Sicilian mafia. The current state

Sicilian mafia. The current state
Sicilian mafia. The current state

This is a spontaneous uprising of the inhabitants of Sicily's island against the French-occupiers, the name "Sicilian evening", broke out in Palermo at Easter, on March 29, 1282. But the memory of him was preserved for centuries. According to many historians, the motto of the rebels Sicilians Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela "Death to all French," says Italy ") in the form of an abbreviation turned into the name of the Sicilian organized [...]

For a long time, American Mafia "Goat Nostra" was filled with five Italian families. Of these, the most influential was the Gambino family, and John Gotti is the most odious head of this clan. Being an extraordinary person, he tried to reform the mafia, the traditions of which carefully and hard stored the Dona of the old formation. John Gotti reforms significantly increased Mafia's revenues and made a criminal authority of a real celebrity. [...]

Salvatore Juliano - a sign figure of a gangster Sicily. Having lived only 27 years old, he became a legend in his life, being Robin Hood at the Sicilian manner and at the same time bloodthirsty bandit. With his name, the latest attempts to Sicily gain independence. The history of Life Giuliano, the last Bandit of Sicily, marks the restoration of the Mafia power crushed by the fascist regime after [...]

In 1992, in the United States was sentenced to the life imprisonment "Godfather" of one of the five largest clans of the Sicilian mafia, John Gotti. The video film was decisive in court, on which John whispering his brother Piter is literally the following: "We will force this rat." Peter swears to take revenge on his brother and deal with the "rat". But who [...]

In the ranking of Italian mafia, Neapolitan Camorra occupies an honorable third place, immediately after the Calabrian mafia and the Sicilian goat-Nostra. But the bloodthirsty and lawlessness of Camorra is an unconditional leader. On her account tens of thousands of deaths. Despite the active struggle of the state with the mafia in general and the Camorra in particular, the Neapolitan Batvas is still very strong. "I see nothing, I can not hear anything [...]

In Gangster movies, the key is a beaten phrase: "Sorry, friend, it's just a business, nothing personal." The sample of this law was the fate of Gangster Roy Demeo - preventing friends and as a result of devotees. Membership in mafia families gave criminals not only rights, but also the obligation to unquest to obey the authorities. Perhaps the last mafia, who allowed himself to spit on the orders of the boss, [...]

At the time of the dry law in America, the "Alcohol War" launched in New York between mafia families. According to different sides of the barricades, representatives of the "Little Italy" came together: the old and new generation of natives Apennel. The result was the famous "Castellamic War", which killed more than 110 mafiosi. The "Castellamic War" became a real confrontation between generations: "Migrant Pitami" - representatives of the first wave of migrants, and young gangsters, [...]

Until the middle of the XIX century, the concept of "organized crime" in the United States was absent. The first swallow was the collision of New York's gang, which Martin Scorsese took off his famous film. Groupings "Marsh Angels", "Dead Rabbits", "The Gofhers" originated in the basements of the old brewing and slums of the Irish, who came to the new light in search of the best lobe. They recruited 10-11-year-old murderers in their ranks, satisfied doggy [...]


Mafia appeared in the mid-19th century in Sicily. American mafia is a branch of Sicilian, who worked on the "waves" of Italian immigration at the end of the 19th century. Members and associate members of the mafia group should have been committed to murder in order to intimidate prisoners and dissuade them from trying to cut the term.

Sometimes the murders were made due to revenge or because of the differences. Murders became a profession in mafia. Throughout history, the skill of the murder was constantly honed. Planning, performing and noticeing traces - all this was part of the "trading" agreement with a qualified killer. However, most killers ended their life with a violent death or by holding a large segment in prison.

10. Joseph "Animal" Barbosa (Joseph "The Animal" Barboza)

Barbos is known as one of the most terrible killers in the 1960s, as it should, he killed more than 26 people. He received his nickname during the incident, which occurred in a nightclub, when he after a small disagreement "discovered" the offender is all face. Some time, after that, he continued his boxer career, winning 8 out of 12 battles under the alias "Baron".

Despite the fact that he still made several attempts to return to the legal life, "Nature took His", because how many wolves do not feed, he still looks into the forest, so he soon began to engage in crime. In 1950, he served 5 years in the massachusetts correctional colony, while he repeatedly attacked the guards and on other prisoners. After two years from the designated period, he accomplished escape, but soon it was caught.

