The most ecologically dirty cities of the Russian Federation. The dirtiest city in the world

The most ecologically dirty cities of the Russian Federation.  The dirtiest city in the world
The most ecologically dirty cities of the Russian Federation. The dirtiest city in the world

Among the most polluted cities in Russia, there are both megalopolises and small settlements. Polluted cities are a huge problem affecting our country and the entire world. Millions of people suffer from harmful emissions every day, often without even noticing it. Unfortunately, very little attention is paid to the problem of pollution. Let's take a closer look at the most polluted cities in our country.

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general information

The environmental situation in Russia has deteriorated markedly since 2013. In recent years, the concentration of hazardous (often fatal) substances in the air has increased significantly. This is due to the development of railway and road transport, the growth in the number of enterprises. Some statistics: damage from vehicles increased by about 6% in 2017 alone.

Of course, this affects people's health. In 2014-2016, children began to suffer from asthma 70% more often, and adults - 50%. These are indicators for only one disease: a huge number of people suffer from other problems due to the dirty atmosphere.

Water pollution is appallingly high. For 2017, each region of the country has several extremely dirty water sources. Most often, small rivers suffer from mud, but even the largest need help. The Yenisei, Volga, Ob have already lost their drinking value: the water is unsafe here. The situation is especially serious in the Central Region, where almost all rivers are extremely polluted. Among them are Yauza, Rozhaya, Don. In other regions, the most polluted rivers are the rivers Rosta, Padovaya, Tagil, Rudnaya, Chernaya Rechka, Kamenka. Unfortunately, this list is far from complete. Water is polluted by waste water from utilities and industrial facilities.

River pollution by discharge of untreated wastewater:

Every year the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia publishes a report on the ecological state of the country. This information cannot please people, because every year there are only more problems. The government is taking some measures, but the environmental situation also depends on the people.

Contamination reasons

Large enterprises are both a blessing and a nightmare for people. On the one hand, this is the active development of industry and trade, which ensures a normal life for people in the country, as well as jobs. On the other hand, factories, factories and combines constantly pollute the environment, sometimes throwing out waste in an amount that exceeds all permissible standards. Both nature and people are being destroyed. This really portends a global ecological disaster, due to which people will get a lot of problems.

Main polluting areas of work:

  • Energy;
  • Ferrous metallurgy;
  • Non-ferrous metallurgy;
  • Fuel industry;
  • Chemical, petrochemical industry;
  • Coal mining complexes.

Another risk factor is cars. A huge number of cars poison the atmosphere with their exhaust. They make up about 40% of the total amount of harmful substances that end up in the air every year. It is unpleasant to realize that only a few are ready to give up a car in order to save the environment. Most people will be better off gradually choking on emissions, but will not give up the comfort of owning a private car. This is especially true for large cities, which regularly fall into all kinds of city ratings for pollution.

The authorities of some countries do not even try to reduce the amount of emissions, and unscrupulous entrepreneurs do not pay attention to them at all. All this leads to sad statistics on the pollution of large settlements, an increase in mortality, the level of diseases, and the number of ecologically clean places on the planet tends to zero.

Let's take a look at the 10 most polluted cities in Russia. It is worth noting that these ratings can be expanded up to 20, up to 100 lines, but now we will only study the top 10.

All-Russian rating of 2017

The rating of the most polluted cities in Russia is annually compiled based on the level of emissions of toxic substances into the air. Do not be surprised that the first lines of the Russian rating do not coincide with our cities belonging to the global list. Different organizations assessing the degree of pollution take into account different parameters. Below you can see a list of "grimy" cities in Russia in 2017.

1. Norilsk. The most poisoned city in Russia took the first place due to the activities of the nickel processing plant. The atmosphere receives approximately 2 million tons of toxic waste annually. The most ecologically poisoned city in the country is on the 7th line of the world ranking, behind Dzerzhinsk.

2. Moscow. Of course, megalopolises are located in the first 3 lines of the rating. In addition to manufacturing plants, the largest cities are overloaded with transport. In Moscow, toxic exhaust from cars is about 1 million tons per year. This is approximately 90% of the total number of toxic substances that annually poison the air.

3. St. Petersburg. The cultural capital is not far behind - 500,000 tons of toxic dirt is poisoning the air due to car exhaust. Here it is 85% of the total waste emissions of this city in Russia.

