Bazarov - "Face tragic. Bazarov - "tragic face"

Bazarov - "Face tragic. Bazarov - "tragic face"

"Fathers and children" I. C; Turgenev is a work that reflected all parties to the Russian life of the 50s of the XIX century, specific traits preceding decades. Background of any of the heroes of the novel, his portrait adds the necessary details to the description of the era. However, not all characters produce the same impression on the reader. The main character Roman - Bazarov. It was this personality that caused most disputes in society and literary criticism XIX century. "Bazarov" is called the article by D. I. Pisarev, it was best to understand the complex character at one time, created by Turgenev. Definition this criticism The hero ("tragic face") is still one of the most consumable in articles about Bazarov. But the content of the tragedy is understood in different ways.
The first thing that we pay attention to, reading the novel is the opposition of the hero and the surrounding society. Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a man breaking into the world of ordinaryness with completely unusual for interlocutors, for example, for the brothers Kirsanov, views, with the desire to destroy the foundations of the existing world order. The positions of the allocating and the noble landowners are irreconcilable. Their difference is the source of constant disputes of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the reason for the unsuccessful attempts by Nikolai Petrovich to understand young people.
But Eugene is distant not only from Kirsanov. No less abyss separates it from Cushina and Sitnikov, those who scream about their commitment to nihilism. These are people who are inevitably rejected any ideas preaching them for the sake of fashion. They are not Chet Bazarov neither by the mind, neither in spiritual depth, nor in moral strength.
Did not become like-minded Evgenia and "meak, Liberal Barich" Arkady. He and at the beginning of the novel, speaking of nihilism, more often gives an assessment of Bazarov, less often talks about his beliefs. The fate of young Kirsanova is the best proof that Arkady is just a copy of the Father. He "Skil Nest", abandoning "bitter, tart, bobbly life."
Bazarov turns out to be completely lonely. At first glance, his participation in social conflict The epochs can serve as a sufficient reason to talk about it as a "tragic face"! But the hero himself does not feel unhappy. "We are not so little as you think," he throws Pavel Petrovich in the dispute. In fact, the Bazarov is pleased with the fact that he did not meet the "man who would not save" in front of him. Evgeny Correspondence. He understands the difficulty of solving the problem ("Place to clear"), but also his forces consider sufficient to "break things about a lot." Understanding and support, he is not needed.
Tragedy Bazarov in another. He is really strong uncommon person. His philosophical views Not borrowed from a popular book. Refusing the experience of centuries, Evgeny himself built his theory, explained by the world who gave him a goal in life. He laid the right to an infinite faith in the universality of his concept. Among other things, Bazarov denied the existence of a "mysterious look", love, "princons", or moral norms, human soul, beauty of nature, values \u200b\u200bof art. But life did not fit into the frame offered to her, and the depth of the Bazarov's personality is that he could not not notice this. Having met Odintsov, Bazarov saw in his romance itself, noticed in the expression of the face Anna Sergeyevna "Something special," let the "dark, soft night" in the room, finally admitted that he loved, and did not follow her slogan: "Woman likes ... - Try to achieve a sense, and you can not - well, you don't need to throw it away - the earth did not come together. "
Evgeny saw nihilism could not explain real life. Before the hero, the problem of revaluation of values \u200b\u200bwas faced, the problem is always difficult, and especially when a person believed so that he should now reject when he needs to refuse himself with the "God", to recognize the entire intangible side of life.
The tragedy of the identity of the Bazarov is that, being a nihilist and at the same time an extraordinary person, he must have come to the painful consciousness of the need to break a lot of what was built years. A thoughtful supporter of any narrow theory sooner or later comes to disappointment in it. Such is the fate of Eugene.
This is just one of the problems of the hero. No less noticeable for him and the other. The bazaars is ready to accomplish something extraordinary, but it turns out that in his surrounding life there is no place for the feat. Using this, Eugene appeals to the studies of medicine in the estate of the Father. But he himself was not going to be a Zemsky doctor; They did not see him in this role either arkadium nor one and her father. Bazarov languishes without a case, which would capture him completely, demanded that it uses all talents and knowledge. Having resigned with the municipality of life, Eugene would not show himself, so Turgenev kills his hero. Bazarov is squandering its strength only to die worthy, not finding other use because of the inability to see the Great in Malom. But Turgenev did not put such a task before the character created by him. The writer believed that the energy of Bazarov was unwashed, as he was born too early.
A senseless death caused another tragedy. Shortly before the infection of blood bazarov began to listen to people, felt his inequacy, regretted that he had no family. This regret hears in his last conversation with Arkady.
The independent Bazarov could not be wives and children, "nests", not only because there was no worthy woman, but also because he was not created for a family. He was not her husband, as was not his son. Love for parents