After his release, he immediately connected to the gangster gang, and began his "own business" on the theft of hacking. At the same time, his career began to develop as a "hired killer" in the framework of the criminal family of Patricia. Over the years, the number of his victims has grown, as well as his reputation for the hired killer has strengthened. Its preferred weapon was a pistol with a silencer, although he also liked to experiment with automotive bombs.

Over time, Barbos became a respected figure in a criminal world, however, if his reputation was not possible not to acquire dangerous enemies. After he went to jail on charges of murder, and there learned that attempted at him, he agreed to testify against the Boss Mafia Raymond Patriarca (Raymond Patriarca) in exchange for protection from the FBI. For some time he was defended in the framework of the Program for the protection of witnesses, but the enemies still managed to get it. In 1976, he came to the ambush near his house and was killed by a shotgun.

9. Joe "Crazy" Gallo ("Crazy" Joe Gallo)

Joseph Gallo was a well-known representative of the criminal group of profasses based in New York. He killed ruthlessly and it was believed that he was participating in many customer murders on the orders of the Boss Joe Profaci himself. Ironically, his nickname has nothing to do with his "murderous" reputation.

Many "colleagues" called him crazy because he loved to quote the dialogues from the gangster films and issue himself for fictional characters. His reputation significantly "sick" in 1957, when Joe was suspected (although it has never been proven) that he was among those who killed the extremely influential Boss of Mafiosi Alberta Anastasia (Albert Anastasia).

A year later, Gallo gathered a team for overthrowing the leader of the Father's Father's Profasi Joseph Profasi. The attempt was unsuccessful, after which many of his friends and relatives were killed. Hall's business walked very badly, and in 1961 he was convicted of robbery and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

During his stay in prison, he tried to kill a few other prisoners, politely inviting them to his camera and joining Strichnin. Most of them are seriously ill, but no one died. After 8 years from the designated period, he was released early.

After the liberation of Gall, was determined to take on the role of the leader of the criminal family Colombo. In 1971, African American Gangster shot the head of the then leader of Joe Colombo. Nevertheless, Gallo will soon meet with his own tragic end. In 1972, dinner at the fish restaurant with her family and bodyguard, he was killed by five shots in the chest. The main suspect in the murder was, as Karlo Gambino (Carlo Gambino), who made it in retaliation for killing a friend Joe Colombo.

8. Giovanni Brusca (Giovanni Brusca)

Giovanni Bruck is known as one of the most cruel and sadistic members of the Sicilian mafia. He claims that more than 200 people killed, although in fact it is unlikely, even officials did not take this figure. Bruke grew up in Palermo, and began communication with the criminal world from early childhood. In the end, he became a member of the Squadron of Death, which committed crimes on the orders of the Boss of Salvator Riin (Salvatore Riina).

Brawn participated in the murder of the prosecutor to combat Mafia Giovanni Falcone in 1992. A huge bomb Weightfully in almost halfnone was placed under the highway in Palermo. When the car was driving in a place where the bomb was laid, the explosive device worked, killing in addition to Falcone there are still many ordinary people who were in that fatal minute. The explosion was so powerful that he struck the hole on the road, and the locals thought that the earthquake begins.

Soon after that, Brousa began to face numerous problems. His former friend Giuseppe di Matteo became an informant and spoke about the involvement of Bruck for the murder of Falcone. In order to make Matteo be silent Bruke kidnapped his 11-year-old son and tormented him for two years. He also regularly sent the Father's terrifying photo of the boy, demanding to abandon the testimony. In the end, the boy was strangled, and his body was dissolved in acid to destroy evidence.

Brousa was sentenced to life imprisonment, however, was able to escape and began to continue active activities in organized crime. Nevertheless, the authorities still managed to get to him, and he was arrested in a small house in the Sicilian village.

Officers who took part in the arrest were in ski masks in order to hide their faces from criminals, because they would have been waiting for an imperious russeau. He was convicted on charges of numerous killings, he is currently in prison, where he will remain until the end of his days.

