I gave the soul in exchange for strength. How to conclude a real deal with the devil? Must be in sober consciousness with a sincere desire to go sell their soul

I gave the soul in exchange for strength. How to conclude a real deal with the devil? Must be in sober consciousness with a sincere desire to go sell their soul
I gave the soul in exchange for strength. How to conclude a real deal with the devil? Must be in sober consciousness with a sincere desire to go sell their soul

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Today we will talk about how and where you can sell your soul for real money, immortality or other benefits. We also learn how to conclude an agreement with Satan or a contract with the devil to sell the soul on mutually beneficial conditions. Consider the description of rituals and spells for the sale of the soul. Let's learn how to really sell the soul over the Internet for big money

He does not need a pact to keep someone in his handcuffs and rule over man. Each person was already born to the enslaved devil, sin and his own lusts, so there is no need for any contract made up in some kind of unclear office to confirm it.

We are all "by nature children anger." You just don't know it, but when you find from the revelation of Scripture that you can get out of this state, believing in Christ as the Savior, it's time to make a decision. They are already on this path, and the last sentence is the Lord himself, "because they did not get love for the truth to escape." Jesus left a solemn message: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and cannot kill the soul, but be afraid of someone who can destroy both the soul and the body in hell."

Even in the medieval era, people believed that the devil loves the innocent and sinless souls, so he hunts with great pleasure. Satan is experiencing great joy when the soul of a righteous man is finally ruined, she as an endless bearer of bliss, filling his insatiable flesh. As a rule, for such a "thing" you can give any price. A sinless soul is considered at the rates of the devil with a first-class product, so he offers incredible amounts of money and, as a rule, not one person is not able to resist such temptation.
In order to sort this issueWe will proceed from a purely logical chain: Take the phrase "sell the soul of the devil" and we will deal with its components.

To learn more, listen to this preaching of the Gospel to Audio. Mario Pesosa - Communication and Communication Consultant, Marketing and professional Development. This message was not initially contained. The presenter sued the station for the show of its sexual photos in the "Friend" program of Liberato.

He also sued the Universal Church, which accused her in the conclusion of the Covenant with the Devil. To "prove", the publication used famous video On the Internet with a song from him with the alleged "subconscious messages". As we know well, the devil is the Father of Lie, and his specialty - to deceive careless. Now all people are lost because they are descendants of Adam, but the devil promotes the idea that a person can sell his soul in exchange for material values \u200b\u200bto even more lure them in ignorance, for those who ignore the truth Gospel does not know that they Lost because of the disobedience of Adam.

What is the soul? This question is very controversial and always attracts thinking people. But everyone converges in the fact that the soul is the most expensive, which has a person.

But why do people themselves want to not just "give", namely, "sell" the most valuable thing that they have and not to someone, but the most princess of darkness? Let's figure it out.

Most main question: Why don't you need your soul? Only one thing is understandable: if a person craves it to sell it, then he wants something in return. Usually a person wants to sell the soul for money and considerable. There are also many people who want to sell the soul for the desire that they want to implement. This topicIn principle, it has always been relevant. It is very interesting that nothing is said about the sale of the soul in the Bible.

So, before someone try to sell something, you need to make sure that it is necessary. In this case, your immortal shower of the devil. If you are not a righteous and not holy, he has no reason to buy it, because If desired, he will take it and so.

Features of the rituals selling soul devil

In popular imagination, the usual thing is that a person can sell his soul to the devil, and such thinking is also formed in Gospel churches. Circulates video on the Internet of Pastor Jose Jerion, which indicates the leading program of Brazilian children to sell the soul to the devil for $ 100 million and twice twice to pass his blood church Satanist, located in California.

Is it possible to sell yourself to the devil? The Bible shows that all people have sinned and that everyone is deprived of the glory of God. This shows that all humanity was sold by Adam as a slave sin. None of the descendants of Adam should consciously choose to be subject to sin to be a sinner. Regardless of conscience, knowledge, morality, custom, behavior, good and evil, all people at birth became slaves of sin.

In the question, how to sell the soul to the devil for big money may contribute to various charlatans that offer their mediation. Naive people believe them, not even thinking about the fact that he should have their soul?

In essence, I will buy a selling of the soul more correctly called the "contract with the devil", under this ritual it means that you get the desired from Lucifer, and he takes your priceless soul after death. Perhaps the most famous act The "purchase and sale" of the soul is a transaction concluded between Faust and Mephistofel. Mention of such facts in other literary works.

