"Farewell, unwashed Russia" M. Lermontov

"Farewell, unwashed Russia" M. Lermontov

Lermontov was a poet Buntarem. Unlike the salon patriots, he loved the best thing in Russia, and deeply despised the deformity of the existing regime. Everyone who will thoughtfully read the verse "Farewell, the unwashed Russia" Lermontov Mikhail Yurevich, will be able to penetrate the pain and despair of the poet.

The poem was created in 1841 by receiving a sixty-day leave, Lermontov arrives in St. Petersburg. He wishes to retire, stay in the capital and devote his life to literature. But the authorities refuse to him in this. Does not receive a poet and rewards for their actions in the Caucasus. Within two days, he prescribed to return to his duties. Nicholas I knew what force the word is. He fairly feared that Lermontov infects his revolutionary spirit of young people, among which there were many supporters of the Decembrists. The text of the poem Lermontov "Farewell, unwashed Russia", which takes place in the lesson of literature in the 9th grade, is permeated by bitterness and disappointment. Lermontov sincerely admired the heroic past of his homeland. The bewilderment and contempt of the poet cause the "gentlemen", enslaved the Great Country. The words "and you, the uniforms are blue, and you, they are a devotee" and today seem sharp, topical. Blue uniforms in times of Lermontov were guards of order, suppressing the Decembrist uprising. But the poet complains not only on the "all-seeing eye" and "all-drying ears" of Sogladyaev Nikolai I. He is depressing the blind folk love for the "king-father". The hero of the poem seeks to hide from the royal guard "Behind the Caucasus wall". Only there, in the unloved service, he has the opportunity to create.

According to some researchers of Lermontov's creativity, the poet sought to bring his death to bring. In this case, the work can be called prophetic. You can download it completely or learn online on our website.

All of us from the school program remember such lines of the Great Russian poet, the true Patriot of Russia, M.Yu. Lermontov.

Goodbye, unwashed Russia
Country slaves, the country of the Lord,
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, they are a devotee ...

And hence the question arises why Russia and then in the 19th century, and now in the 21st century, associated and associated with enlightened people, as "country of slaves and gentlemen"? To deal with this, you need to look deep into the centuries.

History of slavery

Slavery as a phenomenon originates from ancient times. The first references to slaves can be seen in rock paintings, which relate to the stone century. Already then captured by the people, from another tribe paid to slavery. This tendency to pay the captured enemies into slavery was in ancient civilizations.

For example, such civilizations like ancient Greece and Rome, using the slave labor of the peoples conquered, flourished not one century. But the pledge of their prosperity first of all, of course, was not the work of slaves, but developed to the heights deficient at that time, science, culture and craft. They were engaged in them by citizens of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, being freed from the daily fulfillment of heavy physical work, where exceptionally slaves were used. It is thanks to this freedom of the Greeks and Romans, we still surprise the works of arts, inventions and achievements in science, made at the time. It turns out that for the free citizens of ancient Greece and Rome, the use of slave labor in that period of time went to them for the benefit and gave impetus to the development of these ancient civilizations. And what did slave labor in Russia?

As can be seen from the history of ancient Russia, the Slavs in the main masses were free, hardworking and kind to even their few slaves. So where did the hatred of the "power of pre-warning" appeared then, to the people managed by him and the slave essence of the people himself, in later Russia? In fact, from the end of the XVI century to the second half of the 20th century, slavery existed in Russia. It began with chain challenge, and ended with Khrushchev's issuance of passport collective farmers. Those., 400 years old with a break, a slight reflection of the peasants received after the cancellation of serfdom in 1861, and then until the beginning of the 20th century, the peasant to get away from the landowner, it was necessary to pay him a redemption payment. And it ended this is a relaxation forced collectivization at the end of the twenties, last century.

Collectivization differed from slavery only by ideological background, the peasants also attached to the collective farm, selected everything good, and seven days a week - born. To marry needed the resolution of the Chair, if the bride or the bridegroom from another collective farm. And to go to earnings - do not even think they caught - and in the camp.

