Abstract Node for drawing in the technique of "Bag" with a dry adhesive brush in the medium group "Bear. OOD on artistic - aesthetic development in the middle group on the topic "Drawing a bear

Abstract Node for drawing in the technique of
Abstract Node for drawing in the technique of "Bag" with a dry adhesive brush in the medium group "Bear. OOD on artistic - aesthetic development in the middle group on the topic "Drawing a bear

Drawing in drawing in senior group
Topic: "Bear club"
Purpose: Learning to draw a bear along the contour of the tych; We instill interest in drawing and educate cognitive activity. Teach find similarities with a toy and rejoice in the result.
Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical method; Gaming techniques: Deployed Imaginary Situation, Role Friend ( puppet Character - Bear).
Equipment: Toy teddy bear, sample drawing; Listed sheets with a bear loop, brush bristled round number 3 and brush soft No. 3 by the number of children; Guasi brown and black (for eye, nose, mouth); Pictures depicting a winter forest with a sleeping bear in the berry; Large teddy bear.
Preliminary work: Conduct a conversation about how animals spend winter that bears, badgers, gophers sleep in Norah, Berlogs.
Travel course:
(In the group hangs illustrations depicting winter).
- Look, we seemed to be in the magic winter forest (Children consider paintings). The trees fell asleep, covered with snow. And who is sleeping here under the snow? Yes, this is a teddy bear! He lives in the woods. When winter comes, suits his burgrel, where it will sleep all winter until spring. Toptygin Mishka came to visit us (gets big teddy bear). Guys, what a bear? (Big, fluffy, brown. Nose and eyes in his black).
- Let's say hello to him.
(All children greet a bear and consider it).
Educator (referring to Mishke): Cute Teddy Bear, why aren't you sleeping? After all, now winter, and you have to sleep in our Berorgan.
Bear: I was already going to go to bed in my burgold, but I remembered that I had no friends. And I became very sad, and sleep disappeared.
Educator: Do not be sad, Teddy bear, I think we can help you, find you friends, and you will be able to sleep peacefully in our Berorgogue until Spring. See how our children know how to draw. I have in my hands for our teddy bear (shows the finished sample). Misha (referring to the toy), you will have a lot of the same beautiful and kind friends, and our guys will help you.
- Children, help Mishke find friends? Come to your tables. See? On the tables are drawn bears. But the drawings are not finished. What is missing in the drawings? (Bears are not painted, there is no eye, nose). Let's make our bears fluffy?
- Today, the brush will work in a special way: it will take up and down. Take a brush and try - without paint - show how the tassel will draw today. (The tutor shows the movement of the tassel, and children repeat the movement on a sheet of paper on their own.
- What do you think, why a brush today will draw this way?
- What color will we draw? Why?
- Let's start the work on the contour, and we will move to the center.
(Independent work of children)
- What are you got fluffy and beautiful bears! And what did you forget to draw? (Eyes, nose, mouth)
- What do you think you can draw eyes, nose and mouth with the same tassel? Why?
- Let's take a thin brush and draw a bear eye, nose and mouth.
Educator: (referring to Michem) Teddy bear, see how many friends you have now! Children tried so much to help you. Now you can go to bed in your berry.
Bear: Thank you, but first I want to make a riddle to children:
Who sleeps in winter
In the summer - the hives are grumbled? (Bear)
Teddy bear: right, in summer I love, there is honey, and now I have time to sleep in Berloga. Bye! See you soon!
(Children say goodbye to the toy).

It is difficult to overestimate the value fine activity for mental Development preschooler. In class painting, teacher in kindergarten offers children a variety of topics: a house and family, nature and seasons, clothes and toys, city and transport. As for the image of home and wild animals, this is one of the most beloved topics for young artists.

The specificity of animal drawing in the middle group

Children B. medium group Conditions to portray items, approximately passing their shape, magnitude and color. At this age, preschoolers can already make a simple composition of several objects, so it is possible to offer them the plot drawing of animals (for example, "goats graze in the meadow" or "Hedgehogs go through the forest).

The kids of 4-5 years are quite well pick up the colors, evaluating the color of the animal in the picture.

The learning process of animal drawing can be divided into two directions: cognitive activity (Children understand the features of the structure, painting of living beings) and improving directly visual skills. To portray any animal, the preschooler should well be able to draw rounded and oval, triangular and rectangular forms (after all, it is exactly the object of the object). The teacher must also improve the compositional skills of children - harmoniously position items on a sheet of paper.

Note that the guys are 4-5 years old, it is easier to depict toy animals: as a rule, they have big headThick legs, relatively short torso. therefore right proportions In such a picture will be not very important. Before you begin drawing, the educator should give the kids to touch the toy, play with her.

Teaching preschoolers drawing animals, the educator should emphasize that there is a lot in their structure. In addition, it is extremely desirable that the practice of drawing precedes the modeling on a similar topic.

As for the sample, it is very important in the middle group. Before independent children's activities, the teacher demonstrates the guys all the drawing stages. The sample remains on the board until the end of the classes so that children can focus on it in the process of work.

Materials used and base

Animals are depicted on a sheet of paper A4. Since they are most often depicted with paints (gouache or watercolor), then the teacher preliminaries the foundation in the natural background. It can be the blue top (heaven) and the bottom of green (herbal). If it is assumed that the animal will be drawn in the home environment, for example, a cat, then the paper can be toned into any pastel shades.

