Flood installation of metal spans. The design of bottom overlaps

Flood installation of metal spans. The design of bottom overlaps

In 2011, the ship's shipping company Palmali became the winner in the TENDER OF NK LUKOIL on the development of the project and the construction of a transport and assembly barge (TMB) with a cargo offshore crane for the arrangement of the objects of the naval field of hydrocarbons. V. Filanovsky in the north of the Caspian.

On December 22, 2011, a long-term TMB chartering was signed between Palmali and NK of OJSC LUKOIL.

LUKOIL has assigned the name "Yuri Kuvikin" in honor of one of the former leaders of the Geological Service of LUKOIL - Yuri Stepanovich Kuvikin (1935-2012), which made a great contribution to the opening of a large oil and gas province in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. In recognition of the merit of Yuri Kwykin, the Sarmatian oil and gas condensate field was also renamed his honor, which LUKOIL opened in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea in 2003.

The construction of the four sections of the Barge Corps was performed at the Besiktas Shipbuilding Plant, the city of Yalov, Turkey. Docking sections, installation of basic equipment and commissioning work, the implementation of the receiving test program was made at the Khazar ship repair plant in Azerbaijan.

TMB is designed to carry out work on the transportation of large-sized buildings, placement and transportation of various technological equipment for the construction of the drilling complex and will be operated on the licensed seaside section of the deposit. V. Filanovsky in the north of the Caspian.

The main characteristics of the TMB "Yuri Kvykin": Maximum Deadweight 14351 tons. Length 140 meters, 62 meters width. Barge can carry cargo weighing 14000 tons, and placed on board an offshore crane is able to raise the cargo weighing 400 tons.

The T-shaped barge consists of two main pontoons, as well as two additional pontoons (outriggers) necessary to increase the carrying capacity and stability of the vessel when transporting superheavy overall cargo, such as the upper structures of LSP-1 and CTP.

As part of the transport and assembly barge, Yuri Kuvikin, which houses the upper structure of the ice-resistant stationary platform No. 1, two tugs and two transport and bunker vessels, October 20, 2014 went from the head shipyard of a shipbuilding enterprise in the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel in Caspian sea.

On June 22, 2016, Barge came out of the seaport of Astrakhan towards the objects of the seabed field of hydrocarbons. V. Filanovsky, located 220 km from the seaport. Its according to the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel (VKMSC) was carried out by the pilot and promotional vessels FSUE "Rosmorport", which was completed on June 26.

On April 16, 2017, in the region of 170 km of the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Channel (VKMSK) of the Lotsmann FSUE "Rosmorport" of the Upper Building of Iceproof Stationary Platform No. 2 (LSP-2), placed on the transport and assembly barge. June 27 from the seaport of Astrakhan Barzhaxir Caravan towards the deposit. V. Filanovsky.

In view of the economic profitability of container traffic, the search for new, even more profitable methods of their organization continue. One of them was found as a result of the comparison of freight transport in a unified container on the railway, along the highway and by sea. Since transportation on water is cheaper than highway or rail transport, the option was faced: building floating containers in the form of rectangular barges and design vessels, on board which these barges could be transported by the sea. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a vessel was not Nova, since during the Second World War, especially in the US Navy, there were a number of vessels, which thus transported the landing troops and had an equipment for lifting the barge on board and descending them into water. This method of overload was called "Float ON - Float Off". It is advantageous to sell the house in the elite area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region. In recent years, many such vessels have appeared. Depending on the method to which barges are accepted on board, there are three main structural types of barbells: Lash, Sibi and bumps. The first ships of the Lash type were built in 1969-1970. The appearance of such a vessel, as well as the method of loading on it is presented in the figure below.

