Joseph Brodsky Summer Garden in the fall. "Summer Garden in the fall" - picture of Brodsky, full of calm and peace

Joseph Brodsky Summer Garden in the fall.
Joseph Brodsky Summer Garden in the fall. "Summer Garden in the fall" - picture of Brodsky, full of calm and peace

Autumn is the brightest and at the same time sad time. She attracts many artists with its landscapes. A lot of paintings have been high in the autumn and Brodsky Isaac Israelich. Famous Russian artist, author of the painting "Summer Garden in the fall".

Looking at this picture, it is impossible not to notice the beauty of the summer garden already at the time of late autumn. Although the sky is slightly tightened with clouds, but everything, the day is very bright and even sunny. A wide spacious alley is covered with yellow leaves. Not quite naked, but already weathered trees will high over small figures of people walking in the garden. Little lonely gazebo stands aside, man in love with couples for privacy.

It is also impossible not to notice that the front plan of the picture is absolutely unlenized. The author gives us the opportunity to admire not yet touched by anyone. Look at the game of light and shadows. And deep into the picture shows a lot of people. On the foreground It is clearly visible to mom with a child in a stroller, which is not in a hurry, goes along the alley. Some people, probably, more mature age enjoy the last warmth sitting on benches, others, admire by nature, walking along the alley. And admire, indeed, there is something. Around the trees and everywhere on earth, on the alley everything is covered with autumn gilding. The sun rays are so buntered on the branches of trees, that the pattern of shadows pattern remains on Earth. Sunlight illuminated all around.

Shipped in the picture Sunny, bright day of late autumn, fills the whole body with warmth and pacification. There is no sadness from the awareness of impending cold, although the author has painted far late autumn. On the contrary - I. Brodsky showed the celebration of nature over the left warmth of summer. Around all rejoices the last warmth, sunlight, golden alley. This picture simply falls in love with the autumn of everyone who was even indifferent to her.

In front of me, the picture of I. Broodsky "Summer Garden in the fall". The author portrayed the beauty of the summer garden in the autumn day.

In the picture, we see a wide spacious alley. The whole earth was covered with golden orange leaves. Trees are naked, but some on thin and bare branches are still preserved golden leaves. It seems that they are about to tear off and fall on the path.

Aside, there is a small bright gazebo, in which you can hide from bad weather. The gazebo is located on the elevation, so to come in it, you need to climb the stairs. The windows are shaped arches. Railings are decorated with beautiful ornament.

The painting "Summer Garden in the fall" is not a deserted landscape. By Alley, passersby walk. Some of them are sitting on benches and enjoy the last warm days, admire nature.

The artist depicted a cloudy sky with a lumen. The clouds seemed to foresee that he will soon begin restless days. Paints used by I. Godsky, surprisingly tender, with a pale tint.

Many painters have in their all service list Pictures depicting the beauty of nature. Talented painter Isaac Brodskyalso did not exceed. Although he became famous for a portrait, but his brushes belong to and a lot of magnificent landscapes, one of which is a picture "Summer garden in autumn" , Created by him in 1928 and amazing the viewer with its realistic, accurate and truthful image of nature.

The choice of the artist is exactly the summer garden is far from occasionally, because it is known that he is a favorite park of residents of St. Petersburg. In addition, golden autumn came, such a time that will not leave anyone indifferent, especially, the artist, the nature is dreaming.

The picture shows one of the lateral alley of the garden. In the right melee, you can see a wooden gazebo with a carved balustrade. There is a low staircase with the same carved railings. Now she is empty, but it is, of course, temporarily even for this time of year. Here, people see walking along the alley.

Some of them slowly walk down the Alley, towards this gazebo. Undoubtedly, if they want to relax, then you will choose this particularly located on the hill right under the old trees, the gazebo, from which the magnificent view of the Park is open.

