How to draw flowers. Draw flowers Beautiful flowers drawn for children

How to draw flowers. Draw flowers Beautiful flowers drawn for children
How to draw flowers. Draw flowers Beautiful flowers drawn for children

Small kids, and especially - girls, very loved flowers. Pictures for children with names of various colors help them take a closer look at these delightful, incredibly beautiful, creatures.

If you use, studying flowers, pictures, for children will not be difficult to remember how they are called and what they look like.

To start, offer the children to study well acquaintances, often encountered and something different from their fellow, plants. Plush the attention of children on the features of each flower:

rose - Queen of flowers, protecting himself with a barbed stem;

sunflower - a large flower, always follow the sun, the fruits are formed on the head - seeds;

snowdrops - Flowers who are not afraid of frost and appear immediately, how snow melts;

orchid is the most whimsical plant that loves moisture and warm;

narcissus - often grows on the shore of water bodies and leans to water, as if admiring his reflection;

mac - its juice used to be used as a medicine that relies pain;

lotus - water plant with edible rhizomes;

lily - a flower that symbolizes luxury and wealth;

the water lily - at night plunges under water, and with the rays of the sun again pops up onto her surface;

crocus - does not have a stem;

bell - always leans to the ground;

iris - in translating his name means "Rainbow";

georgine - in nature reaches a height of 6 meters;

carnation - in Europe she was given to the warriors so that they returned home unharmed;

pansies - got their name for the similarities with the blue eyes of the girls;

tulip got its name for the similarity with the Turban;

lilac - in fact it is not just a flower, but a bush;

chamomile - often used as a medicine.

If you turn the pictures in the cards, for children, the flowers will also be also able to play various games: for example, you can, pulling the pictures in turn, say the name of the flower and remember something interesting about it.

Be sure to offer the children carefully consider how all the colors are depicted. Pictures for children drawn in simple style in this case will also be also drawing a manual. So you will turn uncomplicated drawings of colors in a full didactic material that will help the kids expand the horizons and replenish the piggy bank.

So come on and today we will try to draw several floweries and make a pleasant to friends, giving them a masterpiece on paper. And at the same time, and something new learn. Agreed?

Divine Iris

Symbol of wisdom, trust, hope. Wang Gogh himself wrote them on his famous canvases. And Claude Monet not only depicted Irises in the paintings, as well as skillfully decorated with their own garden.

Charming Machi.

A symbol of eternal youth and unfading beauty. This beautiful flower grows in Europe, and in North America, and in some regions of Asia (China and India). Figure of elegant poppies - a wonderful gift for mom, grandmother or sisters.

Draw Vasilka

And this blue flower symbolizes spiritual purity, modesty and tenderness. They say cornflowers possess magical strength and protect the house from evil forces.

Important sunflowers

They are a symbol of labor, abundance, and, of course, the Sun is in his direction they always turn their heads. And the sunflower is the symbol of the Motherland. Just as he always stretches to the Sun, so and people are always thoughts from homeland.

Fragile bells

This is a hint that someone thinks about you. Therefore, if you want to make a friend a pleasant surprise, draw this flower as a sign that you often remember him.

Narcissist drugs

According to the Greeks, they symbolize the pride and vanity. But the Japanese consider them a sign of silent beauty and joy.

Do you like daffodils? Then keep the video tutorial of drawing these wonderful colors!

Mysterious Gulcha

Symbol of summer heat. Has long been considered magic potion. Even legend There is about an intelligible girl who decorated his head with a wreath from the princess and was not given to his wife, which turned into a guy. He could not get drawn to the girl - the action of the overawe was so strong. "If it were not for the Gulch and Toya(Flower name) - That and the girl would be mine. "- disappointed shouting unclean. Here is what the tricky Gentian flower!

Fantasy flower

If you like to invent something new, mysterious, fantasy flower Easy your efforts. This beauties will decorate any drawing.


And what kind of bright flame on the prickly branches? Why it is shipovnik - symbol of youth, beauty and health.

Red Rose

Lady of flowers symbolizes passionate love, heavenly perfection and passion. In the global symbolism, the gold rose meant perfection, red - beauty, white - innocence, blue - inaccessibility.

I also offer to watch the video, how to draw a gorgeous rose with a pencil.

Flooded dandelion.

Fragile and bright, this flower is beautiful even when it loses its freshness and bright yellow paint. So I want to look at him so that his weightless fluff flew far and far from the summer wind. Dandelion is a symbol of openness and heat.

Tiger Lilia

Very bright and even a little predatory tiger lily - a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. Still - she is sophisticated and at the same time extravagant, and the colors hints also for his extraordinary power!

Do you want more colors? Here are looking for tender spring primroses, - proud tulips, and - wonderful watercolor snowdrops!

Flowers are one of the wonderful wonders of nature, which is depicting artists on their canvas already many centuries. They are a chic decoration for still life, clothes, hairstyles, accessories and other things. If you are a novice artist, it would be the first thing to try to draw flowers or still lifes, but if drawing for you is a dispute method, then start trying to draw flowers! Start drawing flowers with a pencil. Thus, you know all the beauty of the art of drawing and be able to endand your fantasy.

We suggest you see how in three stages draw flowers of various types. If you want to see, go to this link to another article dedicated to this.

To draw colors you will need:

  • paper sheet (for starters take A4 or A5)
  • pencil with hardness H or 2N
  • eraser
  • pencil with hardness from to 4V

So, we will consider at once five options for colors drawn by a pencil. You can choose one particular flower or draw a few what you want.

To begin with a pencil (H or 2N) approximate silhouettes of our colors. Try to locate the silhouettes are not hard, but light strokes.

Now draw petals, try not to go out for your outlines.

And now each flower is drawing a streak, stalks, and where necessary - in small strokes draw a shadow. At this stage, you can work with a pencil with hardness from to 4V and the drawing is ready!

We showed you how to draw flowers in stages, we hope that you have no difficulty, creative success!