An essay on the theme "Caucasian captive" Zhilin and Kostylin. Zhillin and Kostlin - why Tolstoy chose such surnames (according to the story "Caucasian captive")

The subject of the essay is
An essay on the theme "Caucasian captive" Zhilin and Kostylin. Zhillin and Kostlin - why Tolstoy chose such surnames (according to the story "Caucasian captive")

"Caucasian captive" is a story that sometimes called the story. I wrote him tells us about the Russian officer who was in captivity of the mountaineers. For the first time, the story was published in the journal "Zarya" in 1872. He is one of the most popular works The Great Russian Writer, withstood many reprints. The name of the story is to refer to the poem of Pushkin. In this article we will produce hilin and crutin. These are the two main characters, the opposition of the personalities of which is the basis of the work. Description of Zilina and Kostlina see below.

Tie history

The narrative is based in part in the real event, which happened during the Tolstoy service in the Caucasus (50s of the XIX century). He wrote in his diary in June 1853, which was almost captured, but behaved well in this case, although And excessively sensitive. Lev Nikolayevich, together with his friend, once miraculously left the chase. The lieutenant Tolstoy had to also challenge their combat comrades from captivity.

Letters with a request for redemption made up by two officers

The story takes place in the period of the hill, the officer serves on the fleet. His mother sends his son a letter with a request to visit her, and he travels along with the turn from the fortress. On the way, he overtakes him together with the crutch and stumps on the horse's horse "Tatars" (that is, Muslim Highlanders).

They shoot a horse, and the officer himself is taken captive (his comrade is running). Zilina will be taken to the mountain village, after which Abdul Murata is sold. "How did Zhilin and Kostinin meet after that?" - you ask. It turned out that Abdul Murat had already been in captivity by that time, Kostylin, colleague Zilina, who was also caught by Tatars. Abdul Murat makes you write a letter of Russian officers home to get a redemption for them. Zhillin points to the envelope invalid address, realizing that the mother in any case will not be able to assemble the necessary amount.

Zhillin and Kostlin in captivity

Kostylin and Zilin live in Saraj, they put on their feet in the day of the pads. Zilin was loved by local children, primarily Dina, the 13-year-old daughter Abdul-Murat, which dolls did. While walking around the surroundings and aulu, this officer pretends, as you can run to the Russian fortress. He makes a dope at night in the barn. Dina brings him sometimes pieces of lamb or pellet.

Escape two officers

When Zhill learns that the inhabitants of this village are alarmed by the death of a fellow villager, who died in battle with the Russians, he was finally solved on the escape. Together with the crutch officer at night breaks into the subcople. They want to get to the forest, and then - to the fortress. But due to the fact that the fat crutin was nerviar, they do not have time to make a conceived, Tatars notice young people and deliver back. They are now putting in the pit and no longer remove the pads overnight. Dina sometimes continues to wear an officer food.

The second escape of Zilina

Understanding that their enslavers are afraid of what the Russians can come soon, and therefore they can kill their prisoners, the hill with the onset of the night once asks Dina to get a long stick. With it, he gets out of the pit. Rasky and the sobbed crutin remains inside. He is trying, including with the help of a girl, knock off the castle from the pad, but it cannot succeed. At dawn, missed through the forest, the hill is coming out of Russian troops. Kostilina subsequently, with a clawed to the extreme health, bother comrades from the captivity.

Characteristics of the main characters ("Caucasian captive", Tolstoy)

Zhilin and Kostlin are Russian officers. They both participate in the war for Zhilin comes a letter from the mother in which she asks the Son before death to visit her to say goodbye. He, without thinking, goes down. But one ride was dangerous, since at any time it could grab and kill Tatars. We went by the group, and therefore very slowly. Then the hill with crutch decide alone to go ahead. Zhilin was prudent and careful. After making sure that the Kostlina gun is charged, and he has a checker in her legs, Zhilin decided to see if Tatars could not be visible, rising to the mountain. Having risen higher, he noticed his enemies. Tatars were quite close, and therefore saw Zilina.

