Bach is an eternal harmony. The most famous work of Johanna Sebastian Baha Johann Sebastian Bach The most famous works list

Bach is an eternal harmony. The most famous work of Johanna Sebastian Baha Johann Sebastian Bach The most famous works list
Bach is an eternal harmony. The most famous work of Johanna Sebastian Baha Johann Sebastian Bach The most famous works list

Vocal and instrumental works: about 300 spiritual cantat (preserved 199); 24 secular cantata (among them "Hunting", "Coffee", "Peasant"); Motakes, Chorala; Christmas oratorio; "Passion but John", "Passion for Matthew", "Magnitiate", Mass Si Minor ("High Mesa"), 4 short mass.

Aria and songs are from the second notebook Anna Magdalena Bach.

For orchestra and orchestra with solo tools:

6 brandenburg concerts; 4 suite ("Overtures"); 7 concerts for harpsichord (key) with orchestra; 3 concerts for two clauses with the orchestra; 2 concerts for three clauses with the orchestra; 1 concert for four Clavesins with the orchestra; 3 concerts for violin with orchestra; Concerto for flute, violin and harpsichord.

Products for violin, cello, flutes with a key (clasine) and solo: 6 Sonatas for violin and harpsichord; 6 Sonatas for flute and harpsichord; 3 Sonata for Viola da Gamba (Cello) and Clausing; trio-sonata; 6 Sonatas and score for violin solo; 6 Suit (Sonatat) for Cello Solo.

For a key (cluster): 6 "English" suite; 6 "French" suite; 6 wops; Chromatic fantasy and fugue; Italian concert; Well-tempered key (2 volumes, 48 \u200b\u200bpreludes and fugues); Goldberg variations; Inventions for two and three votes; Fantasies, Fugues, Toccati, Overture, Capricchio, etc.

For organ: 18 preludes and fugues; 5 Toccat and Fugue; 3 fantasies and fugues; Fugues; 6 concerts; Passacaglia; pastoral; fantasies, sonata, chancests, trio; 46 choral preludes (from Organ Notebook Wilhelm Friedeman Bach); "Scheubler Chorala"; 18 choralov ("Leipzig"); Several cycles of chorated variations.

Musical offering. Art of Fugue.

Basic dates of life

1685, March 21 (in the Gregorian calendar March 31) In the Thuringian city of Eisenach, Johann Sebastian Bach was born, the son of the city musician Johann Amvrosia Baha.

1693-1695 - Training at school.

1694 - Mother's death, Elizabeth, nee Lemmerhirt. Father's secondary marriage.

1695 - death of the father; Moving to the older brother Johann Christof in Ordruff.

1696 - Beginning 1700 - Training in the Ordruff Lyceum; Classes singing and music.

1700, March 15 - Moving to Lüneburg, enrollment of scholarship (singe) to the school of the Church of St. Michael.

1703, April - Moving to Weimar, service in the chapel of "Red Castle". August - Moving to Arnstadt; Bach - organist and teacher singing.

1705-1706, October - February - Trip to Lübeck, study of the organ art of Dietrich Buktehude. Conflict with the consistory of Arnstadt.

1707, June 15 - Approval in the position of an organist in Mülhausen. 17 October - Marriage to Maria Barbara Bach.

1708, Spring - Edition of the first work, "electoral cantata". July - Moving to Weimar to the service of the court organist of the Duccian Chapel.

1710, November 22 - The birth of the first son, Wilhelm Freideman (the future of the "Galli Bach").

1714, March 8 - The birth of the second son, Karl Philip Emmanuel (the future of the "Hamburg Bach"). Trip to Kassel.

1717, July - Bach accepts the proposal of the Ketensky Prince Leopold to become a droplet of court chapel.

September - Trip to Dresden, his success as a virtuoso.

October - Return to Weimar; Disaster petition, by order of the Duke Arrest from November 6 to December 2. Moving to Keta. Trip to Leipzig.

