Manilov in the work of dead souls. Dead souls characteristic image of manif

Manilov in the work of dead souls. Dead souls characteristic image of manif
Manilov in the work of dead souls. Dead souls characteristic image of manif

One of the characters of the poem "Dead Souls" Nikolai Gogol is the landowner Manilaov, blonde and blue-eyed retired officer. The image of Manilov is quite interesting - he leads a celebrating and comfortable life, from morning to evening indulging in dreams. Dreams of Manilov is fruitless and ridiculous: dug underground move or build such a high superstructure over the house so that Moscow can be seen.

Speaking about the characteristic of Manilov, it should be noted that at idle dreams of the landowner, the shopping house is blocked by all winds, the pond was covered with greens, and the serf peasants laid out and completely defeated his hands. But all sorts of domestic problems are little worried by Manilov's landowner, all the management of the economy is entrusted with clarity.

The clerk is also not particularly driving, as evidenced by his chubby face with his eyes swimming from satiety. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the clerk, leaving his soft perins, only starts to drink tea. Life in the estate, numbering 200 peasant lines, flows as themselves.

The image of Manilov in the poem "Dead Souls"

Manilan is mostly silent, constantly smokes the phone and revels with its fantasies. His young wife, the feelings to which did not fade over 8 years of married life, is engaged in raising two sons with original name - Femistocleus and alkid.

At the first acquaintance, Manilov produces at all a very favorable impression, since thanks to his good-natured moral, in all people he sees only good, and the disadvantages inherent in every person closes his eyes.

A former officer Manifers is so pleasant in communication that sometimes it seems even excessive. Sometimes it may even seem that the eyes of the sentimental landowner exude sugar, and the speeches are extremely shred and sweet.

What is "Manovshchina"? The image of Manilov gave birth to this, which means a complacent and dreamy attitude to life, however, it combines more and idleness.

Manilov is typical so dive into his dreams that life around him seems to be freezing. At his desk, two years lies the same book laid on the 14th page.

The estate owner is characteristic of the estate - when Chikchikova's visit to Manilov took place with the goal of buying dead souls (dead, but loving in the audio fairy tales of peasants), Manilaov pursues the guest attempts to pay money for them. Although at first it is very surprised by such a suggestion, he even falls the tube from the mouth and temporarily loses the gift of speech.

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, in turn, is surprised that Manilan and Clauses cannot immediately answer the question of how many peasants they died from the time of the previous census. The answer is one: "a lot."

The image of Manilov is notable in that he gave birth to such a concept as "Manovshchina", which means complacent and dreamy attitude to life, combined with idleness and inactivity.

Manil - "Sweet" sentimental landowner; The first, to whom the chichotists are sent in the hope of acquiring dead souls (ch. 2). Character, "collected" from debris of literary stamps; linked to the water-comedy type of duster "Karamzinist"; With the Moliere type of the "stupid nobleman" and others. Through numerous literary masks in the image of M. Translucent the mask is social. In his portrait (blond hair, blue eyes), in the figure of his behavior (showful dreaminess with full idleness), even at the age (about 50 years), may be identified the features of the "sentimental", spiritual and empty sovereign Alexander I recent years His government leading the country to the catastrophe. In any case, this is the same social type. (An attempt to tie M. with Nikolai I was knowingly erroneous.) The name of the wife of M., a pleasant lady, fusing lace wallets, - Lisanka - coincides with the name of the sentimental heroine N. Karamzin, and with the name of the wife of Alexander I.

Designation of the image M., his wrapper from foreign flasks, the absence of any hint of a biography emphasize the emptiness of the hero, "insignificance", covered with sugar appearance of the appearance, "Giantness" of behavior. (According to the story of the narrator, M. - Nor the same, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan; Damn knows what it is.)

