Phased image of rainbow. How to draw a pony rainbow pencil phased

Phased image of rainbow. How to draw a pony rainbow pencil phased
Phased image of rainbow. How to draw a pony rainbow pencil phased

Rainbow is a magic bridge between the sky and the earth. Let's wait for the rain and draw this miracle of nature along with children.

The appearance of the rainbow in the sky is a very unusual natural phenomenon! How to portray this magic on paper?

In addition to traditional fashion Drawing There are "secrets" that will help to interest small artists with creativity.

You can draw not only paints and pencils! Show the child that plasticine can also be a fine tool.

Tabs will help stencil. At the same time you can learn the sequence of colors.

Crerate scotch cotton swabs And let each draw in its color.

Wooden blade, sponge for washing dishes - Here is a homemade roller. Squeeze paints from tubes on the palette, carefully dip the sponge and ... Voila! Rainbow ready!

You can come even easier. On the edge of the sheet, apply droplets of thick paint in the desired sequence, and then stretch the line or piece of cardboard.

The amazing result will turn out if you draw a rainbow comb.

If smooth transitions need and want to fill a large format in one way, take a wide brush.

Moisten the paper well. Leave for a few minutes so that all the "puddles" absorbed. Let the watercolor flows - the rainbow will be very beautiful!

Some seamless and firming materials - and here you have a real rain-generator in your hands!

This avant-garde picture is made with wax chalk and hair dryer. When heated, the wax melts, the dye flows, time to only set the desired direction.

Dear readers! Create your own rainbow world with children! Let the gray weekdays do not interfere with seeing the world other.

Pictures for children with rainbow is an opportunity if not with your own eyes, then at least in the pictures to see the real miracle of nature. Like hundreds and thousands of years ago and now when the phenomenon was found scientific explanationPeople are amazed by the beauty of the paints blossoming in the sky after the rain. Children are especially rejoiced by rainbow, consider it with something magical, able to fulfill the desires.

Read in our article, and then tell the baby, why and how the rainbow appears, admire beautiful photos And drawings, download them for free to your computer directly from the site directory.

Stock Foto Rainbow in nature

Pupil kindergarten or student junior School It will not be easy to understand why the rainbow actually appears. To do this, you need to master at least school Course physics and find out what consists of sunlight. The kid will rather believe that the multicolored arch in the sky is a bridge that has thrown out nature, or a wizard, for example. Or that this is a staircase into the sky. That is what our ancestors believed.

But also little child It can be explained that the rainbow appears after the rain, and sometimes during it, when the rays suddenly appeared because of the clouds, the sun bumps into the water droplets hanging in the air, and disintegrate on the 7 main colors. If Kroch has never seen this amazing phenomenon of nature on the street or in books, show him a cheerful in pictures on a transparent background.

Sun and Rainbow

For the city, a rainbow, a rainbow appeared on the city, field, river, the mountains. The air must be wet, and the light source, that is, the sun, bright. But why is it not visible in the summer ever, when the rainy weather is replaced by clear? So that the light collapses to the colored stripes, it should fall on raindrops at an angle of 42 degrees. And the rainbow is visible only to people who stand back to the sun.

Another interesting fact: Despite the fact that the rainbow is depicted in the form of arches, arcs, semicircles, it is a closed circle. We simply do not see the lower half of it.
You can see a round rainbow from the aircraft window.

By the way, the rainbow appears not only after the rain. It can be observed near the waterfalls, rivers and lakes, other water bodies in the heat. And at night, in the light of the moon, especially complete, you can see the unique sphere of white.

See the rainbow in the sky - good sign. A natural phenomenon Symbolizes transformation, update, hope for the best. People believed that his eyewitnesses would surely be lucky - their desires will be fulfilled, they will definitely get rich.

Colors of Vessel

Passing through a drop of water, the light beam is divided into a spectrum consisting of 7 colorsdistinguished by the naked eye. These colors always go in the same rosary sequence.

The colors of the rainbow are as follows:

  • red,
  • orange,
  • yellow,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • purple.

The sequence of colors of the rainbow to small children is not always easy to remember. There are several techniques and methods to do this, but the most simple is the learning of the mnemonic verse "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits."

Beautiful drawn pictures

If the child learned the mnemonic poem and remembered the sequence of 7 colors, you can offer him to take an album, markers or paints and draw a rainbow yourself. One of these images will be clarified or sample.

Sun and rainbow, fabulous glade with a rainbow hand drawn talented artistYou can download, print and hang in the nursery.

