The flattest of worlds. The order of reading Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett

The flattest of worlds. The order of reading Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett
The flattest of worlds. The order of reading Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett

Magic Color (1983)

This is the Great A'tuin, the Universal Turtle, which furrows a vast Comose. These are four elephants who keep a flat world on the backs. And this is Rinsvind, the most cowardly wizard on the disk, and the twice, the first tourist of the flat world. Incomplete trolls, dragons, wolves and death (one thing) will wait for them in the wrappers on Dotol in the unknown fabulous universe.

Mad Star (1986)

He hung over the abuse, fled from the evil gods and fell from the edge of the flat world. But nothing is able to destroy the glorious Rinswind, the most inept and cowardly disk wizard. Also in the roles: twiceter (tourist), Octavo (magic book of spells), chest (chew), cohen (barbarian), druids, heroes and other inhabitants of the flat world.

Creators of Spells (1987)

As for such things like wine, women and songs, the wizards are allowed to go to hell and throat in all the throat as much as they do. But women ... women and real magic are incompatible. The magical law will never allow the appearance of a female person in the invisible university, the center and the malt of magic on the disk. But if suddenly it happens ...

More, Death Student (1987)

Rustic boy Mortimer (or Mor) was born, as they say, not from this world. At the father's farm, he clearly has nothing to do and the parent decides to give his son to learn the craft. Ironically, death itself turns out to the mentor. After some time, the teacher decides that the student is quite prepared and takes the first day in his life. But Mora's affairs go to the sneaky ...

Staff and hat (1988)

In the flat world it is believed that when the eighth son is born eighth son, he certainly becomes a wizard. Wizards are forbidden to marry, without leaving the lesson of magic. The wizards themselves explain that family life does not contribute to the classes of magic.
One day one wizard, the eighth son of the eighth son, despised all the prohibitions and contrary to the magical law and all reasonable arguments "left the magic walls fell in love and married (and, not necessarily in the above order)." He had seven sons, each of which, according to the laws of magic from the cradle, was at least as powerful as any other wizard in this world. And then he was born the eighth son, Koin. "The wizard in the square. Source of miracles. Wonderland.

Long sisters (1988)

The king died, long live the king! ... however, what kind of king knows? The one thing in the ghost turned? Or his killer, an impostor, who seemed to be slightly touched by the mind? And then the land came to life ... and the witches ... and the prince-heir, earning the actor ... No, everything, we wash your hands. Read yourself.

Pyramids (1989)

Your father is Pharaoh (actually he wanted to be a seagull, but not the essence). And you are the son of Pharaoh, sent to study in the famous Ank Corpork. But what profession is most suitable for the future king? It is the one that implies a subtle work with people, the constant resolution of complex issues and eliminate unnecessary problems. That is the profession of the hired killer. The most flat world in the whole multiple universe is returned to all the magnificence (the kit includes: elephants - four pieces, the Great Anya Town, the Ecumenical Turtle, is one thing, the insane disk inhabitants - the number is constantly growing).

Guard! Guard! (1989)

"Twelve hours of the night, and everything is calm!" Such is the motto of the night guardian of Ank-Corpor, the most glorious city on the entire flat world. And if "not all" calmly, it means that you just go no on the streets. In general, to become a real night guard, you need to make a lot of effort.
First, you should learn how to run too fast, - and then you suddenly catch up! Secondly, it is necessary to comprehend the basic principle of survival in cruel fights - just do not participate in those. Thirdly, not too loudly shout that "everything is calm," you can hear.

Eric, as well as the night guard, witches and cohen-barbarian (1990)

He is back! No, it seems you did not understand. HE IS BACK!!! He is Ruesvind, the most unlucky wizard on the disk. True, this time I was no longer lucky by the Faust Erika, a novice demonologist, who caused the incarnation of all the troubles and trouble of the flat world to his magic circle.

Moving pictures (1990)

Prepare, decent residents of Ank-Corpor, for you are waiting for the most unusual spectacle on the whole flat world! Moving pictures are already here! So reserve the popzer, arrange more comfortable and listen to genuine Holywood history. Wizards and trolls, sellers of hot sausages and a talking miracle-dog Gaspod, creatures from dungeon measurements and a brave librarian from an invisible university. And also - a whole thousand elephants!

Grim Reaper (1991)

Death died and live death! Rather, it was not quite dead, but became mortal, and the time in its sandy clock-life is rapidly tearing. But only imagine what will happen: old death is no longer there, and the new has not appeared. Mess? Mess. You have a meeting with death, and the grim reaper suddenly take and do not appear. It is necessary to go back to the old body, even though it is already dead ...

Witches abroad (1991)

Imagine you go to yourself, do not touch anyone, and suddenly the farmhouse house falls on his head, who brought it from the hurricane ... or you - honest wolf, industrial piglets and with gray goats, but suddenly you come to mind absolutely crazy idea - go for Trident lands and devour some kind of storm, tasteless old woman. Moreover, you feel so you feel that the skin will be guided with you, but still follow this strange, as if imposed by the desire. This is what happens when evil forces begin to play with fairy tales, of which the fabric is the fabric of the most universe.

Small gods (1992)

This story occurred a long time ago, when the last minute bushes were still wandering around and talked with random passersby (a person who has a habit of walking around the desert, nicer will not be surprised if a lizard suddenly speaks, cobblestone, and even more so bush).
It was then that the Church of the Great God of Ohma waited for the coming of the next prophet, who was about to appear, as the prophets are very compulsory and clearly follow the established schedule. It was then that the young novice named Bruta discovered a small turtle in the garden, which turned out to be the great God Omom & in general, this story about the turtles and eagles, as well as about why the turtles do not know how to fly.

Ladies and gentlemen (1992)

Our consciousness creates the most unimaginable things with us. We remember only good. Here are the dragons, for example. Very romantic, beautiful, full of virtues of the animals. But we forget that absolute vorama should be added to these features, instant flammability and extreme toothiness. And elves? Yes, they dance at the moon, sing songs in general, funny, cute creatures & but will you be happy when they return? Oh yes, the elves love different games only having fun, and not you.

To the weapon! To the weapon! (1993)

Listen, recruits, you fell out a great honor - you, all sorts of ethnic minorities of the type of gnomes, trolls and women, enter the night guard! And this is your club! You will eat it, she sleep, and when you say to jump, you must answer: "What color?" And also, in his pocket of each soldier lie Field Marshal buttons! And now - ten circles around Ank-Corrow!

Rock Music (1994)

This is the music in which the rock sounds, it will be chosen now, it will be too late! She pulls out your soul, shake like a rug, and hangs dried on the fence! It will drive crazy all invisible university, forcing the wizards to sew leather mantle and repaint the walls of bedrooms in black! It gives rise to a guitar epidemic in the Ank-Corpora and will satisfy the most free festival in the Gad Park, which has ever seen the flat world!
For reference: it is not all problems. In the meantime, death again went to the people ...

This is not a new book of Terry Pratchett, and, in fact, no one was waiting for her. Albatros did not at all arrive at the Ank-Corprok, and did not deliver a letter demanding immediately send a great wizard. As a result, Riesvinda (a very rare, extinct view of a cowardic wizard) is not sent to a counterfeit continent with a secret mission (absolutely impracticable, especially since we are talking about Rinswind).
Also, the narrative of the Great Cohen-Barbarian (legend during life, life during legend), which gathered a huge (total man) Silver Horde and Moving to Gunkung, the capital of the agate empire (population of about a million people, of them, forty thousand guards) .

Masquerade (1995)

Show must go on! Hahahahahaha! (Note: here and then the insane laughter belongs to the ghost of the opera.) Even if someone died (hahaha !!!), you need to drag it on the side and still continue the show. And in no case can you take a lie number 8, because it is intended for the very ghost, which gives successful singers stems from roses and between the case for some reason kills people. (Hahaha !!!) And what if he is driven through the streets of the city and throw off in the Ance River, so that the villains were no strong? (Hahaha !!!)