"Fathers and children" I. C; Turgenev is a work that reflected all parties to the Russian life of the 50s of the XIX century, the characteristic features of the previous decades. Background of any of the heroes of the novel, his portrait adds the necessary details to the description of the era. However, not all characters produce the same impression on the reader. The main hero of the novel - Bazarov. It was this personality that caused most disputes in society and literary critic XIX. century. "Bazarov" is called the article by D. I. Pisarev, it was best to understand the complex character at one time, created by Turgenev. The definition given by the critical hero ("tragic"), still remains one of the most consumable in articles about Bazarov. But the content of the tragedy is understood in different ways.

The first thing that we pay attention to, reading the novel is the opposition of the hero and the surrounding society. Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a man breaking into the world of ordinaryness with completely unusual for interlocutors, for example, for the brothers Kirsanov, views, with the desire to destroy the foundations of the existing world order. The positions of the allocating and the noble landowners are irreconcilable. Their difference is the source of constant disputes of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the reason for the unsuccessful attempts by Nikolai Petrovich to understand young people.

But Eugene is distant not only from Kirsanov. No less abyss separates it from Cushina and Sitnikov, those who scream about their commitment to nihilism. These are people who are inevitably rejected any ideas preaching them for the sake of fashion. They are not Chet Bazarov neither by the mind, neither in spiritual depth, nor in moral strength.

Did not become like-minded Evgenia and "meak, Liberal Barich" Arkady. He and at the beginning of the novel, speaking of nihilism, more often gives an assessment of Bazarov, less often talks about his beliefs. The fate of young Kirsanova is the best proof that Arkady is just a copy of the Father. He "Skil Nest", abandoning "bitter, tart, bobbly life."

Bazarov turns out to be completely lonely. At first glance, his participation in the social conflict of the epoch can serve as a sufficient reason to talk about him as a "tragic face"! But the hero himself does not feel unhappy. "We are not so little as you think," he throws Pavel Petrovich in the dispute. In fact, the Bazarov is pleased with the fact that he did not meet the "man who would not save" in front of him. Evgeny Correspondence. He understands the difficulty of solving the problem ("Place to clear"), but also his forces consider sufficient to "break things about a lot." Understanding and support, he is not needed.

Tragedy Bazarov in another. He is really strong, outstanding personality. His philosophical views are not borrowed from the popular book. Refusing the experience of centuries, Evgeny himself built his theory, explained by the world who gave him a goal in life. He laid the right to an infinite faith in the universality of his concept. Among other things, Bazarov denied the existence of a "mysterious look", love, "princons", or moral norms, human soul, the beauty of nature, the values \u200b\u200bof art. But life did not fit into the frame offered to her, and the depth of the Bazarov's personality is that he could not not notice this. Having met Odintsov, Bazarov saw in his romance itself, noticed in the expression of the face Anna Sergeyevna "Something special," let the "dark, soft night" in the room, finally admitted that he loved, and did not follow her slogan: "Woman likes ... - Try to achieve a sense, and you can not - well, you don't need to throw it away - the earth did not come together. "

Eugene saw nihilism could not explain real life. Before the hero, the problem of revaluation of values \u200b\u200bwas faced, the problem is always difficult, and especially when a person believed so that he should now reject when he needs to refuse himself with the "God", to recognize the entire intangible side of life.

The tragedy of the identity of the Bazarov is that, being a nihilist and at the same time an extraordinary person, he must have come to the painful consciousness of the need to break a lot of what was built years. A thoughtful supporter of any narrow theory sooner or later comes to disappointment in it. Such is the fate of Eugene.

This is just one of the problems of the hero. No less noticeable for him and the other. The bazaars is ready to accomplish something extraordinary, but it turns out that in his surrounding life there is no place for the feat. Using this, Eugene appeals to the studies of medicine in the estate of the Father. But he himself was not going to be a Zemsky doctor; They did not see him in this role either arkadium nor one and her father. Bazarov languishes without a case, which would capture him completely, demanded that it uses all talents and knowledge. Having resigned with the municipality of life, Eugene would not show himself, so Turgenev kills his hero. Bazarov is squandering its strength only to die worthy, not finding other use because of the inability to see the Great in Malom. But Turgenev did not put such a task before the character created by him. The writer believed that the energy of Bazarov was unwashed, as he was born too early.