4. Cherepovets. Chemical plants, metallurgy plants, of which there are quite a few, bring up to 365 tons of toxic dirt into the atmosphere per year.

5. Asbestos. This small (about 86 thousand inhabitants) city in Russia is extremely poisoned. Year after year, the atmosphere above it receives approximately 330 thousand tons of toxic compounds. This is due to the operation of factories that process asbestos, as well as due to silicate production.

6. Lipetsk. The metallurgical plant located here is the 3rd largest in the country. It emits 322 tons of harmful compounds per year. "Help" him cement, machine-tool, as well as other factories.

7. Novokuznetsk. Abundant coal mining and metal production in the city's factories are the main causes of pollution. Emissions per year are about 310,000 tons.

8. Omsk. Aerospace and metallurgical production, as well as the chemical industry, are actively developing here. More than 290 thousand tons of hazardous waste pollute the air annually. 30% of them are car exhaust.

9. Angarsk. The atmosphere over one of the most comfortable areas in Siberia receives approximately 270 thousand tons of harmful substances annually. The culprits are petrochemical plants, machine-building enterprises, and a chemical plant.

10. Magnitogorsk. It is here that the country's largest metal processing plant is located, from where the atmosphere receives about 255 tons of toxic emissions annually. It completes our list of the most polluted cities in Russia.

The most polluted cities are not limited to this list. The top 20 also includes Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Vorkuta, Nizhny Tagil, Samara, Bratsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd.

Dzerzhinsk is worth mentioning separately. It ranks among the top 10 dirtiest cities in the world, ranking 6th. However, due to the difference in research, the city was not included in the above rating. Burials of the most dangerous chemical waste, located here, amount to about 300 thousand tons. It is not for nothing that at the beginning of the 21st century this city became part of the famous record list as the most polluted city on the planet. The mortality statistics makes one shudder: for 10 births - 25 people died. Even now, this city in Russia is the most poisonous in the country, and has long been included in the "grimy" rating of cities around the world.

Dirty list of Moscow region

The capital of our country is on the second line of the overall rating for pollution. This level of dirt affects the small towns surrounding Moscow. In addition, there are also many factories, factories, and the car traffic is quite active.

Not so long ago, studies of the atmosphere of these cities were carried out, in which samples were taken from many streets. We present the results of the work of environmental experts, which include the dirtiest streets. By the way, scientists have confirmed that the cleanest area is located far from Moscow.

Here are the dirtiest cities in the Moscow region:


It is sad to realize that a huge number of places where people live are terribly polluted. Every day we have a negative impact that we don't even notice. Industrial waste, car exhaust, and other types of pollution are slow killers of people. Everyone should think about what they can do to prevent an environmental disaster, to make their place of residence cleaner. Environmentally friendly settlements, villages, abandoning a personal car, helping environmentalists - perhaps you will come up with new methods of dealing with the problem?

When compiling a rating of the dirtiest countries in the world, various factors were taken into account. The following factors were taken into account: the level of air pollution, the duration and quality of life, the number of people who died from environmental problems, the level of emissions into the atmosphere, and the purity of water sources. The ranking is based on data from the International Energy Agency and the World Health Organization for 2016-2017.

Environmental problems in Mexico are associated with the pollution of water supplies. Fresh water supplies are scarce. There is practically no water purification system. Industrial, sewage waste enters the water without purification.
The Human Development Index is 0.76.


In Libya, environmental problems are associated with military operations. In connection with the unstable political situation, there are disruptions in the work of city services. They are associated with interruptions in water supply, timely removal and disposal of garbage.
Human Development Index is 0.72


If in the tourist regions of the country the ecological situation is good, then the rest of the territories suffer from various types of pollution. One of the most difficult is the lack of a waste disposal system.

The Chitarum River flows through Indonesia. It contains a record amount of aluminum and lead. About 2,000 industries in Indonesia use the water resources and then dump untreated toxic waste there.

The second problem of the country is the gold mines in Kalimantan. When mining gold, mercury is used and 1000 tons of it end up in the surrounding area.
The Human Development Index is 0.68.


