Morning in a pine forest Description of bears. The real story of creating a painting "Morning in Pine Bor" (from the cycle "Vyatka - Motherland of Elephants")

Morning in a pine forest Description of bears. Real history of creating a picture
Morning in a pine forest Description of bears. The real story of creating a painting "Morning in Pine Bor" (from the cycle "Vyatka - Motherland of Elephants")


The picture is popular thanks to the entertaining plot. However, the true value of the work is a perfectly pronounced state of nature, seen by the artist in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It is shown not a deaf dense forest, but sunlight, breaking through the giants column. The depth of ravines is felt, the power of the age-old trees. And sunlight as if timidly peeking into this dense forest. Sensing the morning frozen bearings. We are observers for wildlife and its inhabitants.


Shishkina the design of the picture suggested by Savitsky. Bear wrote Savitsky in the picture itself. These bears with some differences in poses and quantities (first there were two of them) appear in the preparatory drawings and sketches. Bears turned out from Savitsky so fortunate that he even signed in the picture along with Shishkin. However, when the picture acquired Tretyakov, he removed Savitsky's signature, leaving the authorship for Shishkin. After all, in the picture, the Tretyakov spoke, "since the design and ending with execution, everything speaks about the manner of painting, about the creative method, which is characteristic of Shishkin."

  • Most Russians call this picture "Three Bear", despite the fact that there are three bears in the picture, and four. This, apparently, is due to the fact that during the time of the USSR, the grocery stores were sold to the "Mishka Kosolapy" candy with the reproduction of this picture on the candy, which the people were called "Three Bear".
  • Another erroneous source name is "Morning in Pine Bor" (Tavtology: Bor - this is the pine forest).



  • Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Correspondence. Diary. Contemporaries about the artist / Sost. I. N. Shuvalova - L.: Art, Leningrad Branch, 1978;
  • Alenov M. A., Evangulova O.S., Livshits L. I. Russian art of the XI - early XX century. - M.: Art, 1989;
  • Anisov L. Shishkin. - M.: Young Guard, 1991. - (Series: Life of wonderful people);
  • State Russian Museum. Leningrad. Painting XII - early XX century. - M.: Fine art, 1979;
  • Dmitrienko A. F., Kuznetsova E. V., Petrova O. F., Fedorova N. A. 50 brief biographies of the masters of Russian art. - Leningrad, 1971;
  • Lyascovskaya O. A. Plenner in Russian painting of the XIX century. - M.: Art, 1966.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    MORNING IN A PINE FOREST - Picture I.I. Shishkin. Created in 1889, located in the Tretyakov Gallery. Dimensions 139 × 213 cm. One of the most famous landscapes in the work of Shishkin depicts a thick impassable forest * of the middle strip of Russia. In more often, the forests on the fallen trees ... ... Linguistant dictionary

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Picture written: 1889
Canvas, oil.
Size: 139 × 213 cm

Description of the painting "Three Bear" I. Shishkin

Artist: Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Picture Title: "Morning in a Pine Forest"
Picture written: 1889
Canvas, oil.
Size: 139 × 213 cm

In domestic expanses, you will not find the second such "hit" web, the plot of which is present on a rareblot bedspread, embroidered with a dumper, tablecloths, plates and even on wraps with cute clips. Memories of parents, chocolate candies and moves of PR, which does not allow us to forget about the picture I. Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest" or, in common, "Three Bear".

Is only Shishkin? The bears on the canvas drew K. Savitsky, who at first portrayed two clubs, and then raised their number to four. It used to be believed that Shishkin, despite his rather weighty successes in animal painting, was unable to portray bears, so it simply exploited the poor fellow of Savitsky and did not even allow this to subscribe to the picture. In fact, the artists were friends, and the bears appeared after the latter said that the canvas non-dynamically. Shishkin could draw anyone, but not bears, so he gave Savitsky the opportunity to revive the picture and put a signature. The collector P. Tretyakov was not so loyal: he bought a picture from Shishkin, which means that his authorship, so that no Savitsky can be here. In general, the inscription was erased and "morning in a pine forest" began to be considered one of the key paintings in the work of one of the most prominent Russian landscape players.

Candy "Bear Kosolapiy" with a Shishkin reproduction on the candy and gave the name of the "Three Bear" canvas. The delicacy appeared had a filling from almonds, cocoa beans, it was expensive, but it was so tasty that even the agitator of everyone and the whole V. Mayakovsky could not resist and wrote if you would like a "bears", then set aside to save an enyna amount of money. This is how "Bear Kosolapiy" became "three bears" (and there are four of them in the picture), candy - one of the signs of the USSR, and I. Shishkin - a folk artist.

