Tatiana thick blank leaf read brief content. Tatyana Thick

Tatiana thick blank leaf read brief content. Tatyana Thick

Sleep soul in Tatyana Tolstoy Tolstoy Story

Fabul Story Tatiana Tolstoy "Clean Sheet" is typical for the "era of the nineties": Ignatiev, exhausted by everyday troubles, experiences and longing in unnecessary, is solved on the operation to remove the suffering soul, wanting to become a strong world of this. The result is predictable: it turns into one of those impersonal, dewdens, about the com, Yevgeny Zamyatin in the fantastic novel "We".

Losing ability to compassion, the hero loses the main component of human happiness - the ability to make happy other, their neighbors and distant.

Overground really go sickless people. Literally. It became fashionable now to write about zombies. All new details on this topic appear in newspapers and magazines. But even earlier, Sergey Yesenin remarked:

"I'm scared - because the soul passes,

As youth and like love. "

The soul passes. Do not even need to "extract."

People often become colder since over the years.

Tatyana Tatstaya in his work asks the most important questions:

What happens to the soul?

In what depths, in what abnumbs does she hide?

Where does it go or how is transformed, in which this eternal longing will turn into truth, good, beauty?

Tatyana Tolstaya knows that these questions there are no unambiguous answers. To put them, it uses (after jammed) fiction techniques.

Representing his hero, easily brooded with his soul, in a new quality with a clean sheet in his hands, the writer is also easy to part with him, not giving a response, as you can overcome such a terrifying "cleaning of the shower", becoming indifferent. The hero became a clean sheet. It could be written:

"And with all the soul, which is not sorry

All sink in mysterious and nice,

Seizing light sadness,

As the moonlight seizes the world. "

The soul of Ignatiev extorted melancholy. Toxian, doubt, pity, compassion is the way there is a way of existence in a person, because it is "Supportless seats of Zhilitsa." Ignatyev Smaaldashnikal, did not resist her presence in himself. Deciding for the operation, he signed himself a death sentence - lost the immortal soul, lost everything (and thought everything was acquired!).

Let weak, but alive, doubting, but full of trepidate father's love and tenderness ("Jumping jumped and rushed to the door to the ceremony bed"), rolling, but the splashing wife and adopting in front of her ("Wife - she is holy"), Ignatiev was interesting auto RU.

After overpowing to suffer, he stopped borrowing the writer. What he, a man is soulless, know everything.

On his pure sheet, he will write a complaint - the first thing he was going to do after surgery. And never will come to him again, the bed of his longing will not sit on the edge, will not take the hand. He will not feel Ignatiev, as from the depth, from the abyss "from somewhere from the earthlings there is a living." From now on his lot - loneliness and emptiness. Everyone leaves him - and the author and reader, because now he is the dead, "empty, hollow body."

What did Tatyana fat want to tell us? Why does she speak about the already famous? That's how it seems it.

In established phrases: "destroy your soul", "save your soul", that is, a person, being a creature earthly and mortar, power to save or destroy his immortal unearthly soul.

The story has five men (one of them is a boy) and five women. All are unhappy, especially women. The first is the wife of Ignatiev. Second - Anastasia, his beloved. The third is the divorced wife of his friend. The fourth - came out in tears from the Cabinet of the Big Chief, the first to delight from the soul. The fifth - listens to the telephone handset, the pursuing persuasion of a dark man, who has "all living space in carpets."

"Woman", "Wife" is a soul. But Tatyana Tatyan does not utter this word anywhere. Puts the taboo. (Does not want to pronounce VU?)

How does the story begins? - "Wife Sleeps."

Sleep soul Ignatiev. She is a sick and weak. It seems that Tatyana Tatystaya says about her, describing the wife and child of Ignatiev: "exhausted", "weak sprout", "Decarmer". Could Ignatiev become strong, bring a family from pain and grief? It is unlikely, because it is said: "Who has no, in that and takes away."

Deleting the soul, Ignatiev immediately decides to get rid of the fact that it reminds about it - from its visible incarnation - his loved ones.

Look at the most close people to you. This is the apparent embodiment of your invisible soul. How are they next to you? That is with you and your soul.

This idea argues in his small masterpiece - the story "Pure Sheet".