Zambia is a country with a low level of economic development, where staying is dangerous to health. A cholera outbreak was recently recorded here. Residents face the following problems:

  • Low development of health care;
  • Influx of refugees from Congo;
  • Poor drinking water quality;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • Poor infrastructure, problem with garbage and city dumps.

The Human Development Index is 0.59.


Ghana imports over 200 tons of e-waste every year. A small part is processed at their enterprises. The rest is simply burned, and these are harmful metals, plastic. Tons of toxic substances get into the air every day. The capital city of Accra is home to one of the five largest and most hazardous e-waste dumps in the world. The Agbogbloshi landfill is one of the most polluted places on the planet.

Scavengers, getting to the copper, burn the cable jacket. Toxic smoke contains lead, which is extremely harmful to health.
The Human Development Index is 0.58. Residents acquire respiratory diseases. The percentage of oncology is increasing.


There is practically no sewage system in Kenya. There is a stench in the streets in one of the cities of Kibere. This happens because ditches are dug in the streets, and feces flow down them directly into the nearest river. All this is mixed with food residues, dust. The trenches are slightly covered. Such ditches become breeding grounds for infection. Cholera often causes death in Kenya. No public toilets

Human Development Index is 0.55


Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is the leader in the top ten cities unfavorable for human habitation. The air pollution level is 93 μg / m3. East Cairo is an official ecological disaster zone. Cairo is famous for its city of scavengers, called "Zaballin", a suburb of the capital. The population of more than 100 thousand has been collecting and disposing of garbage for a century and a half.

Waste from 30 million Cairo is dumped into mountains of garbage, which is manually sorted. The remains are incinerated. “Zambullins” are born, live and die on garbage heaps. It is impossible to breathe in the area. The men are responsible for the delivery of the waste, while the women and children sort and sort the waste. Scavengers here also breed pigs, thus utilizing food waste.

The state does not invest in putting the city in order. Egyptians find it humiliating to clean up after themselves. There is no habit of throwing garbage in the trash can, he just throws himself at his feet. Garbage from an apartment is most often thrown in bags directly onto the street from the windows of houses.

The Human Development Index is 0.69. Diseases associated with poor ecology: diseases of the skin and respiratory tract, infectious diseases.

People's Republic of China

China is the country with the largest population of 1,349,585,838. High degree of environmental pollution. Due to the abundance, there is a large amount of waste. The biggest problem is air pollution. Beijing is one of the five cities with the most polluted air. As a result, lung cancer is almost 3 times more common. There are more than enough environmental problems in the country. One of them is related to garbage.

China in 2016 imported 50% of all the world's garbage removed. The country came out on top in terms of the import of garbage into its territory. This is more than 7.3 million tons of waste.

There are about 7 thousand garbage dumps around major cities in China such as Beijing and Shanghai. 70% of all non-working office equipment in the world ends up in China. Small towns near Hong Kong are littered with discarded electronics. Residents, most often children, disassemble and prepare valuable materials for processing.
China, in the fight against environmental disaster at the end of 2017, stops importing waste into the country.

China is the leader in air pollution. And the fifth largest per capita mortality rate associated with air pollution. The Human Development Index is 0.738.


India has the second largest population, with 1,220,800,359 people living in the country. The unfavorable demographic situation is associated with the highest birth rate and extremely low incomes of the population. New Delhi occupies a leading position on the planet in terms of pollution. The air pollution level is 62 μg / m3.

India today faces environmental challenges such as:

  • Extreme poverty of the population;
  • Entire urban areas are being turned into slums;
  • There is not enough water, it is of poor quality;
  • City rubbish is not removed;
  • Ejection a large number greenhouse gases;
  • Air pollution.

India is more and more often referred to as the "land of rubbish". Two main reasons have led to the fact that the country is on the verge of the "garbage threat".

Firstly x, the state does not take the necessary measures to maintain the country in good condition. There is no centralized waste transportation and disposal system in the cities of India. Any empty piece of land instantly turns into a dump. Only 25% of Delhi is cleaned regularly. In India, a caste of garbage collectors has emerged, numbering about 17.7 million people, who are born, live and work in landfills.

Secondly, the mentality of the local population. Traditionally, in India, garbage was thrown directly into the street, the sun turned waste into dust. Residents consider it normal to throw garbage and relieve themselves on the street. In the "sacred waters" of the Yamuna River, apart from harmful bacteria, there are no living organisms.

