Short message about the population and culture of France. Geographical position of France

Short message about the population and culture of France. Geographical position of France
Short message about the population and culture of France. Geographical position of France

In the days of the Middle Ages, the population of France was divided into regions in which individual nations lived: Picardians, Gasons and others. Also, the people shared in the language level - on those who spoke in Lang D "Oil and Lang D" OK.

Despite the fact that both languages \u200b\u200btake their beginning during the times of Roman Gaul, the people still preferred isolation.

The northern regions of France were inhabited by Gallam, Romans and Germans. The center and the West belonged to the Gallam and Romans. In the south, the romans met, but gallows and Greeks lived.

Only after France was centralized, all its population became called the French.

Mixing tribes is the strongest touched by Basque, German Alsatsev, Jews, Larringans and Flemis. The Italians, Spaniards and Poles also hit the influence of the United France.

Peoples inhabiting France

France is a fairly homogeneous country, almost all its inhabitants are indigenous French. But still, from historical times, it is divided into racial groups - Mediterranean, Central European and Northeurway.

Representatives of the first group are distinguished by low rising, thin, dark hair and brown eyes.

The Central European Group is a low population with a sufficiently strong physique and rusia hair.

And the North European population is different high height, large physique and light hair, leather and eyes.

The state language is French, and only some folk groupings speak other languages \u200b\u200band dialects.

Such minorities are: Bretonians, Alsatz, Flemish, Corsicans, Basic, Catalans.

These people speak their native languages \u200b\u200b- Alsace on Alsace, Bretonians on Bretonsky, Corsicans on Corsican and so on.

Such groups are trying to preserve everything they handed over the ancestors, so they teach the language and traditions of their descendants. But this does not mean that these people do not know French. They use it when learning, at work, in social life.

From representatives of foreign countries in France, you can meet Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Moroccans and Tunisians.

Culture and life of the peoples of France

The French houses are most often removable. To buy your property, you need to earn good and long. Private houses in France are not so much, most often people live in apartments. The size and condition of the dwelling depends on the material state of the owner. But in all apartments there is one feature - a very small kitchen.

Family for the French is important as for most nationalities. But they have their own feature of the upbringing - they are raising not a talented individuality, but the perfect member of society. The child must understand since childhood what law and generally accepted norms. In France, this is what the love of children is so expressed.

This applies to education. Each parent considers it proper to give a child a worthy education, which will help him achieve success in the future and have some social status. Therefore, learning kids begins in kindergarten.

Most of the life of the French spend at work. But this does not give them special hassle, because in France there is a sufficiently soft working schedule with a 2-hour lunch break.

Evenings people spend in a family circle or alone. And only in the weekend the French allow themselves to escape from home and relax with friends.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of France

If we talk about the traditions, customs and habits of the French, it is worth noting that they categorically take English. Do not take to such an extent that even knowing this language, the Frenchman will pretend that he does not understand the interlocutor.

In France, it is customary to apologize for any reason, even if a person just accidentally touched the hands of another. But seats in public transport No one is inferior. It's just not accepted, just like asking: "Do you go out on the next?".

France is a country without a dress code. People can go in jeans and sweatshirt at least to a restaurant, even in the theater.

Traditional French holidays are: New Year, Christmas, Easter, Labor Day, Victory Day, Bastille Day, Day of All Saints and others.

There is also such a holiday that does not relate to particularly important, but still from the soul is celebrated by the French - April 1. Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the new year was celebrated at the end of March. But with the introduction of the calendar, the holiday was postponed on January 1. And since in those days the news was carried out very slowly, some and celebrated the new year from March 25 to April 1 for several years. So the day of laughter appeared.

The Western European Country France is a great history, culture, significant scientific and industrial potential. A description in the media, literature, the art of its bright past, the dynamic present invariably attracts the attention of the international public.

Statistics show: This country is the most visited by foreign tourists! Some attracts a truly impressive cultural property of the fifth republic, others - a resort holiday. If you are a tour of the travel, then probably noticed: among the proposals travel agencies Always a special place occupies France. The photo of the Eiffel Tower is one of the most popular images on the websites of tour operators. Does this happen? In 2013, France visited more than 85 million foreign citizens. Of these - 1 million Russian tourists.

Industry, transportation

France is recognized in the world as a dynamically developing industrial-agrarian country. Its GDP is 2.6 trillion $. From the creation of the European Union, the state won, the advantage of the country is its geographical location in the center of Europe and the main European trading paths passing through its territory. France in the global economy firmly holds the 6th position in its industrial potential.

In the industry of France the greatest specific gravity It occupy mechanical engineering, production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, petrochemical and chemical industries, light industry, perfumery. Three-quarters of electricity receives the country's industry from nuclear power plants, it complements the HPP system. Traditionally, oil and gas is imported due to lack of deposits. Agricultural products France exports. Her farmers are real workers, they produce a quarter of the products of the entire European Union.

Causes respect for the transport network of a country that is served by innovative high-speed rail transport. TVG trains carrying at a speed of 320 km / hour France is proud of. Photos of this express can be seen below.

The length of the country's highway is 29,370 km at its continental area of \u200b\u200b535.3 thousand km 2. This provides ample opportunities for logistics development.

Among the Western World countries, France traditionally stands out by foreign policy, involving a dialogue with Russia, although we note that relations between the two countries have always been difficult.

Historically, the largest rapprochement of two states, marked by the creation of the military-political union, was noted at the end of the XIX century. The monuments of that thaw of interstate relations were the Trinity Bridge, erected by the Eiffel project in St. Petersburg, and the bridge, the name of Alexander III, respectively, in Paris.

Politics France

France takes an active part in the adoption of international decisions as a member of the UN Security Council. The fifth republic is one of the co-founders of the European Union and the founders of the World Bank and the IMF. From May 2007, France returned to NATO (a way out of the north-Atlantic bloc was initiated by President de Galer). In general, the policy of France, both internal and external, is invariably follows the principles of social equality and democracy.

Armed forces

Possession nuclear weapon Allows France to conduct an independent foreign policy. The military-industrial complex of the fifth republic is self-sufficient and produces a full range of modern national weapons. At the same time, the country does not participate in the Army of France, is undoubtedly powerful, but limited according to the principle of conscious sufficiency. It has in service with the strategic forces of nuclear deterrence, numbering four atomic submarines and order of a hundred aircraft - nuclear rocket carriers.

France: population

The state by international authority in the world is at the same time has great development prospects than many European states. What is the country different from them - France? Description of differences may take not one page.

We highlight from them the main thing: the problem of almost all EU countries is the aging of nations. However, the latter does not concern the fifth republic. According to current data obtained from the Countrymeters website. info, the number of residents of this country by the state at 16:00 05.07.2014 is 64,075,783 people. At the same time, from the beginning of this year, 394,563 babies were born in the country, and died for various reasons 281,236 people.

Also the growth of the population in the country under study contributes to such a factor as pure migration. Its indicator for the current year by the status at 16:00 05.07.2014 - 46,874 people.

Thus, the increase in the country's population from the beginning of 2014 to the above date was 160,208 people.

Territory, climate

Where does the geography of this country live? The French themselves call their homeland a star. Why? Take a look at the card and you will see what outline is the country of France. The description of its borders uniting the 22 continental metropolis (we do not consider now 5 overseas departments), suggests that the France's map really resembles a five-pointed star. Star country ... Romantic! It takes almost 20% of the European Union.