This brave officer thought that if he was able to reach the rifle (which was at Kostlin), the officers will be saved. He shouted his comrade. But the cowardly Kostlin ran away, frightened for his skin. He made a kind of act. In the way the hill and crutin met, you can see a mockery of fate above the last. After all, in captivity in the end they got both, they met here again. The main from Muslim Highlanders said that it was necessary to pay a repurchase of 5,000 rubles, and then they would be released. Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home with a request to get money. And Zhilin replied to the mountaineers that if he was killed, they would not get anything at all, and told them to wait. He sent his letter deliberately at another address, since the officer had a pity his mother, heavily painful, and no money in the family was not found. In addition to Mother, Zhilina did not have any other relatives.

The comparative characteristics of the hill and crutin can be supplemented, indicating how these heroes were carried out in captivity. Zilin decided that he could and had to escape. He snorted at night, and during the day he did for Dina dolls, which in return brought food.

Kostylin was laid down all day, and slept at night. And the time has come when the cooking was completed. Officers together fled. They strongly excherd about the stones of the legs, and the weakened Kostilina Zhilina had to bear on himself. Because of this, they grabbed them. The officers were put in the pit this time, but Dina took out a stick and helped her friend to flee. Kostylin was frightened to run secondly and remained at the Highlanders. Zhilina managed to get to his own. Costlin only bought in a month.

As can be seen, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy shows in his story "Caucasian captive" courage and courage of the hill and weakness, cowardice and laziness of his comrade. The comparative characteristics of the hill and crutin are opposite, and are built on contrast. To better convey your thought, the author uses a number of techniques. Read about them on.

Analysis of the name of the story "Caucasian captive"

It is interesting to analyze the name of the story - "Caucasian captive". Zhillin and Kostylin - two hero, but the name is given in the only number. Tolstoy, perhaps, wanted to show it that true hero There may be only that person who does not surrender to the difficulties that have arisen, but actively acts. Passive people become a burden for others in life, not seeking anything without developing. The author shows that in such a way that not everything in our life directly depends on the circumstances, and every person himself is the Creator himself.

Names of the main characters

Note also on the names of the heroes that are taken by the author not by chance that it should also be noted by making up the comparative characteristics of the hill and crutin. Starting to read this work, we still do not know the characters of the main acting personsbut only learn their names. But immediately, we have a feeling that Lev Nikolayevich sympathizes the housing more than Kostilin. The latter, as we think, the character "lame", and the hill is a strong, "dwelling", with a solid character. Kostlin also needs the help of outsiders, he is indecisive, dependent. Further events confirm our guesses. The meaning of these rhymes is completely different. So, the hill is described as a small growth man, movable and strong. On the contrary, Kostylin is a cargo, heavy on the rise, passive. Throughout the work, he only makes that it prevents a friend to make a conceived.


Thus, these two characters are opposite to what the description of the Zilina and Kostilina by the author. The main difference between the two officers is that one is a person working, an active, believing that you can find a way out of any position, and the second is a coward, a lazy, a snap. Zhilin managed and in a hostile setting worry, which helped this officer to get out of captivity. Such a case of another person would knocked out of the rut, but this officer is not such. He did not leave home after the end of the story, but remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostlin, barely alive, was released from captivity for redemption. Tolstoy did not say what was with him next. Probably, he did not consider it necessary to even mention further fate So worthless person in his work "Caucasian captive". Zhilin and Kostylin - different peopleTherefore, their fate is different, despite the same life circumstances. It is this thought of Lion Tolstoy wanted to convey to us.

Samuel Marshak noted that the work of the Caucasian Captive (Tolstoy) is a crown of all books for reading and said that in all world literature it is impossible to find a more perfect sample of the story, a small story for children reading. Description of the Zilina and Kostlina, their characters helps upbringing young generation, personal development, because it shows how to behave in difficult situations. The fate of hillium and crutin is very instructive.

The abstract of the literature lesson for grade 5 by the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian Captive". Zhillin and Kostylin.

Objectives lesson:

Subjects: understanding the content of the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive"; the ability to highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work; Systematization of knowledge on the system of stories

Regulatory: to introduce children to independent research and creative activity; Develop an analysis skill artistic work, logical thinking, monological speech Pupils and them vocabulary;

Personal: to bring up a spiritual and moral person who can compare; with honor to get out of the most hard situation, training of speech communication and etiquette culture.

Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod.

Self-killer himself, and comrades will cut out.


During the classes


2) Motivation learning activities. Message of a student or teacher.

In the middle of the 19th century in the Caucasus, he was heavy, bloody war. Tsar Nicholas I sent my troops to conquer Caucasian lands. Goric nations living there were stubborn resistance to the tsarist troops. On steep mountain roads, in the forests and gorges, at the crossings of rivers, the mountains arranged ambushes, they took Russian soldiers and officers.

At that time L.N. Tolstoy was on military service In the Caucasian army, participated in the combat actions of Russian troops. Once, far away from his squad, he almost fell. He helped his writer from his satellite and friend Chechen Sado.

Working on the "war and the world" Tolstoy met with the "Memories of the Caucasian Officer", the author of which was the colonel of the Kirassian regiment F.F.Tornaau. The author reports, under what circumstances he was captured to the mountaineers, as the Aslan Goal girl who was trying to help him, why his first escape attempt was unsuccessful and how he managed to free himself from captivity. Tolstoy not only became acquainted with the memories of Tornau, but also took advantage of them for his story "Caucasian captive", which was published in 1852.

3). Oral work on issues.

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe artwork;

Idea - this is the main idea Works. And the author wanted to show that persistence and courage always won. To teach people not to give up even in the most difficult circumstances, stubbornly achieve their goal. Condemns hostility between nations. Condemns betrayal. It shows that the war is a meaningless fellow of people.

- Plot and composition. The composition is the construction of the work, the location of parts and episodes in a significant sequence. We list these parts (exposure, tie, development, culmination, junction, epilogue). The composition can be called direct. It follows the plot.

Exposition- The action takes place in the 19th century in the Caucasus. There is a war of Russians with mountaineers. Initial acquaintance with heroes, housing and crutch. Exposure and epilogue in thick rapid, they fit in several lines.

Vazka - Zhilin receives a letter from the house and decides to go on vacation.

The development of action - after that there are a lot of different episodes, which we will talk about during the lesson.

Culmination - The second escape.

Junction- Zilin turns out to be in his fortress.

Epilogue - Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus, and the Kostlin was bought in a month for 5 thousand and barely alive brought to the fortress.

The whole story is built on opposition, contrast.

What are the characters, are opposed to the story, for what purpose?

Main heroes and crutin.

Tatars and Russians (Zhilin and Tatars)

Dina and other residents of Aul.

War and peaceful life.

4) Comparative characteristics Zilina and Kostlin. - Why is the story called "Caucasian captive", because two prisoners?


1. Invoice.

2. Ensuring the characteristic:

3. Plente:

a) place of residence in captivity;

b) the powers of the prisoners;

c) classes;

d) preparing for running;

4. First escape.

5. The second escape.

What is common with the heroes and what distinguishes them?

How did Zhilin and Kostlin behave during the captivity and in captivity?

(Zhill boldly rushes into battle with the enemies, ready to die rather than surrender to them, and Kostylin rushes to the fortress, leaving the only rifle.)

How does prisoners live in Aul? They are in the same conditions. How does each of them behave in difficult conditions?

(It is equally difficult. But Kostilina captive scared and broke and broke. He immediately wrote a letter, asked money, waiting for an answer, missed.

Zhilin led himself otherwise. He knew that he would not receive money, to hope he was not for whom, he only had a sick mother.

Find in the text of the verbs that denote the actions of the hill and crutin: (recording in the notebook)

Zhilin Kostylin

walks on aulu sleeps

peering misses

says information considers days

needlework waiting for an answer to the letter

These verbs - antithesisactions of heroes. They help to understand the character of heroes. Zhilin says: "I'll get it myself", and Kostylin is waiting for help.

How does the hill sympathy conquer?

(Zilin showed courage and determination during the dispute about the amount of redemption;

Zhilin - Master: Pushes Dolls, Water Wheel;

Once acted as a doctor. (Quotes)

But not everyone treated housing with sympathy. Why?

(He still was for them someone else's, a person of another faith. For them he is an enemy

Maybe Zhilin made a life in captivity?

No, he always seeks to find out the road, and at night digs in Saraj Laz.

And crutin?

(He awailantly waiting for his fate.)

