What is the cut of the eyes of the Tatar. The most beautiful Tatars (40 photos)

What is the cut of the eyes of the Tatar. The most beautiful Tatars (40 photos)
What is the cut of the eyes of the Tatar. The most beautiful Tatars (40 photos)

Each people have their own distinctive features that allow almost no mistake to determine the nationality of a person. It is worth noting that the Asian peoples are very similar to each other, since everyone is the descendants of the Mongoloid race. How can I define a tatar? What is the difference between the appearance of the Tatar?


Without a doubt, each person is unique, regardless of nationality. Still there are some common featureswhich unite representatives of race or nationality. Tatars accepted to refer to the so-called Altai family. This is the Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatar were known as farmers. Unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, the Tatars do not have pronounced features of the appearance.

The appearance of the Tatars and the changes that are currently manifested in them are caused in many ways to assimilation with slavic peoples. True, among the Tatars sometimes found blonde, sometimes even red representatives. This, for example, cannot be said about Uzbeks, Mongols or Tajiks. Do the features of the eye of the Tatar? They do not have a narrow eye cut and dark skin. Are there any common features of the appearance of the Tatars?

Tatars description: a little history

The most ancient and crowded ethnic groups include Tatars. In the Middle Ages, mention of them bought everyone around: in the east of the shores Pacific Ocean and to the Atlantic coast. Different scientists included mentioning the people in their works. The mood of these records was obviously polar: some wrote with an exquisite and admiration, other scientists showed out fear. But united all one thing - no one remained indifferent. It is quite obvious that it was the Tatars that provided a huge impact on the development of Eurasia. They managed to create an original civilization that affected the most different cultures.

In history tatar people There were both ups and falls. The periods of the world were replaced by the cruel time of bloodshed. The ancestors of modern Tatars took part in the creation of several strong states at once. Despite all the events of fate, they managed to maintain both their people and identity.

Ethnic groups

Thanks to the works of anthropologists, it became known that the ancestors of Tatars were not only representatives of the Mongoloid race, but also the Europeans. It was this factor that led to a variety of appearance. Moreover, the Tatars themselves are made to divide into groups: Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Khaska. Volga-Siberian Tatars, whose features have the greatest signs Mongoloid race, differ in the following signs: dark hair, pronounced cheekbones, brown eyes, wide nose, fold over the upper eyelid. Representatives of this type are few.

The face of the Volga Tatars oblong, cheekbones are not too pronounced. Eyes big and gray (or brown). Nose with a hubber, oriental type. The physique is correct. In general, the men of this group are quite tall and hardy. They don't have dark skin. Such is the appearance of the Tatar from the Volga region.

Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

The appearance of the Kazan Tatars is described like this: firmly folded strong man. Mongols are noticeable with a wide sulfur face and a slightly narrowed eye cut. Neck short and strong. Men rarely wear thick beard. Such features are explained by the merge of Tatar blood with different Finnish peoples.

The marriage rite is not similar to religious action. From religiousness - only reading the first chapter of the Quran yes special prayer. After marriage, the young girl does not immediately move into his spouse's house: another year she will live in his family. It is curious that her new-minced husband comes to her as a guest. Tatar girls are ready to wait their lover.

Only a few have two wives. And in cases where this happens, there are reasons: for example, when the first is already aged, and the second one is more young - now leads a household.

Most often there are European Tatars Tatars - owners of blond hair and light eyes. Nose is narrow, eagle or hidden. Growth is low - in women about 165 cm.


In the nature of the men-Tatar, some features were seen: hard work, choplost and hospitality bordering stubbornness, pride and indifference. Respect for the eldest - that's what is especially distinguished by Tatars. It was noted that the representatives of this people tend to be guided by the mind, adjusts to the situation, law-abiding. In general, the synthesis of all these qualities, especially hard work and perseverance, makes a man-Tatar very purposeful. Such people are able to achieve their career success. The work is brought to the end, have the habit of achieving their own.

Purebred Tatar seeks to receive new knowledge, showing enviable heaviness and responsibility. Crimean Tatars celebrates special indifference and calm in stressful situations. Tatars are very curious and talkative, but during the work stubbornly silent, apparently not to lose concentration.

One of characteristic features - self-esteem. It is manifested in that Tatar also considers himself special. As a result, some arrogance and even arrogance is observed.

Cleanity allocates Tatars. In their housing, they do not tolerate mess and dirt. Moreover, it does not depend on financial capabilities - both rich and poor Tatar maritimely monitors cleanliness.

My home is your home

Tatars - the people are very hospitable. Ready to take a person, regardless of his status, faith or national affiliation. Even with modest delta, they show welcoming hospitality, ready to divide a modest lunch with the guest.

Tatar women stand out with huge curiosity. They are attracted beautiful clothingThey are watching people with interest to other nationalities, follow the fashion. Tatars are quite tied to their home, devote themselves to raising children.

Tatar women

What is amazing the creation - Tatar woman! In her heart, the immense, deepest love for her loved ones, to children. Her destination is to carry peace to people, serve as a model of peace and morality. A woman-tatar is distinguished by a feeling of harmony and special musicality. It radiates some spirituality and nobility of the soul. Inner world Tatars full of wealth!