Superstructings are shifted far into the nose; Two machine branches are placed on both sides of the wide hold of the stern. The location of the barge during the flight can be seen in Figure B. As a transshipment, it serves as a mobile gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 5 MN. Loading capacity of the standard barge type Lash is 370 tons, the overall dimensions of 16.7x9.5x4.4 m. When unloading, the lighters are raised from the truma with a gantry crane, move to the stern and move it there. Loading is made in reverse order. Lash type ships can find a variety of use. They can, in particular, carry 20-foot containers (Fig. C)

Barzhezia type "Sibi" are built mainly in the United States; Their barges are much more and have a carrying capacity of 850 tons. Barges have several decks equipped with rails for moving them. The stern has an elevator with a loading capacity of 19.6 MN, which serves for lifting and shutting down the barge. When loading, the elevator is lowered so that two barges could enter it. Then the elevator together with barges rises to the desired deck. Under the barge is supplied by a swivel cart, on which barges on the rails are delivered to the place where they are fixed during the flight time. Bargezos of the "Sibi" type have a deadweight 38 410 tons, while Lash Types are built in three versions: Deadweight 18 850, 26,500 and 43,517 tons.

Bargeozo type Sibie

a - transportation of lighter to the elevator. B - Further transportation on the ship.

Third Type of Barzhevozov - Court Bakat Deadweight Approximately 25 thousand tons. Two-barpent design of the vessel allows barges like Lash to swim under the main deck between the two housings where they are fixed. Small barges with a loading capacity of 140 T rise to deck elevators, as well as on Garzheza like "Sibi". Type of buck vessels are designed to transport barge from small or river ports to Lash-type sea ships, as well as for transportation in coastal areas or on small water bodies. Special, not yet very common, the original shape of the barbell is the so-called composite vessel. It is a very big barge, which, with the help of a special lock and hydraulic wedges, is connected to the machine department working as a tolkach. The economic benefit from the use of composite vessels consists in low build costs. In addition, Barge can stay in the port, while the energy part immediately goes into the sea, therefore, operational costs are reduced. On the other hand, appropriate barges and energy sections of a special design are required, as well as very well organized maintenance in both ports.

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This method of installation involves the assembly of a metal span structure (or its section) on the shore, after which it is delivered on floating supports to the span and is installed on support.

Installation technology is the following works.:

  • assembly of the span structure on the shore of sequential or parallel (sectional) methods;
  • rewriting the span structure on the pierces to the river;
  • loading a span structure for floating supports, pre-commissioned under the span structure, with a sublinking on support cells from wooden bars;
  • preparation of the track (dredging, tossing, accommodation anchors);
  • transportation of the floating system to the place of installation of the span structure on supports, the installation of the flooder in the span;
  • the lowering of the span structure on the support parts.

The method is advisable to use:

  • on the construction of multiplet bridges, when the installation works are repeated repeated, and the cost of the costs of releasing poulys and flooders pay off;
  • with a sufficient depth of the river, a relatively small flow rate and long-term warmth of the year.

Plastic installation technology of metal spans Allows you to significantly reduce the construction time due to parallel management of work on the construction of supports and installation of translucent buildings. However, it is required to perform a large amount of work on the construction of piers, floating supports, rental powerful tugs, etc.

The assembly of the span structure is carried out on the shore along the river or on the embankment of the axis of the axis of the bridge. For the assembly it is convenient to use gantry cranes serving assembly sites.

Plashkuts floating supports are most often mounted on the shore (on cells from BRUSEV) from the Pontoons of the COP (Fig. 6.67), and the superstructure of floating supports is from the elements of MIC-C and MIC-P. The screery supports are based on the pontoons through the beam cells than the uniform distribution of the load from the weight of the span structure to the required area of \u200b\u200bthe plash.

Fig. 6.67 - PONTON COP

The plash is descended into the river in the inclined paths (slips). On the plashcoat placed superstructure. The superstructure is mounted with large blocks using a float. On top of the superstructure, the support cells from wooden bars with a height of 0.6- 0.7 m are arranged. Cells make it possible to take into account changes in the altitude position of the support due to fluctuations in the water level by the time of loading. The height of the floating support (Fig. 6.68) is determined on the basis of the RUV mark (working water level at the time of transportation of the span structure) and the project level of the span structure.

