Conan Doyle Biography is brief in Russian. Photo and Biography Arthur Conan Doyle

Conan Doyle Biography is brief in Russian. Photo and Biography Arthur Conan Doyle
Conan Doyle Biography is brief in Russian. Photo and Biography Arthur Conan Doyle

😉 Greetings to the accurate audience on the site "Ladies and Lord"! Friends will continue to study the stories of the success of great people. In the article "Arthur Conan Doyle: biography, interesting facts" about the main stages of the life path and the work of the writer.

Biography Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) is a famous English writer. The creator of more than seventy books: stories, novels, stories, poems. Works of adventure, science fiction, humorous genres.

He was born in Father Charles Altamont Doyle - a talented artist, worked as Clerk. Because of his passion, alcohol and unstable psyche, the family lived is not born.

1868 year. Provided relatives sent Arthur to learn from school in Khodder. At eleven years, he goes to the next learning step - a Catholic school in Stochnoest. The school was taught seven subjects and practiced harsh punishments.

Heavy training period The guy diversified by writing stories that will like other students. He loved the active rest, especially cricket and golf. Sport classes accompanied him all life, you can add a bike ride here, billiards.

Start of a creative path

1876 \u200b\u200b- Arthur enters the Medical University, choosing a doctor's career in spite of the fact that the family devoted himself to literature and art. At the same time with study, he worked in a pharmacy, materially helping the family. Read a lot, continuing to write.

1879 - the story of the "Mystery of the Sanasass Valley" brought Doyle the first earnings from literary creativity. By this time, he becomes the only support of the mother, as the sick father falls into the hospital.

1880 - he is sent by the surgeon in swimming on the ship "Hope", which is engaged in whale fishery. Seven months of work brought him 50 pounds.

1881 - becomes a bachelor of medicine, but practice has been necessary to become a doctor.

1882 - worked as a doctor in Plymouth, then moving to Portsmouth, where his first practice appears. The work first was a little, which gave him the opportunity to write for the soul.

Writing Career

Doyle continues his literary activities. Fame brings him to the light "Etude in the crimson tones". Characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson become the heroes of new stories.

In 1891, Doyle says goodbye to medicine, and immersed in the work of the writer. Increases its popularity after the release of the next work "man with dissected lip." The magazine, which publishes stories about Sherlock Holmes, asks the author to write another six stories about this character, paying the amount of 50 pounds.

Arthur after some time begins to be a cycle, believing that these works distract from writing other serious works, but the agreement on writing stories is performing.

A year later, the magazine again asks him to write a series of stories about Sherlock. The author's fee is 1000 pounds. The fatigue associated with the search for the plot for a new story prompts Arthur to the "murder" of the main character. After the cycle is completed, 20 thousand readers refuse to acquire a magazine.

In 1892, the play "Waterloo" is published on the stage of theaters. Putting on the second play of the operetta "Jane Anni, or a prize for good behavior" failed. Doubting his abilities to writing Pieces, Doyle agrees to lecture the literary themes throughout England.

  • 1894 - conducts lectures on the cities of the United States. In subsequent years, he writes a lot, but special attention is paid to the health of the wife Louise;
  • 1902 - comes out of the "Baskerville dog". At the same time Conan Doyl King Edward VII assigned a knight's title for participating military doctor in the Anglo-Board War;
  • 1910 - the next works of "Pepling Tape" and others come to the scene.

Over the next years, he continues to write literary works, political essays. Visits America, Holland and other countries. The most popular works about Sherlock Holmes, although he himself considered historical novels himself.

Arthur Conan Doyle: Biography (video)

Personal life

The writer was married twice. His first spouse Louise Hawkins died from tuberculosis in 1906. A year later, Doyle marries Gin Lekka, in which he was secretly in love since 1897 he was the father of five children.

Perhaps there are a little people who have not seen the Soviet Motheric film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" with and in high roles. The famous detective, whom he also played, descended from literary lines of the famous English writer and publicist - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Childhood and youth

Sir Arthur Ignashus Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859 in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh. This picturesque city is rich in both history and cultural heritage and attractions. Therefore, it can be assumed that in childhood the future doctor and the writer watched the columns of the Presbyterianization Center - the Cathedral of St. Egidia, and also enjoyed the Flora and the fauna of the Royal Botanical Garden with a palm greenhouse, a lilac heather and arbororem (a collection of tree species).

The author of adventure stories about Sherlock Holmes Ros and brought up in a Catholic respected family, his parents made an indisputable contribution to the achievement of art and literature. Grandfather John Doyle was an Irish artist, worked in the genre of miniatures and political caricatures. It came from the dynasty of the prosperous merchant silk and velvet.

Father writer - Charles Oltemont Doyle - went in footsteps of the parent and left a watercolor trail on the canvases of the Victorian era. Charles diligently portrayed gothic plots with fabulous characters, animals and magic faces. In addition, Doyle-senior worked illustrator (his paintings were decorated with manuscripts and), as well as architect: stained glass windows in the Cathedral in Glasgow are made according to Charles sketches.

On July 31, 1855, Charles made a proposal of the hand and hearts of 17-year-old Irish Mary Josephine Elizabeth Fouley, who later presented the beloved seven children. By the way, Mrs. Fowley was a woman formed, the swovers read the court novels and told the children exciting stories about fearless knights. The heroic epic in the style of Provence Troubadur times and forever left the mark in the soul of Little Arthur:

"True love of literature, a tendency to writing goes from me, I think from the mother," the writer recalled in the autobiography.

True, instead of Knight's books, Doyle flew the Pages of Thomas Main Reed, who excited the minds of readers adventure novels. Few people know, but Charles barely reduced the ends with the ends. The fact is that the man dreamed of becoming a glorified artist so that in the future his name set next to, and. However, during life, Doyle did not receive recognition and fame. His paintings did not enjoy great demand, so bright canvases were often covered with a thin layer of dilapidated dust, and money taken from small illustrations was lacking to feed the family.

Charles found salvation in alcohol: hot drinks helped the chapter of the family to remove from the harsh reality of being. True, the alcohol only aggravated the situation in the house: every year unfulfilled ambitions, Doyle-father drank more and more than and earned a contemptuous attitude from the senior brothers. Ultimately, the unless artist conducted days in deep depression, and on October 10, 1893, Charles died.

The future writer studied in the elementary school of Godder. When Arthur was 9 years old, thanks to the funds of famous relatives, Doyle continued his studies, this time, in the closed Jesuit College Stonichorst, which is in the county of Lancashire. It is impossible to say that Arthur was delighted with school bench. He despised the class inequality and religious prejudices, and also hated physical punishments: the labeling belt teacher only poisoned the existence of a young writer.

The boy was not easy to be mathematics, he did not like algebraic formulas and complex examples that gave green longing to Arthur. For dislike for the subject, praised and, Doyle received regular tumaks from fellow students - Brothers Moriarty. The only joy for Arthur was sport: the young man played a cricket with pleasure.

Doyle often wrote a mother's mother, where in detailed details described the happening per day in his school life. Also, the young man implemented the potential of the storyteller: to listen to the fictional adventure stories of Arthur, there were queues from the peers around him, which "paid" the speaker by the speakers on geometry and algebra.