The characters of the landowners depicted in the poem are reflected in things that surround them. M. House stands on Jura, open to all winds; "Mountains" is covered with trimmed turf; Vinced liquid vertices birch; The gazebo is elevated by the "church of a secluded reflection"; The pond fully explore the rich; everywhere sulfur huts, number 200; There are no trees in the village; The "color" of the day is not the clear, not that gloomy, light gray color - the coincides with the Color of the Cabinet M., covered with a blue paint like a sulfur. All this indicates a worthlessness, the lifelessness of the hero, from which not a single live word will be raised. The hidden "death" of M. corresponds to inconsistency (he does not know how many people he died; everything is interested in a 40-year-old clarifier), the immobility of his pastime (in the Green Chalons of Sultuka or in a bathrobe, with a bank in his hand). Hooking for any topic, M. Thought to slip on anyway, in thought about the well-being of a friendly life, about the bridge through the pond, about Belvedere, so high that you can watch Moscow for tea, to whom it will hardly reach the Wheel of the Church Brush. In the world of M. No and time: two years laid on the same page some kind of book (apparently, the release of the magazine "Son of the Fatherland"); Eight years lasts marriage - but M. and his Lisanka still behave like newlyweds. And the action and time, and the meaning of life is replaced by verbal formulas; Hearing from Chichikov his strange request ("I wish to have the dead ..."), M. Shocked, remains a few minutes with opened mouth, and suspects a guest in the case. But it is worth chikchiku to pick up an exquisite verbal design of his wild requestlike M. completely calms down. And forever - even after the "exposure" Chichikova, he will insist on its "benignness" and high properties Chichikov's soul.

The world of M. is the world of false household idyll, which is fraught with false utopia of fantastic improvement (Wed. greek names his children - themistocleus and alkid, among other things related to greek origin idylly). The "falsity" of the Manilovskoy utopia and Manilovsky idyll is predetermined by the fact that neither the idyllic past, nor the utopian future at M. No, as there is no present. Chichikov's path to the lost manilovka is not accidentally depicted as a path to nowhere: even get out of Manilovka, without getting lost on the expanses of Russian off-road, and it is difficult. (Intending to get to the companion, Chichikov will have to first swell at the box, and then wrap to Nozdrev, i.e., precisely to those "unplanned" landowners who eventually destroy his glorious reputation.) In accordance with the plot scheme 1- Toma, "turning" the Datovsky "Hell" scheme, the image of M. in the portrait gallery of the dead or dying shower occupies at the same time both the highest, and the lowest place; He is equally "registered" and in the upper round, Limbe, and in the last, 9th round of the Russian "hell", from where there is no chance of getting into the coming Russian "paradise". In M. there is nothing negative; It fell so low as Plushkin and especially chikchik himself; He did not accomplish anything reprehensible in this life, because he did not commit anything at all. But it does not have anything positive; In it, all the deposits were completely died. And because M. Unlike the rest of the "semi-negative" characters cannot count on mental transformation and revival (the meaningful perspective of the 2nd and 3rd volumes) - there is nothing to revive and transform.

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The image of Manilov's landlord, compared to the majority of the landowners described by Gogol, creates the most profitable and positive impression, although it is not so difficult to find negative features, however, compared to negative sides Other landowners, it looks like the smallest of evil.

Appearance and age Manilov

The accurate age of Manilov is not listed in the story, but it is known that he was not an old man. The reader's acquaintance with Manilov, it is likely to fall for the heyday of his strength. The hair was his bright, and the eyes are blue. Manilov often smiled, sometimes at such extent that his eyes were hiding and not visible at all. He also had a habit of pushing.

His clothes were traditional and did not stand out anything, as, in fact, manilov himself in the context of society.

Characteristic personality

Manilov is a nice man. It does not have such a quick-tempered and unbalanced character, as most of the landowners described by Gogol.

His benevolence and good nature placed to themselves and create trusting relationships. At first glance, such a state of affairs seems very profitable, but in fact, it also plays with a Manilanner's joke, turning it into a boring person.

The absence of zadra and a clear position on this or that matter makes it impossible to communicate with him. Manilov was guided and kind. Usually, he smoked the phone, giving tribute to his habit of still army years. He did not do the management at all - he was lazy to do it. Manilov often built plans for the restoration and development of their farm and the improvement of the house, but these plans always remained the Gresses and never went to the plane real life. It was all the same laziness of the landowner.