Beauty of golden autumn brings lyrical dooms. Golden crowns of trees have not yet been clear, but on Earth there are many yellow, red and orange leaves, gentlely illuminated by the autumn sun. The cob of shadows from trees in the foreground indicates that the sun on this day shines unusually brightly. And the snow-white clouds on the azure sky swim so low, which seems like the crown high trees Remove right into the sky.

It seems that the artist deliberately portrayed people in the distance, the details were not noticeable. We only see them barely noticeable contours. This painter wants to concentrate the attention of the viewer solely on the beauty of nature, without distracting his attention from this, as if inviting him to admire the outgoing beauty of autumn with him, while it is possible.

After all, no leaflet will remain on the trees; The overflows of red, yellow and orange paints will disappear; Casting rains will begin; everywhere will dominate slush and dampness, and everything circles monotonous gray; Alley will empty longer.

But while, with light hands The artist, we can get a pleasure to this wonderful beauty, this swan songs of sunny days. Yes, the picture generates contradictory feelings: on the one hand, you are overwhelmed with the joy from the next gorgeous sunny day, and with the other understanding that soon it will all disappear for many months, and the walking sunny day will replace the cloudy, mostly, the days, brings to the longing.

The striking truthfulness of the painting "Summer Garden in the fall" serves as acknowledged proof that Isaac Brodsky is a worthy successor of the tradition of realism in Russian picturesque art, and is an indicator of the artist's contribution to the development of domestic art.

    Picture "Summer Garden in the fall" is written soviet artist Isaac Israelich Brodsky. On the

    it depicts a park to a clear autumn day. Summer has already retreated, giving his rights to coming

    golden pore. But autumn is still no hurry to shed endless gray and dreary rains. Not

    it hurries to blow cold, peeling to the chills. She just gilded trees and

    digested shining on the joy to people.

    Wonderful weather attracted people, and children and adults gathered in the park. Young mommy

    walking in fresh air with her baby. He is still quite a crumb, and perhaps it is the first in his

    life autumn. Hundreds of older killed in a small group and sat down above the yellowed path and

    empirely look at something, apparently, very interesting for them. Maybe they are watching

    unusual Bukashka? Maybe fold from paper the airplane? And perhaps the guys are closed by themselves

    pictured a lot. I think he did it not in vain and wanted to show that despite

    that we are all very different, there is some kind high powercapable of collecting everyone together and

    make happy from such usual, it would seem, things like a sunny day.

    The surrounding nature is depicted with some special beauty. So simple and, at the same time,

    such fascinating. With high trees, foliage flies slowly, the ascent golden road

    carpet. The sky, despite the sun-flooded garden, is no longer as clear as in the summer. But still paints

    he does not impose feelings of sadness. Birds already flew to wintering and their fun trill is no longer heard

    in the park as before.

    Autumn ... Gray and boring time, so often inflamed by writers, poets ... However, on this

    the picture she does not seem to be sad at all. Thanks to the abundance of shades of gold and yellow, landscape

    pleases the eye and creates a feeling of calm and peace.

    Only the gazebo looks alone. The artist as if deliberately depicted her in the foreground -

    empty and forgotten. At that time she became unnecessary people. Standing recently in the shade

    spreading branches, now she is quietly resting from long summer evenings spent in it

    someone since the spiritual conversations.

    Looking at the picture, I see in her some unity of man and nature. People are depicted on it

    faceless, even blurred. They seemed to merge together with their surrounding small pieces of the world.

    I think the artist still set the nature of this unity. Mighty and great

    high trunks of the trees she proudly towers over a person who seems on her background

    only a little sand. But the most important thing is to strive for is harmony. Harmony S.

    yourself and with the world around us. And it is very important not to lose this unsubesty feeling

    in the shower exciting trepid. Do not lose the link that we are invisible, but very closely related to

    creating ourselves and our beautiful world Mother nature. And only then a person may feel truly happy.

