The rating of medical universities in the quality of education. The best medical universities in the world

The rating of medical universities in the quality of education. The best medical universities in the world
The rating of medical universities in the quality of education. The best medical universities in the world

Experts conducted an assessment of the level of education and according to the results amounted to the country's university rating, which was called "100 best universities in Russia."

All the best Russian universities are already defined.

June twententy of this year, universities of Russia will open their doors and start accepting applications from applicants. Most schoolchildren have already decided on what Russian universities they will first come, but if they cannot do there, where they want, they will have four more attempts, because schoolchildren can send applications to just 5 institutions.

The main thing for applicants, it is in advance to decide on spare universities, if suddenly in the most desirable will not work.

In the selection of university, every schoolboy will be able to help our highlights of universities are referred to as "100 best universities in Russia." Over the past 3 years, the first twenty places have not changed almost not changed.

Top 100 best universities in Russia 2015 and 2016.

100 place: Russian New University.

099 Location: Astrakhan State Technical University.

098 Location: Medical Institute "Reabing".

097 Place: Kuban State Technological University.

096 Location: Kabardino-Balkar State. University of Hmm. Berbekova.

095 Place: Tyumen State. medical Academy.

094 Location: Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

093 Location: St. Petersburg State. Technological Institute (Technical University).

092 Location: South-West State University.

091 Location: Perm State. National Research University.

090 Location: Kursk State. medical University.

089 Location: Tyumen State University.

088 place: Omsk State Technical University.

087 Location: Ural State University of Communications.

086 Location: Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

085 Location: Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant.

084 Location: Siberian State. Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnyova.

083 Location: St. Petersburg State. University of aerospace instrument making.

082 Location: Altai State. Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

081 Location: Saratov State. Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky.

080 place: Volgograd state. medical University.

079 Location: Saratov State. University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.

078 Location: Moscow Pedagogical State. University.

077 Location: Moscow State. University of Railway Transport.

076 Location: Ural State. Legal University.

Another 75 institutions of the best universities in Russia!

075 Location: Irkutsk National Research Technical University.

074 Location: Omsk State. medical University.

073 Location: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

072 Location: Belgorod State. National Research University.

071 Location: Volgograd State University.

070 Location: St. Petersburg State. University of Architectural and Construction.

069 Location: Izhevsk State. Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikova.

068 Location: Altai State. Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova.

067 Location: Nizhny Novgorod State. Technical University named after R.E. Alekseeva.

066 Location: Mordovian State. University named after N.P. Ogarev.

065 Location: Samara State. University.

064 Location: Moscow Automobile and Road State. Technical University (Madi).

063 Location: Kazan Nats. Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-kai.

062 Location: Kazan Nats. Research Technological University.

061 Location: Belgorod State. Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.

060 Location: Moscow State University of Construction University.

059 Location: Moscow State. University of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov.

058 Location: Northeast Federal University M.K. Ammosova.

057 Location: Altai State. University.

056 Location: Voronezh State. N.N. Medical University Burdenko.

055 Location: Ural State. medical University.

054 Location: Samara State. Technical University.

053 Location: Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

052 Location: Petrozavodsky State. University.

051 Location: State University of Management.

Top 50 best universities in Russia in reverse order.

050 Place: National Research University Mim.

049 Location: Samara State. medical University.

048 Location: South Ural State University (NiU).

047 Location: Ufa State. Oil Technical University.

046 Location: Northwest State. honey. University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

045 Location: Ural State. mining University.

044 Location: Russian Chemical Technology University named after D.I. Mendeleeva.

043 Location: Moscow State. Technological University "Stankin".

042 Location: Russian State. Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

041 Place: Tyumen State. Oil and Gas University.

040 Location: Voronezh State. University.

039 Location: Far Eastern Federal University.

038 Location: Moscow State. Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova.

037 Location: Moscow State. Law University named after O.E. Kutafina.

036 Location: Tomsk State. University of Management Systems and Radioelectronics.

035 Location: All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

034 Location: St. Petersburg State. the University of Economics.

033 Location: Russian State. humanitarian University.

032 Location: Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky.

031 place: Kazan State. honey. University.