Those who did not want to "collectivize" drove into the great construction sites of communism, in the camp, in the link. True, the last approach to slavery was the underworn, thirty years. But the people were destroyed more than the previous three hundred ...

Who is such a fortress?

As historians are written, fastened in Russia, it was the same slave, the difference was only that the slave got him the owner is not free, and the serfs were given to the landowner in vain. Therefore, the appeal to him was worse than with "cattle". Since the landowner always knew that even if the "dongy beating" from overnight work or beatings, then the "Russian woman" still gives on new fortress, then you mean "free slaves."

Fastener, deprived of a person even hope that he would ever be free. After all, every forta from birth knew that it was his "heavy burden" for life, as well as the burden of his children, grandchildren, etc. You can imagine how the mentality of the people was formed. Born already unsubstantiated, peasant children did not think about freedom, since they did not know other life except "live in the eternal booth" and therefore slowly, unnoticed, the free people turned into slaves and landowner property. When to the second half of the XVII I century, the construction of the Russian slavery building was completed.

Russian peasants, and this is the majority of the population of a huge country in the east of Europe (there was no, and it became!) Slaves. It is unprecedented! Do not black, brought from Africa to work on the US plantations, and their own compatriots, people of the same faith and language, together, shoulder to the shoulder of the centuries who created and defended this state became slaves, "working cattle" in their homeland.

Amazing in this situation, the fact that serfs and did not try to free themselves from the yoke. But, in ancient Russia, the citizens have expelled the negligent prince, even such as the pride of the Russian land, St. Alexander Nevsky, the Novgorod, the Novgorod residents were drown when he is too impulsed.

Yes, and in the medieval history of Russia, there were, of course, outbreaks of people's wrath, in the form of peasant wars led by Bolotov, Razin and Pugachev. There was a flight of some peasants to free don, from which, by the way, and peasant wars began. But these outbreaks of the people's wrath were not aimed at conquering freedom of personality. It was a kind of protest against physical violence and bullying, who daily experienced serfs. And the more violence and bullying survived the serfs, the more cruel it was in ruining the landowners and rules over the landlords.

This is how the humiliation and bullying of serfs in the first half of the XVI describesI. I century, one of the contemporaries of that era, a certain major Danilov, who writes about the life of his relative, Tula landowner:"... Literacy she did not study, but every day ... I read the Akathist by the Mother of God alternally; She loved soup with lamb very much, and while they were kicked, in front of her sequels of their cooking their cooking, but it was bold, and so for appetite ... ".

The serfs were at that time, so rejected that their owners of squeezing, feeling like people of a completely different breed, began to move from Russian to French. By the way, in published under Peter the first, book for young nobles "Youth Honest Merzor, or a testimony for everyday settlement", Even there are recommendationson this occasion: "... not to speak Russian in Russian, so as not to understand the servants and they could be distinguished from those who do not know the nerds, they do not communicate with servants, to handle incredulously and contemptuously, to humble them in every way and humiliate ...".And these excerpts from the memories of Prince P. Dolgoruky about one court officer, generally amazed wild cruelty, "... He secrets in her presence and wasopted backs ordered to sprinkle and light up. Stones and screams forced him to laugh from pleasure; He called it "burn fiors on the backs" ... ".

However, the slaves were not only in the peasant environment, representatives of the nobility, were the same slaves as their peasants, only in relation to higher venels. There is such a concept as Cannose slaves. This phenomenon was very common in Russia. So in the book "History of Mrams of Russia" the author very colorfully reflected this phenomenon:"... The nobleman in the socio-moral plan was as it were, the" mirror "twin of the serf-slave, i.e. Fortress and nobleman "Twins-slaves" .... To make a case with Field Marshal S.F. Apraksin, who played cards with hetman Razumovsky and Schoshennitnal. He stood up, gave him a slap, then grabbed Kamzol at the gate and his hands and his feet well. S. Apraksin silently swallowed his insult ... S. Apraksin is simply a pitiful and cowardly slave, only anoinously no longer, low, two-friendly, with habits inherent in slander, intrigue and theft. And so he began thanks to unlimited power over his slaves serf. It is worth noting that part of the nobles in its origin is slave hills and therefore it was difficult for them to "squeeze his slave" ... ".