Legs of clay (1996)

Golemas kill people! How to jump out of the fog, how to pounce! Exactly - for sure you say! Surely this stradder is to blame for everything, Commander Samuel Weims. I scored in the city guard of any species minorities ... Yes, this gnomam can not be given an ax in hand! Togo and look, the whole ank-morontic will be chopped by a chopped legs ...
And by the way, Patricia. Most likely, his same sir samyel trawlly. Already barely survived, poor fellow. But no longer one ... It would be necessary to look for a new ruler. And Vaims execute! The first decree! By the way, there is a hearing that the real heir to the throne is served in the urban guard. No, not this fool Moro! A real heir - Croral Schnobby Schnobbs, Count Anksky! So what that shaped Kryvyuk? And where did you see the normal kings?

Santa Hryakan (1996)

Ho, ho, ho. Hello, small individuals. Have you behaved well last year? Yes, yes, I am the very Santa Khryakan. And this is my elf Albert. And these are my faithful boys-horses: Klykach, Dolbil, Farmoon and Mordan. Spit? No, this is my staff. Bones? I just lost a little bit. Pale as death? I said, I am Santa Khryakan, and not death at all.
After all, persistent small individuals & and I'm not at all your dad. Think, your dads are just dreaming, how to climb the fireplace pipes? In general, gifts in stocking, and I went. I still find the floor of the flat world.
And I warn you: once again hang on the fireplace pillowcase, you will not get anything at all.
Happy passion! All. Everywhere.

Patriot (1997)

Dear fellow citizens and all those who accidentally wandered in Ank-Corpork!
Of course, all of you have already heard that the original Ank-Morporka land rose from the sea, the glorious island named Leshp. However, all the well-known grandchildren of Shakal's nephews, living on the other side of the sea, bravely brave, as if they were their primordial land, although the documents signed and certified by our accurate historians, which we, Ank-Morporpants always trusted - so these documents definitely confirm: Leszp - OUR! I will not give me a depression offense! Patriots WE OR NO?!

Last Continent (1998)

It happens, not lucky people. And it happens entire continents. It was created last. Even the name fell some kind of incomplete Ixixiks. But many, many years later, Rinswind fell on him, the most unlucky and cowardly wizard in the flat world. And it is on Rinswind that a great mission is entrusted to save this unfortunate continent. True, to impose this mission, you must first catch up with Rinsvind ...

CARPE JUGULUM. Grab for the throat (1998)

They are vampires, and this explains a lot. Yes, they sleep in coffins, yes, they feed on blood, however ... everything is not so simple. Down with casual legends and prejudices! New World - New habits! Check out holy water! Religious symbols - just pictures and objects of a native ornament! Garlic? Ordinary seasoning! Boldly look into the eyes of the coming day! They are new vampires. They will live in a new way. And you will also live in a new way. You will not be afraid. It will be forced to remove from the windows of the lattice. You will be fine. People and vampires - friendship forever!

Fifth Elephant (1999)

Welcome to Uberwald! To the country, glorious century traditions, where still playing such wonderful games, as "try to run away, so that you will not be devoured" and "Hurry home before sunset." Here you will meet affectionately smiling vampires, cute playful versolphs and welcoming, responsive gnomes.
And here lies the legendary fifth elephant, once fell on the flat world and arranging a monstrous discount. And here there are many iron, gold and fat deposits - in general, those most units that need such a civilizional city as an ank-morpoca.

True (2000)

You will learn the whole truth about how a woman gave birth to Cobra! The famous talking dog Ank-Corpor will reveal his face! People who kidnap the elves and flying plates - witness eyewitnesses! Werewolves in armor - Werevolph serves in urban guard?! Well, all sorts of patricia killers, pre-vegetables, rains from dogs, incident meteorites and much more!

Timetime (2001)

Auditors once again mutted water. Metaphorically. Since it is useless to rely on people, there is only one way out - to wear human bodies themselves. Well, good luck. It will be needed for you. Especially when Suzan Staoglitskaya will come to meet with a question - who is ugly? In addition, it explains in detail the rule one - it is very important to always remember the rule one! Vital. And in some cases, mortally important.

Last Hero (2001)

Once a long time, the great hero has stole fire from the gods. Since then, everything has changed. Heroes have become ... Complete. They are still invincible and all that, but they are becoming less and less ... and less ... and new are not born. And once, Cohen-Barbar looked around from his throne of the Agatean Empire on his subjects, on the Great and terrible Silver Horde, and realized that they were the last. And after them there will be no one. So, it is on them that the last debt of heroes is lying - to return the fire to the gods. With percent !!!

Amazing Maurice and his scientists Rodents (2001)

Everyone knows the story of the rats from Hamelna. The story is very simple - the magic doodie lures the hordes of rodents into the water, and they are drown. Meanwhile, everyone forget that rats are perfectly swimming.
The fairy tale embodied in one of the cities of the flat world. But it all began with the fact that those living in the basements of the invisible Rat University suddenly sharply wondered, learned to talk and formed clan. Then, these roses have met street cat Maurice, who turned out to be a cat, unusual in all respects. First, he also knew how to talk (the consequences of living on the territory of the invisible university), and secondly, he turned out to be an amazing business grip. Maurice found a boy who knows how to play a pipe, and the fairy tale came to life.

Night Guardian (2002)

Sam Wemz ... ah, sorry, Sir Samuel Wemz will finally sigh calmly. The city slowly ceases to boil, there are no dragons on the horizon, no wars and even the guild are satisfied. Little Waimz Jr. will appear on the world ... You can relax, in memory of the old times, to put the flower in the pettitsa and ... detect you moved into the past. In that Ank-Morpork, where the guard is not what she is now, and a sump for losers ... But this is still his city. And his guard, no matter what she is. And if Sam Wemz could seek calm in the bottle, then Sir Samuel Wemz is such a right.

Small Free Mirca (2003)

Nine-year-old Tiffany sick did not like fairy tales. Rather, did not trust them. Why is the prince are certainly called beautiful, and the princess is stupid behaves and just fall into fainting? Why is this exactly that, and not otherwise? Tiffany seemed: Fairy tales just want to believe them, and froch people head ... But once, a wonderful summer day, a girl met the fairytale monster on the banks of the river. It really existed and quite accurately gathered someone to eat. Soon it turned out: this is the monster is not the only one ... Well, Tiffany just decided to become a witch, it means to deal with such things - her concern. After all, the witch does not have to be old and angry!

Infantry Ballad (2003)

What to do a peace-loving country, which was surrounded by treacherous, evil, militant enemies? Correctly - to urge your faithful sons to defend the Fatherland. Only how to do if the sons are practically and not left, but those that are, as it were, it would be softering, the limbs would not have suffered from the past. So Sergeant Jacrama and the Capral of Strapepi to recruit someone hit the glorious regiment "Tudoi-Sudoye" - after all, the Fatherland has a daughter, since the sons ... ended. In short, ahead, guys, to victory! .. Uh-uh, that is, girls!

Hat, full of sky (2004)

When you become a witch-student, you're waiting for you to be koldy. Cooking potions. Compound spells. Fly on the broomstick ... But, as Tiffany found out, it's not quite so. For the most part, the witchcraft are just boring everyday things in which there is nothing magical. And if the main thing in magic is not to use magic, then Tiffany succeeds great. After all, the girl is even a grinding, the simplest magic instrument, can not weave ... True, one focus has it all the same. When there is no mirror at hand, Tiffany leaves the body and looks at himself from the side. It is very convenient if you want to know if you have a new dress ... and it is very dangerous if you do not know how to protect yourself. And Tiffany does not know. And it means very soon she will have to learn to be a witch in extreme conditions!

Hold the brand! (2004)

"An entertaining fact about the angels is that sometimes, very rarely, when a person stumbled and so confused that he turned his life in full mess and death seems to be the only reasonable way out, in this minute comes to him or, it is better to say, he is an angel And suggests returning to the point where everything went wrong, and this time to do everything right. "
It was these words that I met my new life. Lipboard. Before that there were theft, fraud (in different sizes) and, like apotheosis, - death.
Not that the Mokric did not like a new life - he was used to find a way out of any situation and from any city, even such as Ank-Corpor. He was more likely to do not like the position of the chief mailman. Mokritz von Lipwig - a decent fraudster, in the end, and the word "work" - not exactly about him! But is there a choice in a person whose personal angel becomes Patricia Vitinary himself?