1720, May - Trip with Prince Leopold to Karlsbad. Early July - Death of wife Mary Barbara.

1723, February 7 - Execution in Leipzig Cantata N 22, as a test for the position of Cantor Tomascirhe. 26 March - The first execution of "Passions by John". May - Entry into the position of Cantor of the Church of St. Foma and school teachers.

1729, February - Execution of "Hunting Cantata" in Weissenfelse, obtaining the title of court saxen-weessenfelle dropleter. April 15. - The first execution of "Matthew Passions" in Tomascirhe. Disagreements with the Council Tomasshule, and then with the Magistrate because of the orders in school. Bach is headed by Telemanovsky Student Circle, Collegium Musicum.

1730, October 28 - Letter of the former school comrade Erdman describing the unbearable circumstances of life in Leipzig.

1732 - Execution of "coffee cantata". 21st of June - The birth of the son of Johann Christopa Friedrich (the future of the Buccheburg Bach).

1734, end of December - Execution of the "Christmas Oratori".

1735, June - Bach with the son of Gottfried Bernard in Mülhausen. The son withstands the test for the position of the Organist. September 5 The last son of Johann Christians was born (the future "London Bach").

1736 - The beginning of a two-year-old "struggle for the prefect" with the rector of Tomasshule I. Ernist. November 19. Dresden signed a decree on the assignment of Bahu the title of the court royal composer. Friendship with Russian ambassador Kayserling. December 1 - A two-hour concert in Dresden on the Zilberman organ.

1738, April 28 - "Night music" in Leipzig. Bach completes the written "High Mass".

1740 - Bach stops the leadership of the "Music Board".

1741 - Summer Bach with Son Emmanuel in Berlin. Trip to Dresden.

1742 - Exit into the light of the last, fourth volume "smoke exercises. August 30 - Execution of the "peasant cantata".

1745 - Test in Dresden New Organ.

1746 - The son of Wilhelm Friedem enters the director of urban music in Galle. Baha's trip to Czortau and Naumberg.

1749, January 20 - Daughter's collapse Elizabeth with a student Bach Algelik. The beginning of the composition of the "Art of Fugue". In summer - Disease, blindness. Johann Friedirch enters the chapel of the Buckeburg.

1750, January - Faceless operations in the eyes, full of blindness. The composition of the counterpoints of the "Art of Fugue" and the Fugues on the topic of B-a-sch. Completion of the treatment of chorals.

Brief bibliography

Bazunov S. A. I. S. Bach, his life and musical activity. St. Petersburg., 1894.

Bessenger G. Bach as an innovator. Sat "Selected articles of the musicians of the German Democratic Republic." Cost. N. Nototovich. Per. with it. M., 1960.

Belza I. High Mesa. Entrance article to the publication: Bach I. S. Mesia Si Minor. Arrangement for singing with piano. M., 1955.

Wolfrum F. Johann Sebastian Bach. Opening article E. Braudo. Per. With it., t. 1-2. PB. - M., 1912.

Galatskaya V. S. and I. S. Bach. M., Muzgiz, 1958.

Galatskaya V.S. Music literature of foreign countries, vol. 1. M., "Music", 1967, p. 49-133.

Druskin M. S. Passive Baha. L., "Music", 1972.

Kershner L. People's Surroundings of Bach Melodics. M., 1959.

Konen in, Bach Johann Sebastian. "Music Encyclopedia", t. 1. M., "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1973, p. 353-364.

Livanova T. History of Western European music until 1789 M. Bl., Gosmuzidat, 1940, p. 386-449.

Livanova T. Dramaturgy Baha and its historical ties. Ch. I. Simphonism. M.-L., 1948.

"Materials and documents on the history of music", vol. II, XVIII century. Per. with it. Ed. M. V. Ivanova-Boreletsky. M., 1934.

Milshtein I. well Tempered key I. S. Bach and the features of its execution. M., "Music", 1967.