Why do herself behave in different ways in different ways?

5) Work in groups. -What character qualities show these heroes in relationships with each other and with other people.





































Conclusion: Zhilin: Good, thinking about mother, regrets her; hopes for himself, thinking about escape; active man; managed to live in aul; working, can not sit idle, master; It helps everyone, even with their enemies-Tatars; He is interested in other people, he loves children; Gnower, forgave the Kostilina for the fact that he threw him in battle.

Conclusion: Kostylin: weak person, he does not hope, is waiting for help from the mother; capable of betrayal, threw a zilina; Raskin, fell in spirit.

The study "What part of speech is more often used when characterizing the hill and crutin? Why?"

Conclusion: when describing the hilina-verb, when describing the crutin-noun and adjectives. Verbs give dynamism action. Adjectives indicate only on the sensation of the hero.

Did you pay attention to that the names of the heroes also "speaking"?

What denotes:

Zilin from "lived" - a durable end of the muscles, dwelling, two-housing-strong, elastic

Kostylin from "crutch" - a stick for lame, powerless

Adds this literary reception Something new in the characteristic of heroes?

What is the meaning of the name of the story?

(Already in the title there is an opposition of two heroes of Zililin and Kostlin. Both officers fall into captivity, but only one of them turned out to be "captive" circumstances. Zhilin managed to survive, take care of a hostile environment, managed to arrange even his enemies to himself, solved his problems himself , without shifting on the shoulders of others, was a strong, "housing." Zilin is a hero. About him. In this story. I am going to leave these places forever Zhilin remains in the Caucasus. Having learned the life of the Highlanders to truly from the inside, the hero of all the soul becomes the "captive" Beautiful Caucasus.

Kostylin from the very beginning - the slave of his flesh, the slave of the situation. He was never free to soul, free in his choice. He does not withstand the tests that the hill exceeds. He is always in captivity of his own weakness, inertness and its egoism.)

6). The outcome of the lesson. Reflection.

1. What does the story teach?

2. What mathematical qualities appreciates in man L.N. Tolstoy?

What problems raises L. N. Tolstoy in the story?

L. N. Tolstoy raises important in the story. moral problems: About friendly debt, kindness and responsiveness, about loyalty, friendship, about courage and resistance. He is famous strong spirit People who are ready to overcome any obstacles. Tolstoy tells about the strength of friendship, which brings together people of different nationalities.

7) Easy to the remediation. The writing

"Zhilin and Kostlin: Different destinies."

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  1. The formation of skills is to be thought of in the actions and behavior of the heroes in order to clarify their characters;
  2. Development of comparison skills on the example of the opposition of hillium and crutin;
  3. The development of students' speech and grafting the skill of the analysis of text.

During the classes

I. Orgmant.

II. Teacher's word: theme and lesson purpose.

III. Main part. Three items are recorded on the board for which work will go in the lesson:

  1. The behavior of the heroes in critical situations.
  2. The attitude of the hill and crutin to others.
  3. Attitude surrounding the heroes.

1. The behavior of the heroes in critical situations.

Conversation on issues.

1) What critical situations in the story are the most important?

  • Zhillin and Kostylin are captured;
  • Tatars require redemption;
  • The life of Zilina and Kostlin in captivity;
  • The first escape from captivity;
  • The second escape.

2) Remember how Zilina and Kostilin took captivity. Tell us about it so that we see the telted as it were on the screen. Draw a verbal picture.

The hill sees the danger - six Tatars rushing in speed, the retreat is impossible. Then he cried with a checker on the Red Tatar and would certainly quit him if the bullet did not hit the horse. The horse did not just fell, but "Put the owner." At first, two Tatars rushed to Zilina, but he managed to throw them out, then three more twisted with her horses and began to beat the goals on her head. And only five were able to twist the Zilina, who had already been in infamous.

Kostylin (he tells about this Zhilina already in captivity): who saw Tatars Kostylin "Oshanit Horses", beats his best, but the horse was out of his strength, became. Rouge in Kostilina stopped. He catches Abdul and takes off with him.

Attitude towards horses: Kostinin mercilessly "sick" the horse, Zilin - was loved, asking for: "Mother, I will bring ..."

3) Read the ransom requirements expressively.