Fig. 6.68 - Transportation of a span structure for manifold: 1 - support cell; 2 - superstructure; 3 - farms of reinforcement of the plash 4 - Lower Bulk Scarlet; 5 - Brace with Facts for Tension

Floating support is equipped with pumps for ballasting and strip out of pontoons, compressors, manual or drive winches and admiralty anchors with cables.

Loading the span structure on floating supports is carried out when the flooded is flooded by resetting the water ballast from pontoons. To move the transit structure over long distances, more often use transverse mobile for releasing pirs (Fig. 6.69). In this case, as a rule, dredging ("bucket") is satisfied between the pirs, so as not to build expensive long-length pits (which can destroy the ice rose). The top of the top of the purses of the purses corresponds to the project mark of the nez of the span structure.

Fig. 6.69 - Preparation of a span structure for transportation

To reduce the cost of releasing poults for which the pile foundations are needed, the transverse movement can be carried out on low pirs. For this, the farm-lifts are required at the ends of the piers. They are built in the form of towers or racks equipped with hydraulic lifts or polyspers for lifting the span structure and loading it on floating supports.

The floating system is transported to high power tugs bridge. The flooding span is introduced from the grassland side (to avoid bulging on the supports) on the cables (with the help of winches installed on floating supports). Without reaching 50-100 m. To the axis of the bridge, the fastening of the flooding is switched from tugs on winches placed on the plash. For this, the ends of the cables with winches are fixed to the permanent joint supports (by three-time winding of the cable with the fastening of the faces, where the ends of the cables from the winches of the floating support) and the anchors (admiralty or anchors-suits) in the direction of the river and on the shore (Fig. 6.70). The minimum distance from the anchors to the floating support is made at least 10-15 depth of water in the river. This will ensure normal operation of the anchor. After the factory of the span structure in the span and installation on the support parts or temporary cells, the plasters are ballasting with a water ballast.

Fig. 6.70 - transportation schemes and factory in the span structure on floating supports: a - tugs; b - winch; 1 - peeling boat; 2 - the span structure; 3 - floating support; 4 - chief tug; 5 - auxiliary tug; 6 - anchor; 7 - Bucken; 8 - direction of movement of the floating system; 9 - the river; 10 - Support Bridge; 11 - axle bridge

After that, floating supports are removed from under the span structure and transported to the place of sludge.

The loading of the span structure can also be carried out. longitudinal mobile Using flooding supports in accordance with the on-line (Fig. 6.71).

Fig. 6.71 - Schemes of longitudinal shut-offs of the span structure: A - with temporary supports suitable along the axis of the bridge; b - without temporary supports; 1 - floating support; 2 - Bridge Support

Guns are carried out with temporary supports in the span or without them.

First method It is advisable to apply with the construction of multiplet bridges when the span structure is loaded into 2 plasters and is transported for installation in other spans.

Second way It is used for the construction of a single-span bridge, when for one reason or another, the displacement device is undesirable.

Ballasting of the floating system It is performed for high-speed control of its position when loading the span structure on floating supports and install it to the support parts.

The amount of water ballast in the pontoons of the plash cover of the floating support G score consists of the following parts:

Q NC - the weight of the transported structure transported;

L, in - the length and width of the plastics;

γ - the proportion of water;

Here (Fig. 6.72):

Δ 1 - deformation of the span structure under its own weight;

Δ 2 - pier deformation;

Δ 3 - deformation of floating supports;

Δ 4 - the gap between the span structure and the pier needed for the removal of the span structure; Approximately δ 4 \u003d 0.15 m;

G reg - the amount of water ballast to take into account water oscillations in the river during transportation (H reg \u003d 0.15 m), determined by the formula

G OCM \u003d LBH OCM - residual (unrelated) water ballast;

h Ost \u003d 0.1 m.

Fig. 6.72 - Scheme to calculate the ballasting of the plasser

On the flooding work:

1) verticalforces:

On the weight of the flooding elements, including the water ballast (σg i);

Pushing force equal to the weight of water displaced by plashcoat (vγ 1), where

V - the volume of displaced water:

t - Plashota sediment.

2) horizontalforces:

From the action of wind loads (σw i);

From the strength of the water resistance displacement (T).

