Where and when Julianna Karaulova was born. Julianna Karaulova: biography

Where and when Julianna Karaulova was born. Julianna Karaulova: biography
Where and when Julianna Karaulova was born. Julianna Karaulova: biography

date of birth: 04/24/1988; Russian singer.

Scene loved with young years

A popular, stunning, unique and talented singer Julianna Karaulov know millions of people around the world, her songs occupy the first places in Russian charts, the clips are gaining tens of millions of views on You Tube.

Many fans wonder where and when Julianna Karaulova was born? She was born in Moscow, April 24, 1988 in the family of people who pop activities There were no relationship. Fans are interested, who are the parents of Julianna Karaulova and what they do?

Her mother, Elena Karaulova, by profession, the doctor, but always dreamed of becoming a singer, apparently this gust reflected on the nature of the daughter and choosing the future calling, Dad, Yuri Karaulov, a famous diplomat. It is because of the work of the head of the family in 1992, they move to Sofia, where Julian Karaulova goes to school, at the embassy.

Girl S. young years Demonstrates interest in the stage, advocates the parents, actively participates in school amateur. The only child in the family, Julianna Karaulova worse in the rays parental Love and care, they always encouraged her hobbies, especially since it was clear that the girl was talent to public speeches. In 1998, the young performer receives a diploma for participating in music contest Dobrich, held in Bulgaria. After a year, Julian Karaulova returns to Moscow, where he continues to study at school and develop performing skills, visiting vocal courses.

Work in musical groups and solo creativity

The creative biography of Julianna Karaulova originates in 2004, when she ranks 2nd in the photo contest "Face of the Year" from the glossy edition "Yes", in the same year the magazine announces the creation of a group with the same name. The group "Yes" Julianna Karaulova falls due to its vocal and artistic data. A team of three young and gifted girls produces several songs, they have not achieved high popularity, but gained useful experience. In 2004, together with other participants, YES Juliana Karaulova is trying forces in the qualifying competition for the 5th season of the Star Factory, go through only her. In one of the interview, she told that he doubted about his participation in the project, it was serious that there was nothing to do without connections. She managed to reach the final, but victory give Victoria Daineko.

During your stay on the project, it has romantic relationships with another participant Ruslan Masyukov. Most likely, this novel was part of the spectacular PR of the company, because after the release of the factory 5 pair of Julianna Karaulov and Ruslan masuals decay. In the factory, Julianna Karaulova had a real friendship with Natalia Podolskaya, in America, for a while, she stayed at her twins, which is called Juliana. Julianna is also the godfather of Mikhail Veselova.

From her words, despite the rivalry, a friendly attitude reigned in 5 release of the star factory, it was possible to count on the support of the collective. While working on the project, Maxim Fadeev and Julian Karaulova became a member of the Necksk Music Trio, many remember the popular song "I got online." Despite all the efforts of the famous producer, the group did not find her viewer, the team decays.

After leaving the group, Julianna Karaulova breaks the contract with Maxim Fadeev and flies to London, where 6 months is studying at the television school. For prestigious education in MBA, there were excellent prospects in MBA, it passed the international exam with a high rating. Decides that 2-3 years of study in another country will lead to the loss of the results achieved on the performance field, dating and communications will be lost. In addition to all, Julianna Yuryevna Karaulova was very bored in Russia. No matter how cool abroad was not, it was always damaged to his homeland, to family, friends and beloved business.

In 2006, Julianna Karaulova enters the 1st Course of the Academy. Gnesins with a specialization " Past vocals", At the same time, after a few years, she manages to get another one higher education In the direction of "Management of the Music Industry". For a while she works in the editorial board "Yes". It is at work that a meeting with the guys from the 5STA Family group, during the working interview the friendly conversation, which is transferred to friendly relations. In 2011, after the departure of the right, 5STA Family needs a soloist, and Julianna Karaulova becomes part of the team. In 2012 it comes out debut album. Every year brings new hits. Joint work continues until 2015 and during this time the guys manage to achieve considerable success on the musical field.

In mid-2015 Singer Julianna Karaulova gives start solo career. Many 5STA Family fans surprised such a solution. On the question of why Julianna Karaulova left the performer from the group replies that the cause of all the discrepancy of views on creativity and business. It was in a good way, warned its partners in the group in advance. She was present at the announcement of a new soloist of Lera Kozlova, the former "Ranetka".

