Ice cubes for Aloe face. Ice cubes and masks with aloe: face rejuvenation. Mineral water ice ice

Ice cubes for Aloe face. Ice cubes and masks with aloe: face rejuvenation. Mineral water ice ice
Ice cubes for Aloe face. Ice cubes and masks with aloe: face rejuvenation. Mineral water ice ice

Aloe is a healer plant that helps with various diseases, and also used in cosmetology. Here you can find out how applied in folk medicine and in the recipes of beauty! There are a lot of information about aloe.

Procedure rubbing the face with ice cubes are known to every girl and woman. We use it in order to refresh the tired skin of the face, moisturize it and saturate with vitamins. Only usually use for these purposes. frozen green tea cubes or mineral water .

What is the first thing that almost all of we do in hot days? We enjoy cold pleasure - either swallow cold drinks, or eat ice cubes. In Cape Town, everything heats up that the crunch on ice cubes does not seem bad if not his negative impact On the throat. The good news is that you don't even need to eat ice cubes, because these recipes of ice cubes will definitely help you save your coolness in a constantly increasing temperature.

Wine ice for oily skin

However, it does not matter whether you are trying to compress pimple or soothing solar burns and thermal rashes, the recipes of ice cubes can satisfy most of your needs. Practical guide. All you need is ice water in a wide bowl. Then I soak your face in a bowl filled with ice water, or you can simply splash or shed water to face.

But it turns out, you can freeze aloe juice ! Wipe the skin of the face with such cubes, you can achieve the restoration of delicious freshness! The color of your face is not only a lifestyle and proper nutritionThis is also a painstaking job aimed at systematic skin care.

Ice Cubes with Aloe (and not only with aloe) rejuvenate the skin. The ice causes a reinforced blood flow, activating metabolic processes in cells. In this regard, the complexion of the face is significantly improved, and small wrinkles disappear.

Ice Cubes with Green Face Team

Advantage: Instant tightening and rejuvenation of the face due to an increase in blood circulation. In addition, the face will look pink and fresh with fewer wrinkles. Also suitable as an epic and natural makeup. How: Wrap the ice cube into the fabric or paper towel. Place it on the affected area for 5-10 minutes.

Cooking aloe juice

How: Cut the green part of Aloe Vera to get a gel - want to speed up the process - buy a ready-made aloe vera gel from the store. Pour the gel in the ice tray and leave it in the freezer about 5 hours to make aloe cubes. Make sure that there is no dirt and oil on your face, rub the Aloe Cube with a circular motion on the face and other tanned areas.

2 weeks Plant Do not water.

Then cut down the root, wrap in paper and hold 2 weeks in the refrigerator. It is better to store on the bottom sheal. During this time, biostimulants accumulate in aloe.

Of course, it is possible to cut a plant if you have several of them or have a process in stock. My aloe has many kids and I transplanted them to the pot. So the big bush can afford to cut!

Advantage: Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that heals and calms the skin. It has several advantages for leather and health. It helps with scars from acne, skin rashes, acne, pigmentation, and so on. How: boil some water and postpone to cool. For additional benefits, you can replace water with pink water or green tea. Freeze the mixture in the pallet for ice. Apply ice cubes gently to the eyes and under the eyes for 5-10 minutes.

Advantage: High efficiency to reduce swollen eyes after long-term use of a computer or swing at night parties for several hours. Ice enhances the cooling effect of cucumber. It also disappears in dark circles. How to wipe the ice cube on the forehead for a few minutes before you start tweezers and after you finish tweezers.

Rinse with boiled water and skip through a meat grinder. Open with gauze and can be frozen.

Now you can use as rubbing the skin of the face!

And also useful for the skin mask.

Nutrient mask with aloe, yolk and honey. 1 ice cube with aloe mix with 1 cheese egg yolk and 1 tsp. Honey and apply on the skin of the face. It is better to do this mask in the summer, as it pleasantly tones, refreshes and nourishes the skin.

Advantage: Ice cube stuns the area that reduces well famous painCleaning. It also reduces swelling and redness of the field of tweezers. Advantage: Fast and easy way to dry freshly painted nails, especially when you are in a hurry.

How: Wrap the ice cube with a clean cloth and, if desired, add a few drops of essential oil on the ice. Wipe the patient and tense muscle with circular motions after a long day. Advantage: Improves blood circulation around the body, reducing the painful muscles.

Nutrient mask with aloe and olive oil. 1 ice cube with aloe mix from 1 tsp. olive oil. It is better to do this mask in the winter. Excellent moisturizing!