To take a sure tone in reading, you must first understand the essence of the behavior of prisoners.

What is the behavior of the zilina and crutin in the scene of the ransom requirements?

Zilin - refuses to pay a big redemption.
Kostylin - agrees to redeem 5 thousand, not traded.
Zilin - a letter will send with the wrong address, and still trading, he is proud, brave, not afraid of the Tatars and their threats.
Kostylin - Coupe, blessing. Tatars see it and press it.

- How do zilin and crutin in captivity behave?

Kostylin - hopes for fate. Sleep.

Zhilina - everything is interesting: the customs of the people like Sakla is removed, as the Tatars are dressing, as they eat, as they behave when they have a mountain when they are joy. Everywhere walks, everything looks. Tatar children loved him, he began to make dolls. Active, inquisitive. In captivity - masenite, repair. The goal is to escape from captivity, place the place to examine the dog to get down, so as not to bump on fugitives, go stock.

4) Scene of the first escape from captivity.

Zhillin is difficult to dig from stones. Carefully ruined the pit wider so that his freight comrade could crawl.
Kostylin is a cowardly observer. Everything is afraid. Does not help. Even in the hole can't crazy. During the escape whores: then in the boots, the feet erased, then the legs cut off without a boot.
I could not get far away - they took their Tatars, because of the crutin the escape was broken.

5) the second escape.

- Why zhilin masetherite dolls to children, chinit a gun?

To locate the Tatars.

Why did Zhilin go to watch, how does an old man live?

Current hill felt in an old Tatarine dangerous enemy And, preparing to run, I wanted to foresee all possible obstacles.

Zhilin - brave, crutin - cowardly.

Zilin is still alive, will fight for freedom, and Kostylin is a broken and humble, he doesn't even listen to anything about what escape.

2. The attitude of the hill and crutin to others.

How do hillin and crutin belong to people?

Good attitude of the hill to the crutch. Zilin trusts him, believes that the one, like any decent officer, must keep the word. And the persuasion was when they drove without a ban.

Officers met in captivity, and neither the words of reproach did not hear Kostylin, although he was to blame for the deplorable position of them both.

Zhillin takes care of the crutch: And for itself, and for Kostlina expresses the requirements of Tatars: to remove the pads, feed well, give clothes.

Zilin remembers and performs one of the commandments of the Old Testament: "read your father and your mother so that you feel good and so you lived on earth." He captures his mother in captivity ("Where will she take money?" She lived that I sent her "), about Deina. Friendly refers to the poor - Tatars.

Kostylin - sleeps, considers the days when money will reach. Indifferent to all.

Tolstoy silent about the attitude of Kostilin to people is also a means of its characteristic.

Zilin does not mock the Tatar rites, respectfully and seriously observing other people's customs.

Kostylin is indifferent, cowardly, lazy.

Hill is going to visit the old mother, he warmly suggested with soldiers and is clearly visible that this is a good person.

- In what position we see Zilina and Kostlin in Tatar Aul and do they perceive all the inhabitants of Aul as their enemies?

Sigor conditions: Ripped clothing, food - water and bread, sometimes just the dough intumented.

Zhilin - in the pads, everything is interesting for him. Peaceful Tatar residents are not at all enemies at all, he helps them, he reaches everything - to whom the clock who is a gun.

Kostylin - lived like a slave. I did not have anyone - all his enemies. It did not help to prepare escape for both of them.

- What can be said about the attitude of the hill and crutin to people from episodes of the first and second shoots?

Kostinin Net - "Roads does not know," "I will not reach the night", "foot boots erased."

Zhilin - tortures whining of crutin. He drags him, thinks in the hearts: "And the hell jerked a deck with him to take this with him. One I would have left for a long time. " There is no malice and then when the fugitives caught. Again suggests him to flee, fraternally says goodbye to him.

Dina - true friend Zilina. He cares about her safety. Transferring the pole, says: "demolish the place, Dina, and they are enough, you will be bought."

3. Attitudes around the heroes.

Kosylina Residents of Aul do not see. He sits in a barn or sleep.

Zhilin: good, kind man, soul. People ask to fly them. The owner shifts the location to the housing, brings him the tackle, tweezers, bruises, diaphips.