Tatar girls S. young years Focused on strong, durable marriage. After all, they want to love her husband and raise future children behind the solid walls of reliability and confidence. No wisest says the Tatar saying: "A woman without a husband, that a horse without a zlond!" The word husband for her is the law. Although witty tatars are complemented - on any law, however, there is a correction! And yet these are loyal women who sacred traditions and customs. However, do not hope to see the Tatar in the Black Parandge - this is a stylish lady, which is characteristic of self-esteem.

The appearance of the Tatars is very well-groomed. Modnitsa in the wardrobe can be observed stylized things that emphasize its national affiliation. Here, for example, there are shoes that imitates chictek - national leather boots that wear Tatar girls. Another example is the applications where the patterns transmit the stunning beauty of the earthly flora.

And what about the table?

Woman Tatarka is an excellent hostess, loving, hospitable. By the way, a little about the kitchen. The Tatars National Kitchen is quite predictable in the fact that the basis of the main dishes is often the dough and fat. Even a lot of dough, a lot of fat! Of course, this is far from the most healthy nutrition, although guests are usually offered exotic dishes: Kasel (or dried horse), Gubady (is a puff pastry with a large variety of stuffs, from cottage cheese to meat), Talcisch-Kaleva (incredibly calorie dessert From flour, oils and honey). Squeeze all this rich treats can be anaran (a mixture of riding and water) or traditional tea.

Like men-Tatars, women are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals. Overcoming difficulties, they show seamless and resourcefulness. All this is complemented by great modesty, generosity and kindness. Truly, the Tatar woman is a great gift over!

Of course, all people are different, but still there are some features that unite a separate race, a group of peoples, people. Tatars belong to the Altai family, turkic group. The ancestors of Tatars were farmers. Tatars, unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, do not have pronounced general devils in appearance. The appearance of Tatarin has undergone changes due to the injury of Slavic blood. Indeed, Tatars can be not only dark-haired, but also blonde and even red, unlike Mongols, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Tajiks. The Tatars also do not necessarily have a narrow eye cut and very dark skin. However, still allocate common features of Tatar appearance. Anthropologists revealed that modern Tatars had ancestors both the Mongoloid and the Europiroid race.

It is in connection with this that representatives of this people are so different. In addition, there are several types of Tatars: Ural, South Kamsky, Crimean, Miscellaneous-Siberian. The last type is the most close to the Mongoloid race. Have a wide nose, brightly pronounced cheekbones, dark hair, brown eyes, fold over the top of the century. But this type is very small. Volga Tatars have an oblong face without brightly pronounced cheekbones, big gray or brown eyes, nose eastern type, with a hubby. The physique is correct, tall, hardy, skin is not dark. More often still there are Tatars of European appearance, having blond hair, blond eyes. Almost all the Tatars have a narrow nose, sometimes with a hubber or eagle. Often Tatars low heightMiddle growth of women is 164 cm.

The nature of Tatar also has its own characteristics. Representatives of this people are hardworking, hospitable, stubborn, clean, but proud, indifferent, unshakable. In their tradition, respect the elders, be guided by reason, to be law-abiding, adapt to the situation, be able to adapt. They are also deeply religious, patient, love order and power. Thanks to its hard work, persistence, straightness, they achieve a career success, a commercial vein is certainly inherent in this people. They are disciplined and persistent, work performed to the end, achieve their goals.

Tatars are striving to receive knowledge, they show heaviness and responsibility. The main distinguishing of the Crimean Tatars is extraordinary indifference and calm, even in the most complex situation. Tatars are very talkative and curious, although during the operation of silence, focused. In addition, this people have a pronounced sense of self-esteem, consider themselves special, sometimes arrogantly, arrogant. All make with some innate dignity. More Tatars are incredibly clean, in their dwellings there are always order and cleanliness, despite the fact, rich or poor they live. They monitor their appearance, neat and clean. In relation to its uninimers, Tatars are incredibly respectful, very honest, thefts are rare among their.

Tatar people are very hospitable, despite belonging to one or another faith, social status And so on. They take all of themselves on equal. Even being not rich, they will always be invited to the guest's table and share their modest dinner, dinner. Incredible curiosity differ precisely women. Tatar, being tied to the house, engaged in the education of children are surprised in literally different trifles, try to look at the veil of public life with every way, their views attract beautiful outfitsInteresting trinkets, they love to watch people, especially for Christians, Europeans who have other traditions, foundations. How to identify Tatarin if certain traits of nature can be completely inherent in other peoples. You only need to connect the external features and characteristics of the character. Since the Tatar people of the Muslim people, they are still similar to other peoples professing Islam. But they also learned a lot from Europeans, because many Tatars live in a common territory with them.

Citize and:

By N, Tatars you have an old info. The sample is small, in fact N the Tatar is much more, it can be seen by tests.
About z93, someone alone alone. This SNiP has the Polish-Lithuanian "Tatars". This is a small people in several tens of thousands of people sent at one time from Zord to help Mongolian troops. You understand that this is not a Tatars, incorrect to refer to them.
Kazan Tatars do not z93, but the Baltic Snaps. You can check it on FTDNA. There is one single z93 \u200b\u200bfrom Mishar in Bashkiria, but it does not say anything. Here are your neighbors Bashkir, and completely z93.
There is not even J, E in the above table, although there are a lot of Tatars for the latest data.
But in the Scythian Sarmatian bones J, E, N not found.
Forget about the phenotypes, it is irrelevant.