Delhi has a serious garbage problem. There are 4 waste disposal sites in the vicinity of the capital. Three are closed because they are completely filled, the fourth is on the verge of closing. "Garbage Country". Waste accumulates on the side of the road. Garbage collection is carried out only in expensive areas of New Delhi

Human Development Index is 0.61... Diseases associated with poor ecology: hepatitis A and E, typhoid fever, rabies, bacterial diarrhea, skin and respiratory tract diseases.

The video shows water pollution in India continues:


Bangladesh is the world's leader in pollution. The name of the "zone of ecological and social disaster" has stuck to it. 34% of the population live below the poverty line. The country has the highest population density in the world.

Bangladesh today faces environmental challenges such as:

  • Lack of infrastructure;
  • Slum;
  • Lack of drinking water, poor quality;
  • Extreme pollution of rivers (Ganges, Brahmaputra);
  • Gas pollution in cities;

Dhaka is the capital of 15 million people. The air pollution level is 84 μg / m3.

There are 270 tanneries in Bangladesh. Outdated technologies are used for processing raw materials. Wastes of highly toxic materials, such as chromium, are thrown into the surrounding area without additional decontamination. 90% of them are located in the city of Hazaribagh. The nearby river receives 22,000 cubic meters of toxic waste every day. Everything else is burned.

The video shows a terrible ecological disaster in Bangladesh:

There is practically no infrastructure in the country. The processes of waste disposal by enterprises are not controlled. There is no garbage collection and disposal system. There are no trash bins on the streets.

The Human Development Index is 0.579. Due to environmental problems, the number of diseases of the skin and respiratory tract is increasing.

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The cleanest country in the world is Switzerland- the state-leader in solving issues of environmental pollution control and problems with natural resources. The dirtiest country on the planet Iraq... But this is only for the state of the environment today. In the ranking of trends in the development of the environmental situation over the past 10 years, the shameful last place is taken by Russia... While the leading country in terms of environmental improvement from 2000 to 2010 is Latvia... The ranking of the cleanest and dirtiest countries in the world with the index of well-being of environmental trends in 2012 was Yale and Columbia Universities.

Top ten environmentally friendly countries included, in addition to Switzerland, which took first place, small states and major European powers: Latvia (2nd place), Norway (3rd place), Luxembourg (4th place), Costa Rica (5th place), France (6th place), Austria (7th place), Italy (8th place), Great Britain and Northern Ireland (9th place), Sweden (10th place). The rating once again proved the difference between the ecology of developed and developing countries (5th place in Costa Rica and 49th in the USA - an exception to the rule). However, according to Western experts, the point is not at all that the major European powers are transferring all their harmful industries to the poor countries of the world. It is about GDP per capita, as well as investments in basic environmental goods (people's access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation). Developing countries are still on the way to ensuring a high standard of living for their populations, as well as moving towards more sustainable production and consumption processes.

Top ten countries with the worst ecology , in addition to Iraq, which ranked last, included: Turkmenistan (131st place), Uzbekistan (130th place), Kazakhstan (129th place), South Africa (128th place), Yemen (127th place), Kuwait (126th place), India (125th place) , Bosnia and Herzegovina (124th place), Libya (123rd place). The greatest concern among health experts is the ecological situation in China (116th place) and in India, since one third of the world's population lives in these countries. Already, air pollution in the Middle Kingdom is the biggest threat to the health of its inhabitants. As an English newspaper writes The guardian, « the incidence of lung cancer in Chinese cities in 2-3 times higher than in rural areas, despite the fact that they smoke equally there and there". Health experts predict that polluted air will kill every year by 2050 3.6 million human. And most of these deaths will occur in India and China.

Photo from the site "RIA Novosti"

6 of the dirtiest countries in the world are also in the Top 10 countries with extremely negative environmental trends (right column in the general table). The worst results in changing the environmental situation from 2000 to 2010, as mentioned above, were shown by Russia. Kuwait is in second place in this black list, Saudi Arabia is in third, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Iraq, South Africa, and Turkmenistan closes the top ten outsiders. According to the conclusion of Western experts, Russia has shown the worst tendencies in the environmental situation due to critically low indicators in the field of environmental protection. The population of the Russian Federation uses the country's weak environmental legislation, which results in such problems as exceeding all permissible norms for fishing and deforestation. The only environmental indicator that has improved in Russia over the past 10 years is the amount of sulfur dioxide emissions. Oddly enough, it has decreased.

