When the action of the novel of obcomments begins. History of creating a novel "Oblomov"

When the action of the novel of obcomments begins. History of the creation of the novel
When the action of the novel of obcomments begins. History of creating a novel "Oblomov"

Viktor Pelievin is a Russian cult writer, author of Romanov "Omon Ra", "Chapaev and emptiness" and "Generation" P ", which, in addition to European languages, are translated on Japanese and Chinese. According to FRENCH MAGAZINE, the writer has fallen into a list of 1000 most influential figures of modern culture. In 2009, the author was assigned the title of the most influential intellectual of Russia to survey users of OpenSpace.

Victor Pelevin was born on November 22, 1962 in Moscow. Father Oleg Anatolyevich Pelevin taught at the military department in MGTU. Bauman. Writer's mother, Zinaida Semenovna Efremova, taught English at school. Children's years Viktor Pelevin passed in Moscow. At first his family lived on Tver Boulevard, and after a while she moved to Chertanovo, the southern region of the capital.

Viktor Pelievin was educated in a prestigious school number 31 with an in-depth study of English, located in the center of Moscow. Today, this school replaced the format and became a gymnasium No. 1520. Capitss. At the time, together with the future writer, children of representatives of the highest society and the party elite of the USSR were studied.

According to the memories of Journalist Andrei Trushka, who was friends with the future writer at the time, Victor could be characterized as a "touching" person. He paid a lot of attention to his own appearance - the clothes on it always corresponded to fashion, and during walks the future writer improvised whole stories, where absurd, real life and fantasy intertwined into a single artwork, expressing the relationship of Pelevine to school and teachers.

In 1979, Pelevin enters the Energy Institute, where he studies at the Faculty of Electronic Equipment for Automation of Industry and Transport. After graduation, he is taken by an engineer at the Department of Electric Transport. In 1987, Viktor Pelowin entered the graduate school of MEI, where she wrote the dissertation on the topic of the Trolleybus electric drive with an asynchronous engine. The protection of this work did not take place, since Victor decides to change the sphere of its activities.

In 1989, he enters the correspondence department to the literary institute. , on the course of prose under the leadership of Mikhail Lobanova. Two years later, Viktor Pelevin was expelled from the Literary Institute. Later in one of the interviews, the writer will say that the years spent on the institute were in vain. According to him, the sole purpose of students while studying in this university was the establishment of connections that Viktor did not need.

At the Institute, Viktor Pelevin gets acquainted with Albert Yegazarov, a young prozaik, who in his free time traded the era of computers extremely rare in Moscow. Some episodes of his biography of Pelevin woves in his own biography and in the plot lines of their characters. So, for example, in a biographical reference, which Victor filled in the magazine "Banner" on the eve of the publication of the Roman "Omon Ra", the writer indicates the column "Rod classes - a computer speculator."

For money reversed from the sale of computers, Albert decides to open his own publishing house. At the same time, the student of the day office is joined to their company, the Eccentric Secretary of the Komsomol organization Viktor Quulé, who became a later famous literary critic. It was he who agreed with the Rector of the Institute for the provision of premises for the future publishing house instead for the annual publication of works written by students.

Thus was created by the MiF Publishing House, the head of which Albert Egazarov became the head of the editors and deputies of prose and poetry cases, Pelevin and Kulé became. In this position, Pelevin prepared a three-volume collected work on the publication, the translation of which was much easier to read after the editorial editor of Victor.


In the early 1990s, Viktor Pelevin begins to publish in serious literary publishing houses. In the winter of 1991, Victor came to the editorial office of the magazine "Banner" with the manuscript of Roman "Omon Ra". On the editorial board, the work liked and was approved for publication. And in March 1992, the novel "Life of insects", the heroes of which were typical representatives of the transitional society. For this novel, the writer was awarded award from the magazine "Banner". A year later, for the collection of stories "Blue Lantern", previously inconspicuous critics, Pelevin nominates for a small bucker premium.