1. If there is the Baltic Snaps, then most likely from the Balts of the Imyenkov Culture.

2. The anthropology is relevant. She primarily says that Tatars racially differ from the Finno-Thieves and Russians. The predominance of Pontidov already speaks for itself.

3. Tatars are just dominated by the European Snaps R1a:

Z93 + and L342.2 + If there is another info - throw off the link. See.

4. There is a DNA project on Tatforum. It comes out that R1A Tatars on haplotypes have nothing to do with Finno-Ugilities and Russians: www.tatforum.info/forum/index.php?showtopic\u003d6803&st\u003d520

There is official anthropology. In the end there is eyes. Although the Tatars are at the heart of their finno-eel, not the balts and not Russian, but Pontida (Nord-Iranuda).

What are you trying to prove to me?

As for the Mishare - Finno-Ugrome is generally ridiculous.))) They completely pronounced pontides + nomadic tradition is incomplete. At the same time, they differ sharply from the Russians and the surrounding Finnish peoples. Ancient Finnish boss if that was a Verkhneoksky type. The steppe Mishar is from Scythians:

* News of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University. - Kazan, 1903
//. Traditions and historical data on Misharya. Gaynetdin Achmers.

Mishari themselves are called Tatars, and the name "Misha" is considered to be an offensive expression. To the question "Misha"? often match the sworn words with the addition of the consonant verb "Tishcar" (breaks, pollet), while other foreigners, for example, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, speaking of their nationality "without Bashkort" (we are Bashkirs), "without Cossack" (we are Kyrgyz), " hit their hands in the chest - in pride. The Kazan Tatars, calling themselves the faith of Muslims or by the origin of the Bulgarians, do not respect the name "Tatar".
Mishari, although everyone is engaged in agriculture, but everywhere find a tendency to cattle breeding, a lot of livestock is bred, especially sheep. Tatars living in the neighborhood with Mishai do not have such a tendency to livestock.
In the provinces of the Simbirskaya and Samara Mishari traded with sheep, each ladies graze his gurt.
In the fall, Mishary's Baryshniki rent away from the neighboring landowners, wintering fields, where they graze their sheep until winter; They lack their fields for this. Mishari's poultry farming does not have a special tendency, they have little domestic birds. They do not even have their own names for some poultry, heap (rus. Komochem) - Rooster, Susan - spleen, and the Tatars rooster from ancient times it serves to determine the time and often talk about it in children's fairy tales. At Tatars, Chuvash and other foreigners, the Volga region poultrying is a cost-effectiveness, especially Kurovania, for example, from the provinces of Kazan and Vyatka there are many eggs to St. Petersburg, Riga and from there abroad.
Beekeeping and hunting are also not familiar crafts for hostilities, however, in Bashkiria Mishari and their Murza are partly engaged in Sokolino hunting and horse racing of wolves. They have special horses for this, which are considered hollow.
In the former time, Mishari Nizhny Novgorod and the Symbirian province drove manual bears, why Tatars often call them "ayuche" (member of the bear).
Trade, mainly different, Mishari began to engage only in recent times and then not everywhere, but only in some provinces, for example, Nizhny Novgorod, Symbirian, Penza and Saratov and Casimov and Chistopol. They live a lot in the capitals. In St. Petersburg, they are known under the name of the bachelors, as they are more traded with the old dress. In Moscow, they trade "node" (i.e., carry their goods in the node), lace and angle. IN Nizhny Novgorod Serve in capital mills and in different plants. In Kostroma, they are part of the cabings, part of different vessels, there are judicians. In Astrakhan more part Expellers (visiting from the provinces of Nizhny Novgorod and Penza).
Many konovalov from the hosts. In some villages of the Symbirian province, Mishari are engaged in this fishery. There are no Konovalov from the Tatars of Kazan. Mishar Konovalov can be seen throughout Russia, except the steppes of Kyrgyz. In the summer of 1898, three Mishar teachers came to the teacher courses in Kazan from Karsunsky County of the Symbirian province, of which one brought a piece of Japanese matter to sew a bathrobe in Kazan. This matter was purchased from Konovalov visiting Japan and China.
It turns out that the Mishar converss, going deep into Asia, fall into China and Japan, from where they bring various kinds of Asian matters and carpets, which are selling here as a rarity for expensive prices.
In the summer of 1899, Mishari Karsunsky County of the Symbirian province, visiting the Amur Region, asked himself from the Government to the Sakhalin Island, but it was not allowed.
In the provinces of the Simbirskaya, Samara and Kazan Misharai and are engaged in concoction, and the wonderful courage, resourcefulness and patience are found. This, as you suggest, the remains of the former onset delete. We see the same passion for concoction and Kyrgyz and Kalmykov. In the west of Civilian and in Buinsky counties there are Mishar villages whose residents are engaged in this shameful fisheries. Kohlokra owes are always well organized, if not from one village, then from several villages - two, three people; converge usually in the bazaars and fairs. Next door to Mishaphoras, or simply by misunderstanding, this vice is attributed to the Kazan Tatars, meanwhile, as among them, the concoction is a very rare phenomenon. In the Vyatka province, where herds go without a shepherd on fenced fields and forests, the concoction is also a rare phenomenon.
Mishari have a special tendency more than animal food than to plant. The most favorite meat is lamb and horseback sausage. Horses cut only old and stupid; The foal never cut. And the Tatars are contrary to the fat horses and they often refill barda, where there are distorted plants; Many cut little foals to free the uterus during field work.