Thick sheet. With Yesenin with Mariengoof ("There is a happiness of the latter ..." // Yesenin Collected Works: at 7 t. - M.: Science, 1996. T.4. Poems not included in the "Assembly of Poems" - 1996. - S. 184-185. Ok the homeland // Fooking in three volumes: T.1. - M.: Terra, 2000. - P. 78.

born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of Professor Physics Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy with rich literary traditions. Tatiana grew in a large family, where she had seven brothers and sisters. Grandfather of the future writer on the maternal line - Lozinsky Mikhail Leonidovich, literary translator, poet. The father's line is the granddaughter of the writer Alexei Tolstoy and the poetess Natalia Krandiyevskaya.

After graduating from school, the thick of the University entered the Leningrad University, to the department of classical philology (with the study of Latin and Greek languages), which graduated in 1974. In the same year, it comes to marry and, after her husband, moves to Moscow, where it is arranged to work as a corrector in the "Main Editing of Eastern Literature" under the publishing house "Science". Having worked in the publishing house until 1983, Tatyana Tatyana in the same year publishes its first literary works and debuts, as a literary critic with Articles "Glue and Scissors ..." ("Questions of Literature", 1983, No. 9).

According to their own confessions, it has made it forced the fact that she suffered an operation before the eyes. "Now, after the correction with the laser, the bandage is removed in a couple of days, and then I had to lie down with a bandage for a whole month. And since it was impossible to read, the plots of the first stories began to be born in the head, "Tall told.

In 1983, he wrote the first story called "On the Golden Porch was sitting ...", published in the journal "Aurora" in the same year. The story was marked by both the public and criticism and recognized as one of the best literary debuts of the 1980s. Artistically, the work was a "kaleidoscope of children's impressions from ordinary events and ordinary people who are visible to various mysterious and fabulous characters." Subsequently, the thick publishes in the periodic press about twenty stories. Her works are printed in the "New World" and other major magazines. Sue "date with a bird" (1983), Sonya (1984), "Clean Sheet" (1984), "Love - Don't Love" (1984), "Okkerville River" (1985), "Mammoth Hunt" ( 1985), Peters (1986), "Sleep quietly, son" (1986), "Fire and dust" (1986), "The most beloved" (1986), "Poet and Muse" (1986), "Seraphim" ( 1986), "The month from Tuman" (1987), "Night" (1987), "Heavenly Plan" (1987), "Somnambula in Tuman" (1988). In 1987, the first collection of stories of the writer, entitled similarly to its first story - "On the golden porch was ...". The collection includes, as previously known works, and not published: "Cute Shura" (1985), "Fakir" (1986), "Circle" (1987). After the edition of Tatyana's collection, Tatyana was adopted as a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Soviet criticism perceived literary works Tolstoy wary. She was reproached in the "dense" letters, in the fact that "do not read a lot in one sitting." Other critics perceived the prose writer with delight, but noted that all her works were written in one, built template. In intellectual circles, the thick has a reputation as an original, independent author. At that time, the main characters of the works of the writer were "urban crazy" (staplery old women, "ingenious" poets, low-minded people with disabilities ...), "Living and fondering in a brutal and stupid bureaucratic environment." Since 1989, he has been a permanent member of the Russian Penag Center.

In 1990, the writer leaves in the USA, where teaching activities. Thick taught Russian literature and artistic letter at Skidmor College, located in Saratoga Springs and Princeton, collaborated with New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, TLS and other magazines, read lectures at other universities. Subsequently, all the 1990s, the writer has spent several months a year in America. According to her, the residence of abroad initially had a strong influence in the language aspect. She complained about how the emigrant Russian language is changing under the influence of the environment. In his short essay of that time, "Nadezhda and Support", the fat led examples of the usual conversation in a Russian store on Brighton Beach: "There is constantly in the conversation, such words as" Svisroufly Cottage cheese "," Seek "," Polpound Cise "and" Malossal salmon "". After four months of staying in America, Tatyana Nikitichna noted that "the brain turns it into a mince or salad where languages \u200b\u200bare mixed and some underacted, missing both in English and Russian."

In 1991, begins journalistic activities. He owns his own column "his bell tower" in the weekly newspaper "Moscow News", cooperates with the magazine "Capital", which is part of the editorial board. Essays, essays and articles Tolstoy also appear in the magazine "Russian Telegraph". In parallel with journalistic activities, it continues to publish books. In the 1990s, such works were published as "Love - do not love" (1997), "Sisters" (in collaboration with the sister of Natalie Tolstoy) (1998), "Okakervil River" (1999). The translations of its stories in English, German, French, Swedish and other languages \u200b\u200bof the world appear. In 1998, he became a member of the editorial board of the American magazine "Counterpoint". In 1999, Tatiana Tatstaya returns to Russia, where he continues to engage in literary, journalistic and teaching activities.