A senseless death caused another tragedy. Shortly before the infection of blood bazarov began to listen to people, felt his inequacy, regretted that he had no family. This regret hears in his last conversation with Arkady.

The independent Bazarov could not be wives and children, "nests", not only because there was no worthy woman, but also because he was not created for a family. He was not her husband, as was not his son.

Bazarov - the face is tragic.

Essay in literature

Student 10 "a" class

Alekseeva Victor.

According to Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

I. Evaluation of real characters.
II. Assessment of characters in the literature.
III. The contradiction of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel of its content.
IV. The influence of Turgenev at Bazarov.
V. The influence of Bazarov on Turgenev.
Vi. As you can analyze the Bazarar.
VII. Disputes with Pavel Petrovich - as a means of learn Bazarov.

1. Pavel Petrovich - "Representative of the Miscellaneous, Glaring Force".

2. Bazarov - "Representative of the destructive, liberating force of this".

3. Dialectics of Bazarov's relations and Pavel Petrovich.
VIII. Sensual side of Nature Bazarov.
IX. Bazarov's death as a means to a more accurate character
X. Does Bazaarov need a society?
Xi. "But still difficult to live bazaarov."

In principle, say: "He - good man"It is impossible. Equally, how to compare two people. After all, in each of us, so many diverse features and features, and among them there are also negative and positive.
Therefore, evaluating any person, it is necessary to consider it on each side separately.

In the literature, the situation is very complicated, because we see everything literary space Through the prism of the author's perception. Some characters, for example, there may be not good features. And at every step we have to think: "And not the attitude of the author from the author?" In most cases, we can solve this issue for themselves. But sometimes we are completely unclear: did the hero himself could do this or the author makes him doing so? This situation partly manifested itself in the novel.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children."

The author initially conceived to write an instructive work for young people, with the views of which was not agreed, but "the steep bazaarkers
Turgenev "# 1." He (Turgenev) wanted to say: our young generation goes on a false road, and said: in our young generation, our whole hope "# 2. He could not draw a deliberately wrong picture," he could not prove the biased Idea "# 3.

However, Turgenev, because of its origin, upbringing, the views did not take the worldview of his hero - Evgenia Vasilyevich Bazarov - and therefore all sorts of bang - comments appear on the pages of the novel.
"From the first time he showed us an angular appeal, pedantic arrogance, chattering," # 1. Bazarov defiantly robbly responds that many people consider sacred:

"What? Not only art, poetry ... but ... scary to extract ...

Everything, - repeated bazaars with inexpressible calmness. "# 2
He violates many of the norms of decency. Calls of the prominent cultural figures are completely unnecessary. Very cold applies to a person who will reverend to him - to Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov. In addition, with its inattention causes many suffering to parents: Vasily Ivanovich and Arine
Vaselyna Bazarov. And all this is emphasized too phlegmatic, at first glance, character.

But the power of Bazarov is changing the author. In the course of the narration, you can mention a change in relation to the author to your hero. If at the beginning of the work of I.S. Turgenev his dislikes it, then by the end openly sympathizes. Pisarev said: "Looking at his Bazarov, Turgenev, as a person and as an artist, grows in his novel, grows in our eyes and grows up to the right understanding, to a fair assessment of the created type."

The reader remotely repeats the work done by the writer himself. He gradually, not immediately, is aware of how beautiful and stored inner world
Bazarov. Of course, you have to overcome many obstacles. Most of the information necessary for the correct assessment of any character can be learned from its conversations. Bazarov says extremely little, and it is unlikely to respect someone so that from the conversation with him it could be understood by his character well enough. We can be satisfied with the shortcomings.
Only two characters manage to force Bazarov to frankness: Paul
Petrovich Kirsanov - Uncle Arkady, and Anna Sergeyevna Odintova, the young widow, with which Arkady, friend of Bazarov, met in the city on Bale from the governor. Moreover, the latter managed to learn much closer to the Bazarov, although only in a conversation with Pavel Petrovich Bazarov opens its life positions. After the first meeting, Pavel Petrovich with the bazarov between them arises mutual dislike. Subsequently, it is only enhanced and comes to the "strongest antipathy" # 1.