With the beginning of solo creativity, Julianna Karaulova's biography makes a new round, she managed to achieve new peaks of glory, she did not expect from herself such quick results. Her song "You Are Not Such" occupies top positions in charts and charts on the most promoted radio stations.

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It is noteworthy that this song was recorded by another singer, Bianke, with which they are tightly friends. Comparing solo creativity with work in the team, Julianna Yuryevna Karaulova speaks of the increased level of independence and freedom, while all responsibility falls on one person. It is full of optimism and confident that this is just a step to the new skyline of success.

The whole truth about personal life

The bright appearance of the singer is the subject of adoration of many men. She often gets invitations from professional and famous photographers for erotic shooting, but all invitations she rejects, referring to the fact that it is simply not interesting for her. Therefore, the nude Julianna Karaulov in the magazine Maxim we are unlikely to see. Nevertheless, it is very photogenic, this is noted by all the photographers who worked with her.

Beautiful sports form allow her to perform with success glacial period In 2016. A couple of Julianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov captured the audience, they managed to reach the final, thanks to the wonderful physical data and the preparation of the singer. They have beautiful friendly relationsTogether they visited Ivan Urgant in his TV show. The performer has a very active public life, some time ago, visiting Europe + she performed "oh God Mom I'm going crazy ...", Egor Cre and Julianna Karaulova Close friends.

Many fans are interesting for the singer's backstage life. Her first love was the musician Ruslan Masyukov, she was 15, and he was 21, such relationships could not last long. At 18, she to meet a young man, named Paul, with which 2 years is found, serious relationship Draked because of the jealousy of the beloved, Julianna felt that he limits her.

Fate presents her surprise in the face of Andrei Black, the producer of recording studio, with whom she met when she was 17 years old. Love was preceded by prolonged friendly relations, after 7 years they were covered by a wave of love. Their relationship lasts for 3 years and they are absolutely happy. Juliana Karaulova herself is a personal life and her details tries not to advertise. When asked what should be ideal husband Juliana Karaulova answers simply - loving, caring, reliable, believes that the man should be in the relationship.

Relax the singer prefers listening to music, she helps her distract from all worries and problems. Juliana, since childhood, perfectly holds on ice. Her favorite sport is snowboarding. By the way, in order to conquer the heart of Julian Karaulova, Andrei Black passed an emergency course of skating on the board. Now it is one of your favorite species. active rest This pair.

Juliana loves to drive a car, nourishes love for Japanese foreign cars, on this moment Drive Mercedes. She likes to travel, but always pulls home.

Julianna Karaulova is a creative and multifaceted person who will definitely achieve success.

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Karaulova Julianna. Singer Biography, Personal Life, Career, Photo

Karaulova Julianna Yuryevna - russian singerwho began his musical career at age 15. Since then, it has been a soloist of several teams.

Participated in the project "Star Factory". It believes that happiness lies in the realization of a person, and in moving towards his dream.

Singer itself dreams of joint project with Justin Timberlake and about creating big family In a cozy country house.

Children's and academic years

Her parents had landed professions, and had no relation to music.

Mom - Elena had medical education And worked as a doctor. Father - Yuri served on a diplomatic position.

However, the girl has become from the first steps to show interest in music and singing. Julianna grew in the family without brothers and sisters.

When the girl was 4 years old, the family moves to Bulgaria. Father is transferred to the Russian Embassy in Sofia.

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There girl went to the local interethnic school. She began to take private vocal lessons.

He is fond of dancing and engaged in figure skating. Then, Julianna had a dream - to become famous singer. If it does not work, then the model.

The girl took an active part in all extracurricular activities, performed at concerts.

In 10 years, Julianna Karaulova participates in his first Dobrich contest.

The Bulgarian jury highly appreciated her vocals and artistism, handing diploma.

After 8 years of life in Bulgaria, the family returns to Russia. Julianna with a big enthusiast took up the development of its vocal abilities.

However, in the Moscow gymnasium difficulties arose. The knowledge of the basic objects of the girl did not reach the required level of educational institution.

