The main problem of the work of the hero of our time. Moral problems of novel m

The main problem of the work of the hero of our time. Moral problems of novel m

Moral problems Roman M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Writing Collection: Moral Problems of Roman M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

The novel "The hero of our time" is the first in the history of Russian literature realistic with a deep philosophical content. In the preface to Roman Lermontov writes that his novel is a portrait of "not one person, and a portrait made up of the vices of all our generation in full development" .

Pechorin lived in the first years after the defeat of the December uprising. This is heavy for Russia years. The best people executed, exiled to the Siberian mines, others renounce their free-thinking ideas. To save faith in the future, find strength for active labor in the name of the coming triumph of freedom, it was necessary to have a noble heart, it was necessary to be able to see the real ways to struggle and serving the truth.

Overwhelming majority thinking people The 30s were just those who failed or did not have time to find this clarity of the goal, to give their strength to the struggle, who had a rooted order of life took faith in the feasibility of serving good, faith in his coming celebration. The dominant type of the era was the type of human person, which is known in the history of Russian public thought under the bitter name of the "excess person."

Pechorin is entirely owned by this type. We have a young twenty-five-year-old man who suffers from his inequality, in despair asking himself the question: "Why did I live for what purpose did I born?" Pechorin is not an ordinary representative of a secular aristocracy. It stands out against the background of his people around him with its extraordination. He knows how to critically approach any event, to any person. He gives a clear and taking characteristics to people. He quickly and rightly understood Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, Dr. Werner . Pechorin bold, has a high exposure and effort of will. He is the only one rushes to the hut, where the murderer of the volyach is sitting with a gun, ready to fight the first one who goes to him. He does not find his excitement when it stands under the Grucnitsky gun.

Pechorin is an officer. It serves, but not heard. And when he says: "I am repressed with circumstances," I am ambiguously, "it is not difficult to understand what he means: many of the career and" circumstances "did not interfere in it in those years.

Pechistan has an active soul that requires will, movement. He prefers to substitute the forehead to Chechen bullets, looking for oblivion in risky adventures, change places, but all this is only an attempt to disseminate, forget about the depressing huge void. He is being pursued by boredom and the consciousness that it is hard to live "it's hardship".

In Pechorin, nothing issues the presence of any public interest. The spirit of skepticism, disbelief, denial, sharply affecting the entire domestic warehouse of Pechorin, in the cruel coldness of his merciless aphorisms, says for himself. And no wonder he often repeats that "not capable of great victims for the good of mankind," that he is used to "doubt everything."

Home Spring Acts of Pechorin - individualism. He goes in life, without sacrificing for others, even for those who love: he also loves only "for himself," for his own pleasure. Lermontov reveals the individualism of Pechorin and considers not only his psychology, but a certain ideological concept of life. Pechorin - Genuine generation of his time, time of search and doubt. He is in constant split spirit, the seal of permanent self-analysis lies at every step. "In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him," says Pechorin . For Pechorin there are no public ideals. What moral principles is it guided? "Of the two friends are always one slave," he says. Hence his inability to real friendship and love. He is selfish and indifferent man, looking at the suffering and joy of others only in relation to yourself. "The Creator of his fate and the only judge, Pechorin considers only herself. Before his conscience, he constantly reports, he analyzes his actions, trying to penetrate the origins of" good and evil. "

The youth and the time of the formation of the personality of Lermontov fell on the years of the government reaction after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. In Russia, he reigned a heavy atmosphere of denunciations, total surveillance, links to Siberia on charges of unreliability. Advanced people of that time could not freely express their thoughts on political issues. Lermontov was sharply experienced the lack of freedom, the status of stopped time. Main tragedy He reflected in his novel, which called the hero of our time meaningfully. Forced inaction, universal unnecessaryness, the inability to creatively manifest itself was the reason for the appearance of a new "hero" in the literature. The writer created a social psychological Romanin which she showed his contemporary. In the preface to Roman Lermontov gave such a characteristic of the hero. This is a portrait made up from the vices of all our generation in full development. "

"Hero" can not be a hero, society does not need his actions. Pechorin is an officer of the Russian army, but he even in the Caucasus, being in the mountains, misses the fortress, having entertained hunting on the boars, abducts Bal, hurts troubles. Lermontov conducts a study of the condition of his soul, paying attention to the moral installations of Pechorin. The hero is estimated from three sides. He is written by the author, Maxim Maximych and Pechorin himself in his diary.