7. John SCALISE (John Scalise)

John Skalis was one of the main hired killers of the Al-Kapone clan during the prohibition in the 1930s and 1940s. When he was twenty years old, he lost his right eye at a fight on a knife, which was later replaced by glass. After that, in order to consolidate his reputation, he began to accept orders for killings from the Jennas brothers (Gennas Brothers). Later he secretly began to cooperate with Al-Capon. John also held in prison for 14 years for unintended murder, and was brutally beaten by the models.

Perhaps, he received the greatest popularity in connection with the participation in the massacre on Valentine's Day, when seven people were built along the wall and severely shot by gangsters, disguised in the police. Skalis was arrested and accused of murder, however, soon he was released, because his fault was not proved.

Later, Al-Kapone learns that Skalis and two other killers were involved in a conspiracy in order to overthrow his leadership. He invited everyone three of the banquet, he scored everyone almost to death, and the final chord was bullets released in the forehead.

6. Tommy De Simone (Tommy desimone)

The family of this person recognizable, as in 1990 actor Joe Peşi played Tommy in the film "Nice Guys". Nevertheless, despite the fact that in the film he is depicted by a small and low-spirited person, in his life he was a big, a shoulder-blooded killer, an increase in almost 2 meters and weighing more than 100 kilograms. It was proved that 6 people died personally from his hands, although, according to some data, this number is more than 11. Informant of Henry Hill (Henry Hill) described it as a "pure psychopath".

De Simone's first murder committed in 1968. While walking with Henry Hill in the park, he saw an unknown man who went to them towards him. He turned to Henry and said: "Hey, look!" Then shouted the mateful word to the stranger and fired into it in the emphasis. It will not be the last impulsive murder.

In one of the bars, he flared because of the wrong, in his opinion, accounts for drinks. Picking the gun, he demanded that the bartender would be swallowed for him. When the latter refused, he shot him one leg. A week later, being again in the same bar, he began to mock on the bartender wounded in his leg, to which he imparted an implicit way to his way away. Tommy reacted very quickly: he took out the gun and killed the bartender, shot in him three times.

After his participation in the famous case on the robbery of Lufthansa, Tommy began to work the hired killer on a friend and the inspiration of the thieves Jimmy Burke (Jimmy Burke). He eliminated possible informants and thus increased his share of the worn. One of the dead was a very close to each other Tommy Stacs Edwards (stacks edwards), for the murder of which he walked with great reluctance. Berk told Tommy that he could become a full-fledged member of the mafia grouping, killing Edwards, and De Simone agreed.

In the end, the hot spirits of Tommy and led him to death. In the next fit of the blind rage, he killed two close friends of Boss John Gotti (John Gotti), who considered his duty to personally will be delighted with Tommy. According to Henry Hill, the killing process was long, as Gotti wanted de Simone to suffer greatly. He was killed in 1979, and his remains were not found.

5. Test Salvator (Salvatore Testa)

Salvatore was Gangster Philadelphia, who served as a hired killer from the criminal group of Scarfo since 1981 and up to his death in 1984. His father, a very influential person in criminal circles, was killed by a shot in the head in 1981, leaving the Salvatore several of his legal and illegal businesses. As a result, in 25 years, Teste was very rich.

Teste was an extremely aggressive person, and he personally killed 15 people during his "activity". One of his victims was a man who prepared the murder of his father, Gangster and bodyguard Rocco Marinucci (Rocco Marinucci). His body was found exactly a year after the death of Father Salvatore. It was completely covered with bullet wounds, and in his mouth he had three unexploded bombs.

A huge number of attempted at Salvatore was committed, however, he always managed to survive after them. The first attempted took place on the terrace of the Italian restaurant, when Ford Sedan slowed his turn, driving past the Testa table, and the crop the abdrons appeared in the window and left hand. However, he survived, and the attempted the attempt was forced to go underground after he found out who they were.

Teste met his death after he was assigned to the ambush his ex-friend. He was killed with a close distance shot in the head. The motive for the murder was the concerns of the scarf criminal boss that Teste is preparing a conspiracy against him.

4. Salvatore "Sammy Bull" Gravano (Salvatore "Sammy The Bull" Gravano)

Sammy Bull was a member of the Crime Clan Gambino. But he acquired great popularity, most likely, after he became an informant against the former Boss John Gotti. His testimony helped to stubborn Gotti behind the bars until the end of his days. In all his criminal career, Gravano made a huge number of murders and registered murders. It received the nickname "Bull" because of its volume, growth, as well as habits to carry out fistful battles with other mafia.