Nutrient mask for oily skin of the face. 1 ice cube with aloe mix with milk and add some alcohol (1: 4). Wipe skin.

Ice Cubes with Green Tea and Watermelon Toned skin.

How: grind milk, preferably goat milk, in the ice tray and freeze for about 5 hours for cooking ice cubes. Wipe the cube on face, neck and body until it melts. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. Manual: Helps extend the shelf life of your raw milk, which, as a rule, worsens in a few days in the refrigerator, because the milk does not pass. Since milk can be stored longer, it will be easily accessible when you need it. It is known that milk contains a milk acid, which peels and brightens the skin with regular use.

With aloe and chamomile - Useful for acne.

With chamomile and a series Soothe the skin.

With lemon, grapefruit and kefir - whiten and rejuvenate.

How to wipe?

Wipe with circular movements.

Ice contact with skin should be no more than 3 minutes.

Contraindications: Extended vessels, skin irritation.

Learning more about ways to use ice cubes in your beauty mode, repeat often to get the maximum benefit, but make sure you never use more than 2 ice cubes on the way. What kind of recipe you will try first? In this process, ice cubes are massaged on your face within a few minutes. The use of ice cubes helps to smooth the skin, reducing the appearance of the pores. It is also useful for skin exposed to acne, as it helps to reduce redness and acne inflammation.

This is the pleasure of the sun, which burned and damaging the skin especially in summer. You can use simple ice or you can even cook fruit, as well as herbs filled with ice cubes for more advantages. Today we will discuss several refreshing ice cubes recipes to instantly rejuvenate the skin. You will need to prepare a cup of green tea and give it to cool. Now add the juice of half of the lemon and mix well. Drain this mixture in the ice tray and store in the freezer.

If you like these beauty recipes, read also articles about female beauty On my site. Rubric Magic Recipes Beauty, which I periodically replenish new recipes, tested me!

Home cosmetology has long been familiar with the unique properties of such a plant as Aloe Vera. It has a moisturizing effect, helps slow down the aging process, has antibacterial properties, eliminates acne and what is important - suitable for any age. The pulp and juice that contains the Aloe sheet is wonderful tools for care for any skin type. Aloe Vera leaves can be used for making masks, lotions, tinctures and tonic. This is also worth attributed to special ice.

Unique properties of a plant of a family of lily

Thanks to the content of antioxidants green tea Helps protect the skin from free radicals and also restore it. It also contains antibacterial properties that help to kill bacteria causing acne, and leave acne on the skin free. Lemon contains natural whitening properties that help naturally brighten the skin and get rid of stains.

Healing cold. Tradition antiquity

Here you need to add a bunch of basil leaves in a polished water. Grind them to get a small paste and add two tablespoons of fresh aloe vera juice into it. Mix well ingredients well and pour into the pallet for ice. Basil leaves help control the excessive secretion of oil and sebum. Consequently, it helps in getting rid of acne. Aloe Vera contains soothing properties that cooled the skin, and also nourish it.

What is the useful plant?

Aloe contains in its composition great amount Useful compounds such as: pectin, alin, vitamins A, E, C, B, organic acids that contribute to the rejuvenation of the body and are a source of longevity.

Aloe Vera juice has the following properties:

Fat skin

You will need two tablespoons of lemon zest and half a cup of pineapple juice for cooking cubes. Mix well and pour into the ice tray. Pineapple contains greater amount of alpha hydroxyl acids in the form of citric acid. It helps relieve skin tone and dark spots. Lemon zest helps with leather and discoloration exfoliation.

You need to add one peeled purified cucumber into two tablespoons of raw honey. Mix both ingredients well and pour into the pallet for ice. Cucumber and honey are both known as natural cleaning products. Thanks to the astringent properties, the cucumbers help reduce the appearance of the pore, as well as balance the secretion of oil. Honey also acts as a natural moisturizing cream that helps moisturize the skin.

  • moisturizes the skin of the face , saturates with vitamins;
  • heals cuts, burns, wounds;
  • prevents acne from the appearance;
  • improves complexion;
  • prevents the aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • protects OT ultraviolet rays;
  • prevents the formation of pigment spots;
  • disinfects and dry the skin.

Homemade Aloe

Today, on the shelves of cosmetics stores, you can meet such a career for the face as a gel Aloe Vera , As part of which juice plants are connected to preservatives for a longer storage period. And although manufacturers assure that it is completely safe for the skin, but many women prefer to make cosmetic formulations from the meal at home . In this case, you can be confident that in masks, lotions or tonic there are exceptionally natural ingredients, which will undoubtedly benefit for the skin of the face and will not harm. Studying the reviews of women on the efficiency of the plant, one can once again be convicted of its wonderful properties and beneficial effects on the skin of the face.