In 1993, the writer was adopted by the Union of Journalists. At the same time, the Essay "John Falez and the Tragedy of Russian Liberalism", published in the New Gazette. This work was a worthy reaction of the writer on critical reviews about his work, which Victor Pelevin was sharply worried. At the same time, he originates the myth that the writer Pelevin does not exist, and there is only a chain of messages on the screen. Thus wrote about him Alexander Villatsev, speaking with the crushing criticism of the works of Pelevin in the article "Zarathustra and Messerschmids".

In 1996, the magazine "Banner" publishes the work, later described as the first "Zen-Buddhist" novel, called Chapaev and Emptiness. The book received the literary Prize "Wanderer", and in 2001 he entered the list of prestigious Dublin Literary Prize.

In 1999, the legendary Roman Viktor Pelevine "Generation P", which became a cult and brought its special status in Russian literature to his author. The plot of the novel tells about the generation of people whose becoming had a broken epoch, the time when the USSR ceased to exist and the former values \u200b\u200bcollapsed.

This work can be attributed to the literature of postmodern, where reality meets fantastic images, mixing in the grandiose theater of the absurd. Although Pelevin himself was surprised in an interview: where postmodernism could appear in the country, when there was only Soviet realism for a long time. A special place in the life of novel characters is occupied by narcotic substances, which sometimes act as the driving force of the plot.

In 2004, on the shelves of bookstores, the sixth Roman Pelevine "Sacred Werewolf Book" about love Fox-Werewolf, named A Huli and Wolf-Wolf, Lieutenant-General FSB Alexander Gray. The plot of the works echoes with the plot lines of the novel "Generation P" and the story "Prince of Gosla".

The next novel Pelevine "Empire V", also known as the "Tale of the present superman", was released in 2006. It is noteworthy that in the novel there is a character from Generation P. The creation of such crosslines is characteristic of the style of Pelevin.

In 2009, Eksmo publishes produces a novel "T", in which Russian history and Eastern Myshitism is mixed, where the trip of the graph "T" (hint at) in Optio desert is equal to the search for Shambhala. In 2011, the post-apocalyptic novel Pelevin "S.N.U.F.F". The work is marked by the E-Book Prize.

Two years later, the novel "Batman Apollo" appeared, and in 2014 the writer was pleased with the readers with the new work of "Love for Three Tskerbrins" about the attributes of modern society. In the first volume of the Roman "Caidizer", which Victor Pelevin called the "Order of the Yellow Flag", the writer appealed to the identity of the emperor. According to the plot of the book, Paul enters different world due to the effects of alchemy, where he gets in the teacher's conductors.

In 2016, he saw the light Roman Pelevine "Lamp Mafusayil, or the extreme battle of Chekists with Masons", created from four parts. The household plot telling about the life of the Mozhaisk family, intertwined with phantasmagoric elements.

Personal life

The writer created a huge number of rumors and mystifications around his personality, which is the hypothesis that the group of people has a group of people under the pseudonym "Viktor Pelievin". All the life of this myth contributes to all factors, ranging from the subject of creativity and ending with the fact that the writer itself leads an extremely closed lifestyle, does not interview and does not appear in society. Therefore, the information about the personal life of Pelevin is preserved by them in secret. It is known only that the writer has no wife and children.

For a long time, Viktor Pelevin did not create personal accounts in social networks. But since 2017, a page in "Instagram" began to operate on his behalf, where several pictures appeared for the year. The writer, an adherent of Buddhism, has repeatedly visited the countries of the East - Nepal, South Korea, Japan and China.

Now the film "Ambir V" is preparing to enter screens, based on the plot of the works of Pelevin "Empire V". In the film Viktor Ginzburg, who already worked with the prose of Pelevin was previously played by the main character. Even working on the film "Generation P" in 2011, the director conceived the project "Ampire V". Moreover, the first film was successful on cash collecting and was warmly accepted by film critics.