Humanity is under the game of sin, because Adam and Eva deliberately ignored the information, this God, and decided to eat the forbidden fruit, taking into account the prize, without giving the proper meaning with declared consequences. After the fall of Adam, none of his descendants can sin the same as Adam, as he sold himself as a slave sin and all his descendants with him.

Descendants of Adam are slaves of sin, and therefore it is impossible to sell or sell sin again. The world is dead in evil due to corruption of nature inherited from Adam. The Bible also shows that the devil has no property or property. Hell and the fiery lake were ready for him and his angels, but he does not manage and does not manage the hell. He will also say to those who are left: "Get away from me, you curse, in eternal flame, prepared for the devil and his angels. "

The set of data on the sale of the soul to the devil came to us since the Inquisition times - mainly due to such literary worklike "Witch Hammer." It was believed that a woman who sold the soul to the devil had to kill children or devote them at the moment of birth to serving Satan. In some cases, representatives of the beautiful sex were forced to give birth from incubuses.
If the "guilt" of a person in witchcraft managed to "prove", then it automatically meant that he concluded a contract with some demon or with Satan himself, and vice versa - the contract must necessarily be sorcerers or witches. However, all the so-called "confessions" were knocked out under torture, so they can hardly believe.

The Bible does not attribute the devil position of Mr. He has no domination over people or fallen angels. All creatures without God are subject to sin due to the devious nature of God, and not the devil. Among the creatures, devoid of God, there is a devil and his angels, who are also slaves of sin.

The devil is a Father of Lie, but, like born Adam People, he is also a slave of sin. In search of the likeness of the Most High, he became a slave of sin, that is, deprived of life, which in God. The pride of the devil led him to disobedience and, consequently, to fall. In turn, led by a deception of the devil and lust eyes a man dismissed the Creator and was devoid of the glory of God and, therefore, dragged all his descendants into the same condition.

According to Folklore, the contract with Satan can be both oral and in writing. To conclude an oral contract, you need to read a certain spell or spend the ritual. Sassosing offers dark forces his immortal soul in exchange for money, immortality, power and other "earthly" benefits. The Holy Inquisition believed that after such a contract on the human body remains a special mark - the Devil Tag. In this place of the body, a person does not feel absolutely no pain.

After expulsion from the presence of God, both the "Angel of Light" and the "first person", both became the condition of darkness. While the devil seduced one third of the angelic order, a person, in turn, thanks to his ability to bring other similar to existence, began to give birth to children in accordance with their disobedience and was intended for anger.

Why are sin compared to the teacher and devoid of slaves? Because those who obey sin, and this includes devils and his angels, even if they are, they cannot change the condition related to the fallen nature. IN general features sin is suitable condition For the devoid of the nature of God "Sin, because they do not believe in me." Since the creature cannot change its own natureIt is subject to the condition acquired by disobedience. The subject of the disadvantaged creature, whom God deprived, compares with the submission of the slave to his owner.

A written contract records all the main points of the oral, in addition, the person who decided to sell the soul to the Devil should sign on the contract with his blood. It should be remembered that the devil is quite picky and picky, so if a serious sin is found - murder, violence, theft, then for such a "torn goods", oddly enough, he will not particularly fight, but rather, will offer its conditions. Therefore, asking the question "How much to sell the soul to the devil", you should think about whether it is necessary to heal with such a droin and request a bunch of impracticable desires?

Before discloses the Bible, it is safe to say that for all men it is impossible to sell yourself to the Devil for the following reasons. The slave has nothing that he could offer or negotiate - all people created by Adam are slaves of sin and, therefore, the property of sin. According to the law regulating the slaving rule, the "thing" did not have any property and could not negotiate to be a "thing" of its owner. Now, if all people are slaves of sin because of Adam, it follows from this that a person cannot sell himself to the Devil; Christ saves a person from the Lada sin, and any contract with the devil is a satanic bait - recognizing the possibility that someone sells himself to the Devil, we must also recognize that such a person would be hopelessly lost. If someone "sold his soul" to the Devil and hears about Christ and wants to accept him, will the contract make a salvation, if he is repent? Of course, no, since a person without Christ belongs to sin, not the devil; The slave does not buy and does not sell another slave. Will justice in the contract concluded between the slaves? If both, the devil and the sinner are lost, as maybe, someone lost the opportunity to sell ourselves to another lost? The Bible indicates the existence of two gentlemen: sin and obedience.