Sea borders have a length of 5,500 km. The coast of France is washes in the south of the Mediterranean Sea, from the West - Atlantic, from the North - La Mans.

To a greater extent, two thirds of its territory, France - the country of flat. However, her relief is inside. In the south-east, the harsh Alps and the Mountains of Yura will come. In the center there were splashes, in the north - Ardennes, in the south-west - Pyrenees. Her rivers: the longest - Loire, the very full-flower - Ron, draining the Parisian pool of the Hayen, flowing around D'Artagnan Garonna. The system of these four rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and the United Canal, the country of France is irrigated. A description of its climate features is of interest. In the south of France, he is subtropical, in the West - Atlantic, from the south - Mediterranean, in the central part - continental. More than a quarter country is covered with forests.

History of culture

One of the reasons why the fifth republic attracts tourists is its architecture. Her tourists are called a man-made miracle. On the territory of France, still Romanesque buildings were preserved: for example, an amphitheater in the city of Him, the Romanesque Basilica Temple dedicated to Toulouse Martyr, Saint Saturnina. However, French gothic temples built in the XII-XV centuries are even more famous.

Tourists attract richly decorated facades with stone figures frozen on them, high, pointed towers, pointed arches, artistic stained glass windows. Among the Gothic buildings, the Reimary Cathedral, which passed the coronations of French monarchs, Notre Dame de Paris, where the emperor Napoleon I was crowned.

The XVI century introduced the originity of the Renaissance Affection. The history of the culture of France of that time is characterized by the construction of locks, or Chateau, as the French themselves call them. Among the most famous - built in the territory of which the brilliant Leonardo da Vinci was buried, the castle IF, which served as the place of birth of the legend about the prisoner - iron mask, the story of which Duma Duma conveyed to us, Castle Chambor - the chic residence of the kings.

The XVII century brought the sophisticated Baroque style to the architecture, expressed in magnificent palace ensembles. An example of them can serve Versailles - the main royal residence. The culture of France of the 19th century was marked by another style - classicism, and not only in architecture, but also in fine art. In the architecture of this period, architectural projects of the planning of urban centers were finally implemented. In the middle of the 19th century, French painting has become leading in the world thanks to such artists as Eduar Mana, Edgar Degas. Unfortunately, the rise of French painting interrupted the fascist occupation.

History of Power: Meroving Dynasty

Of particular interest is the evolution of the social system of this state. In its territory, ancient times, civilization existed: in the era of Rome, it was part of this huge empire as Gallium Province.

Franks led by King Chlodwig, the founder of the Meroving Dynasty, won it in the V century. e., pulling out from the Roman domination. Further story France can briefly be presented for many centuries as a change of ruling feudal royal dynasties.

The power of the Meroving weaker, and the former vassals, Majorto, enjoyed the growing influence. One of them, Pipin's short (Father Karl Great), took the throne of the violation of the state of the Frank State in the VII century, founding the caroling dynasty.

Dynasty of Caroling

The famous son of Pipina managed to unite most of the land of Europe (including the territory of France) to a single empire.

However, the levers of the power of a huge state, united by an amazing charisma of Karl the Great, were finally lost after the death of his son, Ludwick I pious. The empire was divided between three descendants of Carroling.

In the West Frankish state, located on the territory of France, began to rule the younger son Ludwick I - Karl Bald. In the 10th century, France (it was already so called) was a feudal-fragmented weakly legal country. With this, Vikings took advantage of the Konung Rolon, whoaves its northern province and calling it Normandy (land of Normanov). The goal of the Norwegian Viking-izgoy was the conquest of the kingdoms that he, in fact, did.

Cappetian dynasty

In 987, instead of the last of Carroling, a childless Louis V, by the will of royal vassals on the throne, a count of Gugo Cappets, founder of the dynasty of capeting, third in the country in the history of the country. In this epoch, the foreign policy of France was reduced to the cross campaigns, and the internal to religious wars in the country itself. In this harsh time, when the clans ruled, the history of France summarizes the replacement of the ruling dynasties by their side branches. It is in this way to change the capetings in 1328 the Valua dynasty came, for the board of which a centenary war came, the feat of Jeanne d'Ark, the defeat of Brittany, the union of the country, the war between Protestants (Huguenotes) and Catholics. After the murder of the last of Valua, Heinrich III, the monk Jacques Clemander, recruited Catholic Liga, France began to edit the other side branch of capeting - the Burbon Dynasty.

The French Revolution

The history of the kings of France is interrupted on Louis XVI, a talentless ruler, mired in feasts and removed from public affairs. With it, there was a decline in the industrial development of France, the precedents of hunger, the opposition to the power of the property and the people. Views on the progressive inspection monarchy french society (Including the bourgeoisie, the clergy and the nobility) the philosopher Montaquea extremely clearly expressed. He called the royal power to the brake of the progress of society and the usurpation of the inalienable rights of various layers of the population. This antagonism is converted to the Great French Revolution, marked by the establishment of the First Republic.

For the first time in world history, the people instead of the crankshake chose freedom, equality, fraternity. People are tired of being a mobile, they wanted to become citizens. It happened in France!

The beginning of the revolution served as Bastille's assault on July 14, 1989. Louis, the King of France, was executed, accused of court as a citizen Louis kapes for the usurpation of power and treason. The end of the revolution served as a reactive coup 11/09/1799. The executive directory as the chief state body of the revolutionary power was inert and ineffective. In addition, she was splitting by her the most influential member of Emmanuel-Joseph Siese, actually led to the power of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Army of France loved and respected the decisive and purposeful Corsican for the gift of unsurpassed tactics.

Further series of change in French state arrangement is the sequence of republics and empires.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon I usurped the power, proclaiming himself on 05/18/1804 by the emperor. His reliable support was the people raised by him from the soldiers in the criterion of military talent and erected in Marshals - Besaer, Jourdan, Lann, Lefevre, Massena, Murat, her, Sult, insuch. However, in one row with them there were also marshals from aristocrats: pears, Davu, McDonald, Marmon, Serryre. A series of high-profile victories of Napoleon in Prussian, Polish, Austrian, Egyptian campaigns put an end to Russia. Dubube People's War, as L. N. Tolstoy wrote about the Patriotic War of 1812, with a crushing force conceded invincible before the French army who conquered the whole of Europe. The confrontation of Kutuzov-Napoleon was allowed in favor of Mikhail Illarionovich. It was the opposition of a brilliant tactic and a brilliant strategist. After the wasting of the Napoleon's empire and the battle of Waterloo in 1814, the monarchy was restored in France.

Second Republic

04/06/1814 The Senate of France, which is under pressure of the winning countries, decided to restore the Bourbon dynasty in the face of Louis XVIII. After his death in 1824, the authorities moved to Karl X. The French discontent underlined the royalist ministry of the Polignak and the leveling of their freedoms produced by the revolution, when signing by the king of 25.07.1830, four decrees, resulted in the July Revolution and the transfer of power from the Bourbon dynasty to her The Orleans branch represented by Louis-Philip Orleans. It was the first liberal revolution in Europe, the head of the country was called "King Bourgeois." The Board of Louis-Philip turned out to be a long-awaited thawing for the bourgeoisie, it had a rapid enrichment of this layer of society and the industrial revolution. However, the government was corruption. The king hated, a number of attempts were made at him. In fact, the government gave the situation in the country, which caused the next revolution of 1848 - February.