True, he was a singer of the nature of his native land to "bears". The artist wanted and knew how to surprise, above all, the landscapes that he wrote out so jewelry, which he deserved the fame of the detail masters. Only he has a fog haze, as if soaring the branches of centenary pines, soft and cozy moss on boulders, transparent water of the stream, morning or evening coolness, midday heat of summer. What is interesting, all the artist's canvases are partially epic, but monumental - always. At the same time, Shishkin is not Pafosen, he is just the person who sincerely admires the majestic nature of his native land and can portray her.

"Morning in a pine forest" pacifies the balance of its composition. Three bears look very harmoniously with their mother-a bear, and to two halves of fallen pines and I want to apply the divine proportion. This picture is like a random frame on an old camera, which managed to make a tourist, so long looking for a true virgin nature.

And if you look at the color of the paintings, the artist is trying to cover all the richness of the paints of the Dawn. We see air, but it is not a blue usual shade, but rather a blue-green, a little muddy and foggy. The prevailing colors, which surrounded the bombing inhabitants of the forest - green, blue and sunny-yellow, reflecting the mood of the woken nature. Bright flickering golden rays in the background as if hinting at the sun, which is about to light the earth. It is these glare and give a picture of solemnity, it is they talking about the realism of fog over the ground. "Morning in a pine forest" is another confirmation of the connivability of Crytles of Shishkin, because the cool air can even feel.

Look carefully on the forest. His appearance passed so realistic that it becomes clear: this is not a forest glade, but a deaf bowl - the true concentration of wildlife. Over she just got the sun, the rays of which had already had time to get to the top of the crown of trees, spattering them with gold and hid again in the thicket. Wet, not yet diverted fog, it seems to wake up the inhabitants of the ancient forest.

Here I woke up with a bear and a bear, developing their turbulent activities. Satisfied and fledged bears from the morning of the morning, learn the world, exploring the nearest pillars, and Mama-a Maundyant follows the kids who are dyingly clumsy clumsy on a tree. Moreover, the bear is observed not only for the cubs, but also tries to catch the slightest sounds that can disrupt their idyll. It's just amazing how these animals written by another artist were able to revive a compositive painting solution: Prank Pine as if created for this bear family, occupied by his important affairs against the background of a remote and wild corner of Russian Nature.

In the picture "Morning in the Pine Forest", the skill of the realistic image and its quality is revealed, and in many respects ahead of modern digital technique. Each blasting, every ray of the sun, every pine needle is written by shishkin lovingly and tremble. If the front plan of the canvas depicts a sinage with the climbing bears, in the background there is an ancient forest. Bear and the rest of Nature cause each person peaceful positive emotions. The beasts, as if toy, fill the beginning of a new day and set up on positive thinking. Looking at these cute animals, I can not believe that they are predators in nature and cannot be capable of cruelty. But the main thing is not even in this. Shishkin emphasizes the viewer's attention to the harmony of sunlight, which comes from the background of the painting with bearings in the foreground. Spend a visual line through them - and you will certainly notice that these are the brightest objects in the picture, and everything else, including the wrong shape of the pine, is only complementary strokes.

It seems that the "morning in a pine forest" depicts real living bears on a certain fantastic landscape. Vyatka forest, from which nature is written off, researchers say, is very different from Shishkinsky. It's just interesting, whether there are a bears there now, because the picture has a raising aesthetic and moral taste of people throughout the century, so asks carefully to treat the surrounding nature.

"Morning in a pine forest" is, perhaps, one of the most famous canvases of Ivan Shishkin. The first thing that attracts and delivers the audience looking at the masterpiece is bears. Without animals, the picture is unlikely to be so attractive. Meanwhile, few people know that they did not paint the beasts at all Shishkin, another artist on the surname Savitsky.

Master of Bears

Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky is now not so famous as Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, whose name knows, probably even a child. Nevertheless, Savitsky is also one of the most talented domestic painters. At one time he was an academician and a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is clear that it was on the basis of art of Savitsky and met Shishkin.
Both of them loved Russian nature and selflessly portrayed it on their canvases. That's just Ivan Ivanovich preferred more landscapes, on which people or animals, if they appeared, only in the role of secondary characters. Savitsky, on the contrary, actively portrayed those and others. Apparently, thanks to the skill of a friend, Shishkin established himself in the thoughts that the figures of living beings are not too successful.