Schomen! (2005)

In the very brilliant city of the flat world - Ank-Corrow - again restless: the 200-year anniversary of the Kum's battle is nearers. It is in the Kum Valley in one ill-fated day, whether the gnomes were attacked by trolls, or the trolls were attacked by the gnomes. No, they were bent from the creation of the world, but it was this battle that gave a mutual hatred official status. It became a historical explanation for why it is impossible to trust this small bearded / hefty burglar bastard.
And this means that on the streets of Ank-Corporka, it is necessary to introduce additional patrols.
However, the salvation of peace and maintaining order is the usual work for the inimitable Duke of Ankovsky. Oh yeah, it is necessary to further investigate the murder of deep gnome, deal with the new drugs on the streets of the city and, most importantly, exactly at six pm read the young Sam "Where is my cow?". It is impossible to miss the last miss.

Mr. Winter (2006)

Tiffany stepped there, where to step ordered. She became part of the dark dance, which marks the arrival of winter, and now the young witch is the embodiment of the very summer mistress (that very, which in winter sleeps in the underground world, and in the spring rises to the surface, bringing heat and fertility). Now it fell in love with the winter himself - the spirit of winter, who wished to become a person for this occasion. Now only Mother Windbreaker knows what to do, and only Na Mac Figli can carry out its plan. And otherwise - the Winter Affairs will bring the Flat World Eternal Winter.

Do Money (2007)

Oh, Ank-Morpork, the great city of contrasts! What are you doing with your faithful sons?
Mcritz von Lipwig in grave meditations. On the one hand, the life of an honest person who (about horror!) It regularly pays taxes, leads to a certain longevity. On the other hand, such a life is boring to a toothbrush, which is especially clear in the light of the new proposal Patricia Vitinari - to reform the banking system of the city.
However, the wet is well remembered that the life of a decent fraudster is not only fun and zadorna, but also regrettable. After choosing the path of the pious citizen, the main postmaster still does not know that he will be to become the master of the charming chalop - a cute pose, who owns a majority package of shares of the "Royal Bank of Ank-Corrow".

Invisible academicians (2009)

For Ark kantzler, Chudakly arrived difficult times.
Think only, his dean left the invisible university! Oh no, he did not die at all and did not fell victim to the magic experiment (although it often happens among the wizards). Substantitative ... Replaced the work, seduced by a big salary (everyone knows that the wizards do not interest money ... well, almost ...) and "guaranteed social package" (pah, the word something nasty!).
In addition, Goblin lives secretly in the culley basement, and how do you think to explain to all that specifically this ... hmm, the individual does not have the habit of tearing the head for breakfast?
Yes, this question is Patricia Vitinari ... And whether the great wizards are playing football? "Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole! Wizards - Forward! "

Midnight Color Dress (2010)

Traditionally, it is believed that the witch can only be grown on old-kind stones. Therefore, Tiffany has to be doubly difficult, since the local population dislikes witches, believing that they are able to only create evil magic, stealing babies and griely giggling.
Tiffany hurts - witch. And she believes that makes the necessary work for the inhabitants of Mela. Although this work includes dressing and trimming nails on the legs of the elderly lady, it's not so much in it ... witchcraft. And also time for sleep.
But somewhere woke up from a long sleep and until the pore hides a confusing ball of malice and hatred. And together with him all the old fairy tales are wakewicked - fairy tales of evil wets. And its tiny allies, the fucking NAC of Mac Figla, only complicate the situation.

Tobacco Business (2011)

In the life of Samuel Weims, it was not easy days: he was sent on vacation. Just think about it! To him, all his life dedicated to work, treated so ungrateful.
Moreover, the fearless comer will be a trip not to the resort (ah, golden sand, azure water), but a family departure to the shenets-Hall, to the village. But everyone has long known that the village is so called because, except for trees, there is nothing! Moreover, such a cute heart of Vaims crimes ...
However, a good guard (if it's very well) will always find some ripping crime. But does anyone doubt the abilities of the Duke of Anksky?

Distribute a couple! (2013)

Mokritz von Lipwig as never been satisfied with his life. After public recognition in fraud he is still alive. Post Office, Mint and Bank work like a clock. Spouse Mocrica still does not have the soul in it and in semaphores. And it seems that for boredom there is not the fact that the place, but even time ... And yet, when the first steam engine conquers the ank-morpot, the wetting von Lipwig again in the thick of the events and again on horseback!

Shepherd Corona (2015)

This is the last novel of the great Terry Pratchett, the final cycle "Flat World". This is a story about the young witch Tiffany sick, suddenly the one who should take the borders of his world from insidious and evil guests from the outside. And this is despite the fact that the usual witch duties and care for it is even debuning ... The story that anyone can determine his fate itself, and that it remains value at all times, allowing people to remain people.

Terry Pratchett. Flat world


Guard! Guard!

The library was the largest collection of texts on magic anywhere in the multi-dealer. Thousands of volumes of occult knowledge agreed to her shelves.
It was even said that after huge magic flows seriously distort the world around the world, the library would not comply with the usual laws of space and time. It was even rumored that it would last forever. It was rumored that you can travel for days between distant bookshelves, and that somewhere there are lost tribes of researchers, that strange creatures are tangled in forgotten alcohols and are prey for other creatures, perhaps even more strange.
All this is not true. The truth is that even the big collections of books distort the space, as if it were proved by someone who is inside an old-fashioned buckinistic store, one of those that looks as if they were designed by M. Esher in no successful day, and possesses A large number of stairs than floors and rows of bookshelves ended in small doors, which were no doubt too small to enter the human being of normal growth. The corresponding equation is: knowledge \u003d force \u003d substance \u003d mass; A good bookstore is just a blacke-sprinkled black hole, knowing how to read.
Smart students in search of the most far-standing volumes tried to put the labels in chalk on the shelves, which allowed them to wander deeper in the dusty darkness, and punished their friends to look for them if they would not return to dinner.
And since magic can only erupt freely, then books from the library were something big than simple chopped wood and paper.
Uncruitable magic, crackling, flowed from their roots, harmful grounding in copper rails, nailed to the bookpins for this purpose. The weak flashes of blue fire flew over the bookcases, the noise, a whisper of paper, similar to those who came to the colony of the starlings sitting on the piping. In the night silence, the book was talking to each other.
Somewhere came the snoring.
The light from the shelves was not so strong to dispel the darkness, but with its weak purple flicker it was possible to distinguish the ancient and pretty beaten table right under the central dome.
The snoring came from somewhere from the bottom, where the battered blanket was covered with something like a bunch of beach bags, but in fact, which was an adult male Orangutan.
It was a librarian.
Few people noticed that he was a monkey. Change occurred during an accident with magic, the probability is always large, when many books with energy are stored together, and he was considered as easily finished. After all his appearance, his appearance did not change and was the same. And he was allowed to continue their work for which he was too good, however, "allowed" in fact not the most successful word. He had the ability to ride his upper lip so, exposing her yellow teeth more than any other owner of the mouth at the university. The Council even considered it before, at somehow make sure that the question was in fact not raised.
But the sounding now the sound was completely different, alien sound of a creaky opening door. The steps were gently crumbled on the floor and disappeared among the Ombus Books Shelves. The books were perturbed, and some of the biggest foliants thundered chains.
The librarian continued to sleep, lulling with rain rustling