The use of gouache allows you to make a bright, saturated work. This is especially true, for example, when drawing a giraffe or a white goat on a green background.

The pupil of the middle group draws a gouache

Images of watercolor turn out more tender.

If the drawing assumes the presence of small parts (grass, mushrooms, berries, etc.), color pencils can be offered.

Pencil drawing

In some cases, the use of markers is appropriate. For example, with the help of painting "Peels" you can transfer the feature of the skins of the goat.

Drawing by loops using felt-tippers

Techniques and techniques that need to be used when drawing animals

Training children 4-5 years old drawing animals, it is necessary to work out the skill of the right painting with a brush. Body outline of the animal and small parts (muzzle, paws, tail) neatly drawn with the tip of the brush. The torso is also painted more intensively, all the pile.

The hatching of the same pencil should be in one direction: from top to bottom either from left to right.

In addition, the guys must master the skill of timely stopping movement, adjust its scope depending on the size of the surface painted.

Children should learn differently keeping a brush and pencil. For example, when painting big figures, the pencil can be rarely tilted to paper - the strokes will be wider. When drawing small elements, the tool is more convenient to keep almost vertically. The same techniques concern and use the brush. All this contributes to the lightness and freedom of the brush movement.

Note that overlooking the image of a single animal, the child will be much easier to portray any other. However, this does not force the baby to the same type of image solutions.

Used additional types of visual activities, the relevance of an individual approach

Figure B. animal genre In the medium group, it is quite possible to diversify the inclusion of applicative details into it. For example, depicting a goat, which graze on a green meadow, you can arrange a shell of colored paper with cuts: glued only bottom part, and the closed top remains free - the effect of volume occurs. Using the applique, you can also decorate the cat with a bow on the neck or make apples that the hedgehog will carry on the back (small parts are drawn).

At the top of the composition you can accommodate the sun, made in the plasticography technique.

As for plasticine, it is possible to offer the kids to cut out eyes and an animal spout. If this is a cat, then you can make her beautiful mustache from thin plasticine flavors. And the drawn hedgehog will look more effectively if you add it a few winged barns.

Note that all these techniques can also be used within the framework of an individual approach, since the ability of children is already beginning to be viewed in the middle group. Someone cope faster, and such a child will be interested in making additional originality in the composition of the composition.

Specific options for compositions (including collective) as part of the topic

In the second half of the year in the middle group, children are offered to wrap a toy animal on the choice, a little later, the goat is the goat, followed by drawing on the topic "The goats ran out to walk on the green meadow." Next, the modeling and subsequent drawing of the bunnies (as an image of the mobile game "Homeless Hare").

In addition, preschoolers can offer the following topics in the animal genre:

  • "Bear", "Bear", the plot composition "Bear with a barrel of honey", "Three Bear" (illustration for a fairy tale), "Mishka is sleeping in Berorga."
  • "Hedgehog", "Hedgehog is lucky on the back of mushrooms (apples)."
  • "Protein", "White with mushroom (nut)".
  • "Cat", "Cat asleep", "Kitten plays with a ball", "Kitten is from the bowl."
  • "Dog", "cheerful puppy", "Dog in a booth."
  • "Lisa", "Fox-sister and grey Wolf"(In the Russian folk tale).
  • "Piglets", "three piglets" (illustration for a fairy tale).
  • "Wolf", "Cartoon Wolf" Well, "(in clothes)," Angry Wolf from a fairy tale about a red hat. "

Drawing animals If you wish, you can convert to collective activities. For example, a teacher can offer the guys of the middle group to issue a "farm" composition: children work in groups of 4-5 people, each draws some kind of pet. Another option is to place an illustration for the fairy tale "Zimsier" (also image of pets).

Options for motivating start classes: viewing objects, thematic pictures, illustrations, conversation, fairy tale, etc.

Drawing animals for a child is 4-5 years old - quite complex activities. Therefore, in the classification, it is necessary to activate, stimulate with game moments. Need to use fabulous characters (Toys) who come to visit children and invite them to make a journey.

Heroes can refer to the kids with a request for help. For example, a kitty sad that her grandmother lives far away, and she wants to send her portrait to her, but it does not know how to draw. Children will never refuse such a request, because they like to feel their significance so much.

Another option is the goat asks children to collect her goats, which fled and hid, because a gray wolf was frightened. Mama-bunny can also contact the same request to the guys.

A toy hedgehog can come to the class, which is bored to walk alone - kids with pleasure draw him friends. Also boring and bear, which suddenly woke up in the winter in Berlogue, because, all the rest of the bears are sleeping tight. Why not come to visit the guys not to come a bear from a fairy tale about three bears: he will ask them to take a photo of his mom and dad.

Photo Gallery: Toys - Victims

Plush toy
Teddy toy rubber toy

The educator can start a lesson from the riddle: to say that under her handcraft hid the forest animal, which in the winter is not sleeping, but changes painting with gray on white. Kids guess that this is a bunny.