In 2000, the writer publishes his first novel "Kysh". The book caused a lot of responses and became very popular. According to the novel, many theaters were made by performances, and in 2001, on the air of the state radio station "Radio Russia", under the leadership of Olga Khmelev, a draft literary series was implemented. In the same year, three more books were published: "Day", "Night" and "Two". Noting the commercial success of the writer, Andrei Aschker in the magazine "Russian Life" wrote that the general circulation of books amounted to about 200 thousand copies and works of Tatiana Nikitichna became available to the general public. Tolstaya receives the prize of the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the "Prose" nomination. In 2002, Tatiana Tolstaya was headed by the editorial board of the conservative newspaper.

In 2002, the writer also appears on television for the first time, in the television transfer "Main Instinct". In the same year, it becomes coordinent (together with Avdota Smirnova) TV shows "School of Crossing", which has been released by Culture TV channel. The transfer receives the recognition of telecrites and in 2003 Tatiana Tatstaya and Avdota Smirnov received the Award "Teffi", in the category "Best Talk Show".

In 2010, in collaboration with the nephew Olga Prokhorova, released its first children's book. He is entitled as "the most alphabet of Buratino", the book is interconnected with the work of the grandfather of the writer - the book "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino". Thick told: "The design of the book was born 30 years ago. Not without the help of my older sister ... She always had a pity that Pinocchio so quickly sold his alphabet, and that nothing was known about her content. What are the bright pictures there were? What is it at all? Years passed, I switched to the stories, during this time the niece gave birth to two children. And finally, there was time on the book. A semi-forgotten project was picked up by my nephew, Olga Prokhorova. " In the ranking of the best books of the XXIII Moscow International Book Exhibition-Fair, the book ranked second in the section "Children's Literature".

In 2011, he entered the rating of the "One of the most influential women of Russia", composed by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", information agencies RIA Novosti, Interfax and the magazine "Ogonjek". Tolstoy believes to the "new wave" in the literature, called one of the bright names of the "artistic prose", which goes back to the "gaming prose" of Bulgakov, Oleshi, who brought with him a parody, junning, holiday, eccentricity of the author's "I".

He says about himself: "People are interesting to me" from the sewage ", that is, we are, as a rule, the deaf, who we perceive as ridiculous, unable to hear them speeches, unable to see their pain. They go away from life, little that understood, often having lost something important, and leaving, perplexed like children: the holiday is over, and where is the gifts? And life and life was life, and they themselves were a gift, but no one explained to them. "

Tatyana Tatstaya lived and worked in Princeton (USA), taught Russian literature at universities.

Now lives in Moscow.

Class: 11.

Subject: "What is the benefit of a person if he acquires the whole world, and his soul will hurt?" (Gospel from Matthew Gl.16) (according to the story T. Tolstoy "Clean Sheet")


  • get acquainted with the work of Tolstoy;
  • by lingvopoietic analysis of the text, reveal its ideological orientation.

During the classes

I. Orgmoment

II. The word teacher

T. Fat - a bright phenomenon in postmodern literature. Her collections "Day", "Night", "Raisin" enjoy the attention of readers of different ages. What is so attractive to her prose? First of all, the complexity and beauty of poetics. It is important not only what is the thick, but also how she does it.

Style thick hard, stingy. In her speech there are no words empty, optional, not filled with the essence. Every detail is accurate and expressive. Tolstoy heroes are cute sometimes naive until the sickness of eccentrics, which she loves, even if they love, they would seem to be for. The main thing that calls the author to readers, is the jewel and the joy of existence, the happiness of human life as such. This idea is basic in Tatyana Tolstoy stories.

The story "Pure Sheet" stands out by some controversy of the plot. It has a certain alloy of reality and fiction. According to A. Geenis, "Tolstaya is not a good wizard, and her fairy tales with a bad end." But here the fat remains, faithful to his writer's credo: get up next to my heroes, and look around them around, to take them pain, feel your trouble and divide it with them.

III. Work on the content of the story "Pure Sheet".

Working on the content of the story, you were looking for keywords helping to understand his essence, the main idea.

What is an unusual story? (realistic reality goes into fantastic)

Why does Ignatiev come to Ignatiev every night? What is this image? (Metaphor at Tolstoy is unusual and unexpected) longing - sad nurse.