Dear readers! We offer to familiarize yourself with the poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls"

Manilova is very sad for the fact that he has not received proper education. He does not know how to say it, but it is very competent and carefully writes - Chichikov was surprised, seeing his records - they did not need to rewrite, because it was written everything clearly, calligraphic and without mistakes.

Family Manilov

If in other respects Manilas can give Mahu, then in relation to the family and its relationship with the family he is an example for imitation. Its family consists of his wife and two sons, somehow you can attractive to these people. In the story, Gogol pays a significant role to him, but, apparently, he was perceived by Manilov as a family member.

Wife Manilov called Lisa, she was already eight years old married woman. The husband was very kind to her. In their relations prevailed tenderness and love. It was not a game of public - they really experienced tender feelings to each other.

Lisa was a beautiful and well-educated woman, but she absolutely did not deal with the affairs of the house. It did not have an objective reason, except for the laziness and her personal reluctance to delve into the essence of cases. Households, in particular, the husband did not consider it a terrible and calmly treated such a situation.

The senior son Manilov was called the femistocleus. He was good boy 8 years. According to Manilov himself, the boy was distinguished by an unprecedented milk and mind for his age. Name junior Son It was no less unusual - alkid. The youngest son was six. As for the younger Son, the head of the family believes that it is inferior in developing his brother, but, in general, the review of him was also apparent.

Manile Manilla and Village

Manilov has a huge potential to become rich and successful. At his disposal, the pond, the forest, the village of 200 houses, but the landlord laziness prevents him from fully developing his economy. It is more correct to say that Manilan is not doing the management of the economy. The main affairs is headed by the manager, Manilov was very successfully returned and lives measured. Even episodic intervention in the course of the process does not cause him interest.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls"

He undoubtedly agrees with his governing about the need for certain works or actions, but it does it so lazy and vaguely that sometimes it is difficult to determine it true attitude to the subject of discussion.

On the territory of the estate, several clubs located on the English manner and gazebo are noticeably allocated. Flowers, as practically, everyone in the estate Manilov is in launching - neither the owner nor the hostess pay them due attention.

Since Manilaov loves to indulge in dreams and reflections, then the gazebo becomes an important element in his life. He can often be there for a long time, indulging in fantasies and building mental plans.

Attitude towards peasants

The peasants Manilov never suffer from the attacks of his landowner, the matter here is not only in the calm moral manilov, but also in his laziness. He never delves his peasants into the affairs, because he does not have interest in this matter. At first glance, such an attitude should have favorably influence the relationship in the projection of the presenter-serf, but this medal has its own unsightly side. The indifference of Manilov is manifested in complete indifference to the life of serfs. It is in no way trying to improve their working conditions or life.

By the way, he does not even know the number of his fortress, as it does not lead to them. Some attempts to keep records were undertaken by Manilov - he considered the peasants of a male floor, but soon there was a confusion and in the end, everything was abandoned. Also, manilov does not account for their " dead souls" Manilaov gives Chichikov's her dead souls and even takes the costs of their design.

House and Cabinet Manilova

Everything in Manilov's estate has a dual position. The house and, in particular, the office did not exception from the rules. Here, as anywhere, the impermanence of the landowner and his family members is better.

First of all, this is associated with comparison of non-separated. In the house of Manilov, you can see good things, so, for example, the sofa at the landlord was covered with a good cloth, but the rest of the furniture was in the launch and was crushed cheap and already the order of the fabric. In some furniture rooms, they lacked at all and they stood empty. Chichikova was unpleasant surprised when during dinner on the table there were a very decent lamp and a very unsightly simple look, like a disabled person of his colleague. However, this fact only noticed the guest - the rest took it as proper.