Democratic values \u200b\u200bwere raised on the shield. The country began to rule the president (first president of France). They chose Napoleon's nephew - Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.

However, the president's policy was veiled. In words, he promised citizens of freedom and his ministry to them, in fact, confidently moved to the restoration of the empire. 12/02/1851, on the anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz, he dismissed the legislative assembly with the support of the troops, proclaiming himself by Emperor Napoleon III. However, the talented intrigue was "meditarian state Worker"According to Otto Bismarck, captivated him under the sean in 1870 during the French-Prussian war.

Third Republic

France came out of the war by signing a peace treaty with Prussia and transfer the last two eastern provinces of the Rhine Valley: Reserve Forest Alsace and Strategic Lorraine, "Gate between Germany and France".

The newest History of France, and this is the period of time from the First World War to this day, at an early stage associated with such a type of state device as the third republic. It existed until 1940, significantly strengthening the republican system and a multi-party system in France.

The third republic was born in a bloody confrontation. After challenged, the socialists and anarchists 26.03.1871, after the uprising in Paris of the people, the dissatisfied monarchy of Napoleon III, established people's government, and in fact - the first in history form of the proletariat dictatorship, the Paris commune.

The country flag France appeared on the barricades of the Paris Commune. This is a tricolor with vertical stripes: blue, white, red. Before him the symbol of the country was white flag With royal lilies. Closer to the antifreeze - blue colourThat was exactly the cloak of St. Martin, the patron saint of France. White color symbolizes the Divine Start, the red was characteristic of Oriflamm in honor of St. Donia, revered in the country.

The national uprising of the power of weapons was suppressed by monarchists. Prussia for this hurried to free the prisoners of war. Mainly, Mac-Magon scored its punitive 130-thousand army.

However, the monarchists were not in power this time. Under the leadership of the government of Adolf Tierry, the republican executive authorities operated effectively - the National Assembly. France managed to restore its industrial potential after the Prussian War. However, monarchists intercepted the initiative by replacing the Government of the Tieri with the right coalition that determined the presidency of Patrice McGagon. Again, a course was taken to the monarchy, a constitution was adopted. But the plans of the monarchists did not come true. In 1875, the Conservative Senate, electing the form of the Board for the country with a 1st voice, was still chosen by the republic.

First president of France newest Story (From 1913 to 1920) became the position of Russia and France in his rule as allies as much as possible in the international arena. However, French bourgeois governments, asymmetrically developing the economy in order to enrich, could not fully prepare a country with potential adequate to Hitler's Germany, to war with conquerors. In 1940, due to the surrender of the third republic.

Fourth Republic

In 1946, the Constitution of the fourth republic was adopted by the Constitution of France, determined further development countries. The Supreme Legislative Body, the National Assembly, consisted of the Lower Chamber - the National Assembly, and the Upper - Council of the Republic. It was the presidential parliamentary republic with a strong executive power. The development priority was the post-war recovery of the country's potential. For its effective implementation by nationalization, a powerful state sector of the economy was created, which included aviation, automotive, gas and five leading French banks also became state. The development of the economy was planned by the Special General Secretariat, who was led by Jean Monet. As a result, capital began to be more invested into the economy of France, the export of it from the country decreased. For the first time, in the fourth republic, the social policy of France turned into a priority direction of the development of society. For workers, employees massively begin to be built inexpensive accommodation, it has become really widely available education, medical care.

The formation of democracy of the fifth republic

The period of the existence of the fifth republic, which began since 1958 with the Constitution de Gaulle and last until the current time, is called the fifth republic. This is the time of maturity of the political system of the country, to which France independently came to its unique historical way. Parliament was limited in rights.

No longer he, but the entire French people elected the new president of the country. In addition, the presidential form of power stipulated in it allowed the head of state in the crisis time to take on unlimited authority of power. At the referendum, 79% of the population supported the Constitution, and after 3 months de Gaulle was elected president of the country. His policy was called "Hollyz." It was characterized by an emphasized-independent foreign policy of France. Increases the economic role of the public sector. Foreign investments are attracted to high-tech industries. It is planned to develop regions. The effectiveness of such a policy was confirmed by the exceedment of the economic development of the Middle Economic Development.

The mechanism of democracy of the fifth republic

The exact characteristic given to her former Prime Minister Vilpenom: The President carries out guidance, the government - the Office, and the Parliament is engaged in legislation. Its main principles is a strong presidential power, supervising foreign policy issues and a military-industrial complex.

Government is managed by economic and social policy. For its compliance with the Constitution follows the Constitutional Council.

At the same time, the volume of presidential powers is determined by the presence of a providental majority in parliament. He signs the laws and have the right to refer to the nation, declaring a referendum.

It belongs to the legislative initiative, priority in the development of laws. Parliament (consisting of the Upper Chamber - Senate, and the Lower National Assembly) considers draft laws proposed by the Government. The Constitution prohibits the National Assembly to make amendments leading to an increase in budget expenditures.

However, the Parliament has the right to express to the government to the government with its majority and dismiss it.


The XXI century France as a world-class power is confidently demonstrates an effective economic and social strategy. However, it is characterized by concern for the preservation of national values.

France is a stronghold of democracy and the global center of culture. Citizens of the country see their future in New Europe, and their prospects in the formation and operation of trans European structures.

France was cultural Center In different periods of its history.

In the field of fashion, for example, it still saves leadership. But it is much more important to realize that this country gave the world of great mathematicians, philosophers, writers, artists, composers ... The framework of one article simply cannot accommodate the amount of cultural activities of the French, which exists today, taking into account past centuries. It comes from the main thing to choose the most important thing, and it is always a few subjective ...
So, French Republic.

State-political device

Capital - Paris.
Largest cities - Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille.
Form of government - Presidential and parliamentary.
Head of State - President elected for 5 years.
Head of the government - Prime Minister.
Administrative-territorial division - Communes, departments, regions with elected bodies. Only 27 regions, of which 22 are on the European continent, one (Corsica) - on the island of Corsica, and five more - overseas.
The French Republic includes 5 overseas departments: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte. 5 Overseas Territories: French Polynesia, Wallis and Futun Islands, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Saint-Bartelev, Saint-Martin. 3 territories having a special status: New Caledonia, Klipperton, French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Population - 65.4 million people. 62.8 million people live in continental territory. About 90% of the population are ethnic French.
Official language - French.
Territory - 674 685 km² (with icing regions) / 547 030 km² (European part).
Currency - Euro.
Religion - secular country, freedom of conscience is provided for by constitutional law. 51% of the French consider themselves Catholics.