Pavel Petrovich can be called chapter (or "pole") camp
"Fathers" # 2. It contains most of the prejudices of the dieting aristocracy. He does not accept, and, probably, can not accept concepts
Bazarov. He notes strengths the nature of the Bazarov, but considers them the shortcomings "We (the old generation) do not have that sucking arrogance",
- says Pavel Petrovich, not aware that selfishness and self-identity for Bazarov became almost the only driving forces. Pavel Petrovich
- "Man bile and passionate, gifted by flexible mind and strong will" # 3, which "could, when known conditions, appear a bright representative The stinting, chilling power of the past "# 4. He possesses a despotic nature: trying to subordinate to himself all others, and it makes it rather the habit than from the cold calculation. That is why he is drawn and angry, why does not admire the bazaars, the only person, Which he respects in the hate of his "# 5.

In turn, Bazarov "could be a representative of the destructive, liberating power of this" # 1. In contrast to Pavel Petrovich, in my opinion, he does not try to submit. He does not oppose him to love or respected if it benefits or at least does not infringe his personal interests, because "not the gods of the pots of burning" # 2. In Bazarov, everything spins around the huge egoism and self-conceived. It is these qualities of its nature of bazaarov to everyone. He lives "By calculating" # 4, based on only from his interests and needs. He does not need anyone, does not have a high goal ahead, it does not seek anything, but forces and energy at least fond (this is the main argument to proof the tragedy of nature
Bazarov). He understands that he is not like everyone else, but does not try to look like others. He "is full of his own interior life And does not argue it in favor of accepted customs and ceremonies. Here the personality reaches a complete self-sufficiency, full peculiarities And independence "# 5.

Of course, between so different, but at the same time similar people, as
Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, according to all the laws of dialectics, should arise a stormy debate. So happens: Pavel Petrovich turns out the only personwho managed to call the Bazarov on the dispute, often against the will of the latter. In these disputes, despite the laxity, the bazaarov tells a lot. He reveals himself
Pavel Petrovich his views and principles. DI. Pisarev expressed his thoughts during the main dispute next words: "I can't act now, I will not try and try; I despise everything that surrounds me, and I will not hide this contempt. In the fight against evil, I will go when I feel strong. Until then I will live in myself As living, not laying away, with the dominant evil and not giving him no power. I am a stranger among the existing order of things, and I have no matter before him.
I am engaged in bread craft, I think - what I want, and I express what you can express ". This is the essence of Bazarov (this is another argument that proves that the bazaars - tragic personality: "He is someone else's among the existing order of things").

Ten pages that describe the death of Bazarov are the most stronnight and expressive, in terms of the nature of the Bazarov character. Turgenev presents us a finished picture of the "death of the hero". In it such features
Bazarov as rationality, calcality, the coldness is flexible, and the top takes the sensual side of his character. It wakes up "Forcibly compressed feeling" # 3, and it is natural that in your last minute He wants to see his beloved. He meets death "with proudly raised head" # 4, he does not deceive himself with empty hopes. As a doctor, he never doubts a minute in the justice of the diagnosis and knows its outcome. "To die as the bazaars died, it is like to make a great feat," D.I said.

Do you need such people like markets to society? It is hard to say. With confidence I can only say one thing, they need no less than the gamiers,
Rudins, Onegin, Oblomov, Pechorina and many, many others, at least for a variety. If you move away from this abstract concept of "the need of society", we will see that the bazarov brings a lot of real benefits: it is engaged in natural sciences, works by a physician, therefore, it helps people directly. But he cannot find his own niche in this society. It turns out alone. For him, it is not possible to fully use your strength. He has no goal, he has nothing to strive for.

"And the bazarov is still bad to live in the world, even though they are chosen and disapplied. No activities, no love, - therefore, there is no pleasure.
They do not know how to suffer, they will not be nervous, and sometimes they feel just that empty, boring, colorless and meaningless. "#one.

Used Books:

Roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children",

Critical article Dmitry Ivanovich Pasarez "Bazarov",

Critical article of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen "once again bazaars."

# 1- I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Chapter
# 2 ___ D.I. Pisarev.
# 3 / "Bazarov".
# 4 - Winged expression.

#1 -
# 2 ___ D.I. Pisarev
# 3 / "Bazarov"

# 1 - D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov"
# 2 - I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Chapter 10

# 3 ___ D.I. Pisarev
# 4 / "Bazarov"
#5 /
#2 -

# 2 --- D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov".
# 3 - I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Chapter
# 4 - Winged expression.