Cabinet Manilova is not much different from the rest. At first glance, it was a completely cute room, the walls of which were painted in gray-blue tones, but when Chichikov began to carefully consider the Cabinet atmosphere, it could notice that even the most in the manilov office was tobacco. Tobacco was definitely everywhere - a handheld on the table, he generously retrolled all the documents that were in the office. Also in the office Manilov lay a book - the tab in it was at the very beginning - the page on the fourteenth, but this did not mean that Manilov recently took up her reading. This book in this position calmly lay for the second year.

Thus, Gogol in the story "Dead Souls" depicted a completely pleasant man, Manilov's landowner, which, with all its shortcomings, is noticeably positively stand out against the background of the whole society. He has the full potential to become an exemplary person in all respects, but the laziness that the landowner is unable to overcome, becomes a serious obstacle.

Characteristics of Manilov in the poem "Dead Souls": Description of character and appearance

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The gallery of landowners in the poem "Dead Souls" opened manilov. This is the first character, to whom Chichikov addresses the dead souls. What determines the "championship" of Manilov? Gogol's statement is known that heroes are followed by one division of another. It turns out that manifs in the poem represents the first, smaller, degree moral degradation. but modern researchers Interpretation of the emergence of landowners in the "dead souls" in a different sense, put in accordance with the first volume of Gogol's poem of the first part " Divine Comedy.»Dante (" hell ").

In addition, as Yu. Mann notes, the championship of Manilova is determined by the personality features of the hero. The dreaminess and romanticism of Manilov already at the very beginning of the poem create a sharp contrast of the Cechikov immoral adventure.

There is here and another reason. According to I. P. Golden, "Whenever Chichikov meets with someone from the landowners, he makes an inspection of his ideals. Manilov is family life, Babenka, Baby ... ". This "part" of the Chichikovsky ideal is exactly the best that is in the "rough-material" Hero's dream about contentment and comfort. Therefore, the story of Chichikov's baudders begins with Manilov.

This image in the poem is statical - with the hero does not occur any internal changes throughout the entire narrative. The main qualities of Manilov - sentimentality, dreaminess, excessive grace, courtesy and courtesy. This is what apparently lies on the surface. It is these features that are emphasized in the description of the appearance of the hero. Manilov "There was a prominent man, the features of his face were not devoid of pleasantness, but this appeal seemed to be too transmitted to the Sahara; In the receptions and turnover of it there was something incorrect location and dating. He smiled tempting, was Belokur, with blue eyes. "

However, Gogol further proceeds to the description of the inner world of Manilov, and the first impression from the "pleasantness" of the landowner at the reader is removed. "In the first minute of conversation, you can not say with him:" What a pleasant and kind person! "The next minute you will not say anything, but you say to the third:" Damn knows what it is! " - and you will go away; If you do not go away, you will feel a deadly boredom. From him you will not wait for any living or even an arrogant word, which you can hear almost from any if you touch the subject of his subject. " With a fraction of irony, the author lists the traditional "interests" of the landowners: passion for greyhound dogs, music, gourmet, promotion. Manilov does not interest anything in life, he has no "rear". He says very little, he often thinks and reflects, but what - "Did God ... know". So many more characteristic properties of this landowner are clearly extended - uncertainty, indifference to everything, inertness and infantilism of life perception. "There is a genus of people," says Gogol, - famous under the name: People so-so, neither then, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan ... "It is to this type of people treats Manilov.

"Neo-Oriform, vagueness" of the inner world of the hero The writer emphasizes the characteristic landscape. So, the weather on the day when Chichikov came to Manilov, in high degree Undefined: "The day was not the clear, not that gloomy, and some light gray color, which only happens on old uniforms of garrison soldiers ..."

In the description of the Lord's estate, we open new features of Manilov. Here we already see a person who claims to "education", "culturality", "aristocracy", but Gogol does not leave the readers any illusions on this matter: all the attempts of the hero appear to the educated and sophisticated aristocrat of the vulgar and ridiculous. So, the house of Manilova is "single to Jura, that is, on an elevation, open to all winds," but the mountain, on which the estate stands, "dressed trotted by the turf", on it "Two or three flower beds are scattered in English with the bushes of sirens and yellow Acacia. " Nearby is a gazebo "with wooden blue columns" and the inscription "Temple of secluded reflection." And next to the "temple" overgrown, covered with a greenery pond, according to which, "Pictures of the dress and joining the dresses from all sides," the wives of two women, wistor behind him aged wedding. Gogol parody of sentimental stories and novels guessed in these scenes.