Economy - Highly developed. Industrial agricultural country. Leading industry manufacturing industries - mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic (TVs, washing machines Both), aviation, shipbuilding (tankers, marine ferries) and machine-tooling. One of the world's largest producers of chemical and petrochemical products (including caustic soda, synthetic rubber, plastics, mineral fertilizers, pharmaceutical goods and other), black and non-ferrous (aluminum, lead and zinc) metals. Largely fame in the global market enjoy French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumery and cosmetics, brandy, cheeses.
Agriculture - occupies one of the leading places in the world of large population cattle, pigs, birds and milk production, eggs, meat. More than half of farms exist on land owners. Only Italy competes on the production of wine with France. In each province, its grape varieties are grown and their wines are produced. Dry wine prevail. Such wines are usually called vintage - Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.
Climate - in the European territory of France moderately sea, turning in the east to moderately continental, and on southern coast in subtropical.

State symbols

Flag - French tricolor of three vertical stripes - blue, white and red. It has been transferred to the ideas of the French revolution - freedom, equality and fraternity. This combination of colors is obliged to marquis de lafayet.
Red and blue has long been considered to be the colors of Paris, and the white was the color of the French monarchy. First appeared in 1790

Coat of arms - The modern coat of arms of France is a licorous beam with an ax and laurel and oak branches.
Numerous revolutions and restorations constantly changed the coat of arms and flags.

The folk symbol of the French has always been a rooster, often called Gallic. Another famous french symbol - phrygian cap, known since the times of ancient Rome.

Indicating freedom, he received widespread during the Great French Revolution. Frigian cap - soft rounded red cap with hanging forward. It is called in honor of Frigia - areas in the center of Malaya Asia. Known as a symbol of freedom or revolution.

Sights of France

The symbol of France is the Eiffel Tower. That's about her - our first story.

The origin of it is very prosaic: the tower was built as an entrance arch of the Paris World Exhibition 1889. 20 years after the exhibition, the tower was planned to demolish. But there were radio antenna - it saved the tower.
In the process of preparation, the World Exhibition was announced a contest of architectural and engineering projects defining it architectural lookin which he won eiffel Engineer Project. Conquered the first award of the competition, Eifel exclaimed: "France will be the only country with a 300-meter flagpole!" Construction work for two years performed 300 workers.

But the creative intelligentsia of Paris and France was outraged by the bold project of the Eiffel, she renounced and demanded to stop building the tower. It was afraid that the metal structure would suppress the city architecture and violate the unique style of the capital. In 1887, 300 writers and artists (among them Dumas Son, Maupassan, Composer Guno) sent a protest to the municipality: "For 20 years, we will be forced to look at the disgusting shadow of the hated column of iron and screws extending over the city, as Ink Clay.
The height of the tower together with the new antenna is 324 meters. For over 40 years, Eiffel Tower was the highest construction in the world, while in 1930 she did not exceed her skyscraper Chrysler Building in New York.
Weight metal design - 7,300 tons (full weight of 10 100 tons). The foundation is derived from concrete arrays. The oscillations of the tower during the storms do not exceed 15 cm. There are stairs on the tower (1792 steps) and elevators.

Mont-Saint-Michel (Mount Arkhangel Mikhail)

A small rocky island turned into a fortress island, on the north-west coast of France. Inhabited. The city on the island has existed since 709. Currently, there are several dozen inhabitants. Since 1879, the island is connected by Dambia with the mainland. The natural historical complex is one of the most famous seats To visit, and since 1979, UNESCO was counted against the World Heritage of Mankind.
Island attracts tourists around the world The picturesque arrangement of the abbey and the surrounding village on the rock, the presence of monuments of history and architecture, as well as unique feeds for Europe and flow.

One of the largest, oldest and universal museums of the world. Based in 1793. Located in the building of the old Royal Palace. Replenished due to royal collections, gifts, confiscations, as military trophies of the Napoleonic army, etc.
The most famous canvas - "Joconda" Leonardo da Vinci, "Marriage in Cana Galilee" P. Veronese, "Christ on the Cross" El Greco, "Beautiful Saddleman" Rafael and others.

The most famous sculptures of the museum - Venus Milos and Nika Samofarakaya.

Palace-Park Ensemble, the former residence of the French kings in Versailles (now suburb of Paris); The center of tourism of world importance. Constructed under the leadership of Louis XIV from 1661 and became the monument of the era of the "King of Sun", the artistic and architectural expression of the idea of \u200b\u200babsolutism. Leading architects - Louis Levo and Jules Arduuen-Mansar, the Creator of the Park - Andre Lenotr.

Ensemble Versailles, The largest in EuropeIt is distinguished by the unique integrity of the intention and harmony of architectural forms and the transformed landscape. From the end of the XVII century. Versailles served as a sample for the front suburban residences European monarchs and aristocracy, but he does not have direct imitation. With versassale associated many meaningful events French and world history. For example, in 1919, a peace treaty was signed, completing the first world war and placed the beginning of the Versailles system - the political system of post-war international relations.
Peter I During my visit to France in May, 1717 studied the device of the Palace and Parks, who served as a source of inspiration when creating Peterhof. On the shores of the Gulf of Finland under St. Petersburg.
In addition to Versailles and Mont-Saint-Michel, 32 of the France object are included in UNESCO World Heritage List. We will tell only about three of them.

The Palace of the Renaissance era, around which the city of Fontainebleau has been formed over time. Many rulers of France lived here, starting with Louis VII and ending with Napoleon III. Three monarch were born in the Palace - Philip IV Beautiful, Heinrich III Valua and Louis XIII. It was the first royal residence in Europe devoid of any defensive function. The king invited for the construction and decoration of the Palace of Masters of Italian Mannerism: Auditicho and Benvenuto Chellin. It is from here that fashion for mannerism spread in Europe. Mannerism - Western European literary-artistic style of XVI - the first third of the XVII century. The pretentious start in art, when the Renaissance harmony is lost between bodily and spiritual, nature and man.

Built in the XIII century. Is an one of the most famous samples of Gothic art in France Thanks to its architecture and sculptural compositions. Starting from the period of the Middle Ages and until the XIX century. The cathedral was the place of coronation of almost all French monarchs.
Notre Dame Cathedral is dedicated to Madonna. Tower height - 80 meters. It is the most harmonious of all Gothic cathedrals of France, despite the fact that its towers are not completed. Many colored stained glass windows are lost in the XVIII century. The total scheme of the composition of the Western facade is similar to the composition of the Cathedral of the Paris's Our Lady, but it is distinguished by more elongated proportions - the dominance of the composite vertical, the pointing of the vimpers and the pinakly.
Stained glass window with the image of Saint Sict in Reims Cathedral

Channel 240 km long in southern France. Connects Toulouse with the Mediterranean City Set. In Toulouse, closes with the Garonnian channel, which leads to the Biscay bay.
Inspired by the construction, the head of the work was Paul Rica, which paid the creation of a third of the channel length. The channel was a breakthrough under Louis XIV, its construction began in 1666, and the grand opening took place in 1681.
It is now on the channel there are 91 wish, lifting and lowering the court for 190 m.

Other sights of France

Triumphal Arch (Paris)

Monument on Charles de Gaulle, erected in 1806-1836. Architect Jean Shalgren by order of Napoleon to commemorate the victories of his Great Army.
Made in an antique style. Its dimensions: The height is 49.51 m, the width is 44.82 m, the height of the arch 29.19 m. In the corners above the arched opening, the bas-reliefs of the sculptor of Jean Jacques are located with the image of the winged maidenings in Fanfare, - Allegories of Glory. The arch is decorated with four sculptural groups. The arch is surrounded by 100 granite Tumb (in honor of "one hundred days" of the Board of Napoleon), connected with cast-iron chains. Inside the arch is a small museum dedicated to the history of its construction and ceremonies held under it.