# 2 --- D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov"
#4 /
# 5 ___ I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
# 6 / chapter

# 1 - D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov"

Bazarov - the face is tragic.

Essay in literature

Student 10 "a" class

Alekseeva Victor.

According to Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

I. Evaluation of real characters.

II. Assessment of characters in the literature.

III. The contradiction of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel of its content.

IV. The influence of Turgenev at Bazarov.

V. The influence of Bazarov on Turgenev.

Vi. As you can analyze the Bazarar.

VII. Disputes with Pavel Petrovich - as a means of learn Bazarov.

1. Pavel Petrovich - "Representative of the Scriming Darking Power

past. "

2. Bazarov - "A representative of the destructive, liberating force

of the present.

3. Dialectics of Bazarov's relations and Pavel Petrovich.

VIII. Sensual side of Nature Bazarov.

IX. Bazarov's death as a means to a more accurate character


X. Does Bazaarov need a society?

Xi. "But still difficult to live bazaarov."

In principle, to say: "He is a good man," it is impossible. Equally as I.

compare two people. After all, in each of us so many diverse features and

features, and among them there are also negative and positive.

Therefore, evaluating any person, it is necessary to consider it from each

parties separately.

In the literature, the situation is very complicated, because we see everything

characters, for example, there may be no good features. And on

every step we have to think: "and not prematurely

sometimes we are completely unclear: the hero himself could do this or author

makes him do it? This situation partly manifested itself in the novel.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children."

youth, with whose glances I did not agree, but "the steep market

Turgenev "# 1." He (Turgenev) wanted to say: our young generation goes on

false road, and said: In our young generation, our whole hope "# 2. He

could not draw a deliberately wrong picture, "could not prove his

images biased the idea "# 3.

However, Turgenev is due to its origin, education, not

took the worldview of his hero - Evgenia Vasilyevich Bazarov - and

therefore, all sorts of bug - comments appear on the pages of the novel.

"From the first time he showed us an angular appeal in the bazaareas,

pedantic arrogance, dealing rationality "# 1. Bazaars defiantly

roughly responds that many people consider sacred:

"What? Not only art, poetry ... but ... scary to extract ...

Everything, - repeated bazaars with inexpressible calmness. "# 2

He violates many of the norms of decency. Calls the prominent cultural figures

completely unnecessary. Very coldly applies to man who

revival in front of him - to Arkady Nikolayevich Kirsanov. In addition, mine

inchange causes many sufferings to parents: Vasily Ivanovich and Arine

Vaselyna Bazarov. And all this is emphasized too phlegmatic, on

first look, character.

works I.S. Turgenev his dislikes it, then by the end open

sympathizes. Pisarev said: "Looking at your Bazarov, Turgenev,

as a person and as an artist, grows in his novel, growing in our eyes and

grows up to the right understanding, before the fair assessment of the created

The reader remotely repeats the work done by the writer himself. It

gradually, not immediately, the inner world is aware of how beautiful and stored

Bazarov. Of course, you have to overcome many obstacles. Greasy

part of the information necessary to properly assess any character can

to learn from his conversations. Bazarov says extremely little, and hardly

respects someone so much so that you can understand from the conversation with him

his character is good enough. We can be satisfied with the shortcomings.

Only two characters manage to force Bazarov to frankness: Paul

Petrovich Kirsanov - Uncle Arkady, and Anna Sergeyevna Odse, young

the widow with which Arkady, friend of Bazarov met in the city on the ball

governor. And the latter managed to learn much closer to the Bazarov, although

only in a conversation with Paul Petrovich Bazarov opens its life

position. After the first meeting of Pavel Petrovich with the bazarov between them

mutual dislike arises. Subsequently she is only enhanced and comes

before the "strongest antipathy" # 1.

Pavel Petrovich can be called chapter (or "pole") camp

"Fathers" # 2. It contains most of the prejudices of the dying

aristocracy. He does not accept, and, probably, can not accept concepts

Bazarov. He marks the strengths of the nature of the Bazar, but considers them

the disadvantages "we (the old generation) do not have that supper arrogance",

Says Pavel Petrovich, not realizing that the Bazarov egoism and

self-administration became almost the only driving forces. Pavel Petrovich

- "Man bile and passionate, gifted by flexible mind and strong will" # 3,

which "could, under certain conditions, to appear a bright representative

skimming, Casting Power of the past "# 4. He has a despotic

in kind: trying to subordinate to all others, and it does it rather

out of habit than from cold calculation. That is why he is "drawn and

angry, why does not admire the bazaars on him, the only person whom

he respects his hate "# 5.

