position, it is still dangerous and the struggle is constantly being held with her.

on Palermo Street


Mafia appeared in the mid-19th century in Sicily. American mafia is a branch of Sicilian, who worked on the "waves" of Italian immigration at the end of the 19th century. Members and associate members of the mafia group should have been committed to murder in order to intimidate prisoners and dissuade them from trying to cut the term.

Sometimes the murders were made due to revenge or because of the differences. Murders became a profession in mafia. Throughout history, the skill of the murder was constantly honed. Planning, performing and noticeing traces - all this was part of the "trading" agreement with a qualified killer. However, most killers ended their life with a violent death or by holding a large segment in prison.

10. Joseph "Animal" Barbosa (Joseph "The Animal" Barboza)

Barbos is known as one of the most terrible killers in the 1960s, as it should, he killed more than 26 people. He received his nickname during the incident, which occurred in a nightclub, when he after a small disagreement "discovered" the offender is all face. Some time, after that, he continued his boxer career, winning 8 out of 12 battles under the alias "Baron".

Despite the fact that he still made several attempts to return to the legal life, "Nature took His", because how many wolves do not feed, he still looks into the forest, so he soon began to engage in crime. In 1950, he served 5 years in the massachusetts correctional colony, while he repeatedly attacked the guards and on other prisoners. After two years from the designated period, he accomplished escape, but soon it was caught.

After his release, he immediately connected to the gangster gang, and began his "own business" on the theft of hacking. At the same time, his career began to develop as a "hired killer" in the framework of the criminal family of Patricia. Over the years, the number of his victims has grown, as well as his reputation for the hired killer has strengthened. Its preferred weapon was a pistol with a silencer, although he also liked to experiment with automotive bombs.

Over time, Barbos became a respected figure in a criminal world, however, if his reputation was not possible not to acquire dangerous enemies. After he went to jail on charges of murder, and there learned that attempted at him, he agreed to testify against the Boss Mafia Raymond Patriarca (Raymond Patriarca) in exchange for protection from the FBI. For some time he was defended in the framework of the Program for the protection of witnesses, but the enemies still managed to get it. In 1976, he came to the ambush near his house and was killed by a shotgun.

9. Joe "Crazy" Gallo ("Crazy" Joe Gallo)

Joseph Gallo was a well-known representative of the criminal group of profasses based in New York. He killed ruthlessly and it was believed that he was participating in many customer murders on the orders of the Boss Joe Profaci himself. Ironically, his nickname has nothing to do with his "murderous" reputation.

Many "colleagues" called him crazy because he loved to quote the dialogues from the gangster films and issue himself for fictional characters. His reputation significantly "sick" in 1957, when Joe was suspected (although it has never been proven) that he was among those who killed the extremely influential Boss of Mafiosi Alberta Anastasia (Albert Anastasia).

A year later, Gallo gathered a team for overthrowing the leader of the Father's Father's Profasi Joseph Profasi. The attempt was unsuccessful, after which many of his friends and relatives were killed. Hall's business walked very badly, and in 1961 he was convicted of robbery and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

During his stay in prison, he tried to kill a few other prisoners, politely inviting them to his camera and joining Strichnin. Most of them are seriously ill, but no one died. After 8 years from the designated period, he was released early.

After the liberation of Gall, was determined to take on the role of the leader of the criminal family Colombo. In 1971, African American Gangster shot the head of the then leader of Joe Colombo. Nevertheless, Gallo will soon meet with his own tragic end. In 1972, dinner at the fish restaurant with her family and bodyguard, he was killed by five shots in the chest. The main suspect in the murder was, as Karlo Gambino (Carlo Gambino), who made it in retaliation for killing a friend Joe Colombo.

8. Giovanni Brusca (Giovanni Brusca)

Giovanni Bruck is known as one of the most cruel and sadistic members of the Sicilian mafia. He claims that more than 200 people killed, although in fact it is unlikely, even officials did not take this figure. Bruke grew up in Palermo, and began communication with the criminal world from early childhood. In the end, he became a member of the Squadron of Death, which committed crimes on the orders of the Boss of Salvator Riin (Salvatore Riina).