He began his mafia activities in the late 1960s in the Crimbo Clane. He participated in armed robbers and other small crimes, although rather quickly switched to a fairly profitable region - usury. He committed his first murder in 1970, it helped the bull to earn respect among representatives of the criminal world.

By the beginning of the 1970s, Gravano was a member of the criminal group of Gambino. He was arrested on suspicion of murder, however, he was released soon. After that, he began a series of serious robbery than and dealt for one and a half years. After this period, he had a significant weight in the grouping of Gambino. He "signed" in 1980, his first contract for the custom murder.

A man named John Simon was the head of the conspiracy, as a result of which it was planned to kill the boss of the criminal group of Philadelphia Angelo Bruno, without having received permission from a special mafia commissions, for which he was sentenced to death. Simon was killed in a wooded area, and his body was recycled.

The bull committed its third murder in the early 1980s after he was offended by a rich magnate. He was caught out on the street, and while friends held him, the bull first made two shots in his eyes, and then checking the forehead. After the magnate fell, he glaved him.

Later, Gravano becomes the right hand of the boss of the criminal clan of Gambino John Gotti, he was a favorite Killer Gotti at that time. However, after bringing him numerous accusations of various crimes, he proposed to provide information on Gotti in exchange for a reduction in its term. He admitted 19 murders, but received only 5 years in prison. After liberation, he went underground, however, soon he again contacted organized crime in Arizona. Currently, he is in conclusion.

3. Giuseppe Greco (GIUSEPPE GREECO)

Giuseppe was Italian Gangster, who worked as a hired killer in Palermo, Italy, in the late 1970s. Unlike other killers, Greco throughout their career was running from the law. He rarely worked alone, hiring a "death squadron", bandits with Kalashnikov machine guns, who waited for the victim in ambush, and then decided it. He was found guilty of 58 murders, although the total number of victims, for some information reached 80. Once he killed a teenager and his father, dissolving the body of both in acid.

By 1979, Greco was a high-ranking and respected member of the mafia commissions. He committed most of their killings from 1980 to 1983, during the second war Mafia. In 1982, the Boss Palermo Rosaria Riccobono (Rosaria Riccobono) was invited to the Greco Barbecue. After arriving Rosaria and his associates, they were all killed by Greek and his "death squadron". The order for the murder of Greek received from his boss Salvatore Riin (Salvatore Riina). Not a single body was found, and according to the available information, they were rapidly hungry pigs.

Greco was killed in his house in 1985 by two former members of his "squadron of death". Ironically, the customer was Riin's Salvator, who believed that Greco became too ambitious and became too independent to think to stay alive. When he was killed, he was 33 years old.

2. Abraham "Kid Twist" Reles (Abraham "Kid Twist" Reles)

This man was the most famous killer involved in the Murder Inc, a secret group of hired murderers, who worked on the mafia in the 1920-1950s. It was most active in the 1930s, it was exactly the period when he killed members of various criminal groups of New York. His favorite weapon was an ice ax, which he skillfully used to pip the head of the victim and pierce the brain.

Ralez was inclined to blind rage and often killed in a rum. Once he killed the parkingman for the fact that the latter, as it seemed to him, Parking his car for too long. Another time he invited a friend to dinner into dinner. After the end of the meal, he pierced his head ice ax and quickly utilized the body.

As a teenager, Ralez regularly participated in criminal affairs, and soon became a rather popular person in the world of organized crime. The first victim was the former friend Meyer Shapiro. Relés and some of his friends were attacked in the ambush Gang Shapiro, however, no one had suffered.

Later, Shapiro kidnapped the girl of the relay and raped her in a corn field, naturally Ralez decided to take revenge, killing the offender and his two brothers. After several unsuccessful attempts, Abraham managed to settle with one of his brothers, and two months later, and with Shapiro himself. A little later, the second brother of the rapist was buried alive.

By 1940, Reléz was charged with a huge number of crimes and, most likely, would be executed if it were condemned. To preserve my life, he passed all former friends and members of the Murder Inc grouping, six of which were executed.

