The story of Nikolai Petrovich. A look at the world and human life in general in the image of Nikolai Petrovich from the novel "fathers and children"

The story of Nikolai Petrovich.  A look at the world and human life in general in the image of Nikolai Petrovich from the novel
The story of Nikolai Petrovich. A look at the world and human life in general in the image of Nikolai Petrovich from the novel "fathers and children"

External conflict Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is a clash of two eras, two worldviews, the philosophy of "fathers" and "children". The representative of the new generation in the novel is Yevgeny Bazarov, a commoner democrat. The direct antagonist of Bazarov, his obvious opponent is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a refined, refined aristocrat. Bazarov's "hidden" opponent is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, a delicate and delicate man, an esthete, who loves everything beautiful: nature, music, poetry. The character of Nikolai Petrovich, the way of thinking, his feelings, habits, addictions - all this is opposed in the novel to the character of Bazarov, his inner peace, his ideology, rough, materialistic views.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is a character with clear authorial sympathies on his side. We get to know him already on the first pages of the novel. His appearance has nothing remarkable or memorable in it. This is a "gray-haired", "plump", "slightly hunched over" master, "in his forties."

His life circumstances are also typical enough. Nikolai Petrovich came from a military family. His father, a military general in 1812, commanded first a brigade, then a division. The family lived permanently in the provinces. Like the elder brother Pavel, Nikolai Petrovich was assigned to military service, however, an unexpected injury prevented him military career... Then his father placed Nikolai at the St. Petersburg University. Pavel Kirsanov also served there in the guards regiment. The parents of the young people soon died, and Nikolai Petrovich, having endured the period of mourning, married a young, lovely girl. Together with his wife, he settled in the village, where he soon had a son, Arkady. However, ten years later, Kirsanov's wife died. Nikolai Petrovich took up the upbringing of his son, economic transformations. In 1855 he took his son to the university and lived with him for three winters in St. Petersburg. Then Kirsanov returned to his estate, where for several years his retired brother Pavel lived with him, and where Arkady arrived after finishing his studies.

The Kirsanovs' household is completely upset. The manager cleverly deceives Nikolai Petrovich, who does not possess the practical acumen necessary for a landowner. Kirsanov is impractical, soft, weak-willed. “Your father is a kind fellow, but he is a retired man, his song has been sung,” Bazarov says to Arkady. However, Arkady, and the author himself, I think, have a different opinion about Kirsanov. In Nikolay Petrovich there are many positive qualities, obvious advantages. He is well brought up, educated, kind and delicate, hospitable, sincerely attached to his family, his brother Pavel and Arkady, takes care of Fenechka and Mitya. This hero personifies the old, good nobility, receding into the past. Along with his qualities, Nikolai Petrovich reminds us of Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov from Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.

Kirsanov is a real esthete, he appreciates everything beautiful, loves music and poetry. Bazarov laughs at his musical pursuits, considering them useless, and Turgenev, as if in passing, remarks: "... a sweet melody poured through the air like honey." Bazarov considers poetry to be nonsense, notes that a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet - Nikolai Petrovich reads Pushkin's poems.

Kirsanov is dreamy and sentimental. If for Bazarov dreams are whim, nonsense, romanticism, then for Nikolai Petrovich it is an organic state of mind, a necessary component of being. And Turgenev reveals this feature of the hero's nature in the scene of a summer evening in the garden.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is one of Turgenev's favorite characters. “Nikolai Petrovich is me, Ogarev and thousands of others,” the writer notes in a letter to Sluchevsky. Pisarev considered this hero unusually harmonious personality, a person who lives in harmony with his own nature, in contrast to Bazarov and Arkady. “As a gentle, sensitive and even sentimental person, Nikolai Petrovich does not rush to rationalism and calms down in that world outlook, which gives food to his imagination ...”, the critic notes. On the side of Kirsanov in the novel, the eternal life values: love, family, kindness and nobility, nature and art. And with this, Turgenev's hero evokes the constant sympathy of readers.

The main conflict of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is the clash of two camps, two completely different philosophies of life. The children's camp is represented by the image of Bazarov. The author makes Pavel Kirsanov his obvious opponent, but the image of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, although it belongs to the old generation, is opposed to both of the above heroes. Very delicate and subtle by nature, Nikolai Kirsanov loves everything that he sees in life. His habits, feelings, thoughts, all this is directed against the arrogance of his brother and the rough ideology of Bazarov.

