Chester Bennington: Facts about the musician. Soloist Group Linkin Park Chester Bennington Who Cumshot Life Tragically, That True Poet

Chester Bennington: Facts about the musician. Soloist Group Linkin Park Chester Bennington Who Cumshot Life Tragically, That True Poet
Chester Bennington: Facts about the musician. Soloist Group Linkin Park Chester Bennington Who Cumshot Life Tragically, That True Poet

Chester Bennington soloist was found dead in his California residence in Palos Verdes-Esteitis, located near Los Angeles. According to the site TMZ, the musician committed suicide. Law enforcement officers discovered his body in the morning on Thursday, July 20. Bennington in the spring was 41 years old.

Los Angeles County Coroner confirmed the death of Bennington. According to the representative of Koroner Brian Elias, Bennington's death is being investigated as "obvious suicide, but no additional data," reports Associated Press.

Bennington was friends with Chris Cornell from the SoundGarden group; After the Suicide Cornell in May of this year he played at his funeral.

The death of Bennington coincided with the birthday of Cornell.

Chester Bennington was born in 1976 in Arizona, music was fond of childhood; His favorite groups then were Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots - he dreamed of becoming a member of the latter when he grows. When Chester turned 11 years old, his parents divorced, he began to use drugs, but he was able to overcome the addiction - with the help of the mother, who at some point just locked it at home, and in later interviews, already being famous, condemned drug addiction.

Bennington's music career started twice. After school, he did not work for a short time in Burger King, then he became a SEAN Dowdell and His Friends team, recorded three track with her, and then together with the founder of this team created the Gray Daze group, playing in the postgrezh style. With the Gray Daze, the business went more fun, the musicians recorded three albums, but did not achieve special heights, and Bennington quit - at his own request, in the hope of finding someone.

He was lucky in something. Just then, the young California group of Xero was looking for a new vocalist. Bennington signed up for audition, his vocals liked the rest of the musicians, and he was adopted.

True, at first he had to go with new colleagues about the same way as in the previous group, - a transaction with a record company was broken, and only the efforts of the producer Jeff Blue managed to negotiate with Warner Bros. Records on the release of the debut album.

True, at that time the group was looking for not only a contract for sound recording, but also a new name. From Xero, the musicians refused to leave the previous soloist, the option with Hybrid Theory did not pass - the British e-workers from the Hybrid group had even managed to even blame them in the plagiarism, although the ex-Xero was not watching electronic music. A new name came up with a fresh name Bennington - he went to the studio through Lincoln Park in Santa Monica. Well, then the case intervened - the domain of the same name in the network was already busy, the musicians played a little with phonetics. And it turned out Linkin Park. This domain was free.

Bennington was an indispensable participant of all Linkin Park albums - from the very first, "Hybrid Theory" 2000, to the One More Light "released in May 2017.

Together with the group, he received and rewards - two Grammy (and four more nominations), a dozen prizes from MTV. Filmed in the cinema - in his short filmography there are two parts of the Adrenaline militant and the horror movie "Saw 3D". I performed my children's dream - sang together with the Stone Temple Pilots group, collaborated with other musicians. The Linkin Park leader confirmed the death of his comrade in the group and wrote that he was "shocked and killed by grief", and the official statement would be published later.

Chester Charles Bennington was born on March 20, 1976, in Phoenix, Arizona (Phoenix, Arizona). His mother was a nurse, and Father is a police detective, investigating cases of sexual violence against children.

Bennington became interested in music at an early age, calling his first sources of inspiration of the Depeche Mode group and Stone Temple Pilots. He dreamed of becoming a participant in the latter, which achieved later.

Parents divorced when Chester was eleven, and the right of custody of the child received a father. After the divorce, Bennington began taking marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine and LSD. It is unlikely that someone could think that a depleted drug addict will not only be able to get off the needle, but will also bring up six children.

At the age of 17, he moved to the mother, who, finding out about his dependence, began to lock it at home. Before starting a career of a professional musician, Bennington worked in the "Burger King" network. In school years over the young men, cruelly mocked. In an interview, Chester stated: "I was threatened like a rag doll at school for the fact that I was skinny and was not like the rest."

In an interview, Chester said that from the seven years he was subjected to sexual abuse from one of his friends, who was older than him. Bennington was afraid to seek help, was afraid that he would be taken to be considered "gay", and violence continued until 13 years.