Later, he had to testify against the mafia boss Albert Anastasia, and on the night before the court was in the hotel room under constant protection. The next morning he was found dead on the sidewalk. Until now, it is not known whether it pushed him, or he himself tried to escape.

1. Richard "Ice Man" Kuklinski (Richard "Ice Man" Kuklinski)

Perhaps the most famous hired murderer in history is Richard Kuklinski, which, as it should, killed more than 200 people (among them there were no women or children). He worked in New York and New Jersey from 1950 to 1988 and was a hired killer in the criminal group of December, as well as in a number of others.

At the age of 14, he made his first murder, beating a piece of wooden stick to the death of a hooligan. In order to avoid the identification of the body, the dock cut off the boy fingers and snatched the teeth before throwing off the remains of the body from the bridge.

In the youthful years, Kuklinski became the informable serial killer in Manhattan, brutally killing homeless people just for the sake of sharp sensations. Most of his victims were shot or slaughtered. Anyone who spoke against him, a maximum of life has been deprived of life. His tough reputation soon attracted the attention of various criminal groups, which were striving to use "his talent for themselves", making it a hired killer.

He became a full member of the criminal grouping of Gambino, actively participating in the robbery and supply of pirate pornographic video cassettes. Once, a respected member of the grouping Gambino was driving with Cooklin in the car. After they parked, the man chose a random goal and ordered the Cooklin to kill him. Richard, without a delay, fulfilled the order, shooting into the emphasis of an innocent man. It was the beginning of his career as a killer.

Over the next 30 years, Cooklin has successfully worked as a hired killer. He received his nickname "Ice Man" because of his method to freeze the body of his victims, which helped to hide the time of death from the authorities. Also, Kuklinski was famous for using various methods of murder, the most unusual of which was the use of a crossbow directed in the forehead, although he most often used cyanide.

When the authorities finally found out who Kuklinski is, they did not find any evidence to condemn it for intentional murder. As a result, they conducted a special operation after which Kuklinski was arrested and accused of an attempt to poison a person with the help of a cyanide. He received five lifelong deadlines after recognition in numerous murders. He died in prison from old age when he was 70 years old.

No in the light of a person who would not hear about Italy. Lovely country ... She surprises us with the architecture of the Vatican, citrus plantations on, warm climet and affectionate sea. But one more thing made this country popular for the whole world is the Italian mafia. There are many major criminal groups in the world, but no matter how this interest is like this.

History of Sicilian Mafia

Mafia is a purely Sicilian name of independent criminal organizations. Mafia is the name of an independent criminal organization. There are 2 versions of the word "mafia":

  • It is the Abbreviation of the Maiden Bunte "Sicilian Evening" 1282. It remained since the times, when Sicily was the territory of the Arabs, and meant the protection of ordinary people from the rules of lawlessness.
  • Sicilian mafia takes its roots from the XII Art. sects of followers of St. Francis di Paolo. The days they spent behind prayers, and at night robbed rich and shared with the poor.

There is a clear hierarchy in the mafia:

  1. Capoditutticapi is a major over all families.
  2. Capodicapire - the title, awarded by the chapter of the family, who left business.
  3. Capofamiglia - chapter one clan.
  4. CONSIGLIERE - Consultant chapter. It has an effect on it, but deprived of serious power.
  5. Sottocapo is the second person in the family after chapter.
  6. Capo - Mafiosis captain. Subordinates 10 - 25 people.
  7. Soldato is the first step on the mafia career staircase.
  8. Picciotto - people who have a desire to become part of the grouping.
  9. Giovaned'onore - Friends and Allies of Mafios. Often, not Italians.

Commandments Goat Nostra

The "top" and "bottom" of the organization rarely intersect, may not even know each other in the face. But sometimes "soldiers" knows enough useful information about his "employer" for the police. In the grouping was its credit code:

  • Clana members help each other under any circumstances;
  • Insulting one of the members is considered an insult to the whole grouping;
  • Unquestioned submission;
  • "Family" itself peaks justice and its execution;
  • In the case of betrayal by some of the members of his clan, he suffers from his own family;
  • Vow silence or omerto. It is a ban on any cooperation in the police.
  • Vendetta. Revenge, based on the principle of "blood for blood."