Pechorin concentrates the traits of the entire generation. The author sternly condemns him and makes it clear that it does not at all share the moral beliefs of the hero. Lermontov reveals the cause of "diseases of the century" and suggests to fight with egoism, arrogant contempt for people, discernie and cynicism. The writer also takes into account the conditions in which the character of Pechorina was formed, decomposing the impact on him with the environment and society, but it does not remove the responsibility and from the very young manwhose deeds bring troubles around.

Poisoned by egoism, Pechorin does not know how to love, but suffers without love others. Confident in his wonderful qualities, Pechorin is surprised, seeing that it brings only evil and disappointment to people. "Why did I live? For what purpose was born ... But, right, it was a high appointment to me, since I feel in the soul of the forces immense. But I did not guess it. " Pechorin is indifferent to the feelings of others. He says: "Yes, and what a matter to me to misfortunes and people of human." The hero is aware that he breaks the fate of people, and thinks that "he always played the role of an ax in the hands of fate." He suffers, but the system moral installations He does not change.

Positive pepperine peppercasters did not get development. He sometimes "sorry faith," when explaining with Mary, he slightly "did not fall down to her feet", but good gusts for him are momentous weaknesses. He did not catch up and did not return faith, left Mary with broken heartFrom pure egoism killed Pereshnitsky. Most of all in the world, Pechorin appreciates his freedom, but understands it as permissiveness. Without love, from an empty whim, he disseminate a decent girl Mary in front of the whole society, knowing how her honor will be subjected to. Without thinking, Pechorin ruins Balu. Calmly and cruelly he says Maxim Maxima: "Love Dicarka is a little better love Notable Baryni ... I'm bored with her. " He talks about the noble honor regarding women, it turns out that it is good to "breathe the fragrance barely blossomed flower," and then throw it on the road, maybe someone will pick it up. Fate people for him are only temporary entertainment. After the rampant actions, they again seize boredom and he needs a new victim.

In the chapter "Taman" the narrative moves to the hero. In it, the author creates a clear psychological picture his unfortunate hero. Pechorin rushes in search of real life. He interferes with curiosity in the life of smugglers, forcing them to escape and leave without the help of a blind boy. Hero nowhere can not find shelter. He is deaf and blind in relation to the world.

Particularly bright moral beliefs of Pechorina appear in the reasoning about happiness. He thinks "Happiness is a saturated pride," and continues: "... I look at the suffering and joy of others only in relation to myself." Pechorin is recognized to itself: "Evil breeds evil; The first suffering gives the concept of the pleasure of tormented by another. I sometimes despise myself ... Isn't I despised and others? "

Even Pushkin called many of his contemporaries with people with "immoral soul", self and dry. Habits and morality higher Light The moral appearance of Pechorin was dispersed. He is not able to happily live and work. He is sure that "live bored and gadko", constantly immersed in pessimism and skepticism. Pechorin with contempt refers to his native noble environment, broke away from her, but did not find anything positive for himself. The spiritual emptiness of the hero creates a vacuum around him, from which he is unsuccessful trying to get out.

Pechorin does not believe in good, it cannot change. It turns into a cold, cruel egoist, hated even to himself. Belinsky wrote that Pechorin, "Alching Anxiety and Storms," \u200b\u200bchasing his life, "looking for it everywhere." According to Dobrolyubov, Pechorin does not know where to give his strength, "depletes the heat of his soul into small passions and insignificant things."

In the "Pechistan Diary" the author represents the confession of his hero. Pechorin with sadness is aware of the duality of its character. In his opinion, two people live in it, and one of them makes actions, and the other - looks and judges him. The tragedy of the hero is that he is not recognized in his mental inferiority, and accuses society and people, so it turns out to be superfluous everywhere.