National tatar holidayslike Sabantui (Plow festival), Zeeine - summer entertainment holidays in May and June for months, does not happen from the Misham. However, in some places, as a result of Tatar influence, Sabantuy and Mishari copier.
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VII. About suit.

Misham costume, both in men and women, the same Tatar, but they wear clothes more than an old form.
Of the information delivered by E. A. Malov Tatarin S. A. Regarding the form, the following is visible: "Mishary's clothes are like clothing of old times, new fashion They dont have". Kazan Tatars the same form is often changing like the people of trading and having permanent relations with various nations. E. A. Malov says that the clothes near the targets are simple, ancient cut, and not the exquisite clothing of the Mohammedan form. E. A. noticed that the shirts of the Mishamen, like Russians, are their products red or motley, i.e. red-blue cells.
In some places (the province of Penza, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirskaya), the Russian-rustic influence is noticed, for example, sometimes Mishari wear a Russian walk-bus, Russian caps, boots with wide tops or Russian lapties. "
At Tatars, both on male and on women's suit Recently, Russian has become noticed urban influence.
Mishar headband has special form, absolutely similar to Kyrgyz. First wrap the head with a covering (Tastar), and we are tied up with a scarf, the blizzards of it from behind, as from Chalms. E. A. Malov and Cheremshansky also pointed to this feature of the head bandage of Misharok. I. N. Smirnov noted that, on the influence of targets, and mokshanki wear the same form of a headdress.
Misharki do not wear hats and hats; Tatars The same white felt hats are often worn during field work, and on holidays and visiting hats with beaver shakes, decorated at the top of the pose. However, the pose decoration of the caps and the Tatars already comes out of fashion. The hat is given in calm from the groom, and is recorded in the metric among other outfits.
Mishar has its own national camisole-rod top dresses with short sexes, and sleeves to elbows, with an open collar, a waist with folds. Camcole is fastened with only one clasp, more silver, the front edges only come into contact, and do not cover each other. We see exactly the same Camcol from Kyrgyz and the Nogai Tatars (in the provinces of Orenburg and Astrakhan). Camzole wear Tatars, but not like that, precisely without folds and sleeves, the gate is slightly open, the front edges cover each other. Camzole Tatars is usually warm (on fur), and in Kalim.
Mishary wear knitted stockings, and the Tatars and Chuvash wear cloth white stockings.
In the Kostroma hostility, there is nothing national left, except for the head bandage of women, who can only be distinguished from Russian women along this along.
The suit of the target in the provinces of the Orenburg and Ufa, judging by the descriptions of Cheremshansky, does not differ from the costume of Bashkir and the Tatar of that edge.

Conclusion about nationality and origin.