Dina is a true friend of Zilina. It will bring milk, pissek, lamb slice. Dina rejoiced to the crafts made for her housing: a doll, clay animals. She helps to get out of the pit, showing a real heroism: she caught a long pole, caught up with the zilina, stolen the pellets, began to smash the block, bitterly sharpened, seeing that he could not master her.

Output:the person is responsible for evil and injustice, everyone should, even in difficult conditions, be active, sow not hostility and malice, and the world and the good location of people to each other. People of different nationalities can and should live in peace and friendship.

- Why did the Tatars decide to kill only Zilina?
- Why did Kostilina led when they demanded a ransom from Zilina?

Tatars consider Kostlina with non-hazardous, cowardly and try to achieve his consent to all the conditions, "put in an example" by a recalcitable housing.

- Zilin is good only in relation to Dina?

No, he exists good relations To mother, to soldiers, to Kostilin, to Tatars, to Tatar children.

Does the benefit of people have a kindness of zilina?

Yes, he does something all the time good peopleHe is caring, attentive, dive. No scores with his crutch.

Students choose epithets characterizing the heroes of the story.

Zilin: kind, honest, brave, inquisitive, active, hardworking, active, proud, noble, high-imaginary, generous.

Kostylin: cowardly, passive, lackless, blessing, broken, humble.

IV. Work with illustrations.

Who is depicted on all 3 illustrations

Zhilin, the hero of the story L. N. Tolstoy, in various situations.

The writer does not give the description of the appearance of the zilin. It is only said about him: "And the hill is at least not grown, but deleted was."

How can you represent exterior appearance Hero?
Your opinions coincided with this artist.
- Why? What?
- Find words that can be used as a signature of each illustration.

1 Picture: "The horse lasted from all over Mahu - hill the housin on the leg."
2 Pictures: "Selin Zhilin, became a place to look at; began to look in the Russian side; There, between these two mountains, and you need to run. "
3 Pictures: Dina sought to help Zhilina, free it from the block.

V. Checking homework.

In the previous lesson, students received a task: to choose proverbs and sayings, characterizing the main characters.

  1. True lighter sun.
  2. Cheek brings success.
  3. Herbrome death Not terrible.
  4. It does not place a man, but a man place.
  5. Great ship Veliko and swimming.


  1. Fight ran away from the wolf, but hit the bear.
  2. Still waters run deep.
  3. Do not laugh, peas, no better beans.
  4. Let the goat go to the garden.
  5. Shily in the bag do not hide.

The second task consisted in drawing the story episodes liked. ("Create your own illustration").

Why did you draw this episode?

Vi. Expressive reading Favorite passages.

Why did you like the data passage?

VII. Conclusions. Installing estimates for work in the lesson.

Homework - written work "Zhilin and crutchesn ".

Guys, I think the "Caucasian captive" did not leave anyone indifferent. L.N. Tolstoy in this story appeals to you, children, he teaches you to distinguish good from evil, beautiful from ugly. I would like to believe that on the example of the hero of the story of Zilina you will grow good, hardworking, bold, do not leave each other in trouble, you will treat people well, love mom, reckon with others, not be afraid to take responsibility for yourself. Thanks for the lesson, good to you and justice.

Comparative characteristic of the Zhilina and Kostlina - the heroes of the story L. N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive"

In the story of the "Caucasian captive", Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy introduces us with two Russian officers - housing and crutch. The author builds his work on opposing these heroes. Showing us how they behave in the same situations, Tolstoy expresses its idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person should be.

At the beginning of the story, the writer reduces these heroes together. We learn that the hill is solved on a dangerous act, because in a hurry to the mother, and Kostylin - just because "I want, and the heat." The author describes the author describes as follows: "... at least it is small, and deleted was." "And Kostylin is a car car, thick, the whole is red, and the sweat is pouring away from it." Such a difference in external description Even more enhanced by the meaning of the names of heroes. After all, the name Zhilin echoes the word "lived", and the hero can be called a fat man, that is, strong, strong and straight. And in the surname, Kostylin sounds the word "crutch": and indeed, he needs support and support, and he can not anything.