The second cinentine according to the prose Pelevin has already entered the final stage of training, its premiere will be held in 2018. Main roles will also appear. The image of the main villain on the screen will embody rapper.


  • 1992 - Omon RA
  • 1993 - "Insect Life"
  • 1996 - "Chapaev and Void"
  • 1999 - "Generation" P "
  • 2004 - "The Sacred Book of Werewolf"
  • 2006 - "Empire V"
  • 2009 - "T"
  • 2011 - "S.N.U.F.F."
  • 2013 - "Batman Apollo"
  • 2014 - "Love for three zuckerbrins"
  • 2015 - "Career"
  • 2016 - "Malfusale Lamp, or the Extreme Battle of Chekists with Masons"
  • 2017 - «iphuck 10»

- (r. 1962), Russian writer. In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI), studied in the literary institute. Gorky. He worked in one of the first small private publishing houses in the country, participated in the text of Carlos Castaneda ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (P.1962). Rus. Proser, more famous made. dr. genres; One of the naib Interesting representatives of the SCU. Ros. "posts." prose. Rod. In Moscow, graduated from Mosk. Energy Institute in T Specialty Electromechanics, after service in the army ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin Date of birth: November 22, 1962 Place of birth: Moscow ... Wikipedia

Pelevin, Victor - Russian writer Russian writer Prosisaic, the author of the story of Omon RA (1992) and Romanov Chapaev and Emptiness (1996), Generation P (1999). The laureate of numerous literary premiums, among which a small buoy (1993) and the National Bestseller (2004). ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

Pelevin surname. Pelevin, Alexander Aleksandrovich (1914 1970) Soviet actor theater and cinema, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Pelievin, Valentin Vasilyevich (1913 1958) Soviet architect. Pelevin, Viktor Olegovich (r. 1962) Russian ... ... Wikipedia

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin Date of birth: November 22, 1962 Place of birth: Moscow ... Wikipedia

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin Date of birth: November 22, 1962 Place of birth: Moscow ... Wikipedia

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin Date of birth: November 22, 1962 Place of birth: Moscow ... Wikipedia


  • Generation "P", Pelievin Viktor Olegovich. Viktor Pelevin is a cult writer of modernity, whose work has had a huge influence on recognition and formation of mass consciousness. The book includes the best, according to the ...
  • Generation "P", Pelievin Viktor Olegovich. Viktor Pelevin is a cult writer of modernity, whose work has had a huge influence on recognition and formation of mass consciousness. The book includes one of the best, according to the ...

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin (November 22, 1962, Moscow) is a Russian writer, author of the cultic novels of the 1990s: "Omon Ra", "Chapaev and emptiness" and "Generation" P "". The laureate of numerous literary premiums, among which "Small Buker" (1993) and "National Bestseller" (2004).

In 1979, Viktor Pelievin graduated from the middle English special school number 31. After school, he entered the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI) at the Faculty of Electrification and Automation and Automation and Transport, which graduated in 1985. In April of the same year, Pelevin was adopted as an engineer of the Department of Electric Transport MEI.

In 1987, Pelevin entered the full-time graduate school of MEI, which was held until 1989 (the thesis on the project of the city trolley busement drive with an asynchronous engine was not protected).

In 1989, Pelevin entered the literary institute. Gorky, at the correspondence department (Seminar of the prose of Mikhail Lobanova). However, here he studied for a long time: in 1991 he was expelled with the wording "for a separation from the institute" (Pelevin himself said that he was expelled with the wording "as a loss of communication" with the university "). According to the writer himself, studied in the literary institute did not give him anything.

From 1989 to 1990, Pelevin worked as a regular correspondent for Face to Face magazine. In addition, in 1989, he began to work in the journal "Science and Religion", where he was preparing publications on Eastern Mystizm. In the same year, the story of Pelevin "Soldun Ignat and People" was published in the "Science and Religion" (on the Internet, it is also possible to find information that the first story of the writer was published in the journal "Chemistry and Life" and was called "Grandfish Ignat and People") .