When selling an invaluable soul there is a danger that the devil himself can be the owner - you want to believe in its existence, you want no. And then the joy of the resulting lady may be short. This proves the case that happened recently in Brazil. The unemployed Andrea Janeiro unexpectedly found himself at one table in the local bar with a stranger, who poured him a glass behind a glass until he admitted that he was ready to sell soul, just to get rich. And one day he came a letter - a contract with the devil, compiled quite modern tongue and signed by Andrea's blood. It said that for wealth and success in business, the seller gives the Vladyka hell his immortal soul.

When a person is saved from sin, it is also automatically freed from the deception of the devil, which stems out of ignorance. As we know well, the devil is the father of me. Nitra and its specialty - deceive careless. Now all people are lost because they are descendants of Adam, but the Devil promotes the idea that a person can sell his soul in exchange for material benefits to even more to captivate them with ignorance, because they do not even know that they are lost because of disobedience of Adam.

If people knew that loss of humanity without Christ was at the birth of Adam, they would understand that they should be born over. But such truth is not revealed, and the devil spreads countless ideas that connect people with ignorance. As they do not know that they are lost in Adam, people agree with the idea that they will be lost only if they sell their souls to the devil. Ignorance added to the vanity of thoughts causes a person to believe that certain practices lead to death or that through them a person sells his soul to the devil.

Murtado is now bathed in money: each transaction brings him huge launches, he constantly wins in all lotteries, and casino owners are ready to pay him only for them to play them. But the businessman is ready to give all his wealth to save the soul and get rid of the contract. He asks for help from warlocks, white sorcerers and scientists. But so far no one to help him is not able. Among esoteric, there is a rumor that the devil has already mastered the Internet and offers its services himself. So be careful.

For many people, free condemnation is born, and make some conscious choice, guided by moral conscience, customs, laws, religious rules etc. Observe salvation B. final decisionAnd that only through rituals and sentences to the devil will be hopelessly lost, that is, when he sells his soul to the devil.

The strategy used by the Devil in establishing cults for demons is to make a person not to see that he is lost due to the condemnation set in Adam. The goal of the devil is that a person remains in ignorance, believing that he is lost, because he sold the soul to the devil.

Paganini Niccolo (1782-1840), Italian violinist and composer. His game revealed such ample violin capabilities that contemporaries suspected that he owns some kind of hidden from others. Some seriously believed: the great violinist sold the soul to the devil.

They say that in Berlin in the last century in the basement of the house to demolish the house was found, which Adolf Hitler concluded with the Devil. As the German media reported, the contract dated April 30, 1932 and signed by the blood of both parties. Graphologists set the authenticity of the handwriting of the Fuhrera. According to the document, the devil provides Hitler with almost unlimited power with the condition that he will use it exclusively in evil. In exchange, the Führer promised to give his soul exactly after 13 years. And April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years old, hated by all mankind, he committed suicide .

Religions that establish behavioral and ceremonial rules as a way to access God are also bait the devil, because, applying such practices, a person considers himself saved and ignores the truth: it comes from Adam and that you need to be born again.

The person is sold as a slave sin, and the devil is impossible to buy it, because people without Christ are already on a wide road leading to death. Distribution of the idea that a person can sell his soul in exchange for material benefits, creates various myths and legends that contribute to ignorance.

Famous artist XIV century Spinello from Arezzo in his contract with the devil was supposed to give his soul hell for writing to the church of San Angelo in Arezzo brilliant picturedepicting the fall of angels. But on it, he gave Lucifer to such a terrible appearance that he himself could not stand the spectacle created by him. An old man began to appear everywhere the devil, reproaching spinello for his ugly portrait. This permanent hallucination has so worked on the artist that he fell ill and soon died.

In front of this myth, some people lured by pride life believe that this contract can be established and ultimately look for satan temples. Of course, yes, but their death lies in the fact that they are descendants of Adam, and not because they practice certain rituals.

Other people reject the idea of \u200b\u200bserving the devil and are looking for a path in religions leading to God. Of course, no, since a person is saved only when a person enters a narrow path, which is Christ, when born above. For someone who does not know the truth of the Gospel is clear to accept the idea that you can sell your soul to the devil, however, for those who know the truth of the Gospel is unacceptable that the argument.

How to sell the soul to the devil? The question is quite relevant today. The people who ask them will certainly finally lost faith in themselves and the Most High, or they are simply tired of living ordinary, boring and monotonous life. Or maybe someone just wanted sharp and unknown sensations? In any case, a person who thinks about this one way or another is confident that such a desperate step will solve all his pressing problems.