030 place: Siberian state. honey. University.

029 Location: Southern Federal University.

028 Location: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

027 Location: Samara State. Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (NiU).

026 Location: St. Petersburg State. Electrotechnical University "La" named after V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin).

Of the best 100 universities of Russia, 25 educational institutions are left!

025 Location: First St. Petersburg State. honey. University of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

024 Location: First Moscow State. honey. University named after I.M. Sechenov.

023 Place: Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanov.

022 Location: St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

021 Location: Russian Friendship University of Peoples.

020 Location: Novosibirsk State. Technical University.

019 Location: National Research University "MEI".

018 Location: Kazan (Volga) Federal University.

017 Location: National Research University of Misis.

016 Location: Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

015 Location: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

014 Place: Siberian Federal University.

013 Location: National Research Tomsk State. University.

012 Location: Russian Academy of National Economy and State. Services under the President of the Russian Federation.

011 Location: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great.

Universities of Russia entered the top 10 of the best universities of the country.

010 place: Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

009 Location: Novosibirsk National Research State. University.

008 Location: Moscow State. Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

007 Location: National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

006 Location: St. Petersburg State. University.

005 Location: National Research University Higher School of Economics.

004 Location: Moscow State. Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

Top 3 out of the 100 best universities in Russia remained unchanged!

003 Location: National Research Nuclear University "MIII".

002 Location: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).

001 Location: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

MSU on 1 place in the ranking of Top Universities in Russia.

MSU ranks first in the ranking '100 best universities of Russia'!

Rating of medical universities in Russia 2015 and 2016.

16th place: Medical Institute "Reabing".

15th place: Tyumen State. medical Academy.

14th place: Kursk State. medical University.

13th place: Altai State. medical University.

12th place: Saratov State. Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky.

11th place: Volgograd state. medical University.

Top 10 best medical universities in Russia!

10th place: Omsk State. medical University.

09 Location: Voronezh State. N.N. Medical University Burdenko.

08 Location: Ural State. medical University.

07 Location: Samara State. medical University.

06 Location: Northwest State. honey. University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

05 Location: Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova.

04 Location: Kazan State. honey. University.

03 Location: Siberian State. honey. University.

02 Location: First St. Petersburg State. honey. University of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

01 Location: First Moscow State. honey. University named after I.M. Sechenov.

Rating of universities in Moscow 2015 and 2016

13th place: Moscow Pedagogical State. University.

12th place: Moscow State. University of Railway Transport.

11th place: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

10th place: Moscow Automobile and Road State. Technical University (Madi).

09 Location: Moscow State University of Construction University.

08 Location: Moscow State University of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov.

07 Location: Moscow State. Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova.

06 Location: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

05 Location: First Moscow State. honey. University named after I.M. Sechenov.

04 Location: Moscow State. Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

03 Location: Moscow State. Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

02 Location: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).

01 Location: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Rating of universities SPB 2015 and 2016

9th place: St. Petersburg State. Technological Institute (Technical University).

8th place: St. Petersburg State. University of aerospace instrument making.

7th place: St. Petersburg State. University of Architectural and Construction.

6th place: St. Petersburg State. the University of Economics.

5th place: St. Petersburg State. Electrotechnical University "La" named after V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin).

4th place: First St. Petersburg State. honey. University of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

3 place: St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

2nd place: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great.

1st place: St. Petersburg State. University.

Why is it worth getting a higher education in one of the 100 best universities in Russia?

Higher education will not make a genius out of you, it will not help you get a good job, it will not even increase your salary, of course, if the university is not included in the top 100 universities in Russia, though many even the best universities will not help, but it is worth offense.

During training in the university, you have free time to develop yourself and your interests. After school it is hard to decide what you want to actually do. A very rare person, bowl of all who possesses some talents, sings, draws sees clearly what he wants. If nature has tried you with talents, do not be discouraged, enter into one of the above universities, and there it is time for meditation.