The same claims for "education" are guessed in the ancient Greek names that Manilaov awarded their children - Alkid and Femistocleus. However, the surface formation of the landowner here turned out to be frankly stupid: even chikchiki, having heard these names, experienced some surprise, to easily imagine the reaction of local residents.

but ancient Greek names here is not only bright feature Manilova. "Alkid" and "Femistocleus" asks in the poem the topic of history, the motive of the hectares, which is present throughout the narration. Thus, the name "Femi-Stokes" reminds us of feminist state Affairs And the commander from Athens, who tried brilliant victories in battles with Persians. The life of the commander was very turbulent, saturated, full of significant events (against the background of this heroic topic, the inaction, the passivity of Manilov) becomes more noticeable.

"Incompleteness of nature" Manilov (nature as if he stopped at the "pleasant" appearance of the hero, "not reporting" in it character, temperament, life) affects and in the description of its home environment.

In all of Manilov - the incompleteness, creating a disharmony. A number of interior details testifies to the tendency of the hero to luxury and sophistication, but in the inclination of this all the same incompleteness, the inability to bring the case to the end. In the living room Manilova stands "Beautiful furniture covered with Silkolsky Silk Matter", which is "very expensive", but it lacks it for two armchairs, and the chairs are "covered simply by the root." In the evening, a "Shchegolian candlestick made of dark bronze with three ancient graces" is served on the table, and next to him is "a simple copper disabled, chrome, rolled over and all in Sale ...". For two years now, the hero has read the same book, reaching only until the fourteenth page.

All landowner classes are meaningless and ridiculous, as well as his dreams. So, by testing Chichikov, he dreams of a huge house "With such a high Belvedere, that you can even see Moscow from there." But the climax of the image of Manilov is the "slides of the ash broken from the tube, placed not without trying very beautiful rows." Like all the "noble gentlemen," manilov smokes the phone. Therefore, in the office it is a kind of tobacco cult, which is embarrassed in the cardune, and to the tobashnitsa, and "just a heap on the table." So, Gogol emphasizes that the "transmission of time" Manilov is completely worthless, meaningless. And this senselessness is noticeable even when comparing the hero with the rest of the landlords. It is difficult for us to imagine such a class (placement of a slide of ash beautiful rows) of a companion or a box.

Speech of the hero, "delicate", suitable, fully corresponds to his inner appearance. Discussing with Chikchikov sale of dead The souls, he is interested in whether this one will not be inappropriate to civil regulations and further species of Russia. " However, Pavel Ivanovich, who added two or three book turnover to the conversation, manages to convince him of the perfect legality of this transaction - Manilaov gives chikchikov dead peasants and even the design of the bomp assists.

Thus, the portrait of the hero, his speech, landscape, the interior, the surrounding situation, the details of life expose the essence of the nature of Manilov. Upon closer look, the ghostity of its "positive" qualities - sensitivity and sentimentality becomes a prominent. "His feeling is amazingly small and insignificant, and no matter how much he crushed him, no one is cold from it. His courtesy - to the services of all, as well as his goodwill, but not because he really has such loving soulAnd because they don't stand at him - it's just a manner ... His feelings are not real, but only their fiction, "wrote a pre-revolutionary researcher Gogol.

Thus, Manilov does not appreciate people from the point of view of the criteria of good and evil. The surrounding simply fall into the general atmosphere of complacency and dreaminess. In essence, Manilan indifferenten to life itself.

The poem "Dead Souls" written by Gogol is considered one of his best works. Reading this work can be found such a hero as the Manilan landowner. This character is of interest from the reader. Manilov lives on full leg and comfortable. He also spends all day for his dreams, they do not leave his head. These dreams are nothing good. Such life leads to a mess in the house and on the site. The fortress steel lazy and not submissive. But, Manilov does not devote themselves to everyday affairs, everything is managed by the order.