Julianna was extremely surprised because in Bulgarian school she took top places At the Olympics and studied the best of all.

I had to urgent order catch up with the rest of classmates and most Time girl spent behind textbooks.

Successfully graduating the gymnasium, a girl for further learning Chooses Gnesink. She makes a choice in favor of the faculty of pop jazz vocals.

Simultaneously with the study of Julianna Karaulova, it is set to work on the editors of the YES! Youth magazine.

After conservatory with honors, future star Show business again becomes a student of the same higher educational institution.

Now an enterprising girl decides to master the profession of musical producer.

The first steps in music: group "Yes!"

First lucky case It occurred in 2003. At 15, Julianna decides to participate in the Youth Competition "Face of the Year".

He was organized by the editorial office popular magazine For teens "Yes!" The girl took the "golden" middle in the triple of the winners.

Two years later, Julianna again applies to participate in the same competition. This time it was part of the new Girl group.

Group "Yes!"

Julianna Karaulova became one of the finalist. Together with other winners of the competition of Julia and Anne, it enters the main structure of the group "Yes!".

The producer of a young team became Ivan Urgant. He also wrote songs for them.

All the compositions produced on the disks that became an application to the magazine of the same name.

The most popular songs of the group "Yes!" I became "changed." A little later, a video clip was created.

Having received its first fee, Julianna learns about the tragedy in Beslan. She decides to send the whole amount for charity.

The girl sent a girl to the International Foundation for Help Children who suffered from terrorists in North Ossetia.

Career in show business

In 2004, the composition of the group "Yes!" Decides to try good luck and submits an application for casting to the project "Star Factory".

Julianna is owned by his participation in this show. She was afraid to go to qualifying roundSince I decided that there are only "thoughts".

Dad learned about her desire and doubts, and he himself took her to casting. As a result, the girl successfully passed the selection and became a full participant.

It was a good school. However, it was not able to become one of the finalists.

Within the framework of the Julian project, a composition from the film "Titanic" was performed - "My Heart Will GO ON".

She also sang her hitched songs - "Rain" and "No You". Without reaching the final, Julianna acquired a much greater prize.

Project producers invited it to new group "Netske". In the group there were two more girls - Aksinya Verzhak and Daria Klyudnikov.

Max Fadeev hoped greatly on these girls. He writes for them songs and tries to achieve more television broadcast for his proton.

The hits became compositions - "I got on the network" and "I'm a joker kin on the table." The group "Netske" touring a lot.

Bright soloist and the leader of the team is Julianna Karaulova. The group often acts in tandem with other graduates of the "Star Factory".

Group "5sta Family"

However, the team's stunning success, despite all the efforts, did not receive. And the Netske group will soon dispense.

At the same time, Julianna meets the musicians of the "5STA Family" team.

In the group itself there were some disagreements with the main soloist and she left from the composition.

Vasya Kosinsky and Valery Efremov begins to casting women's partyAnd invite you to participate Julianna Karaulu.

The girl is easily bypassed other participants. Now it becomes new soloist "5STA Family" and here Julianna becomes really famous.

Stably appear hits. Continuous tours are organized not only through the territory of their country, but also for other countries.

In 2012, the first video sequence appears with the new composition on the song "Together we".

In 2013, this composition was noted award-winning "Golden Gramophone".

Almost immediately the fans were able to enjoy the new album "Why?". The group "5sta Family" is becoming more successful.

In 2014, the music video "My Melody" comes on the screens, and in the fall of the next year Julianna Karaulova announces his decision to start a solo career.

However, in all planned concerts, she takes part. In the fall of 2015, Julianna already performs his debut solo composition "Houston". The famous director Konstantin Cherepkov was shot at her, who collaborated with Sergey Lazarev.

Personal life

The first desire to tie their life with marriage Uzami Yulianna appeared in 18 years. Then she was in relations with Paul.

Then the career girls began to gain momentum, and the young man was against the scene and tour.

Julianna, yielding to the persuasion of the beloved, for a while she throws creativity and leaves for London.

There, without music, she was able to hold out only six months. She breaks up with Paul and returns to his homeland.

The next short-term novel happened under the sights of the camcorder. On the project "Star Factory" The girl closely communicates with Ruslan Masyukov.