    Here is an extreme essay

    Autumn is the brightest and at the same time sad time. She attracts many artists with its landscapes. A lot of paintings have been high in the autumn and Brodsky Isaac Israelich. Famous Russian artist, author of the painting "Summer Garden in the fall".

    Looking at this picture, it is impossible not to notice the beauty of the summer garden already at the time of late autumn. Although the sky is slightly tightened with clouds, but everything, the day is very bright and even sunny. A wide spacious alley is covered with yellow leaves. Not quite naked, but already weathered trees will high over small figures of people walking in the garden. Little lonely gazebo stands aside, man in love with couples for privacy.

    It is also impossible not to notice that the front plan of the picture is absolutely unlenized. The author gives us the opportunity to admire not yet touched by anyone. Look at the game of light and shadows. And deep into the picture shows a lot of people. In the foreground, it is clearly visible to mom with a child in a wheelchair that is not in a hurry, goes along the alley. Some people, probably, more mature age enjoy the last warmth sitting on benches, others, admire by nature, walking along the alley. And admire, indeed, there is something. Around the trees and everywhere on earth, on the alley everything is covered with autumn gilding. The sun rays are so buntered on the branches of trees, that the pattern of shadows pattern remains on Earth. Sunlight illuminated all around.

    Shipped in the picture Sunny, bright day of late autumn, fills the whole body with warmth and pacification. There is no sadness from the awareness of impending cold, although the author has painted a freshly late autumn. On the contrary - I. Brodsky showed the celebration of nature over the left warmth of summer. Around all rejoices the last warmth, sunlight, golden alley. This picture simply falls in love with the autumn of everyone who was even indifferent to her.

Isaac Israelich Brodsky - Russian, Soviet schedule and painter, organizer art Education. He created many portraits, landscapes, works on historical themes. "Summer Garden in the fall" - the picture of Brodsky, written by him in 1928. We will talk about her in this article.

Biography of the artist

Born in 1883 in the village of Sofiyevka, which was located near the city of Berdyansk. The Father of the Future Artist was a landowner and a merchant. In 1892, Isaac became a graduate of the Berdyansky City School. In 1896, he entered Odessa art schoolsince with young years His talent for painting was manifested. In 1902, Brodsky ends with a school and leaves for St. Petersburg, where he enters the Moscow Academy of Arts, here he studied at famous Ilya Repin for five years.

After the October Revolution, Brodsky created many portraits of the leaders of this time - Lenin and Stalin. In 1932, the painting was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Arts of the RSFSR".

Since 1934, Isaac, Israelich headed the Russian Academy of Arts. He died in 1939, on August 14, in Leningrad.

In addition to the image of the heads of state, the painter created the canvas on which the uniqueness of nature was able to convey different time of the year. These are paintings "fallen leaves", "at the cottage", "Alley of the Park", " Golden autumn"," Winter "," Summer Garden in the fall ". Picture of Brodsky, on which a quiet corner is captured autumn Park, It is proposed to discuss schoolchildren. Seventh grade disciples write an essay on it. Such classes contribute to the development of speech, fantasy, manifestation of creative abilities.

Calm landscape

The first thing I think when you look at the "Summer Garden in the fall" - the picture of Brodsky transmits calm quiet autumn days. There are no motion colors here, prevails yellowBut he also perfectly conveys the overall mood of the canvas.

Such artistic creations calm down, pacify. People slowly walk, children play.

The picture is filled with neurkim sunlight. The sun itself is not visible, it is hidden behind the light clouds, but his reflections discarded the shade of trees to the ground.

"Summer garden in autumn", Brodsky. Description of artistic creation

The central part of the canvase occupies a park alley. As mentioned above, Isaac Israelich has a picture called "Alley Park". Surely Brodsky loved to walk through such picturesque places of the city. Here it is good to hide in the heat under the shady crowns of trees from the scorch rays of the sun, breathe fresh air.