Manilov is a rather silent man, he only thinks the whole day, how to bring his dreams to life. The landlord has a wife, which he did not fit for 8 years of marriage. A woman is devoting to the upbringing of children. By the way, they are quite strange to call them for Russia, themistocleus and alkid. When Manilaov first meets with someone, people are simply amazed by the manner of his communication. He is very cultured and pleasant, he likes to people. The landowner tries not to look at the negative qualities of people, he notices only good. There were cases that he annoyed people with their good manners and behavior. Sometimes he just "overtook a stick."

This person is practically no useful. Manilaov loved spending time in her room and dream. Or just reflect on something. Its office was not at all for work. The landowner read the same book for two years, in which lay a bookmark on one page. With people, he is specifically, even unnecessarily pleasant. He can sprinkle people with compliments and courtesies, but, in fact, his speech is empty and has no interest.

Initially it seems that you have a very nice person. And then it quickly goes out and becomes rather boring. The landowner does not know how to express his thoughts, but in principle he does not have his own opinion. A person is pretty straightforward and in some sense dead soul. The character is very gray and not having, it does not even have any special skills and inconsistencies.

This hero is surrounded by things that have no sense at all. This suggests that the landowner belongs to life indifferent. The house is always open to the unpack, you want to come in, you want to come out.

Summarize. The author shakes the reader's attention to inner world Manilova. His soul is empty and insignificant. And she is covered with idle life and excessive pleasant manners. This hero It does not have almost nothing wrong, but there is nothing good in it. Gogol does not give a chance to this hero of the work somehow change or reverse. This man is essentially an empty place, so it's just nothing to change in it. This character Transfers the behavior of some people in real life, which is only engaged in what they dream do not understand what.

Option 2.

Manilov - the first landowner with whom N.V. Gogol introduces the reader. At the same time, his image can be considered central, it is best remembered. The author of the master creates the characteristic of the hero. When Chichikov enters the Manilovka, the impression of a cozy home, pleasant and welcoming owners is created. Everything and it makes hospitality and even comfort. But, having stayed in this house for a while, it becomes stuffy, disgusting, I want to escape from there along with the main hero.

It is originally a pleasant image of a smart and intelligent person, but then his emptiness, mediocreness, vulgarity opens the interlocutor. With Barin, it becomes uninteresting, gently, nauseously, after all, Manilov never has her opinion, but only supports the secular conversation by the learned common phrases. Initially, Manilov seems to be interlocutors cute, pleasant and good man, but communication with him causes boredom mortal. In his speeches there is no zador, individuality, living word. At the same time, his conversations are inciting, he desperately seeking the location of the interlocutor. The hero is experiencing an enthusiastic sympathy.

The landlord has a fairly pleasant appearance. He is not old, Belokur, with blue eyes and a tempting smile. Dress up expensive, though tasteless. And at first glance, this is a prominent man. His eyes "Sweet as sugar" with a cute square, especially when laughs. The smile of the hero was as sweet and honeying. In general, a lot of "sugar" in the description of the hero. In terms of face, facial expressions, expressions and conversations. "The features of his face were not devoid of pleasantness, but this appeal seemed to be used to the Sahara." "I was represented by my expression not only sweet, but even a member."

Man for 8 years married. Loves his spouse Lisa. And she is very pleased with her husband. They touching and gently bring each other pieces of fruit, candy and other yum. Communicating at the same time with completely showing voices, which causes the reader a disgust or laughter. Children are named completely strange and coupling names: themistocleus and alkid. And the upbringing of their servants are engaged.

Most familiar consider Manilov modest, brought up, delicate, hearty and educated person. Partly, this is true. In a transaction with chikchikov, he behaves unselfishly in the material plan. And even legal costs takes on themselves. But his benefit is that he is nice to be useful chikchiku, it flatters a landowner.