Motivation to the visual activity is quite possible to learn from the Russians folk fairy tales about animals. For example, children can portray one of the heroes of the fairy tale "Fox-sister and a gray wolf" (wolf, fox or immediately both characters), a fox from the fairy tale "Lisa-Lapothnitsa", illustrate Russian folk fun "a chanterelle on the bridge ...", "Bunny -Trushishka ... ", sits, sits a bunny ...". You can offer to illustrate the fairy tale "Sister Alenushka and Brother Ivanushka" - draw a goat next to the puddle, from which he just got water. Note that all these works are included in the program of the middle group, reading the fairy tale must be accompanied by showing illustrations that the teacher hangs onto the board.

Photoaler: a selection of illustrations from fairy tales

Illustration To Fairy Tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" Illustration to a fairy tale "Fox-sister and Gray Wolf" Illustration for a fairy tale

Of foreign fairy tales We recommend the "Red Hat" sh. Praro - after acquaintance with the work of the guys, they paint the evil wolf and complement the composition with the corresponding background, for example, a room in the house of a grandmother or a tree, because of which it looks. Another variant - english tale "Three Piglets": preschoolers with pleasure will draw her funny characters. The appearance of the image can also be an episode from the fairy tale of the Grimm and Hedgehog brothers.

Photo Gallery: Picture depicting animals from children's fairy tales

Heroes Fairy Tale Brothers Grimm Illustration To Fairy Tale "Red Hood" Illustration for the Fairy Tale "Red Hood" Heroes of English Fairy Tale

If the children have to be depicted by a bear, then a wonderful decision will demonstrate to them the cartoon "Umka". The kids will probably want to draw a portrait of this cute character.

In practice on drawing, you can successfully include poems about animals. Let us give the following examples:

Alexandrov Z. "Squirrel"

White breast,
Redhead tail.
Tale comes
To deer to visit.
Fairy tale forest.
Squirrel alive
Jumps on pine
Tail waving.
Jump into the gazebo
Grab the candy
And surprising
From the branch of the branch.
Towing a joint
But not for long.
To Ole will come back
Jump on the Christmas tree
Will throw a shishk
Score a bunch.
Olya with me
Writes for a walk.
Jump together
Luck and Metko
From the branch on the branch,
From the branch on the branch!

From this poem, you can borrow the plot for the composition - draw protein with candy.

Stepanov V. "Hedgehog and rain"

Hedgehog, hedgehog,
See: Rain
So bends
Like from the bucket.
Maybe in the sky hole?

What to sit in no sense?
Have a needle.
Along the path
In Gorka
Hole in heaven


After reading the poem, preschoolers can draw the hedgehog in the rain.

Block A. "Bunny"

Little bunny
On raw housing
Before the eyes of Techilyi
White flowers ...
In the fall wept
Thin epics
Paws are coming
On yellow leaves.
Ground, rainy
Autumn has come,
All cabbage removed
There is nothing to steal.
Poor bunny jumps
Near wet pines,
Scary in the paw wolves
Gray get ...
Thinking about summer
Presses ears
On the sky mows
The sky does not see ...
Only B warmer
If only sustain ...
Very unpleasant
On the water step.


These lines prompt the topic for drawing - Sad bunny on the background autumn landscape (Yellow trees and falling leaves).

Before independent activities Preschoolers Pedagogue necessarily conducts physical council or finger gymnastics, which, of course, should also be on an animalistic topic:


« Bear "

"Cat and dog"

It should be noted that the teacher is desirable to use musical accompaniment in class painting. So, to draw living creatures to children will be more pleasant to the instrumental composition of the Moria field "in the animal world", which has long been classical.

Drawing in the middle group of domestic and wild animals: abstracts of classes

FULL NAME Name of abstract
Chikunova L.G.

Educational tasks : Learn to draw a cat, passing her characteristic features.
Developing tasks: develop the eye meter, color perception, sense of proportions.
Educational tasks: To educate interest and caring attitude towards animals.
Integration educational regions : « Artistic creativity"," Cognition "," Communication "," Socialization "," Health ".
Demonstration material: Toy cat.
Handout:white paper sheets according to the number of children, gouache, smaller cups, tassels, stands for them.
Travel course:
The occupation begins with a surprise moment - someone crying. It turns out that a kitty. She is sad because her grandmother lives far away. A kitty wants to send her portrait to her, but does not know how to draw (motivation). Children with joy agree to help the animal.
Conversation on the topic: What is the cat, which parts of the body, which is on the muzzle. What color can this animal be, what size? What do cats love?
The didactic game "Who is more?": Cats are compared in size with a fox, a dog, hamster, a bear, a mouse, etc.
The educator demonstrates phased image Cats. On the board, a sample and a phased drawing scheme remains.
Holding finger gymnastics "Cats":
Once, two, three, four, clap in your hands
In our house cats lived. Hands up "Show the roof"
Cats played with a ball, hands stretched out "Show the ball"
Cats Lacali Milk. Ladoshka in the form of "bucket" to bring to the lips
Cats of claws sharpened, "sharpe" about the knees
Mouse sulfur caught. Hands stretched fingers to compress-squeeze.

Fizkultminutka: Children imitate cat moves.

  • I will admire a little
    How to steal a soft cat.
    Barely audible: top top top
    Tail to bottom: op-op. (Children walk on tiptoe, trying to do it as silent as possible.)
    But by lifting your tail fluffy,
    Cat can be fast.
    Swell rushing
    And then it goes again. (Lightweight and fast jumping in place, replacing a leisurely graceful walking with a straightened back and proudly raised head, slightly swaying.)