Do you have many friends? Believe me, if you are not sociopath, you will expand the circle of friends for hundreds of people, and one of them, perhaps, will be a true friend for you for all your life. In any case, experience from communicating with those who refused degradation is very useful.

The ability to negotiate! There will be moments when you have to go to the teacher to negotiate. No, do not give a bribe, but to agree to pass the credit / exam later, but in the back to put an assessment now. In life, the ability to find a common language and be able to come to compromise important.

Dorm, like a second house. To live in a hostel cool, although the fifth rate is very dirty. However, she will teach you independence. Prepare, wash and clean the room will be a five-minute trifle for you. People with whom you will live can teach you to drink beer, and can write software code, to solve you.

And the latter is self-esteem. Very strange plus, from the diploma, but still. Especially if you have learned in one of the 100 best universities in Russia and your diploma is red, then be proud of doubly pleasant.

Universities from the "One hundred best universities of Russia" rating.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov took the first place in the ranking "The Best Medical Universities of Russia", besides this, he took 5th place in the "100 best universities of Moscow" rating and 24th place in the "100 best universities of Russia" rating!

The famous educational institution of Moscow State University in the whole country ranks first in the ranking "100 best universities in Moscow", as well as the first place in the "100 best universities of Russia" rating!

Best medical universities in Russia

Medicine is not accidentally called the "dream profession". Always prestigious, always in demand, always respected profession of the doctor is desired for many graduates. Put on white bathrobes seek the most responsible graduates of schools. In recent years, the number of those who want to enter medical and St. Petersburg, with simultaneous growth of such people in the regions simultaneously decreases.

In case of sufficient knowledge either when choosing a paid training, the most relevant question is: where to get high-quality higher medical education. Therefore, many are trying to get into the prestigious Moscow or St. Petersburg Medvasy.

By the way, health care is the only non-humanitarian direction where Wed. Exam score exceeds 70 points. University, preparing future doctors, impose several overestimated requirements for basic education. In the rating of paid education, the doctor's profession is standing on the 3rd place after the economy and management.

In total, there are 89 medical and faculties in the country, of which there are state 48 head universities and 4 branches; Non-state - 7 universities, 2 branches. In all universities, learning only full-time, it is impossible to learn in absentia.

According to the results of the rating, the expert RA, which takes into account the three most important components: the quality of education, NIR, the demand for employers, in the top of medical universities in Russia, includes 16 medical universities. It was they who entered the first hundred of the best universities of the country.

Consider the first five of Russia's best medical universities in more detail.

The first MGMU named after I.M. Schechenov. This is the leading Russian medical person, often it is called "first honey". University with huge prospects due to the active academic exchange with European educational medical institutions and fruitful scientific work. Not by chance, many graduates seek to get here. Passing point 142 (social development) -326 (dentistry). Middle score - 87.9. Here are 1335 budget places. Paid training from 67.5 to 299.8 thousand rubles in year.

PSPBGMU I.I.P. Pavlova. He entered the top 10 of the most popular medical schools in Europe. Passing point 237 (clinical psychology) -278 (therapeutic case). Middle score - 91.1. Here are 605 budget places. Paid training from 152 to 299.8 thousand. in year.

Rnim im.N.I. Pirogov. Graduates of the university, having received a pediatrician diploma, can work for any specialty, naturally, medical. Passing point 203 (joint) -283 (medical biochemistry). Middle score - 85.7. Here are 1338 budget places. Paid training from 97 to 320 thousand. in year.

KGMU (Kazan). In the university perfectly developed postgraduate education, here 28 internship programs. Passing point 166 (social development) -281 (therapeutic case). Middle score - 85.2. Here are 340 budget places. Paid training from 112 to 145 thousand. in year.

SibGMU (Tomsk). The main difference of the university is the availability of special programs for incoming, having limited vision opportunities. Passing point 193 (medical biophysics) -257 (dentistry). Middle score - 80.3. There are 602 budget places. Paid training from 85 to 135 thousand. in year.