"Musical aesthetics of Western Europe of the XVII-XVIII centuries." M., "Music", 1971.

Poznev E. K. I. S. Bach (and his genus). M., 1912.

Rossenshild K. History of foreign music. Vol. first. Until the middle of the XVIII century. Edition 3rd. M., "Music", 1973, p. 406-533.

Roizman L. Modern organ culture and its originality. Sat "Questions of Music and Performing Arts", Issue. 5. M., "Music", 1969.

Forschel Johann Nicaus. About life, art and works of Johanna Sebastian Baha. Per. with it. E; Sazonova. Editorial, afterword and comments N. Kopcchevsky. M., "Music", 1974.

Hammershlag I. If Bahh led the diary. Budapest, "Corvin", 1965.

Xubov G. N. Sebastian Bach. Edition 4. M., Gosmuzidat, 1963.

Schweizer L. I. S. Bach. Per. with it. Ya. S. Druskin, Revision of Translation and Afterword M. S. Druskin. M, 1964.

Yampolsky I. M. Sonata and Pupits for Violin Solo I. S. Baha. M., 1963.

Bach-dokumente, Herausgegeben Vom Bach-Archiv Leipzig, Band I, Schriftstucke Von Der Hand Johann Sebastian Bachs. Vorgelegt und Erlautert Von W. Neumann und H.-J. Schulze, Leipzig, 1963. Band II, Fremdschriftliche und Gedruckte Dokumente Zur I Pensgeschichte I. S. Bachs, 1685-1750. Leipzig, 1969. Band III, Dokumente Zum Nachwirken I. S. Bachs, 1750-1880. Leipzig, 1972.

Schmieder W. Thematisch-Systematisches Verzeichnis Der Werke Iohann Sebastian Bachs (BWV), Leipzig, 1971.

Arnstadtes Bachbuch, I. S. Bach und Seine Verwanden in Arnstadt. Arnstadt, 1957,

BACH. OPRACOWAL WLADISLAW DULEBA. Teksty Bohdarr Pociej. Krakow, 1973.

Besser H. I. S. BACH. Berlin, 1956.

Buchet E. I. S. BACH, L "OEUVRE ET LA VIE. PARIS, 1963.

Der Thomaskantor, Aus Dem Leben Und Schaffen I. S. Bachs. Berlin, 1950.

Forkel I. N. Uber Lohann Sebastian Bachs Leben, Kunst Und Kunstwerke. Berlin, 1968.


Geiringer K, Iohann Sebastian Bach Jhe Culmination of An Era. London, 1967.

Iohann Sebastian Bach Und Leipzig Zu Seiner Zeit. Leipzig, 1950.

Iohann Sebastian Bach. Das Schaffen Des Meisters Im Spiegel Einer Stadt. Leipzig, 1950.

I. S. BACH, 1750-1950. Dresden, 1950.



Spitta PH, I, S, BACH, BD. L - 2. Leipzig, 1873-1880.

The numbers in brackets everywhere mean the number of this product according to the book "BWV": W. Schmieder. Thematisch-Sistematische Verzeichnis Der Werke Lohann Sebastian Bachs. Liepzig, 1971.

Translation of Ksenia sieved.

Translated by Ya. S. Druskin.

Some biographers travel Bach to Dresden belongs to the fall of 1714. We adhere to the generally accepted date: September 1717. In 1714, Friedeman turned only four years old, he could hardly be taken by the Father in Dresden.

See Art. B. Kuznetsova "Einstein and Mozart". "Soviet music", 1971, e 12, p. 38.

Cyt. on KN: Hammerschlag. If Bahh led the diary, p. 43.

Translation of Ksenia sieved.

Underlined by us. CM.

A. V. Lunacharsky. In the world of music. Articles and speeches. Ed. 2. M., "Soviet composer", 1971, p. 312, 314.

V. D. Konen, Bach. "Music Encyclopedia", t. 1. M., "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1973, p. 357.

Riman was wrong: they survived the father not six, but five sons.

