Color antiquity, squint David and other unexpected facts about famous sculptures. Marble Vualis - RU_art Links

Color antiquity, squint David and other unexpected facts about famous sculptures. Marble Vualis - RU_art Links
Color antiquity, squint David and other unexpected facts about famous sculptures. Marble Vualis - RU_art Links

He was one of the sculptors who managed to create real masterpieces of Vestnok with marble veil- greek goddess Vesta. Italian sculptor Rafael Monti 1818-1881gg.

R.Monti. Dama under the veil.

Milan's native, Raphael Monti did his first steps under the leadership of the Father, also sculptor, Gaetano Matteo Monty, in The Imperial Academy. He debuted early and won gold medal For a group called "Alexander Tams Bucophal." Monti and other young sculptors belonged to a pawnshop school that dominated italian sculpture In the first half of the nineteenth century. For some time it works in Vienna, and in Milan, makes his first visit to England in 1846, but returned to Italy in 1847 and joined the People's Party, became one of the main officers of the National Guard. After the catastrophic failure of the campaign of the Risorgemento 1848, he again fled from Italy to England. His career in England was very successful and fruitful. The work of Monty was exhibited in the Royal Academy, and soon he deserved recognition as a leading sculptor.

Raffaelle Monti, The Brideoriginal in Marble, 1847

His "Eve after the fall", awarded award and medals, was particularly good, but two other sculptures at the exhibition, "Cherkess-workerchief" and "Wester", the best design techniques, became its brand: Thin treatment of solid marble figures wrapped in Transparent veils.


"Festival", was purchased in 1847 by the Duke of Devonshire before the start of the exhibition, as well as the work of the dream of the sorrow and the joy of dreams, "is currently in the Victoria Museum and Albert.

Sleep sorrow and the joy of dreams. London 1861.

To create the effect of a thin veil, able to move from the slightest blow of the breeze, great skill is required. Although the technique of waters in sculpture is known since Ancient GreeceIn the whole story, only a few artists managed to achieve perfection in this art. Monti was one of the sculptors who managed to create a feeling that his statues are covered with the finest cloth.

The veil enlisters, making a woman attractive and desirable, because it is not available under the bedspread. And the centuries admire this beauty and do not understand how it is done.

The art of Rafael Monti - his veils from marble are forced to think. It seems two opposites - a soft transparent silk and the hardest and lightproof stone - they joined together in the works of a talented wizard ...

Raffaelle Monti, The Brideoriginal in Marble, 1847 (Bride. Original in Marble, 1847

Beginning with end of XVII century began to appear amazing sculptures, accused of unprecedented. They are made so subtly that some contemporaries do not even believe that they did them ordinary, albeit very talented, master, ordinary human hands. We are talking On marble sculptures decorated with veil. Veil, of course, also marble.

These works are so affected by the grace and subtlety of work, which even seriously is given as arguments with some supporters of the "non-traditional" historical theories. First of all, this applies to the works of Rafael Monti. However, it was not his pioneer on this path.

The first sculptor, who managed to create the very marble veil, was the Neapolitan master of Antonio Korradini, born in 1668. The most famous sculpture "under the veil" is "chastity", the 1752 year, which is now in Naples, in Chapel of San North.

It can be noted that in the same chapel there is another sculpture, no less surprising - "getting rid of the char", which Francesco Quirolo graduated in 1757. Although it is not related to the "marble voilas", nevertheless, the imagination is striking at least - just the mind does not comprehend, as it was possible to manually create a similar masterpiece.

However, returning to the topic of our material - the authorship of Corradini owns several more busts performed using all the same technique of "marble veil", and the creation of another work of art with such an effect, Antonio overtook death.

The master just started fulfilling the order of Raymondo de Sangro, Prince San North, however, he managed to create only a clay mock of sculpture, now known as "Christ under the Datchet". Good luck so peculiarly smiled in another Napletite sculptor, Giuseppe Sammartino, whose name was famous thanks to this particular work. He somewhat changed the initial intention of Corradini, but the essence left unchanged.