Doyle chose a literary activity of no accident: being a six-year-old child, Arthur wrote a debut story called "Traveler and Tiger". True, the work turned out to be short and did not take even a whole page, because the tiger immediately disheveled the unhappy wanderer. The little boy acted on the principle of "brevity - sister of talent", and becoming an adult, Arthur explained that he was already a realist and did not see the exit from the predicament.

Indeed, the master of the pen is not used to sinning the reception of the "God from the car" - when the main character, which was in unnecessary time in an unnecessary place, saves an external or previously acting factor in the work. What Doyle instead of the writer originally chose a noble profession of a physician, no one is surprised, because there are many such examples, even said that "Medicine is my legitimate wife, and literature is a mistress."

Illustration for the book Arthur Conan Doyle "Lost World"

The young man preferred a white medical bathrobe Peru and inkwell due to the influence of a certain Brian Ch. Waller, who rented a room from Mrs. Fouley. Therefore, having heard medical stories, a young man without pondayvius submits documents to the Edinburgh University. Having become a student, Doyle met with other future writers - James Barry and.

In a free from lecture materials, Arthur was engaged in his beloved business - Corpel over the books of Brita Garta and, whose "Golden Beetle" left in the heart of a young man an indelible impressions. Inspired by novels and mystical stories, the writer tries his forces on the literary field and creates the story "The Mystery of the Salskaya Valley" and "American History".

In 1881, Doyle receives a bachelor's degree and goes to medical practice. The author of the "Baskerville dogs" took about ten years to abandon the profession of an ophthalmologist and to plunge into the multifaceted world of literary lines. In 1884, under the influence of Arthur Konan, it begins work on the novel "Trading House of Gerdleston" (printed in 1890), telling about the criminal community issues of English society. Fabul is built on the clever dolzes of the commitments of the criminal world: they will drive around the fingers of people who turn out to be in the power of non-refined denies.

In March 1886, Sir Conan Doyle works over the "Etude in Baghrov Tones", the work on which was completed in April. It is in this work for the first time in front of readers a famous London Sherlock Holmes Detective appears. A prototype of a professional detective was the real person - Joseph Bell, a surgeon, a university professor in Edinburgh, who could calculate with the help of logic as a rough mistake and a fleeting lie.

Joseph was a fellow by his student who diligently observed for each movement of the master who had invented his own deductive method. It turns out, cigarettes, ashes, a clock, a cane, a cane and dirt under the nails, can say about a person much more things than his own biography.

Sherlock Holmes character is a kind of know-how on literary expanses, since the author of detective stories sought to make it an ordinary person, and not a mystical book hero, in which either positive or negative qualities concentrate. Sherlock, like other mortals, has bad habits: Holmes Neakkurata in circulation of things, constantly smokes strong cigars and cigarets (the tube is the fiction of illustrators) and with the complete absence of interesting crimes uses cocaine intravenously.

The story of the "Scandal in Bohemia" was the beginning of the famous cycle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", which included 12 detective stories about the detective and his friend - Dr. Watson. Also Conan Doyle created four full-fledged novels, where, in addition to the "Etude in the crimson tones", the "Baskerville Dog", the "Horror Valley" and "Sign of Four". Thanks to the popular works, Doyle became almost the highest paid writer both in England and around the world.

It is rumored that at one moment Sherlock Holmes was tired of the creator, so Arthur decided to kill the witty detective. But after the death of the fictional detective, Doyle began to threaten and warned that his fate would be sad if the writer did not resurrect the hero readers. Arthur did not dare to disobey the will of the provocateur, so he continued to work on numerous stories.

Personal life

Externally, Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as created the impression of a strong and mighty person, similar to hero. The author of books to old age was engaged in sports and even in old age could give a young one. According to rumors, it was Doyle who taught the Swiss to ride skiing, organized the auto racing and became the first person who saddled the moped.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's personal life is a storehouse of information from which you can make a whole book like a nontrivial novel. For example, he went to the navigation on the whaling vessel, where he was in the position of a ship doctor. The writer admired the immense expanses of the sea depths, and also hunted seal. In addition, the genius of literature served on dry cargos off the coast of West Africa, where he met the life and traditions of another nation.

During World War I, Doyle temporarily suspended literary activities and tried to go to the front volunteer to show the contemporaries an example of courage and courage. But the writer had to cool the dust, since his proposal was rejected. After these events, Arthur began to publish journalistic articles: in the publication The Times almost every day appeared manuscripts of the writer on the military theme.

He personally organized the detachments of volunteers and tried to become the leader of "Raid Raidesty". The master of the pen could not remain inactive in this vague time, because he thought every minute about the terrible torture, which his compatriots are subjected.

As for love relationships, the first chief of the Matra Louise Hawkins, who gave him two children, died from Chakhotka in 1906. After a year, Arthur makes the offer of Gene Lekkka - a woman in which he was secretly in love since 1897. From the second marriage in the family of the writer, three more children were born: Jin, Denis and Adrian (who became a biographer of the writer).

Although Doyle positioned himself as a realist, he reverently studied the occult literature and conducted spiritual sessions. The writer hoped that the spirits of the dead would give answers to his questions that were interested in, in particular, Arthur was worried about reflections on whether there was life after death.


In the last years of the life of Doyle, nothing foreshadowed troubles, the wrister of the "lost world" was full of energy and forces, in the 1920s the writer visited almost all the continents of the world. But during the trip to Scandinavia, the health of the genius of literature deteriorated, so throughout the spring he stayed in bed surrounded by relatives and loved ones.

As soon as Doyle felt better, he went to the capital of Great Britain, in order to fulfill his last attempt in life to talk to the Minister of Internal Affairs and demand the abolition of laws according to which the government pursues followers of spiritualism.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in Sussex from a heart attack in the early morning of July 7, 1930. Initially, the grave of the Creator was located near his house, but later the remains of the writer were reburied in New Forest.


Cycle about Sherlock Holmes

  • 1887 - Etude in the crimson tones
  • 1890 - Four sign
  • 18992 - Sherlock Holmes Adventures
  • 1893 - Notes about Sherlock Holmes
  • 1902 - Baskerville Dog
  • 1904 - Return of Sherlock Holmes
  • 1915 - Horror Valley
  • 1917 - His farewell bow
  • 1927 - Sherlock Holmes Archive

Cycle about Professor Challenger

  • 1902 - Lost World
  • 1913 - poisoned belt
  • 1926 - Country of Fog
  • 1928 - When the earth screamed
  • 1929 - Disintegration Machine

Other works

  • 1884 - Jeffson Hebquook Post
  • 1887 - Domalushki Jeremy home
  • 1889 - Mystery of Ferrend
  • 1890 - Herdleston Trading House
  • 1890 - Captain "Polar Star"
  • 1921 - Phenomena Fay

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle Born on May 22, 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh in the family of the artist and architect.

After Arthur has reached the nine years, he went to Herder's boarding school - a preparatory school for Stoinchersta (a large closed Catholic school in Lancashire). Two years later, from Hodder Arthur moved to Stonchnorst. It was during these difficult years at the boarding school, Arthur realized that he had a talent for writing stories. On the last year of study, he publishes a college magazine and writes poems. In addition, he was engaged in sports, mainly a cricket in which he achieved good results. Thus, by 1876, he was educated and was ready to meet the world.