Brawn participated in the murder of the prosecutor to combat Mafia Giovanni Falcone in 1992. A huge bomb Weightfully in almost halfnone was placed under the highway in Palermo. When the car was driving in a place where the bomb was laid, the explosive device worked, killing in addition to Falcone there are still many ordinary people who were in that fatal minute. The explosion was so powerful that he struck the hole on the road, and the locals thought that the earthquake begins.

Soon after that, Brousa began to face numerous problems. His former friend Giuseppe di Matteo became an informant and spoke about the involvement of Bruck for the murder of Falcone. In order to make Matteo be silent Bruke kidnapped his 11-year-old son and tormented him for two years. He also regularly sent the Father's terrifying photo of the boy, demanding to abandon the testimony. In the end, the boy was strangled, and his body was dissolved in acid to destroy evidence.

Brousa was sentenced to life imprisonment, however, was able to escape and began to continue active activities in organized crime. Nevertheless, the authorities still managed to get to him, and he was arrested in a small house in the Sicilian village.

Officers who took part in the arrest were in ski masks in order to hide their faces from criminals, because they would have been waiting for an imperious russeau. He was convicted on charges of numerous killings, he is currently in prison, where he will remain until the end of his days.

7. John SCALISE (John Scalise)

John Skalis was one of the main hired killers of the Al-Kapone clan during the prohibition in the 1930s and 1940s. When he was twenty years old, he lost his right eye at a fight on a knife, which was later replaced by glass. After that, in order to consolidate his reputation, he began to accept orders for killings from the Jennas brothers (Gennas Brothers). Later he secretly began to cooperate with Al-Capon. John also held in prison for 14 years for unintended murder, and was brutally beaten by the models.

Perhaps, he received the greatest popularity in connection with the participation in the massacre on Valentine's Day, when seven people were built along the wall and severely shot by gangsters, disguised in the police. Skalis was arrested and accused of murder, however, soon he was released, because his fault was not proved.

Later, Al-Kapone learns that Skalis and two other killers were involved in a conspiracy in order to overthrow his leadership. He invited everyone three of the banquet, he scored everyone almost to death, and the final chord was bullets released in the forehead.

6. Tommy De Simone (Tommy desimone)

The family of this person recognizable, as in 1990 actor Joe Peşi played Tommy in the film "Nice Guys". Nevertheless, despite the fact that in the film he is depicted by a small and low-spirited person, in his life he was a big, a shoulder-blooded killer, an increase in almost 2 meters and weighing more than 100 kilograms. It was proved that 6 people died personally from his hands, although, according to some data, this number is more than 11. Informant of Henry Hill (Henry Hill) described it as a "pure psychopath".

De Simone's first murder committed in 1968. While walking with Henry Hill in the park, he saw an unknown man who went to them towards him. He turned to Henry and said: "Hey, look!" Then shouted the mateful word to the stranger and fired into it in the emphasis. It will not be the last impulsive murder.

In one of the bars, he flared because of the wrong, in his opinion, accounts for drinks. Picking the gun, he demanded that the bartender would be swallowed for him. When the latter refused, he shot him one leg. A week later, being again in the same bar, he began to mock on the bartender wounded in his leg, to which he imparted an implicit way to his way away. Tommy reacted very quickly: he took out the gun and killed the bartender, shot in him three times.

After his participation in the famous case on the robbery of Lufthansa, Tommy began to work the hired killer on a friend and the inspiration of the thieves Jimmy Burke (Jimmy Burke). He eliminated possible informants and thus increased his share of the worn. One of the dead was a very close to each other Tommy Stacs Edwards (stacks edwards), for the murder of which he walked with great reluctance. Berk told Tommy that he could become a full-fledged member of the mafia grouping, killing Edwards, and De Simone agreed.