    • Pechorin Grushnitsky origin Aristocrat by origin, Pechorin remains an aristocrat throughout the novel. Grushnitsky of a simple family. The usual Juncker, he is very ambitious, and by all truths and inconsistencies seeks to get out of people. The appearance more than once Lermontov focuses on the external manifestations of the aristocratism of Pechorin, such as pallor, a small brush, "dazzling clean underwear." At the same time, Pechorin is not looked at his own appearance, it is enough for him to look [...]
    • Roman M. Yu. Lermontova was created in the era of a government reaction, which caused a whole gallery to life " unnecessary people" Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin, with whom russian Society I got acquainted in 1839-1840, belonged to this type. This is a person who did not even know why he lived and for what purpose was born. "Fatalist" is one of the most plot tense and at the same time ideologically saturated heads of the novel. It consists of three episodes, peculiar experiments, which are confirmed, they denied [...]
    • Actually, I am not a big fan of Roman Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov "Hero of our time", the only part iswhich I like is "Bela". Action happens in the Caucasus. Maxim Maximych's headquarters, a veteran of the Caucasian War, tells the case of the case that happened to him in these places a few years ago. From the first lines, the reader is immersed in the romantic atmosphere of the mountain region, meets with mountain peoples, their life and customs. This is how Lermontov describes a mountain nature: "Nice [...]
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    • So, the "hero of our time" is a psychological novel, that is, a new word in the Russian literature of the nineteenth century. It's really special work For its time - it has a truly interesting structure: Caucasian Novel, travel notes, diary .... but still the main objective Works - disclosure of the image of an unusual, at first glance, a strange person - Grigory Pechorina. This is really unusual special person. And the reader traces it throughout the novel. Who is this [...]
    • And boring and sad, and some kind of hand to submit a minute of spiritual adversity ... Welcome! What benefits are in vain and forever wish? .. And years pass - all the best years! M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel "The Hero of Our Time" Lermontov puts over the reader who worries all the question: why are the most worthy, smart and energetic people of his time do not find applications with their non-sexual abilities and are withering at the very beginning of the life impulse without struggle? On this question, the writer responds to the history of the life of the chief hero of Pecherin. Lermontov [...]
    • Pechistan's life story tells the reader Maxim Maximych. The psychological portrait, sketched by the traveler, adds some characteristic strokes about the lives of Pechorin's life. Maxim's memory captured individual confessions of the hero, due to which the biography of the "time hero" acquired an extraordinary persuasiveness. Pechorin belonged to the Higher St. Petersburg society. Its youth passed in pleasures that can be reached for money, and they soon were conveyed. Savor With its seductions too [...]
    • "Yes, and what is my business to the joy and disasters of human?" M.Yu. Lermontov in the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" is solved by a topical problem: why people, smart and energetic, do not find applications with their non-Last abilities and wither without struggle at the very beginning of life fields? Lermontov's question is responsible for the history of Pechorin's life, a young man belonging to the generation of the 1930s. The task of the comprehensive and deep disclosure of the personality of the hero and the environment that brought up it is subordinated [...]
    • My life, where are you going from and where? Why am I my way so unclear and Ten? Why do I not know the goal of labor? Why don't I carry my own owner? Peso theme of fate, predestination and freedom of human will is one of the most important parties central problem Personality in the "Hero of Our Time". The most directly put in the "fatalist", which does not accidentally complete the novel, serves as a kind of the result of the moral and philosophical search of the hero, and with him and the author. Unlike romantics [...]
    • "Taman" is a kind of culmination in the collision of two elements of the novel: realism and romanticism. Here you do not know what to be more surprised: the extraordinary charms and charm of a subtle all-pervading color, which lies on the images and pictures of the novel, or extremely convincing realism and impeccable vitality. A. A. Titov sees, for example, the whole meaning of Tamani with its poetry in intentional reducing and debunking the image of Pecherin. I am convinced that this was the case of the author, he writes [...]
    • One of recent poems Lermontov, lyrical outcome of numerous quest, themes and motifs. Belinsky attributed this poem to the number of chosen things in which "all Lermontovskoe". Not being symbolic, with instantaneous immediacy, capturing the mood and feeling in their "lyrical present", it is nevertheless completely consisted of emblematic words highly valued in the Lermontov world, each of which has a long and changeable poetic history. In the sewer - the topic of a lonely fate. "Silicon [...]