Arthur decided to do medicine. In October 1876, Arthur becomes a student of the Medical University of Edinburgh. Study, Arthur could meet with many future famous authors, such as James Barry and Robert Louis Stevenson, who also visited the university. But one of his teachers did the greatest impact on him, Dr. Joseph Bell, who was a master of observation, logic, conclusions and error detection. In the future, he served as a prototype of Sherlock Holmes.

Two years after the start of study at University, Doyle decides to try himself in literature. In the spring of 1879, he writes a small story "The Mystery of the Sensass Valley", which is published in September 1879. He sends a few more stories. But it is possible to publish only the "American story" in the magazine London Society. And yet he understands that he can also make money.

Twenty years old, learning in the third year of the university, in 1880, Archur friend suggested him to accept a surgeon to the Kitoboe "Nadezhda" under the command of John Gray in the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Parliament Circle. This adventure found a place in his first story relating to the sea ("Captain" Polar Star "). In the autumn of 1880, Conan Doyle returned to classes. In 1881, he graduated from the University of Edinburgh, where he received a bachelor's degree of medicine and a master's degree in surgery and began to look for work. The result of these searches was the position of the ship's doctor on the ship "Mayuba", which went between Liverpool and the Western Coast of Africa and on October 22, 1881, his next swimming began.

He leaves the ship in mid-January 1882, and moves to England in Plymouth, where working together with a certain Calling torrent, with whom he met in the latest training courses in Edinburgh. The first years of practice are well described in his book "Letters of Stark Monroe", in which, in addition to the description of life, the author's reflection on issues of religion and forecasts for the future are presented in large quantities.

Over time, there are disagreements between former classmates, after which Doyle leaves Portsmouth (July 1882), where he opens his first practice. Originally was not customers and therefore Doyle appears the opportunity to devote his free time literature. He writes several stories that publishes in the same 1882. During 1882-1885, Doyle bursts between literature and medicine.

In one of the March days of 1885, Doyle was invited to advise on the occasion of Jack Hawkins disease. He had meningitis, and he was hopeless. Arthur suggested put it in his home for permanent care for him, but after a few days Jack died. This death allowed him to get acquainted with his sister Louise Hawkins, with whom they wrapped in April, and on August 6, 1885 married.

After the marriage, Doyle is actively engaged in literature. One after another in the magazine "Cornhill" will be published by his stories "Message Hebeck Jeffson", "Space in the life of John Haxford", "Run of Tota". But stories by stories, and Doyle wants more, he wants to notice him, and for this it is necessary to write something more serious. And in 1884 he writes the book "Trading House Gerdloston". But the book was not interested in publishers. In March 1886, Conan Doyle began writing a novel who led him to popularity. In April, he finishes him and refers to Cornhill to James Peyne, who in May of the same year he is very warm about him, but refuses to publish it, since he, in his opinion, deserves a separate publication. Doyle sends a manuscript to Bristol Errousmit, in July, a negative feedback comes to the novel. Arthur does not despair and sends the manuscript Fred Warnu and K0. But their novel was not interested. Then follow the Lord Ward, Lockers and K0. Those reluctance agree, but there are a number of conditions: the novel will come out no earlier than the next year, the fee for him will be 25 pounds, and the author will transfer all rights to the work by the publishing house. Doyle reluctantly agrees, since he wants his first novel to be given to the court of readers. And now, two years later, in the "Christmas weekly of Biton" for 1887, the novel "Etude in the Baghrov Tones", which was introduced to readers with Sherlock Holmes. A separate publication Roman came out in early 1888.

The beginning of 1887 marked the beginning of studying and researching such a concept as "life after death." This Question Doyle continued to learn the entire subsequent life.

As soon as Doyle sends "Etude in the crimson tones," he starts up for a new book, and at the end of February 1888 finishes the novel "Mikhai Clark". Arthur has always attracted historical novels. It is under their influence that Doyle writes this and a number of other historical works. Working in 1889 on the wave of positive feedback on "Michee Clarke" over the White Detachment, Doyle suddenly receives an invitation for lunch from the American editor of Lippincotes Megazin to discuss the writing of another work about Sherlock Holmes. Arthur is found with him, and also meets Oscar Wilde and in the end agrees to their proposal. And in 1890, the "sign of four" appears in the American and English issues of this magazine.

1890 was no less productive than the previous one. By the middle of this year, Doyle ends the White Detachment, which takes to the publication of James Pain in Cornellla and announces his best historic novel since "Ivanho." In the spring of 1891, Doyle comes to London, where he opens up the practice. The practice of success did not have (there were no patients), but at this time the stories about Sherlock Holmes are written for the magazine "Strend".

In May 1891, Doyle sick influenza and is a few days at death. When he recovered, he decided to leave medical practice, and devote himself to literature. By the end of 1891, Doyle becomes a very popular person in connection with the appearance of the sixth story about Sherlock Holmes. But after writing these six stories, the editor "Strend" in October 1891 requested six more, agreeing on any conditions from the author. And Doyle requested how it seemed to him, such an amount, 50 pounds, hearing about which the transaction was not to take place, as he no longer wanted to more engage in this character. But to his great surprise it turned out that the editors agree. And the stories were written. Doyle begins work on "exiles" (graduated from early 1892). From March to April 1892, Doyle rests in Scotland. Upon returning begins work on the "Great Shadow", which ends towards the middle of the same year.

In 1892, the magazine "Strend" again proposed to write a series of stories about Sherlock Holmes. Doyle in the hope that the magazine refuses to exposes a condition - 1000 pounds and ... The magazine agrees. Doyle is already tired of his hero. After all, every time you need to invent a new plot. Therefore, when at the beginning of 1893, Doyle with his wife goes to his holiday in Switzerland and attended Reichnbakh Waterfall, he decides to commit to this annoying hero. As a result, twenty thousand subscribers refused to subscribe to the "Strend" magazine.

This mad life can explain why the former doctor did not pay attention to a serious deterioration in his wife's health. And over time, he will finally find out that Louise Tuberculosis (Chakhotka). Although she was given only a few months, Doyle begins late care, and he managed to pull her departure from life for more than 10 years, from 1893 to 1906. Together with his wife, they move in Davos, located in the Alps. In Davos, Doyle is actively engaged in sports, proceeds to writing stories about Brigadier Gerard.

Due to the illness of his wife, Doyle is very much permanent positioning, as well as in that it cannot live for this reason in England. And so unexpectedly he meets the grant Allen, who, pain like Louise, continued to live in England. Therefore, Doyle decides to sell the house in Norwood and build a luxurious mansion in Heindhead in Surrey. In the fall of 1895, Arthur Conan Doyle, along with Louise, goes to Egypt and during the winter of 1896, is where he hopes for a warm climate that will be useful for her. Before this trip, he finishes the book "Rodney Stone."