The position of ours and the nine countries of the world that have joined it looks especially sad against the background of the other participants in the rating. The vast majority of states have improved their environmental performance in the period from 2000 to 2010. Top Trends showed Latvia, in second place - Azerbaijan, in third - Romania, followed by Albania, Egypt, Angola, Slovakia, Ireland, Belgium and Thailand.

Each of the 132 countries participating in the ranking was rated by 22 parameters, including: the detrimental effect of the environment on the health of the population, the impact of polluted air and polluted water on human health, the impact of the polluted atmosphere and water resources on ecosystems, the state of forests, the scale of fishing and agriculture, climate change and much more.

Environmental card of Russia:

Environmental card of Ukraine:

Environmental card of Belarus:

Environmental card of Kazakhstan:

Environmental card of Moldova:

The September report of the Ministry of Natural Resources named the dirtiest cities in Russia. What does a dozen places look like, the inhabitants of which are literally suffocating from burning and exhaust? And why is there so much talk about the state of the environment this year?

A special year

2017 has become the year of ecology. And the Russians in one impulse decided to suddenly think about the descendants, their native country and their own planet. All sorts of programs were developed and implemented locally, unscheduled subbotniks were held, festivals were organized, flowerbeds and alleys were planted, the greenest courtyards were awarded ...

Those who did not want to join the common cause (could not, forgot, got sick, etc.), they decided to stimulate with the ruble. For sorting household garbage, they promised benefits for housing and communal services, and for a piece of paper thrown out by the trash can or garbage bags left in the forest - a fine. So far, it is proposed from 1 to 2 thousand, but may increase to 10. The Ministry of Natural Resources has already submitted the corresponding amendments to the State Duma for consideration.

At the end of the year, the department will publish an all-Russian rating by regions, which will take into account:

    indicators of emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water bodies;

    methods of waste generation and disposal;

    the effectiveness of environmental protection measures.

In the meantime, they decided to scare the "horror story" in the cities - the most apocalyptic.

Rospotrebnadzor explained

Over the past 2-3 years, the environmental situation in some Russian regions has only worsened. As Rospotrebnadzor explained, the main prerequisites for the coming disaster are:

    lack of modern cleaning equipment;

    widespread use of old technologies.

The department did not confirm information about the increase in mortality due to dirty air. They clarified that last year only slightly less than 5 thousand people died for reasons that are explained by the inhalation of hazardous substances instead of pure oxygen. Just! A thousand more, a thousand less - against the background of almost 147 million Russians, this is a drop in the ocean.

Who is living the hardest in Russia?

Where do those who have a higher chance of getting into the sad statistics than other Russians live?


Norilsk opens the top dirtiest cities in Russia in 2017. This large industrial center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory could easily enter another rating - the most ecologically unfavorable places on the planet. It is mainly Norilsk Nickel that poisons the lives of local residents, although the majority of the able-bodied population work on it. The town-forming complex simultaneously carries out mining and metal production.

On a note! The city with a population of just over 177 thousand people is closed to foreigners.


The metallurgical plant brought Lipetsk to the second position in the ranking of the dirtiest cities in Russia in 2017, although it was in seventh place three years ago. As soon as the wind turns towards the Russian center of ferrous metallurgy, residents (their number is half a million people), as well as guests, suffocate from the smog and the smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide).

The level of air pollution from the critical point of 24 units in 2000 was reduced to 8.6 due to the installation of new equipment at the plant, and still the figure is still higher than the norm.


In the Vologda center of ferrous metallurgy, the air is polluted by several factories at once. Long-term observations confirm that the overwhelming majority of residential areas are in the zone of high technogenic loads. It becomes especially difficult to live in Cherepovets in autumn and spring, as well as with a westerly wind.

Important! 16.4 million or 15% of Russians breathe dirty air.


A couple of years ago, Novokuznetsk was ranked 8th in the top of the most environmentally polluted cities in Russia, and today it has already climbed to 4th position. On an area of ​​424 km, more than 40 (!) Enterprises are scattered, which do not spare hundreds of types of hazardous substances for the atmosphere. The residents themselves consider the unfavorable ecology to be the key problem of the city, which manages to so steadfastly keep the high bar in the anti-rating.