Since the system is in equilibrium, the tipping point must be equal to the restorement:

where can I determine from

Insofar as v., γ in unequal 0, then the critical case will be the condition P - U \u003d 0, i.e., the condition of stability acquires the view

where P, A is, respectively, the meticenter radius and the ordinate of the center of gravity of the flooded from the center of the displacement (the calculated scheme is shown in Fig. 6.73).

Fig. 6.73 - Scheme to calculate the stability of the flooded: 1, 2, 3 - respectively, the center of gravity of the floating system, the center of displacement, meticenter

From here, it is follows the feasibility of lowering the situation of the center of gravity of the floating system achieved, in particular, a water ballast in the pontoons of the plashcoat. However, it increases the sediment of the floating system, and the height of the dry side decreases.

The size of the flooding of the flooding is approximately determined by expression

where L, in - the length and width of the plastics, respectively;

Σg i, γ in - respectively, the load on the floating support, including ballast, and the proportion of water.

Dry board with pontoon height H can be determined by the formula

where φ is the angle of inclination of the floating system.

At the same time, the magnitude of the dry side should be greater than or equal to 0.2 m. For PONTONES COP and more or equal to 0.5 m. For barges.

Pontoons are loaded with water ballast, pumping water into the hatches of ballast pontoons or reducing compressed air pressure in pontions with bottom holes (Fig. 6.74).

Fig. 6.74 - Ballasting options for floating

As an example, below presents some data on the floors of the River Irtysh in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, implemented by the Mostotroy - 11 in 2004. The project of the bridge built according to scheme 370 + 94,5 + 136,5 + 231 + 136 , 5 + 94.5 + 570 + 49.0 Dimensional g - 11.5 + 21.5 m, performed by OJSC Transmost (St. Petersburg). Building technology and a project of special auxiliary facilities and devices have been developed by CJSC Institute High Rosroymost - St. Petersburg. The main span with a length of 231 meters. With a ride of Poniga, is a continuous lattice army with a flexible tightening.

After assembling the arched section with a length of 304.5 m. And weighing 3600 tons. It was loaded onto the flooded and brought it into the span. The design for loading on the barge collected in the stapel moved over pirs at 71 m. With the help of two hydraulic cylinders (each - 300 tons, the piston move is 2.95 m). At the work during the operation, the hydraulic cylinders rested into a thrust beam, which, in turn, in the plates between the pieces of pierces, welded in a step of 2.3 m. The front of the thrust beam was fixed in the holes of the pier beams. When reverse the piston, the thrust beam pulled up with hydraulic cylinders for the next working stroke, and the resistance tongue automatically snapped after the passage of the next plate and served as an emphasis at the next work.

Movement design relied on powerful sliders, moving on pupboalks of gliding cards placed on the beams covered with Daclene.

The transportation of the arched section was carried out in the summer of 2003 on four barges with a displacement of 3000 tons. Each (Fig. 6.75). The dimensions of one barge - 16.5 × 85.0 × 3.3 m. The load on the barge was 2150 tons. And included the load on the weight of the span structure (1150 tons), closures of the barges (400 tons), adjustment and residual water ballast (600 T). Closing the barge was performed from metal frame supports. Each barge was equipped with pumps with a capacity of up to 250 m 3 / h, electric lobing with a carrying capacity of 5 tons, knechats, boiled layers, polyspore systems.

Fig. 6.75 - Transportation on the barges of arched span

Given the large height of the arches (61 m) and, as a result, significant sailboat, as well as the high flow of water flow in the river (up to 2 m / s), it took a traction force during the transportation of 70 TCs for transportation and 200 vehicles during a forced parking (at wind speed 10 m / s). This caused the need for powerful tugboats, polyastes, anchors-blinds weighing up to 45 tons. 8 tugs were used to transport the arched section: 4 with a capacity of up to 2400 liters. from. and 4 with a capacity of up to 1200 liters. from.