The character of the hero is difficult to determine, he, what is called neither the CE. But the details prescribed by the author are quite eloquent. Manilov never brings things to the end. And more often they are not beginning. But only dreams about what to do well. Builds plans that will never implement. One of these dreams becomes the bridge, which every guest of Manilovka hears several times. On the table, the owner is a dusty book, open for many years on the same page. Furniture is covered by expensive foreign cloth, on, however, it was not enough for all items.

Manilovshchina is a false idyll, utopia of a kind. And she delays if it did not break out on time. Therefore, it's so you want to escape from the estate, to leave as soon as there is still forces to fight.

Essay about landowner Manilov

Manilov is one of the five landowners of the work of Gogol "Dead Souls". Each landowner is described in a book on the descending character of humanity, the first in which Manilan, who managed to keep some aspects of attractiveness. Each landowner paradises human sins: Laziness, Care, fraud, hypocrisy, absurdity and others. Manilov had to take on the role of a dreamer, whose thoughts were always elevated above the clouds, never descended to Earth.

Manilan retired officer of pleasant outfice, which leads festive image Life: He is lazy and ridiculous, irresponsible and overly dreamy. He is comfortable in his atmosphere. He constantly smokes a long tube, raises two sons and still loves his wife in eight years of married life. The first impression of it is favorable. Thanks to the upbringing, he sees only a pleasant in people, which is why it is extremely well-fastened and frivolous.

It is pleasant in communication, because it uses excessively "sweet" speeches to please your interlocutor. Manilov loves to dive into their dreams from morning to evening, because of what the image of "Manilovshchina" is created. Life around gets so much that the book is already two years old on the same page. Manilaov dreams of creating a high superstructure over the estate in such a way that all Moscow can be seen. However, at the same time, she forgot about the management of the economy, because of which he charges his clarity. In turn, he does not particularly worry about the life of the peasants. In the end, two hundred peasant gangs survive somehow by themselves, giving themselves to the arbitrary of fate.

Manilov is uncanyten. In addition to dreams, he is often silent, or he smokes his favorite long tube. He does not follow his peasants, as a result of which he cannot even answer the question about the number of victims chikchiku. Manilov decides to give the soul of peasants for free, as the guest's intentions are surprised and the fact that he wants to take a real price for a non-existent product.

Image and characteristics of Manilov

The history of Gogol is a large-scale allegory that depicts deep mystical and religious meanings. Plast descriptions of landowners presents the image of the fall, as well as images of embodied sins as such. These images Gogol has a special order in order to compile a semantic canvas and interesting structural rhymes.

Manilov is the first landowner to whom the chichikov arrives and this situation is quite substantiated. Indeed, in the semantic context of Manilan - the image of childhood, the smallest degree of the dead and in something even the smallest degree of sinfulness.

This hero is indeed naive, he applies to everyone complacently: the vice-governor is "dear", the Politzmeister is "very pleasant." He creates a positive and pleasant impression, communicates with the use of a variety of compliments to the interlocutor. Thus, this person is harmless and simple.

Nevertheless, the figure of Manilov under the clue is even disgusting. Its absolute infantility is transformed into terrible forms that are simply unacceptable in adulthood. Gogol emphasizes this fact with characteristic details, "the book, laid down by a mortgage on a 14 page, which he has been constantly read for two years already" and the slides of ash from the tube, which thoroughly folded on the window.

Thus, Manilov is an absolutely worthless person in which fantasies fully displacing genuine existence, he lives in Gres and this is the beginning of his dead. Also, the relationship in the family is completely false and caricature.

With his wife, he communicates with absurd sugar-delicate phrases that have nothing to do with genuine feelings, but rather are called only to keep comfort and "rainbow" children's mood. The spouse itself is also not a mature character. He gives children strange names and both of them turn into children like dolls or something like that, that is not this is speech On the upbringing or transfer of experience.

Manilov - a soul caught in a network of fairy tales and dreams, not able to make something worthwhile in this world. He also personifies the whole childhood stupidity and weakness of a non-deformed personality, the beginning of the fall.