On a note! Although Novokuznetsk is not very suitable for life, it is quite suitable for entrepreneurship. It ranks among the top best cities for business.

5.Nizhniy Tagil

The most important industrial center of the Urals has concentrated more than 30 large enterprises, so it is quite natural that it took the fifth line. The negative consequences of bad ecology are clearly demonstrated by demography - the population of Nizhny Tagil has been steadily decreasing in recent decades.

6. Magnitogorsk

The second largest city in the Chelyabinsk region has been confidently holding the anti-rating for several years. It also entered the list of the dirtiest cities in Russia, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources, in 2017.

In Magnitogorsk, they breathe more formaldehyde, benzopyrene and nitrogen dioxide, and the main volume of emissions is carried out by the metallurgical plant. Despite the fact that the local authorities do not put environmental issues on the shelf, it is impossible to eliminate conditions hazardous to the health of citizens. The maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances is exceeded here 30 times.

7 Krasnoyarsk

The largest transport hub in Eastern Siberia also cannot boast of a good ecology. The situation is aggravated by metallurgical and chemical plants.

Recently, the "black sky" mode over Krasnoyarsk has been switched on for 58 days. Simplified, it turns out that every weekend the city is covered with a cloud of hydrochloride, formaldehyde and other hazardous substances.

8 Omsk

Located in the picturesque confluence of the Omi and Irtysh, which, by the way, has been banned for a long time, the city has passed the Trans-Siberian Railway through itself. For several years, Omsk managed to avoid the blacklist, including thanks to a large-scale modernization of the oil refinery. But the rating of the dirtiest cities in Russia did not languish for long in anticipation - this time Omsk took the 8th line.

Not only emissions from the oil refinery and lead carried by dust storms promise the city an ecological catastrophe. In some areas, entire blocks of old barracks are being turned into unauthorized dumps. At the same time, the city authorities do not have specific recipes for preventing the "garbage collapse".

9. Chelyabinsk

The seventh largest Russian city was ranked 9th in the anti-rating according to Rosstat and the Ministry of Natural Resources, and was named the dirtiest among all Russian cities by the Green Patrol public organization.

The situation in the city is such that the residents can only joke. In social networks, they even use a special hashtag "Chelyabinskdyshi". Swimming in all urban water bodies is prohibited due to the high content of copper, phosphates, nitrite nitrogen.

To the emissions of numerous enterprises is added the burning of fires at the only city dump. Options for its transfer have not yet been found.


Bratsk closes 10 of the dirtiest cities in Russia. Chlorine and aluminum factories, timber industry enterprises, as well as forest fires, which have had to be fought since spring for more than one month, prevent him from breaking out of the anti-rating.

According to the Minister of Ecology Sergei Donskoy, who presented the new anti-rating, the top ten can be supplemented with such candidates as Novocherkassk, Chita, Dzerzhinsk, Mednogorsk and Asbest.

The capital was deliberately not included in the list, although Moscow remains the undisputed leader in terms of the number of car emissions. Their volumes are 1/8 of all all-Russian emissions.

Technological progress is striding by leaps and bounds, new technologies appear that radically change the life of mankind. The payback for these achievements is simple: the dirtiest city in the world - such a not at all prestigious title today, are already ready to divide many settlements of our planet.

And if five to ten years ago the most polluted cities in the world were just large megalopolises, with a large population, air pollution with exhaust gases and heavy industry enterprises, now the situation has turned in a completely different direction. Modern processes of mining, industries of various directions, and in some places simply the vital activity of the population, cause truly terrible natural and environmental problems.

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How does this happen

How do the most polluted cities in the world come about? With the constantly increasing standard of living, we get used to the fact that modern technology is able to foresee the slightest wishes in terms of ensuring comfort in everyday life. Such benefits of civilization seem natural and normal, because technical industries are developing, providing modern technologies in literally everything. Have you ever wondered how this actually happens?

Increased development of mines and deposits inevitably leads to pollution of the ambient air and groundwater. Since a large amount of natural resources is constantly needed to ensure large-scale production, treatment facilities cannot cope with their functions or are simply designed for a much smaller volume. The most dangerous situation is created in low-income countries, where no funds are allocated to maintain the environment.