At the time of the Golden Autumn, such walks are also pleasant. Therefore, in one of these days, quite a lot of people gathered here. These are basically moms or babysitters with children. The kids lie in the strollers, and women are leisurely carry their priceless chad, walking with them along a wide track. Some ladies are resting on the benches. They sit and hold strollers in front of them.

Senior kids play on the path under the supervision of parents. Some children draw something or draw on asphalt, others - collect fallen leaves.

But not only the kids with moms chose this quiet corner of urban nature, and the elderly people who also like the furnishing of the park are walking here. On comfortable benches nice to sit, relax and see how good summer garden Autumn. The picture of Brodsky leads to such reflections.


Along the wide paths grow majestic trees. It can be assumed that these are linden or poplar, because they were put on them in urban parks. Trees are high, as everyone has enough space for growth. Gardeners have placed small seedlings at a fairly large distance, so that when lindens and poplar are growing, they have enough area for food and sunlight.

At the beginning of the fall, the trees gradually lose their magnificent mace, so sunlight can penetrate the park in larger quantitiesthan in summer. It can be seen like trunks and branches throw a rather long shadow on the ground, so on the canvas, most likely depicted morning.

Young mothers, nanny feed the little children with breakfast and brought to a walk in a picturesque park. This thought also pursues the viewer with its creation Isaac Brodsky. In the fall, as in the summer is a great place for walking with children. After all, there are no cars, lively movement, good air and beautiful nature.

Other pictures: Sky, gazebo

What else pictured Brodsky? Artist Summer Garden with special love. The sky seems endless. It extends not only over the avenue, but it goes far beyond its limits. Through the deep trees, light clouds are clearly viewed. They whiten on the background of the blue sky, in some places are visible to yellow sails of the sun.

As a picture of the gazebo, the painter conveyed the smallest details of this openwork. There is a desire to climb the stairs with beautiful railing and be inside a small open house. In one summer you can hide from the heat, from the sudden rain.

Good summer garden in autumn! The painting Brodsky confirms this and helps to understand that until winter began, it is necessary to be as much as possible in such beautiful placesEnjoying the last warmth of the outgoing summer.

Autumn is bright, but at the same time and sad period. With its beauty, she puts many artists. Many paintings on this topic dedicated to Brodsky. He became famous for his picture "Summer Garden in the fall."

Considering this workIt is difficult not to pay attention to the beauty of the garden shown in late autumn. The sky is covered with faucets, but still a day is fairly light and very warm, faithful. Great free alleok covered with yellow foliage. Not quite dressed, but already enough edged shrubs rise above small figures of people walking in the garden. Not a big empty gazebo is located aside, attracting couples in love for them so that they can retire and calmly talk about everything in the world, which is disturbing their soul, their hearts.

In addition, the eyes rush well that on the main plan of the picture there are absolutely no people. The artist gives a chance to see and evaluate anyone who has not touched the nature. Study the game of light and shadows. And then, in the depth of the picture, the crowd is depicted, consisting of their many people. Where there is a mom with a baby in a wheelchair that does not rush, walking along the path. Some older people, sitting on the benches, enjoy the last warm daynings, others admire the beauty of the surrounding nature, walking down the street. And after all, it is to admire what in fact. The rays of the sun flashed on the branches of trees, and it remains awesome beautiful pattern Shadow The sun is overwhelmed with all nature.

It depicts a good priest day of late autumn pore, which is filled with warmth and pacification. There is no sadness from understanding that the cold will soon come, it will be winter again, it will not be comfortable again, and after all, it remains very little time. On the contrary, everyone rejoices and admire the last warm days.

Essay №2.

Residents of St. Petersburg are probably familiar to this place. This is one of the Alley of the Summer Garden. The picture shows a wide alley autumn Garden. More precisely, the city park is autumn. This is the beginning of the autumn, the so-called "Indian summer". Heat, dry, cozy, smells like leaves. Some of them are already starting to yellow, and fall out, but they still did not fly away. And those that fell to the ground created a yellow carpet on it. They have not yet reached the hands of janitors.