The author of the story does not always lead to an accurate age, in which the children of Bach died. Nowadays, the dates of birth and death of children were clarified on documentary evidence: Christian Sofia (29.VI.1723-1.VII.1726); Christians Gotlib (14.iv.1720-21.IX1728); Ernst Andreas (30.x.-1.xi.1727); Regina Johanna (10.x.1728-25.iv.1733); Bennedict Christian (1.I.-4.I.1730); Christian Dorothea (18.III.1731-31.VIII.1732); Johann August (5.xi.-6.xi.1733).

The message of the magazine Mizler is mentioned, except Baha, and another collegium conductor - Johann Gotlib Gerner; He now served as an organist in the church of St. Thomas.

Chicherin "Mozart. M.," Music ", 1970, p. 181.

Toccata and Fugue Re Minor, BWV 565 - a work for the organ of Johanna Sebastian Bach, one of the most popular work.

The essay of the "Toccata and Fugue of Re Minor BWV 565" is included in all publications of the BWV authoritative catalog and in (the most complete) new edition of Bach (Neue Bach-Ausgabe, known as NBA).

The work is presumably written in Bach during his stay in Arnstadt in the period between 1703 and 1707. In January 1703, after the end of study, he received the position of a court musician at Weimar Duke Johann Ernsta. It is not known exactly what was part of his duties, but, most likely, this position was not related to the executive activities. For seven months of service in Weimara spread fame about him as a performer. Bach was invited to the post of a police caretaker to the Church of St. Bonifation in Arnstadt, located 180 km from Weimar. With this oldest German city, the Bakhov family had long-standing ties.

In August, Bach took the post of organist church. He had to work three days a week, and the salary was relatively high. In addition, the tool was maintained in good condition and was configured on a new system that expanded the possibility of a composer and artist. During this period, Bach created a lot of organic works.

A feature of this small polyphonic cycle is the continuity of the development of a musical material (without a break between the tokkate and fugue). The form consists of three parts: Toccati, Fugues and codes. The latter, rebuilding with Toccata, forms the thematic arch.

Title page BWV 565 in a handwritten copy of Johannes Ringka. Due to the fact that the aircraft of Baha was lost, this copy, as of 2012, is the only close-time source in time.

Toccata (on Italian Toccata - touch, hit, from Toccare - touch, touch) - a virtuoso musical play for keyboard tools (key, organ).

Start Tokkati

Fuga (ITAL. Fuga - running, flight, rapid flow) - the most developed form of polyphonic music, which has entered all the wealth of polyphony. The substantial range of Fugues is almost unlimited, but the intellectual beginning is prevalent or is always prevailing. Fugu is distinguished by emotional fullness and at the same time restraint of expression.

This work begins anxious, but courageous volitional tide. He will distribute three times, dropping from one octave to another, and leads to a thunder-chord chord roller in the lower register. So at the beginning of the Toccati outlines the skewly shaded, grand audio space.

Johann Sebastian Bach "S Toccata and Fugue in D MINOR BWV 565 Played by Organist Hans-André Stamm on the Trost-Organ of the Stadtkirche in Waltershausen, Germany.

Next, powerful "swirl" virtuoso passes are heard. The opposition of a rapid and slow motion resembles a wary respite between the fights with the rivest elements. And after the free, improvisationally built Toccata, a fugue sounds, in which the volitional beginning seems to curb the natural forces. And the last tacts of all works are perceived as the harsh and greatest victory of adamant human will.