Zilina writer depicts decisive, but at the same time a very prudent person: "We must go to the mountain, look ...". He knows how to assess the danger and calculate his strength. Unlike him, Kostylin is very frivolous: "What to watch? Let's go forward. " Frightened by Tatars, he behaved like a coward.

Even to the horse, the characters are different. Zhilin calls her "Mother", and Kostylin ruthlessly "enjoying" her whores. But brighter, the difference between the characters of heroes is manifested when they both turn out to be in Tatar captivity.

Hitting captive, the zilin immediately manifests itself bold strong man, refusing to pay "three thousand coins": "... with them that they rob, then worse." Moreover, I regret my mother, he consciously writes the address "not so" so that the letter does not come. And Kostylin, on the contrary, writes a few times home and asks send money to redemp.

Zhilin set himself a goal: "I will leave." He does not lose time in vain, observes the life, life and habits of the Tatars. The hero has learned to "understand in their world," began to needle how to make toys, treat people. By this he managed to arrange them to himself and even won the owner's love. Particularly touching the friendship of Zilina with Dina, who saved him at the end. Using the example of this friendship, Tolstoy shows us their rejection of the carriage and hostility between nations.

And Kostylin "for all days sits in a barn and considers the days when the letter comes, or sleeps." Thanks to his mind and Smekalka, Zhilin was able to organize escape and how a friend took crutin with him. We see that the hill courageously suffers pain, but "Kostlin is lagging behind and eats." But Zhilin does not throw him, but hears.

Once in captivity a second time, the hill is still not surrendered and runs. And the crutin is passively waiting for money and not looking for exit.

At the end of the story, both hero was saved. But the actions of Kostlina, his cowardice, weakness, betrayal towards housing cause condemnation. Respect only hill deserves, because he got out of captivity due to his human qualities. Tolstoy is experiencing a special sympathy to him, admires his persistence, fearlessly and a sense of humor: "So I went home, married!" It can be said that the writer dedicated his story to Gilin, because he called him the "Caucasian captive", and not the "Caucasian prisoners".

/ / / Zhillin and Kostlin - why Tolstoy chose these surnames (according to the story "Caucasian captive")

The story of Lion Tolstoy approved the author's contemporaries. A multiple reprint of the work speaks about popularity. And we, people of the 21st century, there is something to learn from a talented writer. "Caucasian captive" is a story about the moral choice that people do differently in character. In addition to the contrasting gallery of images in the work, the capture of the Caucasus is attracted. In this regard, you can talk about the name of the name. Caucasian prisoners are the main characters, because the mountains are taken captured. But the same heroes in captivity at the Caucasus itself.

In the center of the narrative two images - and. They are united by the fact that they are both Russian officers and belong to the nobles. And perhaps, this is all like they are like. The remaining characteristic comes down to opposing these characters.

Lion Tolstoy carefully worries images of the main characters. Meaning is laid even in their names. Zhillin and Kostylin - incredibly "speaking" surnames.

Zhill comes from the word "lived". Residents, as you know, not so easy to snatch. Animal veins even apply as material in different crafts. The hero with that surname is associated with a strong, "housing" man. It was this way that I wanted to portray Ivan Zhilina Lion Tolstoy. Also, the hill is associated with the word "live". The main character Able to survive, fight for life. Being in captivity, Zhilin does not give up, he comes out in Tatar Aule, finds mutual language With a good local Dina's girl. It is she who then helps to escape with the captivity of Russian officers.

Kostylin comes from the word "crutch". This device needs people with physical ailment. In the formation of Kostilina, both physical and spiritual diseases are connected. It is weak physically, cargo, fat person. But the author focuses on this. External weakness is only a hint of spiritual impotence, the absence of the power of will. Kostylin is always looking for a support in someone, does not know how to make independent decisions. The only bright feature is an egoism, which leads to betrayal.

Zhill always justifies his surname. He continues to fight even when there is almost no chance. He gives a good fighter by Tatars, although there is no weapon. And getting captured, does not humble with his fate, but continues to show his "fatness".

Kostylin also justifies his name. Even once betrayed his friend, he is not ashamed to rely on him. He climbs the back of Zilina during escape, thereby reducing his chances of getting away from the enemy.

Lion Tolstoy does not just give eloquent surnames to its main characters, there is a subtle hint of their human qualities.