But how are the contemporaries of Empress Anna Joanovna, about the nrules of her yard, "... the courtesy, accustomed to the rough and inhuman appeal by the Empress of Anna and her favorite of the Duke of Biron (it was developed espionage for famous families, and the slightest displeasure of the omnipotent favorite led to terrible consequences), became the monsters themselves."

Such a lifestyle of the Russian society created a kind of vertical consisting of slaves and owners, which was attached from the century to the century. It is here that the statement of the ancient Roman philosopher of Cicero"Slaves do not dream of freedom, slaves dream of their slaves."

And now simple arithmetic. For four hundred years, about twelve generations changed. Formed a national character, the so-called mentality. The majority of the population of our country are the descendants of the most fortified peasants or nonsense slaves who did not destroy the Bolsheviks and who did not emigrate. And now I will imagine how this nature was formed. Unbearable huge spaces. No roads nor cities. Only villages with black, born five-rank and impassive mud for almost six months a year (spring and autumn). From early spring until late autumn, serfs cried the day and night. And then almost all selected the landowner yes king. And then sat in the winter "Poor Peasant" in the oven, yes "Has hired." And so from year to year, from century to century. Nothing happens. Complete and final irresolution. Nothing can change. Never. Everything. Literally all against you. And landowner, and the state. Do not expect anything good. Work badly, beaten offs. Work well, still beaten, and what worked - select. Therefore, so as not to kill, and the family did not die with the hunger, the peasant, just in case, had always had to lie and "be fed up", "fucked" and lie. Yes, and not just a peasant ...

Beautiful life of nobles and landowners, also consisted of fears. And the main fear is to get into disfavor to the "Chief Mr." and be excommunicated from the courtyard, and for this, as a rule, followed: exemption, titles and reference. Therefore, no longer slaves, they lived even in greater fear than commoner. And therefore daily were forced not only to "be fed", but also to intrigue to keep their "warm place" at the "foot of the throne".

And now the descendants of those fortress and "nonsense of the Halls", already being "free", despite the positions and welfare, in the genetic level, feeling the fear of them in them, continue to lie and "be fed up", just in case. And how many more generations of Russians should live "free", what would this genetic memory of serf and can be released (courtesy) slaves ... ???

And is it possible from this manifestation of human nature, someday get rid of their descendants? After all, today the saying is very popular and relevant: "You're a boss, I am a fool, I am the boss, you are a fool."And senseless cruelty fellow citizens towards each other, still lives in the Russian army. About the nras of which , praphrazing Cicero, you can say the following "Salag" does not dream of freedom, "Salag" dreams of becoming "grandfather" to have their own "salary". " And that is naturally, the more about this "salag", "grandfathers" are mocked, the more cruel "grandfather" it becomes.

And such relations are permeated by many areas of the state apparatus, and not only. I had an example when the terrorizing neighbors of a citizen simply turned into a "innocent sheep" at the sight of a precinct, whether it was not a manifestation of slave mentality.

But seeing from the side to this manifestation of the inner incubation of most of our fellow citizens, it seems to me that they do not want to strain once again for what to be "free"? On this occasion, N. Berdyaev said well,
"Man slave because freedom is difficult, slavery is easy."Moreover, this feature of our mentality is incomprehensible to many people in Western countries.

How many years it is still necessary to get rid of fear "before the strengths of this world", and eradicate the desire to humiliate the same as you, but dependent on you. Will our fellow citizens become internally free or they simply do not need it and everyone suits everyone?

Goodbye, unwashed Russia
Country slaves, the country of the Lord,
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, they are a devotee.
Maybe behind the wall of the Caucasus
I will go from your pash,
From their all-seeing eyes
From their surviving ears.

"Blue uniforms" - we are talking about the officers of the Gencarm case.

The autograph is not preserved.
It is written, according to the testimony of biographers, in April 1841, before leaving Lermontov from St. Petersburg to the Caucasus.
There were several options for the text of this poem in the lists made at different times P. I. Bartenev.