However, after the release, nobody saw a couple together. The media advanced the version that this novel was a PR-stroke to attract attention.

With his current chosen one, the girl met in the recording studio when she was only 17 years old.

They robbed as friends for a long time. However, one day Andrei black realized that he was in love with his best girlfriend.

With Andrey Black

He slowly began to take care, smoothly translating a friendly relationship in romantic.

In December 2016, at the ice rink Andrei makes Julianne an offer in front of a numerous crowd.

Wedding is planned in the spring of 2017 in Georgia.

Name:Julianna Karaulova (Yulianna Karaulova)

Age: 30 years

Height: 168

Activity: singer

Family status: Single

Julianna Karaulova: biography

Julianna Karaulova is a popular Russian singer, which is literally for several recent years Reached musical Olympus, won the millionth audience of fans. She is known as the participant of the "Star Factory-5", as well as in the group "5STA Family", in which he was a soloist. In 2016, she went to the "solo swimming" and already released her debut album "The Sense of Yu", songs from which became real hits and took a worthy place in the charts of Russia and the CIS.

Julianna Karaulova was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 in an intelligent and secured family of diplomat. At a four years of age, a girl together with his family moved to the Bulgarian capital Sofia, where her father worked. The future singer studied at school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria.

The vocal girl began to be interested in early childhood, your talent actively demonstrated to parents who did not miss the opportunity to develop creative skills In his daughter, in addition to the general education school, she attended music lessons and vocals, fond of dancing and curly skating.

The first speech of a small actress took place in 6 years on the school scene. After this concert, Juliana did not miss a single event and always took an active part in concert school programs.

In 10 years, took part in the competition young talents Dobrich in Bulgaria. Her successful performance appreciated the jury - the young performer received a diploma "for professionalism and artistry", which the Bulgarian performer of Lily Ivanov was awarded.

After the eight years, which lived in Bulgaria, Julianna Karaulova returned to the Russian capital, where she firmly decided to continue the classes of vocal at a more serious level. She successfully graduated from the metropolitan school number 1106 and was engaged in hard music, taking part in various contests.

Songs and clips Juliana Karaulova

In 2003, the 15-year-old artist won the second place in the "Face of the Year" competition, which was organized by the popular magazine "YES!". Two years later, another competition was held the same edition, whose winner had to become soloists of the group "Yes!". As a result, three girls were included in the team, among whom was Julian. The group was recorded four songs, the most famous composition was "changed".


In 2004, the girls from the team "YES!" I tried happiness on the casting of the project "Star-5 factory", but only Karaulova passed. At the end of the project, the producer has formed a group called "Netske", in which the finalist and two more soloistkok invited. On one of the compositions of the team, even the clip was even pressed, but the group never gained wide popularity.

After the "Star Factory", Julianna Karaulova decided to get a higher education. The girl was always interested in journalism, she was even going to file documents on Zhurfak in Moscow State University. IN last moment He changed his mind and delivered documents to Gnesinka to the Opened Faculty of Pop Jazz Vocal. Simultaneously with her studies, the girl got an editor in the magazine "Yes!".


The Academy of Music named after Gnesini Artist graduated with honors, and in 2014 he received in the same educational institution The second higher education, wandering on the producer.

In 2011, the singer got acquainted with the participants of the R'n'b-group "5STA Family". At that time she worked in the editorial office of the journal "Yes!". The singer was offered to change the soloist of the group by Lyu, who left the composition due to creative disagreements. The guys accepted a new soloist and supported, understanding how difficult it was to join their "male" team.

In contact with

During the stay of Karaulova, the debut album "Why" (2012) was released in the "5STA Family" group. In 2013, the group recorded new song "Together we", which won the prestigious Prize "Golden Gramophone", and in 2014 - released a video for the song "My Melody".

Solo and projects

In the spring of 2015, the fans of the "5STA Family" group appeared a reason for excitement - rumors about leaving the collective of the soloist spread in the press. The girl really decided to start a solo career. She presented her first clip to the debut track "Not Such", the author of which became her girlfriend. The composition immediately sounded on all radio stations and ahead of many famous performers By the number of downloads - today in Youtube, the first clip of Karaulova was viewed almost 20 million times.

