How to draw a crows, phased painting with a pencil. How to draw a ravene steppot pencil how to draw a crows wing

How to draw a crows, phased painting with a pencil. How to draw a ravene steppot pencil how to draw a crows wing

This lesson fell into the lung category, which means that in theory, a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children to draw a crows. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, I can recommend a lesson "" - he will require greater dooms from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What do you need

In order to draw a crows, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Each bird is not only unique in coloring, but also has its own anatomical structure. To correctly draw the crows - you need a personal presence, if possible. Yes, I'm talking about drawing from nature. I understand that it is very difficult to do, but it will give you a big forget. I can still advise not to neglect the photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using contours. You will be enough to repeat something, and only what is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present it. What do draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to make sketches not with contours, but rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

In this lesson, I propose to draw a black crows, the drawing of which can be used to draw a gray clown or daw.

1. The initial contour of the drawing of the crows

If you decide to draw a crow to the entire sheet, then expand it. Figure crows Start with the designation of three contours. First, draw the main outline - oval for the body, on the left of a small circle for the croron and remained to draw the last contour for the tail of the crows.

To make it easier for you to draw the first steps, you can spend a simple pencil with a barely noticeable line, from angle corner. Please note that the oval is not quite the right form, the lower part of its wider.

2. How to draw ravene phased, second step

First of all, you need to draw a beak ravene, then your first outlines will be similar to the drawing of the bird. Since we draw the crows in stages, then let's not hurry and draw only the line of the farts of the part of the crows, neck and wings. You still need to draw two uncomplicated contours for crows paws.

3. How to draw a tail and raven paws

First you need to draw crows legs. To the initial contours made earlier, you need to draw a "three-chapted" left paw and "bipoon" right. If the crow will be on your drawing to sit on the branch, you can immediately draw the contour of the branch.

Now in the picture you need to "clarify" the tail of the croron. Nothing difficult does not have to draw, you only need to change the sharp angle and make the tail flat.

Draw the wing line and go to the next step.

4. With a drawing of a crows, remove the preliminary contours

Remove the crows from the drawing now already extra contours made by a pencil, and draw at the beginning of the ravene. Now it will only remain to draw the shape of the wing and begin to the more detailed "elaboration" of the drawing. You will need to draw a bird's fool.

5. How to draw crows plows

But, before proceeding to paint the bird's plumage, let's draw some details of the crows head. First, you need to draw the beak, secondly make eyes with a glare and just below the primary contour of the eye to draw an extra line, and this area is not shaded. On the legs of the crows you need to draw claws. And only after that, proceed to draw feathers. Explain how I will not draw them, just see how it is done on my drawing.

6. How to draw a crows. Applying shadows

As I said, it is a drawing of a black crow, so for coloring, the creation of shadows will ideally go simple soft pencil. Bright items are much easier to "paint" a simple pencil than completely black, so try to make more contrast sites, otherwise the drawing of the crows will become inexpressive and lose "volume".

Be sure to draw the crows sitting on a branch growing next to, or invent any other scene suitable for this drawing of a croron.

Now you know how to draw a crow and hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Well, the buttons of social networks here is not just so \u003d)

Each bird is beautiful and interesting in its own way. This can be said about the crow. Of course, her plumage color has a black shade that does not very much attract people. But the drawing of the crows in the phased image can be obtained original and beautiful. To do this, in the first stages, draw a sketch, and then to work out each item in the figure and make it the contour. After that, the phased drawing of the crows the pencil can be added to the color.

Necessary materials:

  • sheet of pure paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser;
  • color pencils of yellow, brown and black tone.

Stages of drawing:

1. Make an sketch of the crows. To do this, draw a big oval in the inclined position in the right side. On the top Dorisu, another oval, but in size it will be much smaller. He will also be under the tilt. Denote the little crows eye.