Among the Russian scientists there was an opinion that the current Mishari or Meshcheryaki, as they referred to in Russian literature, occur from the Finnish tribe of the Meshchera who lived on the Oka and her tributaries.
This assumption, based exclusively on the name "Mishar" and the disappearance of the vesets, needs scientific verification. Literature about Mishai is extremely poor; Nobody studied the language and life of this people, why there are frequent mistakes and inaccuracies in the existing few sources.
Of course, the naked name "Mishar", of course, not enough to determine the nationality of this tribe, since neighboring peoples often give each other erroneous names, for example, Kyrgyz called Bashkir Ostiaki (ISTAK), meadow cells called Tatar Chuvashi (SUAS), wheels They call them by the Bigrants (Biger), Chuvashi is called Kyrgyz with legs (honey), and Kyrgyz themselves call this name in general Tatars Volga region, Altai Kalmyki called Russian Cossacks (Cossack). The disappeared tribe of the vesa was one of the origin with Mordvoy, and in Russian chronicles constantly mentioned together with Mordvoy and Cheremis.
Mordva, like other Volga Finns, exterior leads to a settling life and from time immemorial, engaged in the barking and bore beekeeping ", hunting for animals and fishing fishing.
The hosts are not only a tendency to these industries (except farming), but there are no words in the language relating to these fishers. And they are far in the worst state, they are much in the worst state than the magic and other foremen. At the Morder, like other Finns, is completely not noticed by a nomadic nature, which has been preserved at the Mishamen quite fresh.
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If the assumption of the origin of the current targets from the vesets is considered reliable, then on the influence of which people it could be so soon and finally docking this Finnish tribe? In the language of the Kazan Tatars, as the nearest Turkic neighbors of the Meshchera, we do not notice some phonetic peculiarities of the Misharian adverb and the mass of his words and the Turkic archaisms, found only in the adoles of the Siberian Tatars, which never came with the vessel in contact.
It is asked, due to the same favorable circumstances, they were not exposed to the same fate and remained as if isolated from Tatars other neighbors and miniments of the Meshchera (Mordva and Cheremis)? Meanwhile, Mordva (Moksha), and now has its own historical places (and in the field of the vesets, as the name of the River - Moksha shows, is a permanent neighbor of the Misham in the provinces of Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Tambov, Simbirskaya, and others. How to explain, finally The most type of Turkic has the current hosters and where could they be from them, so much Murz and Princes?
Mishari themselves consider themselves to be Tatars, Kyrgyz call them to their legs (Nogat), the Kazan Tatars claim that they are of Turkish origin; Other foreigners and Russian people call them indifferent to Tatars.
Language and originating from him the names of settlements prove that this nomadic people Turkic race, released from Central Asia relatively lately. Their own legends and some historical data say it is fragments of the Golden Horde.
Personal names and surnames, from them taking place, also serve to some extent pointers of the Tatar of their origin.
By type Mishary belong to the Turkic race and have more similarities, for example, with crimean Tatars And even remote Yakuts.
Classes, morals and customs of them - nomadic nature and similar to Kyrgyz.
The costume of women of pure Asian origin and is completely similar to Kyrgyz and Nogai.
The combination of all these data eliminates the possibility of the Finnish origin of the current targets and serves as irrefutable evidence of the Turkic origin. I came to the deep conviction that these are representatives of a more numerous and once a strong tribe, it is the descendants of those nomads of Asia, which in the XIII century fastened to Europe across the Ural River and established themselves on Akhtuba under the name of the Golden Horde. On the disintegration of the last part of this tribe, the head of Tsarevich Kasim, in half the XV century, was established on the OK and began to be called on the main city of Meshchera, where they sat the leader of Ka-Sim. Another significant part, which had long and known under the general name of the Nogaites, on the conquest of the kingdoms of Kazan and Astrakhan, was gradually established in the current provinces of the Samara Saratov, the Symbirian, Penza and southern part of the Kazan, when the edge began to settle Russian. When the full domination of the Russians on the Volga was approved, various circumstances forced Magomethanentantia (Tatars and Mishary) to move in Bashkiria, where they live by Donyn. And also came out of the Horde in the Russian service many Tatar princes and Murz with their squads at different times. The whole element is currently called Misha.

VII. About the name Misha.

The Turkic tribes have the custom of calling itself and their neighbors by the names of the leaders (Uzbek, Nogai, Chagata, etc.), or by the names of populated areas. For example, the Turks call the Russians in general by the name "Moscow", the Volga Bulgars were also known to their main city. Mishari Nizhny Novgorod province call the Tatar with the name "Kazan", the Astrakhan Nogai call them "Kazan". Mishar Murza in the Ufa province are known in Bashkiria under the name "Toman" as the Tambov province released from the Temnikov. Mishari Ryazan province generally call themselves "Kacim", and the city of Kasimov is called "Kimman".
In the cities of Moscow and Astrakhan live many targets from Nizhny Novgorod province, which are generally known under the name "Nazhgorod", as they call themselves. The city of Kasimov, before the class of his Tatars, was called "Meshcher", as well as the "Meshchersky City". The name of the hedgeon of new settlers (Kasym) gradually displaced the ancient name, which turned into the people in him (and in the field of it) inhabited. Kazan Tatars imposed this name without a difference to all the tatars of the Volga region, talking in one common adverb.


Tell me, what are you trying to prove to me and for what?

What is the Tatars Brothers Russian and Finno-Ugric?

There is a mixture and mongoloid, and European ancestors - therefore representatives of this very different. There are several types of Tatars, for example, Ural, South Kamsky, Volga-Siberian. The last of them is distinguished by the appearance of a mongoloid type - a wide face, dark hair, brown and the so-called Mongolian fold in the upper eyelid. But there are few such Tatars, this type is the smallest. Most often there are European appearance with rusia and blond hair. Almost all types of Tatars have a thin nose, sometimes with a small hubber or lowered tip.

Distinctive features of the Tatar character are considered, cleanness, willingness to come to revenue, patience. It is believed that this nation is characteristic of self-confidence, pride and self-confidence. Tatars live not feelings, but a mind, so they are law-abiding, respect, love order and stability. Tatar will not swim against the current - hitting the unfavorable situation, it will show flexibility and adapt to new conditions. Tatars are peculiar tolerance, religiosity and deepest respect for the elders.

Tatars are distinguished by the presence of a commercial vein. They won the reputation of the best workers with their hardworking, the conscientious fulfillment of obligations, discipline and perseverance in fulfilling their work. Representatives of the Tatar nation seek knowledge. They are sweaty and responsible. The expression of the elders affects both professional activities - will never dismiss the employee of the pre-age age. The negative quality of the Tatarin is an excessive sharp directness of judgment.

Our names are associated with nationality. When a child gets the name of his nationality, he involuntarily begins to rank herself to the history, nature and customs of his people. And if you decide to call the kid with a beautiful Tatar name, he will undoubtedly grow a decent, kind and cheerful man. So let's choose a name!

You will need

  • Head and list of men's Tatar names and their values.