In turn, Bazarov "Might a representative of the devastating,

the release of the present "# 1." He, unlike Pavel Petrovich,

in my opinion, it is not attempting to subordinate. He does not oppose him to love him

or respected if it benefits or at least does not infringe his personal

interests, because "not the gods of the pots of burning" # 2. In Bazarov, everything is spinning

around the most huge egoism and self-conceit. These qualities of your

the nature of the bazaars is obliged to everyone. He lives "By calculating" # 4, proceeding only from

his interests and needs. He does not need anyone, does not have high

goals ahead, do not seek anything, and forces and energy at least debund (in this

and is the main argument to proof the tragedy of nature

Bazarov). He understands that he is not like everyone else, but does not try to be

similar to others. He "full of himself, his interior life and does not constrain

her in favor of adopted customs and ceremonies. Here personality reaches full

self-removal, complete features and independence "# 5.

Of course, between such different, but at the same time similar people like

Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, in all laws of dialectics,

stormy debate should occur. So happens: Pavel Petrovich

turns out to be the only person who manages to call the Bazar

spore, often against the will of the last. In these disputes, despite

lottery, bazaars tells a lot. He reveals himself

Pavel Petrovich his views and principles. DI. Pisarev expressed his thoughts in

the time of the main dispute is as follows: "I can't act now,

i will not try; I despise everything that surrounds me, and I will not

hide this contempt. In the fight against evil, I will go when I feel

himself strong. Until then, I will live in my own, as living, not miring, with

dooming evil and not giving him no power. I am a stranger

among the existing order of things, and I have no matter before him.

I am engaged in bread craft, I think - what I want, and I express what you can

express ". This is the essence of the Bazarov (this is another argument,

which proves that the Bazarov is a tragic personality: "He" is someone else's among

there is an existing order of things ").

Completely different traits of Bazarov manifest themselves to

Odached. These features show how it can feel. Bazarov.

way to the most loving hero of the novel. Only in it we saw

true passion. All his denial, all his conclusions moved to

the second plan when the passion boiled in it. He "was angry and conscious that

makes stupidity, and yet continued to do it "# 1. All his life he was

i have to shoot your feelings with a sober calculation (here's another argument to

proof of the tragedy of Bazarov: confrontation of reason and feelings), and

when he ceases to do that - the wave of feelings captures it. And he is not

resists - makes "conscious nonsense" # 2. Turnstanding torque in

relations with Anna Sergeyevna turns his explanation in love. Anna

Sergeevna - a woman is very cold and calculating, frightened such a stormy

flow of feelings and decides "that calm is still best" # 3. His

passion gradually fades, but its manifestations are still worried to Bazarov:

i found a "fever of work" # 5, then she snorked from him. # 6,

"Strange fatigue was noticed in all his actions" # 1. May be,

subsequently, he would have managed to redeem everything that happened to him, "began

would be the case, he would have a cursed romanticism and

an impregnable lady driving him for his nose "# 2. But Turgenev unexpectedly

leads him to death.

Ten pages on which the death of Bazarov is described are the most

bright and expressive, in terms of the character of the Bazarov character. Turgenev

represents us the finished picture of the "death of the hero". In it such features

Bazarov as rationality, calcality, coldness flexo, and the top takes

sensual side of his character. It wakes up "Forcibly

siled feeling "# 3, and it is natural that he is at his last minute

wants to see her beloved. He meets death "with proudly raised

head "# 4, he does not deceive himself with empty hopes. As a doctor, he is not a minute

no doubt about the equity diagnosis and knows its outcome. "Die so

how died bazaars - it's like to make a great feat, "D.I said.

Do you need such people like markets to society? It is hard to say. FROM

confidently can only say one thing, they need no less than the gamiers,

Rudins, Onegin, Oblomov, Pechorina and many, many others, at least for

diversity. If you move away from this abstract concept "need

society ", we will see that the bazaar believes quite a lot of real

benefit: it is engaged in natural sciences, works by a physician,

therefore, directly helps people. But he can not find in this

society's own niche. It turns out alone. There is no possibility for him

fully use your strength. He has no goal, he has nothing to do


"And the bazarov is still bad to live in the world, even though they pick up and

we instill. No activities, no love, - therefore, there is no pleasure.