Independent productive activities of children.
Exhibition of work. A kitty promises to give them to her grandmother so that she missed so much.

Thin L.P.

The occupation begins with a mini-conversation about animals.
Surprise moment: Someone moves in a snowdrift. To find out who it is, children must guess the riddle.

  • "Where does he live? In most often
  • The most real
  • There walks, there and sleeps, there they grow their children.
  • Loves pears, loves honey,
  • Sweet mellow
  • But just stronger
  • Loves strong long sleep.
  • Falls in the fall, and get up
  • Only when spring will come.
  • Who is it?"

There is a toy bear - it turns out, he lost his mother and wandered to children to the forest cleaner. It is necessary to help the animal - draw his portrait and spend on the woods on the trees. Mom will see him and find (motivation).

Conversation on the topic: What is the color of the Bear fur coat, what form of his head, paws, torso, how many paws have a bear.

The teacher shows the drawing technique and painting a bear.
Fizkultminutka is carried out

  • Bear with a doll Boyko shop ... "
  • Boyfully shop, look! (Children are hugged)
  • And in your hands loudly clap
  • Chloat loudly: once, two, three! (Clap your hands)
  • Mishke fun, Mishke fun, (they make "springs")
  • Turns a plate head. (Turns of the head left-right)
  • The doll is fun, too, fun, (hands on the belt, to put forward on the heel)
  • Also fun oh oh-oh!

Independent activities of preschoolers for musical accompaniment.

Lukanina Yu. G.
(on the contour basis)

The occupation begins with a conversation about the winter. The teacher brings children to the fact that in winter wild animals in the forest is cold.
Children demonstrate a presentation "Wild animals", which is accompanied by short story Educator about each beast.
Preschoolers are offered didactic game "Find your mother's mother"

  • "The animals walked on the water"
    (The children calmly go in a circle for the educator.)
    For mom - Losiha Salo Salo, (go loudly stepping)
    Behind the mother - the fox slammed the fox, (socks on the socks)
    Behind the mother - a bear washed by a bear, (go in the turn)
    For mom - hedgehog rolls a slope, (squatted, slowly moving forward)
    For mom - bunny, obliquely burst, (jump on straight legs)
    The wolf led the wolf (go in a circle gently crossing)
    All moms and children want to get drunk. (Face in the circle, make movements of the language - "lacquer" - gymnastics of the tongue)

Didactic game "Who is food?"

Didactic game "Where, whose house?"

Conversation about the hedgehog: where they live, what they eat, for what they need needles.

Surprise moment - a bunny appears with sending and writing from the forest. The letter wrote the hedgehog: he is in mink gloomy, he wants to make her elegant - hang his portrait over the bed (motivation). And for this he transfers the hotels.

The teacher shows how to draw the hedgehog.
After a finger gymnastics, the guys start work.

Tazhekenova S.A.

The occupation begins with reading the poem "Kozozok"

  • Goat
    Persuades ringing
    - My son, let's go to the bed!
    The taste of cabbage juicy, sweet
    I like it, son,
    Just at least one piece!
    - me - a goat sadly sadly,
    - I do not want to eat cabbage,
    Kozhroda in her tough!
    Give me, Mom, Milk ...
    (I. Reutova)

Conversation in content: who is the hero of the poem, where Mom called a son, that he answered her a goat.
Preschoolers consider the picture with the image of the goat, discuss the shape of his body, wool.
Demonstration of drawing techniques (the animal is depicted by white paint, the silhouette is drawn in parts, starts from the head). The teacher offers the guys to draw flowers on the lawn (optional).
Fizkultminthka is carried out on floral theme:

    Together in the forest we go, do not rush, do not lag.
    Here we leave on the meadow, a thousand colors around.
    Our bright flowers bloom the petals.
    The breeze is a little breathing, the petals pegs.
    Our bright flowers close the petals.
    The head is swing, quietly fall asleep.

Independent activities of children.
Exhibition of work.

Examples of finished works of secondary students with comments on work

Guys with pleasure create illustrations for beloved fairy tales - scene compositions "Angry Wolf" (Character Fairy Tale "Red Cap" S. Perro), "Three Bear", "Three Piglets" (Heroes works of the same name Russian and English folklore).

An image of the animal is very relevant to the teaching technique with a dry brush. It allows you to transfer the shaggy of the skins or the furry of the fur of the animal. Thus unconventional way Compositions "Bear", "Bunny", "Red Cat", "Bear Kosolapiy", "The kitty is from the bowl."

Some animals draw very well with the help of palms, for example, this is the work of Giraffe. And to draw hedgehog pegs, no better toolthan fork (work spiny hedgehog).

The guys love to complement the images of animals with characteristic attributes. This is a mushroom and a bugger for a protein (Figure "Squirrel with fungus"), a bowl of which is a cat ("Nature eats from a bowl"). And goats graze in the meadow decorated beautiful flowers ("The goats came to the meadow", "the goat grazing in the meadow").