Biography of Nikolai Kirsanov is a typical phenomenon of the past

Nikolai Kirsanov in the novel "Fathers and Sons" is a special character. His image embodied all the best of the aristocracy and it is to him that the author shows his frank sympathy. It appears from the first lines of the work and does not disappear until the end of the whole story.

His appearance is unremarkable: a gray-haired gentleman, over forty years old, a little hunched over and plump. Such a typical country landowner middle hand... His biography is also typical of his time. A small family of Kirsans lived on the estate, his father was a military general, his mother was engaged in the economy. Like his older brother, Pavel, he dreamed of a military career, but it did not work out.

He studied at the University of St. Petersburg, then returned to his parents. After the death of his parents, he married a beautiful girl who became a good wife. They lived in love and harmony, raising their only son. When Arkady was 10 years old, Kirsanov's wife died. He devoted himself entirely to his son and household.
The author has endowed Kirsanov with many positive features: he is well brought up and educated. Kindness and delicacy, sincere affection for loved ones for him natural senses... He does not understand how one can do without love, how to live without believing in anything.

Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich, the father of Kirsanov Arkady, loves music, poetry, appreciates everything beautiful in life. Bazarov laughs at these feelings. However, the author does not consider music lessons the hero is something ridiculous and worthless. On the contrary, he talks about the benefits of poetry and music. All the best features of the Russian nobility are embodied in Nikolai Petrovich, which, no matter how pitiful it may seem, also recede into the past. They are being replaced by Bazarov's nihilism, his judgments about the meaninglessness of principles and the empty life that the aristocracy leads.

Dreaminess and sentimentality are familiar feelings for Kirsanov. They characterize him positively, in contrast to Bazarov, who considers the dream to be nonsense and whim. For Kirsanov senior, these features of his nature are components, this is a familiar state of mind.

The author considers Nikolai Kirsanov to be one of his favorite heroes. On his side Eternal values life: family, love, nobility and kindness. Kirsanov's characteristic is a characteristic of a person who lives in harmony with himself. His personality is completely harmonious. This image evokes sympathy not only for the author, but also for the readers of the novel from its beginning to the end of the development of the action.

Product test

Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich - father of Arkady Kirsanov. This man is no longer young, who has survived many disasters, but not broken by them. An idealist with romantic tastes and inclinations, he strives in his own way to realize in his life an ideal reminiscent of Lavretsky's ideal from “ Noble nest", - works, tries to transform the landlord economy in the spirit of the times, establishes new relations with the peasants, seeks happiness in love and spiritual support in art. N.P. is depicted with obvious author's sympathy - weak, but kind, sensitive, delicate and noble, he is loyal and benevolent in his attitude towards young people who are trying to think and live differently from the way their fathers lived. But this attitude does not meet with an adequate response. Bazarov perceives N. P. as "a retired person" ("his song is sung"). Even own son, whom N.P. loves and on rapprochement with whom he assigns great expectations, with youthful tactlessness tries to “re-educate” his father in a “nihilistic spirit” and often hurts him painfully with this tactlessness. But N.P.'s meek patience and Arkady's natural evolution are doing their job: at the end of the novel, father and son get closer, uniting in a common cause, and both achieve family happiness. This is how general law Turgenev's novel, according to which people of the "golden mean" are rewarded with well-being for the moderation of their demands on life.

    "Fathers and Sons" is one of eternal works Russian literature. And not only because new generations of readers perceive the difficult position of the author differently, but also because the novel captures an eternal and inevitable moment for history ...

    50-60s 19th century became for Russia an era of humiliating defeats and at the same time were marked by the flourishing of liberal-democratic and revolutionary movements and parties, an era of tremendous changes. Late 50s great empire getting ready to enter ...

    The events that Turgenev describes in the novel take place in the middle of the nineteenth century. This is the time when Russia was going through another era of reforms. The title of the work suggests that it will resolve the eternal question - relationship ...

    “We are not as few as you think,” says Bazarov to Pavel Petrovich. But in the novel "Fathers and Sons" Bazarov is alone, and this is most of all reflected in Turgenev's underestimation of the strength and breadth of the revolutionary-democratic movement. In Russia...