Mad Star

Eight magicians began to argue about what the ghost meant, and Trimon went to the main level of the university library.
This place was inspired by a reverent horror. Many books were magical, and in the case of grimuars it is very important to remember one thing - they are deadly dangerous in the hands of any librarian who loves order, because he will certainly put them on one shelf. This is not very prudent when you deal with books prone to leakage of magic, especially since more than two they form a critical black mass. In addition to this, many secondary spells are very picky about who they are watering the company, and tend to express the protest, irritably thrust books across the room. Well, of course, it should always be remembered by the semi-boundary presence of creatures in dungeon measurements that are going around the places of the leakage of magic and meticulously investigate the walls of reality.
The work of the Magic Librarian, who has to spend its work days in such a strongly discharged atmosphere, is an occupation associated with a special risk.
The chief librarian was sitting on the lid of his table and calmly, very consciously cleaned orange.
Hading the steps of the incoming trimmon, he raised his eyes.
"I need everything that we have on the pyramid of the cortar," the wizard said. Since he came prepared, he immediately pulled the banana from his pocket.
The librarian glanly glanced to treat and jumped into the floor with a heavy slap. Trimon felt a soft palm, and a librarian with a sad species slapped between the bookshelves, fascinating the wizard behind him. His hand looked like a small leather glove.
Around them cracked and sparkled books. At times, the random discharge of non-directional magic slipped into the ponds pinned to the shelves. The air was felt in the air, and the most borders of hearingness was heard a terrible twitter of dungeon creatures.
Like other premises of the invisible university, the library occupied much more space than to assume its external dimensions, - magic always distorts the space is extremely strange way. Perhaps this library, the only one in the universe, possessed the shelves of the Mebius. However, the mental catalog of the librarian worked great. They stopped next to the high stack of books covered with mold, and the librarian, pulling away, soared upstairs into the dark. He was heard the rustling of paper, and the cloud of dust dropped on Trimon. Soon the librarian returned; In his hands, he squeezed a thin little book.
"U-UK," he said. Trimmon carefully took the book. The binding of it was scratched, with battered edges, and the gilding from the title broke a long time, but the wizard somehow disassembled the words written in the ancient magical language of the Valley of the Cranium: "And the Vilibrian Temples of the Testament of the CSTRT, Painting Testament."
- U-UK? - a librarian asked with anxiety.
Trimmon carefully leafed the book. He had tugged with his tongues, he considered them extremely ineffective and, whether His will, would replace any preconforming system of numbers, but this book seemed to have been the one he was looking for. Significant hieroglyphs covered most of its pages.
- Is this your only book on the pyramid of the Cort? He asked slowly.
- U-UK.
- Are you absolutely sure?
- U-UK.
Trimmon listened. In the distance, he distinguished the sound of approaching steps and rebuing votes. But he prepared for this.
He lowered his hand in his pocket and asked:
- Would you like a banana?

Staff and hat

Magic books possess something like their own life. Some of it even in excess. For example, the first edition of the non-worker is to store between iron plates. "The writing temptation of the leveletation" held the last one and a half years at the top, in the attic, and "the shallows of the sexy mage of Fordja" lies in the breath with ice in a separate room, and strictly says that only the wizards who have reached eighty years and, by Features, dead.
But even everyday grimuars and the Incunabulas were delight and nervous, exactly the inhabitants of the chicken coop, when something smelly screamed under the door. From under the closed bindings, a muted scratch came, as if claws were sought there.
- What did you say? Rinswind shouted.
- U-Code (a magic accident in the library - which has already been indicated, is somewhat not suitable for normal working with rubber seal and a decimal classification system - turned the librarian in Orangutan. Since then, he opposed all attempts to turn it back. He liked Long hands, flexible fingers on the legs and right to hide in people, and most of all it was satisfied with the fact that all global questions suddenly had a scattered interest about where the next banana comes from. Not that the librarian is not aware of the hopelessness and greatness. Stay in the human appearance. But personally, his attitude was as follows: you can stuff this greatness where you like.).
- for sure!
As an honorary assistant, Rinsvind librarian has moved only to a little further foundations of indexing books and walking behind the bananas, so he sincerely admired how the librarian is making themselves among the opposing shelves, here he spends the black leather palm in the trembling binding, there is encouraging the frightened encyclopedia with several soothing sounds.
After some time, the library began to sink, and Rinsvind felt his spine muscles relax slowly.
However, it was continuing. Pages are also rustling. From remote shelves, an ominous embarrassing of the binding came. After the attack of Panic, the library has become the same alert and frightening as a long-tailed cat in the factory for the production of chairs.
The librarian caught the passage back. On his face, which could fall in love with the tire from the truck, played an eternal light smile, but by the way Orangutan ships in his nest under the table and hid his head under the blanket, Rinsvind realized that he was extremely concerned.
But consider Rinsvinda more closely while he peers into the surrounding sullen shelves. There are eight levels of magic on the disk; After sixteen years of study, Rinsvind did not rose even before the first. In essence, according to the well-defined opinion of some of his mentors, he was not able to walk even to a zero level inherent in normal people from birth. In addition, it was suggested that when Rinsvind would die, the average ability of the human race to assimilate the occult sciences will sharply increase.
Riesvind is high and tosch, his chin decorates the communited Borodynka from those who wear people deprived by the nature of the art of wearing beard. He is dressed in a dark red Balahon, who has seen the best days, and possibly the best decades. But you immediately recognize the wizard in it, because Rinsvind is a pointed hat with wavy fields, on which someone who owns spelling even worse than a needle, larger silver letters embroidered: "Valshibnik". From above the hat is crowned with a star, which has lost most of the sequin.
Houching the hat on the head, Rinsvind squeezed into the vintage library doors and got out of the golden daylight. Outside, silence reigned and rest, broken only by the hysterical carcass of the raven, circling around the Tower of Art

  • We will look for among fandom characters

Groups of characters

Total characters - 118

Bloody Stupid Johnson.

0 0 0

The most famous architect and landscape designer of the flat world (as well as the creator of many objects that are not related to architecture). Unfortunately, accuracy was not included in the list of qualities of Ch. T. Johnson, however, he had no shortage of customers. Among the wealthy people of the time was considered fashionable to order some project from him and see what will come of

Agnes Nitt.

3 0 0

Witch from Lancra. This is a low, chubby girl with a magnificent face and a blush in the whole cheek. He came up with a new name - Perdit X (pronounced Pito Xu). Gradually, this imaginary personality gained real existence in the mind of Agnes. As a result, Agnes NITT always has two opinions about everything. After leaving Coven, Magrat became the third witch, joining the Mother Window and Nyanyushka Yagg

Alison Weatherwax

0 0 0

Mighty Witch, Grandma Esmeralda Windbreaker. From her life, little is known, but it is worth mentioning at least because her name is surrounded by secrets.

1 2 0

The servant of death, in the past was the greatest magician, founder of the invisible university

Annagramma hawkin.

0 0 0

A young witch from the cycle of books on Tiffany hurts, narcissistic, selfish at first, subsequently becomes a good, practical witch


2 5 0

Dolphin Angva von Uberwald - Sergeant Vervolph in the cityscape of Ank-Corporka. Junior daughter Baron Gaya Background Uberwald. It consists in romantic relations with his colleague in service - Captain Moro reinforced concrete


0 0 0

Sweetheart and subsequently wife of a wet wet von G.. Daughter of the founder of the semaphore company


1 0 0

This one of the oldest goals whose age consists more than nineteen thousand years, was created by the priests of the ancient state of the UPS. Anghammrad was one of the first postal in the world and had to deliver the decrees of Heta, King Tata

1 0 0

The goddess of things stuck in the dresser. One of the younger deities. Anyna glorify the noise of the drawers and shouting "how this box closed with the thing I need inside and can now not open? Who bought this rubbish? How to use it? "

0 0 0

Efabic goddess of love

Auditorsof Reality

1 3 0

Entities that support order in the universe. Den by the personality as such, when acquiring personal traits disappear. Hate mess, which contributes living beings, they are very cool to death


0 0 0

Queen Elf. It is a character cycle about Tiffany hurts, also appeared in the book "Ladies and Lord". Dreams of breaking out of the fabulous world in human. In the "shepherd crown" after the riot among the elves was in the world of people with torn wings.