In 1873, Bartenev, sending a poem of P. A. Efremov, wrote: "Here are still the poems of Lermontov, written off from the original." At the same time, the following text was reported:
Goodbye, unwashed Russia
Country slaves, the country of the Lord,
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, obedient to them.
Perhaps behind the Caucasus Range
I will render from your kings,
From their all-seeing eyes
From their surviving ears.

In 1955, another version of the text was published - a list of the same Bartarteva from the archive N. V. Putiats. This list verse 4 reads: "And you, the people's humbled." The remaining text is both in Efremov's letter (for details, see: Izvestia Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Branch of literature and language, 1955, vol. 14, Vol. 4, p. 372-373).

That editorial office, where verse 6 is read "I will go from your pash", there is a reason to consider the most likely in meaning and in form. A sharply accusatory poem of Lermontov, directed against the autocarete-bureaucratic regime of Russia, was distributed in the lists and was subjected to many distortions.

In October, it turned 170 years old from the birthday of D.D.minaeva - the poet of the "Sparks" of a parody of parody, a constortist, who did not disregard not one great creation of the previous "aristocratic" era and rewriting them in the spirit of liberalism - "nothing holy". I think that "Goodbye, the unwashed Russia" it's time to return it to this author.

Modernity is always looking for supports in the past and seeks to interpret it in his own interests. There are many conjuncture and falsehood on this basis when the past turns into a hostage of the present. The struggle with the past and for the past goes in a social and symbolic universum. In the symbolic department, one of its main directions is a fiction, which is more than any other letter (text) approximately to the masses, to practical consciousness. The main reason for the misfortunes taken at different times is (although it will now sound a social struggle now). Many mysteries are based on the ideological processing of literary masterpieces in order to adapt to the requests of a new reality. So, they were "corrected" "Evgeny Onegin", "Mount from Wit", "Dead Souls", "Demon" and other great and popular works.

The poem "Farewell, the unwashed Russia" is attributed to M.Yu.Lermontov. It was first mentioned in the letter P.I. Burtenhev in 1873, 32 years after the death of the poet. The strangeness is that the contemporaries of the poet for this discovery almost did not respond. It did not follow their reaction and after the first publication in 1887. No joy was expressed, there was no controversy in print. Maybe the reading public knew who belonged to these lines?

Literary critics, more expensive in their reputation, usually negotiate the lack of autograph and never attribute the work to the author without having at least listed lists. But not in this case! Both publications - P.A.viscovatova, and then P.I. Burtenheva, although they have not once turned out in unscrupiance, they were adopted without a doubt and in the future disputes were only about discrepancies. But here the controversy unfolded, without subsidizing so far. However, the arguments of opponents of the authorship of Lermontov in this dispute were not taken seriously into account. The poem was canonical and included in school textbooks as a masterpiece of political lyrics of the Great Poet.

We give the eight-end, which really puts doubt on patriotism M.Yu.Lermontova:

Goodbye, unwashed Russia

Country slaves, the country of the Lord.

And you, blue uniforms,

And you, they are a devotee.

Maybe behind the wall of the Caucasus

I will go from your pash,

From their all-seeing eyes

From their surviving ears.

It was because of the first line that the poem became popular, and for some now overcoming. Today, everyone who speaks and writes about Russia is negligible, with a mockery, complete rejection of her public, both pre-revolutionary and revolutionary system, will discourage the famous line, taking her to allies and referring to the authority of the Great National Poet. It is symptomatic. A stronger literary argument for fading Russia than reference to its national poetic genius, it is difficult to come up with.

But as I estimated a central anniversary of the poet for Russia "Vestnite of Literature" for 1914: "Lermontov is the pride and glory of Russian poetry, who is on par with other" feather heroes ", we are obliged to the fortress of our national feelings, especially those who experienced those experienced by us Conventional days. After all, Lermontov, undoubtedly, was one of those poets who taught us to love our homeland and forced it to be built by it ... "V.O. Klechevsky, characterizing Russian painting, wrote:" ... You are intensifying to remember that where "It was already expressed that the impression was already expressed that the Russian brush on these webs only illustrated and reproduced in detail some familiar with the same picture of the Russian nature and life that made the same impression on you, a little fun and a little sad, - and remember the homeland Lermontov ... Poetry, seized by a personal sense of the poet, becomes the phenomenon of people's life, historical fact. Not a single Russian poet has not been so capable of deeply about It is noted by a folk feeling and give him an artistic expression like Lermontov. " And even earlier, N.A. Dobrobrubov noted that "Lermontov understands the love of the Fatherland truly, holy and reasonably ... the complete expression of pure love to the people, a humane look at his life and demand from the Russian poet."