    • Radin, the Prophet, and Wang, and Miscelled by the will of my will, and, by commodities and the earth, the verb of the Hearts of People. A. S. Pushkin "The Prophet" since 1836 the topic of poetry receives a new sound in the work of Lermontov. It creates a whole cycle of poems, in which he expresses his poetic credo, its unfolded ideological and artistic program. This is "Dagger" (1838), "Poet" (1838), "Do not believe" (1839), "Journalist, reader and writer" (1840) and, finally, "Prophet" - One of the last and [...]
    • M. The Prophet crumpled, I boldly pretend to be a shame - I imagine and cruel. M. Yu. Lermontov Grushnitsky - a representative of a whole discharge of people - according to Belinsky's expression, - the name is nominal. He is from among those who, according to Lermontov, are a fashionable mask of disappointed people. Makeup characteristic of the pears gives Pechorin. He, according to him, Pozer, outstanding himself for the romantic hero. "His goal is to deal with the hero of the novel," he says "lush phrases, it is important to drag into unusual [...]
    • Sad I look at our generation! His coming - Ile is empty, Il is dark, meanwhile, under the burden of Poznanya Ile Doubt, in the inactivity it will make up it. M. Yu. Lermontov V. G. Belinsky wrote: "Obviously, Lermontov poet is a completely different era and that his poetry is a completely new link in the chain historical Development Our society. " I think that the main theme In the work of Lermontov was the theme of loneliness. She passed through all his work and sounds almost all of his works. Roman [...]
    • Roman Lermontov All as it were, from opposites that merge into a single harmonic whole. It is classically simple, accessible to everyone, even the most inexperienced reader, at the same time extraordinary and multigid and at the same time deep and incomprehensibly mysterious. At the same time, the novel has properties high poetry: its accuracy, capacity, glitter of descriptions, comparisons, metaphor; phrases briefed to brevity and acute aphorisms - what was previously called the "syllable" of the writer and constitutes unique features [...]
    • Roman Lermontov "Hero of our time" became the first socio-psychological and realistic novel in Russian literature halves XIX. century. The author determined the purpose of his work as "the study of the human soul." The structure of the novel is originally. This is a cycle of the ART, united in the novel, with a common main character, and sometimes a storyteller. Lermontov wrote and published a story separately. Each of them can exist as independent workhas a finished plot, the image system. First […]
    • In any quality work, the fate of heroes is associated with the image of its generation. How else? After all, people reflect the nature of their time, they are his "product". Vitely we see it in the Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." Writer on life example typical man This era shows the image of a whole generation. Of course, Pechorin is a representative of his time, the tragedy of this generation was reflected in his fate. M.Yu.Lermontov first created in Russian literature the image of "lost" [...]
    • Curiosity, fearlessness, unjustified thrust for adventure - characteristics of the main character of the novel. Throughout the book, the author shows it to us from various sides. At first, this is a view of Maxim Maximich, and then the writings of the Pechorina itself. I can not call the "fate" of the hero tragic, since neither the death of Bail, nor Gruchnitsky, neither sadness Maxim Maximich makes his life more tragic. Perhaps even own death Not many worse than all of the above. The hero is extremely detached to people, playing [...]
    • Gregory Pechorin Maxim Maximy Age is young, during his arrival in the Caucasus for about 25 years almost a pensioner Military officer of the Russian Imperial Army. Headquarters Character Damage All new rapidly rapidly. He suffers from boredom. In general, tired of life, an adjacent young man, looking for distractions in war, but literally in a month gets used to the whistle of bullets and the crash of breaks, again begins to bored. I am sure that it brings others unfortunately, which strengthens it [...]
    • And tell me what is the mystery of the alternation of periods of history? In the same people, for some ten years all social energy will fall, the impulses of validity, changed the sign, become pulses of cowardice. A. Solzhenitsyn is a poem of mature Lermontov, an exposure of the socio-spiritual crisis after the December generation. It closes the preceding moral, social and philosophical searches of the poet, summarize the last mental experience, reflecting the aimlessness of personal and social efforts [...]
  • Share in Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" apologizes in front of Pierre on the eve of the Borodino battle. Per minute danger during the period common tragedy In this tough person wakes up a conscience. This is surprised by the fucking. Shelokov manifests itself as a decent person when he with other Cossacks and hussars frees the batch of prisoners, where Pierre will be When he hardly hesitate, seeing motionlessly lying. Conscience - moral category, without it is impossible to imagine a real person.