For admission to the listed Medvuza, the exam is needed in chemistry, biology, Russian. All universities applying for the fact that they give the best medical education in Russia, provide students with extensive opportunities. These are unique research centers, platforms in large clinics, international cooperation, practice in a wide variety of areas.

The most popular and, accordingly, "expensive" specialties can be confidently called dentistry, ledge .do, pediatrics, pharmacy.

Of course, a considerable role is played by the university where education is obtained. However, it also depends on the student himself. You can remain "not scientious" in a prestigious university, and it is possible, on the contrary, thanks to the diligence and effort to become a highly class specialist in the usual, Netopovo university.

10/30/2016 Major vocational school universities are 1 honey. (PMGMU them. I.M. Suchenova), 2 honey. (Rfficking them. N.I.Pirogov) and 3 honey. or a stomat (MGMS them. Evdokimova). The medical faculty is also in RUDN.

1 honey. More famous, because He submitted to the USSR Ministry of Health in Soviet times, and there were also applicants from the Union republics. However, he currently has no own good room, all the departments are scattered in Moscow, many are simply in a wretched state. Pedfak is open relatively recently "for the range" to get the status of the university. The rectorate was preserved at B. Pirogovskaya in the center of Moscow, in the same place for solidity and admission committee, but it does not mean that all 1 honey. There is, it is scattered in Moscow, the mass of time leaves among students on the core in the city. With hostels there are also bad. However, many applicants mistakenly believe that 1 honey. Located in the center and he is "first", which is emphasized in his name.

2 Honey, which occurred historically from 2 Moscow State University, therefore received No. 2, in Soviet times it was the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, therefore was less known in the entire USSR. However, in Soviet times he was allocated to significant funds and a large territory, but the south-west for the construction of a modern medical university. Construction began in Soviet times, and now 2 honey has a wonderful huge corps, in which the first 2 years students receive education without leaving the university walls. In addition, 2 honey. It has an excellent pediatric faculty, which has a story since the beginning of the 19th century. 2 Honey received a special grant for research work, is leading in the field of science among all honey of universities in Russia, which is reflected in his name Rhinim. N.I.Pirogov. Pedphak graduates possess all the rights of treatment as graduates of Sreaty + they are specialists in childhood diseases. Those. The graduates of Pedphak have more knowledge and opportunities for treatment than graduates of Medpha. For example, the current Minister of Health Skvortsova graduated from Pedfak 2 honey.
A few years ago, a pedphak was opened "for the range" and 1 honey, but the level of preparation is an order of magnitude lower than in 2 honey. Chemistry tutor in Moscow has 30 years of training for receipt for admission of 2 honey and other honey of universities.

3 Honey is based on the Base of Stomat, which is the best in the country to prepare dentists. But therapeutic faculty was discovered relatively recently, it is not quoted high compared to 1 and 2 honey, after its end it is difficult to find a good job.

In Rudn there is also a medical faculty, but it is also not quoted.

Where to do, and much more easier to enter the budget?

In 1 honey passing score always higher, because He is more famous, but the conditions for studying there are bad.
In 2 honey passing on the SHEFAK slightly down, and the pedphak is still slightly lower. Since the pedphab of the passing below, and the knowledge is higher than on the maphake, the optimally put a tick in the statement also on the pedphak.
In 3 honey, it's good to go to the stomat, but it is not worth it.
Rudn is not quoted, you should not go there.