Successful start An independent career allowed the singer without risk to leave "5STA Family". Without driving turns, the singer continued his bold "solo swimming" and literally for several months she presented their fans on the court new clip On the song "Houston".

2016 in the Solo career Juliana Karaulova became no less productive - she released the third video for the song "Sneorber" and recorded the composition "Sea". In September 2016, the singer presented his new video for the song "Broken Love", which will enter her first solo album "The Feelness of Yu", the premiere of which is scheduled for November 1, 2016.

In addition to musical career Julianna Karaulova continues to conquer the domestic TV. In the fall of 2016, she became a participant in the project "Ice Age-2016", which two years later returned to the screens russian television. As part of the project, which started on October 1, 2016, a titled figure skater became a partner and mentor.

Julianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov - "Ice Age-2016" | L! Fe

Personal life Juliana Karaulova

The personal life of Juliana Karaulova is widely discussed among the numerous army of its fans. The singer at this stage is located in the "juice" and everyone will not wait to get her married.

The first loud Roman occurred in the framework of the project "Star Factory". Her choice fell on the "manufacturer" Ruslan Masyukov, but these relationships left the status of "project".

After some time, the girl had serious relationships with a young man named Paul. This novel lasted two years, and at 18 years old singer seriously decided to marry. For the sake of her beloved, she even threw his career, but the wedding did not take place - the guys realized that they were better to part, as the girl was not ready to abandon music, and her beloved insisted at the end of his career, jealous elevated attention To the singer from the side of men.


Currently, Julianna Karaulova is found with Sound-producer Andrei Black. With the current chief of the singer even got acquainted during the "Star Factory", where he worked in the recording studio. Then the young people were friends for several years, but at some point their friendship turned into love. The creative couple promised that he would definitely think about children and family, but while Karaulov and a black priority consider a career for himself.

She was a member of the group "Yes!", In which there were two more girls besides her, she also performed as part of the Netske group. But the real popularity of the singer found, being a soloist of the Youth R & B of the 5STA Family Group.

Julianna Karaulova Talented Russian singer who managed for a short time achieve unprecedented heights in a musical career. For all his work in show business, the girl changed many teams.

Becoming a real star, Julianna decided to experience his strength in a solo career, which also produced a real exterior.


Talented singer Born on April 24, 1988 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Her parents are not connected with music businessBut despite this girl since childhood began to show their creative abilities.

Juliana's father worked in the capital of Bulgaria, so when the baby turned 4 years old, together with her mother moved there. There she was recorded in a local school at the Russian Embassy. Young lady From a small years, she showed her speeches with her parents, and at the six-year-old age already sang on stage. IN school times She was a real activist, often performed at concerts and other events.

Being a 10-year-old girl Julianna took part in the Bulgarian Dobrich competition, following which she was given a diploma "for professionalism and artistry." In general, in Bulgaria, the whole family lived for 8 years, after which he returned back to Moscow. She did not stop the vocal classes, but on the contrary, with even greater enthusiasm took up the development of new skills.

Musical career

In 2003, the young singer participated in the contest "Face of the Year", the organization of which was engaged in the famous youth gloss "Yes!". She could not become a winner, but the second honorable place got.

Two years later, the magazine organized the competition again, but this time the prize was part in music group "Yes!". Three singers were announced by the winners, the list of which also entered Karaulov. Two other girls called Julia and Anna. The team was written four songs, the most popular of which became "changed". In 2004, all three participants of the group "Yes!" We decided to take part in the fifth season of the project "Star Factory", but Julianna came to the show. Later, she said that he did not immediately agree to come to the casting of this project, because he thought that everything was "bought." It was the parents that managed to persuade her to go to the competition.

To win the show unfortunately did not work, but the producers approved it to a soloist to the new group "Netske". The team consisted of three girls, in addition to Julianna, Daria Klystnikova and Aksigna Verzhak participated in it. Producer Max Fadeev strongly tried to promote a group on television, they recorded not one song with soloists, and even removed the video, but did not wait for the long-awaited recognition of the viewer. Therefore, she soon broke up.