Pay attention to how you liked will be combined with. If the father's father has a Tatar name, everything is simple here, since tatar names And Tatar form beautiful combinations. Another thing, if the father is endowed, for example, by a simple Russian name Ivan. The choice, of course, will have difficult. It may happen that the name I liked and most revealed you can not at all approach. In this case, sacrifice, not name. Do not forget about relatives and loved ones who are always ready to help you and give advice.

Tatars - title people Republic of Tatarstan, which is included in Russian Federation. This is a Turkic ethno group having many subethotions. Due to the wide settlement in the regions of Russia and neighboring countries, they had an impact on their ethnogenesis, assimilated with the local population. Inside the ethnos there are several anthropological types of Tatars. Tatar culture is filled with unusual national traditions for Russians.

Where live

Approximately half (53% of the total mass) Tatars live in the Republic of Tatarstan. Others are resets in the rest of Russia. Representatives of the people live in the areas of Central Asia, Far East, Volga region, Siberia. By territorially ethnic sign, people are divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Siberian
  2. Astrakhan
  3. Living on the Middle Volga, Ural.

IN last group Included: Kazan Tatars, Mishary, Tsnyhari, quicken. Other subercises include:

  1. Casimov Tatars
  2. Perm Tatars
  3. Polish Lithuanian Tatars
  4. Chepetsky Tatars
  5. Nagaybaki


In total, there are 8,000,000 Tatars in the world. Of these, about 5.5 million live in Russia and the subjects of the Russian Federation. This is the second place in numbers after citizens of Russian nationality. At the same time in Tatarstan there are 2,000,000 people, Bashkortostan 1,000,000. A small amount of He moved to neighboring regions:

  • Uzbekistan - 320,000;
  • Kazakhstan - 200,000;
  • Ukraine - 73,000;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 45 000.

A slight number lives in Romania, Turkey, Canada, USA, Poland.

Kazan - Capital of Tatarstan


The state language of Tatarstan is Tatar. It belongs to the Volga-Khpchak subgroup of the Turkic branch of Altai languages. Representatives of subethnos are talking on their dialects. The closest are the speech features of the peoples of the Volga region and Siberia. Currently, Tatar writing is based on Cyrillic. Before that, Latin was used, and in the Middle Ages, the basis of writing was Arabic symbols.


The overwhelming majority of Tatars are Muslims, confessing the Islam of the Sunni direction. Orthodox Christians are also found. A small part considers himself atheists.


Self-breaking nation - Tatarslar. There is no clear version of the origin of the term "Tatars". There are several versions of etymology of this word. The main ones are:

  1. Root tAT., meaning "testing", plus suffix aR - "Receiving experience, adviser."
  2. Derived from tatven - "Mirny, Ally".
  3. On some dialects tAT. Indicates "In Semechan".
  4. On the Mongolian word tatari. means "badly talking".

According to two last versionsThese words called Tatars other tribes that did not understand their language for which they were alien.


The first testimonies about the existence of Tatar tribes found in the Turkic chronicles. Also about the Tatars mention Chinese sources as people who lived on the shores of the Amur. They refer to 8-10 centuries. Historians believe that the ancestors of modern Tatars were formed with the participation of the Khazar, Polovian nomads, the tribes inhabited by the Volga Bulgaria. They united in one community with their culture, writing, language. In the 13th century, the Golden Horde was created - a powerful state that had a division on class, aristocracy, clergy. By the 15th century, it fell into separate Khanate, which gave rise to the formation of sub-ethnic groups. At a later time, the mass migration of Tatars on the territory of the Russian state began.
As a result of genetic studies, it turned out that different Tatar subethnotes did not have common progenitors. Also observed big variety The genome inside the subgroups, from which it can be concluded about the impact on their creation of a plurality of peoples. In some ethno groups, the percentage of the genome of Caucasian nationalities is great, while Asian is almost absent.


Tatars of different ethnobroups have a different appearance. This is due to a large genetic variety of types. A total of 4 types of representatives of the people on anthropological attribute were revealed. It:

  1. Pontic
  2. Sublaponoid
  3. Mongoloid
  4. Light european

Depending on the anthropological type, people of Tatar nationality have light or dark skin, hair and eyes. Representatives of the Siberian ethno group are most similar to Asian. They have a wide flat face, a narrow eye cut, an extended nose, upper eyelid with a fold. Small skin, hard, black, dark iris. They are low growth, squat.

Volga Tatars have an oval face, light skin. They are distinguished by the presence of a hubber on the nose, apparently from the Caucasian peoples. Eyes big, gray or brown. Men high growth, with good physique. There are blue-eyed and blonde representatives of this group. Kazan Tatars have a medium-dark skin, brown eyes, dark hair. They have the right features of the face, straight nose, clearly outlined cheekbones.

A life

The main classes of Tatar tribes were:

  • agriculture;
  • pasture-stall animal husbandry;
  • horticulture.

Conducting hemp, barley, lentil, wheat, oats, rye. Agriculture was three-pole type. Cattle breeding was expressed in breeding sheep, goats, bulls, horses. This lesson allowed to receive meat, milk, wool, skin skins. Horses and bulls were used as hard animals and for movement. Also grown rooted, mudflows. Beekeeping has been developed. Separate tribes were engaged in hunting, mainly living in the Urals. Fisheries was common in ethno groups who inhabited the coast of Volga and the Urals. Among the crafts distribution received such classes:

  • jewelry production;
  • rotally case;
  • valyal craft;
  • weaving;
  • leather production.