Even in the Middle Ages, people who told "I want to sell the soul to the Devil," they knew that in this case the agreement should be concluded, according to which a person gives his "treasure" in return to Satanic services. As a rule, most preferred irrelevant wealth, immortal life, fame and power. Satan, as the true owner of the soul sold, forever curses a person desperate to this act and manages his fate as he pleases. According to legend, there were those who were deceived by Satan. But such, as a rule, lived for a short time and died in hellish torments. In some cases, according to legend, a person with a soul, to get from Lucifer what he had to be needed to kill innocent people and sell the souls of his who had not yet born children. Also in the contract existed a condition that a person, after sold the soul to the Devil, was to enter into sex with demons, devils and other evil spirits; To give birth from them children and participate in Satanic sabshams.

How our ancestors negotiated with the devil

Well, it is very likely that Robert Johnson really committed certain rites and made donations, thinking that he sells his soul to the devil, but "negotiations" is just a deception deception. The truth of the Gospel shows that the effect of the devil blind understanding the lost seeing the truth ", whose God of the century was blinded by the minds of unbelievers in order to keep them from seeing the glorious Gospel of the world of Christ, which is the image of God."

There is no biblical reference, which indicates that the contract between the devil and men can be established. What is the value in the contract, even if he signed with blood, at midnight, at a crossroads, with countless victims, if the devil is also a slave and has no resources?

What is the Satanian contract? As a rule, the contract may be concluded in both written and in oral video. The latter is carried out by conducting a certain rite or ritual, which allows you to call demons or Satan itself. After that, the request calls the price for selling his soul. Written evidence, as a rule, after the conclusion of such a contract is not. The only thing that remains after this process is barely noticeable devil label on the body, which is direct evidence that the contract was signed

It should be remembered that, after the contract subscribes, the person decided to have exactly 21 years old to exercise his desires. After that, the watch would stop fighting, and a person, more precisely, his soul will leave the ravoisi. Where, incorrect, easy to guess. Therefore, before selling the soul to the devil for a desire or money, think if this time is enough and will you truly happy? So, the text of the act, as a rule, is written by special satanic symbols or on Latin, the hand has decided for the sale of the soul. Thoughts should be clearly aimed at the text. The approximate translation of the text is: "Satan, Lord of Darkness, accept my own soul, after 21 years after the conclusion of the contract, observing some conditions."

Remember, in no case will not be imparting, do not ask to master all the money of the world or become the king of the universe, this you will never get, and in response to your arrogance of Satan will kill you, and the soul will take himself. Please note that the devil is rather cunning and at any circumstances will try to deceive you, so be alert, do not miss any little things. So, after signing the contract, you will need to draw 21 of the key of hell on the same sheet, then write 21 words in Latin (they should dictate to themselves) and saying them loud and clearly out loud. And then scratch: "I want to sell the soul to the devil!"

Take the church candle and outline her a circle around yourself. The room should be dark and quiet. No one ever should know about the fact that this ritual was committed. So, standing in a circle, you have to utter 21 times loudly and clearly, closing my eyes the following words: "Satan, Lord of Darkness and all evil on earth, I spend you, come to me and fulfill my desires!". When the unclean appears, the unusual coolness will feel and the feeling of the presence of an extraneous indoor. As soon as this happens, the candle should be lit and set fire to the contract. Black magicians argue that in this way he will turn into another world. If the paper unexpectedly broke out, Satan heard the seeker and noted his participation in the ceremony of selling the soul.

The ashes from the contract should be collected and keep until the end of the days. If you decide to make the rite "Sale of the Devil", treat it with all seriousness and responsibility. Remember that jokes with unclean bad. Many died in flour, without observing the elementary rules. What needs to be done before exercising a rite? If you are interested, how to sell the soul to the devil, know that he has decided to go for such a step, should forever renounce God, get rid of icons, crosses and any sacred attributes. You can not attend temples, pray, participate in baptism ritual. Conduct the ritual for sale of the soul should be at night at night, from 24:00 to 03:00. If the full moon, for example, the 7th number, the ritual should be carried out on the night from 6 to 7. Before concluding a contract, a person must pray to the devil daily to strengthen the connection with him and get its favor. If anything asked, do not expect Satan to bring the desired on a sowing with a blue wheelchair, start acting. Do not try to deceive unclean, otherwise it will lead to terrifying consequences, because many people already paid for it, forever remaining without soul and body. Guess one thing. Spell is better to learn by heart. Before holding a rite and after anyone do not talk and do not look around on the sides.