List of basic works of Bach

A. Vocal works (accompanied by orchestra):

I. 198 Church Cantat

II. 12 secular cantath

III. 6 motetov

IV. Christmas and easter oratori

V. Big Mass H-Moll

Vi. 4 Small Mass and 5 Sanctures VII. Magnificate D-DUR

VIII. Passion in Matthew and John

IX. Mourning Oda

X. Church Arias and Songs

B. Works for the orchestra and chamber music:

I. 4 Overtures (Suits) and 6 Brandenburg Concerts

II. 7 Coupled Concerts with Orchestra

3 concerts for two keys with orchestra

2 concerts for three keys with orchestra

1 Concert for four keys with orchestra

III. 3 Concerts for Violin with Or Kestra

IV. 6 Solo Sonatas for Violin

8 Sonatas for violin with a key

6 Sonatas for flute with key

6 Solo Sonatas for Cello

3 Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Coure

3 Sonatas for Trio

V. Music sacrifice

B. Motor works:

I. Pupits, French and English Suits, Inventions for two and three votes, Symphony, Preludes, Fugues, Fantasies, Overtures, Tokcati, Capricchio, Sonata, Duets, Italian Concerto, Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue

II. Well tempted keire

III. Goldberg variations

IV. Art of Fugue

G. Works for the Authority:

I. Preludes, fantasies, Tokkati, Fugue, Chancests, Sonata, Passackology, Concerts on Vivaldi Topics

II. Chorable preludes

III. Choral variations

From the book Bakh Author Morozov Sergey Aleksandrovich

A brief list of works by I. S. Baha Vocal and instrumental works: about 300 spiritual cantata (preserved 199); 24 secular cantata (among them "Hunting", "Coffee", "Peasant"); Motakes, Chorala; Christmas oratorio; "Passion but John", "Passion for

From the book Memories of Russia Author Sabaneev Leonid L.

From the book notes of the surviving Author Golitsyn Sergey Mikhailovich

List of basic literary works L. L. Sabaneyeva: Scriabin. M., 1916; 2nd ed.: M., 1923 Debussy. M., 1922 Music of speech. Aesthetic study. M., 1923Shology of a musical and creative process // Art. 1923. № 1Moris Ravel. Characteristic of his creative activity and

From the book Odyssey Vasily Cook Author Vedeneev Dmitry Valerevich

List of basic books S. M. Golitsyn 1. I want to be a topographer. Editions of 1936, 1953 and 1954. Published also in Chinese and Czech languages. Forty surveyors. 1959 and 4 more publications, the last in 1989 translated into Polish (3 publications), Czech, Bulgarian, Romanian, Slovak,

From the book Life Sailor Author Lukhmanov Dmitry Afanasyevich

From the book Antonin Dvorak Author Gulinskaya Zoya Konstantinovna

Bibliography of the main works of D.A. Lukhmanov Marine stories. Petrovsk, type. A.M. Mikhailova, 1903.Reopotype of marine practice. Spb., Imp. about shipping. 1908. In land and in the sea (poem). Mariupol, type. br. E. and A. Goldrin, 1911.o Voluntary Fleet. Nagasaki, Ugai,

From the book Scypion African Author Bobrovnikova Tatyana Andreevna

From the book of Chopin Author Ivashkevich Yaroslav

From the book Alexander Duma Great. Book 2. Author Tsimmerman Daniel

List of main sources and abbreviations All fragments of ancient Roman speakers are given by the book: Oratorum Romanonim Fragmenta Liberae Rei Publicae. Coll. E. Malcovatti. SEC. Ed., Torino, 1955 (in the text Malcovatti). All fragments of Roman Annalists are given on the book: Historicorum Romanorum Reliquae. ED. H. Peter. Leipzig, 1870 (in the text of Peter). Fragments

From the book of Radishchev Author Zhizi Mikhail Vasilyevich

From book list Author Gaal Deurd Shandor

Chronological list of works Selection of 102 titles from 606 included in the list Dominic Freomy and Claude Shopp, or from 646, analyzed by Reginald Hamel and Pierretta Mete, highly disposable and dictated exclusively subjective tastes. All completeness

From the book of Terepiliad. The life and creativity of Heinrich Terepilovsky Author Gladyshev Vladimir Fedorovich

List of works by A. N. Radishchev The full literary inheritance of Radishchev is three thousand volumes. What has been published to date is not complete. Below we list the works included in the two-volume assembly of works, and not included, but

From the book Mosin - the creator of the Russian rifle Author Ashurkov Vadim Nikolaevich

From book list Author Gaal Deurd Shandor

An application list of the main works of the composer G. R. Terepilovsky Ballet1. Queen of the fields (Wonderland). Liber. K. Esaulova. 1961.2. Shot in the forest (forest fairy tale). Liber. V. Vorobyeva and K. Esaulova. 1966.3. Shot (forty first). Liber. M. Gazeva. 1963.4. Ural. Liber. M. Gazeva.