    Conscience and honor issues are important for Nikolai Rostov. Having lighted the big money, he gives himself a word to return their father, who saved him from dishonor. After a while, Rostov will come in the same way towards the Father, when it comes into inheritance and will take all his debts. Could he do otherwise if parental House It raised a sense of duty and responsibility for their actions. Conscience is the internal law that does not allow Nicholas Rostov to flow immoral.

    2) "Captain's daughter" (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).

    A sample of loyalty to his debt, honor and conscience is the captain of Mironov. He did not betray the fatherland and the sovereign, but preteaded to die deceitfully, boldly threw the accusations in the face of Pugachev that the criminal and state traitor.

    3) "Master and Margarita" (Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov).

    The problem of conscience I. moral choice Tightly connected with the image of Pilate Pilate. This story begins to tell Woland, and the main character becomes the Yeshua Ga-Nochri, and the Pilate himself, who executed his defendant.

    4) "Silent Don" (M.A.Sholokhov).

    Grigory Melekhov in the years civil War He led the Cossack hundred. He lost this position due to the fact that he did not allow his subordinate to rob the prisoners and the population. (In the past wars, the robbery was common in the ranks of the Cossacks, but it was regulated). This behavior caused dissatisfaction not only on the part of the authorities, but also from Panthery Prokofievich, his father, who, taking advantage of the capabilities of the Son, decided to "rejuvenate" the stupid. Pants Prokofievich has already done this by visiting the eldest son Petro, and was confident that Gregory would allow him to tell the sympathy "red" Cossacks. The Position of Gregory in this respect was concrete: he took "only edible yes Kor's food, vaguely fearing to touch someone else's and with disgustive referring to robbery." "Especially disgusting" seemed to him the robbery of his Cossacks, even if they supported "red". "Your little? Hama you! For such things on the German front of people, they were shot, "he throws his father in the hearts. (Part 6 GL.9)

    5) "Hero of Our Time" (Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov)

    The fact that the act, perfect contrary to the voice of the conscience, sooner or later will be retribution, confirms the fate of the Grushnitsky. Wanting to take revenge on the sovereign and humiliate him in the eyes of acquaintances, the Pereshnitsky causes him to duel, knowing that the Pechorin Pistol would not be charged. Different act in relation to former friend, to man. Pechorin accidentally finds out the plans of the Pereshnitsky and, as further events show, prevents their own murder. So without waiting, when conscience will be wanted in the Hushchnitsky and he confesses to his cunning, Pechorin kills him coldly.

    6) "Oblomov" (Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov).

    Mikhai Andreevich Tarantyev, with his Kum Ivan Matveyevich, Mukhoyarov several times commit unplanned acts in relation to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Tarantyev, using the arrangement and trust of the simplicity and nonstarting in the affairs of Oblomov, pre-having underwent it, forces it to sign a contract for hiring a housing for robbers for Oblomov. Later, he will recommend him as a manager by the estate of a furist and a thief, told about the professional advantages of this person. Having read that the lighter, indeed, the intelligent and honest manager, the bugs will entrust him the estate. There is something frightening with its validity and timelessness in the words of Mukhoyarov: "Yes, Kum, until Olukhi translated in Russia, which sign the paper, without reading, our brother can live!" (Part 3 ch.10). For the third time, Tarantyev with Kum will oblige a breakdown to pay a non-existent debt on the borrowed letter to his apartment hostess. How low there should be a drop in a person if he allows himself to nourish on the simpleness, gullibility, the kindness of other people. Mukhoyarov did not even regret native sister With nephews, forcing them to live almost the injignment, for the sake of their own wealth and well-being.