According to black magicians, the devil will be favorable to a person who will help you get a few more souls. What happens to the soul after the implementation of the contract? So, as people sell the soul to the Devil, we have already disassembled, and now let's talk about what happens to her after the conclusion of the contract after the term of the act expires, the human body is dying, and the soul goes into the world of other and starts working in black. Satan uses the soul as he will do. For example, remember how they treated in America with black slaves. Beaten, humiliated, raped and the likely of no less bad things. So, the same will be with the soul. Only the difference from slaves is that the soul will not die until it fulfills the temporary condition of the contract

Nowadays, sell the soul of the devil is not difficult. But at the same time, do not forget that Satan is broken and picky. He is not alien to human vices. Someone's soul, he takes quickly and tries not to ceremony, and for someone he is ready to compete with Azart in demonic eyes. Sensational news for anyone who wants to sell the soul to the devil - it turns out that Prince Darkness has a shower rating. Before selling the soul for a desire, read the requirements. And only then dictate the conditions.

1. Lowest class. It includes people with a grave sin on the soul, or servants of Satan. Remember, the devil is profitable to buy a soul in those who serve the enemy, i.e. God. Why should it make an agreement with killers or thieves if their souls are prefeed before A terrible court? In this case, you should not hope for large gifts and it is better to sell the soul for a desire that does not go beyond the limits of decency. Do not ask much. It is how to trade in the market of a pick-up thing and ask for her Stydoroga.

2. Middle class. It includes people who have not committed three sins: mockery, violence, murder. If you are not seen in bad misconduct, you can sell the soul to the devil for money. And for decent. Create your business, buy a house, car and get a normal family.

3. Higher class. The most lackless souls for Prince Darkness. Monks, virgin, children. For them, he is ready to lay out all the gifts of the Universe and even more. If you feel about this class, then know: the devil with great pleasure will come to you. You do not have to ask for a long time.

Now let's figure it out how to sell the soul through the Internet. There is a whole closed network of sites and organizations, actually buying souls for fabulous money.

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Surely every person from time to time wonders "How to change your life?". Statistics says more than 99% of people on all globe Not satisfied with its full life. The fact is that every person is striving for excellence, therefore wants to be surrounded by all the best. Of the main such requirements, it is usually called a family, work, a second half, hobbies, friends and recreation. We own passion, I want everything immediately, and preferably with the least efforts. In this case, the presence of devilish care seems to be the most successful. However, in exchange for such privileges, it is necessary to provide your own soul.

It is known that no modern method of changing life for the better cannot be guaranteed to give 100% result. The exception is only a transaction with the devil, the conditions of which are performed anyway.

For some reason for sure, many probably heard, but few people knew exactly how it works, and that for this you need to do.

For a start, several valuable tips:

  • 1. By selling the soul of the devil, you must renounce God. After the sale - no prayers, hiking to church, and crumbling signs. It is necessary to remove from home, apartments, cars icons, crosses, all church literature and attributes.
  • 2. The rite of sale of the soul is carried out on the night. Committee is preferably held in a period of 12:00 and 00:30 at night.
  • 3. For those who wish to strengthen the result, black prayers are attached, the reading of which will bring to the reading devilish favors, the connection with demons will be strengthened, and you will rather get the desired one.
  • 4. Do not try to deceive the devil, or schitrate - still not deceiving. Be frank and honest. Guess only 3 desires.
  • 5. The devil helps you, and will not work for you. If you wished mutual love from your beloved girl, then do not wait when she comes herself, and slowly start acting (be near her and she will notice you). If the money was wanted, then turn on the smelter and act - at least buy a lottery ticket.
  • 6. If when concluding the transaction, it says that after this ritual, a person will live a certain amount of Years - then it should be understood that the entire price per soul will be paid on this time. I will give an example: if anyone wished money, he can nine years old without refusing to live in anything, either to live all his life by having, but he is not destined to become chibko.
  • 7. It is impossible to talk to anyone that they decided to sell the soul to the devil. After the rite and get the result, do not tell anyone about it.

If you decide to spend the ritual yourself, do not take yourself the illusions, you are not magicia and not a medium, and this communication with the demons and the spirits of the astral is not fun. It is not known who from demons or spirits will respond to your call, and what will bring with you. Maybe the pain may be loss. Maybe death.