0 1 0


4 4 0

Initially, the librarian was a man (according to his rumors called Horace Brublhat, although it could be untrue), but in the "Mad Star" book, as a result of a magical accident turned into an orangutan. The librarian has saved his post, because, firstly, is the only creature that knows where what books lie, and, secondly, can roll our head with any light movement of the legs. Among other things, is an honorary guard of Ank-Corpor

Bilious, Oh God of Hangovers

0 0 0

God has a guy of a young man with a protruding Kadyk, his head decorates a wreath of grape leaves. Bilius is obliged to have a number of magical events that occurred as a result of attempts to destroy Santa Hharkusa. At the time, God of wine spends all his time to drink without a measure on merry pirushki, Bilius remains in a constant supernatural terriber, which should be terrible in the morning, and the god of wine

0 2 0

White horse death

1 0 0

The eighth prophet of the Omnian religion, whose appearance was predicted in the Holy Book of the Omnianism "Semiknizhi" by the seven elected OMOM prophets. He remained the only man who truly believes in the great god Ohm. Becoming the head of the Omnian church of Bruta, introduced in Omnia the similarity of the constitutional religion and made the Omnianism of one of the most tolerant religions of the flat world


2 0 0

Hero of the Civil War and the Probable Legendary Ancestor of Samuel Weims. The commander of the urban guarantee of non-victim-injustice - Vaims entered the story of the fact that he led the uprising against the king Lorenzo, the last king of Ank-Corpret, the selected sadist and Tirana, and his head his head proposed him, because no one else agreed to do this. By defeating the king, the Stone began to rule Ank-Corpor, relying on the army of excellently prepared and fully devoid of the imagination of soldiers nicknamed in the people of Zheleznogolov. His six-month rule ended with a coup. Stamnelitz was hanged, quartered and buried in five graves

Great A "Tuin

1 1 0

A representative of a fictional rare species of giant turtles, which dwells in open space. On the back of a'Tuein there are four giant elephants, which, in turn, hold a huge disk on the backs, covered with a blue atmosphere dome

Great T'Phon.

0 0 0

One of the four elephants on the backs of which is resting the flat world.

0 0 0

Lancra King, who divided the fate of the numerous kings who died from his relatives. Was pinched the dagger with his own cousin duke

Verence II.

2 0 0

King Lancra, the former Jester

Windle Poons.

0 0 0

During the events of the book "Grim Reaper" Much was very old. He was preparing to die. One hundred thirty-year-old wizard, who died at the very beginning of the book ... More precisely, trying to die. As long as he was alive, resided in Mazzon, "Die", he returned the clarity of the mind and acquired great physical strength. A low, privileged old man, with a wheelchair and a hearing tube. He was dissatisfied that none of the wizards remembered him. But the Fumbling was very pleased when the wizards arranged a surprise party. He is having fun from the soul, and then dies. But since death does not come after him, he is forced to return to his body


0 0 0

Head of Click-Companies (Semafort Company) Ank Corrow


0 0 0

Butler Sir Sam Vimes. In his youth consisted in a gang "Rough guys"

1 1 0

Typical "Cracking Raven on the Skull", works on the wizard, helps the death of rats with translation

0 1 0

Anthropomorphic Personification of Time. It appears in the form of a beautiful young woman with long dark hair. Mother Ludda Lobsang and Waston Jeremy

Harry King.

0 0 0

One of the most successful businessmen of Ank-Corporka. Solved a state by organizing garbage cleaning (which then sales was then in one way or another) in the city. Subsequently invested money in the construction of the railway

2 0 0

Talking dog, Dog №1 "Flat World"

0 0 0

Works in the postal service (and subsequently in the bank) Ank-Corpor, despite the absence of sexual signs, considers himself a naked female

The Summer Lady.

0 0 0

Anthropomorphic personification of summer. However, she is a "full-fledged" goddess, as emphasized in the book "Winter Master". Although it personifies natural phenomenon, as well as winter, which is no more than elemental, it also performs the functions of fertility goddess and is standing above on the hierarchical staircase of supernatural buildings of the flat world

The Lady

1 0 0

The personification of good luck, the goddess, which can not be called by name. She always opposes rock and as well as he is incomprehensible. But if he is inexorable, then it can be called a capricious. Usually appears in the form of a surprisingly beautiful woman with bright green eyes.

10 0 0

Favorite and the only cat Yagg Gita, Witch from Lancra. Once Gribo was a charming smoky-gray kitten. Currently, it turned into a huge and smelly kittery covered with dirty gray wool with an unimaginable number of scars

Gunilla Goodmountain.

0 1 0

One of the dwarves created a typical machine.


1 0 0

The first tourist of the flat world and the first owner of the chest. The native of the city of the Bes Pelargik, a large port city in the agate empire, which is on the counterweight continent. Traveled with Rensvid

2 0 0

Wizard invisible university


0 1 0

Troll, the guard of the city of Ank-Corpork. I started my career with a hired robber. Then he worked as an elevation (as embroiled, only the trolls beat more) in the "Salad drum". In the book "Moving pictures" was hired by challenge. At the same time, he fell in love with Rubin. She demanded that he find better work. Then he joined the city guard of Ank-Corpor


0 3 0

One of the four elephants on the backs of which is resting the flat world.

Giamo Casanunda.

2 0 0

Not quite ordinary gnome. Approves that is the second largest lover in the world and the first liar. It consists in romantic - but rather, Platonic - Relations with Yagg

Jonathan Teatime.

5 2 0

A student of the guild of murderers, the main acting character in the book "Santa Hryakan"

IMP Y Celyn.

0 0 0

The main hero of the book "Rock Music", the leader of the group that performs "music in which Rock sounds"

0 0 0

Head Priest Jelibaibie. Almost, Jelibaibie in the form in which it exists - the merit (or wine) of Dios. Dios hurts the most residents of Jelibaibi, including their colleagues and royal family members


It is also also called winter - the personification of snow, ice and frosts. Winter - Ice elemental, that is, the element. The main occupation of winter is to create snowflakes and carry snow clouds throughout the disc, where winter is cold enough. He also suits snow storms and blizzards

Evil Harry Dread.

1 0 0

The last Dark Lord of the Flat World. He calls himself a dark lord. It is an exemplary Dark Lord, without proceeding with the following code that has a pike "stupid minions" and very proud of its meanness and cunning

0 1 0

Woman clan Igor. Also successful in medicine, shepels less.

It appears as a valid character in the "infantry ballad", where the army of Borborni comes into the army.

3 0 0

Member of a special gallop Clan in Uverwald. Are unsurpassed flat world surgeons. If Igori saved your life, then after death your bodies should be tested to them, for use. At the heart of these characters lie the monster of Frankenstein Mary Shelly and humpback helpers of insane scientists in the films of Universal Studios and Hammer Film Productions

0 0 0

Reception daughter of death. Parents Isabel died on the far continent of clutch, crossing the Great Desert Neft. Death saved the life of a little girl, took her to his house and fascinated. Mora's wife and mother Susan

2 0 0

Wizard, whose nerves are completely disabled. Before Ark kartzler of the invisible university became Chudakly, the treasurer coexisted peacefully in his office with documents, certificates and other papers requiring signatures. With the arrival of Chudakly, everything changed - the new Arc kantsler did not sign any papers, and with subordinates we called an exceptionally deafening cry. So uncomfortable conditions for existence forced the treasurer move from the invisible university inside her head

It is asked what to write about Pratchette, about which I have already told many of the right and smart words to me? And yet I will try. Only start not with Pratchetta, but from those good people who, working in publishers, write annotations to books. It seems that all of them are combined into the secret order of reader-channeling. They do everything to ensure that the person, reading the annotation, or disgust postponed the book, or began to read it in anticipation of something that is in no way. That is what happened to Pratchett. The fact is that Pratchett is not Petrosyan. And do not zadornov. He is not a humor. Yes, he is in some extent satirik, but it is also only one face of his works. Closer to him, perhaps, Swift. But not Belyanin and other authors of "Rzhaki". In addition, Pratchett is not a fantasy author. It is not Perumov, not Tolkien and not even calls. He is not more author of the "humorous fantasy" than the Basinist of the Wings - the author of the stories about animals. Then who is he? First of all, Pratchett is a thinker. Philosopher. Humanist. Classic. And humor, fantasy is only a tool that allows you to convey complex philosophical concepts to a normal person who is immediately immersed in healthy sleep at the lectures on philosophy. In this and consists of the genius of Pratchetta: he managed to make fascinating and delicious things. Without swelling the cheeks, not abscompleting the complex, fetaned structures. His recipe is simple before, I repeat, genius. Fantasy entourage is taken. It invents a simple plot for a number of permanent heroes. Here and there they are scattered out of the English humor ... And then the magic is read. Philosophy, like octarine - the eighth color of the rainbow - permeates the work, shining in short author's retreats, sparkling pearls in the mouth of heroes. And as a result, two organically related books are obtained: one is a pleasant entertainment, the other is a reason for thought, the means of raising the reader.