Poems and video for children kindergarten and younger school

Pedagogues of kindergarten and younger school, studying the colors or phenomena of nature, tell the kids about the rainbow. In class, children draw 7 non-ferrous strips, make appliques from colored paper, teach funny poems. If the equipment of the group room or the cabinet allows, it is also worth showing kids cognitive video about the "heavenly rocker".

Short poems for kindergarten

Famous children's poet S. Marshak suggests that the rainbow can be climbed into the sky, and then roll to the ground with a clock.

Indeed, the rain and sunshine are mighty builders who can create an incredibly beautiful, bright, color rainbow with bare hands.

Video for children

Children's age 3-5 years called the age of "harm". If you are tired of answering infinite questions of inquisitive crumbs, and he really wants to find out where the rainbow is in the sky, show him this developing video.

Draw it hard, everyone knows. Already in early childhood can be determined if the child has a tendency to fine artBecause the drawings of talented children will differ very much from all others. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to refuse drawing and try to find yourself in other fields, because everyone can learn how everyone can draw. Of course, if you do not have a talent, then you will not become the second Picasso or Dali, but you can easily achieve sufficient heights - it is only important to start correctly. Lack sophisticated drawingsAnd you first find out, for example, how to draw a rainbow.

Rainbow pencils

It is best to start learning to draw any images of pencils, because it is with their help that you can master the database without any problems. And if you want to learn how to draw a rainbow with pencils, then this question will be much easier to find an answer.

In fact, everything is very simple - if you want to draw the most ordinary rainbow, without glad, without a detailed background, then you just need to draw seven arcs at a short distance from each other, and the higher the arc in the picture, the more it will be. An important detail that should be familiar to everyone is colors. When drawing a rainbow you will need 7 color pencils - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Exists a large number of Interesting poems and phrases, allowing to remember the order of flowers in the rainbow. And if you know order, you have in stock the right colors, then it remains for small - draw the arcs drawn earlier necessary flowers So that a large seven-color arc. So you learned how to draw a rainbow.

Rainbow paint

If you caught drawing a rainbow with pencils, and now this process does not cause you any problems, now you can go to a new level.

Now you need to know how to draw a rainbow with the help of paints, which is a little more difficult. Pencils leave a clear footprint behind them, while the paint trail behind the brush should be able to control. First try learning how to draw at least one arc; You can, first, draw it with a pencil, and then paint paint. Over time, you "miss the hand," and pencil sketches will not be needed. You should not be afraid that the arcs will go to each other - this can be used for their own purposes, because if it is neat, then the rainbow will look more holistic and effectively. And you will no longer have a question how to draw a rainbow.

A little about Pony

Considering the current popularity of MY cartoon series Little PonyMany children who have learned to draw a rainbow, will want to learn how to draw a pony Rainbow.

This is one of the main characters of the cartoon, in the original is called Rainbow Dash. His difference from the usual pony is that the tail and mane has a rainbow colors. Naturally, there are also its body features, for example, big eyesBut this can already be corrected in the process of improving technology. The main thing is when we study the question of how to draw rainbow Dash, remember his mane and the tail that should be the colors of the rainbow, that is, have seven colors. And then you can draw and ordinary rainbow, I. popular character cartoon.

Natalia Yanina
Drawing on drawing "Rainbow-arc"

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten №122 combined type" Saransk

Open writing on drawing

in the senior group

Rainbow Doug.

(Educational regions:

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Work", « Artistic creativity» , "Music")



senior group number 8.


Saransk 2013.

Abstract open drawing on drawing in the senior group.

Subject: Rainbow Doug..

Goals and work tasks: Improve the knowledge of children about the colors of the spectr, their consistent arrangement; learn to learn, call, output from several each color of the spectrum, determine the missing color in the spectrum on the presentation; contribute to the development of attention to the color, exercise in finding errors made in the construction of a number of spectrum colors; develop attention, observation; cause interest to drawing in unconventional technology - Sponge of P. wet sheet; Teach look at the world carefully and with love - as a real artist; Teach feel mood and color character.

Materials and equipment: reproduction of landscapes with the image of the Ra Arc; Flower drawings (Iris, Tulip, Vasilek, Forget-me-not, Narcissus, Calendula) ; spectrum letters; Format sheets A4; Napkins, oilcloth, watercolor paints, tassels, sponges, jars with water, wet wipes, didactic game "Flower-semi-seventure"

Preliminary work: While walking the teacher together with the children admires rainbow glow. The teacher draws attention to how a sol-little ray is overflowing with flowers rainbow B. soap bubble . Analysis of on-loyable "Basic and optional colors".