Photo Gallery: A selection of children's drawings

Illustration To Fairy Tale "Red Hood" Illustration To Fairy Tale Drawing Gouache Drawing Watercolor Drawing Watercolor Drawing Tychka Drawing Gouache Drawing Watercolor Drawing Gouache Drawing Palm Drawing Gouache Drawing Tychka Drawing Gouache on Colored Paper Drawing Tychki Drawing Gouache Drawing Forki Drawing Tychka Tychka Drawing

Abstract Node on the drawing "Bear" in the senior group

Subject: "Bear"

purpose : learning to draw a bear along the contour of the tych; We instill interest in drawing and educate cognitive activity. Teach find similarities with realistic image And rejoice in the result.

Software content:

Educational tasks:

Specify the available ideas about the bears of their features.
Provide conditions for transmitting an animal wool structure using an adhesive brush with "Vault".

Developing tasks:

Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, fine motor skills,imagination.

Educational challenges:

Educateinterest in arrower, The value attitude towards your own work and its results. To form the ability of children to guess riddles, attach to developmentartistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Methods and techniques : verbal, visual, practical method; Gaming techniques: Deployed Imaginary Situation, Role Friend (Puppet Character - Bear).

Preliminary work : Viewing illustrations, conversations, reading fiction about forest animals in summer period.

Equipment : Demonstration Material (illustration with the image of a brown bear in the summer), distributing material (blanks with a portion of the bear), cups, gouache, oilcloth, poems about the bear and squirrel, music center,record Music "Bears" E. Tilicaeva, drawing sample, soft thin and thick, adhesive tassels, stands, napkins, water, soft toy-bear, photograph of a poorer bear.

Forms of work with children : Collective, individual.

Travel course:

Organizing time. Music "Bears" E. Tilicaeva sounds.

Educator: Guys, Kado you think who goes to us?

Brown he and kosolapy
Fishing a powerful paw.
And he also loves honey!
Who will call Sweat?

He is brown, shaggy.
Guess the guys,
Who, building a warm house,
Sleep all winter in the house?

Host Ferena
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the worker
Sleeping snow in the hut. (Bear)

The educator makes a soft toy-bear.


Bear out of the forest,
He began to stump and roar.
- What are you, Bear, is distressed?
- I had a night mare,
Saw a girl Alina -
In the grove ate all raspberries!

Bear, Bear, Liegehogo!
He slept for a long time and deeply
Winter I slept
And I did not hit the Christmas tree
And I did not ride on sledding
And snowballs did not throw
All would snore Mishon.
Oh you, Misha Bear!

Educator: Bear is upset, he is sad. Why are you sad, Misha?
Bear: I am sad, because my friend of the cleaner from the North Pole sent me a photo and asks me too to send him my photo.

Shows photo of a poorer bear.

Bear: But there is no camera from the photo, the paints too, what should I do?

Educator: Guys, can we help the bear?

Children: Yes, we can draw it, make an applique!

Educator: Let's first raise the mood to our guest, we will transfer a bear in a circle and say what it is (soft, conmatched, brown, black-eyed, kosolapy)!

Children pass the bear with each other and call one quality.

Educator : A, the bear has questions about you guys! Can you answer them?

Children : Yes!

Didactic game "Question-answer"
What is the Mother of the Bear? (bear)
What do you call the Pope Bear? (bear)

What are the Bear Brothers and Sisters? (bear)
Where do the bears sleep in the winter? (in Berorga),
When falling in a hibernation (in autumn)?

Educator: The spacious says that the bear flows into the hibernation, biologists say - in winter sleep.

Before running in the Berlnam, the host should accumulate nutrients - fat. Bear is an omnivorous animal, but most Its diet makes up the feed of plant origin: berries, grassy plants, acorns, nuts. Cedar cones are one of the favorite parliaments. Young beasts can climb them on the trees and clouding the branches. But mostly collect fallen cones from the ground. To get to nuts, the bear collects a bump in a bunch and crushes them with their paws, from where, lying on the ground, chooses nuts with the tongue along with a shell. Often the attention of the bears attract the reserves of nuts made by chipmunks.

In favorable for feed years, adult bears accumulate the subcutaneous salae layer to 8-12 cm, and the weight of bodybuildings reaches 40% of the total weight of the beast. It is this that accumulated over the summer and autumn fat and the body of the bear in winter feeds.

Bears who did not have time to gain a sufficient fat reserve, can not heal in a hibernation. They are called rods. Often they are doomed to death from hunger, frosts or from the hunter. There are in winter in the forest bears, whose sleep was disturbed by a man or other circumstances. Such a bear is forced to look for a new, more calm, glad to sleep.

Before going to the Berorod, the bear diligently confuses the traces: looped, goes on the borerums and even goes backward on its own trails. For Berher, they usually choose deaf and reliable places along the edges of the impassable marshes, along the shores of the forest lakes and rivers, in burmoroms and on the forest-shops, in deepening under the feed roots or trees trunks. The main condition - the dwelling should be dry, quiet and isolated from the presence of unexpected guests. The beast warms his asylum, and the moss feels the litter. Sometimes the layer of litter reaches half a meter. It happens that several generations of bears enjoy the same bearl.

At the beginning of winter, Medveditz appears, usually Two bear. Baby appear on the light blind, without wool and teeth. Weigh all the pollogram and reach 25 cm long. The bearings feed on milk is still sleeping mom and grow rapidly, they leave the burgroned in the spring of already shaggy and shock.

In Berorga, warm and security, bears sleep all the long and cold Winter. Often, the bear is sleeping on the side, curling the ball, sometimes on his back, less often sitting, lowering his head between the paw. If during the sleep of the beast to disturb, it is easily awakened.