The National Tatar ornament is characterized by the presence of floral, vegetable drawings. It shows the proximity of the people to nature, the ability to see beauty in the world around the world. Women knew how to weave themselves, sewed everyday and festive costumes. Details of clothing decorated with patterns in the form of flowers, plants. In the 19th century, embroidery with gold threads became popular. From the skin made shoes, details of the wardrobe. Products from leather of different shades, stitched with each other, were popular.

Up to the 20th century in tribes were a tribal relationship. There was a division between male half of the population and female. Girls isolated from young people, they did not communicate before the wedding. A man had a higher status than a woman. The remnants of such relations are preserved in Tatar settlements and now.

All Tatar families are deeply patriarchals. Everything that Father says is unquestioned. Children honor the mother, but the wife practically does not have the right to vote. The boys are brought up in permissiveness, as they are the successors of the kind. Girls since childhood teach decency, modesty, submission to a man. Young girls know how to keep household, help mothers in the house.
Marriages were arranged between their parents. Young consent was not asked. Relatives of the groom were obliged to pay Kalim - ransom. Most wedding rites and feast took place without the presence of the bride and groom, numerous relatives participated in them. The girl got to her husband only after paying Calma. If the groom arranged the abduction of the bride, then the family was released from redemption.


Tatar tribes We have their own settlements on the banks of the rivers, close to large roads. Aules were raised chaotic, without ordered layout. The villages were characterized by winding streets, sometimes leading to a dead end. From the side of the street, they put a deaf fence, the housekeeping was made in the courtyard, placing them with a handful or in the form of the letter P. Board, a mosque, shopping shops were located in the center of the settlement.

Tatar houses were the logged structures. Sometimes the dwelling was made of stone, less often it was global. The roof was drowned by straw, drank, boards. The house had two or three rooms, including the Songs. Rich families could afford two and three-storey dwellings. Inside the house was divided into female and men's halves. In the houses they did ovens, according to the type of Russians. They were located near the entrance. Inside the housing was decorated with embroidered towels, tablecloths. Outside the walls painted with an ornament, rubbed threads.


Tatar folk costume Formed under the influence of Asian culture. Some elements were borrowed from the Caucasian peoples. Outfits of different ethnobroups differ slightly. Foundation male costume make up such elements as:

  1. An elongated shirt (Kulmek).
  2. Sharovar type pants.
  3. Long sleeveless.
  4. Wide belt.
  5. Skullcap.
  6. Ichigi.

Tunic decorated at the top and bottom national OrnamentShe was subjected to a wide long piece of matter with fringe at the ends. In addition to the shirt, loose pants were worn. Out of the set wearing a strawberry, the shelter which was supplied with embroidery. Sometimes they put on a long bathrobe (almost to the floor) of a cotton material. The head was covered with a tubette, which generously decorated with a national ornament. Some ethno groups wore fez - Turkish hats. In cold weather, Beshmet was worn - caftan narrow cutting lengths. In winter, wearing sheepskin coats, fur hats. Shoes served by Ichigi. These are lightweight, comfortable soft-skinned boots without a heel. Ichigi decorated with colored leather inserts, ornament.

The outfits of Tatar girls are very colorful, feminine. Initially, girls wore a suit like a male: long (in floor) tunic and wide pants. Waolas were sewn to the lower edge of the tunic. The upper part was expanded by patterns. In modern outfits of the tunic transformed into a long dress with a narrow bodice and anted beacon. The dress well emphasizes the female figure, giving her lush forms. On top of it, a vest of medium length or length to the waist is put on top of it. It is richly decorated with embroidery. The head is covered with a cap like fez, chhalma or caalfak.


Tatars - a nation with a dynamic temperament. They are very movable, love dancing and music. IN tatar culture Many holidays and customs. They celebrate almost all Muslim holidays, as well as they have an ancient rituals associated with the phenomena of nature. The main holidays are:

  1. Sabantuy.
  2. Naradigan.
  3. Novruz.
  4. Kurban Bayram.
  5. Eid al Adha.
  6. Ramadan.

Ramadan is a holy feast of spiritual cleansing. It is called the name of the Tatar calendar, the ninth in the account. The whole month is coming strict postIn addition, it is necessary to pray hard. It helps a person to cleanse dirty thoughts, to get closer to God. This is strengthened faith in Allah. Uraza-Bayram is celebrated on the occasion of the end of the post. On this day, you can eat everything that Muslims can not afford to the post. The holiday is celebrated by the whole family, with the invitation of relatives. IN countryside Walking with dancing, songs, fairs.

Kurban-Bayram is a feast of sacrifices, marked 70 days after Uraza-Bayrama. it main holiday Muslims around the world and the most beloved. On this day, sacrifice is brought in favor of Allah. The legend says that the Most High as a test asked the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice her son. Ibrahim decided to fulfill the desire of Allah, showing the unshakableness of his faith. Therefore, God left his son alive, she began to slaughter the lamb instead. On this day, Muslims must be sacrificed to the sheep, a ram or a goat, a part of meat to leave himself, the rest of the needy.