The image itself of Christ, symbolism composite elements And the most amazing marble veil - all this turned this work of art into a nonetable masterpiece, the greatest of those that Kepella Princes San North. Surprisingly, nothing even approximately equal to Giuseppe Sammartino never created so more.

Practically whole century sculptors did not appeal to the most difficult and, at the same time, the spectacular reception of the "marble veil". "On the little things" in the middle of the XIX century, Giovanni Stratz was distinguished himself, having broke the Bust of the Virgin Mary, using the very effect. Another similar sculpture of the approximate the same period is "Rebecca under a veil", sculptor - Giovanni Maria Benzoni. Surprisingly, but other similar works of sculptors did not preserve, and the sculptors themselves did not discharge special glory.

However, another Italian sculptor, Rafael Monti, the will of the Fate turned out in England, still returned the fashion on the marble veil, if so be expressed. In addition, it was he described technological process The creation of such sculptures, which, should be considered, found out in the homeland, in Italy, and later successfully applied in England.

The essence was simple - Monty used a special material. He picked up marble with an unusual structure, two-layer. The top layer was more transparent, the lower - more dense. The effect of the veil was achieved at the expense of the finest treatment, as a result of which the most "transparent" veil was obtained from the top layer of marble - so thin layer of material remained.

The complexity of this technique in conditions when everything is done manually - try to imagine. Earlier wizards probably also used marble with a similar structure. The rare material and complexity of manufacture can be explained by a small amount of sculptures with a marble veil.

In the XX century, such sculptors like Elizabeth Ecroyd or Kevin Francis Gray also appealed to the effect of marble veil, but modern technologies, the diversity of tools and access to profile information do not allow you to put their work in one row with the works of the wizards of previous centuries, which created their masterpieces in fact manually.

If you think about, the titanic complexity of the works, peacefully dusty in the chapel of the San Northea, the Will-Neil will pushing the thought that we definitely do not know about those people who created these brilliant sculpturesAnd the conditions in which they worked. So it remains only to enjoy their beauty and wonder the skill with which they are created, penetrating with respect for human nature and the ability to create something beautiful.

Looking at the monuments and sculpturerecognized as world masterpieces cultural heritageThe audience usually experience admiration and delight. But almost every work has some kind of mystery. This review presents the famous sculptures, each of which has its own interesting story.

1. Jumping "David"

"David" is considered almost the most recognizable statue in the world. Michelangelo Buangarotti created it from a piece of marble, which another sculptor considered spoiled. In addition, modern research showed that David is not so perfect. It turns out that he is squint. Scientists agree that the sculptor deliberately "knew" his creation such a disadvantage, then David's profile would seem ideal from different angles.

2. False kiss

Originally Auguste Roden called this statue of "Francesca and Rimini", referring to one of the plots " Divine Comedy.»Dante. Famous Italian fell in love with younger brother His husband Paolo. When they Cornney evening for reading a book, broke into the room jealous husband And killed both.
Critics renamed the sculpture at the Kiss in 1887. But as such does not touch the lips, i.e., the lovers did not commit sin. In addition, Paolo holds a book in his hand.

3. Antique statues were colored

Until recently, it was believed that the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman statues and white marble was natural. But modern technologies made it possible to argue that sculptures were painted with all the colors of the rainbow. After some time, the paint peelled or burned under the influence of weather conditions.

4. Imperfect Perfection

In 1863, the French consul and archaeologist Charles Shampoazo discovered the statue of the Goddess Nicky on the island of Samofrakia. It is believed that the sculpture was created in honor of the victories of the Greeks on the sea. The statue has no hands and head. A repeated attempts were made to restore these parts of the body of the statue, but then all the greatness of Niki was lost. As a result, everyone recognized that all the beauty of the sculpture of the goddess Nicky in her imperfection.

5. Veusive Son

During Patriotic War 1812, Emperor Alexander I gave an order to remove all values \u200b\u200bfrom St. Petersburg, including a monument to Peter I. Then meetings with Prince Golitsyn, an approximate of the sovereign, who sought someone Major Baturin. He told the prince that she sees the same dream every night. On Senate Square bronze Horseman Peter's face comes with his pedestal and goes to Alexander I. Meeting the sovereign, the rider says: "While I am in place, there is nothing to fear my city." After the sleep content came to the ears of Alexander I, the statue remained in place.