In 1991, Pelevin released the first collection of stories "Blue Lantern". At first, the book was not seen critics, but two years later, Pelevin received a small bucker premium for her, and in 1994 - the Interpresson and Golden Snail Prizes.

In 1996, the Roman Pelevine "Chapaev and Emptiness" was published in the "Banner". Critics talked about him as the first in Russia "Zen-Buddhist" Roman, the writer himself called this his work "The first novel whose action occurs in absolute void." Roman received the Strank-97 Award, and in 2001 he entered the short list of the world's largest literary award International Impac Dublin Literary Awards.

Pelief books are translated into all major world languages, including Japanese and Chinese. The plays for his stories are successful in the theaters of Moscow, London and Paris.

FRENCH MAGAZINE turned on Victor Pelevin to the list of 1000 most significant modern workers of world culture (Russia on this list, except for Pelevin, also represented by film director Sokurov).

Books (14)

Empire V. Ampir V. Tale of the present superman

The main character - a nineteen-year-old Roman Shtorukin - became a vampire, received the divine name of the frame of the second and began to study the main vampire sciences - glamor and discourse. Their essence is masking and control - and, as a result, power ...

After reading this fantastic, philosophical, at times, humorous and aphoristic novel, you will learn the whole truth about the creation and laws of our world, which "wrote a frame of the second, friend Ishtar, Head of Glamor and discourse, a Komarinsky man and god of money with oak wings."

Batman Apollo

Dedicated to my friends and peers, the generation of Russian vampires is 1750-2000. Birth - to everyone who entered this life as in a friendly nightclub, not knowing that the night sheer on the outcome.

The book has the heroes of the novel "Empire V", but pre-acquaintance with him is not necessary. You can start from here and read the "Empire V" later.

All stories and essays. Author's collection

"All Tale and Essay" Viktor Pelevin is one of the iconic writer's books.

According to it, both on Oracle - you can guess about the true sense of our life, opening at random the legendary story "Yellow Arrow", then the philosophical parable "Relator and a sixpall."

Thanks to the hero of "Prince of State" future generations will be remembered by the best computer game of the ninetie "Prince of Persia", and immediately, plunging into myths and practices of the iswolf, our descendants will hoping breath read the story "The problem of the pillar in the middle lane."

In this book, there is everything that Pelevine love. Strength and knowledge, bold wit and fine self-irony, exciting plots at the junction of reality and otherworldness, the style recognizable from the very first lines, where every word is on the weight of gold.

All stories (Collection)

The collection includes works:
. Sorcerer Ignat and people
. Sp
. Move from Nepal
. Ninth Son Faith Pavlovna
. Blue lantern
. USSR Taishou Zhuan
. Life and adventures Shed number XII
. Childhood ontology
. Built-in reminder
. Water tower
. Mittelspil
. Ugrab
Memory of fire years
. Music from a pillar
. Revelation of crarelers (documentation kit)
. Weapon Retribution
. Reconstructor (on research P. Stettayuk)
. Crystal Mir
. Origin of species
. Tuben of the Upper World
. Ivan Kublakhanov
. Buben of the Lower World (Green Box)
. Tarzanka
. Nika
Greek option
. Sigmund in cafe
. Brief History of Painbol in Moscow
. Greek option
. Lower tundra
. Svyatop Cyberpunk, or Christmas night-117.dir
. Time Out.
Focus group
. Light horizon
. Focus group
. Recording about the search for wind
. Guest at the feast Bon
. Akiko

Insect life

Due to the transformation phantasmagoria with a transition from one bizarre reality into another and change of masks of characters in those moments when the reader expects it the least ... But are these bright masks and what lies under Grotesk? Read and decide for yourself.