Help friend

In the late 1880s, Ivan Shishkin graduated from the next landscape, at which it was extremely picturesquely portrayed in a pine forest. However, according to the artist, the painting lacked some kind of accent, as he conceived to draw 2 bears. Shishkin even made sketches for future characters, but remained unhappy with his work. Then he turned to Konstantin Savitsky with a request to help him with animals. A friend Shishkin did not refuse and gladly got down to business. Bears turned on envy. In addition, the number of closures has doubled.
In fairness it is worth noting that Shishkin himself was not going to tormented at all and when the picture was ready, indicated not only his last name, but also Savitsky. Both buddies were satisfied with joint creativity. But all spoiled the founder famous for the whole world of the gallery Pavel Tretyakov.

Stubborn Tretyakov

It was Tretyakov who acquired from Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest". However, 2 signatures did not like the patient on the picture. And since after buying a particular work of art, Tretyakov considered himself the only and full owner, he took and erased the name of Savitsky. Shishkin began to object, but Pavel Mikhailovich remained adamant. He said that the manner of writing, including the bears, corresponds to the manner of Shishkin, and Savitsky is clearly superfluous.
The Ivan Shishkin received from Tretyakov received from Tretyakov shared with a friend. However, he gave Savitsky only a 4th of the money, explaining that he did the sketches to the "morning" without the help of Konstantin Apollonovich.
Surely, Savitsky was insulting such an appeal. In any case, he did not write a pair with a single canvas. And Savitsky's bears in any case really became decoration of the picture: without them "Morning in the Pine Forest" would hardly receive such recognition.

Ivan Shishkin glorified not only his hometown (Elabugu) to the whole country, but also the entire vast territory of Russia for the whole world. The most famous picture of his picture is considered "Morning in a pine forest". What is it so famous and why is it considered almost a reference painting? Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

Shishkin and landscapes

Ivan Shishkin is a famous paint artist. His unique style of work takes its origins from the Dusseldorf school of drawing. But, unlike most colleagues, the artist missed the main techniques through itself, which made it possible to create a unique, not inherent in anyone else.

Shishkin admired the nature of his whole life, she inspired him to create numerous masterpieces from a million paints and shades. The artist always tried to portray the flora of which he sees it, without different exaggerations and decorations.

He tried to choose landscapes, untouched by a man's hand. Virgin, like Taiga Forests. Combine realism along with a poetic look at nature. Ivan Ivanovich saw poetry in the game of light and shadows, in the power of Mother Earth, in the brittleness of one Christmas tree, standing in the wind.

Many artist

It is difficult to submit such a brilliant artist by the head of the city or the school teacher. But Shishkin combined many talents in himself. The leaving from the merchant family, he had to go in the footsteps of the parent. In addition, the good temple of Shishkin quickly had people in the whole city. He was elected to the post of manager and helped develop his native elabuga as he could. Naturally, it was also manifested in writing pictures. Peru Shishkin belongs to the history of the city of Elabuga.

Ivan Ivanovich managed and draw paintings, and participate in fascinating archaeological excavations. For some time he lived abroad, and even became an academician in Dusseldorf.

Shishkin was an active member of the Society of Movie, where he met with other famous Russian artists. He was considered a real authority among other painters. The style of Master was trying to inherit, and the paintings were inspired as writers and painters.

After herself he left the memory of numerous landscapes that have become decorated museums and private collections around the globe.

After Shishkin, few people managed so realistically and so beautifully portray all the multifaceted nature of Russia. Whatever happened in the personal life of the artist, he did not give his trouble to the canvases.


The artist with a huge trepidation belonged to the forest nature, she literally captured him with his countless colors, a variety of shades, the rays of the sun, made through the thick pine branches.

The painting "Morning in Pine Bor" became the embodiment of this love Shishkin to the forest. She very quickly gained popularity, and soon it was already used in pop culture, brands, and even on candy candy. To this day, it is generously stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Description: "Morning in Pine Bor"

Ivan Shishkin managed to catch one mig from the whole forest life. He handed over with the picture the moment of the beginning of the day when the sun is just beginning to get up. An amazing moment of the birth of a new life. The painting "Morning in Pine Bor" depicts an awakening forest and still sleepy bearings, which are selected from a secluded dwelling.

In this picture, as in many others, the artist wanted to emphasize the immensity of nature. For this, it cut off the top of the pine at the top of the canvas.

If you carefully look at, then you can see that the tree on which the cubs are frozen, the roots are escaping. Shishkin seemed to stress that this forest is so unlikely and deaf that only beasts can dwell in it, and the trees fall themselves, from old age.

In the morning in Pine Bor Shishkin pointed out with the help of fog, which we see between trees. Thanks to this artistic move, the time of day is becoming obvious.