From the book of the author

List of main sources used in the work on the brochure archive of the Artillery Historical Museum of the Academy of Artillery Sciences (Leningrad): OP 46 d. 542; op. 48/1 D.D. 26, 29, 34, 37, 40, 53, 108.central State Military Historical Archive (Moscow): f. 310 DD 764, 2863; f. 516.

From the book of the author

List of main works of Ferinets Sheet for Symphony Orchestra: 12 Symphony Poles: "What is heard on the mountain", "Tasso", "Preludes", "Orpheus", "Prometheus", "Mazepa", "Festive Sounds", "Plach about heroes" , "Hungary", "Hamlet", "Battle of Gunnov", "Ideals" (completion of the entire cycle

The German composer Johann Sebastian Bach created more than 1000 musical works for his life. He lived in the baroque era and in his work summarized everything that was characteristic of the music of his time. Bach wrote in all the genres that had been in the 18th century, with the exception of the opera. Today, the works of this master of polyphony and the virtuoso organist are listened in a variety of situations - they are so diverse. In his music, you can find a simple humor and deep sorrow, philosophical reflections and acute drama.

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685, he was the eighth and youngest child in the family. The father of the great composer Johann Ambrosius Bach was also a musician: the birth of Bahh from the beginning of the 16th century is known for its musicality. At that time, the creators of music enjoyed in Saxony and Thuringia with special honor, they were maintained by the authorities, aristocrats and representatives of the Church.

Bach by 10 years lost both parents, and his elder brother worked by an organist was engaged in education. Johann Sebastian studied in the gymnasium, and at the same time he received the skills of the game on the organ and key from his brother. In 15 years, Bach entered the vocal school and began writing the first works. After graduating from school, he was shortly a court musician at Weimar Duke, and then became an organist in the Church in the city of Arnstadt. It was then that the composer wrote a large number of organ works.

Soon, the Bach began problems with the authorities: he expressed dissatisfaction with the level of training of singers in the choir, and then left for several months to another city in order to get acquainted with the game of the authoritative Danish-German organist Dietrich Buktehude. Bach went to Mülhausen, where he was invited to the same position - an organist in the church. In 1707, the composer married his cousin who gave him seven children, three of them died in infancy, and two in the future became famous composers.

In Mülhausen, Bach worked for only a year, and moved to Weimar, where he became a court organist and the organizer of concerts. By this time, he had already enjoyed great recognition and received a high salary. It was in Weimar that the composer talent reached a heyday - he was continuously engaged in writing works for a key, organ and orchestra.

By 1717, Bakh achieved all possible heights in Weimara and began to look for another job. The hotel's employer first did not want to let him go, and even put on the arrest for the month. However, Bach soon left him and headed to the city of Kothen. If earlier his music was in many ways composed for worship, here, due to the special requirements of the employer, the composer began writing, mostly secular works.

In 1720, the Baha's wife suddenly died, but after a year and a half he married a young singer again.

In 1723, Johann Sebastian Bach became Kantor Kore at the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, and then he was appointed and "music director" of all the churches worked in the city. Bach continued to write music until his death - even having lost sight, he dictated her son-in-law. The great composer died in 1750, now his remains rest in the very church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, where he worked for 27 years.