In the end, the hot spirits of Tommy and led him to death. In the next fit of the blind rage, he killed two close friends of Boss John Gotti (John Gotti), who considered his duty to personally will be delighted with Tommy. According to Henry Hill, the killing process was long, as Gotti wanted de Simone to suffer greatly. He was killed in 1979, and his remains were not found.

5. Test Salvator (Salvatore Testa)

Salvatore was Gangster Philadelphia, who served as a hired killer from the criminal group of Scarfo since 1981 and up to his death in 1984. His father, a very influential person in criminal circles, was killed by a shot in the head in 1981, leaving the Salvatore several of his legal and illegal businesses. As a result, in 25 years, Teste was very rich.

Teste was an extremely aggressive person, and he personally killed 15 people during his "activity". One of his victims was a man who prepared the murder of his father, Gangster and bodyguard Rocco Marinucci (Rocco Marinucci). His body was found exactly a year after the death of Father Salvatore. It was completely covered with bullet wounds, and in his mouth he had three unexploded bombs.

A huge number of attempted at Salvatore was committed, however, he always managed to survive after them. The first attempted took place on the terrace of the Italian restaurant, when Ford Sedan slowed his turn, driving past the Testa table, and the crop the abdrons appeared in the window and left hand. However, he survived, and the attempted the attempt was forced to go underground after he found out who they were.

Teste met his death after he was assigned to the ambush his ex-friend. He was killed with a close distance shot in the head. The motive for the murder was the concerns of the scarf criminal boss that Teste is preparing a conspiracy against him.

4. Salvatore "Sammy Bull" Gravano (Salvatore "Sammy The Bull" Gravano)

Sammy Bull was a member of the Crime Clan Gambino. But he acquired great popularity, most likely, after he became an informant against the former Boss John Gotti. His testimony helped to stubborn Gotti behind the bars until the end of his days. In all his criminal career, Gravano made a huge number of murders and registered murders. It received the nickname "Bull" because of its volume, growth, as well as habits to carry out fistful battles with other mafia.

He began his mafia activities in the late 1960s in the Crimbo Clane. He participated in armed robbers and other small crimes, although rather quickly switched to a fairly profitable region - usury. He committed his first murder in 1970, it helped the bull to earn respect among representatives of the criminal world.

By the beginning of the 1970s, Gravano was a member of the criminal group of Gambino. He was arrested on suspicion of murder, however, he was released soon. After that, he began a series of serious robbery than and dealt for one and a half years. After this period, he had a significant weight in the grouping of Gambino. He "signed" in 1980, his first contract for the custom murder.

A man named John Simon was the head of the conspiracy, as a result of which it was planned to kill the boss of the criminal group of Philadelphia Angelo Bruno, without having received permission from a special mafia commissions, for which he was sentenced to death. Simon was killed in a wooded area, and his body was recycled.

The bull committed its third murder in the early 1980s after he was offended by a rich magnate. He was caught out on the street, and while friends held him, the bull first made two shots in his eyes, and then checking the forehead. After the magnate fell, he glaved him.

Later, Gravano becomes the right hand of the boss of the criminal clan of Gambino John Gotti, he was a favorite Killer Gotti at that time. However, after bringing him numerous accusations of various crimes, he proposed to provide information on Gotti in exchange for a reduction in its term. He admitted 19 murders, but received only 5 years in prison. After liberation, he went underground, however, soon he again contacted organized crime in Arizona. Currently, he is in conclusion.

3. Giuseppe Greco (GIUSEPPE GREECO)

Giuseppe was Italian Gangster, who worked as a hired killer in Palermo, Italy, in the late 1970s. Unlike other killers, Greco throughout their career was running from the law. He rarely worked alone, hiring a "death squadron", bandits with Kalashnikov machine guns, who waited for the victim in ambush, and then decided it. He was found guilty of 58 murders, although the total number of victims, for some information reached 80. Once he killed a teenager and his father, dissolving the body of both in acid.