It makes a funny opinion that the bear sucks the paw during the hibernation. But in fact, in January, February occurschanging hard skin on paw pads, while old leather bursting, peeling, and strongly zudit, and in order to somehow reduce these discomfortanimal licks his paws.

Educator: Misha, that's how many guys know about bears. We read a lot and looked fairy tales, considered the albums about the bear life. Guys now tell you what fairy tales they know, in which bears are found.

Children: "Three Bear", "Kolobok", "Masha and the Bear", "Two greedy bear", "Man and Bear", "Teremok", " Winnie the Pooh And his friends. "
Educator: Today we will draw a bear with you, and then arrange the exhibition of our portraits of bears so that our guest can choose the most similar to it.

Fisminist "Three Bear"

Three bear B. tale housing,

In the transship went.

To them, the girl came running,

Running on the spot.

In the house I went and saw:

Hands raise over her head, fingertips touch each other.

Table is a great window,

Right hand compressed in a fist, the left palm is lying on the fist.

Chair three - that's yes.

Left palm Vertically, the right fist is pressed against the palm of the palm.

Three cups, and spoons three,

Squat, one hand on the belt, then get up, hands raise up and

requests round fingers each other.

Three Beds: Look.

Ate Masha and saw,

Pictures how to hold the spoon and bring it to the mouth.

On the crib faced

Hands in front of the breast, bent in the elbows and lie on each other.

And fell asleeping sweet sleep.

Palm is folded, the head is tilted and lies on his palms.

What happened then?

The hands are slightly diluted aside.

Here the bears have grown,

Go overturning from side to side.

Seeing Masha, angry.

Hands on the belt, make an angry face.

Masha was very frightened

Picture a frightened face.

And she was silent home.

Hands raise over her head, fingertips touch each other.

Educator: Before you start drawing a bear, let's look at it carefully.

Bear image show.

Educator: Consider first the torso.

What is the form of a torso? (oval).

What else is a bear? (head).

And what form of the head? (Round).

Do not forget if you look at the side, then the muzzle is elongated.

Where is the head? (The head is located ahead (above) torso, and connected to it a powerful short neck).

What are the paws with the bear, what form are they (oval, but elongated)?

Where are the paws from the Medvedeya (at the bottom of the body)?

How many paws have a bear (2 front and 2 rear paws)?

What is on the head of the bears (ears)?

What are they forms? (semicircular)

Does the ears have big or small ears? (small)

What else is on the head of the bears (eyes, nose)?

Consider attentively paws at the teddy bear, what are they (claws)?

Guys, and what color bears? (brown, brown)

Eyes, spout and claws what color? (black)

Fingering gymnastics "Who sleeps in winter?"

Bear in Beror is tightly sleeping,

(squeeze fingers right hand In the cam, starting with big))

All winter until spring is covered.

Sleep winter chipmunk,

Spiny Yezhik And badger.

Only Zaineke will not sleep -

(Show the little finger, rotating them)

Runs from the fox.

It flashes among bushes,

(the fingers of the left hand are depicting the molded fox, catching up

Pointed and there was such!

Educator: And, now we will sit on your places and draw a fluffy, brown bear with black eyes, spout and curls.

Look, now I will take the adhesive tassel and I will wear a brown fur coat with Mishke. I fool the tip of the brush in brown paint And these are the "tykhoes", I paint a little bit. Now and you will wear a teddy bear fur coat.

Children draw.

Educator: And now the guys, I'll take a cotton wand, drying it into the black paint and paint a bear on the head of the eyes. Bear stands sideways and so the second eye is not visible to us, but on the tip of the face I draw a black spout. Now and you take a cotton wand, dry into the black paint and carefully, draw a teddy's eye first, then the nose.

Children draw.

Educator: Now I will draw claws on my legs near the bears. To do this, I will take a thin bruster, drying it into the black paint and neatly painting the claws on my paws. To bear the bears in the forest, you can add your drawing - for example, draw trees, grass, river, mountains far away (independently draw).

Children draw.

Educator: Let's show our drawings with a bear!

Works are laid out and are considered together with children.

Educator: What they all turned beautiful, fluffy! Our bear cleaner asks to give one drawing, which he can send to the North Pole to his friend. What do we choose a drawing?

Children choose a drawing and give him a bearish.

Educator: Bear is very happy to give a gift. It's time for him! Let's tell him "Goodbye!"

Children: Bye!

Educator: Rfuck, what did we do today? With what we painted? For whom we tried to, who wanted to help? What do we do with the rest of the drawings?

Children: We organize the exhibition in the locker room on the board of creativity and tell the parents in the evening who came to us.

Self-analysis of conducting a node according to drawing:

Subject: "Bear"

purpose : Learning to draw a bear along the contour of the tych; We instill interest in drawing and educate cognitive activity. Teach find similarities with realistic image and rejoice in the result.

What happened well : The occupation caused great interest in children, they showed great interest in this topic, actively expressed their judgments, guess the riddles, asked questions and answered them. We first used in drawing this technique - drawing a tych that caused interest in children. Works turned out bright, colorful.

They performed their children diligently, carefully, were creatively approached to the compilation of the composition, shared their ideas with other children, gladly considered the work of peers, discussed work, shared the opinion.