Very significant for the Tatar is Sabantuy - the feast of the plow. This is the day of the end of spring field work. It is dedicated to work, harvest, healthy lifestyle. Sabantuy celebrate fun, with a scope. On this day, walking, dancing, sports competitions begin. Singers, dancers are held. It is customary to call guests, serve treats. On the table put porridge, painted eggs, buns.

Nardigan is an ancient pagan holiday of the winter solstice. He is celebrated at the end of December. Translated from Mongolian holiday name means "Birth of the Sun". There is a belief that with the beginning of the solstice of the strength of the darkness losing their power. Youth dressing up in costumes, masks and walks through the courtyards. On the day of the Spring Equinox (March 21), Novruz is celebrated - the arrival of spring. According to the astronomical sunny calendar, the new year comes. Light day overtakes night, the sun turns on the summer.
Another interesting custom is that the Tatars do not eat pork. This is explained by the laws of Islam. The bottom line is that Allah knows what he benefits his creatures, that is, people. It prohibits eating pork meat, as it is considered unclean. This locked is reflected in the Quran - the book sacred for Muslims.


Tatars call children beautiful, sonorous namewho have a deep meaning. Popular male names are:

  • Karim - generous;
  • Camille - perfect;
  • Anvar - radiant;
  • Arslan - Lion;
  • Dinar - precious.

Girls are called the names revealing natural qualities, symbolizing the beauty, wisdom. Common women's names:

  • Venus - Star;
  • Gulnara - decorated with flowers;
  • Kamaliya - perfect;
  • Lucia is light;
  • Ramil - miraculous;
  • Fillow - radiant.


The peoples of Asia, Siberia, the Urals were greatly influenced by Tatar cuisine. The occurrence of their national dishes (pilaf, dumplings, Pakhlava, Chuck-Chuck) diverged the diet of the Tatars, made it diverse. Tatars kitchen is rich in meat, vegetables, seasonings. It has a lot of diverse baking, confectionery, nuts, dried fruits. In the Middle Ages, Konified was widely used, later began to add meat chickens, turkeys, geese. Favorite meat dish The Tatar is lamb. Many fermented dairy products: cottage cheese, Ayran, sour cream. Delmeni and dumplings 1 This is quite frequent food on the Tatar desk. Delmeni eat with broth. Popular Tatar cuisine dishes:

  1. Shurpa - fat, thick lamb-based soup.
  2. Balish is a fresh dough baked cake, stuffed with potatoes, rice or fast. This is the most ancient dish, it is served on festive table.
  3. Tutyrma is a homemade sausage from the intestine, styled by chopped meat with rice.
  4. Beshbarmak - stewed meat with homemade noodles. Traditionally, they eat it with hands, hence the name "five fingers" occurred.
  5. Pakhlava is a treat who came from the East. It is a puff pastry cookie with nuts in syrup.
  6. Chuck-Chuck - a sweet product from a test with honey.
  7. Gubady is a closed cake with a sweet filling, which is distributed by layers. It includes rice, dried fruits, cottage cheese.

Potatoes are often used as a garnish. There are snacks from beets, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers. The food uses turnip, pumpkin, cabbage. Frequent dishes are cereal. For everyday meals, sworn, buckwheat, pea, rice. On the Tatar table there are always many sweets from fresh and bite dough. These include: Baursak, Chelpeck, Catlama, Kosh Body. In sweet dishes, honey is often added.

Beverage Popular:

  • aYRAN - fermented milk product based on kefir;
  • kvass from rye flour;
  • sherbet is a cooler drink made of rosehip, licorice, roses with adding honey, spices;
  • herbal teas.

For Tatar cuisine, quenching, cooking, baking in the furnace. Food is not fried, sometimes boiled meat are a little roasted in the oven.

Famous people

Among the Tatar people a lot talented peoplewho famous for the whole world. These are athletes, science and culture figures, writers, actors. Here is some of them:

  1. Chulpan Hamatova - actress.
  2. Marat Basharov - actor.
  3. Rudolf Nureyev - ballet dancer.
  4. Musa Jalil - famous poet, Hero Soviet Union.
  5. Zakir Rameev is the classic of Tatar literature.
  6. Alsu - singer.
  7. Azat Abbasov - opera singer.
  8. Gata Kamsky - Grossmaster, US Champion in Chess in 1991, is among the 20 strongest chess players in the world.
  9. Zainetula Bilyaletdinov - Olympic champion, multiple world champion and Europe in the hockey team, coach of the Russian national hockey team.
  10. Albina Akhatova is a five-time world champion in biathlon.


Tatar nation is very hospitable, friendly. The guest - important person In the house, they relate to him with great respect, asked to divide the meal. Representatives of this people possess a cheerful, optimistic character, do not like to lose heart. They are very sociable, talkative.

Men characterizes perseverance, purposefulness. They are distinguished by hard work, they are accustomed to achieving success. Tatar women are very friendly, responsive. They are brought up as a sample of morality, decency. They are tied to their children, try to give them the best.

Modern Tatars follow the fashion, look very well-groomed, attractive. They are educated with them there is always a talk about. Representatives of this people leave a pleasant impression about themselves.