In May 1896, he returns to England. Doyle continues to work on the "Uncle Bernak", which was started still in Egypt, but the book is difficult. At the end of 1896, he proceeds to writing the "Tragedy with Korosko", which was created on the basis of the impressions of the obtained in Egypt. In 1897, Doyle comes to the thoughts to resurrect his sworn enemy Sherlock Holmes for amendments to his material situation, which deteriorated somewhat in connection with high costs of building a house. At the end of 1897, he writes the play "Sherlock Holmes" and sends it to Birbom three. But he wanted to significantly remake her for himself and eventually, the author refers it to New York Charles Froman, well, he, in turn, handed it to William Gilletu, who also wished to remake her to his taste. This time the author waved on her hand and gave his consent. As a result, Holmes married, and the author was sent to the approval of a new manuscript. And in November 1899, Gillerian "Sherlock Holmes" was well adopted in Buffalo.

Conan Doyle was a man with the highest moral implications and did not change Louise in the course of his life. However, he fell in love with Gin Leki, when he saw her on March 15, 1897. They loved each other. The only obstacle that Doyle restrained from love intrigue is a state of health of his wife Louise. Doyle acquainted with the parents of Jin, and her, in turn, introduces his mother. Arthur with Jean is often found. Having learned that his beloved was fond of hunting and sings well, Conan Doyle also begins to get involved in hunting and learning to play banjo. From October to December 1898, Doyle writes a book "Duet with a random choir", which tells about the life of the usual marital couple.

When in December 1899, the Anglo-Board War began, Conan Doyle decided to go to her volunteer. He was counted unsuitable for the service in the army, so he goes there as a doctor. On April 2, 1900, he arrives at the place and breaks the field hospital to 50 seats. But the wounded turns out many times more. For several months in Africa, Doyle saw a greater number of soldiers who died from fever, typhus than from military wounds. After the defeat of Drins, Doyle was sailed back to England on July 11. They were written about this war, the book "The Great Borde War", which underwent amendment until 1902.

In 1902, Doyle finishes work on another major product about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes ("Baskerville Dog"). And almost immediately conversations appear that the author of this sensational novel stole him with the idea of \u200b\u200bhis friend Fletcher Robinson journalist. These conversations continue so far.

In 1902, Doyle was assigned a knightly title for services rendered during the Anglo-Board War. Doyle continues on the stories about Sherlock Holmes and Brigadier Gerard, so he writes "Sir Nagel", which, in his opinion, "is a high literary achievement."

Louise died on the hands of Doyle on July 4, 1906. After nine years of secret courtship Conan Doyle and Jin Leki marry on September 18, 1907.

Before the beginning of the First World War (August 4, 1914), Doyle enters the detachment of volunteers, who was completely civil and was created in case the invasion of the enemy to the territory of England. During the war, Doyle lost many people close to him.

In the fall of 1929, Doyle departs on the last tour of Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. He was already sick. Arthur Conan Doyle died on Monday, July 7, 1930.

Conan Doyle

short biography

Sir Arthur Ignashus (in obsolete transmission - Ignatius) Conan Doyle (Doyle) (eng. Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle; May 22, 1859, Edinburgh - July 7, 1930, Crowborough, Sussex) - English writer (doctor's education), author of numerous adventure, historical, jubicial, fantastic and humorous works. The creator of classical characters of the detective, science fiction and historical adventure literature: the brilliant detective of Sherlock Holmes, an eccentric professor of Challenger, the brave cavalry officer of Gerard. From the second half of the 1910s and to the end of the life - an active supporter and a propagandist of the ideas of spiritualism.

Childhood and youth

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the family of Irish Catholics, known for its achievements in art and literature. The name of Conan was given to him in honor of the uncle Mother, the artist and the writer of Michael Edward Conan (Eng. Michael Edward Conan). Father Charles Oltemont Doyle (1832-1893), Architect and artist, July 31, 1855, aged 23 years old married 17-year-old Mary Josephine Elizabeth Fouley (1837-1920), passionately loved books and possessed the big talent of the storytellers. From her Arthur inherited his interest in knightly traditions, feats and adventures. "True love for literature, the tendency to writing is coming from me, I think from the mother," Konan Doyle wrote in autobiography. - "Bright images of the stories that she told me in early childhood, completely replaced the memories of the specific events in my life of those years."

Family of the future writer experienced serious financial difficulties - exclusively because of the oddities in the behavior of the father, who not only suffered from alcoholism, but also possessed an extremely unbalanced psyche. Arthur's school life was held in a Homader's Preparatory School. When the boy turned nine years old, rich relatives offered to pay his training and sent for the next seven years to the Jesuit closed College Stoniherst (Lancashir County), from where the future writer shed hate for religious and class prejudices, as well as to physical punishment. The few happy moments of those years have been associated with letters to the mother: a habit of describing the current events in detail to her, he retained for the entire future life. In addition, at the boarding school, Doyle enjoyed sports, mostly cricket, and also discovered the talent talent, collecting peers around him who listened for hours on the move invented stories.

It is argued that during Arthur's college training, Mathematics was the most unloved subject, and he was pretty received from the co-figures - the Moriarty brothers. Later, Konan Doyle's memories of the school years led to the appearance of the image of the "Genius of the Criminal World" in the story of the "Last Case" - Professor of Mathematics Moriarty.

The beginning of a literary career

Being a third-year student, Doyle decided to try his hand at the literary field. His first story "The Mystery of Sasassa Valley" The Mystery of Sasassa Valley), created under the influence of Edgar Allan, and Brita Garth (his favorite authors at that time), was published by the University Chamber's journalwhere the first works of Thomas Hardy appeared. In the same year, the second story of Doyle "American History" (English. The American Tale) appeared in the journal London Society..

From February to September 1880, Doyle held seven months as a ship's doctor in the Arctic waters aboard the whale vessel "Hope" (English Hope - "Hope"), having received a total of 50 pounds for work. "I climbed onto the board of this ship a big clumsy young man, and went on a strong adult man in a ladder," he wrote later in the autobiography. The impressions of the Arctic travel formed the basis of the story "Captain" Polar Star "" (English Captain of the Pole-Star). Two years later, he did a similar voyage to the West Coast of Africa on board the Paarozhi Maumba (Eng. Mayumba), kiced between Liverpool and the Western Coast of Africa.

Having received the University Diploma in 1881, Conan Doyle was engaged in medical practice, first jointly (with a highly unfair partner - this experience was described in the "Notes Stark Munro"), then individual, in Portsmouth. Finally, in 1891, Doyle decided to make literature his main profession. In January 1884 magazine Cornhill. Published the story "Message Hebehuk Jeffson". On the same days, he met with the future wife of Louise "Thay" Hawkins; Wedding took place on August 6, 1885.

In 1884, Conan Doyle began working on a socio-domestic novel with a criminal-detective story "Gerdloston Trading House" on cynical and cruel denies-jackets. The novel written under the obvious influence of Dickens was published in 1890.

In March 1886, Conan Doyle began - and in April, it was mostly completed - work on "Etude in the crimson tones" (originally assumed the name A Tangled Skein., and two main characters called Sheridan Hope and Ormond Saker). Publisher "Ward, Locke and Co." bought rights to a novel for 25 pounds sterling and printed it in the Christmas issue Beeton's christmas annual 1887, offering the Father writer Charles Doyle illustrate the novel.