The picture looks like from the bottom up. Therefore, against the background of the walking people, the trees seem to be giants, they seem to be resting in the autumn sky, and the alley goes into infinity. The artist, probably, specially chose such an angle for his painting to show the thickness of the trunks, and the height of centuries-old trees. On the right there is an unpainted wooden gazebo with a staircase and veil-railing. It can be hidden from the rain. But on this day the rain is not foreseen. The sky is cloudless, and in the autumn high. The sun freely breaks through a rare crown of trees. It still warms the earth and everything is alive on it.

Alley of the desert, not so many people walk at this time in the park. But some people still decided to spend the last dirty dots in nature. Along the alleys are shops. People are sitting on them. They substitute faces with warm sunshine, as if they are not fit and bathed in them. Trees cast long shadows on a wide alley. In the foreground, if you look at, you can see my mother, a rolling stroller with a child. Previously, the carriages were not so bright as now. It is necessary to close in the picture in order to see the gray stroller among the trees and the shadows from them. The second baby in brown jacket goes next to the wheelchair. Next to him two more children.

The prevailing colors in the picture is yellow, brown, orange.

No matter how beautiful and sunny, there is a slight sadness at the left summer.

Essay in the picture Summer Garden in the fall

Rich, bright and at the same time sad and dull - this is the autumn time. But despite this, the wonderful time of the year and manits artists - draw it. Lot autumn pictures Posted by the Russian artist - Isaac Brodsky, one of them is the "Summer Garden in the fall". Created her author in 1928 and was able to transfer the entire subtlety of nature. All the creations of Brodsky differ from other subtlety, elegance and clarity of images. He did not draw a "mysteries", but created concrete printed reality, for example, this picture This is a St. Petersburg Summer Summer Garden in the fall.

Looking at this picture you can not not appreciate the beauty of the autumn garden. Do not spoil the landscape even frowning faucets, which was tightened almost all the sky and because of them the rays of warm bright Sun.. Fucking, the yellow foliage is wide Alya, and on the sides stand the naked trees. There was still a small part of foliage on the branches, but with each gust of the wind, they are becoming less and less.

People walk, against the background of high, thin, black trunks of the trees of their figures seem like small. Each twig is written with accuracy to the little things, and as if they stretch to the gloomy sky, and their shadows lay on the ground, forming some cobweb. A small gazebo with arcooked windows stands on the right, so and manits in love with couples sit on the sidelines, and a small ladder with openwork railings is going to it.

The game of light and autumn tones we can observe in the foreground. The artist depicted it empty, deserted in order to appreciate the beauty of nature. The background is filled with people of different floors and age to the will heat dressed. For example, one of the first we see mom from a carriage, which apparently, slowly walks with the child. More elderly people sit on the benches and enjoy the last warmth of affectionate sun. And some do not hurry just walking along the alleys and admire the beautiful nature.

Everything around sparkles from the insight of the sun, despite the muffled tones. Golden yellow tones are played by different reflections from the rays of the piercing sun. The author depicted a bright, sunny autumn day that fills the summer warmth of the heart of people. There is not a single hint on the coming cold and frosts, on the contrary - it is shown the joy of warmth, though the latter.

All who were indifferent to the fall earlier, this picture will pay attention to the excellent course and just make you fall in love with it. It is impossible to say the joyful picture or sad one-way, the author created unanimously and the more, the more fascinated the viewer's eye.

Picture Description, Grade 7

Pensive autumn landscape Isaac Brodsky is painted with light rays no longer summer sun. To describe the wealth of nature, the artist chose only a few colors, enhancing their sound of endless shades, the combination of which creates the volume of landscape content and the expressive perspective of the park alley.

The greatness of giant trees under an immense sky emphasize the patterned shadows of trees and figurines of faceless passersby. The light spot of the deserted gazebo hints at the audience about the approach of long winter. The brush of the masters wrote a beautiful "oil ODU" on canvas dedicated to the golden autumn.

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