Because of the constant humiliation and family problems, Chester suffered so much that the desire to escape from home and kill people was woken up. To cope with soulful pain, Bennington composed poems and songs and wrote pictures. Later, he revealed the identity of the rapist to his father, but she chose to lean the case, deciding that his tormentman became a "victim of himself."

For the first time to sing Chester started in the Sean Dowdell and His Friends group?, After which the post-grunge team of the Grey Daze team, which has released three albums. He left the last in 1998, but it was not so easy to find a new team. Desperate, Bennington barely tied up with music, however Jeff Blue (Jeff Blue), then working with the label "Zomba Music", managed to suggest herself to listen to Los Angeles (LA) with future participants of the Linkin Park group (then Xero).

Bennington threw work in the digital service service and left with his family to California, where he was accepted in Linkin Park. He and another vocalist, Mike Shinoda, achieved amazing results, working together, but could not conclude a deal with any label. After numerous failures, Jeff Blue intervened in the situation, which helped a group to sign a contract with "Warner Bros. Records".

On October 24, 2000, Linkin Park has released a debut album, "Hybrid Theory", for the lyrical basis of which Bennington and Shinoda took their early workers. In the Chester group, for the most part, occupied the position of the lead vocalist, but sometimes he divided this role with Schoda. Music resource "All Music Guide" calls Bennington's vocals with "piercing" and "emotional" contrasting with hip-hop. In total, Linkin Park has released seven studio albums sold out in circulation about 80 million copies.

Along with Amir Derakh and Ryan Shakk (Ryan Shuck), Chester performed the founder of the Dead by Sunrise group, presented his debut album, "Out of Ashes", October 13, 2009.

In February 2013, Stone Temple Pilots left her longtime lead vocalist Scott Weiland. In May of the same year, Bennington took his place.

"Each group has its own energy," Chester said after his old dream became a reality. - Linkin Park is an extremely modern, extremely technological group. In Stone Temple Pilots, more sexuality is felt, more classical rock. I grew, listening to these Guys. When the chance fell to jam to them, I didn't have to think for a long time. "

Bennington broke up with Stone Temple Pilots on a good note in the 2015th, driven by its obligations before Linkin Park.

On May 12, 1996, a child was born at Chester, Jame, from his relationship with Elka Brand. In 2006, he adopted another BRAND baby, ice. Samantha Mary Olite became the first wife of the musician, October 31, 1996. Son, Draven Sebastian, was born in marriage, April 19, 2002.

Relations with the first spouse deteriorated as the career of Bennington in Linkin Park. Divorce was decorated in 2005. A year later, Chester took Ann Talinend Bentley, the former model of Playboy magazine. Three children were born in the second marriage: Tyler Lee Bennington and the twins Lily and Laila.

July 20, 2017 Bennington committed suicide through his home in Los Angeles. His body discovered his housekeeper at 9 am. Michael Shinoda confirmed the death of colleagues, leaving the writing on Twitter: "Shocked and killed grief, but this is true. The official statement will appear as soon as we get it."

July 21, 2017 Brian Elays, engaged in the investigation of Bennington's business, said that at the scene was found a half-empty bottle with alcohol, but no other traces of narcotic drugs.

The day of the death of Bennington coincided with the birthday of the famous musician Chris Cornell (Chris Cornell), which was supposed to be 53 years old. A close friend of Chester, Chris hanged himself with two months earlier. Shinoda noted that Bennington, crowded with feelings, when Linkin Park performed "One More Light" in honor of Cornell, could not even resist the song. At the funeral, Chester performed "Hallelujah" Leonard Cohen.

"We are trying to remind yourself that the demons who raised you from us always" entered the terms of the transaction, "the lines say from the message. - In the end, how you sang about the most demons, forced others to fall in love with you Beginning. "

"You fearlessly put the demons of the heads, but at the same time I swallowed us and taught to be more humane. You had the biggest heart, and you managed to hide him."

Linkin Park Group announced the abolition of North American concerts within the framework of the "One More Light Tour" tour, but it was possible to understand that he suspended his activity only for a while.

"Our love for creating and executing music - Negasima," says one more excerpt from the message available on the Linkin Park website. - We do not know what the future has prepared us, but we know that you made the life of each of us better. Thank you For this gift. We love you, we miss so much. "

Linkin Park is one of the most popular groups on an alternative rock scene. The guys also performed in Russia, two years ago, their next concert was held with the marriage. And so far it is difficult to digest the news that the soloist of the group, Chester Bennington, committed suicide. He was only 41 years old. The artist was married twice, was the father of six children.