How are the characters of the story depict?

  • wife - "Exhaled face", "Mummy";
  • Ignatiev - "I am very sick," "I could not cry and therefore I smoked," "I was ashamed of low thoughts," "Ind", "trembing";
  • Valerchka, Valerik - "Grievous, painful sprouting, miserable to spasm."

What is the role playing in the story of the Sleep of Ignatiev? (painful nonsense, a person cannot free himself from the feeling of hopelessness, despair, from here Nightmarket vision: a ship with patients with children. Stony desert with a dead rider, swamp bog with a red flower).

Red color is repeatedly found in the story:red wine, red flower, red dress , pegged by a guidance flower. What value is this color? (as a danger signal, as desired and inaccessible, as death itself -"Marsh bog with a red flower").

When first comes to talk about live? (conversation with a friend in the cellar).

What does the Ignatiev friend understand under life?

What is it - alive? (soul; "Live hurts", "harmony of the body and ... brain"; "When it is transplanted by others, they do not survive, do not stand up," "Live king-bell beat and buzzed in his trembling breast"; "As if, the presentation That, in the chest it was shrinking, it was squatting, clinging, closing his head with his hands. "

Why does Ignatiev want to remove the living? (To save the Son, become rich, succeeding, confident).

What kind of symbolic value is the burning of the fatty shirt? (This is a "vain sacrifice." Anastasia does not like him. "He will be strong. He will burn everything that destroys barriers").

In the corridor of the hospital institution Ignatiev considers signs with "instructive medical histories": "Gleb had a tooth sick." "And the eye had to remove": Next is the author's phrase: (if your eye seduces you, pull it away) - How do you understand such a "neighborhood"? (This is from the Gospel, about the temptation. In the text of different meaning:soul can not be cut as a sick tooth).

What feelings did you experience, reading about supermen, deprived of "live"? (Regret, anxiety, shock. People deprived, in the literal, soul, really soulless. These are not people, but biological mechanisms: Blond, N., Doctor).

What affects the doctor? (He didn't have an eye "From the empty eye played a black failure at nowhere ..." Eyes - the mirror of the soul. The doctor's soul does not have, therefore, there is no eye. It is still wary that for money this "doctor" is able to kill the soul, which is still Worse than killing physical).

What was Ignatiev after removing the living? And what meant is the living for himself and for his loved ones? (without soul, and living is a soul, a person ceases to be a man).

The soul of Ignatiev transfers pain, suffering, rushing, not finding peace, but at the same time she regretted, loved, bold him to him. Metamorphosis, which occurred with Ignatiev, is terrible and natural. Again, his nightmare sleep is remembered: "Swampy quagm with a red flower." Walking for the convicted "rest", he lost everything, but did it come ... ... ...

IV. Conclusions.

Today's subject of the lesson is indicated by the gospel string. How do you understand her? What makes thinking to think about tall? Is it possible to perceive this story just like fiction? (Student arguments).