2. We now turn to the tail and wings, as well as to the legs. Draw the shared form of folded wings. At the bottom, draw a rectangle in an elongated form. Let's make a base for a croron in the form of a line drawn from hand. It can both a branch or a bitch and the surface of any subject. The paws themselves will be depicted in the form of simple lines.

3. From the corner's eyes draw a small line.

4. Now make a beak from this line.

5. Note on the site of the folded wings of the plumage line.

6. We draw every crows each paws in more detail. Take a branch behind which the bird holds.

7. We will pass throughout the drawing and check each segment. But first, all the auxiliary lines should be removed. Draw on the wings of feathers. They will be different lengths and size. Also draw a tail. We clarify the outline of the entire drawing to prepare it to apply a black marker contour.

8. We make the stroke of the entire drawing with a black marker or felt-tip pen. So the phased drawing of the crows became much brighter and understandable.

9. Crow have a black plumage. Therefore, for her apartling, we take the black pencil.

10. Yellow pencil deactivate the beak.

11. But brown give the color of the branch.

12. This is all ready!

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Hello, Comrades Blog readers Site!

Let's draw a crow.

Here I would like to draw your attention to the difference between the ravene and the crow. Gray urban crow looks quite impressive, but with a real black ravener, she also did not stand. Today, the topic "How to draw a crow", he though terrible but big and in his own way very beautiful. This bird nests behind the city feature and feeds on garbage and Padalu (and this is reflected in many devoted to the corners of fairy tales).

The wingspan of the wings are huge, movement is characterized by smooth dimension. They do not have anything like a pitiful pigeons of the pigeon of the sparrow or the foulness of the real croron. Raven, who once been attributed to wisdom, and in fact resembles a sage and agricultural majesticity and slowness. The crows lives obviously for quite a long time, in captivity of 40 years 40, judging by what I read in Wikipedia. It also indicates that the floss of the crow differs from the flight of the ridge and crows and reminds more flight of the predator. But what's the difference, I will explain from myself: Raven Having tremendous and very wide wings can soar in the air, without making these fussy crackles like a crow and the more dove. In short, to convey in the picture that the fact that we are crowded and not crow and not rcho, we can so: realistically reflect its appearance, as well as psychologically - to make this appearance mysterious, terrible and majestic. This is the case of the taste of each of us what to imply under the magnificent mysteriousness.

Phased Drawing Bird Raven stands on Earth

Drew a pencil sketch and go to the drawing itself.

We painted a crow side standing on the ground with folded wings and with an elongated neck.

I think to redraw it will not be too difficult - the dignity of the image is not in realistic, but in psychological reliability: a lonely black silhouette on a white background in a sensitive person may well cause a feeling of anxiety.

However, the image is still not disclosed enough.

Draw a crow in flight

We see a crow to the profile and look at it from above - from the back, so we will begin to draw not from the shape of the body (which we cannot determine in this case), but by drawing a head with a powerful beak:

Now we draw a tail - in flight it looks like a semi-column fan, but the feathers have an unequal length and in general the tail has the shape of an elongated oval.

It's time to draw wings:

Pay attention to the bending of the wing flyer feathers:

Well, here is a drawing of a raven, you can use as a raven coloring. By the way and color:

Draw a crow - lesson 3

Just take and copy a picture from the Internet, but the creative task is somehow very simple. The turn of the head is complicated, here we will now find out what it is like to portray such a pure pose.

I note that with all the frightening mysteriousness, Comrade Raven looks at the same time and funny too.

By the way, in the first picture in the eye, some strange bag on the neck (such as displacing goiter) rushes, in the second picture, this item is also visible, some such a fold is.

When linear drawing is ready to color. Than? I have all drawings for this blog I perform a marker: pencil drawings in photos are becoming completely indisputable. So you need something bougar. But felt-tippers give a very thick black color, either not the best option for detail. And here as we do: I will find a half-minded marker (alas, they dry quickly and the lack of drying does not happen), and we will draw them, fooling this marker in cologne. The picture will win the seats! True and smell will be perfume, but ... not from the screen. This is how my tips on how to draw a crow.