You will need to cook your favorite chamomile tea for this and add several rose petals to it. After that, pour this mixture into the ice tray and store in the freezer. Chamomile tea Helps calm the skin, as well as illuminate it. In addition, it also takes care of dark spots, scars, acne and spots. Rose petals help calm the irritating skin and add a glow to it.

You deal with large quantity Redness on the face? Redness on the face is very easy to get rid of as soon as you learn the right means of protecting your skin. The face can acquire redness from different seats and regions. The key should help clarify the skin so that it looks better than ever.

For one of the easiest ways to use aloe juice, a fresh leaf can be removed from which to remove the skin and smear the face to them twice a day. Such a sheet is stored in the refrigerator up to 3 days, then you should cut a new one. For longer storage, it is better to use the meal juice, for which the leaf of the plant needs to grind and squeeze the liquid from it. Offer useful recipes For skin skin from aloe.

Your face can eliminate such redness with literally no problem at all. In this article you will find simple ways Help you overcome all redness. Ice can sometimes cause redness, but it is only temporary redness on the face, and it will not external species Your face. Redness on your face is very difficult to beat from time to time, but through the power of wiper ice cubes around the face for a couple of minutes, your face can remove all this redness at any time. Through redness on the face and use of ice you will have a lot less time to try to have a normal color face. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera Plant is famous for helping to cope with some kind of problem on the face. At this plant there are some extracts from sticky skin that can be placed on your face than ever. Your face will be much brighter in the most a short timeAnd you will find that nothing can defeat this factory when you try to remove all the plants when possible. You will undoubtedly enjoy the advantages of Aloe Vera around your face after using it a couple of times. Aloe Vera has the right nutrients for filling the skin with good blood flow and cleaning. Coconut oil Coconut oil is very famous and most famous due to its strong nutrients, which give the skin a natural glow. It not only helps to whiten the skin, but also reduces redness, your cheeks or forehead can be naturally produced inside your skin. This is definitely great way Remove redness, and the face will naturally relax.

  • Ice use ice to relax skin - powerful tool.
  • That is why many love coconut oil.
  • Just put it all on your face and let him sit on your face.
Redness on the face is not so easy to delete all the time.

Recipes of lotions

For the preparation of lotions, sealing juice is used, connected to additional ingredients.

  • Aloe juice to combine with alcohol or vodka in the ratio of 4: 1. Such lotion can be wiped with oily skin, subject to acne, black dots and acne.
  • Herbal decoction, mixed with ameal juice need to use for sensitive skin. This liquid also obtains useful cosmetic ice.
  • The composition of medicinal herbs is combined with fruit or lemon juice, adding a meal and aloe vera juice. For infusion, you can use the leaves of the plantain, sage or rose petals. Running the face with such lotion will help get rid of acne and skin inflammation.
  • The recipes of lotion for mature skin are based on the indoor, which includes the leaves of the meal and boiled water. The mixture must be boiled for 5 minutes, insist and wipe the face.
  • Aloe Vera juice to combine with disobedience from chamomile and warm up in a water bath, add vitamin E and mint essential oil. The toning composition cools and refreshes the face , But it must be stored in the refrigerator.

To prepare means with a meal juice at home, it is recommended to use a wooden, glass or ceramic container.

There are many people who see the results with their face, but seeing results, it all depends on how well your face is well enclosed with the help or technology that you use. If your face is currently dealing with plenty of pain and stress, you really need to consider coconut oil. This is the only way to see the results in the long-term process. You must use other types of equipment. All of them work perfectly, so you need to find the one that suits you.

From under the eyes of the eyes and inflamed eyebrows to annoying acne and dim skin, there are many with which we are facing the way of skin problems. Although most of these problems are associated with unsanitary habits, the lack of a proper diet or the impact of extreme external elements, we can, however, do our best to weaken it.