The difficulties arising: Some difficulty in children arose with the development of this technique. For example, Gleb did not want to completely paint the whole bear completely, the rear paws of the beast remained white.

Topic: "Bear".

Your attention is offered an abstract of classes, which involves the unusual interactive activity of children, involving them in the tireless process of knowledge.

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution

"CRR - kindergarten №39 Combined View »

683024 Kamchatsky Edge Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky, ul. Tolstoy, 2.

tel. 23-27-39; 23-08-88; Fax: 23-27-39

Abstract classes

on oo artistically aesthetic development.

Fine activity. Drawing in high

Topic: "Bear".

educator: Dreary A.M.


Topic: "Bear".


To introduce the guys with a drawing technique "Dry brush".



  • We continue to teach working with brush and paints.
  • Fix the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, location on a sheet.


  • Development of creative imagination.


  • Rail interest in classes.
  • Education independence.
  • Educating the ability to work in the team, provide mutual assistance.
  • Education accuracy when performing work.

Material and equipment:

TSO ( interactive board, laptop), flipchart "Sequence of execution and methods of painting".


Video movie Brown bear", Music is calm, sample. Scheme "Rules of work with a brush and a jar" Unpolevoy ". Pre-decorated stand "In the forest" (forest: trees, bushes, ...) for the exhibition.

Dispensing:Chairs are placed in a circle with the image of Berherry.

By the number of children: a stand for brushes, a brush is rigid (bristle), a set of brushes (№1, №2, №3, №4), a napkin, a canvas, a jar "Nepolivaya" with water, palette, gouache.

Preliminary work:

d / and "Third End", "Bear" puzzles, reading literature on the topic " Animal world", Viewing the presentation" The structure of animals ". Wordwork.

Node move:

1. Argmoment. Children become a semicircle. Sounds of calm music. The educator offers to view the log film "Brown Bear" and comments:

This is a huge beast: putting on the hind paws, he rises over man. The largest live in Kamchatka and Far East. Although they are called brown, they are of different colors: dark - brown, almost black and pale and straw. Bear is thick, heavy, bad. However, he knows how to sneak so quietly, which will not have time to come to come, how to find yourself in his huge, strong paws. Incredibly, but it turns out, the bear can run on an equal horse. Podnapive for the summer fat, in November in Berorga, they plunge into sleep. It happens that, waking up, the bear begins to wander through the forest in search of food, such is called "rod". The rods are extremely annoyed, so very dangerous. Scientists assure that there are no two identical bears. Each animal has its own, unique character. There are accumathers and sludge, evil, aggressive and good-natured, clever and with age, clumsy. I propose to consider it carefully.

Music subsides, the teacher brings children to the way "in the forest" and demonstrates the sample.

2. Equipment: Let's go to the forest, look, whose four paws are seen from - for the bush?

Children:This is a bear, he has four paws.

Educator: Look what it is beautiful. What a large massive body. And what is located on your head?

Children: On the head there are small ears, nose, two eyes, mouth.

Educator:Do not forget the guys about a beautiful little tail.

And what is my Bear good and sad. He has no friends. What to do? Invented, let's draw a bear friend. To do this, you need to find your burgots.

Fizminutka. While the music sounds, you run around "Berker" as soon as Music subsided, you need to take Berloga.

3. The consipient:But we will draw unusual, without water. Put the brushes, what are they?

Children: Rustic brushes.

Educator:Let's think about what color will we draw?

Children: Brown, dark brown.

Educator: I dial paint brush the desired color And I hit the "Tychka" about the sheet of paper, but without water, fill the entire contour of the picture. Look, the drawing should be placed in the center, I was a little mistaken. How can I fix the error?

Children: You can add your drawing a simple brush.

Educator: What do you suggest supplement?

Children: You can draw a sunshine, a tree, bush, land.

Educator:Well done. Here you can make sure. We try to work carefully.

4. Complex exercises for development small Motoriki Hands.

Educator:Imagine that bearish.

  • Put your paws on the table, palms down, take turns to lift and lower your fingers of both hands.
  • Put your palms on the table without tearing them from the table surface. As widely as possible, push and shift your fingers.

5.The Supporteor: Before starting work, let's remember the "Rules of work with a brush and a jar" Unpolevoy ".

Children: If the brush was dirty with water, then you can remove excess water about the edge of the jar of "non-breaking", and you can use the napkin.

Self-execution by children under the control of the educator.

6.Conog. Educator: You are today well done. Let's let go of our bears in the forest.

Design with children of the exhibition "Wild animals in the forest". Discussion, which was the most difficult when fulfilling the work, which I liked. The educator pays attention to every work.

Suggest children to teach parents' houses drawing technique "dry brush".

Olga Pichugina
The abstract of classes on the visual activity in the middle group "How Bear Spring has met. Bear Drawing »


Drawing with a tile with a rigid semi-dry brush.


Continue to improve the ability to transfer a bear image in the picture.

Continue to learn to draw children with unconventional drawing methods using a hard brush and gouache (dry method).

Expand children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

Tasks: Secure the ability of children to draw the acceptance of the tick with a rigid semi-dry brush, draw along the contour and inside the contour.


Fasten the skill to draw a gouache in a manner.

Apply the drawing along the entire surface.

Transmit in the figure features of the appearance of the bear.