Reading poems and mysteries about radugu.

Motley like peacock tail

Rose over our river bridge.

Everyone is good. Beautiful, high

And from the house is not far away.

Sorry one thing - go through, friends,

It is impossible for it.

Because of cloud heights,

Looking at the valley

Seven-color cat came out,

Mildly arched the back.

N. Krasilnikov

Travel course.

Educator: Guys, look at how many guests today came to us on occupation. Let's say hello.



Guys, today we have an unusual occupation.

Let's give each other smile and the ray of the sun that looks to us in the window.

He lived yes there was one boy in the world who dreamed of becoming an artist. He sat somehow by the window, looked at the gray rain behind the glass and sad. And the rain is tired of drowning and ended. Because of the Tuchuk, the sun was looked out and in pure sky Spinned with all colors rainbow.

The boy laughed, ran into the courtyard and shouted:

- Rainbow - Arc, Hello! What are you beautiful, bright, colorful. Why are you so beautiful?

Rainbow smiled:

My parents were presented with paints - Batyushko Red Sunny and Ma-Carca Deep Wort.

Questions for children: What do you think why rainbow saidWhat is her father - red sun, and Mother is a deep water?

Educator: Guys, look at the picture, is depicted there rainbow. How can you decipher the word « rainbow» ? For example, solar arc.

Children: Arque joy.

Educator: Guys, and which of you saw a real rainbow and how it was?

Children: Fucking caught, and then appeared rainbow.

What looks like rainbow? (children's responses).

What time of year you can see radugu? (spring, summer).

After which you can observe radugu? (after the rain).

And what else can you see after the rain? (Sun) .

Where else can you see radugu(near the fountains, above the river or lake, in a drop of soap bubble).

What feelings do you have rainbow? (Happiness, joy, build-up).

Even our garden is called « Rainbow» .

After the rain bloom flowers. I will admit the colors that surround us. I will show the image of a flower, and you try to remember his name and what color is it.

Iris - Violet

Tulip - red

Vasilek - blue

Forget-me-not - blue

Narcissus - Yellow

Calendula - Orange

And the leaves and stems are green.

Educator: So, radugu can be observed in the sky in warm time of the year, when the small, frequent, warm rain is dripping. And at the same time through the clouds and clouds shines sun: The sun's rays pass through the rain ka-pelki and forms rainbow.


In the sky rain, thunderstorm. Raise hands up.

Clip your eyes! Close your eyes with your hands.

The rain stopped. Grass glitters. Hands to the side.

In the sky rainbow stands. Hands draw rainbow above head.

Quicks, as soon as

Running out of doors, running in place.

On the grass barefoot,

Right in heaven walking

Jump ... bounce.

(During the physical attack, the educator includes rain sounds)

Educator: Listen to the poem about radugu(Child reads verse):

Shone after the rain of the arc -

Rainbow, rainbow, rainbow.

How many different colors in it?

Calculate quickly!

Brightly red viburnum,

Orange - orange color,

Yellow dandelion,

You're driving three fingers.

Green leaf color

Blue stream, blue, purple,

Seven things therefore.

Educator: Listening to the poem, you understood how many colors rainbow?

Children: 7 colors.

Educator: What colors? What we know the poem to remember them


The teacher clarifies the knowledge of children about the phase

Educator: Right, let's repeat with you all choir. Each

the first letter coincides with the first letter color. What colors of u. rainbow?

Children: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

The game "Flower-semi-seventure"

purpose: Secure the knowledge of the order of colors rainbow.

Each child gets on the petal of flowery-semiceticism, pronouncing the phrase "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits" Children laying the petals in order.

Educator: Guys, and what colors are -nyny?

Children: Red, yellow, blue.

Educator: Right. Guys, but what other colors, how can they get them. Look at this picture, what do you see here? What happens to paints? They merge and new colors are obtained.

If you mix red and yellow, we get orange.

If you mix red and blue, we get purple

If mixed blue colour And yellow, we get green.


And now go to the tables and sit down.

Fingering game "Rain"

A rain came out for a walk. Index and middle fingers of both

hand "Step"

He runs along the alley. Bend one finger on both hands

for each line

Baranit on the window,

Scared a big cat,

Washed umbrellas passersby,

Roof rains washed too.