In 1889, the third (and perhaps the strangest) Roman Doyle "The Mystery of Cloomber) came out (Engl. The Mystery of Cloomber). The story of the "posthumous life" of three vengeal Buddhist monks - the first literary testimony of the author's interest in paranormal phenomena - subsequently made him a convinced follower of spiritualism.

Historical cycle

In February 1888, A. Konan Doyle completed the work on the novel "Adventure Michea Clark", who narrowed about the uprising of Monmut (1685), whose goal was the overthrow of King Yakov II. Roman saw the light in November and was warmly met criticism. From now on, in the creative life of Conan Doyle, a conflict arose: on the one hand, the public and publishers demanded new works about Sherlock Holmes; On the other hand, the writer himself more and more sought recognition as the author of serious novels (primarily historical), as well as plays and poems.

The first serious historical work of Conan Doyle is considered the novel "White Dim". In it, the author turned to the critical stage in the history of feudal England, taking as a basis the real historical episode of 1366, when in century war came, the "white detachments" of volunteers and mercenaries began to occur. Continuing the war in France, at the same time they played a decisive role in the struggle of applicants for the Spanish throne. Conan Doyle used this episode for his artistic goal: he raised life and the morals of that time, and most importantly, he presented his chivalry in heroic haloel, by that time already in decline. "White Detach" printed in the magazine Cornhill. (The publisher of James Penn declared him "the best historical novel after" Ivango "), and a separate book came out in 1891. Conan Doyle always said that he considers him one of his best works.

With some assumption to the category of historical, the novel "Rodney Stone" (1896): the action here is happening at the beginning of the XIX century, Napoleon and Nelson are mentioned, Sheridan playwright. Initially, this work was thinking as a play with the working title "Temper House" and was written under the British actor Henry Irving known at the time. In the course of the work on the novel, the writer passed the mass of scientific and historical literature ("Fleet History", "Boxing History", etc.).

Napoleonic wars, from Trafalgar to Waterloo, Conan Doyle dedicated "feats" and "adventures" of the Brigadier Gerard. The birth of this character applies, apparently, by 1892, when George Meredith presented Conan Doyle Tierhomic "Memoirs" Marbo: the latter and became a prototype of Gerard. The first story of the new series, "Medal of Brigadier Gerard," the writer first read from the stage in 1894 during a trip to the United States. In December of the same year, the story printed Strand Magazine., after which the author continued to work on the continued in Davos. From April to September 1895, the "feats of Brigadier Gerard" were printed in Strand.. Here I went out for the first time and "adventure" (August 1902 - May 1903). Despite the fact that the stories about the stories about Gerard are fantastic, the historical era is discharged with great reliability. "Spirit and course of these stories are wonderful, accuracy in compliance with names and names by itself demonstrates the scale of the difficulty you spent. Few could find any errors here. And I, possessing a special silence to all sorts of misses, did not find anything for insignificant exceptions, "the famous British historian Archibald Forbes wrote to Doyle.

In 1892, the "Franco-Canadian" adventure novel "Exiles" and the historical play "Waterloo" were completed, the main role in which the actor Henry Irving was played in those years (who acquired all rights from the author). In the same year, Conan Doyle published the story "Patient of Dr. Fletcher", which a number of late researchers consider as one of the first experiments of the author with a detective genre. Historical this story can be considered only conditionally - among the secondary characters there are Benjamin Dizraeli and his wife.

Sherlock Holmes

"Scandal in Bohemia", the first story from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", was printed in the journal Strand. In 1891. The prototype of the main character, which was soon the legendary detective consultant, was Joseph Bell, Professor of the Edinburgh University, famous for the ability of the smallest detail to guess the character and past of man. For two years, Doyle created a story for the story, and, in the end, began to be his own character. His attempt to "end" with Holmes in a fight with Professor Moriarty ("The last thing Holmes", 1893) turned out to be unsuccessful: the hero had to be resurrected to resurrect the reading public. Holmesovskaya epic was crowned with the novel "Baskerville Dog" (1900), which refer to the classics of a detective genre.

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes are devoted to four novels: "Etude in the crimson tones" (1887), "Sign of Four" (1890), "Baskerville Dog", "The Valley of Horror" - and five collections of stories, the most famous of which are "the adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1892), "Notes about Sherlock Holmes" (1894) and "Return of Sherlock Holmes" (1905). The contemporaries of the writer were inclined to prone the greatness of Holmes, seeing a kind of hybrid Dupen (Edgar Allan By), leak (Emil Gaborio) and Caffe (Collins). In a retrospect, it became clear how much Holmes differs from the predecessors: the combination of unusual qualities raised it over time, made relevant at all times. The extraordinary popularity of Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion and Dr. Watson (Watson's biographer) gradually turned into a new mythology industry, the center of which to this day the apartment remains in London on Baker Street, 221b.

At the time of writing "Baskerville's dog" in 1900, Arthur Conan Doyle was the author's most paid in world literature.


In 1900, Conan Doyle returned to medical practice: he went to the Anglo-Board War as a surgeon of the military field hospital. The book "Anglo-Board War" released in 1902 met the approval of conservative circles, brought closer to the writer with government spheres, after which several ironic nickname "Patriot", which he himself, however, was proud of him. At the beginning of the century, the writer received the noble and knightly title and took part in the local elections twice in Edinburgh (both times he suffered a defeat).

On July 4, 1906, Louise Doyle died from Tuberculia, from which the writer had two children. In 1907, he married Jean Lekkka, in which he was secretly in love with the moment of dating in 1897.

At the end of the post-military debate, Conan Doyle deployed wide journalistic and (as if they were now told) human rights activities. His attention was attracted by the so-called "Edalji case", in the center of which was the young Pars, who was condemned on a fabricated charge (in causing injuries to horses). Conan Doyle, taking the "role" of the consultant's detective, thoroughly figured out the intricacies of the case and - just a long series of publications in the London newspaper Dail Telegraph (but with the involvement of expert-criminalists) proved the innocence of his ward. Starting from June 1907, hearings in the case of Edalji began to be held in the House of Commons, during which the imperfection of the legal system was exposed, devoid of such an important tool as the appellate court. The latter was created in Britain - largely due to the activity of Conan Doyle.

In 1909, in the sphere of public and political interests, Conan Doyle again fell out events in Africa. This time he made the exposure of the brutal colonial policy of Belgium in the Congo and criticized the British position in this matter. Letters Conan Doyle in The Times This topic was made by the effect of a broken bomb. The book "Crime in Congo" (1909) had an equally powerful resonance: many politicians thanks to her were forced to be interested in the problem. Conan Doyle supported Joseph Conrad and Mark Twain. But the recent attorney Rudyard Kipling met the book restrained, noting that she criticizing Belgium, indirectly undermines the British positions in the colonies. In 1909, Conan Doyle also took up the protection of the Jewish of Oscar Slater, which was unfairly convicted of murder, and achieved his liberation, although after 18 years.