In the XX century Interest in Italian mafia showed not only the police, but also figures of art. It created a romantic halo on the life of Mafios. But do not forget that, first of all, it is cruel criminals who are made on the troubles of ordinary people. Mafia is alive and now, because she is immortal. Only changed a little.

Family Corleone

Thanks to the novel, the Great Father found out the whole world about the family of Corleone. What kind of family is this and what do they relate to the real Sicilian mafia?

The Corleon family (Corlenesezi) was indeed at the head of the entire Sicilian mafia (Nostra goat) in the 80-90 years of the XX century. They received his power during the second war Mafia. Other families have not come true and in vain a little! The Corlenese family did not particularly ceremony with people preventing them, their conscience is a huge number of murders. The most loud of them: the murder of General Dalla Kyiaz and his wife. General Kyaza is the prototype of the famous Captain Katani from the series Sprut.

In addition, there were still many gross killings: the leader of the Communist Party of Pio La Torre, Francesco Family Traitor Marya and his family, as well as very loud killings of competitors: the leader of the clan Riesi Giuseppe Di Christina on the nickname "Tiger" and Michele Cavatayo nickname "Cobra" . The latter was the instigator of the first mafia war in the sixties of the twentieth century. The Corleone family dealt with him very easily. In addition to brutal murders, the Corleon family was famous for a clear organization and a wide network of mafia.

Don Vito Korleone

A fictional character from the novel "The godfather!, Who headed the Korleon clan in Italy and the USA. The prototype of this character was Luciano, Bernardo Provenzano, Toto Riin, and Leoleuk Bagarlell - famous leaders of the family of Corleon.

Sicilian mafia today

Significant efforts are being taken to eradicate such a phenomenon as a Sicilian mafia. Every week in Italy appears about the arrest of the next representative of the mafia clan. However, Mafia is immortal and still has power. More than a third of the entire illegal business in Italy are still controlled by representatives of the Nostra goat. In the 21st century, significant successes were achieved by the Italian police, but it led only to the fact that conspiracy in the ranks of mafiosi increased. Now this is not a centralized group, but several separated clans, the chapters of which communicate only in exceptional cases.

Today in the goat of Nostra about 5,000 participants and seventy percent of Sicily businessmen and now pay tribute to mafia.

Excursion in the footsteps of the Sicilian Mafia

We offer a tour of the footsteps of the Sicilian mafia. We will visit the most iconic places of Palermo and the family nest of the Korleon family: the town with the same name. .

Photo of the Sicilian Mafia.

In conclusion, several photos of the mafia

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Right holder illustration EPA Image Caption. The proposed leader of the grouping of the pacarmin of the recession (in the center) was detained in Rome in January

The Italian police in the framework of the Mafia fight campaign held a cloud and arrested dozens of people in the Naples, Rome and Sicilian Agrigento.

The detainees are accused of smuggling, extortion, registered murders, bribes, politicians, organization of prostitution, the stealing of art objects. The list of crimes is extensive.

And what is the Italian mafia today?

"GoatN.ostra "- Sicilian Mafia

Sicilian gangs created a model that the mafia groupings around the world were then adopted. They turned into a formidable force in Sicily in the 1800s, and subsequently their power and sophistication were steadily grew.

"Goat Nostra" translates from Sicilian as "our business." Thus called the first mafia, the basis of which laid the family clans.

She is known to his Code of honor - Omomta, which implies absolute loyalty. Stukacham threatened torture and death, and their relatives waited for punishment.

Even today, mafia members in Sicily are attracted to the permission of commercial disputes and search for stolen goods of goods, preferring their services slow on the rise of the judicial machine. However, for many hated Mafia's "Lion", when entrepreneurs are forced to pay for the "protection" of business.

"Goat Nostra" received fame in the United States, engaged in a racket and begging with other gangs in Chicago, New York and other cities. The grouping was able to significantly strengthen thanks to the counterfeit alcohol trading during the "dry law" in the 1920s.

The FBI argues that the American criminal syndicate is generally not related to Italian clans. The main source of income "Goat Nostry" is a trace of heroin.

If today they say the word "mafia", then many will immediately remember the film "Great Father" with Marlon Brando. In the Sicilian word "mafia" associated with the word "courageous". Often, the term is used incorrectly and not for its intended purpose, in relation to all organized criminal groups.