The arched section was displayed on the axis of the bridge against the flow, at the beginning of the floating system descended downstream at a distance of 400 m. Below the axis of the transition, after which the tugs led it up against the flow. Without reaching the axis of the bridge 50 m, the working tugs stopped the movement and limited to holding the flooding against the flow, and the auxiliary tugs with a capacity of 150 liters. from. We started feeding ropes on floating fish.

After the establishment of the cables coming from the barge to the anchors-suits and to the stack of supports, barges with the help of the winches fixed on them, started the arched section on the axis of the bridge and revealed to the plascape of winches, then the ballasting of the barge was made to lower the arch on the support of the bridge and the bonding Temporary reference parts.

Next dismantled rigging, barges starred with anchors, chose the cable winches. Barges tugged from under the span structure. The duration of work from overloading the arched section from piers on the barges, transportation and before the installation for permanent supports occupied 22 hours.

After extracting the product from the ground, it must be transported from the sea ashore. Simultaneously with the installation of mining equipment, pipe-laying barges and brigades are engaged in the styling of the pipeline for transporting oil and gas from the platform to the destination (Fig. 1).


The length of these barges can reach 150 meters, and the pipes stacked are up to 1525 mm in diameter. Pipes are usually supplied with a length of 12 meters, and can be covered with concrete for weighting. Pipes are welded to each other along the assembly line passing along the barge length. Along this line there are a number of welding posts, where highly qualified welders are working on highly efficient welding machines.

As each next pipe is moved to the welding plot, it becomes part of the pipeline, which passes through the barji feed to the bottom of the sea, and, finally, to the terminal located at a distance of several hundred miles. From the welding portion, the pipeline moves to the portion of the radioscopy, where each new weld is checked for the presence of defects in the compound. If defects are not detected, the welded seam is covered with anti-corrosion insulation.

As the length of the barge pipeline increases, it is moving forward, each time a few meters. After each barge movement, a new portion of the pipeline, welded, exposed X-ray and zoomed, descends from the stern into the water, down the inclined platform, called Stinger. Stinger supports the pipe to a certain distance under water and directs it at a slight angle to the seabed.

As the pipe-laying barge moves, it pulls the plow that the trench on the seabed. The pipeline is stacked in the trench, where it will be protected from damage by natural hurry or backfill. Sea currents move the sand pulled by a plow, back into the trench, covering the pipeline.

In the process of laying pipes, the divers is constantly inspected by stinger and pipeline. They follow the lack of obstacles at the seabed, the correct laying of the pipeline and the proper position of Stinger.

Then, after completing the laying of the pipeline to the platform, the divers connect it to the riser, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pipeline, which rises from the seabed to the deck and is attached to the design.

Before the operation of the pipeline, it must be pressed and tested for density. Similarly, all the equipment on the deck, pipeline and wiring, valves and switches, pumps and systems that extract crude oil from the ground, cleaning it and push it towards the coast, should be repeatedly tested to make sure of trouble-free operation and the absence of danger to humans or Environment.

Later, the laying of deep-water pipelines was performed on a new technology, the essence of which lies in the fact that to regulate the voltage in the pipeline during its dive to the bottom of the sea, unloading pontoons were applied instead of the guide device - Stinger. This made it possible to significantly reduce the bending of the pipeline and thereby ensure the trouble-free laying in rigid hydrometeorological conditions.

Pipelines can be laid in different places. Some lead to marine assembly stations, where oil and gas are subjected to further separation, are sent back to the pipeline and to the shore for additional processing.

Other pipelines end on the shore in large refuses, where liquid hydrocarbons are stored for the subsequent distribution of oil refineries. Hydrocarbons can be transported along the underground pipeline directly to the oil refining factory, or to the sea terminal for loading on tankers heading into other parts of the world.

Several tankers can be loaded and unloaded from a multi-director terminal, or one tanker can be loaded and unloaded in a buoy bay system.

Multiple terminals are in areas covered from harsh weather. They immerse or unload petroleum products using giant arrows designed to compensate for the movement of the vessel caused by tides and bets or changing load.

With a system with bodging, a tanker is connected by the hoses of a large diameter with a hinge compound. The free movement of the compound provides the possibility of oil loading, regardless of the movement of the vessel due to flows and waves.