The TOP of the dirtiest cities in the world is constantly replenished with new objects. The total contamination of the soil, radioactive contamination, and high air pollution were added to the dangerous factors. Life in the most environmentally polluted cities in the world is really dangerous and leads to massive genetic and physical diseases, mutations, and a short life expectancy.

How pollution is assessed

What metrics are used to rank the most polluted cities in the world? Many companies are evaluating the most environmentally unfavorable areas for life. In particular, these are the World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO and many others, including analytical ones. When determining the dirtiest cities in the world, several factors are taken into account:

  1. Content in the environment of substances that negatively affect human health. The soil, water and air in these areas are being carefully examined.
  2. Radioactive contamination.
  3. The proximity of the region to the source of pollution.
  4. The number of the living population, birth rate.
  5. Influence of emissions on the development of the child's body.

The studies were carried out on a certain scale, after studying the ecology, ratings were given for each of the parameters, and a list of the dirtiest cities in the world was compiled.

Ranking of the most polluted cities

In what cities of the world is it dangerous to live? The number of regions unfavorable for life is growing steadily every year. If we compare the list of the most polluted cities in the world in 2016 with the dirtiest cities in the world in 2017, then the increase in polluted cities was about 10%. At this rate, clean cities will soon become a real asset on the planet.

According to the WHO and agency, the TOP 10 dirtiest cities in the world were announced. Of course, there are actually many more of these regions, in some individual countries it is possible to create a similar list of ten or more objects. It should be borne in mind that this list reflects the most terrible problems of mankind in terms of ecology and danger to life.

Lin Fyn (China)

Smog over Linfin City:

This Chinese city is the cradle of coal mining for the entire country. This is where the bulk of the coal industry is located, both state-owned, enforcing environmental standards, and private, working in their own interests, often half-illegally.

Coal is mined on a large scale, so the air around the city is oversaturated with coal dust, carbon and lead. All these elements are also deposited on buildings, cars, people. The result of living in this dirty, in any sense of the word, city is diseases of the respiratory system of varying severity from complicated pneumonia to lung cancer.

Tianing (China)

The city is constantly shrouded in gray smoke, and at a distance of ten meters, even during the day, it is difficult to see something:

This is the metallurgical heart of China. But in addition to industrial giants emitting metal oxides, dust and gas into the environment, lead is also mined here. The oxides of this heavy metal affect air, water and soil not only in the city itself, but also within a radius of ten kilometers around it. The vegetables and grains grown here have more than twenty times the lead content. Such a situation leads to the development of pathologically irreversible processes in the human brain, it is here that the highest birth rate of children with symptoms of dementia is observed.

Sukinda (India)

84.75% of cases of diseases of local residents, it is the increased content of chromium in the body that is to blame:

This Indian town, back in 2016, was firmly included in the ranking of the dirtiest cities in the world thanks to the mines for the extraction of chromium. Since the treatment facilities in this region are still only at the stage of development, local waters and air contain a concentration of chromium that is fatal to humans. This chemical is a strong carcinogen and causes gene mutations and various cancer health problems.

Dzerzhinsk (Russia)

Since the beginning of the last century, toxic waste has been dumped in the vicinity of the city, many of which are extremely dangerous for humans:

Some researchers believe that this city in the Nizhny Novgorod region should lead the top 10 dirtiest cities in the world. So far, however, it is the dirtiest city in Russia. The situation here is almost critical: for many years, from 1938 to 1998, hazardous waste from various industries accumulated here. As a result, their number reached 300 thousand tons.

Considering the number of inhabitants of this city, each one has about one ton of the contents of the deadly burial grounds. The level of harmful chemicals such as phenols and dioxides exceeds the maximum permissible levels by seventeen million times! Naturally, having such characteristics for life, Dzerzhinsk is an endangered region - the death rate here exceeds the birth rate by 26 times. The industry in this polluted place continues to work only thanks to visiting workers who are forced to stay in the region due to high wages.

Norilsk (Russia)

Every year, about four million tons of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, arsenic, selenium and zinc are emitted into the Norilsk air:

Stably gets into the dirtiest cities in the world. Built about ten years ago, treatment systems have improved the overall picture in some way. However, according to the results of a survey of the region in 2017, Norilsk continues to lead as the most polluted city in Russia and is among the 10 most polluted cities on our planet.