Immediately wet city became. Shakes palms as if smoldering

with them water

The rain ran out. Tired. Put palms on the table

Educator: Guys, you have a white paper sheet on the table. Now we all urine our sponge in the water and cover the sheet - it is technique drawing is called"By wet". I will show how to do it. Mocked all?

Educator: But now our magic will begin. Guys and what we will be with you paint?

Children: Sponge.

Educator: Yes, we carefully take a sponge and start to apply paint stripes. What colors?

Children: Red, yellow, blue, purple.

Educator: Just carefully, so as not to blur the handles.

And now we take a sponge in your hands and arc applied paints, what happens?

Children: Rainbow.

(During work, the teacher includes calm music)

Educator: Now will appear rainbow.

IN rainbow seven outer,

Seven non-ferrous girlfriends!

Red meadow - Orange girlfriend!

Yellow handka - green girlfriend!

Blue handkah - Blue girlfriend!

And the purple handle - everyone's girlfriends!

Educator: And what else would you like draw? Think what you can see after the rain and draw.

Educator: See what beautiful overflows from us turned out.

Raise all your work Show what you got.

Guys, what is the phenomenon of nature today we talked to you?

Let's repeat the colors again rainbow.

What do you like most on our classes?

I also really liked how you worked on classes. You are big great!

Let's say goodbye to our guests and tell them "bye".

Are you sad? Open Photoshop and draw a rainbow!
In this lesson you will see how using Photoshop drawing tools, you can easily draw a real rainbow in your photo.

Select a photo (such as Landscape), where you want to add a rainbow.

Create a new layer (click on the Layers panel)

Give the name of this layer Rainbow (Rainbow)

Select Gradient Tool (Gradient Tool) on the toolbar

Let's compare the settings before continuing to work.

Make sure Linear Gradient is selected.

Press once on the button marked with the letter A and open the gradient selection window.

Select the Gradient "Transparent Rainbow" marked beech b and click on the A button a second time to close the window.

Attention: If you did not find a gradient in your window, then you need to click on the button marked with the letter C and in the window that opens to select Reset Gradients - marked (D) and when the next window opens where the selected gradients appear, you simply click OK.

We continue to check the settings, look at this screenshot:

Now, holding the Shift key (this will help draw a rainbow at right angles), click somewhere in the center of the screen and move the cursor down to a small distance (1-2 cm) - it will be the diameter of the rainbow, click again and release the SHIFT key:

Now in the menu, select Filter / Distort / Polar Coordinates ...

Select Rectangular to Polar and click OK:

As you can see the gradient accepted in the form of an ellipse. If your document had the shape of the square, then the rainbow would be round. You will make sure that in fact it is not so important.

Attention: the outer ring at the rainbow must be red - this is a natural phenomenon.

Reduce the image by 30-35% so that the gray area of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding document is visible.

Press CTRL + T to activate the free transformation command.

Move the rainbow to the right corner and pull the bottom right angle of the transformation frame to change the proportions and the size of the rainbow until you receive something similar to it:

Press ENTER to lock the transformation.

Return 100% image size twice
Zoom Tool (down on the tool panel).

On the menu, select Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur ... and enter a radius of 4.5 px or less and click OK:

Change the Blending Mode of this layer on Screen and reduce transparency up to 80%:

To add a layer mask, click on the Add Layer Mask icon. The Layers palette icon is located.

Select Brush Tool from tools and take a soft round brush and set the following settings:

Make sure that the main color is black and that the mask is active (it will have a double frame) and draw in the left lower part of the rainbow to move it:

Now we are going to add the illusion of tiny water droplets inside the rainbow.

Add a new layer by pressing the Create A New Layer window and rename it to Water Drops (Water Droplets).

Press the letter D to set black as the main layer, and the background layer is white.
Press the letter x to switch colors. Now the main color is white.

Now take advantage of the brush that you used earlier (Opacity transparency should stand 100%) and crush the rainbow inside, look at the picture below. Do not paint very close to the rainbow and do not paint the trees to the right, as we want to achieve the illusion of depth:

The last thing to be done is to change the OPACITY (transparency) of the layer to 15%:

Final result:

The effect will be much better to look if you take the right photo - for example, a photo with an impeccable blue sky without clouds and in daytime The day is not very suitable.
With the settings of the gradient diameter for the rainbow and the blur parameter can be experimenting. Usually, the lower the level of blur, the more dense the colors look.