After such failures, the girl began to think about the fact that she needs an alternative profession, so I decided to get a higher education. In addition to music, she also liked journalism, so she wanted to learn from journalism at Moscow State University, but did not give documents there.

Practically B. the last days Revenues She changed its decision and submitted documents to the new faculty of pop-jazz vocals in Gnesinka. In parallel with the classes, she found time for work as an editor in the journal "Yes!". Julianna managed to complete the Academy with a Red Diploma, and in a few months she again entered this institution to get the second higher education in the specialty "Production".

Julianna Karaulova and "5STA Family"

The girl met the guys from the group "5sta Family" at a time when he worked as the editor of the gloss "Yes!". After a little time, some disagreements with soloist Olga Zasulsky began to occur in the team, which eventually left the composition of the group.

In search new singer Participants, Vasily Kosinsky and Valery Efremov, arranged casting, and remembering the talented Julianna, invited her to participate in the competition. Of course, thanks to its data, the girl without problems received a place in the group in 2011. In the team, Julianna managed to truly become famous not only in Russia, but also beyond her borders. The group annually recorded new songs that became real hits. They performed with concerts and even toured on neighboring countries.

In 2012, the team presented a clip to the song "Together we", and after a while I left the album "Why?". In 2014, "5STA Family" removed the clip to the composition "My Melody".

Personal life

During participation in the fifth season of the show "Factory of Stars", the singer met with a colleague on the project Ruslana Masyukov. This romance was true or this is just another PR, to the end it is unknown, but at the end of the project there was no continuation of this story. After some time, rumors went that Ruslan Masiyukov Homosexual.

The following beauty relationships were more serious. At this time, her young man was the ordinary guy Pasha. He saw the singer in the park when she went from the university, and immediately fell in love. For several days he learned everything about Julianna and decided that for a start, you need to get acquainted with her friends, after which I got to it. Their relationship lasted two years and everything went to the wedding until Pasha began to discourage the girl from the musical career. He did not like daily attention from other men. The singer left music for a while, but before the promised registration of relationships did not come. Young people decided that they were still better to stay with friends.

His next chosen girl met while participating in the TV project "Stars Factory". Andrei Black worked in the recording studio, where she came to record their song. For seven years they were good friendsAs Andrei did not look at Julianna on the other hand.

For a long time, the young man cared for her, but she did not perceive it all seriously. However, at some point they still decided to try something more than just friendship. Time will show, reach these relationships before the wedding or not.

Julianna Karaulova now

In 2015, Julianna left the composition of the 5STA Family group and decided to go to the "solo swimming". The soloist of the group was Lera Kozlov.

Immediately after the care of Karaulov, she recorded his debut track "You're not like that", which became a real hit and loved by many Russian and foreign listeners.

After some time, a video came out on this song, with whom the Russian singer Bianca helped her. The singer has many own ideas that she wants to implement in the near future.

Karaulova Julianna Yuryevna - Russian singer, who began his musical career at age 15. Since then, it has been a soloist of several teams.

Participated in the project "Star Factory". It believes that happiness lies in the realization of a person, and in moving towards his dream.

The singer herself dreams of a joint project with Justin Timberlake and about creating a large family in a cozy country house.

Children's and academic years

Her parents had landed professions, and had no relation to music.

Mom - Elena had a medical education and worked as a doctor. Father - Yuri served on a diplomatic position.

Julianna in childhood

However, the girl has become from the first steps to show interest in music and singing. Julianna grew in the family without brothers and sisters.

When the girl was 4 years old, the family moves to Bulgaria. Father is transferred to the Russian Embassy in Sofia.

There girl went to the local interethnic school. She began to take private vocal lessons.

He is fond of dancing and engaged in figure skating. Then Julianna had a dream - to become a famous singer. If it does not work, then the model.

The girl took an active part in all extracurricular events, performed at concerts.

In 10 years, Julianna Karaulova participates in his first Dobrich contest.

The Bulgarian jury highly appreciated her vocals and artistism, handing diploma.

After 8 years of life in Bulgaria, the family returns to Russia. Julianna with a big enthusiast took up the development of its vocal abilities.

However, in the Moscow gymnasium difficulties arose. The knowledge of the basic objects of the girl did not reach the required level of educational institution.