In recent decades of the twentieth century, convincing, argued evidence that Lermontov could not write these lines. But, as you know, there is nothing more durable as a centrally error. On the anniversary of the 190th anniversary of the poet's birth, the director of the Pushkin House, a respected scientist N.N. Chatov led the undeniable arguments that M.Yu.Lermonts could not share such views. However, fair doubts about the belonging to the controversial poem M.Yu.lermontov are not supported by attempts to find his genuine author. One critical rejection is not enough. We need positive suggestions and solutions.

When studying a literary work, the authorship of which was not revealed, take into account the biography of the alleged author, the historical and literary environment of the time, the language and nature of the era. It is known that outstanding writers produce their original style, a kind of vocabulary, live and create in historically-defined cultural everyday life. In this poem, the spirit is manifested by a completely different time, not inherent in the poetic country called "Lermontov". It has a different cultural context. Let's ask ourselves that it seems here first in bewilderment and that is not consistent with all other lines. We ask and admit: the first line is "unwashed Russia." A brought up in the noble environment, the Moscow University boarding house, which rotated in the highest aristocratic circles of Lermontov could hardly write and say "unwashed" towards the homeland, which he had just dedicated to the striking strength of the lines of love. It is quite possible to assume: he did not use it in a 4-way environment. He was not in the noble lexicon, but it has nothing to do with poetry. Unless to parody, epigram, crowding. And this is another era. Talk about her.

Here's how the newspaper "Day" of 1889 described the theoretical starts of the Foreign Russia: "All the elegant, aristocratic, who worn a bias imprint, seemed incompatible with a sense of a citizen. The emancipated" man "became a favorite cult, who worshiped and imitated. Then they were in the fashion and notorous red Shirts and lubricant boots ... "

The prominent representative of the satirco-social poetry of the 60s, speaking against the noble culture, the opponent of the crowd "Renegades, Clikush, Teamenchikov and the Nevsky Cleopatr" was D.D.minaev - Virtuoso verse, who had a richest, unsurpassed reserve reserve. In his satire and constitues, no noble poet is offset: Pushkin, Lermontov, Mikekov, Nekrasov, Ostrovsky, Plescheev, Fet, Tyutchev, Turgenev, Benedicts. All got on his sharp tongue. He was a bright and yarn destroyer of the noble aesthetics, as well as D. Pisarev. It is not by chance that the parody of D. Miniyev on the "Eugene Onegin" coincides in a number of his attacks against A.S. Pushkin, with the criticism of this Roman D.Pisarev. The poetic parody was the leading genre of D. Miniyev in the field of satire: Mondes, ridicule, magazine controversy - his favorite style. "I do not regret the sake of the red sense and his native father, Minaev clicked with his satirical scourge and enemies, and friends, and this is unintelligent and made his figure in the sense of convictions very uncertain." He knew the whole reading public of the time, and the writing - was afraid. Its expression and epigram shifted all of Russia. Success was explained not only by the exceptional wit and the undisputed poetic gift of the "king rhymes", but also the ideological orientation of his literary work, as well as the public struggle of the 1860-1870s.

The peculiarity of the parody as a type of literary satire is that it was usually applied and applied to attack a hostile ideology. For D. Minaeva, this is noble ideology. Vulgar democratic jargon of the parody reduced high aristocratic literature. The exposure was reached by rising sophistication, the contrast of those, characters, language. M.Yu.Lermontova Minaev paroded constantly. He did not care even such prophetically tragic poems like "sleep" (1841).

M.Yu. Lermontov:

In half-day heat, in the valley of Dagestan,

With lead in chest lay real estate.