The name of the university Profile Middle score exam enrolled in the competition A total of budget places, people.
by competition according to Olympiads by benefits by target set
First St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P.Pavlova medical 91,1 174 44 61 319
First State Moscow Medical University. I.M. Suchenova medical 87,9 604 0 93 562
Russian National Research Medical University. N.I.Pirogova, Moscow medical 85,7 738 30 65 488
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University medical 85,3 250 7 16 156
Voronezh State Medical University. N.N.Burdenko medical 86,7 140 0 23 255
St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy medical 82,9 211 0 7 80
Tver State Medical University medical 83,4 154 6 8 169
Northwest State Medical University. I.I. Mechnikova, St. Petersburg medical 87,3 248 0 20 241
Kazan State Medical University medical 85,2 152 18 29 245
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy medical 87,2 137 2 19 225
Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar medical 87 109 0 42 268
Yaroslavl State Medical Academy medical 82,2 144 9 11 215
South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk medical 83,5 189 0 31 215
Samara State Medical University medical 80,6 364 0 21 316
Ryazan State Medical University. I.P.Pavlova medical 83 111 0 29 278
Smolensk State Medical University medical 78,3 195 0 8 163
Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg medical 84,3 151 0 29 331
Moscow State Medical and Dental University medical 86,1 200 0 56 377
Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa medical 82 269 0 42 316
Rostov State Medical University medical 78,9 277 0 54 386
Ivanovo State Medical Academy medical 81 136 0 21 162
Izhevsk State Medical Academy medical 81,9 164 0 12 214
Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk medical 80,3 290 28 46 239
Orenburg State Medical University medical 78,2 176 0 17 270
Saratov State Medical University medical 79,8 258 0 25 332
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. V.F. Davano-Yasenetsky medical 81,6 150 10 31 231
Novosibirsk State Medical University medical 80,8 189 0 29 247
Kursk State Medical University medical 75,4 297 1 18 199
Tyumen State Medical University medical 80,9 151 1 22 287
Volgograd State Medical University medical 75,5 366 0 21 214
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk medical 73,9 157 0 12 207
Kirov State Medical Academy medical 77,5 160 1 9 215
Perm State Medical University medical 72 230 0 12 229
Omsk State Medical University medical 75,9 204 0 18 184
Kemerovo State Medical Academy medical 76,2 196 0 25 201
Stavropol State Medical University medical 83,9 74 0 42 291
Dagestan State Medical Academy, Markhachkala medical 79 225 0 50 210
North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz medical 76,7 146 0 19 158
Irkutsk State Medical University medical 74,8 180 0 36 212
Astrakhan State Medical University medical 75,2 87 0 28 233
Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy medical 77,4 27 0 3 70
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy medical 68,4 211 0 6 23
Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk medical 72,6 143 0 10 196
Altai State Medical University, Barnaul medical 78,6 111 1 17 353
Chita State Medical Academy medical 72,2 120 0 15 160
Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok medical 68 301 0 16 177
Amur State Medical Academy, Blagovshchensk medical 65,6 184 0 14 88

To earn the status of the best, higher educational institution, it is necessary to provide students with a high level of education, graduate demands, as well as to actively work in the field of science and research. On these criteria and were determined the best medical universities of Russia 2017-2018 of the year. In addition to these indicators, the average score of applicants last year was also taken into account.

Opens the top ten medical universities in Russia 2018. The Higher Educational Institution prepares qualified medical personnel, postgraduate education and professional development of doctors, scientific and scientific and methodological work. It has 76 departments in its composition, which employs about 700 teachers. About 3,000 students are trained in the 7 faculties, there is also a faculty of pre-university preparation and the institution of postgraduate education. Also in high school there is a postgraduate student and the 4 Dissertation Councils on the Protection of Dissertations are functioning. The middle score of applicants who have passed the entrance examinations to the Academy in 2017 is 78.1.

It takes the ninth line on the list of the best medical universities in Russia for 2016. KGMU includes 9 faculties, among which therapeutic business, pediatric, medical and prophylactic, dental, etc. In addition, the university provides postgraduate education according to 28 internship programs, 41 - orders, 41 - graduate students, 5 - doctoral studies. Middle score exam - 78.9.

Northwest state. honey. University. I. I. Mechnikova, St. Petersburg With the middle score of the EE for the past year - 79.2 took the eighth place in the ranking of the best medical universities in Russia 2017. To date, about 4,200 students study in SZGMU, among which 300 people are on a budget basis and 1200 students on the field of training. . In addition to Russian citizens, over 500 foreign students study here. More than 670 international doctors and about 1,500 clinical orders are trained at the university. Dissertation studies perform 460 graduate students, doctoral students and applicants to scientists degrees. Also annually about 32,000 doctors increase professional qualifications.