    7) "Crime and Punishment" (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky).

    Raskolnikov, who created his theory of "blood to conscience", calculated everything, checked "arithmetic." It is the conscience that does not allow him to become "Napoleon". The death of "no one who does not need" the old woman causes unexpected consequences in the life of people around the surrounding Skolnikov; Consequently, solving moral issues, it is impossible to trust only logic and mind. "The voice of the conscience for a long time remains at the Raskolnikov consciousness threshold, but deprives him soul equilibrium "The Lord", carries over the flour of loneliness and disconnects with people "(Kurlyandskaya). The struggle between the mind, justifying blood, and the conscience protesting against the spilled blood ends for the Raskolnikov victory of conscience. "There is one law - the law is moral," says Dostoevsky. Realizing the truth, the hero returns to people from whom he was distant to the crime committed.

    Lexical meaning:

    1) Conscience - the category of ethics that expresses the ability of the personality to carry out a moral self-control, to determine from the standpoint of good and evil the attitude towards their and foreign actions, behavior lines. C. Removes its estimates as it were, regardless of practical. Interest, however, in reality, in various manifestations of S. person reflects the effect on it of the CONKR. Historic., Social-class. living conditions and upbringing.

    2) Conscience is one of the qualities of the human person (properties of human intelligence), which ensures the preservation of homeostasis (state of the environment and its position in it) and the ability of intelligence to simulate its future condition and behavior of other people in relation to the "medium" of conscience. Conscience is one of the products of upbringing.

    3) conscience - ( joint knowledge, to know, know): the ability of a person to realize their duty and responsibility to other people, independently evaluate and control their behavior, to be judge to their own thoughts and actions. "The case of conscience is the case of a person who leads against himself" (I. Kant). Conscience is a moral feeling that allows to determine the value of its own actions.

    4) conscience - - the concept of moral consciousness, the inner conviction is that it is good and evil, the consciousness of moral responsibility for their behavior; The expression of the ability of the personality to carry out the moral self-control on the basis of the norms formulated in this society and the rules of conduct, independently formulate high moral duties independently, require them to fulfill their implementation and produce self-esteem of the actions performed from morality heights and morality.


    "Self strong hell The distinction of a person from animals is a moral feeling, or conscience. And his domination is expressed in a short, but the mighty and extremely expressive word "must". " Chrvin

    "Honor is an external conscience, and conscience is an internal honor." And Schopenhauer.

    "Pure conscience is not afraid of lies, nor rumors nor gossip." Ovidi

    "Never act against conscience, even if this requires state interests." A. Einstein

    "Often people are proud of the purity of their conscience only because they have a short memory." L.N. Tolstoy

    "How not to please heart when calm conscience!" D.I.Fonvizin

    "Along with the laws of state, there are also laws of conscience, replenishing the omissions of the legislation." Filding.

    "Without conscience and with a big mind you will not live." M.Gorky

    "Only one who enjoyed himself in Armor of Lies, Salia and Shamelessness, will not get to the court of his conscience." M. Gorky

    • Updated: May 31, 2016
    • Author: Mironova Marina Viktorovna

    The youth and the time of the formation of the personality of Lermontov fell on the years of the government reaction after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. In Russia, he reigned a heavy atmosphere of denunciations, total surveillance, links to Siberia on charges of unreliability. Advanced people of that time could not freely express their thoughts on political issues. Lermontov was sharply experienced the lack of freedom, the status of stopped time. He reflected the main tragedy of the era in his novel, which called the hero of our time meaningfully. Forced inaction, universal unnecessaryness, the inability to creatively manifest itself was the reason for the appearance of a new "hero" in the literature. The writer created a social and psychological story, which showed his contemporary. In the preface to Roman Lermontov gave such a characteristic of the hero. This is a portrait made up from the vices of all our generation in full development. "

    "Hero" can not be a hero, society does not need his actions. Pechorin is an officer of the Russian army, but he even in the Caucasus, being in the mountains, misses the fortress, having entertained hunting on the boars, abducts Bal, hurts troubles. Lermontov conducts a study of the condition of his soul, paying attention to the moral installations of Pechorin. The hero is estimated from three sides. He is written by the author, Maxim Maximych and Pechorin himself in his diary.