By 1979, Greco was a high-ranking and respected member of the mafia commissions. He committed most of their killings from 1980 to 1983, during the second war Mafia. In 1982, the Boss Palermo Rosaria Riccobono (Rosaria Riccobono) was invited to the Greco Barbecue. After arriving Rosaria and his associates, they were all killed by Greek and his "death squadron". The order for the murder of Greek received from his boss Salvatore Riin (Salvatore Riina). Not a single body was found, and according to the available information, they were rapidly hungry pigs.

Greco was killed in his house in 1985 by two former members of his "squadron of death". Ironically, the customer was Riin's Salvator, who believed that Greco became too ambitious and became too independent to think to stay alive. When he was killed, he was 33 years old.

2. Abraham "Kid Twist" Reles (Abraham "Kid Twist" Reles)

This man was the most famous killer involved in the Murder Inc, a secret group of hired murderers, who worked on the mafia in the 1920-1950s. It was most active in the 1930s, it was exactly the period when he killed members of various criminal groups of New York. His favorite weapon was an ice ax, which he skillfully used to pip the head of the victim and pierce the brain.

Ralez was inclined to blind rage and often killed in a rum. Once he killed the parkingman for the fact that the latter, as it seemed to him, Parking his car for too long. Another time he invited a friend to dinner into dinner. After the end of the meal, he pierced his head ice ax and quickly utilized the body.

As a teenager, Ralez regularly participated in criminal affairs, and soon became a rather popular person in the world of organized crime. The first victim was the former friend Meyer Shapiro. Relés and some of his friends were attacked in the ambush Gang Shapiro, however, no one had suffered.

Later, Shapiro kidnapped the girl of the relay and raped her in a corn field, naturally Ralez decided to take revenge, killing the offender and his two brothers. After several unsuccessful attempts, Abraham managed to settle with one of his brothers, and two months later, and with Shapiro himself. A little later, the second brother of the rapist was buried alive.

By 1940, Reléz was charged with a huge number of crimes and, most likely, would be executed if it were condemned. To preserve my life, he passed all former friends and members of the Murder Inc grouping, six of which were executed.

Later, he had to testify against the mafia boss Albert Anastasia, and on the night before the court was in the hotel room under constant protection. The next morning he was found dead on the sidewalk. Until now, it is not known whether it pushed him, or he himself tried to escape.

1. Richard "Ice Man" Kuklinski (Richard "Ice Man" Kuklinski)

Perhaps the most famous hired murderer in history is Richard Kuklinski, which, as it should, killed more than 200 people (among them there were no women or children). He worked in New York and New Jersey from 1950 to 1988 and was a hired killer in the criminal group of December, as well as in a number of others.

At the age of 14, he made his first murder, beating a piece of wooden stick to the death of a hooligan. In order to avoid the identification of the body, the dock cut off the boy fingers and snatched the teeth before throwing off the remains of the body from the bridge.

In the youthful years, Kuklinski became the informable serial killer in Manhattan, brutally killing homeless people just for the sake of sharp sensations. Most of his victims were shot or slaughtered. Anyone who spoke against him, a maximum of life has been deprived of life. His tough reputation soon attracted the attention of various criminal groups, which were striving to use "his talent for themselves", making it a hired killer.

He became a full member of the criminal grouping of Gambino, actively participating in the robbery and supply of pirate pornographic video cassettes. Once, a respected member of the grouping Gambino was driving with Cooklin in the car. After they parked, the man chose a random goal and ordered the Cooklin to kill him. Richard, without a delay, fulfilled the order, shooting into the emphasis of an innocent man. It was the beginning of his career as a killer.

Over the next 30 years, Cooklin has successfully worked as a hired killer. He received his nickname "Ice Man" because of his method to freeze the body of his victims, which helped to hide the time of death from the authorities. Also, Kuklinski was famous for using various methods of murder, the most unusual of which was the use of a crossbow directed in the forehead, although he most often used cyanide.

When the authorities finally found out who Kuklinski is, they did not find any evidence to condemn it for intentional murder. As a result, they conducted a special operation after which Kuklinski was arrested and accused of an attempt to poison a person with the help of a cyanide. He received five lifelong deadlines after recognition in numerous murders. He died in prison from old age when he was 70 years old.