To meet all the accelerating rates of replenishment of information resources and the development of society as a whole, the school gradually increased the deadline for compulsory learning and the number of training subjects, for many years it continuously expanded and the content of school education was replenished. Obviously, the measures taken do not solve the task: the school today has become eleven, twelve, but this process cannot be infinite; Multi-permissibility breaks scientific ties, leads to duplication and crushing of educational material, does not contribute to the understanding of the highly scientific painting of the world by students; The obvious overload of curricula, recognized today and teachers, and methodologists, - to the detriment of the completeness and depth of his understanding schoolchildren.
Universal intensification of the learning process has become an objective reality today, therefore it is quite natural that many researchers seek to find such a type of training that would guarantee without an increase in the training time improving the quality and addition of information digestible in the course of training (N.F. Talisin), maximum achievement effectiveness for the minimum possible school time with the minimum cost of the student's efforts and teachers (V.M. Blinov, V.V. Krayevsky).
Researchers (L.Sh.Gegechkori, I.Zimnaya, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya, E.V. Kolchinskaya, B.I. Korotyaev,
O.P.Okolelov, V.A. Pakharukova, A.V. Petrovsky, P.I.Pidkaxy, E.V.Skovin, V.S.Strakhova, E.E. Dssosayeva, etc.) in different ways refract fundal Ideas of intensive learning, using modern data of many areas of knowledge, primarily psychology, sociolinguistics; Apply to the intellectual and personal reserves of the student, activation of cognitive processes, a positive impact on the emotional sphere, optimization of social adaptation processes. In the center of the intensive learning system is a person whose intellectual, activity, creative, personal potential must be implemented to the maximum extent. Therefore, it is quite natural that the concept of "intensification", which established in the domestic pedagogy, belongs to the number of fundamental concepts of didactics.
Based on the main objective of the training - in the minimum time to assimilate the maximum amount of educational material, the main factors of the intensity of the educational process were allocated: the minimum necessary period of study to achieve the goal of learning under the maximum amount of educational material and the corresponding organization (Yu.K. Baban) ; The maximum use of all reserves of the personality of the trainee, achieved in the conditions of special interaction in the educational group in the creative impact of the personality of the teacher (G.A. Kitaygorodskaya); Optimal organization of training (E.V. Kolchinskaya); The intensity of the mental activity of students (TGKINBIN).
Marked directions of intensifying the learning process (L.T.Turbovich): transition to a higher level of initial abstraction; learning effective, regular and optimal techniques of thinking; Implementation into the practice of training devices facilitating the teacher to fulfill important, but the least creative functions.
Among the most effective innovative technologies of intensive learning are allocated: the technology of global learning individualization; technology based on graphic and matrix methods of compression of information; technology of active impact on the identity of the student (psychotronic, neuroprogramming, meditation); Computer techologies.
The most important target orientations of intensive learning:
- reduction of the gap between an increase in the amount of educational information and the limitation factor of learning time;
- acceleration and intensification of the educational process due to compression (concentration) of information;
- activation of the cognitive interests of students due to the general vision of the prospects;
- the formation of the speed of the mental actions (general educational skills);
- a holistic formation of the qualities of the personality necessary for the accelerated assimilation of the material (the concentration of attention, purposefulness, perseverance, one-piece artistic feeling);
- formation of circuit, iconic, symbolic thinking.
Intensification of training involves improving the content, as well as methods and methods of learning.
One of the techniques of intensive learning is to receive conceptualization. The concept has long been a subject of reflection in domestic philology. S.A. Askoldov ("Concept and Word"), DS Likhachev ("Constructosphere of the Russian Language"), Yu.V.Stipanov ("Constants. Dictionary of Russian Culture"), V. G. Zusman ("Concept in the system of humanitarian knowledge"), A.A. Grigoriev ("Concept and its linguocultureological components"), etc.
Concept - meaning concentration; He "expands the importance, leaving the possibilities for creating, speculation," dofantazing "and for emotional aura of the word" (DS Lihachev). Concepts are "some substituent substituards hidden in the text" substituents ", some" potency "of values, facilitating communication and closely related to man and its national, cultural, professional, age and other experience."
Working with concepts, conceptualization (the foundation of the foundation, the first character or the principle of the basis of something) is a sinorody of the literature lesson, it is organic, because it involves working with the text of the artistic work. A teacher organizing schoolchildren with concepts in the literature lessons should adhere to the following principles:
1) approach as integrity, artistically interpreting reality;
2) allow the options for interpretation of the text on the basis of the multigid artistic image;
3) to enter into dialogical relations with the author of the interpretable text; 4) Include the mechanisms of emotional-shaped, logical and conceptual and associative text comprehension.
You can demonstrate the use of conceptualization technique on the example of the literature lesson in the story of Tolstoy "Pure Sheet" (11th grade). Despite the fact that postmodern literature in the 11th grade program is reviewed, we have chosen the story for the analysis of this particular author, since Tatyana's artistic world is one of the bright, original in modern literature, it is called the best in the genre of a short story. The connection of prose Tolstoy with a Russian classical tradition is obvious, but at the same time it is also a connection with the modernist tradition of the 1910-1920s.
To achieve the objectives of the lesson - the improvement of the components of general culture competence, expressed in the development of the culture of the reader's perception of artistic text, an understanding of the author's position, figurative and analytical thinking, is to solve the following tasks:
educational - use the content of the material of the story Tolstoy to expand the semantic field of the most important for the national culture of the concepts "clean", "soul";
Developing - Development of the skills for analyzing the work of a small prosaic form (Development of skills to analyze, compare, compare, allocate the main thing, to put forward the hypothesis, select arguments to confirm your own position, formulate conclusions; the development of communicative skills and ability to apply knowledge in a new situation);
Educational - the formation of a value attitude to the soul, the inner world of man as a universal, moral category.