The problems of this city are in the huge emissions of the largest metallurgical plant on the planet. The atmosphere, groundwater and soil of this area contains lethal doses of such dangerous elements as lead, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, copper and others. Norilsk has long been notorious as a zone of ecological problem - there is almost no vegetation here, insects do not survive, and black snow falls in winter.

Chernobyl (Ukraine)

Today, about 500 people live in the zone. Most of them are old people. Work is underway in the exclusion zone, however, for security reasons, the government allows you to stay in the exclusion zone for a maximum of 14 days:

The city, world famous for the explosion at the nuclear power plant, which thundered in April 1986. By gusts of wind, radioactive elements quickly spread to nearby territories within more than one hundred and fifty thousand square kilometers. The residents of the city were hastily evacuated, and to this day no people are allowed to live here.

Research by international organizations, including, according to the WHO, plutonium, uranium, iodine, strontium and heavy metals are present in the affected area in concentrations unacceptable for human existence. Chernobyl, as a zone of extensive nuclear disaster, has been one of the most polluted cities in the world since 1986.

Dhaka (Bangladesh)

The Bangladeshis themselves do not follow the ecology: garbage is scattered everywhere, and industrial and medical waste is simply dumped into rivers:

The capital city of Bangladesh is notorious for its ecological state. The total pollution of water with pesticides and pathogenic bacteria makes life in this city deadly. Also an important factor is the lack of waste recycling facilities. There is no struggle with the problems of garbage disposal, so mountains of garbage can be observed right on the roads and in residential areas of the city.

In fact, Dhaka is the dirtiest city in the world in terms of pollution in the literal sense. Given the warm climate of the country, waste pollution and the multiplication of microorganisms leads to increased air pollution, unsuitability of drinking water for food, infectious diseases and high mortality among the population.

Kabwe (Zambia)

Within a radius of ten kilometers from Kabwe, it is deadly to drink water and even breathe air:

Large deposits of lead were discovered in this African region about a hundred years ago. Since then, active development of deposits has been carried out, mines constantly poison the environment, including air, groundwater and soil. Damage to the body with heavy metal is fraught with blood poisoning, muscle atrophy and irreversible changes in work internal organs.

La Oroya (Peru)

The outskirts of the city are more like a lunar landscape with bare scorched earth, without grass, trees and bushes:

A small town, since 1922, it has been regularly exposed to the release of toxins from working mines. The content of lead in the blood of local residents is many times higher than even the maximum permissible level. Vegetation in this region is regularly destroyed by acid rain, and the majority of local residents have pathologies that are incompatible with life.

Karabash (Russia)

Vegetation is almost completely absent, scorched earth, mountains of waste, cracked orange earth, acid rain. Products from the processing of lead, arsenic, sulfur and copper are in the air

Which city tops the world's dirtiest cities? Today, according to the UNESCO World Organization, the dirtiest city in the world is Karabash, located in the Chelyabinsk region of our vast Motherland.

Pollution of this region began as early as 1822, when gold ore reserves were discovered here. In the twentieth century, mining and smelting of copper was added to the development of gold veins, which made the city of Karabash a real zone of ecological disaster. The fact is that in those days, during the development of deposits, they did not particularly care about the environmental aspect of the process and there were no treatment facilities as such. During its continuous operation, the copper alloy plant, simply put, burned out all life in the vast territories around it. Thanks to the work of this industrial giant, acid rains, dense gas pollution of the atmosphere and an almost complete absence of vegetation have become frequent guests in this area.

Needless to say, the population in this region (this includes Karabash itself and nearby Chelyabinsk) is gradually dying out due to various deadly pathologies caused by the environment. Cancer tumors, genetic abnormalities in development, mutations, dementia and cerebral palsy are the most common causes of high mortality in this region.

This is a real problem

The problem of total environmental pollution is becoming more acute every year. The number of the dirtiest cities in the world is steadily growing. Every year, not only underdeveloped cities from countries that are below the poverty line, but also large, industrial regions get into the TOP 10 dirty cities. Soil migration, air currents and cyclones spread harmful soils, air and groundwater for many kilometers, thereby creating a global environmental problem for all inhabitants of planet Earth.