    No one seems to suspect that I tried to present in Bazarov tragic face, but everyone is interpreting: why is he so bad? or - why is he so good? I. S. Turgenev "The novel" Fathers and Sons "stirs the mind, causing high pleasure ...

"Fathers and Sons" is a novel by I. S. Turgenev, significant for that time. It was written in 1860. His heroes became knowing Russia an example to follow. And people like Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characteristics are given in this article, simply lived out their days.

What place does Kirsanov take in the novel?

Turgenev's novel shows an acutely social period of time when old foundations are crumbling at an incredible speed, and new, progressive ones are replacing them.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characterization shows his position as "old-timer", occupies a central place in the work. He, along with several other characters, represents the "fathers", an established social class.

Pavel Kirsanov represents a whole generation that receives only reproaches and condemnation from others. And all that remains for them is to live out their days, looking at the growing progress of society.

From the title it is clear that the novel is a kind of opposition: young and old, new and old. Pavel Kirsanov, Turgenev pairs with the nihilist and the revolutionary of thought Bazarov. At the end of the work, the reader should find out which of them will win.

Life story

The events of the novel date back to 1859. The landowner Nikolai Kirsanov has an older brother, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The characteristic immediately gives out in him a strong and smart person... He is a military man, graduated from the page corps. Because of his status, he has always been successful in society, especially among women.

At twenty-eight he received the rank of captain and was preparing for a brilliant career. But suddenly his whole life changed dramatically. Of course, he met a woman who became fatal for him.

A certain princess R. in Petersburg society was known as a frivolous young lady and a coquette. But Kirsanov fell in love with her without memory. The princess, who at first answered him in return, quickly lost interest in the officer.

Pavel Petrovich was deeply impressed by this outcome, but did not give up. Passion for this woman engulfed him, incinerated from within. It is surprising that he did not feel satisfaction from their meetings, there was no joy in his heart, only bitter vexation in his soul.

In the end, having broken with the princess, Kirsanov tried to return to old life... But she would not let him go. In every woman he saw her features. Even in Fenechka, the beloved of his brother Nikolai.

Together with his brother, he lived in the Maryino estate, and then left for distant Dresden, where his life died out.


The appearance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov changed with the development of the events of the novel. Initially, the reader is presented with a real aristocrat, a sleek man, dressed with a needle. Only by looking at him, it was possible to understand that Kirsanov was a noble dandy and socialite... The demeanor and manner of speaking betrayed it in him.

Turgenev points out that his gray hair was in perfect order, his face had no wrinkles and was unusually beautiful.

However, in disputes with Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich was transformed. He radiated no more complete peace of mind... As his irritation grew at not understanding his views young man, the number of wrinkles increased, and the hero himself turned into a decrepit old man.


Aristocrat Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characterization is very positive, is shown to be smart, impeccably honest, principled. However, he is a representative of the old generation with prim habits and attitudes.

Kirsanov is far from the common people, does not understand and does not accept him. And the people are afraid of him, as Bazarov aptly put it. The hero is an adherent of everything English. This is expressed in his behavior, habits, conversations. Quotes by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov fully reveal his character and views. Liberal principles, which he boasts, remain only on the lips. But, despite this, he is a worthy rival of Bazarov, although he always loses to him.

Pavel Kirsanov characterizes the "old guard". His departure for Dresden is very symbolic, as it represents the departure of an entire generation into the past.