Suppose you firmly decided to make a ritual and sell the soul to the devil. I would say everything is simple. Sample plan The call of the demon is known to us, and now, the Messenger of the Lord of Darkness will appear before us, who will gladly take our soul in return for worldly goods. In fact, everything happens absolutely wrong. The devil himself will not come for your soul, it needs to be called.

What do you need for this? Of course, the ritual for the sale of his soul to the devil. Keep in mind, no one will give you it, no one will open the mystery. You can overpass the entire network, but all you can find - children's horror stories and scattered passages of allegedly vintage grimuars. Only true black magicians own real rituals for the sale of the soul of the soul, and there are not so many of them in Russia.

Before calling the devil on your own, think, what if he appears to you?

And then you will do where we will approve? To engage in demonology, it is necessary to have knowledge, character, experience, strong will. Not anyone who calls himself by the magician will be perfectly engaged in a real challenge of the devil, contact with the devil and other infernal entities.

Before making an independent ritual on the call of a demon at home - think.

There are many ways to conclude a contract with the devil. They can be easily found on the Internet, but, I warn you, there is nothing worthwhile there, but, getting into this case, you will bring a lot of trouble.

Suppose you firmly decided to spend the ritual. You will need to find an old cemetery and take a suitable place for the ritual. You should draw a pentagram. This will protect you, and the demon will not be able to escape to the will, into the world of people. This magic shield will be able to protect you. Pay a lot of attention to what attributes should be when conducting a rite. Remember, the pentagram is drawn only by coal, and the candles that are used for the rite must be made not from wax, but from the shaken swine baking, and painted black. Therefore, when you draw a pentacle, make sure that all lines are drawn exactly, and there was not a single gap between the lines. Otherwise, the devil will be able to find a way out and spills on you all anger for what he called him from the underworld.

To encourage devil, you need to create a pass between the worlds. This is real, but it all depends on the amount of energy that is spent on creating and maintaining the portal open. Energy is the key. But, the required amount of clean energy cannot be obtained without touching the moral and ethical norms modern society. People who are ready to conclude a contract with the devil should understand that in order to convey their request to the entities of another world, you need to open the portal. Rituals of the conclusion of a contract with the devil suggest a sacrifice. Live creature are endowed large quantity Energy, at the time of the murder, energy breaks out, therefore the ritual of sacrifice is performed inside the circle, so that the energy remains there.

Before being taken for the appeal of the devil, you need to prepare the victim. Remember, the creature from hell should be pushed, and if you sacrifice a living creature, it will be more loyal and willingly fulfill the request.

If you want to ask anything minor, then it will be suitable simple chicken. It will be necessary to kill during the rite.

If you want to ask something, more significant, then in this case usually bring to the devil cattle. It is desirable that it was a goat.

An animal should be killed at the very beginning or in the middle of the ritual. If you dare to this step, follow further.

The transaction is carried out only on the basis of the contract. And it is not necessary to sign it with blood, you can not sign at all! The contract may well be oral, the main thing here is the sincere and conscious sale desire, i.e. Good will of an individual.

The text of the document is written on latinBut it should not confuse you. This is rather part of the ritual, rather than an immutable law. The contract can be written on native language, from hand, own blood. The contract determines that in exchange for soul and loyalty, the devil gives a person everything that he wants.

I consider it necessary to warn you: be restrained in your desires. Do not brag, you do not become the lord of the universe, and the metered demons will ruin you in one moment! Delive to the ritual seriously. I knew my customers who did not wish to observe the conditions of the ritual, and paid to the dialogue in the process of dialogue.

Little to know how to call the devil, in order to protect yourself, you need to know how to send it back. First, the caster must always be standing in a drawn figure. But, and there can not be relaxed, because the devil can send nightmares so that the caster is frightened and left the figure, inside which it is located. Then the devil subordinates his soul.

After the devil gave a promise to fulfill that you ask, he should be sent back. We must say the following: "We concluded a contract with you, and we will follow him, and now I let you go, so that you leave, without causing anyone harm. Step with the world. "

After the rite is completed, you should hide all signs of your stay in the cemetery and go back home. On the way, you can not talk with anyone, stop or turning. Be sure to arrive home, take the shower, wash off all the negative energy.

So, enter into an agreement with the devil possible, but it is extremely dangerous. Therefore, I advise you to consult a specialist. I have clear ideas about contacts with the other world, so I know what I say. The world of other reality, demons, the devil himself - it is as real as we are with you. Do not go there, what you have no idea if appreciate your life. If you have any questions, write me to mail, I will answer.