Disneyland (Paris)

The complex of amusement parks of Walt Disney is 32 km east of Paris. Park area is about 1943 hectares. On average, the Paris Disneyland is visited by 12.5 million people.

Labyrinth Alice in the country of fantasy
The park opened in 1992. On the territory of Disneyland there are two thematic parks, an entertainment park, a golf course, as well as hotels and business and residential quarters.

Christian Cathedral in the center of Paris. Circuited from 1163 to 1345. Cathedral height - 35 M., Length is 130 m, width - 48 m, the height of the bells is 69 m, the weight of the bell Emmanuel in the eastern tower - 13 tons, its language is 500 kg. The architecture of the cathedral shows the duality of stylistic influences: there are echoes romaneskaya style Normandy and used architectural achievements gothic stylewhich give the building ease and create the impression of simplicity of vertical design.
Construction began in 1163, with Louis VII French. The main creators of Notre Dam are two architects - Jean de Shel and Pierre de Montray. But many different architects took part in the construction of the cathedral, which the western side and the tower is evidenced by the style and different in height. The towers were finished in 1245, and the entire cathedral - in 1345
The first large body was established in the Cathedral in 1402. Currently, the authority has 111 registers and about 8,000 pipes. This is the largest register authority.

One of the Loire castles ( Laura's castle - Architectural facilities located in the Valley of the Loire River in France). It was built on the orders of Francis I, who wanted to be closer to the beloved lady - a countess of tour, who lived nearby. Built between 1519 and 1547. This is one of the most recognizable castles, an architectural masterpiece of the Renaissance era. The name of the architect is unknown, but research is proved participation in the project Leonardo da VinciThe former architect at the courtyard of the King Francis I, but died a few months before the start of construction. Double, two-way screw staircase In the very center of the castle, the creative style of Leonardo da Vinci passes well. The castle is built according to the sample of the fortified castles of the Middle Ages.

Fine Museum I. applied artsone of the world's largest meetings european painting and sculptures of the period 1850-1910 g. The basis of the collection is the work of impressionists and post-mixing. The collection is also rich in the works of decorative art in the style of Ar-Nouveau (Yuggendstil, common in the late XIX-early XX century), photographs and objects of architecture. The Orsay Museum, therefore, fills the time interval between the collections of the Museum of the Louvre and Museum modern art Center of George Pompidou. There are performances and concerts, as well as annual festivaldedicated to the origin of the movie.

The National Center for Art and Culture named after George Pompidou, in the surprise center of George Pompidou. Cultural center open since 1977., Created on the initiative of the French president of George Pompidou. The activities of the Center are devoted to the study and support of modern art and the art of the 20th century in various manifestations: art art, dance, music, etc.
Center is the third attendance of the cultural attraction in France after the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.

Grand Palace (Paris)

Majestic architectural construction in style boz-Ar. (Eclectic architecture style) located on the left of the Champs Elysees. It is isolated as a major cultural and exhibition center. " Grand Palace Fine Arts "was erected in Paris in 1897, for the World Exhibition, held from April 15 to November 12, 1900.

Il de re

Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Location western coast France, in the immediate vicinity of La Rochelle. In 2006, about 17600 people lived on the island. The island has dimensions of 30 km long and 5 km in width. This is a popular place in France for tourist trips during the summer months. The island is connected to the mainland bridge with a length of 2926.5 m.

Herons and white herons on the swamps of the island of re

Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Bou

This cemetery is place of pilgrimage for many Russiansbecause More than 15 thousand Russians are buried here, mostly emigrants: military, representatives of the clergy, writers, artists, artists, which gives the ground to call everything the "Russian" cemetery. Among famous peopleburied on this cemetery, A. Benua - Architect, artist, author of projects of Orthodox churches in France, including the temple of Assumption in the Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua; S. Bulgakov - Russian philosopher, theologian, economist, priest Orthodox church; I. Bunin - Writer, the first Russian laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1933). Buried with his wife V. Muromseva; BUT. Galich - playwright, poet, bard; Z. Hippius -poetess; B. Zaitsev - writer; K. Korovin - artist; D. Merezhkovsky - poet; BUT. Tarkovsky - film director and others.

Montmartre (Martyr Martyr)

130-meter hill in the north of Paris and the Ancient Roman settlement. In 1860, the area became part of the city, giving the name of the municipal district.
Montmartre Hill is the highest point of Paris. At the top of the hill is the Basilica Sacre Cour, one of the most popular attractions of the French capital. You can go to Montmartre on the famous stairs or with the help of a funicular.

In the Galova-Roman era, two temples in honor of Mars and Mercury gods rose on the hill. Thanks to the plaster deposit, Montmartre became one of the richest areas in the district. At this time there were built many villas and temples. Later, the quarry, where the plaster was mined, served as a refuge for the first Christians.
At about 272, the first bishop of Paris Sv was beheaded here for the preaching of Christianity. Dionysius, Presbyter Rustic and Deacon Elvfery. According to legend, after decapitating Dionysius took a severed head in his hands, washed her in the source and passed about 6 kilometers. In place where he fell dead, founded Saint-Denis. In the Midmartre Midmartre was the place of pilgrimage of believers.
Today, Montmartre is on a par with a louvrom and the Eiffel Tower, is a favorite goal of tourists. Crowds of tourists are precipitated mainly Sacre Cour and Terrter Square. Montmartre is occupied by portrastruy artists, cartoonists and charts. For a small fee, they offer numerous tourists in 15 minutes to draw a portrait or caricature, and also expose their work for sale on Terrter Square.

(literally "Basilica of the Holy Heart", that is, the hearts of Christ) - the Catholic Temple in Paris, built in 1876-1914. According to the project of the architect P. Abadi in the Roman-Byzantine style, located on the top of the Montmartre hill, in the most high point (130 m) of the city. Inside the basilica is decorated with colored stained glass windows and monumental mosaic on the theme "The reverence of France in front of the heart of the Lord." From the top of Montmartra, where a wide multi-tier staircase is maintained, Panorama of Paris and the view around in clear weather are 50 km away.

The southeastern Mediterranean coast of France, stretching from the city toulon to the border with Italy. The Cote d'Azur is also located the Principality of Monaco. Another name is French Riviera. The name came up with a little-known now french writer And the poet Stefan Liezhar.
Popular to the Cote d'Azur is obliged to pleasant climate: Soft Warm Winter and Necknowicant Summer. Cote d'Azur is considered one of the world's best places to relax, which makes hotels and real estate one of the most expensive in the world.


The city has numerous museums. The following are most famous:
Museum of Archeology;
Museum of Natural History;
Museum of Fine Arts;
Museum of Fleet;
The National Museum of the Biblical Message Marc Chagal. Opened in 1972, the center of the museum is seventeen big pictureswritten by an anti-garde artist M. Shagalom under the impression of the Old Testament;
Museum Massena. It presents about one and a half thousand creations of the XI-XIX centuries: sculptures, paintings, dishes, weapons - everything that allows you to see one of the most important aspects of life and culture of that time;
Mattis Museum;
Museum of Naive Art A. Zhakovsky.