Shishkin was an excellent landscape officer, but rarely took pictures of the pictures of animals in his works. The painting "Morning in Pine Bor" did not exception. He created a landscape, but four cubs drew another artist, a specialist in animals, Konstantin Savitsky. It is said that it was he who suggested the idea itself for this painting. Drawing Morning in Pine Bor, Shishkin took Savitsky co-author, and the picture was originally signed by them by two. However, after the cloth was transferred to the gallery, Tretyakov considered the work of Shishkin more extensive and erased the name of the second artist.


Shishkin and Savitsky went to nature. So the story began. Morning in Pine Bor seemed so beautiful that it could not be perpetuated on canvas. To search for a prototype, they went to the island of Gordloga, which stands on Lake Seliger. There found this landscape and a new inspiration for the painting.

The island, all covered with forests, kept the remnants of virgin nature. For many centuries, he stood untouched. This could not leave indifferent artists.


The picture was born in 1889. Although I initially, Savitsky and put the Tretyakov's claim that he erased his name, but soon changed his mind and refused this masterpiece in favor of Shishkin.

I substantiated my decision by the fact that the style of the picture fully corresponds to what Ivan Ivanovich did, and even the sketches of the bears originally belonged to him.

Facts and delusion

Like any famous canvas, the painting "Morning in Pine Bor" causes great interest to itself. Consequently, she has a number of interpretations, it is mentioned in the literature and in the cinema. About this masterpiece they speak both in Higher Society and on the streets.

Over time, some facts have been changed, and universal misconceptions were tightly rooted in society:

  • One of the common mistakes is the opinion that "Morning in Pine Bor" Vasnetsov created along with Shishkin. Victor Mikhailovich, of course, was familiar with Ivan Ivanovich, as they were together in the club of the Mobile. Nevertheless, Vasnetsov could not be the author of such a landscape. If you pay attention to his style, it is not at all like Shishkin, they belong to different art schools. These names are still mentioned together from time to time. Vasnetsov is not the artist. "Morning in Pine Bor", without any doubt, drew Shishkin.
  • The name of the picture sounds like "Morning in a pine forest". Bor is just a second name, which, apparently, seemed to people more suitable and mysterious.
  • Unofficially, some Russians still call the painting "Three Bear", which is a gross mistake. Animals in the picture are not three, and four. It is likely that the canvas began to be called because of a candy popular in Soviet times called "Bear Kosolapiy". A reproduction of Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest" was depicted on the candy. In the people of the candy gave the name "Three Bear".
  • The picture has its own "first version." Shishkin drew another cloth of the same subject. He called him "fog in a pine forest." About this picture know a few. It rarely remember. The canvases are not on the territory of the Russian Federation. To this day it is stored in a private collection in Poland.
  • Initially, there were only two bearings in the picture. Later, Shishkin decided that four clubs should be present in the image. Thanks to the addition of two more bears, the painting has changed genre. She began to be on the "border," because some elements of the game scene appeared on the landscape.
So it happened that for packing candies "Bear Kosolapiy" and their analogs of the eyelid, designers chose the picture of Shishkin and Savitsky. And if Shishkin is known in forest landscapes, then Savitsky was remembered with exclusive bears with a wide viewer.

With the rare exception to the plot of Pictures of Shishkin (if you look at this question wide) one - nature. Ivan Ivanovich - enthusiastic, in love contemplator. And the viewer becomes eyewitty of a show of a painter with native expanses.

Shishkin was an unusual forest connoisseur. About the trees of different breeds, he knew everything and noticed the error in the picture. At the plenies, the students of the artist were ready in the literal sense to hide in the bushes, just not to hear the spread in the spirit "such a birch cannot be" or "these pines of Butaforski".

As for people and animals, they occasionally appeared in the paintings of Ivan Ivanovich, but were rather the background, rather than the object of attention. "Morning in a pine forest" is perhaps the only canvas where the bears compete with the forest. For this thanks to one of the best friends Shishkin - the artist Konstantin Savitsky.

The design of the painting was suggested by Shishkin Savitsky, who later performed as a co-author and depicted the figures of the bear. These bears with some differences in poses and quantities (first there were two of them) appear in the preparatory drawings and sketches. Animals turned out from Savitsky so successfully that he even signed in the picture along with Shishkin. Savitsky himself told his relatives: "The picture is sold for 4 thousand, and I am a member of the 4th share."

"Morning in a pine forest" - a picture of Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky wrote bears, but the collector Paul Tretyakov Stir his signature, so the picture by the picture is often indicated by one Shishkin.

The picture details the state of nature, seen by the artist on the island of Goromba. It is shown not a deaf dense forest, but the sunlight, breaking through the columns of high trees. The depth of ravines, the power of century-old trees, is, sunlight, as it were, timidly looks in this dense forest. Sensing the morning frozen bearings.

Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) Brush I. N. Kramsky. 1880.

Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
(1844 - 1905)
The photo.


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