Some mafia Italian organizations conduct their activities in other countries, competing with other equally cruel mafia gangs from Russia, China, Albania and other countries. In some cases, gangs coordinate their actions and then divide production.

The "goat of Nostra" snuck into local and state policy not only in Italy, but also in the United States.

But even in Italy, loud scandals associated with corruption do not always imply the participation of mafia. A loud trial in Rome revealed a grandiose corruption scheme, but the mafia was not involved in it.

According to the FBI, now in the ranks of the "goat of Nostry" and three other major mafia groups - "Camorre", "NDrangeti" and "Sacra Corona UNIT" - 25 thousand members. In total, 250 thousand people are connected with them.

When "Koza Nostra" headed the godfather of the Riin Salvatore, the group was in essence was in a state of war with the Italian state.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. At the place where the Prosecutor Falcon died from the "Goat Nostra" hands, a memorial was installed

In May 1992, Rinine people blew up near Palermo Corroder's car Giovanni Falcone. As a result, the prosecutor himself was killed, his wife and three bodyguards.

  • "Beast" from Corleon Toto Riin died in prison
  • How businessmen in Sicily are struggling with rural mafia

Two months later, the new Prosecutor Paolo Borsellino was killed. His car was blown up in Palermo.

Rihina died in prison in November 2017 at the age of 87. He served life imprisonment.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. This Mafia Villa from the city of Korleon in Palermo was confiscated and turned into a hotel

"Goat Nostra" reached some EU economic projects in Sicily through local contractors. In 2010, the BBC investigation revealed that, among other business projects, the mafia structure received funds from wind power plants.

Sicilian society does not intend to surrender. The Antimafiosis Group Libera Terra is engaged in business projects, among which is a hotel business, for funds seized from mafia.

Specializing in the study of Mafia Oxford University employee Federico Vares said that now the "goat of Nostra" is engaged in the sleeve of the nights for migrants, which are funded by the state.

But some gangs of migrants are trying to compete with mafia in such areas as prostitution, told the BBC Vares. He added that the Italian police in Sicily provides "huge pressure" on the mafia.

"Camorra" - Neapolitan Mafia

In the clans "Camorrs" in Naples and Caserta consists of approximately 4500 people.

Their main field of activity - drugs. Members of the gang are distinguished by extreme cruelty. They are also engaged in extortion of money from construction firms, companies engaged in the disposal of toxic waste and clothing manufacturers. This is also the workshops in which the Chinese are mainly working in fake popular brands of clothing.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. These dilapidated homes in the Naplesky district of the scope - the famous "Camorra"

In 2006, the book "Gomorra" was published, in which the Italian journalist Roberto Saviano documented the daily life and principles of the grouping.

Shortly after the release of the book, Saviano began to receive threats. Today, he lives under the protection of the authorities: there are always bodyguards next to Saviano, and his place of residence is not disclosed.

In an interview with American Radio Si-Bi Es Saviano, he said that "Camorra" and "Ndrangeta" differ from the "nostry goat" less strict hierarchy and more young leaders, and in their activities "much more blood". According to Saviano, today these two groups are stronger than the "nostry goat" and less than it is involved in politics.

The branched network of drug dealers of the Camorrs is valid even in Spain, but the Center of Syndicate has always been in poor areas of Naples, such as Spampia and Secondiblean.

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. Roberto Saviano with bodyguards at the 2013 Film Festival

Also with "Camorra" bind the collisions of gangs in Ostia, one of the poor suburbs of Rome. A few months ago, the scandal broke out in Italy, after the member of the recession mafia clan, with the camera turned on, hit the head of the TV journalist.

As Professor Vares notes, women are traditionally important in the structure of Kamorra clans, they usually perform the work of couriers and "accountants" who give money to the clan members.

Calabrian mafia - "NDRANGETA"

Calabria - "sock" of the Italian "boot" on the world map is one of the poorest regions of Italy. The province is close to Sicily, and Ndrangetta began its existence as a branch of the "goat of Nostry".

The name of this grouping comes from the Greek "Anddragatiya", which means "valor".