6. The most long-suffering little mermaid

The fate of the most famous statue of Copenhagen "Mermaid" can be called the same long-suffering as its fabulous prototype. The mermaid has repeatedly tried to destroy the vandals. The sculpture was drank her hand, twice laid down their heads, poured green paint. In addition, one day on the back of the statue "weekly" the inscription: "From March 8!"

7. Marble veil

When Rafael Monti conceived the "marble veil", he was looking for the right stone for a long time. The fact is that the sculptor needed a two-layer boulder. Monti masterfully worked, removing the layers. A more dense texture of the stone is the basis for sculpture, and thin upper layer became a veil. It looks incredibly realistic, it seems that the stone veil is about to be soles from a slight blow of the breeze.

Modern sculptors also find something to surprise the viewer. These

. the sculpture from the marble of a female head, as if alive, as if transparent, flowing fucked fucked fucked

This bust milan sculptor 19th century Giuseppe Kroff "Nun Nun" - "The Veiled Nun" meets you immediately on the stairs, at the entrance to the gallery, then I still many times when DC came to Washington went to watch it.

Then my husband tried to recreate a similar head from a cold porcelain, and from woodhttp: //, and I was in full confidence that this, Washington sculpture is unique, until recently As suddenly, Uzoranet's girlfriend is unexpectedly in LiveJournal and my readers of the Lea Galina_VEL did not find that there are such ladies then the whole community in the world exists.

See for yourself:

it Sculpture Vestniki in a chat Author Raffael Monti.

The marble bust of Vestniki under the cover was created by the Italian sculptor Rafaello Monty (1818-1881) in 1860. Bust is set in Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and for the English manor, the sculptor has made the same Vestka in full height.

Undine Rising from the Waters.
cA. 1880-1882, by Chauncey Bradley Ives (1810-1894), Chrysler Museum of Art, Gallery 263
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, C.T., United States of America
gallery Yale University (USA), author Chauncey Bradley Ives.

Marble sculpture. "Undina, overlooking the water", 1880,

The sculpture of Vestniki was removed in the film "Pride and Prejudice" 2005

Beautiful "The Veiled Virgin", in Presentation Convent in St. John "S, Newfoundland.

Giovanni Strazza (1818-1875)

White Carrara marble. Sculptor V.P. Urdzsky. 1881

Lady from the Kochubey Palace.

Marble bust with transparent veil, XX century, Banfield Museum -
This sculpture is given as an example on creating optical illusion - Technical technique in art, the purpose of which is to create the illusion that the depicted object is in three-dimensional space, while in reality is painted in a two-dimensional plane.) The effect does not disappear at any angle and at any distance.

Pearl of the collection of petrodvorets "Lady under a veil" Antonio Corradini.
The sculptor was famous for the skill of images and figures covered with a thin cloth. Purchased by Peter. This sculpture was once in full growth, but split in half and is now exhibited here in a truncated form)))

Veiled Virgin.
Giovanni Strazza.

Biblical Rebecca, At Salarjung Museum in India.
Giovanni Benzoni.

Femme Voilée (La Foi?), By Antonio Corradini, Early to Mid 1700s, In The Louvre


What a delicate work, because the veil looks so natural that it seems at the slightest dungement the fabric will begin moving.

There were several sculptors who were so masterfully gave the impression of the finest fabric, which is amazed - how is it done?

However, the technique of waters in sculpture is known since the times of ancient Greece.

The terracotta head of a woman in the bedspread, Cyprus, 2 - 1 century BC.

Terracotta head of a woman in a bedspread, 4th century BC

Ancient Greece, 4th century BC Metropolitan Museum.

Ancient Greece, 3 - 2 century BC. e. Bronze.