Kirsanov N.P. P. P. Kirsanov
Appearance A short man in his forties. After a long-term fracture of the leg, he limps. The facial features are pleasant, the expression is sad. Handsome, well-groomed middle-aged man. He dresses smartly, in the English manner. Ease of movement betrays a sporty person.
Family status A widower for over 10 years, was very happily married. There is a young mistress Fenechka. Two sons: Arkady and six-month-old Mitya. Bachelor. In the past it was popular with women. After experiencing a love tragedy, he lost hope for personal happiness. Have no children.
Education Finished university. He studied without zeal, but with pleasure. Received a military education at the Corps of Pages.
Important personality traits He reads a lot, loves poetry, is fond of music. A very gentle and kind person. Human strong-willed but devastated. Noble, honest, to some extent an idealist.
Lifestyle Responsible and hard-working person, often busy with the housework. V free time plays music and dreams. Anglomaniac, self-possessed man, gentleman. Rarely leaves the estate, but invariably shines in the local community.
Occupation The landowner reorganized the estate into a farm. He is trying to comprehend agricultural science without much success. Participates in local elections, is reputed to be a liberal. He is not busy with anything in the estate, but he repeatedly helped out his brother with money.
Attitude to art Sublime, romantic nature. Bazarov's words about the senselessness of the fine arts seriously amaze and hurt Nikolai Petrovich. Doesn't understand art. He speaks about him only with reference to well-known authorities and with the aim of scolding the current generation.
Family attitude He loves his sons affectionately, and with longing remembers his deceased wife. In the finale, he marries Fenechka, despite social inequality. He has the warmest feelings for his brother and nephew. He values ​​family honor highly and is ready to defend it as his own.
The attitude of the characters to each other He respects and truly loves his brother. With great tact he reacted to the feelings of Pavel Petrovich when he was going through a love drama. Loves tenderly younger brother... I am glad of his family well-being, he never envies and protects in every possible way.
Speech features A little shy, speaks simply and sincerely. Loves Russian poets, speaks in his native language. Argues confidently, often gets excited in a dispute. Like most people in his circle, he intersperses Russian speech with French and English phrases.
Attitude to love Romantic. With pain and trepidation, he recalls the first meeting with his deceased wife. A passionate person. After the death of his beloved woman, he lost the meaning of life.
Character in the finale He married Fenechka, lives happily on the estate, surrounded by his family. He left for Germany. I became even more lonely. He still behaves well and is very popular in local circles.
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    • I. S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" contains a large number of conflicts in general. These include love conflict, clash of worldviews of two generations, social conflict and internal conflict Main character. Bazarov, the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons", is an amazingly bright figure, a character in which the author intended to show the entire young generation of that time. It should not be forgotten that this work is not just a description of the events of that time, but also deeply felt, quite real [...]
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    • Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" ends with the death of the protagonist. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, not having time to start any activity. By his death, he seems to atone for the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. While dying, the main character did not change either his sarcasm or his directness, but became softer, kinder, and speaks differently, even romantically, that [...]
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    • What is the real conflict between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov? An eternal dispute between generations? Confrontation between supporters of different political views? A catastrophic divide between progress and stability bordering on stagnation? Let us classify the disputes, which later grew into a duel, to one of the categories, and the plot will become flat and lose its sharpness. At the same time, the work of Turgenev, in which the problem was raised for the first time in history domestic literature, is still relevant. And today they demand changes and [...]
    • Arkady and Bazarov are very unlike people, and the friendship that arose between them is all the more amazing. Despite the fact that young people belong to the same era, they are very different. It should be noted that they initially belong to different circles of society. Arkady is the son of a nobleman, he is with early childhood absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in his nihilism. Father and uncle Kirsanovs are intelligent people who value aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From the point of view of Bazarov, Arkady is a kind-hearted "barich", a brat. Bazarov does not want to [...]
    • In the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" the main character is Evgeny Bazarov. He proudly says that he is a nihilist. The concept of nihilism means a type of belief based on the denial of everything that has been accumulated over many centuries of cultural and scientific experience, all traditions and ideas about social norms... The history of this social movement in Russia is connected with the 60s-70s. XIX century, when a turning point in the traditional public views and scientific [...]
    • The action of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" unfolds in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time in Russia there was an acute question: who can lead the society? On the one hand, to the leading social role claimed by the nobility, which consisted of both fairly free-thinking liberals and aristocrats who think the same way as at the beginning of the century. At the other extreme of the society were revolutionaries - democrats, the majority of whom were commoners. The main character novel [...]
    • The relationship between Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" did not work out for many reasons. The materialist and nihilist of bazaars denies not only art, the beauty of nature, but also love as a human feeling. Recognizing the physiological relationship between a man and a woman, he believes that love "is all romanticism, nonsense, rottenness, art." Therefore, at first he assesses Odintsova only from the point of view of her external data. “Such a rich body! At least now to the anatomical theater ", [...]
    • The action of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" refers to 1859, and the writer completed the work on it in 1861. The time of action and creation of the novel is separated by only two years. That was one of the most intense epochs in Russian history. At the end of the 1850s, the whole country lived in conditions revolutionary situation, under the sign of a loved one sharp turn in the fate of the people and society - the impending liberation of the peasants. Once again, for the umpteenth time, Russia was "rearing up" over an unknown abyss, and its future was illuminated for some [...]