According to the FBI, there are about six thousand people in NDrangette today.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. In 2008, one of the leaders of the "NDRANGET" Pasquale Kondoll was arrested

Specialization "Ndrangeti" - smuggling cocaine. Professor Vares says that the grouping is directly related to Mexican and Colombian gangs. According to some calculations, "NDRANGETA" controls up to 80% of cocaine trade in Europe.

"Ndrangeta" has an impact in the north of Italy - the group controls part of the criminal business in the vicinity of Turin. In Calabria, NDrangetu is accused of stealing a significant part of help for poor.

In 2007, in German Duisburg "Ndrangeta" showed her cruelty. The city was killed sixly related to the syndicate of Italians. Their bodies of criminals left in two cars near the Italian restaurant.

Apulian mafia - "Sacra Corona UNITA"

The smallest of Italian mafia clans, Sacra Corona Unita ("United Sacred Crown") is based in Puglia, in the south-east of Italy.

According to FBI estimates, about two thousand members are included in the group, and its specialization - smuggling cigarettes, weapons, drugs and people.

The geographical position of Apulia makes the ideal port for smuggling with the Balkans. As it is believed to be APULI clans are tightly connected with Eastern European HCG.

If you ask what State is the Motherland Mafia at the first oncoming, then even the low-deployment will give a correct answer without any time: Italy. This country can actually be called the "flower bed" of Mafia, which has become one of the favorite topics in the textbooks on history and cinema.

It cannot be said that Mafiosi did something positive and outstanding, but many still enthusiastically be enthusiastic with the unsurpassed talent of the most famous criminals, most of whom, of course, have Italian roots.

Al Capone (Al 'Capone), of course, this name is "on hearing" not only in the solar country located at the Peninsula, but also around the world. The name of the scandalous famous gangster is probably the most recognizable. And it is not surprising: several films were withdrawn about the cappone, the most popular of which was the painting "Unreasonable" 1987 with Robert de Niro in the lead role.

The story of the most famous representative of the Mafia, who was born in Brooklyn in 1889, after his family migrated to the United States, begins in 1919, when he entered the service for Johnny Toria. In 1925, he led the family of Torii and from the same time his "criminal" career rapidly grew up. Soon the capone was no longer afraid of anyone and nothing: his people were engaged in gambling business, selling drugs and prostitution. He earned a reputation as honest, intelligent, but infinitely cruel man.

It is worth only to recall the famous Valentine's Day, when the group led by Gangster destroyed many mafia leaders.

When the police were lucky to delay the great criminal, they simply could not have something to prevent anything except for taxes. However, in the end, Al Capone was still as a bastard: he sat in the famous Alcatrass prison, from where he came out after seven years with a deadly disease and soon died.

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Bernardo Provenzano

Bernardo Provenzano (Bernardo Provenzano), a native of a small village, which is located on, was simply destined to become one of the members of the group of the same name. Already in his youth, he got into the Korleon clan, and after a couple of years he had already killed a few people and checked the mass of illegal transactions. For 10 years, the last name Provenzano hung in police sites on the wanted list, but local Carabinians did not even try to find this dangerous criminal. And in the meantime he continued to move through the career staircase and conquer his authority. They rummed that Provenzano monitored all the illegal business in Palermo, ranging from the sale of drugs and ending with prostitution. He was famous for his disadvantage and stubbornness, for which he got a nickname bulldozer.

Many years later, the police managed to delay the criminal: their gaze appeared a thin old man in ordinary jeans and a T-shirt. The remainder of his days will spend in prison.

  • We advise a tour of Sicily:

Albert Anastasia

Like many other colleagues, Albert Anastasia (Albert Anastasia) was born in sunny Italy (Tropay city,), but soon after birth, migrated with his parents to America. For the first time he went to jail in his youth, when he killed the port loader in Brooklyn. He was condemned for several years, but after some time, the main witness in the case of Anastasia died under mysterious circumstances, and the criminal himself was released.

Albert Anastasia gave himself a fame as one of the most ruthless killers of America.

He consisted in a gang of Majeria, but over time he switched to the side of his boss's competitors, and after a couple of years and attended at the murder of the former chief. After that, Anastasia became the head of the gang of highly professional killers "Murder Inc.", Clan Gambino. Police declares that this grouping was involved at least 400 deaths. Killer himself was killed by order of one of the American mafia.

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