Relationship with fellow by Peru

In the literature for Conan Doyle there were several undoubted authorities: first of all - Walter Scott, on whose books he grew up, as well as George Meredith, Main Reed, R. M. Ballantine and R. L. Stevenson. Meeting with an already elderly Meredith in Boxing Hill produced an oppressive impression on a beginner writer: he noted for himself that Mother dismisply responds about contemporaries and delighted with himself. With Stevenson Conan Doyle only rewritten, but his death took him hard as a personal loss.

In the early 1890s, Conan Doyle had a friendly relations with the leaders and employees of the magazine The Idleer.: Jerome K. Jerome, Robert Barrome and James M. Barry. The latter, awakening in the writer's passion for the theater, attracted it to (not too fruitful in the end) cooperation on the dramatic field.

In 1893, Doyle's sister Constantia married Ernst William Hornung. Having made relatives, writers supported a friendly relationship, although they did not always converge in their views. The main hero of Hornung, the "noble hacker" Raffles, very much reminded the parody of the "noble detective" Holmes.

A. Conan Doyle highly appreciated the works of Kipling, in which, in addition, saw a political ally (both were violent patriots). In 1895, he supported Kipling in disputes with American opponents and was invited to Vermont, where he lived with his wife-American. Later, after critical publications, Doyle about the politics of England in Africa, the relationship between the two writers became cooler.

Doyle's relations were stretched with Bernard Shaw, who once responded about Sherlock Holmes as a "drug addict, not having a single pleasant quality." There is reason to believe that the pledges of the first to the Little-known author of the author of the Kane Hall, who abused self-advertising, Irish playwright accepted on his own expense. In 1912, Conan Doyle and Show joined the public move on the pages of newspapers: the first defended the team "Titanic", the second picked the behavior of the sunny liner officers.

Conan Doyle was familiar with Herbert Wells and externally supported a good relationship with him, but internally considered it with an antipode. The conflict aggravated the fact that if Wells entered the elite of the "serious" British literature, then Conan Doyle believed albeit a talented, but - the manufacturer of entertainment reading for adolescents, with which he himself categorically disagree. Confrontation has acquired open forms in a public discussion on pages Daily Mail.. In response to a large article of Wells on workers' unrest on June 20, 1912, Conan Doyle made an argued drop ("Unrest of workers. Answer Mr. Wellsu"), showing the degree of any revolutionary activities for Britain:

Mr. Wells gives the impression of a person who during a walk in the garden can declare: "I don't like this fruit tree. Fruit is not in the best way, does not shine the perfection of forms. Let's grab it and try to grow another tree in this place, better. " Is it waiting for the British people from their genius? Where it was natural to hear from him: "I don't like this tree. Let's try to improve its vitality, without damage the trunk. Maybe it will be possible to force him to grow and be froning as we would like to. But we will not destroy it, because then all past works will disappear for nothing, and it is not known what we get in the future. "

Arthur Conan Doyle, 1912

Conan Doyle in his article urged the people to express their protest democratic way, during the election, noting that difficulties experience not only the proletariat, but also the intelligentsia with the middle class, to which Wells does not experience sympathies. Agreeing with Wells in matters of the need for land reform (and maintaining even the creation of farms in the places of abandoned parks), Doyle rejects his hatred for the ruling class and concludes: "Our worker knows: he, like any other citizen, lives in accordance with certain public laws. , and not in his interest to undermine the well-being of your state, a subsidizing branch on which he sits himself. "


In 1912, Conan Doyle published a science fiction story "The Lost World" (subsequently not once shielded), followed by a "poisoned belt" (1913). The main character of both works was Professor Challenger, a fanatic scientist, endowed with grotesque qualities, but at the same time in his own humans and charming. At the same time, the last detective story "The Valley of Horror" appeared. This is a work that many critics tend to underestimate, Biographer Doyle J. D. Karr considers one of his strongest.

The "Lost World", although there was no other success, was not perceived by contemporaries as a serious scientific fiction work, despite the fact that the author described the real place: Mountain Ricardo Franco Hills, located on the border of Bolivia and Brazil. A visit to the Fossetta Colonel's expedition was performed here: after meeting with him, Conan Doyle was born and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story was born. The story told in the story "poisoned belt" seemed to everyone even less "scientific". It is based on its known hypothesis that the universal cosmic medium is the ether, permeating space. And this hypothesis has already been built by Einstein within the framework of the general theory of relativity, but subsequently undertention has undergone a second birth in science fiction (for example, A. Azimov, "Space currents") and partially in science - so, some properties of many objects of modern physical theories (for example, Neutrinos, relic radiation as "echo of a large explosion", the theory of strings and superstrun) were considered purity as described in the ether hypotheses of the end of the XIX century.

The main topics of journalism Conan Doyle in 1911-1913 were the failure of Britain at the 1912 Olympic Games, the Rules of Prince Henry in Germany, the construction of sports facilities and preparations for the 1916 Olympic Games in Berlin (and did not hold). In addition, feeling the approach of the war, Conan Doyle in his newspaper speeches urged to revive the settlements of Jomenov, who could become the main force of new motorcycle troops ( Daily Express, 1910: "Yomena of the Future"). It also occupied the problem of urgent retraining of the British cavalry. In 1911-1913, the writer was actively expressed in favor of the introduction of Homrulya in Ireland, during the discussion more than once formulating his "imperialist" credo.


The beginning of the First World War completely turned the life of Conan Doyle. At first he signed up by a volunteer to the front, being sure that his mission was to file a personal example of heroism and serving homeland. After this proposal was rejected, he dedicated himself to journalistic activities.

Starting from August 8, 1914 in London The Times Letters of Doyle appear on the military theme. First of all, he proposed to create a massive combat reserve and the creation of civilian population units for the service of the protection of railway stations and vital objects, to help in the construction of fortifications and carry out many other combat missions. " In Himself in Crowborough (Sussex county), Doyle his own engaged in the organization of such detachments and put 200 people under guns. He then expanded the sphere of his practical activity to Eastbourne, Rotherford, Bakbedda. The writer was in contact with the Association for the preparation of volunteer units (Chairman - Lord Densboro), promising to create a giant combined army in half a million volunteers. Among their proposed innovations were established on board the ships of anti-mining tridents ( The Times, September 8, 1914), the creation of individual rescue belts for sailors ( Daily Mail., September 29, 1914), the use of individual armored protective equipment ( The TimesJuly 27, 1915). In a series of articles "German politics: a bid for killing", placed in Daily Chronicle.Doyle, with its inherent passion and power of conviction, outlined the atrocities of the German army in the air, at sea and in the occupied territories of France and Belgium. Responding to the American opponent (a certain Mr. Bennetu), Doyle wrote in THE NEW YORK TIMES from February 6, 1915: "Yes, our pilots were bombed by Düsseldorf (as well as Friedrichshafen), but each time they attacked in advance the strategic goals (aviation hangars), which caused, as was recognized, weighty damage. Even the enemy in his reports did not try to blame us in an unintelligible bombing. Meanwhile, adopting the German tactics, we would easily threw the bombs of crowded streets Cologne and Frankfurt, also open to blows from the air. "

Doyle is even more hardened when he becomes known about torture, which the English prisoners of war underwent in Germany.