Small gods. This is essentially a treatise on the origin and properties of religiosity in human society.

Pyramids. Relationship of religion and states, the fate of theocracy.

Patriot. Desktop book about xenophobia, racism and world "politics of state interests."

Interesting times. Psychology of a citizen of totalitarian society.

True, moving pictures, a series of guard is all serious and wise books.

Fantasy and Humor in Pratchett's work - only a bonus. And so if you expect from his books only laughter or only swinging with swords - you can safely postpone them aside, you will not like them.

But Pratchett is also a response to Chwally "official" scientists-philosophers, signed up in their abstract, contrived worlds, showing up each other inconsistency of phrases and logical calculations. No one reminds? This is the same invisible university in all its glory, in which only young enthusiasts are engaged in the leadership of Dumming Tupqi and the librarian (just do not call him a monkey!).

So from my point of view, Pratchette is reading for those who hold the fig in his pocket, scrolling the works of Berran Russell.

P.S. But the fact that death is a noun feminine family, I will not convince me now and the regiment of philologists.)))

Rating: 10.

Instructions for the use of medicinal drug for medical use Territory

Clinical and pharmacological group. Nootropic preparation with increased humorous and ironic activity.

Release form, composition and packaging. The most common option is small black books, on average 400 pages. Omnibuses are also found with a twin, tripled or utensil dose of the drug. On the front side, the thematic drawing and the inscriptions "Terry Pratchett" and the name of a particular drug is necessarily applied. Pharmacological properties are indicated on the reverse side. Each book contains 10% of an interesting plot, 25% of irony and taking expressions, 20% of the presence of pleasant characters and 45% of humorous situations.

PHARMACHOLOGIC EFFECT. The drug has a soothing, anti-leaving (anxiolytic) action, without causing undesirable hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Improves the tolerance of psycho-emotional loads. It has stress protector, nootropic, neuroprotective, antidepressant action.

DOSAGE. Intracerag. One reception is 1 or 2 books. Take 2 times / day for 10-20 pages; If necessary, increase to 4 receptions / day. The course of treatment is 1-4 weeks; If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 2 months or repeat after 1-2 months. In the absence of persistent improvement in the state for 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Medicinal interaction. Territory is incompatible with other drugs of its clinical and pharmacological group, such as asprine and piercentonite.

Pregnancy and lactation. The safety of the use of terrorism during pregnancy and during the lactation period was not studied. If necessary, taking the drug should take into account the risk / benefit ratio.

SIDE EFFECTS. When used according to the indicated readings and in these dosages of side effects were not detected. Reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.

Conditions and storage time. Store out of the reach of children, dry, protected from light place at a temperature not higher than 451 ° F. Shelf-life Unlimited.


States of despondency, melancholy, sadness;

A keen feeling of "Suminess of everyday life";

Stressing disorders with increased nervous tensions, irritability, anxiety and vegetative reactions.


Children's age up to 16 years;

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Released without a doctor's prescription in most bookstores.

Rating: 8.

Let's start with the fact that I love the "flat world" of Pratchett, and reading the reviews on some of it, in my opinion, very interesting and deep novels, I often pay attention to the scatter of estimates from 10 (which by the way prevails) to 2. I tried to understand Why all the same people put such low estimates on a series with such high, accompanied by delighted reviews. And that's what I noticed: those people who put the "dozen" admire not only by humor (which seems to me, is specifically outlined in a spaticral form), but also the philosophy of works, inconspicuous and thin, in which the essence of the novel is, but People who put low estimates said only that humor is too flat and monotonous, without peering into the overtone of works ("Dear, you did not buy a book with jokes! It's a novel!" - shouted my inner voice.)

Having written this, I hope at least somehow influence the reader who is not yet familiar with the work of Pratchett, and, after seeing superficial assessments and reviews, I will change my mind to start reading his works.

I want to believe that all the same in the flat world in the near future the flow of enthusiastic visitors from the world of "Sharo-shaped"

Rating: 10.

To read the "Flat World" cycle, I advised friends. They splashed with no understanding to me, about some insane barbarian and a magician of a loser, and I thought "what about ..?" But then, after long persuasion, I still decided to take one of the books of this series in the library.

And so I started to read it. On the second page, I already barely restrained the smile. On the third - openly laughed. On somewhere the fifth page, I lost the bill to these pages. I woke up after I realized that I read the annotation on the book of the book ...

Never before that moment I did not read anything more interesting. Since then, these books, I consider you one of your favorite. Therefore, my rating is 10.

Rating: 10.

Flat world. What can I say about him, besides the set of words of the praise and admiration?

The main thing is that you need to know about the flat world - this is a cycle, an elevation of the contrast in the absolute. Humorous - and at the same time very serious, frankly talking about people, about the world and good with evil. Characters, which are not beautiful outwardly and are not very pleasant in character - but who invariably turn out to be focused on truth, justice, debt and order. Raming some phenomenon - and at the same time describing it with all possible respect. Specially, deliberately unrealistic and fabulous - and at the same time frighteningly reliable. The narrative of a completely not friendly world - and at the same time you are surprised by finding the thought "But I would have visited there." Stew and drama, sarcasm and real pain, irony and real feelings, comedy and tragedy in one bottle.

Perhaps the plots are the most important lack of a flat world. No, they are not bad at all, they are very kindly - but let's say "unpredictable plot turns", "swirling intrigues", "an unexpected ending" is not to the flat world.

Also, the claims to the cycle may prevent ... Let's say, certain people. Sir Pratchett laughs on religion and patriotism, inappropriate pathos, opposes racism and nationalism in any form, generally tolerant and therefore may even seem too single-sided (although it is all right and in these matters to the pratchett.

Unfortunately, some finals from the cycle will not happen. Yes, perhaps, a flat world will have its own brandon Sanderson, and other writers in respect will create a collection of its stories-fan fiction, or something in such a spirit will happen ... But it is unlikely that it will already be the same, unique and unique flat world. .

The result: one of the greatest cycles in the history of fantasy and humor - and possibly literature at all. Perhaps one of the best examples of how to create your own worlds and write books.

Rating: 10.

With everything, despite the fact that Pratchett managed to create very colorful, original, not at anyone like heroes, I did not see two very important things here. First: Vacan plot. Of all the books that I read about the flat world, I did not have a normal indental plot in one of them. Constantly some kind of ripped pace of narration. And yes, not one of the stories, it is in terms of the plot that does not hold to the end, it is tritely boring and still answered. And the second is right than the sparkling humor. No, sparkling humor. Here is more irony to all that is happening, and not as not humor. This is my personal taste, of course)

Rating: 5.

Terry Pratchett is an incredibly talented person.

For me, it will remain a mystery how he manages for more than 30 books to create lungs, fresh and incredibly funny works, once over again surpass itself. With the help of a thin, truly English feeling of humor was able to transfer our world to the pages of his books in all his diversity. And then gave us the opportunity to look there as in the mirror curve, and see all the inconsistency of the reality around us. See, laugh and, perhaps, understand. Understand how often we are sometimes funny. And laughter over him is the highest form of comedy. Art.

They say that laughter prolongs life. Personally, after acquaintance with the work of this great writer, I extended my life at times.

Rating: 10.

Flat World \u003d Terry Pratchett

Although he wrote a lot of other books, not to the flat world not belonging, but to remember Prathots will be on this cycle.

Rensvind, City Guardian, Witches, Death and Suzy, Moist von Lipwig, a dozen of individual storybooks, many pseudocuments, guidebooks and cookbooks - all this creates a true epic, one of the outstanding works of world culture.

Sea satire, many excellent unusual characters, a great bunch of different paradoxes, reflecting our life with you. Football, newspapers, telegraph, cinema, rock music, mail, railways and a lot more appeared in the flat world.

Riesvind, Chean-Barbarian and Silver Orda, Sam Weims, Moro, England, Dyrette, Zadan, Willoccins, Schnobbi, Columns, Death, Suzy, Moist, Tiffany, Esme Windbreak, Gita Yagg, Glaby, Patricia Vitinari and his secretary knock Mokes, many, many, many others. They are remembered once and for all.