The bird, which we will draw, is distinguished by emergency intelligence, intelligence, elegance and ability to imitate even a human voice. Some consider it one of the most reasonable birds, and others attribute to her mystical abilities. What do you think you think?

Phased example

Draw a pencil

An example for children

Crow from Basnie Krylov

Crow on a branch

Phased example

Have you already guessed what kind of bird is we talking about? Let's start with the fact that we consider how to draw the crow stamps.

Stage 1.
Start your drawing from the application of the head contours. It is quite simple: outline the circle. Inside it, draw the eye, slightly higher and the right of the center, as the image will be in the profile. Form the beak, the basis of which is a triangle.

Stage 2.
At this stage, it is necessary to make a bird sketch. See how this is shown in the example.

Stage 3.
Continue to make sketches. Draw the tail, and then wing: start with an oval form by the head and narrow closer to the tail. Next, take a foot and a twig on which the crow sits.

Stage 4.
After you finish the sketch, erase the auxiliary lines and move the clearer contours. Detail your drawing. At the bottom of the body, we mark the plumage, as well as on the wing, tail and on the neck. Drive the branch.

Stage 5.
And now draw in painting your bird. First, dial your head and stitch the torso. Then go to the wing, tail, and then the set.

Stage 6.
Complete the image of a more intense shastchik. You can also add a drawing with a sprig of ate.

Draw a pencil

Draw a crow with a pencil you can resort to elementary geometric pieces. Thus, it will come out symmetrical and plausible.

Outline the circle that will later become head. Divide it into 4 uniform parts. To the upper right side draw a rectangular triangle. Then slightly retreating, outline a large circle, and make a figure like an inverted egg under the tilt from it. Couple a head with a torso. Next, make an outline of a wedge-shaped tail and a broken line to make a foot.

Picture eyes in detail and pointed, strong beak.

Dorisite wing, tail and foot. Do not forget about the plumage! Arm yourself and remove all unnecessary lines. Add shadows.

Patiently short strokes darken all birds. Picture shadow falling on a horizontal surface.

An example for children

Draw a realistic crows difficult, as it is necessary to take into account many details. How to draw a clown to the child will show the following instruction.

Draw the main contours with circles and chopsticks. Then connect them and draw the keyboard, paws and plumage.

Distribute the eye, tail and wing. Pay attention to the legs and do not forget about the plumage.

Will erase all the extra lines, circle the contour of the bird. Color the drawing.

During the drawing, tell the child interesting facts about the ravene, for example, what she knows how to count or use gestures to communicate with relatives. Your crumble will be interested to recognize the new one, and you yourself will not notice how the drawing will be ready.

Crow from Basnie Krylov

Surely you are familiar with the Basneie Krylov, where the crow lean a piece of cheese of Lisa (it turned out such a pun). And how to draw this crows will show the following instruction.

Sketch a bird silhouette. Then paint the long feathers raised up. It will be tail.

With the help of two ovals, depict your eyes. Remember the plumage lines. Add lochmaty on the head and neck. On the beak, put two fat points, and on the tail you spend several straight lines. Draw your paws.

Color the image at your discretion.

Crow on a branch

Pernaya is often sitting on the branches of trees. The following scheme will show how to draw a crows on a tree.

Make a sketch in the form of a circle for the head, oval for the body and a wedge for the tail. Then take eye in the form of a point and beak in the form of a triangle. The base of the wing draw in the upper part of the body with two lines that are at the end are connected at one point. At the bottom of your oval, sketch the outlines of the paws.

To decorate the beak, divide it into two parts. By this you show that it is ajar. Couple a head with a torso with two lines. So you draw the neck from the penate. On the wing, draw an arcuate line. It will serve as the basis for feathers. Under the legs, spend a line that will be branch.

On the wing and tail flashes the longitudinal lines of feathers and light tschshai shock the lights throughout the corona body.

We hope that the above-listed tips will be useful for both beginners and more experienced artists. Do not protect the surveyed skills! Thanks for attention.