... It is difficult to develop a line of behavior with respect to the red-born Indians of European origin, which are subjected to torture prisoners of war. It is clear that we ourselves cannot exhibit the Germans at our disposal to the same way. On the other hand, it is meaningless and calls for kindness, for the Middle German has the same concept of nobility that the cow is about mathematics ... He is sincerely unable to understand, for example, what makes us with warmth revoke about Muller from Veddingen and other enemies trying to At least to some extent to keep the human face ...

Soon, Doyle calls for the organization from the territory of Eastern France "Raid Retalization" and enters into a discussion with the Bishop Winchester (the essence of which is not a sinner, but the sin of it "):" Let sin fall on those who forcing themselves. We warm us. If we lead this war, guided by Christ Commandments, there will be no sense. Follow the well-known recommendation, "the second cheek", the Empire of Hohenzollerns would already be absoluxed by Europe, and instead of Christ the teachings would be preached here by Nizrasche, "he wrote in The Times December 31, 1917.

In 1916, Conan Doyle drove through the combat positions of the British troops and visited the Allied Army. The result of the trip was the book "On Three Fronts" (1916). Understanding that official reports significantly embellish the real state of affairs, he, nevertheless, refrained from any criticism, considering his duty to support the fighting spirit of soldiers. In 1916, the "History of the British troops in France and Flanders began to be published." By 1920, all 6 of its volumes were published.

Brother, son and two nephew Doyle went to the front and died there. This was the strongest shock for the writer and imposed a heavy stamp for all his further literary, journalistic and social activities.


At the end of the war, as it is considered, under the influence of shocks related to the death of close people, Conan Doyle became an active preacher of Spiritualism, who was interested in the 1880s. Among the books that have formed his new worldview, there was a "human personality and its future life after bodily death" F. U. Meier. The main works of Conan Doyle on this topic are "New Revelation" (1918), where he spoke about the history of the evolution of his views on the question of the posthumous existence of the personality, and the novel "Country of Tumanov" (English. The Land of Mist, 1926). The result of his many years of research "mental" phenomenon was the fundamental work "History of Spiritualism" (English. The History of Spiritualism, 1926).

Conan Doyle refuted the statements that he had an interest in spiritualism only on the outcome of the war:

Many people did not come across spiritism and did not even hear anything about him until 1914, when the angel of death knocked at many houses. Opponents of spiritualism believe that exactly our world social cataclysms caused such an increased interest in mental research. These unprincipled opponents stated that defending by the author of the positions of spiritualism and the protection of the teachings by his friend Sir Oliver Lodge is explained by the fact that both of them have lost their sons who died in the 1914 war. From this I followed the conclusion: the grief was praying for their minds, and they believed in what they would never have believed in peacetime. The author has refuted this non-part lies many times and emphasized the fact that his research began in 1886, long before the start of the war.

Arthur Conan Doyle. History of spiritualism. Chapter 23. Spiritism and War

The most controversial works by Conan Doyle the beginning of the 1920s belongs to the book "Fay" phenomenon (English. The Coming of The Fairies, 1921), in which he tried to prove the authenticity of the photos of "Fay from Kottingti" and put forward his own theory regarding the nature of this phenomenon . In addition, in 1923 the writer spoke in favor of the existence of the "Curse of Pharaoh".

in Wikitite.

Doyle also written historical novels ("White Detach", etc.), the plays ("Waterloo", "Darkness Angels", "Fights of Fate", "Pösta Tape"), poems (Collections of ballad "songs of action" (1898) and "Road songs"), autobiographical essays ("Notes Stark Monroe" or "Riddle Stark Monroe") and "household" novels ("duet accompanied by a random choir"), Libretto operetta "Jane Annie" (1893, in co-authorship).


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the family of Irish Catholics, known for its achievements in art and literature. The name of Conan was given to him in honor of the uncle Father, the artist and the writer Michel Conan. Father - Charles Altamont Doyle, architect and artist, aged 23 years old married 17-year-old Mary Fowie, passionately loved books and possessed the big talent of the storytellers. From her Arthur inherited his interest in knightly traditions, feats and adventures. "True love of literature, the tendency to writing is coming from me, I think from my mother," Konan Doyle wrote in autobiography. - "Bright images of the stories that she told me in early childhood, completely replaced the memories of the specific events in my life of those years."

Family of the future writer experienced serious financial difficulties - exclusively because of the oddities in the behavior of the father, who not only suffered from alcoholism, but also possessed an extremely unbalanced psyche. Arthur's school life was held in a Homader's Preparatory School. When the boy turned 9 years old, rich relatives offered to pay for his training and sent for the next seven years to the Jesuit closed College Stoniherst (Lancashir County), from where the future writer shed hate for religious and class prejudices, as well as to physical punishment. The few happy moments of those years have been associated with letters to the mother: with a habit of describing the current events of his life in detail, he did not part last life. In addition, in the boarding school, Doyle gladly engaged in sports, mostly cricket, and also opened the talent talent, collecting peers around him, who listened for hours on the move invented stories.

A. Konan Doyle, 1893. Photo portrait of the work of G. S. Berro

Being a third-year student, Doyle decided to try his strength on a literary field. His first story "The Mystery of the Salsa Valley" (English. THE MYSTERY OF SASASSA VALLEY), created under the influence of Edgar Allan in and Brita Garth (his favorite authors at that time) was published by the University Chamber's journalwhere the first works of Thomas Hardy appeared. In the same year, the second story of Doyle "American History" (Eng. The American Tale.) appeared in the journal London Society. .

In 1884, Conan Doyle began working on the "Trade House of Gerdleston", a social and domestic novel with a criminal-detective story (written under the influence of Dickens) about cynical and cruel denier-chains. It was published in 1890.

In 1889, the third (and perhaps the most strange) Roman Doyle "Mystery Karumbers" (English. The Mystery of Cloomber). The story of the "posthumous life" of three vengeal Buddhist monks - the first literary testimony of the author's interest in paranormal phenomena - subsequently made him a convinced follower of spiritualism.

Historical cycle

In February 1888, A. Konan Doyle completed the work on the novel "Adventure Michea Clark", who narrated about the Montmut Mountain (1685), whose purpose was the overthrow of King Yakov II. Roman saw the light in November and was warmly met criticism. From this point in the creative life of Conan Doyle, conflict arose: on the one hand, the public and publishers demanded new works about Sherlock Holmes; On the other hand, the writer himself more and more sought recognition as the author of serious novels (primarily historical), as well as plays and poems.

The first serious historical work of Conan Doyle is considered the novel "White Drug". In it, the author turned to the critical stage in the history of feudal England, taking as a basis the real historical episode of 1366, when in century war came, the "white detachments" of volunteers and mercenaries began to occur. Continuing the war in France, at the same time they played a decisive role in the struggle of applicants for the Spanish throne. Conan Doyle used this episode for his artistic goal: he resurrected life and the morals of that time, and most importantly, he presented a chivalry in heroic haloel, by that time already was in decline. The White Detachment was printed in the magazine "Cornhill" (the publisher of which, James Penn announced his "the best historical novel after" Ivango "), and a separate book came out in 1891. Conan Doyle always said that he considers him one of his best works.