Terry Pratchett will not write any more than a single book. We will not see new applications of Mother's Mother's Golovolov, Vaims will not reveal anything else, Lipwig will stop promoting new things into the life of society, Rinsvind will forever freeze in his eternal escape from dangers to boredom, Morko and Angva will never marry, and the confrontation of death & Susie with the highest entities The order will remain without completion. And I will always regret that Patricia Vitinari never got his own, solo book, which he clearly deserved.

All unfinished plots are torn off, there will never be new anymore. I sincerely hope that it will remain - I do not want a flat world to repeat the fate of Sherlock Holmes, Conan Varvara, Lovecraftians and others. Let it be better for he forever freeze and will live only in the imagination of readers than it will be wondering in the mediocre siques of literary vultures.

P.S. I sincerely hope that our publishers will not pull and publish, within a reasonable time, all the remaining undeserved books of Pratchett.

Rating: 9.

The subtlety humor reaches the transcendental heights. I reread a lot of foreign humorous literature, but this author is a unique master of irony and jokes. The uniqueness lies in the fact that all the works of the author are captured and do not leave indifferent reader. The deep philosophy of life is played by both on notes and forms sometimes everyday hectares, a simple, but very clear truth that constantly flashes in front of our eyes, but remains unnoticed. Want to laugh very loudly, read the color of the magic, you want to think, read the gloomy reaper, ignite the new acquaintances with whom it will be fun and interesting to spend time, read the entire "flat world".

Humorists - Eczema on the society of society.
Pelamen Grenville Woodhauses

A good humor is necessary as a sip of the air, for to be able to laugh at themselves and others - what is not the path of existence in our insane world? And here it will be very good by the way, in a light and accessible form narrowing about serious things, unobtrusive forcing the everlasting problems of our existence ...

It is to such books that the "Flat World" refers - the most popular cycle of humorous fantasy, ever and wrote, who has long gained a cult status in the whole reading world.

Flat world of Terry Pratchett

The mirror of all other worlds is the true essence of the creation of Pratchett. Universe Discworld, its inhabitants and events taking place with them can be absolutely fantastic. But the familiar dishes are blocked through them, and behind the shower of the author in front of the reader in full growth is quite real problems of our world.

The cycle began as a frank parody of fantasy stamps and its most popular representatives, but then the framework of the framework of witty dust, acquiring independent value.

Multi-volume serials - Bich fiction: The first few novels are usually always better than the next. Even the most talented authors are not delivered from this attack. Jordan, Cook, Card, Asprin, Norton, Hudcaynd, Budjold - sad examples can be given almost indefinitely. Terry Pratchet, perhaps the only author, happily avoided the trap. But only adult novels about the flat world there are more than 40 pieces!

The main reason, of course, talent. In addition, Pratchett writes not just fantasy - in his work, it relies on the traditions of the British classics. The frills of the literary style, he borrowed from the most popular English humorist of the XX century Pelama Grenville Woodhaus, and the satirical orientation of his books resembles the work of Ivlin in.

However, there is something else. The flat world consists of several cycles, each of which has its central heroes and their topics. Some books are not included in the cycles at all, although the intersections are still possible - the world is general! Maybe therefore the flat world and does not come, although, of course, it is not possible.

Terry Pratchett

Pratchett and his heroes. Portrait of Kidbi Paul Work

Terrence David John Pratchett - English Writer, one of the brightest authors of humorous fantasy. Born in the British city of Bikonksfield on April 28, 1948, died on March 12, 2015.

Student in the Higher Technical School Wycomba, printed the first story in the student journal. Two years later, in 1963, published the same story in a professional edition. Immediately after graduation, he became a journalist of criminal chronicle, then a press attache was working at the top NPP at once. In 1971, his first novel "People Carpet" came out. This success came in 1983 with the publication of the humorous-fantasy novel "Color of Magic", from which the Grand Cycle "Flat World" began.

Pratchett is one of the most readable British writers. For the contribution to the literature, he was awarded the title of Cavaller Order of the British Empire and became a knight. All cycle novels regularly entered the number of nationwide British bestsellers, which for fiction - rarity. A number of books are fused, several computer games and comics also came out. Pratchett's novels were translated practically to all major languages \u200b\u200band were repeatedly published all over the world. The writer lived in Somersetshire with his wife Lynn and Rihanna's daughter.

Heroes of the flat world

The most inept and cowardly wizard on the disk

Daily magician rinswind lives according to the principle of "how would not happen." His cherished dream is to get lost in the Dark Corner of a Smered Cabacter with a mug of beer and a well-stuffed tube. Nevertheless, he enhanced constant in dangerous adventures fraught with serious health problems.

The first novels of the cycle about Rinsvinda are pure parody. Gets here and Howard, and McKeffrey, and Lebere, and Lovecraft. "The Color of Magic" (1983) and the "crazy star" (1986) are associated with the similarity of the end-to-end plot (in the future, Pratchett did not allow such an error - it hurts the danger to ride the path of infinite "sequelization").

... The first tourist from the mysterious agate empire comes to the Great City of Ank-Corpork. And since in a great city, it can be cut even for a stop-free pitcher, then in order to avoid the international scandal, the ruler Lord Vitinary instructs Renswind's role of a guide with a tare tourist. Error price - head ...

In the next book, "Staff and Hat" (1988), Rinsvind saves the entire flat world, thugging a greenery wonderland - Superman, whose existence tears in the shredded fabric of reality. In this case, the hero fails to the dungeon measurements where the monsters live. But Rinsvind them is not on the teeth! And when Eric's Wunderkind causes a demon who can fulfill the most unimaginable desires of the 14-year-old boy, in the center of the magical ossogram, it is Rinsvind ("Eric", 1990) ...

In the future, the magician falls into the agate empire on the eve of the invasion of the silver horde of Cengiz Cohen-Barbar and the Red Army conspiracy ("Interesting Times", 1994) ... And then - on the Lost Continent XXXX, which counts the last days of its dry existence ("Last Continent", 1998). Back in several books, Rinsvind schitsytayts in the background or juts on dark corners - in the inherent shyly-charming manner ...

Witches and company

Stories about witheres - Terrible Esme Windbreaker, Breaky Nyanyushka Yagg and Naive Magrat Chesnogk - also began as a parody. "Creators of spells" (1987) - mockery over feministic fantasy: Little girl decides to become a big wizard, which earlier in the flat world did not happen. And if it were not for the mother of the windbreaker, which even an elephant will stop on the race, equal to the men of the rights of young ESC not to see how their ears ... "Long sisters" (1988) is the original alteration of Shakespeare's play, a sort of hybrid "Hamlet" with Macbeth. In "Withes abroad" (1991), Magrat Chesnogk goes to far abroad to fulfill the duties of the shaft fair. But really experienced witches let her go alone? Especially in the country where old fairy tales seem to be crazy? And then the witches disassemble with elves, who, for their own and someone else, decided to return to the world of people ("Ladies and Lord", 1992), with the Ghost of Ank-Morporka Opera ("Masquerade", 1995), with vampires ("Carpe Jugulum ! Grab for the throat! ", 1998). Several books for adolescents are adjacent to the cycle, whose main character is the young Witch Tiffany.

Long live death!

This cycle tells about the adventures of death and his family. In principle, this death is a pretty good guy if you look closer to him. That's just most people just do not have enough time. And so the death is not alien to the usual human joy: he can drive fishing, and in the Kabachi to stumble. In general, your own board! Cobrel ...

To sell from the hands of a reception daughter, death takes a student ("Mor - Death Student", 1987); The guy, however, the Oluk, but quite learned. And when his cartridge decides to arrange a small vacation, Mor, although not without difficulty, but still it is completely safely copes with new responsibilities.

And once in the morning, death, as usual, decided to check the lists of potential customers. And discovered in the lists ... Himself ("Grim Reaper", 1991). In the "fatal music" (1994) the obligations of the newly thickened death takes on his granddaughter Susan. And the girl has their own problems on the throat - he fascinated by Pauddi semi-elffus, a newly new apostle "fatal music", an overlooking plane. Sometimes death has to perform absolutely unusual functions to it - for example, deal with gifts to children to the passion ("Santa Hryakan", 1996). But the thing is that the good grandfather Santo "ordered" the guild of murderers ...

Oh, early arms ...