Malfusale lamp, or the extreme battle of Chekists with Masons

As you know, the complex international situation of our country is explained by the acute conflict of the Russian leadership with world wizard.

But few people understand the roots of this confrontation, its financial poverty and occult meaning. Hybrid Roman V. Pelevin breaks the covers of silence from this mystery, just explaining the main questions of world politics, economics, culture and anthropogenesis in a simple and accessible form.

In the center of the narration - three generations of the noble family Mozhaisk, employees of the depreciation in the XIX, XX and XXI centuries.

Pelevin Victor. Story

Annotation to the book in the collection includes the following works:

1. "Akiko"

2. "Bulldozer Day"

3. "Ninth Son Faith Pavlovna"


5. "Lunohod"

6. "Music from Post"

8. "Ontology of childhood"

9. "Lower Tundra"

10. "Papahs on the towers"

11. "Mittelspil"

12. "The origin of species"

13. "Reconstructor"

14. "Relator and Six Pale"

15. "Yellow Arrow"

16. "Life and the adventures of Saraj № XII"

17. "Sigmund in the cafe"

18. "Tuben of the Lower World"

19. "Tuben of the Upper World"

20. "Greek option"

21. "Ivan Kublakhanov"

22. "Koldun Ignat and People"

23. "Weapon of Retribution"

24. "Revelation of crarele"

25. "Light of the horizon"

26. "Move from Nepal"

27. "Water Tower"

28. "Tighter problem in the middle lane"

Holy Book Werewood

"I can give from fourteen to seventeen to the form - closer to fourteen. My physical look causes people, especially men, strong and controversial feelings that are boring to describe, and no need for Lolita, even lolita read in our time. These feelings are fed. Probably, it can be said that I felt fraud: in fact, I'm not at all the youngster. For convenience, I define my age in two thousand years - I can remember them more or less connected. This can be considered coquetry - in fact, I have much more. The origins of my life are lost very far, and they are also difficult to remember how to light the night sky with a flashlight. We, foxes, were not born, like people. We come from the heavenly stone ... "- on this we are quoting and finish. We invite you to read one of the most exciting and brilliant books in the history of Russian literature!

Test on the work of I.A.Gongcharov "Oblomov"

1) the work of "Oblomov"

a) novel b) story c) poem d) story

2) What selection does not belong to Goncharov:

a) "Ordinary History"

b) "Nevsky Prospect"

c) "Oblomov"

d) "open"

3) Determine the exposition of the novel "Oblomov"

a) the first six chapters b) the first three chapters c) the first two chapters d) the whole first part

4) What literary direction should include the Roman "Oblomov"

a) classicism b) sentimentalism c) realism d) romanticism

5) the action of the novel "Oblomov" occurs

a) in Moscow b) in the Tula province c) in the Oryol province d) in St. Petersburg

6) What was the name of the best friend Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

a) Andrei Stolz

b) Vladimir Lensky

c) Pierre Duchev

d) Akaka Bashmachkin

7) Determine the plot base of the novel "Oblomov"

a) the story of the love of Oblomov and Agafy Wheat

b) the history of the relationship between the Oblomov landowner with the fortress

c) the love story of Ilya Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya

d) description of friendly relations of Oblomov and Stolz

8) What was the name of Son Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

a) Andrei b) Ivan c) Ilya d) Paul

9) Which of the heroes of the novel is most close to the author's ideal

a) Olga Ilinskaya b) Oblomov c) gallez d) Agafya Pshenitsyn

10) Indicate the age of Oblomov at the beginning of the novel

a) 25-26 b) 32-33 c) 36-37 g) 40-45

11) Images of Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel according to the principle

a) mutual exception b) comparison c) add-ons d) antithesis

12) What type of literary heroes can be attributed to I. Oblomov

a) "extra person"

b) "Little man"

c) hero-lover

d) hero resonant

13) What character are we talking about?