Designing learning activities, it is necessary to take into account the following age features
- the central neoplasm of the early youth is self-determination, both professional and personal; This is a new inner position, which includes awareness of itself as a member of society, accepting its place in it; A graduate is building a life plan, the dreams of the future occupy a central place in his experiences;
- The main psychological acquisition of early adolescence is the opening of its inner world: high school students have an idea of \u200b\u200bits own uniqueness, uniqueness, the exclusivity of its own "I";
- enough formed abstract thinking;
- Internal contradictionability of attention: the scope of attention, concentration, switching speed is located on a very high level of development, at the same time it becomes more selective, significantly dependent on the direction of their interests.
These features led to the selection of the meaningful material necessary to realize the purpose of the training session, as well as the choice of a leading type of activity.
Scenario of the lesson of literature on the story of Tolstoy "Pure Sheet" (11th grade)
After a brief certificate about the author and work with the name of the story ("Pure Sheet"), which at the same time is the last phrase, the teacher voiced the main problem question, the answer to which must be given in the lesson: is it possible to start life from pure sheet?
Before proceeding to the main course of the lesson, it is necessary to actualize the perception of students. To do this, it is advisable to apply to the semantic analysis of the phrase "clean sheet". As a word carrying the basic semantic load, students allocate the word "clean". By selecting the noun, most frequently used with this adjective (pure soul, clean water, pure truth, clean conscience, clean glance, pure language, etc.), we predict that the speech will go about a person who is somehow associated In the consciousness of the author with the phrase "pure leaf". To expand the semantic field of adjective "pure", students are invited to choose synonym for each phrase: "Pure soul" - "noble", "pure truth" - "honest", "pure conscience" - "fair, moral, virtuous", "clean Look "-" Outdoor "," Clean Sound "-" Nephlastic "," Pure Language "-" Regulatory, Cultural ".
Working with the meaning of the word "clean", we can assume that the main character of the story is a certain character carrying the ideals of purity, which are fixed in these adjectives, is kind, honest, fair, outdoor, sincere person. However, students conclude that the main hero of Ignatiev, we cannot relate with any of these values.
At the next stage of the lesson, to resolve the detected contradiction, the teacher, demonstrating the pure white sheet of A4 format, asks the question of students: "Do we all know about the pure sheet?" - And offers to describe it. Students note that it is white, clean, unwitted, correct shape, rectangular, harmonious, standard, immaculate, perfect.
After fixing on the board of a number of adjectives, characterizing a blank sheet, the teacher unexpectedly crushes him with the words: "Is this a blank sheet?" In case of difficulty students, you can ask auxiliary issues: "What associations with the characteristic characteristic of the character do you have when you look at this crumpled sheet?", "Why is the hero says:" I reached the point "?" Relying on the text, schoolchildren give a brief characteristic of the character: Ignatiev is sick, exhausted by longing. His son is sick - "sickly painful sprout". The hero calls his "Decarion", which "slightly warm." Exhausted and exhausted son's disease, a wife for whom she threw her job ("she is holy"). And at night, the hero jeaches anastasia and goes into the world of his dreams, no less painful than reality ... It is accompanied by longing, and painfully hurts somewhere in his chest. That is why he says to his friend: "I reached the point."
Having straightening the gaze, the teacher asks the question: "What associations with the hero and his thoughts do you have now?" Students answer that the hero dreams of breaking out of this vicious circle: "Every day I give myself a word: tomorrow I will stand another person, I cheer. Anastasia forget, I will earn a bunch of money, I will take out Valerchka south ... I will repair the apartment, I will run in the morning ... "
We repeat your question: "Is it a blank leaf?" Students answer that it is already used, shame. A blank sheet is smooth, smooth, unused, original. Fix the names of the pure sheet on the board.
In the process of reading, we check ourselves. What did the author mean, calling the hero with a clean sheet? We must relate your understanding with the meanings of this expression established in the language. The next sheet teacher tears in half. The question is repeated: "Is it a blank sheet?" And then the teacher asks to voice the Association regarding the story hero arising from the perception of such a sheet. Students say that the hero is really torn between his wife ("Holy") and "Radio, evasive" Anastasia. On the one hand, Ignatyev regrets the exhausted wife - "Lake, which freezes to the bottom," on the other hand, longing, because Anastasia does not respond to his calls and the living "bites the chest to the morning." Even in dreams, the hero seeks to balance both: "He will be strong ... He will tame an evasive, ecliping Anastasia. He raises the Earthy, the fellow wife of his wife. Contradictions will not break it. Clearly, fairly equalion worthy. Here is your place, wife. Owned. Here is your place, Anastasia. Kings ... "We return to the concept of" pure sheet ": it should be intact, non-destructive; devoid of splitness, internally united; holistic, whole.