The soloist of Linkin Park Group Bennington is found dead in his home, he found police officers. It is reported that Chester Bennington hanged himself, did it on the birthday of his friend Chris Cornell, too, a musician who committed suicide in May of this year. Chester Bennington played at his funeral.

The news that the Soloist "Linkin Park" died, instantly sheltered the world, musicians from different countries publish in social networks of condolences. The musician has 6 children.

Chester Bennington found dead, photo: The media paid attention to a number of oddities associated with the suicide vocalist American rock band Linkin Park

According to some sources that were close to Chester, it was not easy for him to survive the death of his close friend - Chris Cornell (leader of the SoundGarden group). Yesterday, the twentieth of July, Cornell had a birthday. Apparently, this date has affected Chester so that he decided to impose on his hands.

Millions of fans worldwide today leave massive memories of the famous vocalist, no one wants to believe in the death of the legend of modern rock scene. It should be noted that it became the greatest shock for the musicians of the Linkin Park group itself, as literally in a couple of hours after the time Chester was found dead, he had to go to a new group photo session, especially for the upcoming tour.

Russian fans of Chester's creativity also did not remain aside. In the social network "Vkontakte" you can find many messages dedicated to Bennington. Fans write: "I can't believe it!", "I dreamed of becoming his wife when I was twelve years old!", "Chester, thank you for a happy childhood," "Returning with the world, Chester!". Leaders of different musical groups express their condolences to the close and relatives of the departed musician. Chester Bennington was born on March 20, 1976 in the United States. In his youth, he experienced a strong stress - his man raped him. Subsequently, in connection with this, Chester began to use drugs, but was able to defeat the dependence.

Bennington tried himself several times in different rock bands, but she succeeded in Linkin Park. Chester Bennington became the idol of the 2000s of the 2000s. He supported her songs and helped millions of teenagers. "It was one of the most kind and warm people," the head of the label Warner Bros told.

Clip of the Linkin Park group on the song Talking to Myself, published on the death day of Solist Chester Bennington, collected more than 5.5 million views.

The song Talking to MySelf entered the album One More Light, the release of which was held on May 19. In the video - a lot of frames from the concerts of the group, their tour and rehearsals. In the clip a lot of died Bennington - Merry and Lifeless.

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Chester Charles Bennington (Chester Charles Bennington.) Born on March 20, 1976 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA). Chester's mother worked as a nurse, and his father served in the police by a detective. In 1987, Benningtones divorced, and four children were "divided": the eldest son of Brian and one of the sisters remained with his mother, and Chester and the second sister began to live with her father.

Before Chester's parents divorced, Bennington's family traveled a lot around Arizona. Up to 16 years old, the future star managed to try all possible types of drugs and alcohol. At 17, Chester moved to his mother, and she was shocked by the view of the son, which turned into a depleted drug addict. Mother banned him to leave the house. He continued "breaking", he continued to drink. Soon, according to the recognition of the Chester himself, he turned into a "absolutely chronic alcoholic." In subsequent years, alcoholism reminded itself.

Chester got acquainted with music in his youth, and the first musical instrument was the piano. He was a member of Nighborhood, played on different tools, but mostly acted as vocalist. Big influence on the musical taste of Chester was his brother: guys listened Loverboy., Foreigner. and Rush.. Until 1992, Chester did not participate in major projects, until he joined Grey Daze.. When the group broke up in 1997, Bennington moved to Linkin Park.

Chester Bennington / Chester Bennington. Creation

From 1993 to 1997, Chester was a vocalist popular in the US Group Grey Daze.. However, due to disagreements with members of the group, Chester decided to leave. With Grey Daze, he recorded 2 albums: Wake Me in 1994, "... no sun today" in 1997, and one demo "Sean Dowdell and His Friends?" In 1993.

Chester worked on Polish, so he could work with Gray Daze in the evenings. At this time, he was so poor thing that he could not afford not the fact that the car, but even a bicycle, and therefore as a means of movement used a skateboard.