Deep still smoked the wound,

Along the blood rushed my ...

DD Minaev:

In half-day heat in the country of Bezborodko

With the "conversation, Russian" laying real estate.

There was noon Zhgug,

flowed the air Krotko,

Bajukaya me ...

In another epigram:

When Hielya Day is from day,

I traveled to the Caucasus,

There met Lermontov me

Sprayed dirt once ...

The motifs of the poem Lermontov "MTSYRY" are posed in the poem "Moonlnaya night", and each stanza ends with refrain: "... from the blue sky ... The moon looked at me." All this is on the motive "Everything is well beautiful marquis ..."

As they say, nothing saint. Minaev himself admits:

"I have comprehended a great secret,

How to write original:

Verse will start high

And finally trivially.


Suddenly approximate

All sorts of objects,

I'm sure about the reader! -

What talent will find you in me.

It is not by chance that the parody "Farewell, the unwashed Russia" emerged in 1873. Most likely, it was then she was written by D. Miniev. As Klechenov showed convincingly in the "Literary Russia", it is more likely parody of Pushkinskoe "to the sea":

Goodbye free element!

Last time in front of me

You katiha waves blue

And bleach pride of red ...


"Farewell, unwashed Russia

Country slaves, the country of the Lord.

And you, blue uniforms,

And you, they are a devotee ".

In 1874-1879, D. Miniev was written by a satirical poem "Demon", in which there are such lines:

"The demon rushes. No interference

He does not see in the night air

On the blue of his uniform

Sparkle stars of ranks of all ...

It is quite logical that the author used himself here - "Blue uniforms". As you can see, she is more inherent in D. Miniye and typical for him. But M.Yu.Lermontova has nothing like that. Why are the frequency dictionaries of great writers, as not to study poetic images and vocabulary? In the famous eight-grades, all laws of parody are observed: inconsistency of style and thematic material; Reducing, discrediting of the stylized object and even the entire artistic and ideological complex of the original, the world of the poet as a whole. That was how the authors of the "sparks", parodying the poets of "pure art".

Gradually (and especially now, in our time), the hoax, which was fascinated by parody's publishers, turned into falsification operating on opponents of Russia. Especially in the eyes of the younger generation, which takes her on faith as a work of the Great Poet. It seems that the debt of all responsibly thinking researchers of Russian literature is to put everything into place.

All of us from the school program remember such lines of the Great Russian poet, the true Patriot of Russia, M.Yu. Lermontov.

Goodbye, unwashed Russia
Country slaves, the country of the Lord,
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, they are a devotee ...

And hence the question arises why Russia and then in the 19th century, and now in the 21st century, associated and associated with enlightened people, as "country of slaves and gentlemen"? To deal with this, you need to look deep into the centuries.

History of slavery

Slavery as a phenomenon originates from ancient times. The first references to slaves can be seen in rock paintings, which relate to the stone century. Already then captured by the people, from another tribe paid to slavery. This tendency to pay the captured enemies into slavery was in ancient civilizations.

For example, such civilizations like ancient Greece and Rome, using the slave labor of the peoples conquered, flourished not one century. But the pledge of their prosperity first of all, of course, was not the work of slaves, but developed to the heights deficient at that time, science, culture and craft. They were engaged in them by citizens of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, being freed from the daily fulfillment of heavy physical work, where exceptionally slaves were used. It is thanks to this freedom of the Greeks and Romans, we still surprise the works of arts, inventions and achievements in science, made at the time. It turns out that for the free citizens of ancient Greece and Rome, the use of slave labor in that period of time went to them for the benefit and gave impetus to the development of these ancient civilizations. And what did slave labor in Russia?

As can be seen from the history of ancient Russia, the Slavs in the main masses were free, hardworking and kind to even their few slaves. So where did the hatred of the "power of pre-warning" appeared then, to the people managed by him and the slave essence of the people himself, in later Russia? In fact, from the end of the XVI century to the second half of the 20th century, slavery existed in Russia. It began with chain challenge, and ended with Khrushchev's issuance of passport collective farmers. Those., 400 years old with a break, a slight reflection of the peasants received after the cancellation of serfdom in 1861, and then until the beginning of the 20th century, the peasant to get away from the landowner, it was necessary to pay him a redemption payment. And it ended this is a relaxation forced collectivization at the end of the twenties, last century.