In the Great Town of Ank-Corpor, everyone is doing business. Only the night of the guard is an absolutely worthless office, place links for chronic losers. Guarders at night roam through the streets and quietly so that no one heard, shout: "Midnight, and everything is in order!". But here's a crazy sorcerer, trying to capture power, called the dragon, and all the established order burned down as a candle ("Guardians! Guardy!", 1989). And the time of Captain Wems and his people comes. They will have to catch a mysterious sniper armed with the first shotgun ("To weapons! To weapons!", 1993), and reveal a series of mysterious killings ("Foots of clay", 1996).

And Samuel Vaims, from a simple captain who became the duke and commander, should still prevent the war ("Patriot", 1997), to go with a diplomatic mission to the vampire country ("Fifth Elefant", 1999), prevent the war of the gnomes and trolls ("Schmeyk!" , 2005). And it is necessary to constantly keep the Ear East, because, if it is not in the right place and not at the right time, you can lose everything ("Night Guardian", 2002). Even on vacation, the comer is not given a quiet life - because the crimes happen in the pastoral outback ("Tobacco", 2011)

Figure Josh Kirby

Floor Floor Kidbi

Josh Kirby (1928-2001) and Paul Kidby (born 1964) are deserved by the best illustrators of the "Flat World".

Great combinator

Patricia Vitinari always ties in the root. And even in the disappearance man itself, it is capable of seeing the Golden Nugget and pull it out - if necessary, along with the losses. That is how the ruler of Ank-Morporka joined the useful case of a root fraudster of Moista von Lipboard, who first worked from fear (the price of failure is a head), and then entered the taste, holding to run on the conscience (and the heads flew still). First, Moist has established the work of the Ank-Morpork post office in the novel "Keep Mark!" (Going Postal, 2004), then conducted a monetary reform in the Making Money novel ("Do Money", 2007), and there already his crazy hands and quirky brains reached the flatwork scientific and technological revolution - Roman Raising Steam ("On all pairs" , 2013).

Other Flat World Residents

Patrician - The ruler of Ank-Corporka, Lord Hevell Vitinari, an outstanding personality, the embodiment of the ideal sovereign. "Under his rule, for the first time in a thousand years, Ank-Corporok functioned." Exclusively honest, moderate in needs, not noticed in vices. Corotes the evening for reading business papers, occasionally "allowing himself such an exciting experience as a game of chess." Killing someone, never guided by personal motives, all for the benefit of the state. "We must give the patrician due. Otherwise, he will send his people and take it due himself. "

Ilista Floor Kidbi

Chest- Made from pear reasonable, growing in the habitats of ancient unaccompanied magic. A healthy box on a hundred legs, which is located a whole universe, and not even one. Everywhere follows the owner. Conditions and to wash clothes, and bite (most often to death) of different taller types.

Illustration of Paul Kidbi

What happens to the heroes when they are aging? You were a hefty ambal with agramade sword, and became a toothless older with gouty knees ... But, the last Flat World Firecat, the hero always remains. He even managed to become the mastery of the agate empire.

Illustration of Paul Kidbi

Librarian"Orangutan, although this was not always (transformed due to an unplanned leakage of magic in the invisible university, but refused to become a person again). A very short, exclusively strong, loves his work, takes the fee bananas, however, the vocabulary is somewhat limited ("U-UK" - for all occasions).

The coolest seller of sausages in the Ank-Corpora. He sentenced the "self-cut-without knife,", silent the next downturn the fresh pork sausage from the meat of the abhock of the year three years ago. It is strange that with such talents so much and not rich.

There are still separate novels dedicated to very serious issues. About power and fate narrate the laureate of the British NF Prize "Pyramids" (1989), about religion - "small gods" (1992), about the magical power of art - "Moving pictures" (1990), about the unclean share of the journalist - "True" (2000 ), about temporary paradoxes - "Timetime" (2001), about heroism - "the last hero" (2001), about the war - "Infantry ballad" (2003).

Not left asleep and kids. The first of the children's books about the Flange, Roman The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents ("Amazing Maurice and His scholars of rodents", 2001) - about a reasonable cat Maurice, who faced friendship with the colony of very sensible rats, - even awarded the Careguie Medals, the most prestigious Prizes in the field of children's literature.

Flat World Cosmogonia

"The Great Space Turtle A'Tuin carries on the back of the world-disk, which is supported by elephants: beryllium, dubbed, great T'Fon and Gerrakin ... From the edge of this world, the ocean infinitely pours its waters into the universal night."

A small sun is spinning around the disk on a permanent orbit, illuminating the edge, and the Pole-Pup is covered with eternal Merzlot,. There are eight times of the year, the week consists of eight days, the spectrum is from eight colors. And somewhere near the world of people and gods are chaotic dungeon measurements, where creatures feed on magic dwell. There is only a fabric of reality to progress a little, and the creatures are here.

Geography of flat world

"There are continents, archipelasses, seas, deserts, mountain chains and even tiny central glacial cover."

True, there is only one continent. There is a confused continent, fully occupied by rumors, fully occupied by a mighty and rich agate empire. Yes Continent XXXX, which should not exist at all. He does not exist, and so, stains ...

In the center of the disk there is its pole - the PUP, framed by the icy hollows of the Pupzen, where the tribes of ferocious barbarians live, the main suppliers of the coolest heroes of the flat world. Almost all over the continent, from the Ank-Corpret to the clutch, the Ovepik Mountains stretch, where an ancient unaccompanied magic was sheltered. And then - equankojunungley cape, and there to the edge not far.

All possible public entities are presented on the disc - empires, kingdoms, policies, trading offices, tyranny, tribal unions, theocracy, democracy. In general, any nonsense invented by mankind will find its display here.

The gods of the flat world

The gods in the flat world - as dogs are unreleased. The coolest of the pantheon, such as the blind Io of the Thunder, or God-crocodile Offler, live in the citadel of the city of Dongmanifestin, which has been in the highest mountain of the disk - ten-minute core sore honeycomb sticking in the midst. They sit there and have fun: "Playing board they have a whole world, but they play with human lives."

History of the flat world

The history of the flat world is stored in the monastery, lost in the depths of the sheep. And gradually from thick, intertwined in the skin of the foliants, she seeps into the world where it becomes everyday life. Everything as usual - the empires replace each other, war, discoveries, feats, stupidity ...

Ethnography of the flat world

The inhabitants of the flat world are very diverse. People of all colors and shades - from ultrasive inhabitants of Ank-Corpor to naked savages of the brown islands. Dwarfs and trolls, Yaro warring with each other. Elves, attached to the shade and waiting for the opportunity to return to "play" again. Ice giants, dragons, vampires, versolphs, zombies ... Unless the hobbits are not. But maybe they just attached in some sore ...

Magic of the flat world

The world is based on eight great spells, which are recorded in Grimuar Octavo - the book stored in the library of the invisible university, in the sealed iron box at the bottom of a specially dug mine.

The invisible university is the only place on the disk, where the wizard can get a decent education. For example, learning to smoke tobacco (what a wizard without a tube?) And it is a magic imagination - this is a magic. But the witches work only with what actually exists in the world. At the same time, those who are engaged in magic attract the attention of creatures from dungeon measurements trying to break into reality.


The greatest city of the flat world. Diva megapolis contrasts - respectable ank and gangster moron. "The city saw fosses, fires, the invasions of nomadic Hordes, many revolutions and dragons - and all this ank-morontic survived."

He "... full of life, like a moldy cheese on a hot day; He is loudless as a curse in the temple; Yapik and shiny, like spilled and plays oil oil; Multitally, like a bruise, and boils fuss, business activity and all kinds of turbulent activities, like an anthill with a dead dog in the middle. "

* * *

About the Universe of the Flat World can be said for hours. But why? It is better to take one of the books (and then, and more ...) And with your head to plunge into this world.

Daily including TV, we are horrified by the next unpleasant surprises. What is there again? Terrorist act? Sunken submarine? Flood, earthquake, tsunami? War of Pointed and Tupuffers, who joyfully cut each other in absolutely idiotic reasons? At such minutes, when human nonsense wants us with his head, I want to escape far and far ... in a magical world, where you can enjoy laugh at quite serious things. In the flattest of all possible worlds. Thank you, Terry, for this opportunity!