Chester and his first spouse worked in the real estate market, and in order to somehow understand in their own case, Chester went to special courses at Arizona University (unlike the rest of the Linkin Park group, Chester has no diploma about higher education). The family has a child, a boy named Dreven Sebastian Bennington, born on April 19, 2002. But on May 2, 2005, the couple divorced after eight years of marriage. The rights to upbringing the child received Samantha.

On December 31, 2005, Chester married a 29-year-old girlfriend Talinde Bentley, who poses Pleibo during study at the California Institute of Technology. Talindow gave birth to Los Angeles on March 16, 2006 the boy named Tyler Lee.

In 1995, Bennington and a former participant of the Gray Daze, Sean Dowel, founded Club Tattoo Tattoo in Phoenix. Now they cooperate and have 3 salons in Arizona and one in Las Vegas. Many celebrities, including Hoobastank, David Boston from Arizona Cardinals and Chester himself, made here tattoos.

Chester Bennington / Chester Bennington and Linkin Park Group

In 1997, the Xero group was looking for a new vocalist. The firm who knew Chester suggested Xero that they could be Chester Bennington. They sent him a demo and asked to sing her. For three days, one of whom was his birthday, he recorded the demolism and lost her Xero by phone; They were amazed and asked Chester to fly from Phoenix to Los Angeles for listening. On listening, some participants immediately left after the vocals of Bennington were heard. One auditingist said to the group that they will make a big mistake if Chester will not take. After Xero changed the name on Hybrid Theory and recorded the Hybrid Theory EP album, which brought the songs of "Carousel", TECHNIQUE (Short), "Step Up", "And One", "High Voltage" and "Part of Me". They attracted the attention of several recording companies and, after all, signed a contract with Warner Brothers Records.

Since the copyrights of the name Hybrid Theory belonged to the British group Hybrid, they had to change the name of the group. Chester suggested Lincoln Park, because his house was located near Lincoln Park in Santa Monica, and he often went through this park. I liked everything the name, but there was already a domain under the same name, and the group began to be called Linkin Park. They recorded their debut album Hybrid Theory during 1999-2000, which was released on October 24, 2000. It includes such hits as "in the end" and "crawling". Over the world sold more than 30 million copies of Hybrid Theory.

In 2002, Linkin Park has released Reanimation remix album, which includes remixes from Hybrid Theory album. The next album of Chester and Linkin Park was Meteora with Somewhere I Belong hits "and" Numb ". Then the live in texas concert album was released and the album together with Jay-Z Collision Course. His co-author and member of the Mike Shinoda group wrote a song that until recently could not be written. The song "Breaking The Habit" returns memories of the past, the many circumstances of which brought Bennington to tears. There are many assumptions about the sign of the song, including the drug addiction of the Chester and the problems of his childhood. To write this song, T-shirt took 6 years. She was ready in June 2003 and was included in Meteora album.

In 2007, the album Minutes to Midnight was released by Rick Ruby, and in September 2010, the fourth studio album Linkin Park - a Thousand Suns, as well as a spirroined Rica Ruby. In 2012, the Group recorded the fifth album Living Things, whose cozer also became Rick Rubin.

With Linkin Park Bennington recorded seven studio albums. Five of them subsequently became platinum. Among other things, the Linkin Park group is the Grammy Prize Winner.

Chester Bennington / Chester Bennington. Personal life

At the beginning of his career with Linkin Park, Chester often suffered from health problems, was hospitalized several times. He also suffered from problems with vision, was forced to wear glasses, without whom did not see anything. In 2004, a lens correction surgery was transferred. For a while, because of the problems with alcohol addiction, Chester traveled apart from the entire group of the bus.

Chester Bennington was left-handed. Chester is the only participant of Linkin Park, who has no higher education.

Working in Burger King, Chester met his future wife Samantha and married it on October 31, 1996. Since Chester's money at that time was not to pay the wedding and wedding ring, they pulled out the rings on the nameless fingers. April 19, 2002 they had a firstborn Draven Sebastian. On April 29, 2005, Samantha filed a divorce, picking his son with him.

The second marriage of the musician - with the Playboy model Talindley Bentley - was registered on December 31, 2005. Talinda March 16, 2006 gave birth to Chester Son Tyler Lie. Couple also adopted two children: Jamie (May 12, 1996) and Isai (November 1997). November 11, 2011 Talinda gave birth to two girls who were called Lily and Lila.

Chester Bennington committed suicide on July 20, 2017 in his personal residence Palos Verdez Estates in California.