Develop the imagination and perception of the surrounding world,

Cognitive abilities;

Promote the development of curiosity.


Raise a caring attitude towards wildlife;

Secure knowledge O. appearance And about the life of the bear in the spring.

Relieve accuracy during operation.

Equipment and material: sheet of paper with a bear loop, gouache brown color, gouache black, yellow, green, white color, Hard brushes №6 and №3, cotton wands, stands for brushes, napkins for each child. A sample of a bear drawn by the "Method" method on the board.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk fairy tales "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bear", E. Charushin "Bear" and others. Stories about animals. Consider illustrations by E. Charushina. Consider photo illustration with animals in spring, conversation about animal life in spring, talking about spring changes in nature surveillance.

Wall-printed game "Who has any dwelling?" Applique, pets of animals.

Travel course.

The introductory part.

What time of year in the yard? (Spring)

Guys, let's think about what is happening in nature in early spring (answers of children).

(On the projector, the teacher shows all the listed signs of spring, accompanying the story).

All living wakes up, rings the streams, and the first flowers appear on the Protalinka - snowdrops, birds arrive from warm countries. Spring has come. (Ice on the river was drunk on the river, the warm wind began, the sky was clean, the snow melted, the earth appeared).

And animals are happy in the spring? (Yes) What happens to those animals that were in a winter hibernation? (They wake up.). True guys.

Now I will tell you how the bear met the spring.

The projector appears an image of a bear sleeper in the berry.

Without worries and without anxiety slept a bear in his burgrole

I slept all winter until spring and, probably, I saw dreams

Suddenly, Kosolapy woke up, hears, droplets - that's the trouble!

In the dark, he stepped in a paw and jumped up with a circle of water.

I set off a bear out: floods - not until sleep!

He got away and sees: puddles, snow melts, spring came.

-When becomes warm and the first leaves will appear, the bear will wake up. But he will be sad for him, he has no friends yet. How can we help the bear? (Draw friends for him - bears.)

Main part

The educator invites children to view a bear image. Asks what fur is a bear. (fluffy, shaggy).

Would you like to draw a bear with the same beautiful fur? (children's responses)

What method can we draw it? ("Tick Method").

Yes, children we draw a bear an unusual wayUsing a hard brush and gouache.

(Children get to the place).


Remind and show children how to keep brushes: just like a pencil, three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

What do you think, where do you need to start painting a bear? (Children's responses)

Well done! First, we are a "typ" method, we supply a bear with a loop along the contour. Draw the body always begin to write down. What part of the body at the bear at the top. (Head)

Right! What is the form of a bear head? (Round)

Okay. What part of the body you need to portray the next? (Torso / body bear)

Wonderful on which figure does a bear torso look like? (Oval)

What parts do you still need to draw our bear? (front and rear paws, they are oval, ears semicircle).

When the contour is ready, the space inside "method" is filled.

The tutor accompanies the instructions by showing, invites children.

What is missing from our bear? (Children's responses)

But first we will play with our fingers.

Perform an exercise - warm-up with a tassel, while the hand should stand on the elbow. (Children perform movements according to text on a small piece of paper).

Keep brushes like this - (hand on the elbow. Tassel hold

fingers above its metal part.

It's difficult? No, trifle! - Movement with brush hands in the text.

To the right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - the brush is kept vertically.

Tassel runs around. Perform stumps without paint

Twisted like a top. on a sheet.)

Behind the chip there is a stitch!

Let's draw such fluffy bear!

Independent work of children.

When the drawing gets dry, with a cotton wand, black we draw a bear eye, nose, mouth and claws. And so that our bears do not bored, we will add our drawings with signs of spring. Optionally, Dorisius Spring Sunny, clouds and first grass. To do this, use thin brushes.

Fizkultminutka "Bear in more often lived."

Bear in more often lived

Head they twisted

So, that's how the heads they twisted.

Messenger Honey was looking for

A friendly tree swung,

So, here's so friendly tree swing.

Cleaning water drank,

For each friend went,

So, that's how everyone went to each other.

Bear danced,

Up the paws raised,

So, like that, the paws raised.

Final part.

The tutor to the magnetic board attaches painted by bears.

Well done, what wonderful bearings from us turned out. Now our bear will wake up from the winter hibernation and find many new friends.

Children, tell us about your bearings? What was the most cheerful, what the most fluffy, what kind of shaggy? How did we draw today? ("Tick Method").

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of open classes on the visual activity in the senior group (drawing) "Dymkovsky Snake" Software content: Continue to acquaint children with people - applied art. Consign in children knowledge about Dymkov toys, Dymkovskaya.

An abstract classes in visual activities in unconventional technology drawing - cotton chopsticks (Pointelism) "From under the snow blooming,.

An abstract of classes in visual activity (Drawing by Gouache) "Christmas Toy" in 1 youngest group MBDOU DS №35 "River" Tuapse Abstract Claiming on Fine Activities (Drawing Gouache) " Christmas tree toy"In 1 younger group.

An abstract of classes on the visual activity in unconventional technique - drawing with cotton chopsticks (Pointelism) "Snegir" Pointelism.

An abstract of classes in the image in the middle group Tasks: 1. Fix the skill to draw according to the sample; 2. Continue to teach children to draw with an unconventional way: with cotton wands;