Julianna was extremely surprised, since in the Bulgarian school she held prizes at the Olympics and studied the best.

I had to urgently catch up with the rest of classmates, and most of the time the girl spent on textbooks.

Successfully graduating from the gymnasium, the girl for further training chooses Gnesink. She makes a choice in favor of the faculty of pop jazz vocals.

Simultaneously with the study of Julianna Karaulova, it is set to work on the editors of the YES! Youth magazine.

After graduating from a conservatory with honors, the future star of show business again becomes a student of the same higher educational institution.

Now an enterprising girl decides to master the profession of musical producer.

The first steps in music: group "Yes!"

The first happy case occurred in 2003. At 15, Julianna decides to participate in the "Face of the Year" youth contest.

He was organized by the editors of the popular magazine for teenagers "Yes!". The girl took the "golden" middle in the triple of the winners.

Two years later, Julianna again applies to participate in the same competition. This time it was part of the new Girl group.

Group "Yes!"

Julianna Karaulova became one of the finalist. Together with other winners of the competition of Julia and Anne, it enters the main structure of the group "Yes!".

Producer of the young team became. He also wrote songs for them.

All the compositions produced on the disks that became an application to the magazine of the same name.

The most popular songs of the group "Yes!" I became "changed." A little later, a video clip was created.

Having received its first fee, Julianna learns about the tragedy in Beslan. She decides to send the whole amount for charity.

The girl sent a girl to the International Foundation for Help Children who suffered from terrorists in North Ossetia.

Career in show business

In 2004, the composition of the group "Yes!" Decides to try good luck and submits an application for casting to the project "Star Factory".

Julianna is owned by his participation in this show. She was afraid to go to the qualifying round, because he decided that they were chosen only "thieves".

Dad learned about her desire and doubts, and he himself took her to casting. As a result, the girl successfully passed the selection and became a full participant.

It was a good school. However, it was not able to become one of the finalists.

Within the framework of the Julian project, a composition from the film "Titanic" was performed - "My Heart Will GO ON".

She also sang her hitched songs - "Rain" and "No You". Without reaching the final, Julianna acquired a much greater prize.

The producers of the project invited it to the new group "Netske". In the group there were two more girls - Aksinya Verzhak and Daria Klyudnikov.

Highly counted on these girls. He writes for them songs and tries to achieve more television broadcast for his proton.

The hits became compositions - "I got on the network" and "I'm a joker kin on the table." The group "Netske" touring a lot.

Bright soloist and the leader of the team is Julianna Karaulova. The group often acts in tandem with other graduates of the "Star Factory".

Group "5sta Family"

However, the team's stunning success, despite all the efforts, did not receive. And the Netske group will soon dispense.

At the same time, Julianna meets the musicians of the "5STA Family" team.

In the group itself there were some disagreements with the main soloist, and she left.

Vasya Kosinsky and Valery Efremov begins to keep casting to the women's party, and invite you to participate Julianna Karaulov.

The girl is easily bypassed other participants. Now she becomes a new soloist "5STA Family" and here Julianna becomes really famous.

Stably appear hits. Continuous tours are organized not only through the territory of their country, but also for other countries.

In 2012, the first video sequence appears with the new composition on the song "Together we".

In 2013, this composition was noted award-winning "Golden Gramophone".

Almost immediately the fans were able to enjoy the new album "Why?". The group "5sta Family" is becoming more successful.

In 2014, the music video "My Melody" comes on the screens, and in the fall of the next year Julianna Karaulova announces his decision to start a solo career.

However, in all planned concerts, she takes part. In the fall of 2015, Julianna already performs his debut solo composition "Houston".

The famous director Konstantin Chereckov, who collaborated with Sergey Lazarev, took the clip on her.

Personal life

The first desire to tie their life with marriage Uzami Yulianna appeared in 18 years. Then she was in relations with Paul.

Then the career girls began to gain momentum, and the young man was against the scene and tour.

Julianna, yielding to the persuasion of the beloved, for a while she throws creativity and leaves for London.

There, without music, she was able to hold out only six months. She breaks up with Paul and returns to his homeland.

The next short-term novel happened under the sights of the camcorder. On the project "Star Factory" The girl closely communicates with Ruslan Masyukov.