Chester Bennington Brought abacus with life on his friend's birthday - Chris Cornell., frontman SoundGarden. 52-year-old Cornell committed suicide on May 18, 2017 in Detroit. The musician has found in the bathroom at the MGM Grand Detroit Hotel from the loop on the neck. May 26 Cornell buried at the Hollywood Memorial Cemetery (Los Angeles). Saying good to the other, Chester Bennington sang a song Hallelujah. One More Light song from the last Album Linkin Park Bennington, fulfilling her at the concert, also dedicated to his friend Cornell.

Having learned about Chester Bennington's death, almost all famous rock musicians expressed their grief. Thus, the participants of the One Republic group in Twitter wrote: "Suicide is a devil who goes on earth among us, people. Chester had six children. If someone thinks that the world will become better without you, how it is incredibly mistaken. "

Chester Bennington / Chester Bennington. Filmography

  • Linkin Park: Final Masquerade (Video, 2014)
  • Saw 3D (2010)
  • Adrenaline: High Voltage (2009)
  • Linkin Park: Leave Out All The Rest (Video, 2008) Short Master
  • Adrenaline (2006)
  • Linkin Park: Breaking The Habit (2004) Short Master
  • Linkin Park: Numb (video, 2003) short torch
  • Screenwriter
  • Linkin Park: Final Masquerade (Video, 2014) Short Master
  • The Catalyst (2010) Short Master
  • Composer
  • Linkin Park: pts.of.athrty (video, 2002)

The future frontman Linkin Park has grown in the nurse and police officer. When he was 11 years old, his parents divorced that he had worked on him very much. Chester stayed with his father.

Bennington from an early age was interested in music. His favorite groups were Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots, and the dream is to become a vocalist in one of these groups. Subsequently, this dream was realized - Chester sang in Pilots.

In Bennington's school, they often beat: "I was thrown as a rag doll, and all because I was skinny and didn't look like everything."

Before you start making money, Chester worked at Burger King. He is the only one of Linkin Park, who has not received higher education.

With his first wife, Samantha Chester met precisely during work in Burger King. There were no money from young people, but it did not keep them from marriage. Wedding rings had to be - because of poverty - just to get out on unnamed fingers. This marriage lasted eight years. Later, Chester admits that they were too young for the family with Samantha. A couple there is a son, Dreven Sebastian Bennington, who turned 15 in April. "I realized that I could be happy. I do not want to say that with my Samanta, we were all terrible, there were pleasant moments. But mostly things were not too great, we all quarreled. After our meeting, I came to Samantha and asked her about divorce, "Bennington told him. Six months after the official divorce, Bennigton married again - on Talinend Bentley. The spouses have a 11-year-old son Tyler Lee, 5-year-old twins Lily and Lila, as well as two adopted children, Jamie and Isaiah.

Hybrid Theory, the first album of the group, published in 2000, was recognized as the best-selling debut of the decade.

For the whole year, Bennington and his wife were persecuted from the Cieberstalker. This man hacked the email of the spouses, sent fake messages from their behalf, and also threatened them. As a result, he was arrested and received two years in prison.

Bennington had serious vision problems. He wore glasses and, moreover, in 2004 he had a difficult operation, which improved his vision: he did not see the first row in the hall.

Bennington appeared in the cinema. He played in Horror "Saw 3D", and also flashed in the militant "Adrenaline" and his sequel.

Bennington was a fan of tattoos, he had 14. Together with his friend, he owned four tattoo salons and once stated that he would cover himself with the patterns while he would score the whole body.

At the lower back of Chester, the name Linkin Park was knocked down - on a dispute. Like, if the first album Hybrid Theory becomes Platinum, it is scored for this tattoo for free. So came out.

Chester was a fan of the film "Fight Club".

He adored to cook.

Bennington released VE'CEL clothing line.

He loved to dress and was very careful - in his house there was a separate room, where the stacks lay T-shirts, shoes and belts.

In February, Linkin Park has released a single Heavy from the new One More Light album. The lyrics told about heavy times, and in one of the interviews Bennington admitted that he was depressed, "Of which it is difficult to get out." Three months later, the situation was seriously aggravated by the death of a close friend of Chester, Chris Cornell. Bennington was seriously worried about this loss. "I can not imagine this world without you," Bennington wrote in the message sent to Twitter Cornell. Chester himself committed suicide in 53 a friend's birthday.