Collectivization differed from slavery only by ideological background, the peasants also attached to the collective farm, selected everything good, and seven days a week - born. To marry needed the resolution of the Chair, if the bride or the bridegroom from another collective farm. And to go to earnings - do not even think they caught - and in the camp.

Those who did not want to "collectivize" drove into the great construction sites of communism, in the camp, in the link. True, the last approach to slavery was the underworn, thirty years. But the people were destroyed more than the previous three hundred ...

Who is such a fortress?

As historians are written, fastened in Russia, it was the same slave, the difference was only that the slave got him the owner is not free, and the serfs were given to the landowner in vain. Therefore, the appeal to him was worse than with "cattle". Since the landowner always knew that even if the "dongy beating" from overnight work or beatings, then the "Russian woman" still gives on new fortress, then you mean "free slaves."

Fastener, deprived of a person even hope that he would ever be free. After all, every forta from birth knew that it was his "heavy burden" for life, as well as the burden of his children, grandchildren, etc. You can imagine how the mentality of the people was formed. Born already unsubstantiated, peasant children did not think about freedom, since they did not know other life except "live in the eternal booth" and therefore slowly, unnoticed, the free people turned into slaves and landowner property. When to the second half of the XVII I century, the construction of the Russian slavery building was completed.

Russian peasants, and this is the majority of the population of a huge country in the east of Europe (there was no, and it became!) Slaves. It is unprecedented! Do not black, brought from Africa to work on the US plantations, and their own compatriots, people of the same faith and language, together, shoulder to the shoulder of the centuries who created and defended this state became slaves, "working cattle" in their homeland.

Amazing in this situation, the fact that serfs and did not try to free themselves from the yoke. But, in ancient Russia, the citizens have expelled the negligent prince, even such as the pride of the Russian land, St. Alexander Nevsky, the Novgorod, the Novgorod residents were drown when he is too impulsed.

Yes, and in the medieval history of Russia, there were, of course, outbreaks of people's wrath, in the form of peasant wars led by Bolotov, Razin and Pugachev. There was a flight of some peasants to free don, from which, by the way, and peasant wars began. But these outbreaks of the people's wrath were not aimed at conquering freedom of personality. It was a kind of protest against physical violence and bullying, who daily experienced serfs. And the more violence and bullying survived the serfs, the more cruel it was in ruining the landowners and rules over the landlords.

This is how the humiliation and bullying of serfs in the first half of the XVI describesI. I century, one of the contemporaries of that era, a certain major Danilov, who writes about the life of his relative, Tula landowner:"... Literacy she did not study, but every day ... I read the Akathist by the Mother of God alternally; She loved soup with lamb very much, and while they were kicked, in front of her sequels of their cooking their cooking, but it was bold, and so for appetite ... ".

The serfs were at that time, so rejected that their owners of squeezing, feeling like people of a completely different breed, began to move from Russian to French. By the way, in published under Peter the first,book for young nobles "Youth Honest Merzor, or a testimony for everyday settlement", Even there are recommendationson this occasion: "... not to speak Russian in Russian, so as not to understand the servants and they could be distinguished from those who do not know the nerds, they do not communicate with servants, to handle incredulously and contemptuously, to humble them in every way and humiliate ...".And these excerpts from the memories of Prince P. Dolgoruky about one court officer, generally amazed wild cruelty, "... He secrets in her presence and wasopted backs ordered to sprinkle and light up. Stones and screams forced him to laugh from pleasure; He called it "burn fiors on the backs" ... ".