    Pechorin concentrates the traits of the entire generation. The author sternly condemns him and makes it clear that it does not at all share the moral beliefs of the hero. Lermontov reveals the cause of "diseases of the century" and suggests to fight with egoism, arrogant contempt for people, discernie and cynicism. The writer takes into account the conditions in which the character of Pechorina was formed, the influence of the environment and society on him, but it does not take responsibility and from the youngest man, whose deeds bring troubles around.

    Poisoned by egoism, Pechorin does not know how to love, but suffers without love others. Confident in his wonderful qualities, Pechorin is surprised, seeing that it brings only evil and disappointment to people. "Why did I live? For what purpose was born ... But, right, it was a high appointment to me, since I feel in the soul of the forces immense. But I did not guess it. " Pechorin is indifferent to the feelings of others. He says: "Yes, and what a matter to me to misfortunes and people of human." The hero is aware that he breaks the fate of people, and thinks that "he always played the role of an ax in the hands of fate." He suffers, but the system of moral installations does not change.

    Positive pepperine peppercasters did not get development. He sometimes "sorry faith," when explaining with Mary, he slightly "did not fall down to her feet", but good gusts for him are momentous weaknesses. He did not catch up and he did not return the faith, left the Mary with a broken heart, he killed the Pureznitsky from pure egoism. Most of all in the world, Pechorin appreciates his freedom, but understands it as permissiveness. Without love, from an empty whim, he disseminate a decent girl Mary in front of the whole society, knowing how her honor will be subjected to. Without thinking, Pechorin ruins Balu. Calmly and cruelly he says Maxim Maxima: "The love of a dicarka is a little better than love of a notable lady ... I'm bored with her." He talks about the noble honor regarding women, it turns out that it is good to "breathe the fragrance barely blossomed flower," and then throw it on the road, maybe someone will pick it up. Fate people for him are only temporary entertainment. After the rampant actions, they again seize boredom and he needs a new victim.

    In the chapter "Taman" the narrative moves to the hero. In it, the author creates a clear psychological portrait of his unfortunate hero. Pechorin is moving in the light in search of a real life. He interferes with curiosity in the life of smugglers, forcing them to escape and leave without the help of a blind boy. Hero nowhere can not find shelter. He is deaf and blind in relation to the world.

    Particularly bright moral beliefs of Pechorina appear in the reasoning about happiness. He thinks "Happiness is a saturated pride," and continues: "... I look at the suffering and joy of others only in relation to myself." Pechorin is recognized to itself: "Evil breeds evil; The first suffering gives the concept of the pleasure of tormented by another. I sometimes despise myself ... Isn't I despised and others? "

    Even Pushkin called many of his contemporaries with people with "immoral soul", self and dry. Habits and morality of the highest light dispersed the moral appearance of Pechorin. He is not able to happily live and work. He is sure that "live bored and gadko", constantly immersed in pessimism and skepticism. Pechorin with contempt refers to his native noble environment, broke away from her, but did not find anything positive for himself. The spiritual emptiness of the hero creates a vacuum around him, from which he is unsuccessful trying to get out.

    Pechorin does not believe in good, it cannot change. It turns into a cold, cruel egoist, hated even to himself. Belinsky wrote that Pechorin, "Alching Anxiety and Storms," \u200b\u200bchasing his life, "looking for it everywhere." According to Dobrolyubov, Pechorin does not know where to give his strength, "depletes the heat of his soul into small passions and insignificant things."

    In the "Pechistan Diary" the author represents the confession of his hero. Pechorin with sadness is aware of the duality of its character. In his opinion, two people live in it, and one of them makes actions, and the other - looks and judges him. The tragedy of the hero is that he is not recognized in his mental inferiority, and accuses society and people, so it turns out to be superfluous everywhere.

    Moral issues. In any society there were their unchanged moral laws. A person who violated them, considered an incomplete member of this society. Pechorin violated these foundations repeatedly.