To care for the skin of the face you can use finished productsBut in this case you need to take into account that the percentage of the metering juice in the store must be no lower than 40%. A much more useful option for masks prepared at home, since such recipes are based on fresh and natural ingredients: Aloe Vera's leaves and juice:

  • The eggs of eggs beat, add lemon juice and ameal, apply a mask on the face of three layers after drying each previous one. Such a means will help bold skin to get rid of acne and inflammation.
  • Cosmetic green clay, aloe leaf, rose essential oil and pink water to combine in a homogeneous mixture and apply on face. Thus, this mask helps solve the problems of oily skin in the form of acne and acne.
  • The juice of the meal and crushed oatmeal - 2 spoons to connect with a juice of one cucumber and a protein, put on the face, leave for 20 minutes. With the help of such a product, it is possible to significantly narrow the pores, get rid of acne and eliminate the fat shine.
  • Peach oil is combined with aloe vera juice, vodka and fat nutritious cream - 3 spoons. The mask is useful to use for dry skin.
  • The next mask for dry skin is done like this: avocado, green tea, meal juice and crushed cucumber mix and apply mass on face.
  • Another mask version represents recipes for dry skin: seaweed in powder and aloe sheet connect with honey, add vitamin E, apply on face.
  • Cottage cheese or sour cream, liquid honey and a metering sheet, from which you need to highlight juice to combine into a homogeneous mixture and apply as a rejuvenating mask. The components of the aloe vera juice have a strong anti-aging effect.
  • Aloe juice, honey, yolk and powdered milk - A wonderful mask from the series representing rejuvenating recipes.
  • Glycerin, honey, meal juice and boiled water to take in equal proportions, you can add chopped oatmeal here. The benefits of this mask lies in its moisturizing and softening action.

Application gel

Countercake sheet - 2-3 pieces Clear skin and beat with a blender, add vitamin E - a few drops, which will serve as a preservative. Fold the mass into the clean glass, closing capacity and store in the refrigerator.

The gel prepared independently needs to be used exclusively in a diluted form, for example, adding additional ingredients and water. Based on the gel, you can easily prepare lotions and masks, including acne. All utensils for the preparation of gel should be disinfected with alcohol.

Ice from Aloe is no less useful, read about it Next.

Frozen meal juice

Not only liquid or creamy agents based on a meal can be used to care. It works well with cosmetic ice, which can be easily prepared at home. To begin with, it is worth making a herbic decoction, based on the type of skin, and then use it to get ice:

  • oak bark is suitable for oak, calendula;
  • dry skin will need linden, pink petals or raspberries.

It is necessary to add a bit of the metering juice, pour it into molds and send future cosmetic ice to the freezer. Wipe the face using such a means, it is necessary after the morning washing procedure every day. After that, wip the skin is not recommended. Ice with aloe juice can also be done with the addition of floral water. Be sure to wipe the skin of the neck and neckline. Cosmetic ice From the aloe juice is able to significantly increase the elasticity of the skin, remove small wrinkles and extend the youth of the skin.

Preparation of tincture

Aloe juice alcohol tincture is best suited for fatty skin. The principle of cooking is very similar to the option of a home gel, only here in the role of a preservative is alcohol. The tincture is preparing like this: take a leaf of the meal, remove the flesh and pour it with alcohol - 1: 2, then leave in a dark place for a week. The resulting tincture can be used for problem and oily skin as a lotion that helps to remove acne. Women with dry skin, this recipe will not suit.

A tincture of a member should be prepared from mature leaves, the optimal age of which is from four years and above.

Aloe oil - healing facial

Plant oil is the most valuable product obtained from the leaf of the metering. Its unique composition containing natural antioxidants, beta-carotene, a vitamin complex, allantoin contributes not only to the improvement of the skin of the face, but also to rejuvenate. The oil is hypoallergenically and therefore suits almost everyone, while it also has a regenerating effect on the skin of the face: any damage to the skin is rapidly reduced when using an oil extract.

In order for the effect to be maximum, you need to properly use the meal oil. The main advantage of the fund is that it is suitable for any type of skin, but best result It gives during the care of damaged, dry or flabby skin. The plant has remarkable bactericidal properties and therefore, the oil obtained from Aloe acts on the skin as a powerful disinfectant. It is useful to use it in the fight against acne. Most women leave an aloe oily very laudatory reviews.

How to apply the means with aloe?

  • To make domestic remedies from the meal, it is necessary to cut only large leaves and rinse them thoroughly.
  • Before use, aloe leaves, it is recommended to wrap in a wet fabric and hold at least a week in the refrigerator.
  • Before applying the means, you need to test the allergic reaction.
  • Any additional ingredients need to be combined with a meal juice only in a warm form.
  • All masks with aloe must be applied only on purified and wet skin.
  • Masks, lotion, ice or gel are applied to the face only on massage lines, but for the age of the eyelid and around the eyes there are special means. You should also not forget about the zone of neckline and neck, they require no less care and care.

With regular use of means from the juice of the metering for skin care, the noticeable result will appear rather quickly: the face will be clean and shining, and the skin moisturizes and pulls away.