According to the data for 2018 in the top ten of the best medical universities in Russia with the middle score of the EGE - 79.3. In the higher educational institution, training is carried out in the specialties of therapeutic case, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing. The university interacts with many educational and scientific institutions of foreign countries, as well as international organizations. Among the foreign organizations with which Tver supports partnerships: University of Saar (Germany), Vadodara University (India), Lublin Medical Academy (Poland), Russian Center for International Education (India), Russian Education Center (Sri -Lank), Medical Center "Baikon" (USA).

She won the sixth place in the list of the best medical universities in Russia 2018 with the middle score on the exam last year - 79.5. The Academy includes the following branches: the Faculty of Additional Vocational Education and the Division of Industrial Technology of Drugs. At the Academy there is a nursery of medicinal plants, where much work is carried out on the introduction of medicinal plants from various climatic zones. More than 400 species of medicinal plants are grown in the collection site. The nursery is the main base of educational practice of students of the pharmaceutical faculty. The Academy training specialists for foreign countries in the specialties of biotechnology and pharmacy.

It takes the fifth line in the list of the best medical universities in Russia for 2018. To date, the Higher Educational Institution includes 8 faculties: therapeutic, pediatric, dental, pharmaceutical, medical and preventive, nursing, training of highly qualified personnel and the Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation. In 2017, the Expert RA Agency assigned the university the rating class "D" meaning the "acceptable level" of graduates. Middle score exam for 2017 - 80.

One of the best Russian medical universities for 2018. Currently, five faculties are functioning at the university: therapeutic business, pediatric, dental, faculty of clinical psychology and faculty of advanced training and professional retraining. Training is conducted in both Russian and English. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (SPBGPMU) was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and was included in the WHO World Medical List in 1965. The university has high status among pediatric medical schools. High quality education is provided by an excellent organization of the learning process, which is confirmed by the relevant certificate. The middle score on the exam in 2017 is 81.

Opens the top three of the best medical universities in Russia 2017 with the middle score of EGE 81.2. The structure of the highest educational institution includes the following faculties: therapeutic, pediatric, biological, dental, pharmaceutical, etc. Students study medicine, various aspects of it for six years at 54 departments of the university. Training is carried out not only at profile pediatric departments, but also at the departments where the diseases among adults are being studied. In addition to clinical training, pediatricians are studying fundamental sciences. Graduates have the opportunity after receiving a diploma of a pediatrician, work on any medical specialty.

It takes the second line in the ranking of the best medical universities in Russia 2017 with the middle score of the EGE 81.8. The Medical Faculty is the main division of the first MIMM named after I. M. Sechenov and is an educational, scientific and practical association. This is the oldest and largest in the number of departments and students of the Faculty of the First MGMU. The medical and preventive faculty is preparing sanitary doctors (hygienists and epidemiologists), became the first such faculty in the history of global medical education. The Pharmaceutical Faculty preparations in the specialty "Pharmacy", and from 2010 on the new specialties of "biotechnology" and "bioengineering, bioinformatics", as well as postgraduate training of various levels. In addition to the above divisions, the first MGMU includes the dental, pediatric faculty and the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education and Psychological and Social Work.

He heads the ranking of the best medical universities in Russia for 2018. Also, the university is included in the top 10 of the most popular medical schools in Europe. Higher educational institution is preparing highly qualified specialists in the areas: therapeutic case, dentistry, clinical psychology, sports medicine, pediatrics, adaptive physical culture, nursing. Training is also conducted in the internship, redeference, graduate school and doctoral studies. The structure of the university includes 69 departments, 56 scientific laboratories, 11 institutions, research institutes and centers. University bases are located in the university clinics and in 43 major hospitals and Polyclinics of St. Petersburg. Every year more than 5 thousand students are trained in the university, including foreign ones. Since 2007, the university has become a member of the Bologna process by introducing a ballmarking rating system for assessing knowledge. The average score of the exam for 2017 is 83.2.