With tankers or coastal tank farms, raw oil and natural gas enroll on the coastal factory, where they are processed into the products for the oil, gas and chemical industries. In these factories, hydrocarbons become ingredients for numerous products with which we are in contact with each day. They turn into gasoline and engine oil, synthetic fabrics and plastics, asphalt and other industrial products, and in the fuel for industry and our homes.

The pre-war fleet, operated on the inland waterways, was distinguished by a large variety and multitility, which significantly complicated its use.

In this regard, in 1944, standards for river vessels were developed, which indicated the main data of the courts. The State Standard provided for only eight different types of passenger and cargo-passenger river vessels. Since that time, everything has changed. The functionality of river vessels is growing and now they are subject to the same traditional classification to which both military ships and a civilian fleet are given, with some differences.

Types of river vessels

River vessels are classified according to several main features: the principle of maintaining on water, the principle of movement, the diving area, the type of main engine, the genus of the propulsion, material and the shape of the body, and the purpose.

on the principle of maintaining water

river Courts with a hydrodynamic principle of maintenance

According to the principle of maintaining on water, vessels with a hydrodynamic principle of maintenance are distinguished: courts on an air cushion, on underwater wings and glissing.

The airbag courts are distinguished by a focused type, in which the airbag is limited from the sides of rigid skenets immersed in water, which is a continuation of the sides, and amphibious type, where the flexible fencing of the airbag is performed throughout the perimeter of the case. Maintaining over water data types of vessels in both cases is carried out by a low pressure air cushion. The river vessel can move in the desired direction using aviation type or. In courts on underwater wings, hydrodynamic powers are arising with a relatively fast movement in the water of underwater wings.

Glissing vessels have a flat bottom with a slight cylinder, which creates with a relatively fast movement of hydrodynamic pressure. As a rule, they are built small sizes, since for movement in the gliding mode requires a very significant electrical power of the engine.

river Courts with a hydrostatic principle of maintenance

With the hydrostatic principle of maintenance there are water-based river ships and. Water-displacement vessels having a hydrostatic principle of maintenance are most common. Among them should be allocated two-circuits -. Courts with the core speeds, which has a project speed of 30 km / h and more with an air cavity can be considered an almost new type of vessels, since after some oblivion they received the right to exist.

on the principle of movement on water

By the nature of the movement, river vessels are divided into self-propelled, having an energy installation, non-self-propelled, moved with the help of tumps, and the rack, which, according to the terms of work, are on the spot: deckariders, pontoons.

in the area of \u200b\u200bswimming

The court sailing area is divided into internal navigation vessels, a mixed river-sea of \u200b\u200bswimming and sea. Court of internal navigation - courts making short flights, and intended for operation on inland waterways, intracity and suburban lines. A mixed ship (river-sea) swimming, a mixed swim vessel - a vessel intended for operation on inland waterways and in marine areas having a maritime register of shipping or a river register.

by type of main engines

The type of main engines distinguish boats having an internal combustion engine, diesel-electric power supply, in which the propeller screw is driven to rotation from the electric motor. On a river fleet, atoms and turbors do not apply.

by the genus of the propulsion

According to the propeller of the court, they are divided into screw, wheeled, water-made, with wing propellers, with air cushion ships.

by type of material

According to the type of material used in the manufacture of the housing, the courts are distinguished with metal, plastic (fiberglass), wooden and reinforced concrete cases. The last type of river vessels is applied on the racking fleet - debarkaaders, plating.

by destination

However, the main distinguishing feature of the river vessel is traditionally a purpose, the types of which will be considered in this article. By appointing the court of internal navigation, they are divided into transport river vessels and technical vessels.

River transport ships

Transport vessels that make up the main core of the river fleet are intended for the transport of passengers and goods. They are divided into passenger, cargo and tows.

river passenger ships

For the duration of the flight and the appointment, passenger ships are divided into groups.