Disintegrate to instrumental and vocal. First include: for the organ - Sonata, Preludes, Fugues, Fantasies and Toccats, Choral Preludes; For piano - 15 inventions, 15 symphonies, French and English suite, Klavierübung in four parts (parties, etc.), a row of tokkat and other writings, as well as "well-tempered key" (48 preludes and fugues in all tone); "Musical Offering" (a collection of fugues on the themes of Friedrich the Great) and the "Art of Fugue" cycle. In addition, the Bach has Sonata and Pupits for Violin (among them - the famous chakon), for flutes, cello (gambo) with piano, concerts for piano with orchestra, and for two or more piano, etc., concerts and Suits for strings and wind instruments, as well as suite for the invented Bach Pyola Pyola Pomposa (medium tool between alt and cello).

Portrait of Johanna Sebastian Bach. Artist E. Hawsmann, 1748

All these works are peculiar to a high degree polyphonywho did not meet in such a form neither before nor after the Bach. With the striking skill and perfection of BAH, it allows the most complex problems of counterpunctic techniques, both in large and small forms. But it would be mistaken to deny it at the same time melodic ingenuity and expressiveness. Counterpoint was not something memorized for Baha and with difficulty used, and was its natural language and the form of expression, the injression and understanding of which should be redefined in order to be expressed in this form of the manifestation of deep and versatile spiritual life were quite understood and that the giant The mood of its organ works, as well as the melodic charm and wealth of changing moods in fugas and suite for piano, were quite evaluated. Therefore, in most of the works related to the works, especially in separate rooms from the "well-tempered key", we have along with the completeness of the form, the characteristic plays of extremely diverse content. It is this connection that determines their special and only position in the musical literature.

Despite all this, the writings of Baha for a long time after his death were known and evaluated only by some connoisseurs, the audience almost forgot them. In share Mendelssohn Due to the execution in 1829, under his control, "Passions of the Passion (Evangelist) Math" Bach, again initiate a common interest in the late composer and conquer his large vocal works with a guideline in a musical life - and not one Germany.

Johann Sebastian Bach. Best works

These include, first of all, designed for worship spiritual Cantatiwritten by Bach (for all Sunday and holidays) in the number of five full annual cycles. Preserved to us, quite reliable, only about 226 Cantat. The text they served the evangelical texts. Cantata consist of speaking, Aria, polyphon choirs and chorals, which concludes all the work.

Next follows "Music of Passion" ( Passion), which Bach wrote five. From them, unfortunately, only two were reached: passions for John And passion by Matthew; Of these, the first was first performed in 1724, the second in 1729. The accuracy of the third - passion in Luke is subject to much doubt. Musical dramatic image of the history of suffering Christ Reaches in these works of the highest completion of the forms, the greatest musical beauty and expression force. In the form mixed from epic, dramatic and lyrical elements, in front of our eyes plastically and convincingly passes the history of the sufferings of Christ. The epic element is repity to the recitulatory evangelist, dramatic - in the words of the words of biblical individuals, especially the most of the Jesus himself, as well as in the lively choirs of the people, lyrical - in the arias and choirs of a contemplative nature, and the opposed to the entire statement of the choral indicates the direct ratio of the work to the service and Hints to participate in it communities.

Bach Passion in Matthei

The same work, but brief mood, is " Christmas oratorio"(Weihnachtsoratorium), written in 1734. Reached us also" Easter oratorio" Along with these large works associated with Protestant worship, at the same altitude, the processing of the Old Latin Church Texts is also perfect: Mesca and five-breeding Magn.if.iCAT.. Among them, the first place occupies a big Mass Si-Minor (1703). Just as Babs with faith delved into the words of the Bible, here he was with faith for the ancient words of the text Mass and portrayed them in sounds with such wealth and a variety of feelings, with such an expression force that they are still clothed into a strict polyphonic tissue, Deeply capture and strongly worry. The choir in this work belongs to the greatest thing that was ever created in the field of church music. Requirements that are presented in here Khaore are extremely high.

(Biographies of other great musicians - see the block "More on the topic ..." below the text of the article.)