Marseilles - The second largest city in France and a huge port with ancient history. It is founded by the Greeks as mass in 600 BC. er, called the "Gate of the East". Tourists admire with small streets of the Old Town ("Panya"), the old port with Forts of St. Jean and St. Nicholas (1660), a symbol of the city - the Roman-Vizantine Basilica of Notre Dam-de-Lia Gard (1853) With a gold-plated statue of the Major Virgin, a height of 10 m and a bronze bell weighing more than 8 tons, a 17-storey building "Shining City", built on the project Le Corbusier.

An integral part of Marseille - markets and fairs. Marseille beaches are comfortable and clean. Not far from Marseille is the islands of Froul, on which the ancient sanitary complex is located, as well as the famous Island Island with his prison cast, famous for the legend about the Monte Cristo column. The islands offer a beautiful panorama of the city and the bay.

Initially, the construction was built as a fort for Marseille defense from attacks from the sea. Construction went in 1524-1531. By order of King Francis I.
From the end of the XVI century. The castle began to be used for isolation and protection of particularly dangerous criminals. It is since the Fort and received the name of the castle IF. The dungeon contained gueaters, politicians, heads of the Paris Commune, as well as persons who presented the danger to France.
In the 1830s, the castle of IF officially ceased to be a prison, but in 1871 the leaders of the Paris Commune were held here, and her head Gaston Krepe was shot on the island of IF. In the novel by A. Duma "Count Monte Cristo" The many years of imprisonment of the chief hero Edmon Dantes in the IF Castle was described. The popularity of the novel caused the popularity of the castle. In 1890, it is open to visitors and is very popular with tourists.


The historic province of France, the intersection of roads and civilizations of North and Southern Europe, located around the array of Morevan in the Seine River basin, famous for its lakes and vineyards. This is a unique and blessed edge, glorious golden villages, antique castles and churches, culinary traditions and rivers. Burgundy's business card - her wines. The famous vineyards from the north to the south stretch the famous vineyards, the center of winemaking is an ancient Bon, still preserved the influence of Flemish culture, especially in architecture.
Tourists necessarily visit the museum of wine or Burgundy wine cellar "Kava"As well as nearby villages, each of which has its own architecture and its local variety of wine.


It is more than 900 km of the beaches from the Cote d'Azur to Kamarga, thousands of kilometers of the Alps mountain slopes are just an hour away from the beaches, drowning in the vineyards of the hills, castles and olive groves. Here you can find a lot of interesting things: The most extensive areas of winemaking in Provence - Côte de Provence, Bandol and Côte du-Ron, Roman monuments of Glanma, olive groves (you can even see the manufacture of oil with a manual way), Verdon River Canyon, pottery workshops Moustie or Apta, Oban, where Make unique porcelain miniatures, Palace-Pophal Palace, Little Viderona villages, Roman amphitheaters in Arles and Nimea, Grotto not far from Exca, in which Maria Magdalena, Grand Basilica in St. Maxim, Villas of Vezon or XVII Villas. In Mirabo.


It is famous for the beauty of his harsh coasts, shady forests and prestigious resorts - Doville, Dieppe, Le Tuk, Cabourg, etc. Here are hundreds of golf courses, casino, nightclubs, hippodromes and other sports facilities, and whole flotilla yachts mooring - This is one of the most popular centers of the europe's yacht. Business card of tourist Normandy - Granite island with ancient abbey Mont-Saint-Michel halfway between Normandy and Brittany. The largest Norman city is an old Rouen. The city's attractions: notre Dame Cathedral (founded in the XIII century, the main buildings of the XIII-XIV centuries), in which he was executed Zhanna D "Ark, In honor of which the tower is now named and the monument, university, the Palace of Justice, Saint-Macau Church (XV century) and St. Uan.
In the town of Village de Paul is one of the world's oldest workshops in the molding of bellsSimultaneously being a valid museum. In the Valley of the River Organ, many thermal sources, on the basis of which many small resorts have been created.

One of the main tourist centers of the country is Reims. This is one of the first Centers of Christianity in the country (already at the beginning of the V century. The first cathedral is built here) and the birthplace of the kingdom of France. It is here in 496 N. e. The first king of Frankners Chlodwig accepts Christianity, and since then there has been a minor formation on the throne of twenty-five kings of France. Here is the "Chief Cathedral of France" -.

France culture and art

France has huge cultural Heritage. French For centuries, it was one of the main international languages, and significantly retains this role to this day. For long periods of its history, France was the main cultural center, spreading their achievements around the world. In Paris is located uNESCO headquarters - United Nations education, science and culture.


Significant monuments have been preserved in France Antique architecture romanesky Styles, for example, the Basilica of Saint Saturnina in Toulouse, the biggest Romanesque church in Europe, and the Church of Notre Dame-La Grand in Poitiers. Medieval French architecture is primarily known for its Gothic facilities. Gothic style originated in France in the middle of the XII century, the first gothic cathedral became Saint-Dani Basilica (1137-1144). The most significant works of Gothic style in France are cathedrals Chartra, Amiens and Reims, France remains great amount Gothic style monuments, from chapels to huge cathedrals. In the XV century The period of "Flaming Gothic" came, from which only individual samples reached us: Saint-Jacques Tower of Paris or one of the portals of the Ruan Cathedral. In the XVI century In French architecture comes Renaissancewell represented by castles in the Loire Valley - Shambo, Shenonso, Sheverni, Blois, Azet La Rido And others, as well as the palace Fontainebleau.
XVII century - Architecture flowering baroquecharacteristic of the creation of large palace and park ensembles: Versailles and Luxembourg Garden. Baroque change in the XVIII century comes classicism. This era includes the first samples of urban planning, with straight streets and prospects, organization of urban space, such as, for example, Champs Elysees in Paris.

Classicism gradually goes into ampir, the style of the first third of the XIX century, the standard of which in France is an arch on the square of the carridge. In 1850-1860, a complete redevelopment of Paris was held, as a result of which he accepted the modern appearance, with boulevards, squares and straight streets. In 1887-1889 was erected. In the 20th century all over the world applies modernism, in whose architecture, France has no longer played the leading role, but beautiful style samples were created here, such as, for example, church in Ronshan, built by Le Corbusier, or built on a specially designed plan of business quarter of Paris Defans with a big arch.


In the XVII century Italy was considered the center of world art, but the first style of painting, which arose in France became in the XVIII century. style rococowhose largest representatives were Antoine Watto and Francois Bush. In the second half of the XVIII century. French painting through still lifes Sharden And female portraits Dream Came C. Classicismwhich dominated the 1860s. The main representatives of this direction were Jacques Louis David and Dominic Engr.
Simultaneously in France, pan-European artistic flows developed: romanticism (Theodore Zheriko and Eugene Delacroix), orientalism (Jean-Leon Zhero), realistic Landscape "Barbizon School"(Jean-Francois Mill and Camille Coro), realism (Gustina Courbe, partly Onor houses), symbolism (Pierre Puwi de Chavann, Gustave Moro). With names Eduard Mana and Edgar Degas connected breakthrough in french art and then - impressionists: Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro and Alfred Sisley, as well as Gustave Kaibott.