Seeing the sheet with the spent in the center around, students remember that at the very beginning of the story thick draws a symbolic image of a torn blanket, under which the exhausted wife of Ignatiev sleeps. This item is a symbol of cutters in the relationships of the characters. Let's go back to the pure sheet. Pure sheet is a sheet of solid, monolithic, solid. A person must be solid in everything - in affairs and actions. "Wise, solid, perfect" sees herself to Ignatyev in dreams: "The glass bowl of despondency will split into smits, and the new, shining, brilliant, ringing as String Ignatiev is a wise, whole, perfect - eats on a white parade elephant."
Complicating task, teacher demonstrates a clean brown leaf: "But why did we decide that a blank sheet is necessarily white? This is also a clean sheet too? ", And then asks to designate the association born at that moment with the text of the story. The symbolic image of a "silk tea-color of a shirt, which was still his dad, was remembered, in this shirt without demolishing the hero married her son from the hospital. This thing is a link between three generations. Burning a shirt for the sake of the whim of the mistress, Ignatiev cuts out itself from the genus.
To enhance the impression, the teacher burns the brown sheet, asking the question, with how the motive of fire in the story is connected. Students call the beloved Ignatiev - Anastasia. Her "red dress was burning like a flower", in a dream it is like a red flower, "hot flower", which "floats", "flashes", "flashes". Demonstrating a red leaf, the teacher asks: "After all, it is also a clean sheet? Is it possible to call a relationship with anastasia clean? " Students remember that Anastasia became a guidance flower for Ignatiev, she says "shameless words" and smiles at a demonic smile. Anastasia is a symbol of the devilish temptation. Relations with her Ignatiev cuts out itself from the family. Let's go back to the concept of "clean." According to one of its values, "clean" - free from the bad, a good deity; Not sinful.
Looking at a soft pink leaf, students remember how the hero who decided to surpass, in despair and doubt it says to himself: "Call your scalpel, a knife, a sickle that you have been accepted, doctor, adopt blessing, cut off the branch, Flowering, but already inevitably darling, and throw in cleansing fire ... "," My poor heart, your apple orchards will rustle. Another bees, buzzing, dump in pink flowers, burdened with thick pollen. But it was already thickened on the evening sky, he quit in the air, already sharpening a brilliant double-edged ax ... "
Deciding on such an operation, Ignatiev cuts out itself from life. But for what? Should there be some kind of purpose justifying this decision? What dreams of Ignatiev? What seeks? Specifying these questions, the teacher demonstrates the Golden Sheet. Students recall one of the key episodes of the story - a visit to the "significant person" N. - and find keywords that create its image: a golden fountain pen, a massive golden pastry shop on the road ... That's what goal is Ignatiev.
Showing medical certificates, the teacher asks the question: "Are Clean Sheets?" The answer is obvious: no, these are filled medical blanks with seals. But the paradox! They symbolize that Ignatiev is clean! In the sense of health, it is intimate, it is suitable for an operation, since in one of the values \u200b\u200bof "clean" - "fully appropriate to anyone, anything in its properties."
The image of a doctor from Tolstoy's story can be associated (according to its value, roles in the text) not with traditional white, but rather with a black color (we demonstrate a black sheet). Why? Turning to the text, students find the portrait of the doctor of Ivanov's doctors: "A hat was sitting on his head ... the starch zigkurat ... he didn't have an eye." Pay attention to the details. Zigarat - a multistage cult structure; He was more than just a temple, being a link between heaven and land, as well as a place where God was allegedly, announcing their will through the priests. Associations: "doctor doctors Ivanov" - Priest, Satan. And Ignatiev is the one who voluntarily brings himself to sacrifice.
Before the operation, the hero dreams of a wonderful transformation: "I will cut the enchanted ring with magic scissors and go beyond the limit. The shackles will fall, a dry paper cocoon will burst, and the amazed novelty blue, golden, purest world, the lightest carved butterfly will drive, hoking. " By quoting these lines, the teacher rubs in the palms of paper "cocoon", filled with confetti. Gradually paper breaks, and confetti is poured. "Did the miracle of transfiguration happen?" - Such a question asks the teacher. The answer is obvious. The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, revival and resurrection, the ability to transform, to transformation, as this winged celestial being appears on the light, transforming from the worldly caterpillar. In the case of Ignatiev Transfiguration did not happen. The operation was successful. The question "What did Ignatiev remove?" Allows you to go on artistic defaults used by Top. The author never talks about the soul, and only at the end of the lesson we go to this concept. At this stage of the lesson, "Experts" come to the rescue, analyzing the meaning of the word "soul" in advance, relying on the intelligent Dictionaries S.I. Yohegov, V.I. Dalya, the dictionary of synonyms Z.E. Alksandova. Such work allows us to draw the following conclusion: Ignatiev removed the soul, and therefore - the inner world, conscience, heart.
And what was the soul of Ignatiev? At the reflective stage of the lesson, the teacher offers students to fulfill creative work - folded the portrait of the soul of the hero. White and colored sheets of A4 format, whole and wasping, paper butterfly, magnets are offered as working material. The work is performed collectively on the board, at the end comments relative to the portrait made.