Video lesson

Be sure to watch this detailed video lesson on drawing. In it you will find a lot of useful and interesting for yourself.

Crows, pigeons, sparrows live next to a person in any village and even in a big city. And together, they are getting used to new high-altitude buildings, noisy streets and numerous cars. The crow is considered the smartest and smart bird and easily adapts to life in a major city. therefore draw a crow Preferably against the background of the city landscape. The crows are different, for example, a gray crow, a black crow, daw and others. And by the way, Raven is not a crow, this is a completely different bird, with a large powerful beak and much larger crow. In this lesson, I propose to draw a black crows, the drawing of which can be used to draw a gray clown or daw.

1. The initial contour of the crows

If you decide draw crowrows On the whole sheet, then expand it. Figure crows Start with the designation of three contours. First, draw the main outline - oval for the body, on the left of a small circle for the head and remained to draw the last contour for the tail. To make it easier for you to draw the first steps, you can spend a simple pencil with a barely noticeable line, from angle corner. Please note that the oval is not quite the right form, the lower part of its wider.

2. How to draw ravene phased, second step

First of all, you need to draw a beak ravene, then your first outlines will be similar to the drawing of the bird. Since we draw a crow staple, then let's not hurry, and draw only the line of the front of the bird, neck and wing. You still need to draw two simple contours of your paws.

3. How to draw a tail and raven paws

First you need to draw legs. To the initial contours made earlier, you need to draw a "three-pailed" left paw and "bobby" right. If the crow will be on your drawing to sit on the branch, you can immediately draw the contour of the branch. Now in the picture you need to "clarify" the tail. Nothing difficult does not have to draw, you only need to change the sharp angle and make the tail flat. Draw the wing line and go to the next step.

4. Remove the preliminary contours

Remove C. figure crows Now there are already extra contours made by a pencil, and draw an eye ravene at first. Now it remains only to draw the shape of the wing and proceed to a more detailed "study" of the drawing. You will need to draw a bird's fool.

5. How to draw bird plumage

But, before proceeding to paint the bird's plumage, let's draw some details of the crows head. First, you need to draw the beak, secondly make eyes with a glare and just below the primary contour of the eye to draw an extra line, and this area is not shaded. On the legs of the crows you need to draw claws. And only after that, proceed to draw feathers. Explain how I will not draw them, just see how it is done on my drawing.

6. Applying shadows, landscape

As I said, it is a drawing of a black crow, so for coloring, the creation of shadows will ideally go simple soft pencil. The bright items are much easier to "color" a simple pencil than completely black, so try to make more contrast areas, otherwise the drawing of the crows will become inexpressive and lose "volume". Be sure to draw a crows sitting on a tree branch growing near the house, or invent any other scene suitable for this drawing of a croron.

In this lesson, you can draw a gradually beautiful parrot Ara.

It may seem that painting the sparrow is easy, because this bird, as well as the crow, we see constantly and in winter and in the summer in the yard. In fact, draw the sparrow is difficult, much easier to draw a large bird.

The most important thing is to draw a neck and wings well, it is them the most important parts of this bird. The legs at the Swan are short, so it is simple enough to draw them. All this remember when you learn to draw a swan gradually a simple pencil.

In this lesson, I will help you correctly draw a dyatlah gradually. This is a drawing of a dyatlah living in our forests, see which beautiful bird lives next to us.

Unfortunately, to draw a stork "from nature" to the city resident will not be able to, unlike the crow, the stork will not live in the city. Therefore, if you need a drawing of a stork in the nest, look for a suitable photo on the Internet.

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw an eagle in stages, a simple pencil. The eagle is one of the most predatory birds, he can even be in his paws even a small lamb. It differs from other birds with its body structure. Its wide and long wings, along with a rounded powerful beak, give him an unusual and formidable appearance.

Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures you need to draw with white pigeons, because white color is a symbol of purity and health. Dove Figure You will be easy to perform if you know how to correctly draw crowrows.