"... I didn't try to change the image not only to him, but also

his suit in which he walked in the village. Dress he sewed on the exported

they are made of village sample. Gray Sultuke and Vest liked him and because in

this semi-love clothing he saw a weak memory of the livery, which he

i wore once, accomplishing the deceased Lords to the church or to visit; And Livraya B.

his memories was the only representative of the dignity ... "

a) Alekseev

b) Tarantyev

c) Zakhar.

d) Volkov

14) who said:

And there was no more stupid, the soul is clean and clear, like glass; noble

gentle, and - disappeared! Cause ... What is the reason! Oblomovshchyna!

a) gallez b) Olga Ilinskaya c) Alekseev d) Zakhar

15) this woman"Was in the zenith of his life; She lived and felt that she lived full, as he had never lived before, but only to express it, as before, could never, or, it didn't come to her head. She only prayed to God, so that he extends the century Ilya Ilyich and to save him from any "grief, anger and needs"

a) Olga Ilinskaya

b) Agafya Pshenitsyn

c) aunt Olga

d) mother Ilya Oblomov

16) How long is the events described in the first part of the novel "Oblomov"

a) 1 month b) 1 day c) 2 days d) 5 days

17) What was the name of the beloved Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

a) Tatyana Larina

b) Ekaterina Sushkova

c) Natasha Rostov

d) Olga Ilinskaya

18) What street Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lived at the beginning of the novel

a) on the garden

b) on pea

c) at the Vyborg side

d) on the laziness of Golikova

19) What prevents Ilya Ilyich Oblomov to be an active man

a) no goal in life

b) raising and patterns of modern life

c) poverty

d) painful condition

20) Zakhar marries

a) Mary b) Olga c) Agafye d) Anice

21) The head of "Sleeping Oblomov" is included in the novel in order to

b) explain the origin of the hero

c) explain the causes of apathy and inactivity of the hero

d) expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Baric Life

22) Goncharov uses an object-made item as an important characteristic characteristic characteristic. In the novel "Oblomov" such a detail is

a) cane b) bathrobe c) piano d) book

23) What class owned gallets

a) the differences b) nobles c) merchants d)

24) Name the peculiar twin of Ilya Oblomov in the novel

a) gallez b) Zakhar c) tarantyev d) wolves

25) What character are we talking about?

"No longer reminded him of the Barsky wide and late life in the wilderness of the village. The oldest gentlemen died, family portraits stayed at home; Traditions about the old life and importance of the surname, everything is sick or live only in the memory of the few, who remained in the village of old people. Therefore, there was a gray coat for him: in it, and in some signs that were preserved in the face and manners of the Barin, who recalled his parents , and in his whims, who, although he grumbled, and to herself, but who, meanwhile, respected internally, as the manifestation of the Bark Will, the Lord, he saw the weak hints of the talked greatness. "

a) Tarantyev

b) Alekseev

c) Volkov

d) Zakhar.

26) who said:

Snow, snow, snow! - He said pointlessly, looking at the snow, the thickness of the fence, woven and ridges in the garden. - I drank everything! - he whispered as desperately, lay down in bed and fell asleep to the lead, without sleep.

a) Oblomov

b) Stolz

c) Alekseev

d) Baron

27) this woman

"Lived in his new sphere without visible impulses and anxiety. She did the same as before, for all others, but did everything otherwise. She drove into the French performance, but the content of the play received some connection with her life; I read the book, and there were lines with the sparks of her mind, somewhere flashed the fire of her feelings. "

a) Agafya Pshenitsyn

b) aunt Olga

c) Olga Ilinskaya

d) Mother Oblomov

Answers: 1-A, 2-b, 3-g, 4-in, 5-g, 6-A, 7-B, 8-A, 9-A, 10-b, 11-g, 12-A, 13-B, 14-A, 15-B
16-b, 17-g, 18-b, 19-b, 20-g, 21-B, 22-b, 23-A, 24-b, 25-g, 26-A, 27-in