There was a lot of interesting things and amazing intricate things on a large writing desk: clippers, buttons, handles of different colors and caliber, pencils, stands, notebooks, notepads, books and other need, without which the table would not have heard written. In the right upper corner of this silent state, an old thick book was resting. Her sheets, wishes over time and sometimes broke out, and the cover completely illuminated and unsightly glistened. The book never started talking to the first: just lying and watched what was happening around. She was inconspicuous, she did not catch his eyes, gently reminding himself, and, absolutely not suffering about this. It seemed that for our table, the old championship was the only completely unnecessary thing. All her occupation was to wait! And she waited. Patiently and quietly waited, when someone can come in handy again. And after a long expectation, such moments fell.

At times, someone, indeed, very much began to need it, and then the old book was always warm and promised to any questions. It seemed that she was absolutely not disturbed by the fact that they came only because of personal problems and only to take, and then leave for a long time, leaving until the next self. And she humbly and quietly agreed to lie, waiting for the next moment and a new opportunity to use someone and help someone. Gradually, the book turned into a kindly continuation of the table itself, the necessary and important item, without which the table would not exist, like without legs or countertops. She became everyone, being, at first glance, nothing!

In the center of the same table lay neat, smooth, sleek, well-groomed and always exquisitely presented leaf! His called A4, and it was completely clean and empty. He was so proud of his central position, which was always bold, proudly and obsessively any pencil described his perfectly trimmed form and perfect page so that everyone wanted to leave her autograph on it or at least a small snatching. All methods leaf tried to draw attention to the attention of the inhabitants of the desk. He was so loud and so annoying, which seemed to occupy the entire surface of the table top and all the attention of its inhabitants.

Look at me all! Go to me everything! Think and admire me all! As if he shouted every day from the morning.

And some things, indeed, appealed to it for help. However, after standing a few minutes near the self-breathable handsome, and the ravis was left without support, realizing that he was completely empty, although absolutely clean! Gradually, less and less paid attention to his cry and more frequently addressed advice, hoping to get at least some help.

The sheet, as before, appreciated his purity highly and, thoroughly observing the boundaries, asked to shock the autograph on his fields only in particularly elected significant handles, which he respected and appreciated the entire table. Only here the handles of these, whatever beautiful and valuable, at first glance, were completely helpless without the owner.

Once, a small draft easily blocked our A4 from the table and he ended up on the floor, completely helpless and lonely. The leaf shouted for a long time, but no one could help him. In the evening, the owner came and, without noticing the fallen fell from the table, it came to him with his shoe. Only the owner and could return our sheet back to his place! Now, our poor is unnecessary to him, because the trace of the boot irrevocably spoiled perfect shape and perfect purity. The owner just crumpled spoiled leaf and ruthlessly sent it into a paper basket under the table.

Only being at the bottom of the garbage basket, the sheet realized how important, being even in the most prominent place, do not take care of himself, bangling and protecting from scars and unnecessary worries, and try to become useful as much as possible in need. And in the process of such assistance, your sheets will be removed, blackened or even break. Let your cover become unsightly and yellowed. Let you be removed from the center and determine the most imperceptible place, but let you never blow up, like an unnecessary and light thing, because you have become part of something whole, big and in common! Helping and wasteing itself, depth and content appear in us. And no longer important how you look and where you are, the main thing is that you need someone, because you are always ready and you want to help!

The text is large therefore it is broken on the pages.