"Christ under the glory"

Antonio Corradini (Antonio Corradini, September 6, 1668, Este, Padova - June 29, 1752, Naples) and Giuseppe Sanmartino (Giuseppe Sanmartino, 1720 - 1793) unites the XVIII century, the profession - they are both Italian sculptors, and the work of "Christ under the Cryboat", created by order of Raymondo de Sangro (Seventh Prince San North) for Chapel San North in Naples .

Initially, the prince instructed the work of Antonio Korradini, but he managed to make only a clay model (kept in the Museum of San Martino Museum). After the death of Corradini, Prince Raymondo entrusted the completion of the work with a young and unreserved Neapolitan sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino.

Sanmartino retained the main feature initial design - The finest marble canvas.
Prince Raymondo suggested to place the "Christ under the Corps" not in the chapel itself, and under it - in Kripte, where the sculpture of Sanmartino should, according to the prince, highlighted in particular invented by them "eternal light".

Antonio Korradini, Sarah

Antonio Corradini

For the most part, he worked on Venetian customers. His sculptures are located on squares and parks, cathedrals and museums Este, Venice, Rome, Vienna, Gurka, Dresden, Detroit, London, Prague, Naples, where he on the order of Raymondo de Sangro worked on the decoration of Chapels of San North. The sculpture of Christ started in the chapel in the chapel (managed to make only a clay model) performed a young and persistently neapolitan sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino.

Antonio Corradini, Bust of a Veiled Woman (Puritas) 1717/1725 Marble Museo Del. SETTECENTO VENEZIANO, CA "REZZONICO, VENICE

"Chastity", Naples, Chapel San North.

The statue of "chastity" (Pudizia) is tombstone monument Chechilius Gaetani Del Aquila D'Aragon (1690 - 1710), Mother of Prince Raymondo, who died soon after the birth.

"Lady under a veil"

"Girl under a veil"

Bust "Girl under a veil" (Carrara Marble) - a fragment of the famous statue of the "faith" of the sculptor Antonio Corradini (1688-1752), purchased for the collection of Peter the Great in Venice S.Ragusinsky for "100 Golden Dukatov". Located in Summer garden before end of XVIII century, then - in the St. George Hall Winter Palacewhere suffered in a fire of 1837. The upper part of the statue after the restoration was placed by A.I.stutenschinder in the inner garden of the Tsaritsyn Pavilion in Peterhof.

Giuseppe Sammartino

Giuseppe Sanmartino."Christ under the glory"

Giuseppe Sammartino (1720-1793) - Italian sculptor of the South Italian school. Worked in Naples. In his manner, the traditions of Baroque joined with the Verism of Neapolitan Plastics.

The first dated work is the marble sculpture "Christ under the Cryboat" (1753), originally ordered by the sculptor Antonio Korradini, in Chapel of San North.

The sculpture caused the admiration of Antonio Canova, who, according to him, would give ten years of life to become the author of such a work. The legend states that the real veil of Polomale.

Raphaello Monti.

"Sleep sorrow and the joy of dreams." Rafaello Monti, London, 1861.

"Night", 1862



The marble bust of Vestniki under the cover was created by the Italian sculptor Rafaello Monty (1818-1881) in 1860.
The bust is set in Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and for the English manor, the sculptor has made the same vague in full growth.

Sculpture depicts covered with a bedspread Vestius - Vestka. Vesta is the Roman goddess-keeper of the sacred fire, symbolizing the center of life - states, city, at home. It was believed that in any fire there is a particle of the Spirit Vesta.

"Cherkhenka-slave" (1851)

Marble Bust of a Veiled Maiden Signed by Raffaello Monti

Giovanni Stratsy

"Deva Maria" from marble performed by Giovanni Strazza (Giovanni Strazza (1818-1875)), mid XIX. century.

Sculptural bust "Woman in a hat with a veil." Marble. Western Europe. The beginning of the twentieth century

Museum d "Ores in Paris

"In the transparent veil", the twentieth century. Elizabeth Ecroud. Bankfield Museum, United Kingdom.
The effect does not disappear at any angle and at any distance.

"Undine, overlooking the water", 1880. Chensy Bredali IVS. Gallery of Yale University, USA.

Veiled Lady. ARTIST ROSSI, PIETRO. 1882.