They do not know how to suffer, they will not be nervous, and sometimes they feel just that

empty, boring, colorless and meaningless. "#one.

Used Books:

Roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children",

Critical article Dmitry Ivanovich Pasareza "Bazarov",

Critical article of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen "once again bazaars."


# 1- I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Chapter

# 2 \\ ___ D.I. Pisarev.

# 3 / "Bazarov".

# 4 - Winged expression.

# 2 \\ ___ D.I. Pisarev

# 3 / "Bazarov"

# 1 - D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov"

# 2 - I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Chapter 10

# 3 \\ ___ D.I. Pisarev

# 4 / "Bazarov"

# 2 --- D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov".

# 3 - I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Chapter

# 4 - Winged expression.

# 2 --- D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov"

# 5 \\ ___ I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

# 1 - D.I. Pisarev "Bazarov"

In principle, to say: "He is a good man," it is impossible. As well as compare two people. Indeed, in each of us, so many diverse features and features, and among them necessarily there are negative and positive. Therefore, evaluating any person, it is necessary to consider it on each side separately.

In the literature, the situation is greatly complicated, because we see all the literary space through the prism of the author's perception. Some characters, for example, there may be not good features. And at every step we have to think: "And not the attitude of the author from the author?" In most cases, we can solve this issue for themselves. But sometimes we are completely unclear: did the hero himself could do this or the author makes him doing so? This situation was partly manifested in the novel of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "fathers and children."

The author initially conceived to write an instructive work for young people, with the views of which I did not agree, but the "steep bazaars urges Turgenev" # 1. "He (Turgenev) wanted to say: Our young generation goes on a false road, and said: in our young generation our whole hope" # 2. He could not draw a deliberately wrong picture, "I could not prove the idea with my images" # 3.

However, Turgenev, because of its origin, upbringing, the views did not take the worldview of his hero - Evgenia Vasilyevich Bazarov - and therefore all sorts of bang - comments appear on the pages of the novel. "From the first time he showed us an angular appeal, pedantic arrogance, chattering," # 1. Bazarov defiantly robbly responds that many people consider sacred:

"What? Not only art, poetry ... but also ... It's scary to extract ... -All, - repeated the bazaars with incomprehensible calmness" # 2.

He violates many of the norms of decency. Calls of the prominent cultural figures are completely unnecessary. Very cold applies to a person who will reverend to him - to Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov. In addition, his inattention causes a lot of suffering to parents: Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vaselyna Bazarov. And all this is emphasized too phlegmatic, at first glance, character.

But the power of Bazarov is changing the author. In the course of the narration, you can mention a change in relation to the author to your hero. If at the beginning of the work of I.S. Turgenev his dislikes it, then by the end openly sympathizes. Pisarev said: "Looking at his Bazarov, Turgenev, as a person and as an artist, grows in his novel, grows in our eyes and grows up to the right understanding, to a fair assessment of the created type."

The reader remotely repeats the work done by the writer himself. He gradually, not immediately, realizes how beautiful and the inner world of Bazarov is stored. Of course, you have to overcome many obstacles. Most The information necessary to properly assess any character can be learned from its conversations. Bazarov says extremely little, and it is unlikely to respect someone so that from the conversation with him it could be understood by his character well enough. We can be satisfied with the shortcomings. Only two characters manage to force Bazarov to frankness: Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - Uncle Arkady, and Anna Sergeyevna Odsezova, the young widow, with which Arkady, friend of Bazarov, met in the city on the Bale from the governor. And the latter managed to learn much closer, although only in a conversation with Pavel Petrovich Bazarov opens his life positions. After the first meeting, Pavel Petrovich with the bazarov between them arises mutual dislike. Subsequently, it is only enhanced and comes to the "strongest antipathy" # 1.

Pavel Petrovich can be called the head (or "pole") of the camp "fathers" # 2. It contains most of the prejudices of the dieting aristocracy. He does not accept, and, probably, cannot accept the concepts of Bazar. He marks the strengths of the nature of the Bazarov, but considers them the shortcomings "We (the old generation) do not have that supper arrogance," says Pavel Petrovich, not realizing that selfishness and self-addequitance became almost the only driving forces. Pavel Petrovich - "Man bile and passionate, gifted by flexible mind and strong will" # 3, which "could, under the well-known conditions, to appear a bright representative of the crushing, graceful strength of the past" # 4. He has a despotic nature: trying to subordinate to himself all others, and it makes it rather the habit than from the cold calculation. That is why he "draws and angry, why he does not admire the bazaars, the only person he respects in his hate" # 5.