    In general, Pechorin - the person is not unambiguous. Lermontov himself insists that Pechorin is no longer a romantic hero, as the audience wanted to see him.

    Possessing a completely romantic appearance - "medium height; Slender, thin mill and wide shoulders argued strong addition, able to transfer all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change. In his smile there was something nursery. His skin had some female tenderness; Blond hair ", etc., - he lives a very difficult spiritual life - this is also a romantic trait.

    Lermontov several times sharpens our attention on the fact that Pechorin - the hero is quite real. His egoism, external contempt for the whole surrounding, cruel and, that the worst, well thought out, calculating actions are not the advantage of the hero, as it was in the era of romanticism, but not its weakness. Lermontov is trying to open the reader, which influenced Pechorin. In this, his main difference from Pushkin, trying to break the myth about romantic hero In his poem "Gypsy".

    Everything, for whatever Pechorin was taken, turns into unhappiness to people who are next to him.

    In the story "Bal" he ruins the life of Bale herself, her father and Kazbach.

    In the story "Maxim Maximych", Pechorin undermined the faith of the old man into the younger generation.

    In the story "Taman" his actions lead to an unpleasant change in the life of smugglers.

    In the story of "Princess Mary" he kills Hushnitsky and ruins the life of the princess Mary and her mother.

    In the story "Fatalist" Pechorin predicts the death of vulis, which is actually happening.

    Moral problems come up with Pechorin's relations with women.

    For example, from the prince of Mary, he from the very beginning came alike. Pechorin never loved her, but simply used her gullibility and love for the fight against Grushnitsky.

    Dick-Beauty was another experiment, whimpering Pechorin. He thought that this new wild and exotic love would help him to overcome his boredom. But this did not happen, because the treatment of love was for Pechorin in the stage passed.

    In relations with the smuggling - Undin, there is generally a rather strange position of Pechorina in relation to a woman. Forgetting that before him the creature, which is much weaker, Pechorin comes with a woman in real physical struggle. Even already married woman - Faith could not save Pechorin from providing life.

    Women played in the lives of Pechorin the role of a kind of indicator.

    At the moments when he was full of strength and energy, there were no women in his life, and only at the moments of boredom or the brewing tragedy (as in the head of the "Fatalist", when Pechorin, after a conversation with Voulich, met another girl in the courtyard at home as appeared bad sign), At such moments, women appear in the lives of Pechorin one after another.

    And that is characteristic, every woman opened some new pages in the character of Pechorin. He completely did not exhaust himself with his showing egoism and the coldness of the actions. In Pechorin, there was something else that could attract a truly Russian person to him - Maxim Maximovich, who, in theory, would have to hate arrogant youth. But this does not happen, because Maxim Maksimovich sees in Pechorin first of all his personal qualities. Therefore, the resentment, applied by an old man, especially wounded him.

    The relationship between Pechorin and Grushnitsky is also interesting.

    In general, the Pereshnitsky is a completely successful parody of Pechorin. He, on the one hand, emphasizes the nobility of Pecherin on the one hand, and on the other, as if she was erased by all sorts of differences between them. After all, Pechorin and spoke himself and prince Mary himself, which, of course, was not a deed noble. In addition, you need to pay special attention to the scene of their duel. From a long time, the duel is the protection of honor, but in no case is not a murder than the duel of Pereshnitsky and Pechorin actually. In his diary, Pechorin mentioned that he specifically chose such a place so that one of them would not return with a duel.

    Not only can this act can be called deliberate murder, it is also not worthy moral man. At the beginning of this head, the Grushnitsky his behavior, as already mentioned, emphasizes the grace of Pechorin, but closer to the end of the chapter, this myth is scattered by the Grushnitsky himself.

    Thus, it can be said that the Pechorin to some extent a man is immoral, especially since he himself says about it, calling himself " mustic cripple." Pechorin understands that all people encountered by him are ultimately the toys in his hands.

    Pechorin does not even think to change the line of his behavior, although it is perfectly aware that he has caused people for his life only evil, but this self-criticism does not bring any relief to him nor failing to people.