At the same time, the sculptor declared themselves Auguste Roden. and not adjacent to any Odilon Redon. Paul Cesanne Spearly moved away from impressionists and began working in style, later called by postpressionism. The work of such large artists is also attributed to postpressionism as Paul Gajen, Vincent Van Gogh and Henri de Toulouse-LotrekAlso those who constantly arose in France at the end of the 19th and early 20th century, new artistic flows, which were then applied throughout Europe, influence other school art schools. it pointillism (Georges Syra and Paul Signac), Group nabi (Pierre Bonnar, Maurice Deni, Eduar Vyyar), fovisov (Henri Matisse, Andre Deren, Raul Duf), cubism (Early works Pablo Picasso, George Marriage). French art responded to the main directions of the avant-garde: expressionism (Georges Ruo, Haim Sutin), standing by a painting mansion Mark Shagala or surreal work Iva Tanga. After the German occupation in the second world war, France lost leadership in global art.


The earliest literature monuments that have reached us are dated to the end of the IX century, but the flourishing of French medieval literature begins in the XII century. The most prominent poet of medieval France was Francois Viyon.
Protoroman. Rabl "Gargantua and Pantagryel" Denotsed by french literature Watershed between the medieval and era of revival. The largest master of prose of revival not only in France, but also in the pan-European scale acted in his "Experience" Michelle Monta. European fame decreed French philosophers ( Descartes, Pascal, Larancyfort) and playwrights ( Cornel, Rasin and Moliere), Prosaiki (Charles Perret) and poets ( Jean de Lafondten).
In the Epoch of Enlightenment educational literature France continued to dictate the literary tastes of Europe: "Manon Lesko", "Dangerous Communications", "Candid. After the Great French Revolution, the era of romanticism comes: Shatubrita, Marquis de Garden and Madame de Steel. The ideologist of French romanticism was the critic of St. Boev, and his most popular works remain historical adventure novels Alexandra Duma, Work V. Gyugo.

Since the 1830s, in French literature, it becomes more noticeable realistic flow: Standal, Merima. The largest figures of French realism are considered Honore de Balzac ("Human comedy") and Gustave Flaubert (Madame Bovarie). Under the influence of Madame Bovarie, "School of Flaubert" was formed, as a whole, defined as naturalism and presented by the names Zola, Maupassana, Brothers, Honkur and Satirik Dodé.
In parallel with naturalism, a completely different literary direction is developing: "Arts for the sake of art" - Parnassians. The first of the "damned poets" is adjacent to the parns Charles Bodler. - The author of the collection "Flowers of evil", brought close to romanticism with the symbolism of Villine, Rembo and Mallarm.
During the XX century. More than 10 French writers were awarded the Nobel Prize, among them Andre Ja, Anatole France, Romain Rolland, Francois Moriac, Albert Cami, Jean-Paul Sartre, etc.

In poetry began the XX century. experimented Apolliner. The dominant direction of the avant-garda became surrealism (Cokto, Breton, Aragon, EloR). In the post-war time for replacing surrealism came existentialism (Tale Cami). The largest phenomena of the era Postmodernism Steel "New Roman" (ideologue - Rob Grije) and a group of Language Experimentors of Ulitov (Ramon Keno, George Rabb).
In addition to the authors who wrote in French, the largest representatives of other literature worked in France: Argentine Cortasar. After the October Revolution, Paris became one of the centers of Russian emigration. Here at different times, such significant Russian writers and poets worked as Ivan Bunin, Alexander Kuprin, Marina Tsvetaeva, Konstantin Balmont.


French music is known since the time of Karl the Great, but global composers: Jean Batista Lully, Louis Coopen, Jean Philip Ramo - appeared only in the baroque era. The flourishing of French classical music has arrived in the XIX century. The era of romanticism is represented in France by works Hector Berlioza, first of all it symphonic music. In the middle of the century they write their works famous composers Saint-Sans, Fore, Frank, and at the end of the XIX century. In France, the new direction of classical music is developing - impressionism: Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel.

In the XX century classical music France is developing in the general direction of world music. Creation Olivier Messiana In general, it is impossible to attribute anyone to any direction of music. In the 1970s, in France, it was born later spreading around the world "Spectral music"in which music is written taking into account its spectrum of sound.
In the 1920s, in France spread jazz. French pop music developed on another path than English-speaking - chanson. In the chance, the focus can be done both by the words of the song and to music. In this genre of extraordinary popularity in the middle of the XX century. reached Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour. Many chanson themselves wrote poems to the songs: Georges Brassens, Jacques Brel, Zhilbert Beko, Filmartists Burvil and Yves Montan. In many regions of France, folk music is being revived. As a rule, folk groups perform the compositions of the beginning of the 20th century, using piano and accordion.

In the second half of the XX century. In France, it was distributed and ordinary pop music, which were performers Mirey Mathieu, Dalida, Joe Dassin, Patricia Kaas, Milen Farmer, Lara Fabian, Lemarchal Gregory.

History of France

The territory of France was settled with prehistoric times. In 486 Gallium was conquered by Franks led by CLODIVE. Thus, it was established Frank state And Chlodwig became the first king of the Meroving Dynasty. For Karl Great The Frank state reached the highest heyday in the history and occupied most of the territory of the current Western and Southern Europe. After the death of the son of Karl the Great - Louis of Pious - his empire was divided into three parts. In 843, the West Frankish Kingdom led by Karl Lyshim was formed under the Verden Treaty. It occupied approximately the territory of modern France; in x in. The country began to be called France.
Subsequently, the central government has weakened significantly. In the 9th century, France regularly underwent Viking raids.
In 1337 began Central War with Englandin which first success was accompanied by the British, who managed to capture the essential part of the territory of France, but in the end, especially after the appearance Zhanna D "ArkIn war, the fracture came, and in 1453 the British capitulated.

Joan of Arc - The National Heroine of France, one of the commander-in-chief of the French troops in century war. Getting captured to the Burgundians, was transferred to the British and burned on the fire as a sordle. Subsequently was rehabilitated and canonized - ranked the Catholic Church to the face of saints.
By the period of the board of Louis XI (1461-1483), actually feudal fragmentation was discontinued, and France turned into absolute monarchy.
At the end of the XVI century. In France, the proliferation of Calvinist Protestantism was distributed (Protestants in France were called Huguenotes). It caused religious wars between the Catholics and Protestants whose peak in 1572 became Barfolomeevskaya night In Paris, the mass killing of Protestants. In 1589, Heinrich IV became the founder of the new Dynasty of Bourbon.
From 1618 to 1648, France participated in Thirty-year war. From 1624 to his death in 1642, the country was actually ruled by the Minister of King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu. He resumed war with Protestants and managed to apply them a military defeat and destroy their state structures.
In 1789 occurred The French RevolutionAs a result of which the old order and France was destroyed from the monarchy became the Republic of De Yura free and equal citizens. The motto: freedom, equality, fraternity.

1799-1814 - napoleon Board: In 1804, he was proclaimed by the emperor; The first empire. In 1800-1812 Napoleon by conquering campaigns created the All-Eway Empire, and his relatives or protections were ruled in Italy, Spain and other countries. After the defeat in Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the next unification of the anti-Napoleon coalition of Power Napoleon broke up.
1814-1830 - Period Restoration, Based on the dualistic monarchy of Louis XVIII and Karl X.
1852-1870 - the second Empire (State of Napoleon III).
1871 – Paris commune - The unrest, which, lusted in the revolution and the establishment of local governments, a long time ago, 72 days (from March 18 to May 28). At the head of the Paris commune, the socialists and anarchists were combined into a coalition.
In the First World War, France participated in the composition of the Entente.