In turn, Bazarov "could be a representative of the destructive, liberating power of this" # 1. In contrast to Pavel Petrovich, in my opinion, he does not try to submit. He does not oppose him to love or respected if it benefits or at least does not infringe his personal interests, because "not the gods of the pots of burning" # 2. In Bazarov, everything spins around the huge egoism and self-conceived. It is these qualities of its nature of bazaarov to everyone. He lives "By calculating" # 4, based on only from his interests and needs. He does not need anything in any, does not have a high goal ahead, he does not seek anything, but forces and energies, even eliminate (this is the main argument to proof the tragedy of Nature Bazarov). He understands that he is not like everyone else, but does not try to look like others. He is "full of himself, his inner life and does not argue her in favor of accepted customs and ceremonies. Here the personality reaches a complete self-satness, complete features and independence" # 5.

Of course, there are between such different, but at the same time similar people, like Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, in all laws of dialectics, should arise violent debate. So happens: Pavel Petrovich turns out to be the only person who manages to call the Bazarov to the dispute, often against the will of the latter. In these disputes, despite the laxity, the bazaarov tells a lot. He himself reveals Paul Petrovich his views and principles. DI. Pisarev expressed his thoughts during the main dispute with the following words: "I can't act now, I will not become and try; I despise everything that surrounds me, and I will not hide this contempt. In the fight against evil, I will go when I feel strong . Until then, I will live in myself, as living, not miring, with the dominant evil and not giving him any power. I am someone else's among the existing order of things, and I have no case before it. I am doing bread craft, I think I think "What I want, and I express what you can express." This is the essence of Bazarov (this is another argument, which proves that the Bazarov is a tragic personality: "He" someone else's among the existing order of things ").

Absolute other traits of Bazarov are manifested in its attitude to Odse. These features show how it can feel. Basaars are to be the most loving hero of the novel. Only in it we saw a real passion. All his denying, all his conclusions moved to the background when a passion boiled in it. He "was angry and conscious, which makes stupidity, and still continued to do it" # 1. All his life, he was forced to fade his feelings with a sober calculation (here is another argument to the proof of the tragedy of Bazarov: the confrontation of the mind and feelings), and when he ceases to act - the wave of feelings captures it. And he does not resist - makes "conscious nonsense" # 2. The turning point in relations with Anna Sergeyevna is its explanation in love. Anna Sergeyevna - a woman is very cold and calculating, frightens such storm flow Feelings and decides "that calm still is best" # 3. His passion gradually fades, but its manifestations are still biased to Bazarov for a long time: then he found a "fever of work" # 5, then she snorked out of him # 6, "strange fatigue was noticed in all his actions" # 1. Maybe later he would have managed to redeem everything that happened to him, "would have done the case, he would have a cursed romanticism and an unapproachable lady, who drove him for her nose." # 2 But Turgenev suddenly leads him to death.

Ten pages that describe the death of Bazarov are the most stronnight and expressive, in terms of the nature of the Bazarov character. Turgenev presents us a finished picture of the "death of the hero". In it, such features of the bazarova as rationality, calcality, the coldness is flexible, and the top takes the sensual side of his character. It wakes up "forcibly compressed feeling" # 3, and it is natural that he wants to see his beloved at his last minute. He meets death "with proudly raised head" # 4, he does not deceive himself with empty hopes. As a doctor, he never doubts a minute in the justice of the diagnosis and knows its outcome. "To die as the bazaars died, it is like to make a great feat," D.I said. Pisarev.

Do you need such people like markets to society? It is hard to say. With confidence I can only say one thing, they are needed no less than hamsters, ruins, Onegin, Oblomov, Pechorina and many, many others, at least for a variety. If you move away from this abstract concept of "the need of society", we will see that the bazarov brings a lot of real benefits: it is engaged in natural sciences, works by a physician, therefore, it helps people directly. But he cannot find his own niche in this society. It turns out alone. For him, it is not possible to fully use your strength. He has no goal, he has nothing to strive for.

"And the bazarov is still bad to live in the world, even though they are chosen and disapplied. No activities, no love, - Therefore, there is no pleasure. They don't know how to suffer, they will not be to whine, and sometimes feel just that empty, boring, Colorless and meaningless. "# 1.

Used Books:

Roman Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children", Critical article Dmitry Ivanovich Pasarez "Bazarov", Critical article of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen "Once again bazaars."