I group - transit long-distance ships with a flight duration of more than 24 hours in one direction;

Group II - local vessels, flight duration - no more than 24 hours in one direction;

III Group - suburban courts, flight duration - no more than 8 hours in one direction;

IV Group - courts of an intracity message, the duration of the flight - not more than 4 hours in one direction. The specified division of courts into groups largely determines their overall architecture, since the current standards for the design of passenger ships (the presence of special premises, the norms of space of premises, lighting, ventilation, water supply, and so on) depend on the group of these ships. However, it should be noted that the division of serial passenger ships at I, II, III and IV groups to some extent conditionally, as river vessels can work both on suburban lines and on the lines of local communication.

River passenger ships, built in recent years, have increased comfort and are intended for transportation of more than 12 passengers. They are in turn divided by: a) tourist (excursion, small cruise, walking vessels); b) ferries; in) floating home (vonbot).

Ferries are designed for regular transportation of land vehicles and passengers between the coastal points located on opposite shores. According to the design, this is a court-site court with special bridges - ramps, which are lowered ashore when loading and unloading cars and other techniques. Passengers on ferry are placed in the superstructure.

The architectural type of ferry depends on the adopted method of loading machines on its deck. On the crossing, the onboard loading methods are most common, while defroreaders, pontoons or barges are used. With this method of loading, the oscillation of the water horizon in the river is not reflected in the stool of the ferry with the debtar. All changes in the position of the debarkaarder associated with the oscillation of the water horizon are compensated for by the shore bias; With large oscillations of the horizon, the debarkard (pontoon) is transferred to another place. In addition, a longitudinal loading method is used, while cars enter the ferry from the nose and come from the stern. This method is more convenient compared to the first. Currently, the so-called shuttle ferries work on rivers, both the tip of which are the same.

The landing of passengers on the ferry is made or on the freight apartments after the loading of cars, or on special passenger traps, lowered from the sides of the vessel. Passenger ladders for the entry of passengers in the trumulous premises and in the premises of the superstructure are arranged on sides in closed rooms or Tamburas, so as not to occupy the roadway of the main deck.

Often the deck of the ferry is covered with a wooden flooring with a thickness of up to 100 mm or made on the deck metal flooring with a thickness of 8-10 mm. Sometimes ferry decks are covered with bitumen or cement. When designing ferries, their stability attached great importance, since the main load from the transported cargo is above the deck. The ferry is calculated on sudden rolls at the location of the cars on one board.

river trucks

dry cargo ships (dry cargo

self-propelled dry cargo ships

Cargo river vessels make up the basis of the transport river fleet. They account for more than 60 percent of cargo turnover. Cargo ships are divided into dry cargo and bulk, which in turn are divided into self-propelled vessels and non-self-propelled vessels (barges).

Dry cargo vessels are used to transport forest, piece or bulk cargo. Specialized dry cargo ships are also operated:, cement trucks, rudozles and refrigerators. Based on this, self-propelled river ships of this type are: a trumpeted open or closed type, car vehicles, ships-sites, cement trucks, refrigerators.

Modern self-propelled dry ships are taken in the practice of operating to call by cargo ships. Currently, cargo boats are built into classes M, O, R river register, as well as mixed swimming of the river-sea. From the construction of freight boats on the class l almost refused. For the carriage of goods on small rivers use predominantly barges and towels with small precipitation. The architectural type of modern cargo boosts has the following features: in the nasal tip of the case, the semi-bodies are made and under it - natterpick, where the anchor chains and ship supply are placed; Trucks are placed behind the fringe to the machine department; For freight holdings in the feed tip, the engine compartment is placed and behind it - the fuel compartment; In the stern - ah terrapics with a tiement department; Additional and cabbage of the ship with residential and service premises for the team are placed in the stern of the ship over the machine compartment. Depending on the size of the vessel and the number of team, residential superstructures of freight boats are one or two-storey. Over the top floor of the add-ons are placed steering. Engine management - remote steering wheelhouse. Most freight boosters of classes M and O, as well as mixed swim vessels are built with a double bottom, which is used for the adoption of a water ballast with a course of empty. In recent years, all classes of classes M and O and Court of Mixed Swimming are built with a double bottom and many of them - with double sides. For the carriage of goods that are not afraid of podmock - forests (in logs), coal and mineral-building materials (gravel, boot, stone) on the discharge of discharge on the central pools, the above vessels with a double bottom and double sides are built with open from above by cargo holds And they call such ships by cargo shipping open, or box-type.