However, the slaves were not only in the peasant environment, representatives of the nobility, were the same slaves as their peasants, only in relation to higher venels. There is such a concept as Cannose slaves. This phenomenon was very common in Russia. So in the book "History of Mrams of Russia" the author very colorfully reflected this phenomenon:"... The nobleman in the socio-moral plan was as it were, the" mirror "twin of the serf-slave, i.e. Fortress and nobleman "Twins-slaves" .... To make a case with Field Marshal S.F. Apraksin, who played cards with hetman Razumovsky and Schoshennitnal. He stood up, gave him a slap, then grabbed Kamzol at the gate and his hands and his feet well. S. Apraksin silently swallowed his insult ... S. Apraksin is simply a pitiful and cowardly slave, only anoinously no longer, low, two-friendly, with habits inherent in slander, intrigue and theft. And so he began thanks to unlimited power over his slaves serf. It is worth noting that part of the nobles in its origin is slave hills and therefore it was difficult for them to "squeeze his slave" ... ".

But how are the contemporaries of Empress Anna Joanovna, about the nrules of her yard, "... the courtesy, accustomed to the rough and inhuman appeal by the Empress of Anna and her favorite of the Duke of Biron (it was developed espionage for famous families, and the slightest displeasure of the omnipotent favorite led to terrible consequences), became the monsters themselves."

Such a lifestyle of the Russian society created a kind of vertical consisting of slaves and owners, which was attached from the century to the century. It is here that the statement of the ancient Roman philosopher of Cicero"Slaves do not dream of freedom, slaves dream of their slaves."

And now simple arithmetic. For four hundred years, about twelve generations changed. Formed a national character, the so-called mentality. The majority of the population of our country are the descendants of the most fortified peasants or nonsense slaves who did not destroy the Bolsheviks and who did not emigrate. And now I will imagine how this nature was formed. Unbearable huge spaces. No roads nor cities. Only villages with black, born five-rank and impassive mud for almost six months a year (spring and autumn). From early spring until late autumn, serfs cried the day and night. And then almost all selected the landowner yes king. And then sat in the winter "Poor Peasant" in the oven, yes "Has hired." And so from year to year, from century to century. Nothing happens. Complete and final irresolution. Nothing can change. Never. Everything. Literally all against you. And landowner, and the state. Do not expect anything good. Work badly, beaten offs. Work well, still beaten, and what worked - select. Therefore, so as not to kill, and the family did not die with the hunger, the peasant, just in case, had always had to lie and "be fed up", "fucked" and lie. Yes, and not just a peasant ...

Beautiful life of nobles and landowners, also consisted of fears. And the main fear is to get into disfavor to the "Chief Mr." and be excommunicated from the courtyard, and for this, as a rule, followed: exemption, titles and reference. Therefore, no longer slaves, they lived even in greater fear than commoner. And therefore daily were forced not only to "be fed", but also to intrigue to keep their "warm place" at the "foot of the throne".

And now the descendants of those fortress and "nonsense of the Halls", already being "free", despite the positions and welfare, in the genetic level, feeling the fear of them in them, continue to lie and "be fed up", just in case. And how many more generations of Russians should live "free", what would this genetic memory of serf and can be released (courtesy) slaves ... ???

And is it possible from this manifestation of human nature, someday get rid of their descendants? After all, today the saying is very popular and relevant: "You're a boss, I am a fool, I am the boss, you are a fool."And senseless cruelty fellow citizens towards each other, still lives in the Russian army. About the nras of which , praphrazing Cicero, you can say the following "Salag" does not dream of freedom, "Salag" dreams of becoming "grandfather" to have their own "salary". " And that is naturally, the more about this "salag", "grandfathers" are mocked, the more cruel "grandfather" it becomes.

And such relations are permeated by many areas of the state apparatus, and not only. I had an example when the terrorizing neighbors of a citizen simply turned into a "innocent sheep" at the sight of a precinct, whether it was not a manifestation of slave mentality.

But seeing from the side to this manifestation of the inner incubation of most of our fellow citizens, it seems to me that they do not want to strain once again for what to be "free"? On this occasion, N. Berdyaev said well,
"Man slave because freedom is difficult, slavery is easy."Moreover, this feature of our mentality is incomprehensible to many people in Western countries.

How many years it is still necessary to get rid of fear "before the strengths of this world", and eradicate the desire to humiliate the same as you, but dependent on you. Will our fellow citizens become internally free or they simply do not need it and everyone suits everyone?

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