In 1958, the president of the republic was elected, the general of the liberation, the hero of the first and second world wars. Foreign policy Under President De Gall was characterized by the desire for independence and to the "restoration of the greatness of France".
By 1960, in the decomposition of the colonial system, most french colonies In Africa won independence. In 1962, after a bloody war, Algeria had gained independence. Profantsian Algerians moved to France, where they made a rapidly growing Muslim minority. In general, the post-war development of France was characterized by the forced development of industry and agriculture, promoting national capital, economic and social and cultural expansion into the former African and Asian colonies, active integration within the framework of the European Union, the development of science and culture, strengthening social support measures, counteracting "Americanization" of culture.
Currently elected 24th president of France.

Modern traditions and culture of France should be the subject of close study of each tourist, which is planning to visit this country. If you do not want to get periodically to see the most various aspects, then carefully read this material. We will try to tell you about how the traditions of France are respected by the inhabitants of this country and why it is impossible to violate their tourists.

To begin, it should be understood that the French are a fairly peculiar nation that are not very loyal to the British and do not tolerate Americans at all. Therefore, the English speech in this country is not at all Commilfo. If you do not have time to learn French enough, do not try to shine with your knowledge of English. Better speak Russian. But keep in mind that Russians are considered uncompatible and not aristocratic. But the attitude towards you will be better than Americans.

Second important moment Traditions of France is not obligatory and not punctuality. This equally concerns both business contacts, the work of official institutions and secular rounds. On dinners and dinners are customary to be late in accordance with their social status. What you are more and more important, the later you are allowed to come to the party. On this occasion, it should be noted the fact that the French has not been invited to lunch and dinner of business partners. Such an invitation is rather an exception to the rules and a sign of great respect for your person.

Common customs and traditions of France

France is a country with a centuries-old history and cultural heritage. Complies are clearly traced in the Roman Empire. The numerousness of dialects and species of groups add national flavor to the country's everyday life. Here with respect refer to their history. How it would not seem strange, but every Frenchman is proud of Napoleon Bonaparte and Great french revolution. And against the background of this, France fully gives historical respect for his royal Dynasties. There is no such tradition of denial of own history, as can be observed in Russia. Therefore, do not seek to discuss historical dates and their French friends negative influence At the current position of the country.

Modern traditions and culture of France

Modern traditions and culture of France are internally connected with centuries historic Heritage. This country is a secular state. It does not recognize the departure of any religious concession. At the same time, a group of ethnic Arabs living in France, which keep the traditions of Muslim.

This imposes a certain imprint on behavior in tourists and locals in these areas. Women are not recommended to wear causing sexy clothes when visiting Arab neighborhoods. If possible, try not to focus on the customs of Arabs and related religious sections.

What national traditions of France should know

If you are planning to visit this country, then you should know the following national traditions of France:

  • do not suggest a visit to the French, they do not like it;
  • in the subway or other form of public transport, do not ask in front of standing people whether they will go out at the next stop;
  • just push out to the exit and pass the sorry for everyone;
  • do not attend France with business goals from July 1 to August 30, at this time in the country Business County, everyone goes on vacation;
  • if you were invited for lunch, come to 20 o'clock, lunch in this country is at this time;
  • always apologize if someone pushed you on the street - here the tradition apologize to both parties.

In Christmas holidays, France traditionally rests from December 20 to January 14. After any meal here traditionally serve as a dessert of solid grade of cheese. In no case do not drink this national treaty, coffee, juices. You can use only red wine as a drink. If you do not want to drink alcohol, it is better to give up dessert with cheese.

Beautiful wedding traditions of France

For foreigners, beautiful and touching wedding traditions of France are interesting. Usually everything runs everything as well as in the Russian wedding. The groom redeems the bride, arranged different contests, bachelides and boys. But beauty lies in the fact that the French love to arrange marriage celebrations in the evening or even at night. At the same time, the mayor's office always comes towards newlyweds and provides them with the opportunity to connect marriage to the Uzami at any time convenient for them.

In different regions of France, wedding traditions are complemented by local customs. It is always a colorful and fascinating holiday, which traditionally ends with the sending of newlyweds to a wedding trip. Well, guests can walk at the wedding for several days and even weeks.

The cultural customs of France were formed for several millennia. The basis of the Gallic, Celtic, Roman-Latin traditions served as the basis. In the territory of France, there was a merger of various european cultures. The formation of each French province was carried out in different conditions. Therefore, it is not surprising that today's cultural appearance of the country is very difficult to systematize and characterize. But many traditions firmly installed in almost all corners of France.

Attitude towards family and social sphere

Statistics show that the French are worse and worse to the formation family relationships. Men marry an average of 29 years old, and women in 27. In the country, the divorces became frequent, if not to say worse - stable, phenomenon. This suggests that the population of France is not particularly honored by the Institute of Family. Popularity is gaining civil marriages, which in France are almost equal to the usual. French families are small, on average from 2 to 4 people. Despite these facts, recreation is made to spend with children surrounded by friends, or in a cafe. As a rule, both parents are employed, therefore the government appoints benefits and subsidies to kindergartens.

The state has an extensive network social assistancerepresented by one of the best in the world. For example, pregnant women have the right to take a vacation for 6 weeks before delivery, but lasts such a vacation within 4 months after birth.

The greatest number of inhabitants of France lives in medium cities, where the population does not exceed 200 thousand inhabitants. Families usually have home in villages and suburbs, so the culture and customs of cities gradually are strengthened in the villages, and vice versa.

Education system

Primary education children get in obligatory, it lasts from 6 to 16 years. This education is free. There are also private paid schools in which a little more than 15% of children go.

The elementary school begins at the age of 6, after it begins high school. Further, students come to specialized schools. higher Level. After her end, students have a bachelor's degree, with which you can enter the university. After graduating from the University, students issue a bachelor's degree associated with any specialization.

In France, there are more than 70 universities, as well as high schools with strict selection of students. But after the end of these educational institutions, there are wide opportunities for career growth.

French etiquette

According to the number of rules of etiquette, the French often compare with the Japanese. Residents of the country are especially appreciated by his interlocutor his politeness and courtesy, but only then take into account such details as security and profession. In some provinces, the French often gesticulate, which indicates a desire to better convey their thoughts. Greeting is limited to the handshake, if people are simply familiar, or is expressed in kisses in both cheeks, if they are related to related ties. When talking S. unfamiliar manFor example, in public transport or in the store, it is customary to insert the traditional appeal "Monsieur", Madame, Madmoiselle.

IN public place The Frenchman will not smile a stranger (sign of courtesy), will try not to look into the eyes. However, during the campaigns to the store, the French have already welcome the owner from the threshold, and he is responsible for reciprocity. If a person in the store greeted the first, it means that he needs help. What is interesting - the French consider a sign good toneIf a person closes the door behind him, it does not matter, cafe is or the door of the room. Included without a knock or call without inviting the owner of the house is prohibited, in addition to those institutions where "openly" is written.