With some assumption to the category of historical, the novel "Rodney Stone" (1896): the action here is happening at the beginning of the XIX century, Napoleon and Nelson are mentioned, Sheridan playwright. Initially, this work was thinking as a play with the working name "Temper House" and was written under the British actor Henry Irving known at the time. In the course of the work on the novel, the writer passed the mass of scientific and historical literature ("Fleet History", "Boxing History", etc.).

In 1892, the "Franco-Canadian" adventure novel "Exiles", and the historic play "Waterloo", the main role in which the actor Henry Irving was played in those years (who acquired all rights from the author) was completed.

Sherlock Holmes


In 1900, Conan Doyle returned to medical practice: as a surgeon of the military field hospital, he went to the Anglo-Boric War. The book "Anglo-Board War" released in 1902 met the approval of conservative circles, brought closer to the writer with government spheres, after which several ironic nickname "Patriot", which he himself, however, was proud of him. At the beginning of the century, the writer received the noble and knightly title and took part in the local elections twice in Edinburgh (both times he suffered a defeat).

In the early 1990s, Conan Doyle established friendly relations with leaders and employees of the magazine "Idler": Jerome K. Jerome, Robert Barrome and James M. Barry. The latter, awakening in the writer's passion for the theater, attracted it to (not too fruitful in the end) cooperation on the dramatic field.

In 1893, Doyle's sister Constantia married Ernst William Hornung. Having made relatives, writers supported a friendly relationship, although they did not always converge in their views. The main hero of Hornung, the "noble hacker" Raffles very much reminded the parody of the "noble detective" Holmes.

A. Conan Doyle highly appreciated the works of Kipling, in which, in addition, saw a political ally (both were violent patriots). In 1895, he supported Kipling in disputes with American opponents and was invited to Vermont, where he lived with his wife-American. Later (after the critical publications of Doyle about the politics of England in Africa), the relationship between the two writers became cooler.

Doyle's relations were stretched with Bernard Shaw, who once responded about Sherlock Holmes as a "drug addict, not having a single pleasant quality." There is reason to believe that the deposits of the first to the address (a little-known author) Hall Kane, who abused self-advertising, Irish playwright accepted on his own expense. In 1912, Conan Doyle and Show entered into a public passage on the pages of newspapers: the first defended the team of Titanic, the second picked the behavior of the officers of the sunken liner.

Conan Doyle in his article urged the people to express their protest democratically, during the election, noting that difficulties are experiencing not only the proletariat, but also the intelligentsia with the middle class to which Wells does not experience sympathies. Agreeing with Wells in matters of the need for land reform (and maintaining even the creation of farms in the places of abandoned parks), Doyle rejects his hatred for the ruling class and concludes: "Our worker knows: he, like any other citizen, lives in accordance with certain public laws. , and not in his interest to undermine the well-being of your state, a subsidizing branch on which he sits himself. "


In 1912, Conan Doyle published a science fiction story "The Lost World" (subsequently not once shielded), followed by the "poisoned belt" (1913). Professor Challenger, a fanatic scholar, endowed with grotesque qualities, became the main character of both works. At the same time, the last detective story "The Valley of Horror" appeared. This is a work that many critics tend to underestimate, Doyle's biographer D. Karr considers one of his strongest.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1913


Doyle is even more harder when he becomes aware of torture, which British prisoners of war undergoes in Germany.

... It is difficult to develop a line of behavior with respect to the red-born Indians of European origin, which are subjected to torture prisoners of war. It is clear that we ourselves cannot exhibit the Germans at our disposal to the same way. On the other hand, it is meaningless and calls for kindness, for the Middle German has the same concept of nobility that the cow is about mathematics ... He is sincerely unable to understand, for example, what makes us with warmth revoke about Muller from Veddingen and other enemies trying to At least to some extent to keep the human face ...

Soon, Doyle calls for an organization from the territory of East France "Raid Retreat" and enters into a discussion with the Bishop Winchester (the essence of which is not a sinner, but the sin of it "):" Let sin fall on those who forcing themselves We warm us. If we lead this war, guided by Christ Commandments, there will be no sense. Follow we, following the well-known recommendation, eliminated from the context, the "second cheek", the empire of the Hohenzollerns would have proven in Europe, and instead of Christ the teachings would be preached here by Nizrasche, "he wrote in Times, December 31, 1917.

Conan Doyle denied the statements that he had an interest in spiritualism only on the outcome of the war:

Many people did not come across spiritism and did not even hear anything about him until 1914, when the angel of death knocked at many houses. Opponents of spiritualism believe that exactly our world social cataclysms caused such an increased interest in mental research. These unprincipled opponents stated that defending by the author of the positions of spiritualism and the protection of the teachings by his friend Sir Oliver Lodge is explained by the fact that both of them have lost their sons who died in the 1914 war. From this I followed the conclusion: the grief was praying for their minds, and they believed in what they would never have believed in peacetime. The author has refuted this non-part lies many times and emphasized the fact that his research began in 1886, long before the start of the war. - ("History of Spiritism", chapter 23, "Spiritism and War")

By the number of the most controversial works, Conan Doyle began the beginning of the 20s, the book "Fey phenomenon" belongs ( The COMING OF THE FAIRIES, 1921), in which he tried to prove the truth of photos of Fay from Kottingti and put forward his own theory regarding the nature of this phenomenon.

Last years

Sir's grave A. Konan Doyle in Minsted

The entire second half of the 20s the writer spent on travels, having visited all continents, without stopping active publicist activities. Having caught in England only in 1929 to celebrate the 70th anniversary, Doyle went to Scandinavia everything for the same purpose - to preach "... Revival of religion and that direct, practical spirit, which is the only antidote from scientific materialism." This last trip blew up his health: the spring of next year he spent in bed surrounded by loved ones.

At some point, an improvement has come: the writer immediately went to London, so that in a conversation with the Minister of Internal Affairs to demand the abolition of laws pursued by medium. This effort turned out to be the last: early in the morning of July 7, 1930 in his house in Crowborough (Sussex) Conan Doyle died of a heart attack. He was buried near his garden house. On the tombstone at the request of the widow, the knightly motto engraved: Steel True, Blade Straight ("Believes like steel, just like a blade").

A family

Doyle had five children: two - from the first wife - Mary and Kingsley, and three - from the second - Jean Lena Annette, Denis Perse Stewart (March 17, 1909 - March 9, 1955; In 1936, he became her husband of the Georgian Princess Nina Mdivani ) And Adrian.

A relative of Konan Doyle in 1893 was the famous writer of the beginning of the 20th century Willy Horring: He married his sister, Connie (Constance) Doyle.

Works (Favorites)

Cycle about Sherlock Holmes

  • The adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Collection of Story, 1891-1892)
  • Notes about Sherlock Holmes (Collection of Story, 1892-1893)
  • Baskerville Dog (1901-1902)
  • Return of Sherlock Holmes (Collection of Story, 1903-1904)
  • Horror Valley (1914-1915)
  • His farewell bow (Collection of Story, 1908-1913, 1917)
  • Archive of Sherlock Holmes (Collection of Story, 1921-1927)