Shipping Site (Sports Sports)

The requirements of the accelerated loading of unloading led to the fact that such types of courts were created as the pads (vessels sites), intended for transportation on an open deck of bulk cargo (forest, coal, ore). They provide an opportunity to provide the best conditions for cargo operations, facilities for the placement of large-sized cargo, the use of a progressive horizontal way of loading-unloading.

The strength of the vessel case should provide loading and unloading of the entire cargo by one machine into one layer (from the feed to the nose or vice versa), or at the same time several machines (at the rate of one machine for 15-20 m of the length of the trumulus or hold). In some cases, this requirement leads to the fact that the overall strength of the vessel body is higher than necessary for swimming in a given area.

The size of the cargo deck of vessels-sites, as well as the holds and lumen of the hatches of the truss vessels must be the multiple size of containers, large piece and forest cargo, if the transportation of these goods is provided for by the technical task for the design of the vessel. Trucking vessels are determined by the height of the forest stacks or containers, which are laid so that they do not cover visibility forward from the chassis. In projects of shipping vessels for the carriage of tracked or wheel equipment, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of using a transitional bridge (appliers) for loading and unloading of this technique and the input and output of overload machines.

uncomfortable dry cargo vessels (barges)

Non-purpose driving vessels have a load capacity from 200 to 4500 tons. Like bunker barges and barja sites are widely used for the transport of coal, rubble, gravel, sand, ores and many other cargo. Large prospects for the construction of a non-intended fleet opened shipbuilders after completing the tests of coupling locks to pushed compositions.

Dry cargo barges of the sectional composition consist of two or more sections and are produced on the class "O" of the river register. Each of the sections is open, with double bottom and double sides, has one bag without transverse bulkheads. The nasal section is made with saddledness in the nose, the nose is false, the feed of the transit. The stern section is made with a transom nose and sled feed. Sections do not have residential premises and connect with each other. In the fodder section, a trance bulkhead is installed with feed stops for pushing the composition with a pusher-tow gunner with an auto trailer.

Uncomfortable dry cargo vessels (barges) are: open and closed, awning, barja sites, self-discharge barges and bunker barges.

Dry cargo barge open type has a semi-bug and semi. Case with double bottom and inclined double sides, with a transit nose and pushing feed. On the nose of the barges there are stops for pushing, on the stern - the car trap. One cargo hold has no bulkhead. Barge is designed to transport forest, coal and mineral-building materials. Instead of steels in the root of the barge, vertical flat stabilizers are installed.

Dry cargo awning barges at one time were built in Romania in large series. Tental barge has a double bottom and equipped with double sides, with a superstructure for the team and the steering wheelhouse in the stern. Walls awning - metal, corrugated. In the onboard walls to unload the general goods, two-dimensional gates are made, four from each side, and in the roof of the tent - four closing hatches. Barges are designed for the transport of goods that are afraid of podmock (general cargo, grain, etc.). Barge has two semi-abandoned steering wheel.

Dry cargo barja sites on domestic rivers The most common ships intended for the carriage of bulk goods that are not afraid of podmock. In the case of these barges, a diametric longitudinal bulkhead is installed and one or two rows of pilots between kilings and carlingsami depending on the width of the case. The tip of such a barge is made with sledding, nose and feed - transom, adapted for pushing, with stops and autospar. Instead of rolls on the barge, stabilizers are installed in the stern, sometimes two in width.

Self-discharge barge - a dry cargo barge with a semi-bug and span, has devices for unloading with a damping method.

Bunker barges - a special type of barge with embedded in the hopper, the metal walls of which are inclined; The bunker is designed to transport forest and gravel extracted from the bottom of the river with special landfills. Barges intended for pushing make with tricks in the nose and stern, with stops for pushing. Stabilizers are installed instead of steering. Residential premises are not provided.